Case Notes 5: Patient Details
Case Notes 5: Patient Details
Case Notes 5: Patient Details
Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows: You are a
community nurse visiting the patient daily.
Patient Details
Name: Catherine Edith
Age: 28 yrs
Occupation: Restaurant manager
LMP: 15/07/2019
Current Doctor: Dr. Shaw (gynecologist)
Social History
Next of kin: Husband (business)
Elder sister baby- Down’s syndrome
Lives in Sydney, Orange, Peanut garden, NSW 2001
Rented house, two storey building
Married 5 years
Caring mother, limited friends, occasional drinker
Past History
Abortion -1
Infertility treatment – 3 yrs
Appendectomy – 2005
Flu vaccination 5 months back
Migraine (Tab. Grenil 100 mg)
Rt. Oophorectomy – 2016
Treatment Plan
Patient urgently needs information on eating patterns, strong encouragement for
improving diet.
Advice on reduce or eliminate drinks
Counseling therapy (anxiety, depression )
Requires advice from dietician
Nutritional assessment
Psychological consultation with husband and mom
Need to be educated regarding diabetes and importance of diabetic diet
Writing Task
Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to dietician, medical
center, Brisbane, NSW 4000.
Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to Dr. Samuel
Philip, Psychologist. Finders Medical Centre, Bedford Park, 5042, Sydney.