Auditing SAP R3 - Control Risk Assessment
Auditing SAP R3 - Control Risk Assessment
Auditing SAP R3 - Control Risk Assessment
Peter J Best
Associate Professor
School of Accountancy
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane Australia
SAP R/3 belongs to the family of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. An ERP
system has several distinctive characteristics [Norris et. al., (1998)]:
Organisations may develop an ERP system through the acquisition and integration of ‘best
practice’ specialist software (eg. financials and payroll) and internally developed modules
(eg. equipment hiring), thereby producing a ‘multi-vendor’ solution. SAP R/3 is a ‘single-
vendor’, packaged ERP system. R/3 is generally considered as the ERP system with the
broadest and deepest available functionality, but has also the ability to integrate with non-
SAP systems [Norris et. al., (1998)].
ERP systems present challenges to auditors not only because of their breadth, but because of
their technical complexity. The client may have implemented the system using a variety of
hardware and software platforms. Multi-vendor ERP solutions introduce an additional
complexity – the interfaces between the various systems, eg. exporting data from the payroll
system for import into the financial accounting system.
This paper focuses on the auditing of SAP R/3. This focus is justified given R/3’s
dominance of the ERP market [Gilbert (2000)]. R/3 is a popular system due to its
functionality and flexibility. Its ability to be customised to suit an organisation also
contributes to its complexity. This paper introduces some of R/3’s characteristics and
outlines control risk assessment in such an environment. An internal control framework for
assessing application controls is illustrated. The assessment of pervasive general controls is
examined. Several opportunities for further research are also outlined.
This section provides an introduction to SAP R/3, providing an overview of some of its
characteristics and idiosyncrasies which have an impact on the audit.
SAP, the company developing and marketing R/3, is based in Walldorf, Germany. The
original company name was “Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung.” SAP now
stands for “Systems, Applications, and Products in Data Processing.” R/3’s predecessor,
R/2, was developed for the mainframe environment. The R/3 system was developed to
run in a client-server environment on local area networks.
R/3’s popularity among medium to large organisations has been due to several
characteristics [Ernst & Young (1995)]:
• SAP’s modular structure allows companies to purchase the modules that they require
and to link them together in a way that provides the required level of flexibility.
• SAP’s highly integrated nature reduces the need for reconciliations. The flexibility of
the database allows users to quickly locate data at various levels and across modules.
• The ability to expand the system in the future by adding further modules allows
companies to take a phased approach to implementing SAP.
• The ability to easily maintain the system through transactions, tables and master files
• SAP’s ability to work with a number of different currencies and consolidate the
results of foreign companies.
• The strong security features that may be set up to control access to transactions and
• The comprehensive audit trails that are produced by the standard system as well as
the ability to access this information on-line.
• The machine independence of SAP allows users to easily change to a new hardware
or system software environment that is supported by SAP.
• The reassurance that comes with using a system that has been comprehensively tested
and used by many other organisations.
• The opportunity to benefit from future system improvements.
These standard R/3 modules can support the basic business processes of most
organisations. The expanding range of Industry Solutions are enhancements to the R/3
system, which have been developed to suit the needs of particular industries or types of
organisation. Examples of such industry solutions are: aerospace and defence, automotive
industry, banking, high-tech and electronics, real estate, chemical, consumer products,
education, healthcare, metal, construction, oil, pharmaceuticals, public sector, retail,
transportation and utilities [ASAP (1997)].
SAP R/3’s three-tier client/server architecture distinguishes between the user interface (or
“presentation”), the applications, and the database. Tier One, the user interface, appears
at the workstation and provides a user-friendly mechanism for users to interact with R/3,
entering transactions and displaying balances and line items. Tier Two, the applications,
may be spread among various servers on a network. Tier Three, the database, may be
implemented using Oracle or some other product. The applications pass data to and from
the database as they perform their functions. The R/3 system can be configured to suit the
size of the organisation by allocating different processing systems to database
management, application processing and presentation services. The various servers can
be running any combination of operating systems, for example: presentation - Windows
3.1, UNIX, Windows NT, OS/2 and Windows 98; applications - Windows NT, UNIX,
Open VMS and MPE/iX; and database - Windows NT, UNIX, Open VMS and MPE/iX.
R/3 may be implemented with Oracle, Informix, and other database systems.
SAP R/3 has its own in-built program development environment. SAP software is written
in ABAP/4, which is SAP’s fourth-generation Advanced Business Programming
Language. The ABAP/4 Development Workbench is a complete environment for creating
and maintaining programs in this language. The strict control disciplines exercised by the
Development Workbench ensure that resulting software will run immediately on all types
of computer and all database systems supported by SAP.
All development objects are stored in the R/3 Repository. The following types of objects
may be under development: dictionary data, ABAP/4 programs, dynpros (interactive
programs controlling data entry and validation), documentation and help texts.
Development objects are assigned to programmers and to a development class. Old
versions of objects are retained and changes are logged to permit reconstruction of earlier
versions. R/3 facilitates the establishment of a system landscape that separates
development, quality assurance and production environments, and utilises a Change and
Transport System (CTS) to control the transfer of changes in development objects from
development to testing, and to production [Metzger & Roehrs (2000)].
The functionality of R/3’s modules is claimed to be suitable for most organisations, being
based on global ‘best practice’. However, extensive configuration is still required to
customise R/3 to the organisation. For example, R/3 provides standard organisational
entities suitable for external reporting (eg. company code, business area) and internal
reporting (eg. controlling area, cost centre, profit centre). The organisation must decide
how these organisational entities should be utilised to meet management’s reporting
requirements. Customising R/3 includes such activities as: creating company codes and
business areas, identifying the country of operation, local currency and language;
defining the fiscal year and posting periods; creating charts of accounts and financial
statement versions; creating general ledger master records, and sub-ledger master
records; defining terms of payment for customers; and creating tax codes for Goods and
Services Tax (GST) purposes. R/3 provides software, the Implementation Management
Guide (IMG), to guide the implementation team through this customisation process. The
IMG lists all activities for implementing each R/3 module and assists in controlling
implementation. Accessing the IMG is also a means of understanding the nature of each
customisation step through its on-line documentation and reviewing the customising
SAP R/3 support three modes of processing – on-line interactive, background, batch
input. With on-line interactive processing, the user enters transaction data or interacts
with the system using its user interface. Any warning or error messages are displayed on
the screen. With background processing, the program executes without interactive user
input. In batch processing, a number of transactions are entered into the system in a
batch. Batch input can take place in the background where no changes to data can be
made during processing or in the foreground where errors may be corrected interactively.
Batch input may be used for efficiently entering large quantities of data into the system
from an external, non-SAP system.
In R/3, end-users and ‘system’ users access the system through the same authentication
process requiring the entry of a client identification, user name, password and language.
These users share the same main menu to access all parts of the system, to modify objects
in the R/3 Repository via the ABAP/4 Development WorkBench, to make changes to
customising settings using the IMG, to maintain vendor master records, to record payroll
time sheet data and to enter General Ledger Account Postings. While setting up the
system landscape to segregate development and production activities may reduce the risk
of unauthorised changes to programs and customising settings, access controls must be
implemented to prevent such changes in the production environment and to restrict the
actions of end-users in conformance with their assigned roles.
Access controls should be designed to restrict the functions that may be performed by a
user. R/3’s authorization system allows the assignment of profiles to users. These profiles
are collections of authorizations, eg. to create a general ledger master record. Through the
use of a security model, based on defined organisational roles and their defined profiles,
access to the various system functions can be restricted to appropriate users. Segregation
of duties can be implemented effectively through these mechanisms.
The study of a client’s internal control structure and the resultant assessment of control
risk are important in planning an audit. AUS 402 Risk Assessments and Internal Controls
requires the auditor to “… obtain an understanding of the internal control structure
sufficient to plan the audit and develop an effective audit approach”. This section
addresses how to meet this requirement in an SAP R/3 environment.
AUS 402 defines ‘control risk’ as ‘… the risk that misstatement could occur in an
account balance or class of transactions that could be material, individually or when
aggregated with misstatements in other balances or classes, and that will not be prevented
or detected on a timely basis by the internal control structure”. AUS 214 Auditing in a
CIS Environment states that the auditor should assess both inherent and control risks for
material financial report assertions. ‘Inherent risk’ is defined by AUS 402 as “… the
susceptibility of an account balance or class of transactions to misstatement that could be
material, individually or when aggregated with misstatements in other balances or
classes, assuming that an internal control structure did not exist”. The manner in which
control risk interacts with audit risk, inherent risk and detection risk is defined in AUS
In assessing inherent risk, the auditor should consider: the organisation of the CIS
activities within the organisation and the consequent extent of segregation of duties; the
significance of computer processing in each significant accounting application; the
complexity of computer processing in each application in terms of volume of
transactions, automatic generation of transactions, complicated calculations performed
automatically, and exchange of electronic transactions with other organisations;
significant changes in IT systems and sufficiency of IT system skills and resources [AUS
402; Wright (1999)]. In many SAP R/3 audit environments, consideration of these factors
would lead to inherent risk being assessed as relatively high. Segregating the duties of
users is an extremely complex process in R/3 and is prone to error in designing the
organisation’s security model and implementing profiles. ERP systems are ‘enterprise-
wide’ in scope incorporating potentially all significant accounting applications and
involving huge volumes of transactions. The R/3 system facilitates automatic generation
of transactions such as adjustments for foreign exchange transactions, postings from sub-
ledgers to the general ledger, calculation and posting of goods and services taxes (GST),
recording discounts taken by customers, payment of vendor invoices when due, and
tracing expenses to cost centres. SAP R/3 also provides for direct debits from customer
bank accounts and electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions with vendors. Incorrect
configuration for these capabilities may also be subject to error.
In assessing control risk, the auditor must assess both general controls and application
controls. General controls establish a framework of overall control over information
systems activities. They typically include controls over organisation and management of
information systems, operations, logical access, physical access, continuity of operations,
and software development, acquisition and maintenance. Application controls establish
specific control procedures over applications to provide reasonable assurance that
transactions are authorised and recorded, and are processed completely, accurately and on a
timely basis. They are often classified as input controls, controls over data files, controls
over processing and output controls. They may be manual controls or incorporated within
the IT system.
The strength of general controls can affect the reliability of application controls.
Weaknesses in pervasive general controls such as system development and program
maintenance, and the control over users’ access to sensitive functions, may cause control
risk to be assessed at a high level because of the increased risk that application controls
may be undermined or not be effective [AUS 402]. Where system development and
program maintenance is not controlled adequately, there is the risk of poorly developed,
tested and documented programs, and the risk of unauthorised program modifications.
Where users’ access is not controlled adequately, segregation of duties may not be effective,
resulting in unauthorised transaction data entry.
The assessment of control risk in an SAP R/3 environment is discussed in the following
sections. The assessment of application controls and selected pervasive general controls will
be discussed.
Australian auditing standards do not provide a framework for assessing application controls.
Several frameworks are proposed in the auditing literature and used by practitioners. Arens
et. al. (1997) proposes a framework to be applied at the individual transaction type level:
Utilising this internal control framework for a specific type of transaction, the auditor can
document the internal controls implemented by a client. Exposures (absence of appropriate
controls) can be identified where internal control objectives are not satisfied adequately. The
auditor can then plan tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions based on this
framework. Substantive procedures designed to test audit assertions (objectives) for related
account balances can also be planned.
This framework for assessing application controls can be applied to the audit of SAP R/3
transactions. This will be demonstrated with reference to general ledger postings. In R/3,
three categories of application controls may be distinguished: (1) manual application
controls, such as the review of documents before data entry and the review of output from
the system; (2) SAP automatic controls – these are mandatory controls executed
automatically by the system; and (3) SAP configurable controls – these are discretionary
customising settings, such as specifying the general ledger account for posting GST
collected from customers.
Users can review their debit and credit line items before posting to check that they balance
to zero. Up to 999 line items can be included in a single general ledger posting document. A
document will be posted only if total debits balance with total credits. Automatic postings
are also performed by the system, taking care of the calculation and posting of GST on
inputs and outputs. Gains or losses on exchange rate differences involving monetary items
are posted automatically to appropriate general ledger accounts. While R/3 permits the
parking or holding of incomplete documents, account balances are updated only on the
release and balancing of these documents. Changes to posted documents are permitted but
are severely limited, thereby preserving the integrity of the transactions. Where documents
have been posted containing incorrect data, a document reversal facility ‘backs-out’ the
transaction, avoiding the need to post adjustments.
SAP configurable controls are customising settings that prescribe how the system should
operate to meet the organisation’s needs. To handle the calculation and reporting of GST on
transactions, the organisation must determine what GST tax codes must be defined and the
general ledger accounts (receivable and payable) to which GST amounts are to be posted.
Where a general ledger account is not ‘tax-relevant’, the field Posting Without Tax
Permitted may be set. The Tax Category field for revenue and expense accounts may be set
as relevant to Output Tax and Input Tax respectively, to reduce the incorrect selection of
GST tax codes during data entry. Field status definitions may be determined which prescribe
whether input fields are to be required, optional or suppressed. With the introduction of the
GST, these definitions may need to be modified to ensure that the tax code becomes a
required field during transaction entry.
Where transactions are entered involving foreign currencies, R/3 refers to its table of
exchange rates to convert amounts into local currency (the amounts are also stored in the
foreign currency). Alternatively, the current exchange rate can be entered with the
transaction. To detect data entry errors, a maximum exchange rate difference (tolerable
percentage) can be set which will alert the user to intolerable differences between the rate
entered and that stored in the exchange rate table. R/3 also accommodates the organisational
requirement for recurring documents (‘standing journal entries’). Routine transactions (eg.
rent payments) which are the same in each posting period may be defined and scheduled for
The auditor tests manual controls in traditional ways, by examining source documents and
reports for evidence that the control has been performed (eg. Reviewing signatures). SAP
automatic controls are built into the programs and may be tested whenever changes are
made. Auditors may review the adequacy of test data and test results, and perform further
tests to obtain reasonable assurance that these controls are effective. R/3 provides a
computer aided testing tool (CATT) to assist in the application of test data to programs. This
tool facilitates the creation of a set of test transactions that may be applied to programs each
time they are modified. Consistency in test results between different program versions may
be evaluated. SAP configurable controls may be reviewed by examining the customising
settings with the IMG. The operation of these controls can also be tested using test data and
CATT. Generally, it is more practical for internal auditors to perform many of these tests.
External auditors may help plan the internal audit program for a client and may modify the
nature and extent of their audit procedures based on the work of internal auditors (AUS
This section examines the assessment of control risk in two areas – system development
and program maintenance, and controlling user access to sensitive functions. Both of
these general controls are considered pervasive, since weaknesses in these controls can
undermine the operation of application controls or make them ineffective.
Poor controls over system development and program maintenance may result in
improperly developed and tested program changes, undetected unauthorised program
changes, and changes made to production programs. These risks may be reduced through
the implementation of formal change procedures, adhering to the following principles
[Watne & Turney (1990); Weber (1999)]:
• Program changes should be approved by users, internal audit and information systems
• Program change requests should be authorised.
• Program change requests should be documented fully.
• Development of program changes should be permitted only for approved and
authorised change requests.
• Program changes should comply with programming standards.
• Changes should be restricted to authorised personnel.
• Design specifications should be reviewed and approved by users and internal audit.
• Changes should be made in a development environment not in production.
• All changes should be tested thoroughly before implementation.
• Changes and test results should be reviewed and approved independently.
• Users should be retrained as required.
• All systems, operations and user documentation should be updated.
• Control should be exercised over the transfer of the changed program to production.
In auditing controls over system development and program maintenance in an SAP R/3
environment, the following issues should be addressed [Institute of Internal Auditors
(1997), Australian National Audit Office (1998)]:
• Are separate systems or instances maintained for development, quality assurance and
• Are changes to programs and customising settings restricted to the development
system? Where test results prove unsatisfactory, further changes must be made in the
development system and then re-transported to quality assurance for further testing.
• Does the CTS control the transport of all changes from development to quality
assurance, and to production?
Both application programs and business data are stored in the R/3 database, along with
documentation. This database has two logical components – the R/3 Repository and
customer data. The R/3 Repository stores the data structures (the data dictionary) and
programs needed to maintain the data in the system. Customer data includes customising
settings, application data (eg. general ledger data) and user master data (user passwords
and profiles). Within the R/3 Repository, subdivisions can be set up called clients. Users
must specify a client during login. Each client has its own data, but accesses the same R/3
Repository objects. Most customer data is client-dependent. Some customising settings
may be client-independent.
SAP recommends a minimum of three clients [Metzger & Roehrs (2000)]. CUST is the
customising and development client. All changes performed in this client are documented
and recorded in change requests, so they can be promoted to other clients in the system
landscape. QTST is the quality assurance client for testing customising settings and
application functionality. PROD is the production client, where the organisation records
its transactions. Customising and development performed in CUST should be promoted
to PROD only after careful testing in QTST.
SAP also recommends that unit testing of a particular program, be performed in a UTST
(unit testing) client rather than in CUST, thereby keeping CUST free of application data
needed for this testing. A range of unit testing clients may be used to test reports, screens,
etc. Other useful clients are a SAND (sandbox) client where new customising settings are
trialed and a TRNG (training) client.
6. Client-independent change option.
7. Client protection and restrictions, eg. protection against overwrites and upgrades.
The most critical client setting is the client-dependent change option which determines
whether changes are permitted in a client and whether changes are going to be recorded
automatically to change requests. These settings are:
All clients except CUST should be assigned No changes to Repository and client-
independent customising objects. Such changes are permitted in CUST. SAND should
not be used to test client-independent customising changes, only client-dependent
Because of the functional and technical limitations of multiple clients in a single R/3
system, SAP recommends the distribution of these critical R/3 clients among at least
three systems, as illustrated in Table 6. Client-dependent customising changes can be
tested in SAND before being implemented in CUST. UTST must be in the same system
as CUST. Once changes have been unit tested, they can be promoted to QTST. Having
TRNG in QAS ensures that training activities do not impact on performance in the
production system. More complex landscapes are feasible, with multiple unit testing
clients, quality assurance clients and training clients [Metzger & Roehrs (2000)].
Change requests are used to update other clients within the system landscape. This
involves the technical procedure for transport, consisting of 2 steps: promotion and
import. Promoting changes involves releasing changes and exporting them out of their
R/3 system to the operating system level. They are then imported into another system.
The key to effective transport of changes is maintenance of an orderly system landscape.
Transport routes must first be defined using the Transport Management System (TMS).
Transport routes are necessary from DEV to QAS, and from QAS to PRD, and between
clients, eg. from CUST to SAND, from CUST to QTST.
These controls should be tested by the auditor by examining table settings, and following
through samples of program changes to ensure appropriate authorization, testing, and
A fundamental internal control for minimising loss through fraud and error is the proper
segregation of duties among personnel [Albrecht, Howe & Romney (1984)]. Research
into internal controls and external auditors’ judgments has indicated that the separation of
duties is a dominating factor in the evaluation of an internal control system [Ashton
(1974); Ashton and Brown (1980); Hamilton and Wright (1982)]. Segregation of duties
in an SAP R/3 environment is accomplished through careful assignment of authorizations
and profiles to users. This section provides an overview of how authorizations are
administered and audited in an R/3 system.
Profiles relating to an organisational role (eg. General Ledger Supervisor) are defined
consisting of a list of authorizations and other profiles. Such profiles are then assigned to
users with that role and stored in their user master record along with other data (eg.
Steps 1 and 2 are best accomplished using a security model documented in the form of a
table. The R/3 functions (menu options) associated with each role should also show the
Transaction Code assigned to each function. For example, the Transaction Code for
creating a general ledger master record is FS01. Transaction codes are ‘short-cuts’ to
menu options and are the link to the authorizations required for each function. R/3 table
USOBT contains a list of authorization objects and field values required for each
Transaction Code. User-defined (additional to SAP-defined) objects are documented in
table TOBJ.
Predefined activity groups (PdAGs) are available through the R/3 Simplification Group
to reduce security implementation time, cost and complexity. PdAGs have relevant
authorization data already defined and are provided for standard basis administration
roles, such as developer (programmer) and customiser, and for end-user roles, such as
financial accounting clerk. These activity groups are imported into the system and
assigned to users. PdAGs may provide savings but may not meet the organisation’s
requirements for satisfactory segregation of duties.
14 Auditing Authorizations
Determining whether authorizations have been properly assigned to users may be quite a
challenge to auditors. There are over 600 Transaction Codes in the R/3 FI – Financial
Accounting Module alone, each requiring its own set of authorizations. Authorizations
may have been implemented using the system’s user maintenance transactions, the profile
generator, predefined activity groups or some combination. Authorizations and profiles
created using user maintenance cannot be maintained using the profile generator.
Auditors typically plan to evaluate and compliance test the client’s security model
[Institute of Internal Auditors (1997); Ernst & Young (1995)]. This approach is
appropriate when the client has implemented authorizations in a structured, well-
documented manner. The security model is ‘desk-checked’ for completeness and proper
segregation of duties, and then tested for proper implementation on a ‘sample’ basis by
interrogating authorizations, profiles (or activity groups) and user master records. All
users with the same role should be assigned the same authorizations and profiles (activity
groups). Proper segregation of organisational responsibilities is a critical concern in this
Standard R/3 reports provided by the Authorizations Information System may also prove
useful for auditing authorizations. For example, RSUSR005 lists users with ‘critical’
Basis authorizations; RSUSR008 lists users with ‘critical’ combinations of authorizations
(Transaction Codes); RSUSR010 lists Transaction Codes that may be executed by a
specified user, profile, authorization or authorization object; and RSUSR050 compares
two user master records, profiles or authorizations. Changes to users, profiles and
authorizations may also be reviewed using standard reports. The functions that may be
performed by a user with a specified role may be listed and investigated. This user’s
master record may then be compared with other users with the same role to highlight
remain the same in this environment. However, grappling with the scope and technical
detail places heavy demands on the auditor. To illustrate, contractors who assist in the
implementation of R/3 rarely themselves understand fully the workings of all parts of the
system. Consultants usually specialise in one or two modules, such as Financial
Accounting and Controlling, or Sales & Distribution and Materials Management.
Somehow, the audit team in combination needs to acquire the same level of knowledge as
these consultants in order to communicate with client staff, identify and document
internal controls, test those controls and perform other audit procedures.
Research opportunities in several areas relevant to audit practice can be identified. The
importance of segregation of duties has been discussed. Several basic principles for
segregating incompatible functions have been proposed by various writers [Watne &
Turney (1990); Srinidhi (1994); Arens, et. al. (1997); and Institute of Internal Auditors
(1997)], including:
Segregation of duties within an R/3 system can be tightly controlled as described above.
An interesting research question, however, is how the thousands of functions
(Transaction Codes) should be segregated. As a minimum, should there be at least three
distinct roles in Accounts Payable – accounts payable supervisor (controlling payments),
vendor manager, and invoice data entry? Who should perform period-end processing –
the accountant, general ledger supervisor, or someone else? In the FI - Financial
Accounting Module, there are over 600 such functions to be assigned to personnel.
Anecdotal and preliminary case study research evidence indicates that there is little
consensus among practitioners on how these functions should be segregated.
There has been a great deal of research interest in the development of decision support
tools for auditing, computer security and related areas [Connell (1987);
Abdolmohammadi (1987); Denning (1987); Smaha (1988); Quinlan (1989); Hellerstein,
Klein & Milliken (1990); McAuliffe et. al. (1990); van Dijk & Williams (1990);
Jagannathan et. al. (1993); Best, Mohay & Anderson (1997); Mounji & Le Charlier (1997);
Daniels & Spafford (1999); and MIT’s DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Project
(]. The feasibility of auditing authorizations
through the interrogation of system tables was discussed above. Such a software
application may be used to determine what authorizations have been assigned to users
and the related functions that they can perform. The development of such a decision
support system for auditors would represent a valuable research project and make a
practical contribution to the auditing profession, particularly if able to test for proper
segregation of duties as discussed above.
Further research opportunities focus on R/3 audit trails. The R/3 system maintains an
extensive array of audit trails incorporating a combination of operating system and
accounting audit trail characteristics. Changes to authorizations, profiles and user master
records may be examined and checked for propriety using standard reports. Changes to
fields in master records may be examined. The documents underlying account balances
may be reviewed by ‘drilling down’ from account balances, to line items (individual
postings), and to the original documents. Document headers show document date and
posting date, as well as identification of the user who entered the data. This data may also
be included in reports created using R/3 tools such as ABAP Query, Report Writer and
Report Painter.
In the context of auditing authorizations, user monitoring is feasible using standard R/3
performance monitoring reports. Analyses of this audit trail over a period of time would
permit the review of the functions (Transaction Codes) actually performed by users in
contrast to those for which they should have authorizations. These actual user ‘profiles’
can be compared with the client’s security model which defines the roles and associated
functions to be assigned to users. Such comparisons may highlight deficiencies in the
implementation of authorizations and profiles. It is acknowledged however that apparent
consistency between users’ actions and their intended profiles according to the security
model does not guarantee the correct implementation of authorizations and profiles.
A knowledge base system may be developed to generate actual user ‘profiles’ and
forecasts of expected user activity. Such profiles characterise the behaviour of a given
user with respect to various objects, representing a definition of normal activity and a
means of detecting anomalous activity. Changes in actual user behaviour may be
detected promptly and investigated. Anomalous user behaviour may be associated with
unauthorised activity, including browsing the system or masquerading as another user
[Smaha (1988)]. Such a knowledge base system is currently under development by
extending the MIATA system which tested the feasibility of machine-independent audit
trail analysis in mainframe environments [Best, Mohay & Anderson (1997)]. This project
examines the research proposition that R/3 user behaviour is forecastable (on the basis of
minimising forecast error and providing a ‘good fit’) and may be categorised as normal or
This paper has provided an introduction to the audit of the SAP R/3 system and some
appreciation of the challenges facing the auditor. The assessment of control risk was
discussed focusing on the application of an internal control framework in the assessment
of application controls and the assessment of two significant pervasive general control
areas. Several opportunities for research were outlined.
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judgements: replication and extension”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 18, No. 1,
Australian National Audit Office (1998) Security and Control for SAP R/3, Commonwealth
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Ernst & Young (1995) Audit, Control, and Security Features of SAP R/3.
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Table 1 – Controls for General Ledger Postings - Validity, Valuation and
Table 2 – Controls for General Ledger Postings - Authorization
controls Recurring documents.
Control totals, displayed/checked with FB07.
controls Opening posting periods for posting.
Proper carry-forward of year-end balances.