Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus
Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus
Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus
Even at the height of mankind's golden age, Mars stood apart as the center of technological and
scientific study within their galaxy-spanning civilization. When warp storms ended humanity's
golden age and cast other men into barbarism, and a period of anarchy saw Mars' terraforming
undone and much turned to ruin, the Martians worked to hold on to what they could and rebuild.
Over time, the preservation of past glories slowly turned into the worship of all things that held
knowledge. Thus were the seeds sown of what would one day become the Adeptus Mechanicus, the
Cult of the Machine God.
Over the course of millennia, the Martians learned to detect lulls in the warp storms sweeping the
galaxy and sent out expeditionary fleets to recover technology and establish new forgeworlds. They
had given no further thought to what life remained on Earth until the arrival of the Emperor, seeking
alliance and aid to begin his great crusade to unify all of humanity's scattered remnants. In the
shadow of Olympus Mons, seeing the benefit of such an alliance and with many Martians already
viewing the Emperor as the Omnissiah, the living incarnation of their god, an alliance was made.
For the two-headed aquila that is the symbol of the Imperium represents the twin empires of Mars
and Terra, united yet resentful. Doctrinal differences between the Ministorum and the Cult of Mars
are a source of constant friction, and the practices of the Cult are as mysterious and arcane as any
sorcery. The two empires need each other to survive, of that there is no doubt, but that certainty
does not make fulfilling their obligations to the other any easier.
The Cult of Mars has spent more than ten thousand years mired in ritual and dogma. Knowledge is
prized above all, yet it is considered better to dig up scraps of ancient knowledge than to rediscover
it through research. Hidebound and hateful of sudden change, the slightest alteration to existing
devices is almost criminal. Information is hoarded even as it is gathered fervently, often kept secret
or lost to obscurity even when it is desperately needed.
It is within the ranks of this group that you will spend the next ten years. You will be privy to
ancient knowledge and wield devices of terrible power, under constant scrutiny by the unblinking
optics of your fellow Mechanicus and the eyes of the wider Imperium.
Your age, while such a thing matters little among the Cult of Mars, is 20+3d10. The magos
background adds 200 years to this roll, and a combination of bionic augmentation and rejuvenant
treatments ensures that death by old age in the next ten years is not a concern. Your sex matters
even less, and is the same as your last jump. You may change either for 100cp.
7: Explorator fleet
Joining the quest for knowledge far beyond the borders of the Imperium, you travel aboard a fleet
of self-sufficient vessels that may spend centuries out of contact with the wider cult. Roll 1d4
again, to determine your general location in the galaxy, relative to Holy Terra. 1 - Segmentum
Obscurus (north), 2 - Segmentum Tempestus (south), 3 - Segmentum Pacificus (west), 4 - Ultima
Segmentum (east)
8: Free choice
You may choose any of the above options, or begin on any canon forgeworld still in operation and
loyal to the Imperium.
Heretek (Drop-in)
There are some who turn away from the dictates of the Cult, while others belonged to techno-sects
whose teachings never had any connection to the red planet. All of these individuals and more are
abhorred by the Cult for their deviant practices and rejection of the Machine God. You are none of
those things, yet neither do you have oaths of loyalty registered within the data-crypts of the
Mechanicus, and no memories of your existence reside within organic storage. Still, the Imperium
is vast and communication difficult, so if you are cautious and subtle much can be accomplished in
shadowed depths between the manufactoria and away from the attention of the ruling magi.
Magos Errant
There are near-infinite facets to the universe and the mysteries of the Machine God, and many tech-
priests choose not to restrict themselves to a single field of study. Instead they drift from conclave
to labratorium as the mood strikes them, staying just long enough to expand their knowledge and
perform experiments before moving on. You arrive here as your sworn term of service to your
current seniors comes to an end, and it is your choice to remain where you are or to continue the
quest for knowledge elsewhere.
Magos Dominus
When xenos and heretics threaten the works of the Mechanicus, it calls upon specialists to ensure
continued function without undue interruptions. Yours is a unique skillset, obsessively analyzing
threats so that you may determine the most efficient way to excise them like so much corrupted
code or necrotic flesh. Whether this task is best performed personally or by directing legions of
skitarii depends entirely on the results of your own calculations on the matter.
While the Mechanicus pursue the quest for knowledge, the machines they depend upon must be
maintained. Though perceived as lower in status to the magi, enginseers are nonetheless essential
cogs that ensure the smooth functioning of Mechanicus ships and facilities. Some may be bonded
to Forgeworlds, others sent out into the wider Imperium or seconded to the Imperial guard or Navy.
Without their myriad labors, the engines of the Mechanicus and Imperium both would come to a
grinding halt.
Collegia Titanica
In all of the worlds of man, only the tiniest fraction of the population have that unique combination
of qualities that allow for surviving contact with the machine spirit of a titan. You are counted
among them, having been taken and trained in preparation for piloting one of the mightiest weapons
in the Imperium's arsenal...one that can be every bit as dangerous to its would-be commanders as it
is to the enemies of man.
(You must take the drawback 'It's time for war' for no CP)
While the cult values knowledge above all, many dedicate their lives to sifting the debris of the past
for fragments of knowledge rather than attempting to re-discover what has been lost through
research and experimentation. These tech-priests scour distant worlds, seeking the forgotten ruins
of mankind's golden age, every rusted fragment of past glory treated as the holiest of relics.
(You may change your starting location to 'Explorator Fleet' for free.)
Each background receives its 100cp perks for free, and purchases other perks in that category for a
50% discount.
General Perks
100cp - Artisan
Unlike many in the machine cult who care not for appearances, your equipment and visible bionics
are shelled with precious metals and etched with devotional symbols. Every object you craft or
possess for a prolonged period of time acquires a bit of extra flair with no effort and without
detriment to their functions. Though seen by many in the cult as wasteful or vain this attention to
appearance can endear one to those in the higher ranks of Imperial society who value such
affectations. You may choose to suppress this perk entirely or only for specific items.
100cp - Magos designation (2 picks free for magos errant background. 1st pick free for all other
You have attained and been recognized for your comprehension of some of the Machine God's
mysteries. Choose a field of Imperial technology such as genetic manipulation, voidship
construction, cybernetics or plasma technology. You are among the noted masters of your purview,
and can easily create the most common templates of your field. With time, effort and discretion you
could even modify and improve upon your specialty as needed. Those few things beyond your full
understanding can still be built and maintained by carefully following STC blueprints.
400cp - Machine-touched
All mechanisms obey inviolate scientific laws. Everything can be measured, everything can be
explained, and yet there is more to reality than the laws of the material universe. Wielding power
not unlike the miracles of the Sororitas, you are perhaps a true priest of the Machine God. As your
dedication and understanding grows, you will gain an increasing affinity with all things mechanical.
You can sooth their woes and hasten their functions with a touch. Their wrath grows cools at your
supplication, and the unrighteous who would use machines against you find them rebelling. There
are many ways to influence the mechanical, and this ability will grow increasingly stronger over
time if you have the dedication to discover them and the piety to fuel them.
Heretek (Drop-in)
200cp – Reclaimer
Rare is the heretek with wealth or connections enough to acquire the resources to pursue innovation
without raising suspicion. Most must make do with whatever they can scavenge or build for
themselves, and fortune seems to often favor them when harvesting useful components from
wrecked machines. More often than not, the most delicate and valuable pieces of technology can be
pulled intact from wrecks you find or create.
200cp – Mimic
Where scavenging fails, theft succeeds. Your body has been altered through surgery and gene-
tailoring to become more malleable to escape physical restraints, pattern-recognition systems and
simple observation. Facial proportions, gait, voice patterns, fingerprints and retina patterns can all
be altered, and you can even shed hair and skin on demand with wildly varied DNA to confuse
analysis of such detritus. You are also well-versed in writing and broadcasting scrapcode on
demand to hamper security systems or take outright control of simpler, unsecured systems.
400cp – Data-shroud
A heretek risks being revealed after the barest noosphere inquiry, his tags dark and bereft of
sanctified code. But through the sins of innovation and improvisation, you have crafted a false
identity that will stand up to casual scrutiny. Passive observation and simple inquiries cannot defeat
your disguise, fooled and intercepted by your tainted code. This cover extends to even your body
and mind, brief biological or psychic scans not registering you as anything out of the ordinary.
Only the most detailed cross-references and invasive examinations will be able to reveal that your
assumed identity is a forgery.
Magos Errant
Magos Dominus
400cp – Tribune
With victory and distinction comes advancement. To command formations of lesser warriors, you
have been heavily augmented to allow for parallel thought, to observe multiple points of conflict
simultaneously and issue appropriate commands even while personally engaging in combat. You
could control three bodies in direct combat (including your own) provide tactical oversight of a
dozen fireteams, or oversee a vast strategic theater with ease, but pushing your limits brings
communication lag, then errors in judgement, and eventually the risk of neurological damage.
400cp – Armorbane
Long experience with putting things together inevitably teaches one the best way to take something
apart. Whether disabling an unruly machine or cracking open a heretek's fortress, you can quickly
pick out design flaws, blind spots, and points of failure. Exploiting these weaknesses makes your
actions many times more effective. Structures crumble, armor buckles, systems seize up, power
surges dangerously out of control, and ammo stores seem to cook off at the slightest provocation.
Should you show mercy and attempt to repair what you have laid low, the damage will be far less
than it appears and restoring the machine to service will be much less difficult than expected.
Collegia Titanica
400cp – Moderati
It is impossible for any human sense to guide the operation of a Titan, and it is the duty of a
Moderati to collect and interpret auspex data for the rest of the crew to act upon. This necessitates
being able to quickly and effectively deal with electronic countermeasures, environmental
conditions, and irrelevant information. It is a skill you will continue to apply outside of a Titan,
keeping your senses clear of white noise to focus on desired information. You will also find it much
easier to recognize and filter out corrupt or false sensory data, and to pierce effects that would
occlude things from your perceptions.
100cp – Archaeology
All Explorators worth the name know how to run a dig. How to choose a site, how to mark, search
and lay out a site, how to carefully sift obstructions and prevent contamination of sensitive
environments. Though most of the work is performed by servitors, some tasks are too delicate even
for specialized models. Every Explorators can personally perform these tasks with both speed and
care, and most prefer to.
There are uncountable STC designs and sanctioned variants within the databanks of the
Mechanicus, and what is listed here only represents a small sample of the most commonly-
employed patterns. Yet merely being a member of the cult does not guarantee access to the
knowledge, resources and skills to acquire or construct additional devices. Since your time here is
limited, you have been granted a stipend of +600cp to purchase options from the lists below.
If lost or destroyed, any purchases will reappear in your possession after 24 hours. All purchases
include the knowledge and tools needed to perform the appropriate maintenance rituals.
Free - Attendants
Choose: A dozen servoskulls, a five-servitor workforce, or a trio of personalized cherubs. All are
dull but reliable servants, coming equipped for a variety of tasks. The patterns of each are easy to
re-fit for more specialized work.
A Jumper may choose to begin with as many artificial replacements for natural limbs and organs as
he wishes. These bionics are of average quality, and outside of increased durability they are not
particularly more effective than the organic model. They are also incapable of self-repair.
Auspex systems
The majority of Mechanicus adepts will never see front-line combat, but many carry weapons as
status symbols or for personal protection. The sheer variety of patterns and variants available
makes listing them all impossible, and instead each option represents a category of power and
rarity that an adept may make a selection from, with several examples.
Each purchase grants an adept one weapon and unlimited ammunition, one suit of armor, or a
slowly replenishing stock of consumable materiel.
Free – Lowtech
Simple enough for any adept to acquire, these weapons are serviceable and effective but considered
crude by the standards of the Mechanicus. An adept that openly carries them is either of very low
rank or of very poor standing. Lowtech cannot be upgraded.
Weapon – Plasma, melta and volkite weapons. Power blades. Electroleech stave. Transonic blade.
Armor – Powered armor. Refractor field.
Consumable – Melta bombs. Plasma, viral, radiation grenades.
You may purchase further upgrades for your weapons and armor.
+100cp – Miniaturization
One of your purchases is archaeotech or of Jokaero manufacture. Weapons are small enough to be
worn as rings or disguised as jewellery, though their ammunition capacity is reduced to one or two
shots at most. They may also be mounted on mechadendrites or in cyber-eyes. Applied to armor,
its weight and bulk is a fraction of normal without sacrificing protection.
+100cp – Warded
Laced with psyk-reactive materials and hexagrammatic wards, weapons and armor with this
upgrade are of much greater effectiveness against daemons and other warp-creatures. Warded
armor is also solid to incorporeal creatures and xenotech weapons that would otherwise ignore
conventional protective gear.
+100cp – Masterwork
You bear an item of exceptional quality. Such was the skill and expense put into its construction
that it simply performs better in every possible way compared to other examples of its kind.
Masterwork armor can resist the matter-disrupting effects of power weapons and xenotech with
similar capabilities, and masterwork power blades have been known to overwhelm and destroy
similar weapons of lesser stature.
Titan Legion
Avatars of the God-machine, anyone can be a member of a Titan's crew with the proper training,
but only someone with the 'Princeps' perk can actually leash the machine's spirit to their will and
unify the minds of the crew into a cohesive whole.
Post-jump, any titans you've purchased can be called forth to serve. If you cannot provide the titan
with repair or refuelling services, it must leave the jump for at least a day, longer if it was severely
damaged. You may choose to captain the titan or link up as a member of the crew, if you have the
ability. Otherwise it will come with a skilled crew who will follow your commands without
hesitation. If destroyed, a titan cannot be summoned again until ten years have passed.
Fleet Assets
Warehouse attachments
Companion import
You may spend 100cp to import a single companion. They gain a background and 600cp to spend,
with all discounts, free items for that background, +600cp to spend on 'Gifts of the Machine God.'
For 200cp you may import up to four companions, for 400cp, eight.
+0cp - Continuity
Have you visited this universe before, jumper? Did you wear the skin of human or xenos? It
matters not. By taking this drawback you'll ensure that all your actions in previous forays here
remain canon.
+300cp - Malatek
Among the ranks of the Mechanicus are those who have not yet crossed into outright tech-heresy,
yet have offered some offence or found suspicion in the optics of the more dogmatic members of
the Cult. Perhaps they have shown too much interest in the inner workings of xeno biology or
technology, or have created and employed non-STC devices of their own designs. Such individuals
become outsiders, finding doors closed to them and others of the Cult unwilling to trade or associate
with them. Somehow you have come to be labelled Malatek, disdained but watched closely.
Because while it is considered inevitable you will one day cross a line and require destruction,
working outside of Cult strictures often results in the discovery of potent and fascinating
knowledge...that a covetous magos may wish to take for himself.
+300cp - Factionalism
Many tech-priests gravitate towards sub-cults or gather alongside those who share their doctrinal
interpretations. This division is now far more pronounced, with battle-lines being drawn in
noosphere markers and data signatures that identify every adept as belonging to one faction or
another. Though all are members of the Cult, there is a complex web of agreements and hostilities
that divides every forge world and mechanicus holding. At the very least, undertakings will often
be severely impeded as views clash, resources are wasted by petty gestures, and arguments are
raised over the smallest points of contention. At worst, acts of outright sabotage and assassination
happen almost daily when two factions embroil themselves in a cold and subtle war. You will
eventually find yourself shoehorned into one faction or another, making friends and enemies in
equal measure.
Process complete
Your time here is at an end. You have survived dangers from within and without, and hopefully
grown closer to the Machine God through increased comprehension of His Mysteries.
But why leave? There is still more work to be done, and the Mechanicus could surely benefit from
such a grand cog added to their function.
Go home
Alone and ignorant, the humans of your homeworld know not of the Machine god. Return then,
and share the light of knowledge with the worthy.
Move on
Infinite mysteries await study. New horrors must be fought. New civilizations must know the glory
of the Machine God. The quest for knowledge is unending.
You don't need to worry about random, impossible-to-avoid warp shenanigans ending your chain
during your time here. But that doesn't mean you can't kill yourself doing something stupid like
making an unplanned jump during a Warp Storm, or by allowing your gellar field generator to be
sabotaged or go without proper maintenance.
At the end of your jump, you may choose to retain your implants or remove them while keeping
their benefits as inherent abilities. They are always considered a part of you and will never interfere
with shapeshifting or other out-of-jump powers.
Taking 'psycana' with the magos designation perk gives you a watered-down version of the 'magos
aetheric' perk. At best, you could perform maintenance on warp drives, gellar field generators and
similar technology, and interpret data gathered on the local immaterium.
Magos designation doesn't put you on Cawl's level, so don't expect to create new space marines or
Imperial grav vehicles that can outrace the Eldar. Assume that you completely understand the inner
workings of the most common Imperial technologies within your field, like bionic limbs, lasguns,
or vehicles. Complex and ancient technologies like voidship plasma reactors, vortex weapons,
antigrav plating, and the most complex cerebral implants are where things start to get fuzzy.
Xenotech is more tricky to work with, but the equivalents to less complex Imperial technologies are
not impossible to figure out.
Keep in mind that STC printouts are a Very Big Deal in 40k, and people will start asking questions
if you pull even a single unknown printout out of your robes.
"By the grace of the machine god" protects your equipment from any sort of unnatural dickery,
from mutant technopathy to magical anti-tech effects to chaotic energies that try to mess with
everything caught in the general vicinity.
'Requisition codes' will function for any organization you are (or can convincingly appear to be) a
member of in future jumps.
40k technology will work just as well (with a little tweaking) against psychic phenomena in other
settings. Slightly less so against magic and demons/spiritual forces that do not obey the same rules
as the 40k Warp, but it will retain at least some effectiveness.
'Imperial logistics' only applies towards things moved or created in bulk. Forging a single sword
will not produce two blades. Only the very largest supply chains – the resources of an entire sector,
or personally overseeing the foundries across an entire forge world can push the amount of extra
material gained over 100%. Past that point, the gains returned begin to drop off sharply.
Being a Princeps requires a near-unique level of talent coupled with highly specialized training. It
is not possible to 'brute force' the command of a titan's machine-spirit by stacking willpower or
technology perks. However, if you've purchased a titan the follower-princeps can train you, and
such perks will help speed things along. Even then, it will take a great deal of time before you can
survive taking his seat. Decades at the very least, possibly centuries.
The adepts of outpost Jump-Kappa are not spellcasters or psykers, and cannot be granted any sort of
supernatural powers. This may crimp their ability to produce magi-tech and such, unless your
shared perks or warehouse facilities somehow provide a workaround.