AISC 1985v01
AISC 1985v01
AISC 1985v01
Exchanging Times in Chicago's South Loop
The Leading Edge in Industry Trends
The Symphony of Steel's Flexibility Continues
A Fast Track for a Fast Track
1984 AISC Prize Bridge Awards
~___ No.5
Notes 1.1If the deck IS unshored (dUring the pour) the deSign moment does not need
to mclude the weight of the slab .
2.) ThiS desIgn procedure IS applicable for either composite or non-composite deck
3.' The w/ h values are used to determme stud strength If composite beams
are bemg used Note that N Lok IS not effiCient for composite beams
• When it comes to constructional plate steels, widths 12" to 48" and thicknesses 'Y," to 12."
we wrote the book. This current edition features Lukens-Conshohocken. A rolling mill and ship-
Lukens' capabilities with regard to: ping complex designed to meet your needs for
Sizes. Standard specification plates available in light-to-medium thickness carbon plate and our
widths to 195," lengths to 1250" and thicknesses Sure-Foot safety floor plate.
to 25." A size card shows details. Lukens Flnellne.8 A family of low-sulfur con-
Specifications. Mechanical properties and structional steels particularly effective when
chemistry of the various grades of steel most used in fracture critical applications.
frequently found in bridges and buildings. Dis- For your copy of this brochure, illustrated
played in chart form. with photos of our facilities and our products in
Heat Treating. Offered on plates up to 890" long. use, just fill out the coupon below.
Stripped Plate. An alternative to universal mill
plate in applications such as fabricated bridge
girders. Produced in lengths from 120" to 1250," ~UKENSSTEE~
Write Ir------------------~
586 Services BUilding
I CoateSVIlle. PA 19320
right I Please send me a copy of your brochure. LUKENS CONSTRUCTIONAL I
COMPANY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
L __________________
John H. Busch, Chairman One Financial Place; Exchanging Times in South Loop 5
Werner H. Quasebarth, Computer Goes In-House: Leading Edge
First Vtce Chairman in Industry Trends 15
Norman G. Ridenhour. Stoneman Building: A Symphony in Flexibility 21
Second VICe Chairman Rockingham Park: Fast Track for a Fast Track 24
Oscar W. Stewart, Jr., Treasurer 1984 AISC Prize Bridge Awards 27
Neil W. Zundel, Presidenl
William W. Lanigan,
Secretary & General Counsel
Geemard Haaljer I
Denver CO 3038314622
San FrancIsco. CA 415·932 0909
Chicago, IL 312/670 2400
Washington , 0 C 202/466 5548 ...
One Financial Place:
. Exchanging Times in the South Loop
by Raymond S. Clark and John Zils
aymand S Clark IS an associate and prOject
engineer With Skidmore. OWings and Merrrll
Chicago UlinolS
John lds ,s an aSSOCiate partner and senior
SirUClura! engineer With Skidmore Owings
and Mcrn In Ch cago 11111')015
been occupied and operational s,nce Feb- Iween Ihe CBOE and MSE operallons. pro- were the adjacency of the new CBOE
ruary 1984 The latest addition 10 this ex- vISion was necessary for adequate secu- bUilding to the north and Ihe eXisting rail-
ciling devloplng COrridor IS One Financial rity for Ihe separate exchanges. their road bridge and abulment wall to Ihe
Place. a 39-story one-million sq It office computer faCilities and vault areas. Crea- south Bolh struclures are bUilt adlacent •
tower between LaSalle Streel and Finan- lure comtort was an Issue because of the to the property line A more Important con-
cial Place (formerly Sherman Street) and heavy expressway traffic below the low- straint than the above grade structure was
CBOE and Congress Parkway A partic- rise bUilding and the almost continuous the eXlsllng caisson foundations for Ihese
ularly unique feature of the One Financial commuter train acllvlly Immediately south two adjacent structures The foundations.
Place proleclls the Six-StOry 85.000-sq It of the bUlldlllg Sound and vlbrallon read- In most cases. projected over the property
low-rise structure located south of the Ings were taken throughout the site to de- line at bell elevation EXisting bells were of
tower and directly over the eight-lane Con- termine the acousllcal/damplng reqUIre- varying sizes and located at depths from
gress Parkway (Eisenhower Expressway) ments for the new structure -49 It Chicago City Datum (CCO) to -50 ft.
This faclilly features the new trading floor In addition to MSE program reqUIre- The CBOE caissons were constructed In
for the Midwest Stock Exchange. as well ments. the development was Intended 10 t980 while the bfldge caissons were
as the new RT A Commuler Station It IS house new commuter slat Ion facllliles The placed In t 946 and 1951 It was soon rec-
sited upon the railroad bridge structure RTA program called for a waiting room. ognized that the size of a typical floor In
originally constructed to allow trains to tlckel offices. rest rooms and office space Ihe new office tower would be dependent
pass over the expressway and Into LaSalle The new station was reqUIred to be self- on placement of exterior columns. some-
Streel Sialion contained and separated from other bUild- what predetermined by the clearances
Ing tunctlons Since the eXisting bridge IS available to the neighbOring caissons
Building lor the Future the only means of access from the south Structural systems selection was also af-
Arch!teclural programming of Ihe One F,- commuter platforms 10 the north Side of fected by the foundation bearing capacity
nanCial Place project took Into consider- Ihe expressway It was necessary to pro- of the hard clay strata and effects of plac-
ation numerous phYSical. Junctional and Vide concourses Ihrough the low-rise Ing new tower caissons extremely close to
marketing aspects It was the owner s de- bUilding Inlo Ihe tower and down to the CBOE and bridge caissons
sire to produce a fll st ·class bUilding re- ground level The peak rush-hour pedes-
sponsive to the needs of the major tenant. Irian traffic on the concourses IS approXi- Foundation Constraints
the Midwest Siock Exchange (MSE) While mately t 5,000 passengers Foundation deSign studies were based on
p,ov,d,ng slale-of-Ihe-arl serVices for the Preliminary slructural systems devel an Original deSign concept calling for a 40-
general office tenanl enVironment. MSE opment began With a general knowledge 10 50-story bUilding. With perimeter frame
funcllonal requirements Included a of Ihe functional requirements of Ihe bUild- columns spaced at 15 It 0 c. and a 40-11
25.000 sq It clear·span Iradlng floor ex- Ing In an attempt 10 use the entire site and Wide shear core. The reinforced concrete .
lenSlve com puler systems Installallon an maXimize Ihe size of Ihe typical floor. sys- schemes studied were found 10 be too
uninterruptable power source and special tems studies proceeded In reinforced con- massive The heavy concrele structural
mechanical support faCilities While II was crete. structural sleel and composite dead loads limited the total number of
desH able to maintain a direct access be- frame The predominant site constraints floors Ihat could be constructed. given the
restrlcllve adjacency constraint. A struc-
Fig " Elevation lookmg east at recently tural steel tube-frame bUilding With verti-
developed office and tradmg tacilities. cally braced core produced the lightest
and most effiCient structural system The
program requirement for 1000.000 sq 11
was attainable. while allOWing for a cost
effective caisson solution. Due to the ad-
lacency Ilmltalions. four alternative solu-
tions were generated All four solutions
were evalualed on the baSIS of cost. con-
struction lime and Impact upon the archl-
lectural program requirements. With solu-
tion No 4 selected as the most
/ appropriate
Rock caissons Installed Into bedrock at
90 It CCO ThiS alternative would allow
r T I for a much heaVier bUilding. but was
relected due to the Increased cost
,. .
, ,
: 1-:- - - -- (nearly $750000 more Ihan hardpan
.---. -- caissons) and the extended foundallon
construction time
2 Belled caissons at ·5011 CCO (same as
BOARDOF' BOARD a>T'OIS CBOE) wllh a bearing pressure of 16 .
TRAOE EXCHI'.NGE ks!. ThiS solution would have reqUired
FINANCIAL extremely large caisson bells for the an-
-- IIclpated perimeter column loads Since
the bell eleveatlon IS the same as CBOE
I clearance must be maintained between
and reducing the typical floor size This north. south direction by t~e five 40-ft Wide
alternallve was relected as Inconsistent vertically K- braced core trusses The com-
with the baSIC programming oblectlve bination of tube and core braCing In a 39
to maximize the typical floor size story bUilding made It poSSible to fune the
3 Similar to 2 abeve. except provide the structure thereby maximizing the effi-
deSired floor size and extenor tube gnd ciency of beth systems and opllmlzlng the
abeve grade and shift the vertical fram- use 01 material Wind resistance was ad·
Ing system Inward toward the core at lusted Ihrough the vanalion of column
grade level This shift In exterior column spandrel proportions and core braCing
placement away from adlacent caiS- member sizes ThiS Iterative process was
Fig 3. TYPical 45 corner spandrel condition
sons was to be accomplished uSing an accomplished uSing a Single quadrant
and cantilevered floor slabs. creallng bay
elaborate transfer system of tension ties unlumped com puler model representallve wmdow artlculal/on
and grade beams The alternative was 01 the doubly symmetrical structural sys-
relected due to cost and complexity tem The Iinal dlstnbullon 01 gravity and and time The typical erection unit for the
Wind lorces between exterior tube and perimeter frame was the standard two-Iler
4 Belled caissons extended to the deep core resulted In an optimum balance 01 shop labncated column spandrel tree
hardpan ctay stratum at 70 ft CCD. at stress and drill control The column-to-spandrel moment connec
or lust above an extremety dense layer Core columns conSist of cover plated tlons were shOp welded uSing a combl
of saturated Sill and haVing a bearing Wt4x730 shapes al Ihe base and reduce nation 01 partial penetration and relnforc
capacity of 40 ksf The solution allowed to W 14x68 at the rool penthouse Core Ing IllIet welds SpeCial ' oflsel spandrel
for perimeter caisson shaft placement braCing members are double WT5 erection units were reqUIred at the me
very near the property lines and unob- shapes Tube columns are Wide-flange chanlcal ptenums (two bays north fa
structed bell placement at the deeper shapes bUIII·up as three plate weldments cade) and at the 45 chamfered corners
etevatlon Special drilling procedures for the lower lour floors then transilloning of the tube In these locations flange con·
and permanent steet shaft liners were to slandard rolled shapes ranging Irom tlnulty plates were employed (Fig 3)
reqUIred when dnlling close to eXisting W36 to W27 Spandrel beams range In
carsson bells Geotechnical analYSIS re- size lrom W36x300 to W27x84 All e"erlor Tower Floor Framing
vealed that the new caissons. property columns are 50 kSI matenal except the up- The IYPlcal floor Iramlng system conSists
constructed at an elevation 10 to 20 ft permost seven levels 01 36 kSI Spandrel of composite beams uSing standard rolled
below adlacent bells. would have neg- beams are 36 kSI Due to the stress levels shapes W21 spanning 40 It and W24
IIglble effects on the CBOE or bridge In Ihe tube Irame. continuity plales and spanning 45 It All beams are spaced on
• structures web doubler plates were 'YPlcalty not re - the tube gild at 15 It 0 c except wllere
QUired again redUCing fabrication costs heaVier loadings reqUIred 75-ft or 5-ft
Tower Structural System spacing Typical all Ice slab framing con-
The structural steet framing system was SiStS 013-ln noncellular 16-ga composite
selected for several reasons Fig. 2. Framing and steel structural system for melat deck spanning 15 It With a 2' In
Reduction In total weight of bUilding both tower and fow-nse bUlldmgs.
structure to faCIlitate the foundation de-
2 Speed of erection. allOWing for a com-
pressed construction time and earlier
& J
MSE occupancy
3 Long term fleXibility In accommodating J tJ!11l111 n~~ INTERFACE
J~ O~~-~ ~
speCial tenant reqUIrements EXTERIOR
The 39-story 1.095000-sq ft tower IS 3:1-
comprised of a Single basement. bUilding ~~ l-
lobby pedestrian concourse at Level 2. on
36 office floors and a private hotet at Level
39 The t20x21O-ft tower has a lease span
of 40 ft north and south of the core and 45 •
I 11111 liT T7 BRACED C1APf-R'GM
~ ~ ~
1 I
ft at the east and west ends of the typical
floor The exterior tube column gnd IS t 5
ft a c With a central core spanning 40 II
The typical floor area IS approximately
",on !!
--1- -----< > ,
~ ~ =;=\ ,j
25.000 sq ft ~iI! EXISTING
The structural concept was to opllmlze
• teral and gravity systems to produce the W·..J
Simplest. most effiCient use of matenals.
• U~=r=.-r-. ._:::CLUJ
yet sallsfy the deSign cntena As prevI- TYPICAl. ROOF TYP'tCAL FlOOR
ously mentioned the lateral resistance --2QZ.'-lQ
~ystem consists of an exterior tube frame
t sl Duarter t985 7
IIghlwelghl concrele lOpping slab Heavier functlonlllg uninterrupted durlllg the tually dictated several of Ihe deSign pa·
conventionally reinforced slabs were re- phased bfldge construction rameters Irom which the faCility was
qUIred for Ihe lobby and public spaces DeSign of a two-span pier supported planned As previously menlloned the Iwo
as well as some MSE floors SpecIfic MSE structural steel bfldge structure pro· pflmary functions to be located In the low- •
floor loading cfltefla called for capacities ceeded dUfing the 1940s. The structure flse were the new RTA commuter station
ranging from the bUilding standard 50 psf consists of 11 ,nd,v,dual track bed units and the new Midwest Stock Exchange
+ 20 psf part II Ions to 225 psf for special and SIX passenger plallorm UllitS. each trading floor MS[ space requlfements
computer power support facllilies All MSE spannmg approXimalely 60 fl-2m. be· also called for an observation gallery. em-
equlfements were extensively researched tween piers (see Fig 4) Each track unit IS ployee cafetefla kitchen faCIlities and of-
and carefully documented Pflor to final made up of four W36 x 230 glfders tied fice areas Immediately ad lac en I to the
framing deSign In some areas. the slab together at 7 11-5 In Intervals by W18 flV- trading floor Additional space planning
thickness was Increased to 3·ln deck plus eted diaphragms and a continuous +',-In was requlfed for functional amellitles to be
3 '/ I-In concrete, uSing normal weight con- thick x to-II Wide hOflzontal flange plate prOVided by the owner These Include a
crete to provide for VI bra lion damping As and concrete rail bed Each platform unll restaurant. kllchen and dining faCilities.
part of the architectural artlculallon of Ihe consists of two W36 x t 70 glfders tied al health club. sWimming pool . exerCise
exteflor granite facade system. bay win· a Similar Interval by W t 6 diaphragms and rooms and lounges Mechallical systems
dows were provided at each tYPical and a continuous h In flange plate and con· were requlfed which could properly ser-
each corner column bay The facade sys- crete slab These units were preassem- vice the trading floor environment. while
tem IS supported by cantilevered floor bled off site and transported to the site by meeting the needs of all adlolnlng spaces
slabs at each level (Fig 3) rail for the phased erection of the bfldge and functions The formidable task of
Foundation work for the bfldge structure blending all of the complex systems Into
Railroad Bridge Structure actually began In t946 With the Installation one ullique structure soon became ap-
The LaSalle Street Station mallroom rail- of caissons for the south and center piers parent
way express offices and baggage han- Subway construction was also proceeding The evaluation of eXisting conditions of
dling faCilities oflglnally extended from the al thiS time under the south four lanes of the bfldge took several phases The ob-
station house southward to Harrison the expressway The north pier caissons jective was to determine the SUitability of
Street These facllliles were located dl- were completed In 195t Continuous cals· the bfldge as the foundation support for
reclly below the raltroad trackbed framing son cap glfders were constructed and the the new lowflse A related objective was
ThiS framing bUitt ,n 1902 consisted of reinforced concrete piers placed Final to determine the supporting capacity of
heavy flvetod plate·glfder construction erection of the now track units and plat- the bfldge In order to establish the maxI-
supported on columns spaced approxl- forms was carefully sequenced so that no mum posS! Ie sIZe and scope of the de-
malety 15 II a c north'south and 12 II 0 c more than two of the It tracks were out of velopment ReView of the plot survey and
east west In 1939 the Chicago Depart- service at anyone time The bfldge con- Site topography enabled deSigners 10 be- •
ment of Pubtlc Works began plans for a struction was completed In 1956 and the gin eSlabllshlng plan and elevallon rela-
secllon of the Congress Street Express- expressway was opened becoming a ma· Iionships belween the bfldge and Ihe pro-
way (later redeSignated Eisenhower Ex jor thoroughfare between the Loop and the posed new lower ThiS was essential In the
pressway) wlllch would extend from Wetls western suburbs orgallizalional planlllng of bolh buildings
Street to Clark Street Since the eight-lane Since all floors were Intended 10 be aligned
diVided highway was to pass through the Planning lor the " Bridge Building" for full Interlace
eXisting faCilities and beneath the railroad As the deSign team began the architec- Ttle Inillal phase 01 Visual examination
trackbed framing It was necessary to re- tural programming of tile low-flse bUilding of Ihe bfldge ,nvolved a review of IYPlcal
place the t 902 structure With a new col - a flgorous englneeflng Investigation 01 the Irack unll beaflng delalls on each concrete
umn· free bfldge structure A condition 1m· eXisting bfldge structure was Initiated The pair Column gflds were eSlabllshed
posed by the railroad companies was that two activities proceeded concurrenlly. The based on Ihe layoul of Ihe lower al 15 II
all train operations be allowed to continue results of the bfldge InveStlgallon even a c II was delermlned Ihal spacing Ihe
low -flse columns al Ihls common gfld
Fig. 4 Existing bndge frammg of track and platform umts. Note arrangement of low-nse would mtroduce an array of diSSimilar
columns to clear frammg, bear on piers. beanng conditions Each column base
would be unique and would reqUire elthe,
partial removal of Ihe track unll framing or
exlenslve delailing of sllffeners 10 receive
TUCK """ ,
the new columns It appeared more rea-
• . II .
sonable 10 orgallize Ihe lowflse 9f1d so thai
all columns are placed dlfeclly on the laps
of Ihe concrete piers between Ihe Irack
unit and platform framing (see Fig 4) ThiS
slmpllflcallon allowed for Ihe slandardlZa-
lion of column base delalls However Ihls
approach did produce an Ifregular column
spacing dlclaled by Ihe oflglnal layoul of •
bfldge framing IdentlfYlllg Ih,s constralnl
, early dUfing deSign developmenl enabled
Ihe archlteCIS 10 plan Ihe Inlerface of Ihe
Iwo bUildings appropflalely
A vlsuallnspecllon and lesllng program
I. of the ex IS ling bridge was the secona uments Areas of concrete cracking and
phase of Ihe engineering evatuallon. The spaliing were Identified for repair All Slruc
general reqUirements for this program tural sleel Iramlng and girder bearings
ere specified by the structural engineer were found 10 be properly aligned and free
nd Included the follOWing
1 Complete visual Inspecllon and sound-
of cracks. fraclures or warpage (see Fig
5) CorroSion of struclural Sleel members
Ing of all concrele surfaces for cracks.
delamination. deterioration and corro~
was found In IImlled areas and classified
by degree. Where severe corrosion was
,denllf,ed subsequenl ultrasonic lesllng of
sian. Cores were laken Irom all piers
beam Ilanges, caver plafes and beam
What % of your needs
and cap girders 10 ascertain In-situ can-
crele slrenglh Chemical analyses were webs was performed 10 eslabllsh Ihe ex- require ST. LOUIS
performed 10 delermlne Ihe exlenl of tenl of loss of secllon. Engineering anal. SCREW & BOLT HIGH
chlOride Ion penetralion YSls substanllaled Ihal all hough some loss STRENGTH Bolts?
approached 8% of theorellcal secllon. Ihe
2 Comptele visual Inspecllon of all Sfruc- eXlsling member load carrYing capaclly
lural steel members. conneClIons and exceeded Ihe new deSign loading crllCria Consider this -
bearings Extenl of corrosion and loss The Informalion provided by Ihe Inspec-
of sec lion was determined The accu- lion program was used by Ihe slrUClural
.American Made
racy 01 record documents was deler- engineer In Ihe developmenl of a program • Tested & Certified
mined by Inspecllon and measurement
of all members and connections
for repair and prevenllve malnlenance 01 • Full Range of
Ihe bridge slruclure. Again Ihe general Type I & ill Products
Results 01 the Inspection and testing reqUiremenls were specified and Included
program confirmed Ihal Ihe eXlslmg Ihe follOWing • Fast Delivery
bridge struclure was In good condilion .95 Years of
I Repair by slruclural palchlng all surface
slructurally sound and thai Ihe ereClion of dlslress. spaliing and delamlnallons Dependable Service
the bridge was conslslent With record doc-
2 Cleaning and repair 01 all exposed and
corroded reinforcing bars
Fig. 5. View of glfder bearings at north 3 Pressure Inlecllon epoxy groullng of all
pIer shows localized corrOSion, areas SlrUClural concrete cracks
that were cleaned and repainted.
4 Cleaning of all corroded struclural steel
and reap plical Ion of paint
ThiS repair program was Initiated dUring
the tower loundallon construClion and was
completed dUring the crecllon of the new
low·nse structure
The englneenng anatysls and de"gn
capacity evaluation 01 the bndge structure
began wilh a thorough search lor Ihe ong
Inal documenfs, draWings and conSlruc-
tlon logs The Slructural englneel was able
to obtain working draWings of Ihe LaSalle
Sireet Stallon and all facllilies Irom Ihe
Rock Island Railroad archives The con-
tract draWings for the various phases of
new bndge conSlruClion ( 1946 thru 1956)
were proVided by the Chicago Deparlmenl
01 Public Works Tile city was also able 10
provide pnnls 01 Ihe bndge shop draWings
and erection draWings as originally pre-
We wantto be involved .
pared by American Bridge D,v,s,on In CALL US COLLECT!
t 955 Caisson conslrucllon logs lor Ihe
pier foundallon were available through Ihe Todayat314-389-7500
cily ThiS aided greatly In the determlnallon
of eXlsllng caisson suppor! capacity and
geolechnlcal analYSIS of selllemeni be·
havlor of the piers
simplified erection, allowed truss to be
raised and placed on column cap
crown, all trusses are cambered up to 3 erected to ItS lull height Including place- U S Steel Corp
Chicago, IIhnols
In to allow for dead-load deflections Due menl 01 roof trusses and purllns, prior to
to the sIZe and weight 01 the trusses. all starting the next diVISion. The steel erector
were fabricated In three sections High- used a l00-ton mobile crane placed on One FinanCial Place Partnership ..... Ith
strength friction botted splices were pro- the bridge structure and moved about on Casali-Heise Managing General Partner
vlded. allOWing the trusses to be assem- heavy limber mats U S EqUities Development Partner
bled In the field and lilted Into place (see Scheduled for occupancy In November Midwest Stock Exchange Investmenl Partner
Fig 7) The trusses were detailed uSing a 1984 One FinanCial Place stands as a Winthrop FinanCial Investment Partner
"stub column" element at the ends of the
top chord to facIlitate erection (see Fig 8)
shining example 01 successful structural
planning effiCient deSign and eflectlve SUPERWELD FOR THE IBM PC
construction procedures Given the Weld analYSIS and deSIgn PfDgram Fully menu driven,
untque combination of site constraints. ex· With graphics and hard copy report AISC code check
0es19fl8d 10 answer "Whal lr questIOnS Pnce $199 00
Structural Steel Erection ISllng structures and program reqUire- Demo <fisk S1 5 00
Erection 01 the tower was Initially handled ments. thiS project owes much of ItS suc- MlCrolech Inlemal10nal
1630 (Old) Oakland Ad 5ol1a A215
by a Manitowoc 4100 crawler type mobile cess 10 Ihe appropriate use 01 structural San Jose, CA 95131
crane As the tower structure proceeded steel (406) 947- 151 5
Ml-JACK buys
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This fastener
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Today, Pangborn Roto- quality, and are com-
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Additionally, Pangborn land 21740. (301) 739-3500.
descaling can lengthen
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WIth Irw&rred ~ TM opening. handles wfdll flange beam!
prove burning , welding up to 36" t'/lgh. s teel pla t. up to 60 - wtdfl.nd 8
and machin ing vallery orrolled and fabrkated ,h.".s.
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Computer Capabilities In-House:
• The Leading Edge in Industry Trends
by Leonard M. Rand
erty ' lower With a two-bay frame at one end, a think In terms of Single-run analYSIS 'Now
Hinchey summarizes HTB's CAE expe- full-height cantilevered. semicircular stair we never do anything just one way ' ex-
rience that has spanned two decades tower With torSionally loaded spandrels plains Frosl ·We play With II We examine
"Engineering software has Improved all as an external appendage to the tower II from many pOints of view'
steadlty Since we first designed our Vier- and a double-cantilevered connecting It IS now Ihelr standard procedure that
endeettruss In 1964 Now offices with onty passageway between the eXlsling struc- after a project IS analyzed the deSign IS
a few clients can afford a computer which ture and the new annex which took the always looked at from bolh a SlruClural
can sotve multi-member frames This IS form of a 47-ft long box truss passing from steel and a reinforced concrete point of
onty possible tocay because software de- the third and fourth ftoors of the eXisting view One partner takes steel while the
velopers understand how the computer bUilding to the second floor of the new other takes concrete On the next prOlect.
thinks and how to use the computer to ItS annex. The use of ramps Installed Within they reverse Ihe roles After deSign work
utmost capacity They also understand en- the box truss made the multi-floor access IS compleled by both . an Inlernal crltlqlle
gineers and engineering and produce possible (Fig 4) session lakes place From Ihe cflilque and
software that solves the problems rather Midway In analYSIS and deSign on the often after a lively exchange of opinions
than contributing to the problem" service bureau system. the service bureau the firm has a well-documented point of
enacted a poliCY change that sharply cur view to present to a chent
Biar & Frost, Inc., Dallas, Texas tailed support for small accounts In the Their In-house CAE software toot has
Blar & Frost . tnc IS a small. five-person Dallas area The support person B,ar & done something else 10 the way they do
structural engmeerlng firm. Their use of Frost had deall With was terminated and things As Frost put It 'We have alSo be
CAE spans 11 years In the early years, the position permanently vacated Log-on come a very valuable source of Information
most projects were handled uSing tradi- procedures were changed Without not,f" for the architect which we could never
tional hand calculation methods, reserving calion and nobody was able to use the have been before Ins lead of JUSI a pro/)
the big projects for the expensive time- system Nearly a week of telephone calls lem-solver for the architect we are are·
sharing met hoc Between 30% and 50% to the home office did not resolve the ac-
of their prolects required some computer cess problem The need tor computer time Fig 2. Mid Contment Tower. HTB used
analysIs via service bureaus was becoming Crllical At that pOint. rela SPACE IV structure analYSIS on 37-story
Jack Frost. one of the firms partners, lions With the remole service bureau were steel framed·tower.
characterizes their search for Internal CAE terminated "1m sure the big users get ex
capability In terms of commitment level cellent service." confided Frost "Like so
'We poked around looking at computers many others we were just too small to be
• and soltware out of sheer CUriosity for handled economically by the serVice bu -
about 10 years ' Frost explains "We reau staff Our $15000 to $20.000 In an-
looked with genuine Interest for about five nual fees Just was not significant to them ·
years Finally. we spent about three years Simultaneous to cessation of relations
dOing hard looking with real Intent to buy With the service bureau. B,ar & Frost be-
What we were looking for was something came aware of RAND-MICAS. a flntte ete-
at least as 9000 as STRUDL. which we ment-based structural analYSIS and de-
used through the service bureaus" sign software system. After only three days
In 1981 his firm Invested In a medium evaluation . they purchased the software
capacity 2-D frame program that Signifi- system and a mini-computer to run It As
cantly reduced their dependence on the Frost put It. "We finally found something
service bureau According to Frost. We much better than STRUDL we could use
knew It was a temporary measure But we In-house"
saw It as step one toward our own In-house With the new mml computer-based sys-
capability" Limited member handling ca- tem Installed. the tlrm was able to continue
pacity and the lack of 3-D capability ItS work on the Hams Hospital prolect Al-
helped contribute to their decIsion to pur- though the eXisting bUilding was a rein-
chase a full analySIS and design system In forced concrete frame With brick veneer
less than one year It was not assumed concrete was appro·
Blar & Frost s story IS a familiar one A prlate for the new annex Both steel and
specIfic project and Its related problems reinforced concrete were closely exam-
determined the liming for gOing totally In· Ined With the new system'S deSign post-
house With their CAE In early 1983. they processors before determining that a
began preliminary deSign work on the Sid welded. moment-resisting steel frame was
W Richardson PaVilion a multi-story ad- the best chOice for thiS project
dition to Hams Methodist Hospital In Fort In the year and a hall Since they ac-
Worth Tex (see Fig 3) Page Southerland qUired their current computer and soft -
Page a Fort Worth architectural firm. had ware system. many things have changed
deSigned an eight-story structure that Frost describes their currenf system as a
would grow to 20 stories as the need de- "quantum leap ahead of the time-sharing
mands The deSign posed several engl- arrangement Frost says It IS not neces-
neeflng challenges that forced Blar & Frost sarily a mailer of dOing more work. but of
to go to STRUDL on the service bureau dOing the work beller and stili meellng
Inlegrallon IS the ability 10 go Irom analYSIS
to deSign Without haVing to manually enter
results Irom the analytical phase or to be
able to have member Sizes adfusted from
the calculations of the deSign program to
reanalyze a given problem" TheiSS warns,
"Most structural software packages for
CoODer& Tumer Inc
Coroael'load bodlcalon
Keystone Industrial Park,
200 All1enhouse Circle-No 8 • Bristol, PA 19007
Rockwellll"rntaonll's B-IB eo• • 11'111 mate. assemblV and Chedt.oot produCtIOn laCilrues., Palmdaleloo.CahllrnLa Owner & 0eveI0piJ
RocIcwelllntematrooaJ CorJl(latlOfl SlrllCllIBi Engllleef & General Contractor The H K F«guson CMlpanr .,.eeI Fabncator tqan
ManufaC1unng ~nr Steel EleCtor Cahlofrna Erectors
World Class.
• Space Frame Structures • Steel Building in the Far East
• Improved Economy of Short·Span Bridges • Practical Quality Control and Assurance
• Llml1 States Design of Structures Plus a special presentation on the
• Cable Supported Structures-Research. material selection process lor a
DeSIgn, and ConstructIon high-rise building.
Stoneman Building: (Chapter 2)
Symphony of Flexibility Continues
by Elliot Paul Rothman and Terry A. Louderback
he Stoneman BUilding at Boston's Beth cant you hang Ihe tOllel rooms Irom Ihe new levels Irom large cantilevered steel
T Israel Hospital a Harvard teaching
hospital. IS a single-corridor and double·
outside?" The architecl and structural en·
glneer responded With a scheme which
girders spannmg from the Interior COrridor
columns over the extenor columns A more
loaded floor, elght·story patient care bUild- hung a new steel structure from Ihe east In-depth examination found thiS concept
Ing bUilt In the 1950s Its patient rooms Side of Ihe bUilding and added I 100 sq had a number of drawbacks Intenor and
are too small lor care 01 acute patients In It per floor to live floors The proposal extenor columns do not always align In the
the 1980's The hospital's program was to worked All double pallent rooms are 10' eXisting slructure. requlnng a secondary
totally renovate Floor 8 (formerly occupied cated on the east Side 01 the COrridor With network ot transfer glfders along the cor ·
by the Labor and Delivery Unit. which tOilet rooms and silting alcoves located In ndor columns Secondly to hang all levels
moved to the newly deSigned Reisman the new floor area and all Single rooms would require reliance on tension hangers
BUilding s Floor 10) and to partially reno· are located on the west Side In space pre· In the new extenor wall Without a practlcat
vate patient Floors 4 through 7 As part of vlously assigned to Inadequately SIZed redundant support system
Ihe $53·mllhon prolect expanSion, the ar- double rooms Loads attnbutable to descending lloor
chitect planned the Stoneman BUlldlng's tevels would lurther complicale dellectlon
renovated rooms to resemble the extraor- The Resolution Process- control. Impacting upon the detailing 01
dinarily successful rooms of the Reisman Structural Considerations non-structural elements such as the cur
BUilding which they also deSigned The structural engineer was consulted to taln wall and In tenor partitioning Thlfdly
find the best solution for lateral expansion because the new rool·lop steel would have
. he Probfem of Floors 4 through 8 on the east Side 01 been exposed thermal Slresses and de·
Because patient rooms are too small. and the reinforced concrete Stoneman BUild- formation resulting from uneven heating
the number 01 patients cannot be reduced Ing structure Their Immediate solution was would have to be accounled lor In Ihe de-
to Increase Ihe number 01 Single rooms or to suspend the new space from the roof Sign Most ImpOrtanlty suspending the en-
the room size a trustee suggested why The Initial concept was to Simply hang all tlfe new Slfuclure Irom roof cantilevers
would Introduce a load transfer path which
the eXisting bUilding could not accom·
modate safely The capacity of each ex·
ISIIng column along the east facade was
computed and compared 10 Ihe eXisting
column loads. plus the nellncrease In cot ·
umn loads due to the new expansion It
was lound that the upper story columns
had Inadequale reserve strength to safety
supporllhe toads which would resull Irom
carrying the new loads up the new extenor
wall and back down the eXisting extenor
wall A new solution had to be lound
Ideally the solution to the Stoneman
program would address each of lhe draw·
backs of the suspended scheme. and al
the same lime satlsly the archi1ectural con·
,< Steel Frame Analysis & DeSign {< Steel Pipe Column AnalYSIS & DeSign
,< Steel Beam AnalYSIS & DeSign -:< Steel Tube Column Ana lYSIS & DeSign
,:- Steel Cotumn AnalYSIS & Design -:< Composite 8eam Anatysl s & DeSign
-:< Frame Shearwall Interaction Analysis {< Steel Truss AnalYSIS & DeSign
{< Complex Steel Plane Frame AnalYSIS {:- Modified React ion File
-::- Extended Steel Column DeSign
Completed fast traCk. Rockmgham Park. Salem, N.H. Photo courtesy Eagle Tflbune. Toppmg out ceremomes Included
(I. to r.) Paul LaRosa, Ernie Crowley. Ed Keeland, Max Hugel, Joseph Garney and Jerry Crowley.
L "Yt:U "",4...Jf'
;.:. \
I Nt'I..I>'''To~I '
... tl
' 1·1>(f · ~" 4.
.;...~ •• · f ~ · U . ~'l '" "
Address ___________________________________________
~ !!!.. ________s.!!!.e__ ~I~ _ _ J Steel Fabricator
Benntnglon Iron Work s
Bennington, Vermont
•• Qra-v.)E AlBlBlEJ:) lnc_ Rockingham Venture
Salem , New Hampshire
984 AISC
'ze Bridge Awards
Dec. 4. Leaders of the construction industry gathered
T he 1984 Prize Bridge Awards have been an-
nounced by AISC . This year 25 structures were
chosen as the most handsome and functional steel
to recognize the designers responsible for the win-
ning bridges . Plaques adapted from the Joe Kinkel -
bridges opened to traffic between Jan . 1, 1983 and designed sculpture, "The Long Reach : were pre-
June 30, 1984. Ten Prize Bridge Awards and five sented to the winners by John H. Busch, AISC chair-
Special Awards were selected in 10 classifications man of the board.
(see box). Ten Award of Merit winners were also The Prize Bridge Competition , conducted since
chosen for recognition. 1928, has over the years inspired greater attention to
Award s were presented to the designers of the the aesthetics of bridge designing as well as advanc-
winning and special structures at the prestigious ing steel as a structural material.
Fourth Annual Awards Banquet in Chicago on And the winners are-
151 Quarter 198 5
Chicago, Illinois Ohio County, West Virginia Newburgh, New York
One of Ihe worlds fargesl movable Single-span, lied-arch bndge, spanning High Irafflc denslly required Widening and
bndges. II carnes seven lanes of Irafflc 780 II, was acclaimed for bolh liS beauty strenglhenlng Ihls Hudson River bridge,
and Iwo 10-11 Sidewalks over a 270-11 dis- and economy Box girders of A588 sleel which carnes weslbound 1-84 lanes Five
lance between PlvOIS Each 6 3-mlllion Ib provide liS sllffness and Ihe A36 boxed hundred trusses and girders were rein -
leaf IS supported by Iwo A588 sleel box rib braCing was chosen for bolh liS arch,- forced In Ihe 14-span. 7,855·11 bridge and
girders, Ihe producl of Innovallve con- leclural expression and economy II was expanded Irom lwo 10 Ihree lanes
Slrucllon lechnlques, Ihal creales a new Though massive wllh liS lapered arch ribs With replacement stringers. The new
look In bascule bridges nSlng 130 II above Ihe girders, lurors A588 hlgh-slrenglh Sleel was palnled 10
polnled 10 liS clean lines and excellenl complemenllhe wealherlng sleel on Ihe
Emllrodyne Engineers. Inc. proportions new Ihree-span parallel bridge under
ChicagO. illinOIS Designer constructIon
General Contractor Richardson . Gordon & ASSOCiates Designer
Paschen Conlractors , Inc. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania ModjeskI and Masters, Consulllng Engineers
Chicago. Illinois Consultant Harrisburg. Pennsylvania
Deeter Ritchey Sipple , Pittsburgh General Contractor/Erector
Steel Fabricator
USS Fabnca!ron DIV ., U.S. Sleel Corp. General Contractor! AmerICan Bridge ON., U.S S!eel Corp.
Orange. Texas FabricatorlErector Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Sleef Erector BnSIOI Sleel & Iron Works. Inc. Steel Fabricalor
Amencan Bridge DIVISIOn. U,S. Sleel Corp. Bnstol. VlrglOla USS FabncaliOn Dlv _. U,S. Steel Corp
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Owner Orange. Texas
West Virginia DOT Owner
CharleSlon, West Virginia New York State Bndge AuthOrity
City of Chicago. I1hnOI S
Poughkeepsie. New York
Kingsport . T e nnessee Snohomish County, Washington Made ra , California
Designer eliminated a medium pier and Muill-curved steet superstructure pro- A hikers bTidge. part of the vast network
provided a 30-ft setback from the tower vided cost-elfectlve and aesthetic sotu- In the Sierra Mountains. crosses the San
roadway by emptoylng the tong-span ca- tlon lor reptaclng a timber bTidge Over- JoaquIn In a senSitive environmental area
pabllilies of structurat steet The 339-fI hanging railings and recessed glTders So not to Violate the scenic area the de
tong haunched steet box glTders are at- produced a gracelul quality In the 2 t O-1i signer created a steet-stayed suspension
tached unlquety Integrally at one abut- radiUS curves BUilt Without disrupting bTidge that coutd be shop-fabTicated and
ment expansion-connected at the tralflc, the three-span, 272-fI bTidge adds hetlcoptered to the remote slle The steet
other to counteract uplift Icrces Jurors both form and function to ItS surround- was hot-dipped to minimize maintenance
deemed the structure as a well-propor- Ings A lightweight bndge With a timber deck It
tioned arch that appears to lloat over the Designer adds excitement for park VIsitors
highway Hennlngson, Durham & Richardson . P.S. Designer
Designer Seattle , Washington USD.A. Forest Service, Reg ion 5
DIVISion of Structures, Tennessee DOT General Contractor San FranCISco. California
Nashville, Tennessee Dale M. Madden Construction , Inc. General Contractorl
General Contractor Bellevue , Washington Steet Fabricator Erector
Phillips and Jordan. Inc. Steet Fabricatorl Erector E. F Owens Company
Knoxvi lle, Tennessee Fought & Company, Inc. Somerset. Cahfornla
Steet Fabricator Tigard . Oregon Owner
Carolina Steel Corporation Owner U SDA Forest Service
Greensboro. North Carolina Snohomish County Fresno, California
Owner Everett. Wa shington
Tennessee Deparfment of Tran sportation
Nashville, Tennessee
151 Quarter 1985 29
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
Elberton, Georgia Deemed the most extensive blldge re-
This relocated railroad blldge, part of Baxler County, Arkansas construction prolect undertaken In the
the R B Russell Lake ProJect. will have TWin spans solve the problem of In- state. the structure reqUIred beth In-
a Iinal clearance of only 20 II abeve creased traffiC across the reserVOir pre- volved deSign tasks and Intllcate JaCk-
waler level The massive 136-ln deep viously served by ferry beats Theil Ing schemes The complex prolect In-
welded plate gliders thai span 150 II clean lines and lightweight superstruc- cluded repalls to the superstructure
are 10SI In the panorama of beauty ture of weathellng steel are fashioned deck replacement and Widening and
Steel. moslly A588 was shop-fabll- of two continuous-depth welded plate replaCing t 8 of 20 main truss beallngs
cated with Snon gliders shop-assem- gliders With floor beams and stllnger s Imaginative englneellng transformed an
bled match-marked and delivered Ju Steel proved to be lowest In cost and obsolete 2 663-11 long blldge With dally
rors commended Ihe well-proportioned provided the best appearance The traffiC of over 50.000 vehicles Into an
structure's maintenance rail to empha- lightweight gliders are "xed to pier effiCient transportation structure
size thinness tops With pre-stressed anchors that Designer
Designer permitted framed bent-type piers to be SalVUCCI & Associates, Inc.
Prybytowskl and Gravino, Inc constructed abeve water and Without Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Atlanta , Georgia falsework General Contractor/Erector
General Contractors Designer (joint venture)
(joint venture) Howard Need/es Tammen & Bergendoff Dick Corporation Dick Enterprises
Bellamy Brothers. Inc .. Ellenwood, Georgia Kansas City, MIssouri Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
and PhIllips & Jordan, Inc. Steel Fabricator
General Contractor
Knoxville. Tennessee Atlas Machine and Iron Works, Inc.
Massman Construction Company
Steel Fabricator Kansas City. MISSOUri Gainesville, Georgia
Carolina Steet Corporation Owner
Steel Fabricator
Greensboro. North Carolina Pennsylvania DOT
Kansas City Structural Sleel Corporation
Steel Erector Kansas City, Kansas Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Bellamy Brothers. Inc
Steel Erector
Ellenwood. Georgia
Vogt and Conant Southwest Corporallon
Owner Lillie Rock , Arkansas
U,S Army Corps of Engineers
Savannah, Georgia
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Lillie Rock , Arkansas
Utah PaCIfic Bridge & Sleel Company
Lindon. Utah
Ulnlah County, Vernal, Utah
the independent steel detailer