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Bahan Tutor Skenario 3

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3 a.

mengapa pasien bisa merasakan nyeri dan ujung penis menggembung Ketika buang air kecil

5. apakah keterangan pasien yang mengalami demam berulang yang dirasakan selama 3 hari dan
sembuh dengan obat dokter memiliki makna tertentu? Apa?


Fimosis fisiologis adalah aturan pada laki-laki yang baru lahir. Preputium melekat pada kelenjar dan
ini terpisah seiring waktu. Upaya yang antusias untuk menarik kulup dalam phimosis fisiologis
menyebabkan mikrotears, infeksi, dan perdarahan dengan jaringan parut sekunder dan phimosis
sejati. Kebersihan yang buruk dan balanitis berulang (infeksi kelenjar penis), posthitis (radang kulup),
atau keduanya dapat menyebabkan kesulitan dalam pencabutan kulup dan akibatnya phimosis sejati


In pathologic phimosis, there is usually pain, skin irritation, local infections, bleeding, dysuria,
hematuria, frequent episodes of urinary tract infections, preputial pain, painful erection sand
intercourse, and weak urinary stream. Occasionally, enuresis or urinary retention is noticed. The
meatal opening is small and the tissue in front of the foreskin is white and fibrotic [29–31]. Phimosis
due to BXO is severe with meatal stenosis, glanular lesions, or both

Balanitisxerosisobliterans (BXO). BALANITIS XEROTICA OBLITERANS


Demam  infeksi  infeksi di glans penis ada BALANITIS, POSTHITIS, BALANOPOSTHITIS, Balanitis
xerotica obliterans, ISK

Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis, posthitis is inflammation of the prepuce, and
balanoposthitis is inflammation of both.

Inflammation of the head of the penis has both infectious and noninfectious causes (see table
Causes of Penile Inflammation). Often, no cause can be found.

Balanitis usually leads to posthitis except in circumcised patients.

Balanoposthitis is predisposed to by

- Diabetes mellitus
- Phimosis (tight, non-retractable prepuce)

Phimosis interferes with adequate hygiene. Subpreputial secretions may become infected with
anaerobic bacteria, resulting in inflammation.

Chronic balanoposthitis increases the risk of:

- Balanitis xerotica obliterans

- Phimosis
- Paraphimosis
- Cancer


Causes of Penile Inflammation

Symptoms and Signs:

Pain, irritation, and a subpreputial discharge often occur 2 or 3 days after sexual intercourse.
Phimosis, superficial ulcerations, and inguinal adenopathy may follow.

Balanitis can stem from a number of conditions. Infection with Candida albicans is the most
common cause.

Seringnya jamur soalnya kan lembab yak

Balanitis is typically caused by a yeast infection, however it can be due to a bacterial or viral
infection. It’s not contagious.

Balanitis is a treatable condition that most commonly happens in uncircumcised males. The main
symptoms of balanitis include inflammation and pain on the head of the penis. Treatment often
includes antifungal creams, antibiotics, improved personal hygiene and, in some cases, circumcision.


Phimosis: Long-term inflammation can lead to scarring on the penis, which can cause the foreskin
to become constricted. The foreskin can become so tight that it cannot retract (pull back) over the



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