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Tál 20

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Issue 20 Price £1 FLY THE FLAG ets meen Inside This Issue Team Talk Kidder gives his usual tuppence worth on team 1 The Seven Day (tch Wee Fk lets loose with his feelin; defeats in a week to ‘The Forces Of Darkness The “Celtic-Minded” Debate We give our opinion on the recent controversy over the term ‘Celticminded’ and what we think it means to be a Celtic supporter: Sectarian Attacks All the latest news and views from the Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks, Including a letter from Mr. McCants. The Green Mole At the centre of controversy, as usual, The Mole embarks ‘upon his own little bit of investigative journalism. Let's Kick Hypocrisy Out.. opportunist anti-racism and the Mellor's “Task Force gentrification of the game are analysed in this article. The Great Ticket Scandal OMalley investigates the latest attempt by the club to] exert even greater control over the fans. 4 Life in the Day of... Joke Broon’ gets a kick in the Hamilton Academicals. The TAL Interview Billy Power of the Birmingh: It costs £5 for 4 issues of TAL (Overseas sub costs £8) Make cheques and PO's 6 talks to TAL TAL Is available from selected bookshops, newsagents, vendors and sellers in the following cities: Dublin, Belfasi Plus: Fans Around The World, Readers Writes, ents, Reviews, Free Poster TAL BOOKS BM BOX 266, LONDON, WCIN 3XX 2 Bebind Th: O'Malley, Kidder, The Leyton Buzzard, HRD, Celtic Hammer, Elements, Smiler. TAL Volunteers: Red Dw: Green Gremlin, eargal, Pedro, Ecki, The Drumchapel Bhoys and everyone else who sent us news, cuttings, information and pictures for this issue. halfiruths and lly received and All rantings, ravings, downright lies will be grate} printed in future editions pres PO ea ed articles, cartoons, drawings, newspaper er a eR Paes If you would like an Irish republican POW to rect copy of TAL, please send us £1 and we will do the (Requests for TAL from other political prisoners and Celts Een er ee ee eed ne ee Tiocpaidb Ar La! wo defeats to the Huns in even days was hard to take, least we didn’t blow nances of the title It would have iliant to have stuffed stards in front of their ans in the league game to be honest we never cally played to. our potential of @ top quality striker in the ( I tie team is y begmning to show. The weakness of the squad has ly been exposed in the last quarter of the season, You ly have to look at who has been on the substitutes ci in the last few games to recognise just how weak saad is, No offence to Regi Blinker, Davie Hanna or Tosh McKinlay, but if we are now relying on basically inders and a winger who looks out of his depth n he has played for us, we are really lacking in ality. I definitely thought that we would sign a compl players before the transfer deadline was up in order te 2 us through the title challenge. We have to hope that Wlict Hun wannabees in the Premier League won"t down to the Evil Empire, With the first results in again about lifting Mothervell, and an did their duty with a win over the Huns, That igue Championship Trophy has our name on it. So lave good reason to be optimistic hampionship: we easily tumed o ill this year take Celtic alk away ftom the club is a very crux of the matter here, If 1 choice between Wim Jansen leaving and Jock n going; Who would you choose? Now ask self, who will F Change Forced Upon sult of the continued harassment of our PO Box jew we have reluctantly moved to jouble and then box service in London, Whilst it may seem a ssure, we had basically run out of “safe? in the Glasgow atea that Would not be subje er press harassment or physical threats ffom our s. The centre of operations however does not The mainstay of Tiocfaidh Ar La’s work and Wt is still m the West of Scotland. With the co- TAL Bhoys in London, the mail will be warded to us every week. so in reality nothing has wed. It 1s ionic, however, that we had to go to th the beast” in order to secure a Safe addré Uie Daily Ranger - who is, allegedly. a rier - must be very proud of herself Well d you take the Crown’s shilling or was it ge who put you up to it? TAL R ut Ms, Smuth on other pages of ‘Our Day Will Come ders a bit more at his issue. And remem! Join The TAL Sapporters Clab In response to the growing demands of our seaders and q the absence of a working class solidarity move: worthy of the name, we at Tiocpaidh Ar Lala establishing our own ‘supporters elub’ 1e Tesponse to the initiative has been bniliant and confirms our reasons for starting the chub. There are no restrictions to ‘membership, other than a commitment to Celti, Ireland and the political independence of working class people. ‘The main reason for starting the club is to create a network of Celtic fans who want to do a bit more than just sing songs and wave flags. As individuals we can chieve little, Together we can make our views heard and our actions count Solidarity isn't about how many songs you know or how many books you've read or even how many marches you've been to. Don't talk about how much you do-ask yourself, "What difference do I make?” If you don't make a difference, then you aren't involved in effective solidarity work or effective political action The Chucky Charter ieee we Cae ee Re eR MeO e Wales, and a politically independent working class. Cn RM cn Rec ae ener tera eC mC cron PUMA eR ee en a Seeker Rt eee en ene card. The cost of membership to non-subscribers is The benefits of membership will be that you can offer] solidarity without the necessity of having to support cee ics British Labour Party and it's "lef? wing BU een) ORC ec etn sing, with your help, a series of initiatives a ren ao identity of Celtic supporters. *As a TAL Supporter, you will be kept informed of, rate of Celtic ists (CAF) and of Anti-Pascist Action (AFA)| in your local area. es De ee ee a Ce Ce Pe CRETE La Cee TRE ST al TIS ere eee BU tee) glee Continues All the signs that we were heading from treble to trouble after the two Huns games seem to have subsided with the emphatic win against Motherwell and the Huns slip-up at Pitoddrie. However, there are still a few points that have to be made in relation to Celtic. The lack of depth in the first team squad is becoming more apparent as the season reaches it’s climax. Tired legs, tired spirits and tired excuses are on show. From the second half of the 1-1 draw with Dundee United to our Scottish Cup exit and league defeat to the Huns, the team has looked jaded. In the first half of the cup match against the Huns, with a decent finisher, Celtic could have had the game dead and buried Harald Bratbaak showed no signs in this game that he is anything other than a very ordinary player. His first touch is absolutely woeful, I can’t remember him hitting a single shot, never mind actually hitting the target during the match. Most of his challenges ended in free kicks being awarded to Rangers In the 2-0 league defeat he was even worse. He didn’t kick a ball. Maybe he needs time to settle, but we needed a striker this season not next season ‘There's no doubting his pace and, ithe gets the right kind of ball to run onto, he looks alright - but that has not been the kind of service that he has been getting. Instead the ball is being chipped through to him in the expectation that he will bring it down, control it and make his own chances That just ain’t gonna happen! Not with the lack of control and terrible first touch that Harald has. Much has been made of how much Fergus has spent on the team. £11 million net at the last count, However when you examine the out-zoings and the income spent (players bought and sold) it seems to balance out. Where has the 29% of Celtic's tumover promised for buying players gone? In the second half of the season the only players to come to Celtic haye been Brathaak and Kevin Pilkington (on Joan from Manchester United). On the other hand, in the same period we have seen the departure of Andy Thom and Stuart Gray, McLaughlin and MeCondichie on loan; and Stuart Kerrand Tommy Johnson out injured for long periods. Add to that the earlier situation with -Jackson’s injury problem and: the recent loss of first team players like MacNamara, Stubbs and Wieghorst, and you see a large hole in the first team squad at the most vital point in the season. Obviously some of these injunes were impossible but every single fan at Parkhead this season knows that, with the injuries and suspensions, we are short of one player in every department of the team: defence, midfield and attack. A bit of foresight allied to the required financial resources might have ma to foresee, he fi part of the campaign a bit less nerve wracking Wim Jansen it must be said has performed wonders in moulding the team into a unit. At the moment it looks like Wim's system of play and tactics may not be enough to carry the team through this important spell. The timing of the uncertainty over his contract and his “T don’t know where Tl be next season” statement could not have come at a worse time. Let's face it with friends like Brown and McCann, who needs enemies? And. whether or not this is another of Jock and Fergus’ cock-ups or whether itis down to Jansen’s own insecurity doesn’t really matter. The simple fact is that it has not helped the team at this vital stage of the season. The drop in form and Jansen’s uncertainty went hand in hand. Celtic should have responded immediately by making the best coach we've had since Ceaser’s last “sacking, an offer he couldn't refuse, However, it may be that he was only ever seen as a one year interim appointment until. Jock ‘and. Fergus came up with a mediocre altemanive. Afterall, Jock Brown did actually state Publicly last summer that Celtic contd employ a ‘stop gap’ manager for a year until they (ie. him and Fergus) 0% the man they wanted. We could still end up with Jock’s wee brother Craig yer! The teams transformation under Tansen has been a breath of fresh air. It is testament. to Jansen’s methods that it is mainly Celtic players who will be fighting it out for Player of the Year am this season, Jonny Gould, Alan Stubbs, Jackie MacNamara, Craig Burley and Henrik Lamson are all likely candidates. My own preference would be Jonathan Gould, surely. the From Bradford's third team to the verge ofa World Cup dream as our best keeper for many Let's hope that he gets. his ance in France and has already collected the Player of the Year award before he gets there! find of the season years. Alan Stubbs is another pl d. We knew from what we had been told that Stubbs was a player some class, but to be honest his real did not shine through until we signed Mare Reiper. From then on Stubbs looked like the replacement for aul Elliot in the heart of defence that we have been looking for since the big Celtic. Smbbs” future has en uncertain at times with all sorts f “unsettled” doing the ie should do everything stories ssible to hang on to this guy ckié MacNamara has been the standing playmaker for three. quarters of the season. Although he sit contribute a lot of goals, his erall_ contribution has been standing. When he plays well, am plays well. Our difficulties in the pant of the season are due in no small part to the fact that Jacke Mac as been injured. Burley has proved all of his tractors wrong. His contribution to ld and attack hus been and well beyond what I expected. His runs, his goals and even his distribution are first class. He has also adopted a never say ipproach which saw him take the against Rangers in h he was carrying shouldn’t have et on or off the field, jocks, In the end, it Burley who popped up to get the consolation goal jury time. Lionhearted when it comes to was inevitably Craig Henrik Larson too is a player who has been central to the new: Celtic side under Wim Jansen. Even though his form has ebbed in the latter part of the season, and the goals have dried up. since his role has altered to provider rather than main striker, Henrik. still has the ability to tum a game with a simple flick of the toe. This guy is class: fast, skilful, intelligent and hard working. A model professional as well as being one of the team’s genuine stars’, will he stay of go with Wim? Although 1 have singled out patticulat players for praise and criticism, it is obvious that the change in fortune this year lias been down to the fact that the side play well together as a unit, No more pha donnas, even though the odd one or two might. not be an entirely bad thing. Jansen, along with Murdo McLeod, bas instilled a discipline and fightng spirit that appeared to be lacking under Tommy Bums. He has, in his own way and by. his own methods, tumed around the situation from one of despair to one of hope. Like every other TAL reader 1 was downhearted after the Hun games, but of Darkness. The let me was less impressive and only Lambert Donnelly and Annoni should escape criticism for what was an inept Celtic performance Forget about the tiredness at the end of a long season, never mind, saving those tired, legs for a chance of @ fortnight in France with Brown's no- fopers. This Celtic team have'a chance 0 change the course of recent history by winning the league this year. They must not let us down’ Here's to the double and all the other doubles I shall drink when we celebrate oné-in-a-row By: way of a foomote’ and in ecognition that what we have Lichieved so far this season is down to the eouching methods rather than th talking heads higher up at Celtic Park, isn’t it time that we let Fergus know exuetly how we feel about the ‘prospect of Wim Jansen leaving at the end: of the season? Bombard them ‘with letters asking for the coach to be given a long term contract without the Ioopholés, That way. we might ensure that we have & settled management ‘team which next season has a chance of eater prizes. (The Kidder) talk oon reflection all is not yet lost - even though itis hard to stomach defeats by those bestards and the end of our treble hopes, In the cup game, our first half performance was as good as most I have seen us play against the ‘orces team talk with BU acs Cecag ernie The Green Pole ‘Matt the Rat, the man who built a career for himself on the backs of the Supporters, has been waxing lyrically in the Celtic View about his paid trips ‘around Britain and Ireland with the Celtic ‘Question and Answer’ Road Show. “Propaganda Campaign’ might be a better way to describe these nights, However, it seems that he and buddy, David Lowlife have't had as easy a time at the Q & A Roadshows as his Pravda column would suggest. In Luton recently, Matt denied that tiere has been any campaign waged Dy the club against supporters clubs who leave from pubs playing live Irish Rebel ‘music and pledged himself to taking up the issue in his Pravda column “if it could be proved”. Well Matt, deny this: if there is mo such campaign why has Fergus McCann recently requested from Strathclyde Police, a list of pubs in the Glasgow area which play “Irish Patriotic Music” 2 Why was a letter from Celtic recently sent to a well known Irish bar on the Southside asking what kind of music was played there and requesting information on Celtic supporters buses ‘which are associated with the pub? Why has a Dublin Supporters Club been threatened wih a cut in their ticket allocation after Celtic claimed to have received a complaint about rebel tapes being played from one day-tripping individual who travelled on their bus for the New Year fixture against the Huns? Have you completely forgotten how you ended up where you are Matt? Remember the suppor thai Celis For Change and you personally have received from Celtic Supporters all over Ireland before you tell ‘any more porkies on behalf of your paymasters a these Pravda nights, (meres Its taken a long time but news has finally reached me about @ group of supporters who travelled to Kosice to see the Bhoys play in Europe. Only 16 Celtic fans were part of an unofficial group who travelled separately from the official Travel Chub run by the “vaylight robbers” from Cambuslang. ‘They had charged the official party of fans £599 per head for what amounted to a day trip to Slovakia. Anyway, our 16 heroes hal met Fergns and Douglarse before the game and pleasantries were exchanged. ‘There appeared to be no problems, Inside the stadium, there was freedom of movement between the fans and, from section to section. Our lads went for a drink with some of the Kosice fans, Yes, they sell bevvy inside the stadiums in Slovakia! As the lads were being served, Douglarse came charging over shouimg a the ‘Slovaks that, “These people are not to be served!” The locals were somewhat bemused and ignored him thinking, that hhe was a nutter. The blioys got their beers but George was still fuming, arguing with them and threatening, to report Kosice to EUPA. Eventually Fergus appeared and simply backed up his Gestapo Chief and even began shouting and arguing as well ‘AL this point a few of the lads had to be petstiaded mot to put one on the big ex- polis's chin, You see, everybody in the stadium was allowed to drink except the official travel club pany who were watched like hawks by the ‘obergruppenfuhrer. How does it feel to be universally detested by the fans George? ‘There is an epilogue to the last story that is incredible when you think about the things that manage to preoccupy the people who run this club, One of the lads who did the mos arguing with Fergus and George in Kosice, the following season, managed to wangle some VIP tickets for the game in Cardiff against Infor Cable Tel As he wax siting with his mate, Fergns McCann suddenly spotted him in the same section as himself and the other Colic directors, The wee dictator leapt to his feet tured around and started shouting at the guy and demanded to know from those aronnd him, “How did that man get a ticket for this section?” W's Pathetic, isn't i”? er esan thar Tie Mist te sigue am cokcy Goud wou eet you set you mae’ Ue During ne show. the pevenir sed his fire quod to vote for Englah Word Bop Soe take ty sig Soba NDGA WE ee a tance epoca fag x ie cpu Senet poeeee tne, Gouiy sad. Welk 1 beter ke the Ses me a Te Fee, Deny aly tain da ce eta ages tS aoula hae gelow one ingead” A ean some of the men One no ive. ecived ‘Our thanks must go (o the latest issue of Bhoyzone, One of their sharp-eyed cconinbutors recently spotted Andy Goram dropping inte ie notoriously loyalist, Windsor Bar in Bridgeton. The Greea Pole - Digging Deeper! ANY re ree COP CTC em se Another of those stones from an away tip (o Ireland, Three Celtic players are being driven back to their hotel in Dublin. They've had a few beers and the diver sticks on a Wolfetones tape, David Hanna, for itis he, almost bursts a blood. vessel, “Ger that IRA shite aff!” says Davie to the driver One of the other Celtic players. who shall remain nameless for his own protection, grabs wee Davie and says . “Listen you, just shut up! That there is what Celtic's all about, Leave it ‘on driver!” Hanna incidentally, comes from a very Orange family. So biter in fact that two of his uncles have refused 10 talk to him since he signed for Celtic. Beore few fi mas ccrariat Sange, whch was Prerdicts? The chip « roma eat ites Peeseut Tm hardly the bell raicsna LETT MM DEL UM CS Le Tan Durrant’s book, Blue and Whie Dynamite was recently serilised in the Daily Ranger The above snippet is Durraiit making the usual, “ir wisnae me!” defence of his well known sectarian antics. The really interesting pant of the above snippel, however. is that Durrant has named someone as part of the story that we Were never aware of before, Davie Currie. Isn't this “pal” one of the leading loyalists. in the south Glasgow area? It makes Ian's protest that the very idea that he was singing sectanan somigs that night was “ridiculous” just wee bit harder to believe The Blarney Pitgrinns nt the Clada Club Westmoreiand Strat Queens Park AGA E BLARNEY PHLORIONS THE CLAGA ne Strat, Ques A Life in the day of... fe ys JOKE TALK with Big Joke Broon = The man from Hamiltoon! You know, when Fergus MeBam asked me to take over the reins at Celtic Park, I regarded its an insult... er, I mean, a privilege, To. be in charge of such a set up and attempt to run it into the ground is an honour not every. football commentator gets the chance of. It was a neat move by MeBamn afler some great build up play involving himself and McClean. Some sensational play on the wing by MeBam to outflank Hay and the hopeless Macari was all | eded to convert the chance of my mediocre lifetime As I sitin my office - like to call it The Blue Room, even though Obergruppenfuhrer George Douglarse prefers that name for his police control room - | can hardly wve my luck. Or Davie Hay’s for that matter Sitting in the Blue Room. I can’t help thinking back to those haleyon days of old at Hamilton Academicals. The names of the and the good who graced the Accies jersey. Names. like, ahem, ef, names ike... names like... Greig, or Jardine, johnstone, Baxter and Waddell. And who could forget the great Gerry Neef, the wonderful Orjan Persson, Willie Mathieson, Ronnie McKinnon, Colin Stein, Tam Forsyth ter MeCloy ? Names that will bring a tear to the eye any Rang... sory, Hamilton cies fan, T used to stand there on the Accies terraces with my brother Crag. Me, hoping fora life as a commentator, And Crag? Well, Crag just hoped fora life! Little did we know heered on the Sons of William... I mean Hamilton, that we were both destined for greater things, Crag is now successful TV pundit who will be back home in time from France to take up his usual commentary position with Sky TV for the World Cup. Whilst I, well, one aspires to certain positions in life but one seldom contemplates the ‘multifarious ways that this great swinging pendulum that is life might land. Heads or tails? And it's the mighty Glasgow Rangers to kick off Sorry, I'm getting camied away again - and Thope the referee remembers to add on some time at the end because of it! Page 7 A lot has been said in the press - well, the Sunday Mail actually - that many of those employed at Celtic Park these days are not ‘simple-minded’ enough. 1, for one, would like to dispute that assertion. Simple-minded happens to be my middle name, Just ask Fergus, if you don’t believe me. As for the Wim Jansen situation. 1 would like to answer the seurrilous smears in the press which have suggested that the relationship between myself and Wim has recently deteriorated. This is a downright lie. 1 can quite categorically state that Wim and I never had @ relationship in the first place! Anyone who says any different can see ‘me in court, where I will be most happy to represent them. 1 End the insinuation that we are about to replace Wim with my brother Crag after the World Cup a quite preposterously tue one which myself and the Blessed Fergus have had up our sleeves for a long time. Its just a pity that Wim has done so well this season. Just as the Pride of Hamilton and Larkhall District’ were about to secure their tenth glorious title in a row, along comes that fly wee Dutchman to spoil the party! If I didn’t know better I'd say it was a conspiracy. Never mind it’s not all ‘over yet -not by a long chalk Scotland To J Middlesborough Philharmonic The Glasgow Rangers Chamber Orchestra was rocked (0 t's sectarian foundations today when world-renowned flute player, James ‘Gaza’ Galway decided to part Jcompany with Govan’s most famous ensemble. Playing his last tune in the orchestral pits, Gazza was close to tears as he belted out “Flight of the Bumbling Bigot” for an adoring and emotional public. The orchestra's conductor, Mr. Walter Previn-Smith mented, “Of course It's sad to see Gazza go, but to be| honest he fs far past his best on the old penny whistle. I [wouldn't wish him upon the people of Middlesborough. All Tcan say, before I laugh all the way to the bank with the ed Luck’ to his new conductor, Mr. Brian Page 8 1 is hard not to see two defeats by Rangers on consecutive Sundays in April as anything other than disastrous. [ know it’s not all over until the fat coach signs a new contract, but is there anything more demoralising than watching the Huns tum us over two weeks running? “Depression” has been watching these bastards lit league trophies for the last nine years and feeling completely helpless and Without the hope or prospect that our team looked like stopping them. This season was different. True, we didn’t get off f0 the best of starts against them, But watching the team develop 1s a unit gave us hope where there had bbeen none, The first league defeat to the Huns was especially hard to take because they had employed the services of a man who departed in tears from them last season admitting that his best days for the Huns were well in the past. What happens? They bring Gough back from America and, the Afrikaner not only slots straight back into their team, as though he had never been atway, he even pops up to score the winner! in the next game, we were assured that Celtic had overcome their aiveté and were now in a position to take on their old rivals and play them at their own game, Frankly, 1 thought that we were worse and even more naive inthis match than we were in the first encounter of the However, we did manage to scrape a last minute draw and our league ‘campaign appeared to be given the boost it needed and our form picked up. After this in the league we managed to put together a good winning run and play with a style confidence and consistency that had been lacking in other campaigns. So confident, in fact, that most Celtic supporters could season. t wait for the New Year to come around and yet another chance to do the Huns presented itself tous ew Year, and the Huns came to Paradise and got roasted like Christmas turkeys. Celtic were pure The Seven Day Itch class, The new players seemed to have finally grasped what this match means to the fans and how significant a victory would be in adding to the confidence of an already confident team, Vietory would put us ina commanding position for the second half of the season. Two glorious goals from our new midfield and a fine overall performance seemed to beckon the dawn of a new era in Scottish football Ce didn’t just beat Rangers in this game, they seemed to have demoralised them. Their lack of confidence was tangible. You could feel that this was a team on the v lity to of disintegration. Our capitalise maintaining form all the wai end of the league campaign have meant that when it came to the final league g at Ibrox, the league could be in already. Instead, consistency, dropp that we should hav: cricket scores against off our other main rivals, on this viet despite completely outpl and dominating matches against A" so came the two crunch matches against the Huns. The first, the Scottish Cup game was a rerun of history as far as concemed. How many matches we watched over the last few y where Celtic's flair and grac: outshone by Rangers deadlines. in front of goal? That has been the story of Celtic under Brady, Bums, Macani et al, Under Wim Jansen, supposed to be different. Here was the it was wily old fox, the master tactician, whe had humiliated the Huns at the New Year. After an hour we had run out of steam and ideas, and the Huns made us pay dearly for it. A team that had contributed absolutely nothing to the game were able to simply step up a gear and make their fitness dnd stamina count. Two goals out of nothing and all our inventiveness and ingenuity stood for nothing. MeCoist should never have been allowed the The Han Games space to get the frst goal. Mare Reiper should have had him under wraps but instead took his eye off him and the 85 year old striker, zimmer fiame and all gets the first goal for the Huns cewise, the Albertz oul was one Ahat could have been closed down three times by the midtield and the defence. As Steve MacManaman demonstrated in the EUFA Cup match with Liverpool, Celtic are most vulnerable when an opposing. player with pace runs from the midfield diogonally through the centre of our defence, Our central defenders appear to be extremely comfortable when the ball is in the air. Reiper will normally just nod the ball down to Stubbs who is our most accomplished footballer at the back. However, apart from Annoni, our defenders are not able to cope with a player of pace coming directly at them. You would ha that someone might hav ought this to their attention after the game and made the adjustments. If that was a sight, then the identical Js on consecutive weeks pe defence was inept. TAME ee eee Cem te he goal in the first game, as 1 said already, could have been dlosed down. Even allowing for that one, the same player should never ve been allowed to get into the same position in the subsequent game, Paul mbert gave the initial ball away in dfield. Craig Burley chased but fell his fee and Alan Stubbs backed fFand then forced Albertz inside and to his best foot. What good is it ing the best goalie in the league this cason if the defenders and midfielders ont of him are going to commit ettors like that? The first goal Them was a rocket that né ld have stopped, although in ing that, there were a couple of ccasions early on where the ball fell sm in the same position and have served as warning to the ence to close him down. That said was nothing that could have cl the shot onee he had got to it Albertz goal, however, was ppable and untidy defending can be med for it. side from the Rangers goals, the funs did not have to tax ‘Ives that in order to contain us, They never panicked or ed on the wrack in the way that din the New Year game. They y bided their time. They are past masters at this sort of thing. We had way of bite going nic that a player who weht mainly for his defensive Paul Lambert have posed the greatest threat of goal. His Huns defence zved a better finish and his three shots in the frst half were just about the only highlights ofa piss-poor (nro a cee rest performances from our attacking players H nnrik Larson tried, as ever, but when you're playing without a strike partner its hard work. Brattbaak gets ess impressive with every game he plays. He has all the skill and finesse of Gerry Creaney. (and that’s ‘an insult 10 Gerry Creanes!) Davie Hay, on the day of the game referred tohim as“. the enigma that is Harald Bratbaak”. Could you not have told us that before you recommended the enigma” to us? T watched Bratbaak pay for Rosenburg in the Champions League and was very excited at the prospect of this ‘prolific’ goal scorer ‘coming to Celtic. A few months on, I reckon that we could have inv a decent home grown prof who would have done a steady and ‘more productive job for us in attack We were crying out for a striker that could come in, adapt to Jansen’s system, and start banging in the goals immediately. Instead we seem to have bought a ‘lash in the pan’ who may well have hidden talent that only intensive coaching sessions are likely to discover. How long must we wait Harald??? fler the game, Walter Smith said that he still regarded Celtic as having the easier run-in of the two sides and said that he felt Celtic were still the favourites’ for the title. 1 don’t know if Smith is playing mind games d la Alex Ferguson, but there is aa method to his madness somewhere - playing up the hopes of your greatest enemy at the same time as playing down the expectations of your own fans, [ wouldn't be fooled by Smith’s words. There's stil an awful lot to do Page 9 before we can claim the league fag The teams that we are up against for the final four matches have all beaten us this season. Despite three out of four of these matches being at home, they will be no walkovers. Two of the sides involved are stil fighting for a possible European place and the other two are fighting for survival Relegation for Hibs or Dunfermline will cost them £1 milion in lost revenue per season. Don’t eount your chickens... as they say! Ox thing Walter Smith did. say that 1 do agree with is; “A few weeks ago I didn't envisage thai we would be in this position. Celtic could have been seven points clear then This season isn't really about us winning ten in a rom, it’s about whether or not Celtic will throw the league away.” There you have it, from the hotse’s mouth. Please Bhoys, don’t throw it away (Wee Eck) | aw Cle ATE BES Out of Football! inder a headline “Racism Still Rules The Terraces” the Daily Express (27th February, 1998) ran a page three feature on “How the cancer at the heart of football keeps black fans away”. Meanwhile David Mellor as the head of the Task force, appears to be on a personal ‘crusade fo prove that racism is distorting football. A separate nation wide survey conducted by Leicester University, found that of 28,122 football fans questioned, almost one third had seen or heard racist abuse during games last season. Should we be surprised? ‘The Dally Mall's ‘campaign’ begins According to much of the media we should be ‘sickened’. To judge by the Daily Express presentation: ‘the survey that should shock the FA’, racism is no longer 2 problem in society, but football is the exception. Reality tells a former (?) Military Policeman /Ste Cartwright from Glasgow 3 sil ands extensive pr = Moniaco trip and riatch repos with serious analysis of Man Utd. Also analysed is the Football Tasks Force. led by the Tory gargoyle David Mellor. After the election. Mellor # should have been left to fade into political obscurity, but Labour rescued issue 3, £2 includes. p&p) available from 27 David Dale Ave. Stewarton, Ayrshire, | Scotland, KA3 37. issue 3 of the Scots once job. Amore unrepresentative E Jootball fan" you ace unlikely to met 4 Mellor has grasped with a vengeance the nee offered to him by his labour party ackers eins his own agenda forthe taskforce. Ai-racsm (when racism at football is declining) becomes the as force's obby horse raher than the ral Eisoues that afect fans suchas all-seater | Sadia an sate sanding wes, ht _ re ctl TV mofement. Whe 2 on Opportunist Tory bastard ike Mellor stats shouting about racism at foteall. star looking forthe cach. Red asitude~ Mighty recommended. (Wee Bek) Z ecbahites with guitars and fans o sive your ears a good doing! § hat no tht fat old Ns from “The Exploited’ and “Goodbye Mri H Mackenzie’ who's the “Grisly F: Another man closely associated with the emergence of the KKK is the leader of EEc1s - Will “Mr X” Browning - who was he Crown's star prosecution witness at je murder trial of his former ‘racial Ef comrades" Chase Sargent and Martin EE cross (who both got life se recently forking Wil teat) | 1 spare us the political thoughts of bands i Felike Turilehead. who, in answer (0 juestion about Scottish independence, Politically {don’t think Scotland # js mature enough (o make it as a stand 3 Fé alone nation” Patonising bastards! The 4 nag 2 good read though. (Red Dwarf 2 The Celtic-Minded Story] ‘When Davie Hay dared to suggest that those in chiatge of Celtic PLC were not sufficiently *Celtic-minded’ enough, he was routinely denounced as a Catholic bigot by those to whom his comments were aimed. Quite simply, Hay articulated what many of us feel about the people running Celtic. 1 don’t think bigotry had much to do with Hays remarks and, as a non- Catholic Celtic supporter, 1 can understand exactly what he was getting at. It has less to do with religion and more to do with a gut feeling for Celie and its roots in an immigrant community You see, that’s what I reckon is partly at the root of our problems, You just get the sense sometimes that the club doesn’t mean to the players and officials at Celtic Park, @ fraction of what it means to the fins. When we talk about players and officials not being Celticsminded’ enough. we're not tulking about Catholicism. There are enough non-Catholies involved in this finzine to knock that little bit of slanderous jigaery-pokery by MeCann & Co on the head. What we mean by ‘eltic-minded’ sre those that will ive, breathe and die for this club. The that pulled on that jersey andl Inew what the history of our club meant to the people on the terraces and stands. The term Celtic-minded applies as much to Stein, Wallace, Auld, Dalglish, McGrain and Provan (to name but 6) as it does to any Catholic who pulls on the hoops. The reason why there may have been questions raised about — the “George Douglas. commitment of certain officials and. players to Celtic’s cause this season is pethaps because they appear to be passionless about the club. There are too many people at Celtic Park right now who are content to draw a wage and see Celtic remain second best to Rangers, These people - and, wait for it, some of them are even Catholics! - have never known what it was like to stand on the terraces for all those years through thick and thin, good times and bad. The players are the least of our ‘worries because it seems to be those in the highest positions within the chib hierarchy who seem to be the least perturbed by our poor performances ‘on the field of play. Why?9? Well, for starters, how ean an ‘avowed’ and “alleged” supporter of Hamilton Accies for most of his life suddenly know ‘what it means to be a Celtic supporter? Celtie will never run through the veins ‘of someone like that, That isn’t bigotry, it’s just common sense, You can’t change @ lifelong commitment fiom one football eam to another just because it happens to be your job and in your financial interests .Now he spends “Are we fucking mad or what?” Yl guarantee that Brown, Douglas, MeLean und MeCann didn’t lose any sleep after the two recent defeats by Rangers. They seem to be content to watch the commercial side of the club flourish, bask in the glow of political non-entities who encourage their latest PR stunt against their own fans and count the money that they are actually taking out of the club, Jock Brown gots a very good wage from the money that we put into the club. So does the guy who duplicates his PR job, Peter McLean - who, incidentally always was and always will be a Hun at heart, no matter what Fergus’ apologists from the Bhoyzone fanzine say about him. “A nice wee guy...” indeed! used to spend his time nicking Celtic fans outside the} ground for such gross misdemeanours| jas being drunk or pissing against a! wall... his time getting his private security firm to| throw our fans out of their stadium.” Fergus MeCann will not only walk away from the club with in excess of £35million when he goes, but he also, a8 a ‘working’ managing director, takes a very substantial wage from the club at present George Douglas, perhaps the biggest earpetbagger of all, used to spend his time nicking Celtic fans outside the ground for such gross misdemeanours as being drunk or pissing against a wall, Just as the old board were going, and Fergus was coming in, the bold George ‘privatised’ the stewarding operation at Parkhead. Now he spends his time getting the his private security firm to throw our fans out of their own stadium. Are we fucking mad or what? This guy actually had the nerve to tum up on the doorstep of a wee boy who rran onto the park last year to read the riot act to his parents, repossess his season ticket, and tell the wee man that ‘he was banned from Celtic Park. He better know what to expect if he ever shows his face near my fucking door, ‘know what 1 mean Gearge? Wee boys fare more his measure though. ‘These same people have the cheek to lecture the rest of us about bigotry and what it means 0 be a Celtic supporter. Would that they knew or even had the slightest clue as to what it means to be a Celtic supporter? J well remember Jock Stein threatening. to ram the microphone of a Radio Clyde commentator up his arse after one such defeat: “We all know where your allegiances lie”, said “eltie= an understanding of what this club means toall of us. Big Jock had it. Kenny had it, Danny had it. Nothing to do with religion, more to do with class and background and identity As Billy MeNeil recently stated in an interview with Sky's Celtie Park Hour: “We (the Lisbon Lions) couldn't believe how lucky we were. Here we were playing for the team that most of us supported anyway and getting paid for it! That’s how we always saw ourselves. We saw ourselves as an extension of the supporters. If we weren't playing we would have been up there on the terraces with them.” errr) Anti-Fascist Action Statement to Conpargr Against Seranae ‘tacks Publi Meeting. Glasgow, Feb ‘98 We extend te greetings of Ant Fascist Action to this meeting and pledge our continued support for the Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks and the Celtie Fans Against Fascism organisation. ‘With our experience of fighting. against organised feist groups in Scolland, England, Wales and Ireland, there is n0 doubt in the minds of AFA members that there is a common thread to the type of attacks that have been witnessed recently Look at any racist lack and compare it to these sectarian attacks and you will see an undeniably similar’ method of operation. The only dlferences between rice alacks and sectarian attacks are the organisations which directly benefit from them. By this we mean thatthe organisations. which benefit from racist atacks, whether random or organised. are in the long min the fascists of the National Front and the British National Pany. In Scotland, the direst beneficiaries of sectarian attacks are Joyalist corganisatons such as the UVF UDA and the LVF. Increasingly however loyalist’ and fascist organisations have become virtually indistingnishable from each other, having a cross. over of members strategy and tactics In England, to be a fascist is to be a loyalist, and to be a loyalist is to be 2 fascist, In Scotland, the differences between the two are merely ‘organisational, and sometimes not even ‘that cleat. At last year’s general election, all ten of the signatories who proposed the BNP candidate in Shettlesion were ‘members of fascist or loyalist groups, ‘The same story in Govan and Clydesdale (where all of the BNP’s proposers came from the notoriously loyalist town of Larkhall), ‘The fascists and the loyalists network fogether, organise together and march fogether In April, 1996, London AFA ‘mobilised against a Combat 18 stewarded loyalist march in London. A confrontation took place between Anti- Fascist Action stewards and a group of fascists and loyalists who were drinking, Aogether in the White Hart pub in Central London. Interestingly, the loyalist Mute band which came off worst in this the Pride of Govan "Bund from Glasgow who were there under the patronage of the paramilitary fascist group Combat 18. Combat 18's leader Charlie Sargent, who boast of his friendship with UFF arsassn and leading loyalis. prisoner, Johnny Adam was himself recently sentenced to life for rmrder Sargent is mot alone among fascist leaders who have a direct connection to loyalism. Terry Blackham the current ‘activities’ organiser of the National Front has only recently been released from jail afer serving a four year sentence for UDA gun-running. Among Blackham's supporters who visited him whilst he was in a Scottish prison were loyalists. from Bridgeton. Frank Portinari and Eddie Whicker are another two NF members with connections and, in Portinari’s ease convictions for loyalist gun running Going futher back, in the mid-1980's, 2 ‘Neo-Nazi rock band called ‘Offensive ‘Weapons’, played concerts in Belfast and London in aid of Loyalist Prisoners to exclusively fascist audiences. Two of the bands members were called John Adair and Sam MeCrory. When Mo Mowiam, the Northem Ireland secretary recently visited the Maze Prison to discuss difficulties over the loyalist ceasefire, two of the four UFF prison leaders that she held talks with were the notorious Johnny Adair and his leader, Sam MeCrory MoCrory, incidentally, sports a ‘White Power" taitoa on his right forearm, You ‘can understand then, that it is with some confidence that AFA. can say that half the leadership of the UFF in Long Kesh are notorious Neo-Nazis, All of this information points to the fact that loyalist and fascist organisations ‘operating in Britain are inextricably Knked both —organisationally and femme emilee em tater Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks politically, Jason Campbell, the man who murdered a 16 year old Celtic fan, whilst probably not formally a member of any organisation on the far tight nonetheless shared a common goal and method with them, To terrorise and subjugate a minonty community ‘The question for this mecting is how do Wwe fight such attacks, In order to fight against the perpetrators of such attacks ‘we must first find out who they are. That means @ gathering of information on loyalists and fascists who ate likely 19 be engaged in or directing the assanls. We also need to have every attack no matter hhow minor reported to an independent body. The police have shown their colours by denying that the attacks are even taking place. No matter whether itis spilting, punching, kicking, or stabbing we need to know what is happening in frder that we can take preventative action Its important ay well that our actions, are well organised. The press, as has been shown by the witch-hunting article in the Daily Record, are rarely on the side of those who stand up against such hatred, The mere mention that people should be prepared to physically defend themselves Is enough for the press to turn victims into aggressors, the architects of thelr own misfortune, However, that doesn't mean that We should not he prepared to fight back physically when necessary The reaction of the Daily Record to the first Celnc Fans Against Fascism leafle: was not only hysterical, it was part of an orchestrated campaign (0 outlaw anti-fascism. ‘Throughout Europe the same thing is happening. As society moves further to the right it is no longer fashionable for journalists to hound far right groups. Instead it is anti- fascists who have become the victims of press smears, Ina récent editorial a Danish Dauly newspaper commented: “/t is not the violent rhetoric of the fascists that 1s the problem, ut is the actual violence of the anticfascists that is the problem Increasingly it will be people like those at this meeting who bear the brunt of attacks from the state, as well as their lapdogs in the tabloid press, Our organisation, AFA. has already ad an international conference tamed and disrupted by press smears insigated by a Labour ‘council, operating to a right wing agenda ‘That is what we are up against, That is why the police can so brazenly dismiss and deny the numbers of sectarian attacks. That is why the police can ‘circulate rumours in the Bridgeton area, Seen ave Been dom recently that an of Cec fans are akbatory atacks upon pubs in is also. why the’ police ndageton was only rectly increase was not designed ic fans going, through the wras in fact designed 10 protect bs from the imaginary attacks wo weeks ago, al a Bloody Sunday mmemoration in London, the National at counler-lemonstration scorted into the area by the police and eft the area immediately aflerwards with the police. It was Anli-Fascist Action rather than the were hounded for hours on the day by police With the state increasingly adopting, the agenda of the far right, it is obvious to us that to expect the police to do anything out racism or sectarian attacks is futile In light of this it is necessary to draw a line in the sand and say ‘shis far and no further’. ‘The only people capable of stopping fascist altacks and murders are those in this room tonight and those outside who we can convince of our approach. AS for AFA, we pledge ourselves to do everything in our power Politically arid physically, to achieve an ond {0 sectarian attacks against Celtic supporters and members of the Catholic community in Glasgow fascists who sectarian CT Dieta di eke dh hn Bc Senet ne CEs ein ace Tiocfaidh Ar Lat rep Fansine for Celtle supporters wo to express on behalf of our editorial group our full and un for Celtic Fans Against Fascism the Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks, Despite the high profile public campaign, Bhoys Againsi Bigotry, Celtic Football Club has never addressed itself to the issue of atlacks upon its own supporters by loyalist bigots. Even when 16 year old supporter. Mark Scott, was nmrdered in Bridgeton by Jason Campbell, the club remained silent. The latest attack on ther Celie supporter, Sean ‘was nothing less than allempted murder, The response of the club to Sean’s attack Was to issue no statements to the press and offer no advice to fins through the club's own newspaper. The Celtic View The only response that Celt did make to Sean's attack, after publicity appeared in the newspapers, was to send him a copy of the Social Mission Statement and to olfer him free tickets to the director's box for a subsequent home game. After being stabbed in the neck by a loyalist, it is hhardly relevant to send the victim @ copy of the club's policy on bigotry Itis only when campaigns and meet like thas are organised by fans themselves hat the Cele PR machine goes into ‘overdrive, not io suppor. such initiatives Dut to denigrate them. The fact is that with their roots in the immigrant Insh conimunity of Glasgow and with such ji) stance against bigotry. i eon Celtic FC who organised the response to sectarian attacks, But what do we get instead? We are attacked by our own club for singing songs which our farizine would argue are part of the culture and history ofth We have elimination by stealth approach to forthe should club and it's supporters Ener the presence of the Irish Tricolour among supporters in the stan as declaring that the tricolour will remain flying above the stadium. The club see only one colour when it comes to the question of bigotry and unfortunately that colour appears to be green. Yet, the fact Temains that in the Glasgow area, most and the physical attacks which accompany it, is actually anti- Catholic and anti-rish It is not even hhanded and bigotry cannot always be defined as two sides of the Sometimes: the coin ids, at the same time ‘amplistcal double-headed one. As for our own fanzine which esponses an unashamed republican outlook, we have often been accused of sectarianism ourselves. Again, we would argue that it depends who is pointing the Finger, and from where, that defines what a particular person thinks constitutes bigotry. Bigotry it Seems is m the eye of the behold Does arguing for a tinited Ireland make us bigots? Does supporting the trish people's right to selt-determination make us bigots? Does supponing Sinn Fein’s Tight to be at the negotiating table in the Peace Process make us bigots? We don't think $0 and neither do a substantial umber of Celic supporters who buy our fanzine. It seems that the met support for Irish Republicanism, and sometimes even just being prepared to openly debate the issue of Ireland, is ngh to have you denounced and exposed in sections of the Scottish media Look at the Daily Record’s reaction 10 his campaign. The mere existence of @ ‘campaign that might challenge and defest the attacks of loyalist bigots is treated with alarm. I's organisers, in this case Celtic Fans Against Faselsm, are denounced as “terovisis, thugs hardliners and vigilantes” A pub where a box number is registered is exposed by the same paper. All of the methods that We have come to recognise as those of the tabloid guter press. Tt would be [err funny were it not so irresponsible. By ‘exposing the box number address, the Daly Record reporter leaves innocent people in fear and danger from further Ssectanan attacks. It shouldbe remembered that on the anniversary of Jason Campbell's uncle's death, the UVF bomber, "Big Bill” Campbell, three Irish Pubs in Glasgow were firebombed ‘Compare this to the initially sympathetic treatment of Sean O'Connor alter the ‘k by the Daily Record and their previously sterling reporting of the Jason Campbell affair and you have a case for arguing that certain sections of the press in the West of Scotland not only live off the issue of sectarianism, they actually promote it, The attitude seems to be one of “Can't live with them, can't make a living without them Tt is no itony that the same reposter who \wrole the smear story against Celtle Fans Against Fascism, less than two weeks later penned a two page article boasting of her visit to the “inner sanctum’ of the Loyalist Volunteer Force. Was this her reward from the most sectarian group of loyalists in the north of Ireland for her recent smear of Celtic Fans Against Fascism? We believe that this issue of campaigning against the sectarian attacks on should u supporters. From the people who run the club to the fans in the stands, this Isa campaign that should place no barriers between Celtic supporters. We all have & common interest and a common goal The strategies and tacties for taking the campaign forward we can all discuss, argue and debate as people with the same interests at heart, Our Supporters should be able to walk the streets of this city without the fear of allack. What is unreasonable about that demand? Who disagree with fault or misconstrue as sectari a campaign? Only a bigot cou M.D. (for TAL Eaitorial Group) Goltic fans seek new bypass gaunt ail station to} attack’ ‘Above: Scotland On Sunday 152.98 Their report of the campaign was unbiased despite ‘eff-the-record’ attempts to smear It. Fergus” Letter tothe Campaign Letter to the Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks from Fergus McCann, Managing Director, Celtic FC. Dear Mr. MeAlaoise, Sectarianismn This club has received two letters from you this week, one addressed to ‘Celtic’ ‘and the other to “Bhoys Against Bigotry T would point out that “Bhoys Against Bigotry’ is a campaign to work against bigotry in any form. instigated by Celtic Football Club and now involving many ‘organisations such as around one Inmndred of Glasgow's schools Regarding your invitation to send a speaker to your event on Friday. 13° in the City “Halls, Celtic will not be represented atthe gatherings the club has serious concems regarding the motives of some of the factions involved in this event (eet ea Gila tice aa Cater Statement to Public Meeting of Cam RIVER LEC Res “Having been the target of a nakedly sectarian attack carried out by loyalist bigots it makes me proud to see that there are people who are prepared to stand Jup and demand an end to such cowardly attacks. Those who oppose relighous| Intolerance and indeed all forms of bigotry should support the aims of the Celtic Fans Against Fascism campaign. I believe that their aims and objectives are positive and forward thinking and I find the attempt by some sections of the| ‘media to portray those involved as “Vigilantes” and “Hardliners” deeply offensive. Bigotry has no place in society and I hope that through this campaign all sectarian attacks against the Catholic community in Glasgow shall cease.” ‘With regard to sectarian lacks in the city, there are many areas, regrettably, that are sectarian flash points: these areas have been discussed with the police and the Coltic Supporters Association and appropriate action taken in terms of advising supporters. through the supporters network and working with the police o recognise the need for mcreased policing in particular areas. claim that there is no agenda’ in your campaign. Celtic strongly suspects that there 1s ‘another not so “hidden agenda’ bedded in your campaign and not a healthy one Your literature would certainly suggest it If your campaign is seriously (sic working against sectarian attacks, | would suggest that his (si) matter be left in the hands of the Club, the Celtic Supporters ation and the police Regarding some of your calls for action Asso. shine the proposal of 0 Celtic Park is has been lobbying The safety of the Celtic always a prionty for the management of Celtic Football Club and we will continue to actin the interests of the supporters of the Chub. ‘Yours sincerely, Fergus MeCann, the club Celtic FC stil remains publicly stent on the Issue of sectarian attacks, only springing to action when CASA organises an activity. The campaign ‘organisers believe that there were lements present at our meetings who reported back our proposed activities to the police and the club, This is evident after a protest activity planned for a home game outside Celtle Park had to be called off due to the massive presence of police and extra stewards drafted in for the day. Our meeting point in the clty centre that day also had a large scale police presence. Despite this, we are determined to continue with the Campaign Against Sectarian Attacks. Mr. McCann, has also been embroted in a bitter dispute ‘with the Supporters Association due to their lack of enthustasm for ‘Bhoys Against —Bigomy’ and their interpretation of the ‘Celtic-minded’ debate, We aré not alone, tte) into the eat faceless gunmen with taste aT Be ‘only be described sensational outburst, Anna Smith, the Dally Record’s Chief Reporter” has made threats against members of the TAL Team after we criticised her Irresponsible article about Celtle Fans Against Fascism and the Campaign gains! Sectarian Awacks. The threats came after Smith called the Anti Fascist Action hotline and asked for an associate of this fanzine by name. Describing the last Green Mole column as “a silly move as he will soon find out...” and, implying loyallsusectart connections, she stated that she has probably spent more time in Northern Ireland than he has...” According to AFA, her manner then took a more threatening tone. ‘This excuse for a journalist tien went on to say. "T have friends on both sides im Northern Ireland”. She said that she knew the source of the information about e witl be dealt with...” Asked whether this was a threat she refused to answer or be drawn an the implication of we obvious. Is i! just a that Anna Smith, within days ar of Celtic Fans Against wo page publicity ng aS Inwestigaine yalist Volunteer wat are you going to do her anid ina sister twist added, sther b Force Drop our names to prter Ihreatens TAL” “The people who write and sell that fanzine are completely bonkers. I know the people in Chapethall who buy it and| they're off their heads!” Anna Smith, Chief Reporter, Daily Record. Obviously an expert when it comes to insanity. Portadown or Airdrie? | Hardly think that you'd be telling them anything that they didn’t know already. Oris it the old Daily Record exposes the men behind the masks whoeze? The suspense is Killing Despite being a season ticket holder at Parkhead. Anna Smith has sought to ctiminalise and demonise those of us who have been prepared to make a stand against sectarianism. Not content with thar, she also betrayed her contempt for republican supporters among by stating. “The people who write and sell that fancine are completely bonkers I know the people in Chapethall who bus d they're off their heads ax well! Anna Smith is obviously an authority on imsanity rea We do not know whether her agenda is, completely her own, It could be a combination of her editors, the police or the ‘powers-that-be’ at Celiic Park. We also suspect that some of her information has been supplied by people who like to ‘ink that they are “Jef wing”, such is the jealousy and hatred of this fanzine and Celtic supporters in general. It is interesting to note that a few years ago using exactly the same method of tracing, PO Box numbers. which she describes as, ‘standard journalistic practice”, a certain Anna Smith who at the time was ‘working for the Sunday Times Scotland, ‘attempted to make contact with Red Action with regard to an article on their Irish Republican links. Red Action ignored her calls, but it seems that her pursuit of Glasgow-based militant republicans is a recurring theme. Spooky As we predicted ourselves the tabloid press have immediately sought to scare off supporters from a campaign which was purely defensive in mature. Despite the smears, 100 Celtic fans turned up for the first public meeting of the campaign and pledged themselves to the fight against loyalist allacks on Celtic porters. At other clubs such moves would be applauded. But not at Celtic. Is there collusion between the club and the press to denigrate the campaign? Anna Smith has been rattled by AL'S Ueat to print her address, We have further news for Ms. Smith because despite the threats that she made in a telephone conversation with APA's press officer, we are warning her that if the harassment contismes not only will we print her address, we might just print the pictures and other juicy information as well. How's that for Journalistic practice’? standard Contract Killers !!! Readers may have read in previous issues of TAL (17 & 18) our information and analysis of fascist involvement in certain, football casual “firma’ in Scotland, In kt we named] fevers! individuals whe have in oar opinion of the named indvidoas| szangaters with very ite in fs or brains. We stand by the despite recently being being chat our articles effectively “grassed” them up for thelr drug dealing wctiviies. As se previously stated, ifthe cops ae eravling ness Interests’ then ‘we can 0 easily find set strike hem that the coppers are probably on to them wx well??? Your “grass” is much more likely toe closer to home, my fiends. Page 29 Dear TAL, ‘am a 16 year old pupil at a Roman Catholic High School in the Glasgow area where the SMF (Senior Management Team) have sided with Mr MeCann and his anti-bigotry campaign. There aze two high iools in this area. Everyday, on my way Jo school, | see pupils from the other school with their Rangers shirts, searves and jackets, while pupils from my own school must wear schiool uniform. We are not even allowed to wear Celtic hats or scarves to keep us warm in winter, Celtic ‘ops and shorts are also banned from PE lasses, yet our Hun supporting teacher yuums a blind eye to the odd Rangers kit which makes-an appearance! In order (0 combat this bigotry in a Catholic school, and some other fascist goings-on that 1 have encountered, I have decided to join he Celtic Anti-Fascists and purchase 100 of the Celtic Fans Against Fascism stickers which [ intend to decorate my school with. Please reply soon, CP, Glasgow. Prisc 1 Vana ro Ripa pcr ctromnd in prison got your areas fram acopy of Fighing Tatk. | would be very gui for any copies of TAL, Celic Stull ond anytung egardg the troubles" oe hin a vaya powabe. 1 would as tke tend TAL poor wd wt work and ityou jg tem tobe worthy you can pat tiem I've encloled a pou its he Fi oe tha I've ever wrote nny entire ie you prim it dance a fckin’ ji fndaneerdae sand Yours ete, Sun, HMP Armley, TAL REPLY: Get jigging Shan ‘cos if You search for Rlement’s page In tht issue you Il find that your poem ts there! Uta Red And G Dear Celts, Many thanks forissue 19 and my TAL membership card. The only snag was thet you forgot to send the stickers! There's a place round here thal is frequented by Ciy/Hun bigots who aren't too keen on my Red Attitude stickers, Hopefully they won't like the ‘TAL ones either! Yours, tn red and green, DC, Cumbria. TAL_REPLY: Sorry that you haven't recerved your stickers yet, Hopefully, by the time you read this issue, you will have already got them. run out of ‘em, and have ordered another batch! Any other readers who have been waiting a while for stickers and TAL SC cards - apologies, we're getting 10 you, eventually! Dear TAL, ‘This is only the second issue of TAL that ve read, and I have to say that it makes some interesting and funny reading I've enclosed a fiver fora sub, I'd also very ‘much appreciate if you could also enclose some information on where I can get some republican posters and slogans to display around my workplace. Please also enclose membership for TAL Thanks for your help, CA, Kainburgh. Dear TAL, Hove Celtic and I love Tiocfaidh Ar La! So congratulations on doing an excellent job with your fanzine. TAL is brillant! 1 ‘came across it through some Celtic friends and, having read issues 18 & 19. I'm hooked! Please find enclosed a cheque for my first subscription and £4 for 100 Celtic Anti-Fascist stickers. Please also enrol me in the TAL Supporters Club. I have also enclosed a small donation of £6 to your fanzine. Keep TAL coming and all the best ‘Stan Go Fait” ‘CW, London (Irish). Dear TAL, On behalf of myself and my cousin. who is also u regular reader, we'd lke to thank you for the couple of hours of pleasure that you give us when each issue is published. I enclose a tenner for 200 stickers to decorate my local area, Govan, especially forall those visiting the 50.0 all-seater, outdoor ‘lodge’ up the road from us. | feel that itis long overdue that 2 Celite Anti- Fascist organisation was set ‘up, I's nice to know that some people are ‘out there and willing to get up off their arses and do something. The fanzine is by far the best on the market, so please keep up the good work. | especially enjoy the ‘Fans Around The World’ section and the posters, Please send the stickers and a couple of membership cards, and also the address of the St. Pauli fanzines. Please ‘could you also tell me what the poster in issue 19 says ‘cos I can’t speak German? If you need any help with anti-fascist, anti- racist and anticloyalist events please get in touch, We'd be glad to help TAL in any way we can, Release the prisoners say the Govan Provos! Yours Provolly, M & R, Govan, Glasgow TAL REPLY: Thanks for the ofer of help lads. We'll be in touch with you soon None of us at TAL speak German too well either, but we reckon that the poster in the last tssue basically means, “Women of the IRA ~ The struggle widens". If that's not right then we'll probably get a barrowtoad of letters from our German readers slagging us! Letters Dear TAL, First | would like to say how much I enjoy reading the magazine. I have only jst started to buy TAL but will continue doing so, Your most interesting articles are ‘on the Campaign Against Secrarian Attacks. We cannot allow this to happen on our own doorstep and 1 would ke ‘more information about what we can do about it am sick of these scum bastards ‘and their shitebag attacks. 11 is about time that Fergus got his Bhoys Against Bigotry ‘campaign to take some action ~ not fucking Tikely? | would also like to join your supporters club, afer reading your paragraph tre TAL 19 about, "it's not about how many books you read or marches you go 0, about what you do about it Please send 100 Cele Fans Agaanst Fascism Stickers. I have enclosed a cheque for them and the membership fee, I Took forward to hearing from you about any activities or meetings inthe future ‘See you tater, The Baillieston Provo. G Friends, After buying the TAL, (issue 1571 read with great interest your story ofthe "Scum Alliance which will be following Scotland during the World Cup. The story sparked my attention, not so much becanse of the hooligan alliance but moreso because of the BNP/NF activists who are involved in it As usual. a certan Mr Steven Castwrigh' cropped up again in relation to this topic. with his motley crew of Neanderthals who tag along with the UVF (Union of Vegetable Farmers!) Carturight’s BNP claims to be the defensive vanguard for Notthem Ireland to stay British and Unionist within the UK, Does this muppet Cantwright know wha happening it Eire amonig his fascist fiends? Many will be interested to know that in Southern Ireland th fascist neo-Nazi organisations T. Kane's “NSIWP’ (National Soctalis Irish Workers Party) in Dublin, and the Kilkenny City NSP (National Socialist Party) along with the SAI (Social Action Initiative) in Co, Cork. These Nazi groups in the south are also very amti-Provo, auiti- Socialist, anti-Marxist, ani-working class They also claim to work on an ‘all-treland? basis. This presumably moans that they regard Novthem Ireland as ‘theirs which suggests that they mught be at loggerhends with their British counterparts who believe that “Ulster is British’. An interesting situation for Mr Cartwright and Co. to get their heads around, eh? JB, Glasgow Perea ere SUBSCRIBE TO FIGHTING TALK eee eee eee! Subscription rates tor 4 7 Picnics issued: WAI UU ete tooo ferns Hi Folks, We've heard a lot about your magazine and your political campaigns. We're a gang of Feyenoord fans who all support Geetha AVAILABLE FROM LONDON AFA - £1.50 BULK ORDERS £11.25 PER EACH 10 COPIES. rnrtnteo ty Peers BAGK ISSUES AVAILABLE AT £1.50 EACH ANTI-FASCIST ACTION BM 1734, LONDON WC1N 3xx after AFA NATIONAL PHONE NUMBER 0976 406 870 Sele ae ome tarot teem fia eal toa ee Feyenoord. For me personally this unsuccessful (for onr teams!) ‘combination goes back at least ten years Through all those years me and others have been wearing Celtic shits. I stated to some Ajax fans wearing, Tt was easy for us - we more! But, that is wve written this letter Ra could hate them ev not really why 1 ‘We would like to get your magazine and exchange some stickers. We would also like 10 meet some of you. In September ‘98 two of us will be travelling through England and Scotland. The hightight will ‘tic match (we hope! hes 8 shit be a visit to @ Maybe we ean drink afew pints t Don't worry about places 10 sleep, we Iready: have some friends in Glasgow a we will stay with, So, we hope to from you. Lastly. don’t because if there's anyone in the world who can bring you the first in a row of en it willbe Wim Jansen, The best covich wu earth, We raiss bi lhe best, bw Feyenoord Fai am aired skinhead from Genoa. I would ke fo join your membership and | would cea list of material (T= S, pins and stickers} of TAL ainst Fascism. 1 fF you are om and the Dear TAL, [am a 16 year old boy from Frondenberg in Germany. 1 am @ mad St. Pauli and Celtic supporter. So, Tam looking for a male or female pen- frend who is a Celtic supporter I would die to see Celtic playing in next years Champions League. So do your See You! And remember, very best don’t just play football, celebrate it Yours, Roman. My address is Roman Laczkowski Strickherdicker Weg 11, 58730 Frondenberg, Germany Good Luck fi Helio TAL: Bast wishes and good luck to the fanzine makers of Tiocfaidh Ar La! And to all the fans of Celtic of Glasgow. Good Continuation! Kenavo! Nicolas, FC Nantes Fan, Breizh, Meee See ees TRY, Freundianen Iriands, 0/0 NN Bucher, Kastonienallee 45, 10435 Berlin, Germany We recommend that German-speaking TA readers subsertbe to this excellent magazine {rom Berlin As well as thelr own views on the stouation tn Ireland, the mag alse Includes selected trandations from Republican News, Red Action and TAL. There's good Irish rmerehandlse forsale; including posters, tapes and T-Shirts. (costs $ DM ine. P&P) DeLee Ubersteger ce Faladen, Theatr 94, St Paull 22767 arbor. Germany. (SDM) The biggest selling St. Paull fanzine. There's roves und views on ll things St. Paull and Siler from TAL usually conte news om Celtic. The magazine ft tn German ‘bat thore’s lotr of pictures and cartoons for those, Hike ws, whe dan’t have « “Danay La re on aout Spliner, Raphael Kansky, Hopfenstr. 4, ‘St Paull, 20359 Hamburg, Germany SDM including post & packaging) Another St. Paull fanzine, this ome fas more poles in i. Ireland, ant fascism and Donk rock veom ta be H's main concoms alter St on the park, of ‘Glasgow punk band called Ex Cathedta, Essentially, the band are a bunch of cleset Hans posing as “Wadieal Awarchiss’. It ‘anything, this incerview samply demonstrates that most Glasgow musicians (apart from those in Irish bands who Ex-Cathedra ts their ‘ignorance routinely dismiss as “sectarian Ihave liule of value to say oF contribute on mything. E-Cathedra only betrayed thelr call and thelr contempt for vd. They. walt for it, they rare Partick Thistle’'s “non-sectarinis (St, Paal’s “anti-racism. Laugh? We would ‘oe funny I these no- marks weren't so serious, The incerview ends in ne of the bund trading seacements about the TRA that sound ike ‘Sun’ headlines. The only questions that Pa pose to Splitter is: what exaety was the potat ‘ofaterviewing there wankers? And, don’t you think dat TAL would have interviewed the I they had anything remotely Interesting say? It's enlightening thet EX Cathodes have {0 g0 to Germany to get this kind of attention Ta Bily Power, 1s one of the ‘Birmingham 6° men who were wrongly imprisoned for pub bombings in the 1970's and released after 16 years amid a furore over British Injustice. Billy spoke recently to TAL's intrepid Interviewers, The Hammer and The Leyton Buzzard, who asked him about Ife on the outside, victims of Injustice, and his hopes for the Irlsh peace process. TAL: Firstly, how's life been for you since your release from ‘prison? Billy: Not too bad. I'm getting used to it, We are still fighting for a pardon and compensation ‘but after six years that matter still isn't settled, They've made a couple of offers but how do you puta price on those years? Spending 16 years in prison for something we hadn’t done. It's nol just about money. My children lost their father and 1 lost the chance to be a father to them, So far, their estimates of compensation have been derisory in our opinions, {fat gets settled will you stay ‘in Britain? At the moment 1 don't know although ulimately 1 have always felt that I'd go back to Ireland. Probably 10 Cork or Dublin. Again, it depends on how things go with the legal claims that we are pursuing. What do you think about how you were fted up? ‘As you know, we were arrested fon our way to the funeral of @ republican in Belfast, We never hid the fact tha we had republican sympathies or that friends of ours had been involved in things. Personally T'm not really a supporter of violence, but ultimately, we all supported the goal of the Republican Army which is a united Ireland. We were stopped ‘on the way over to the funeral LTR MTT ee ‘and false forensic evidence wae ‘used to convict us. And, even after release, 6 years later, we're still having to fight for basic rights How do you mean? Well, my wife has to work all the hours under the sun just to keep us going. Do you know that I don’t qualify for state benefits because T am deemed by them to be “unemployable aaNer the years it prison and the high profile nature of our case? How do you occupy yourself now then? ‘When we were released, all of tus (the Burmingham 6) felt obliged 10 help all of those people inside British prisons that we knew to be innocent like us and victims of Batish miscarriages of justice Frank Johnson whose case you feature k of TAL (19) frend of mane and he clearly didn't commit the crime that he was accused for, ‘The Bridgewater Four was also a case that I campaigned. for Jimmy is a good mate of mine Frank is And Roisin McAliskey yament on trumped u while she was pregnant was an absol disgrace. The authonties kn she was innocent but I think that they punished her because of her family and who her mots is. Bemadette's always been thom in their side Generally, myself and the other lads will try to give our support to these and ther similar cases. I've been all over the place speaking on the subject and so has Paddy Hill who I think you've met on his travels to Glasgow What do you think about the Peace Process in the north of Ireland? I think that this is the best chance since the war started to bring about a fair setlement of the conflict. 1 think that Gerry Adams has emerged out of this head and shoulders above the other party leaders atthe talks, 1 also believe that Bertie Ahern has played a more constructive role than his predecessor, Bruton, who seemed always to be more a home in the company of the unionists than the nationalists. Ultimately, the border has to go. In the rest of Europe borders are becoming Jess important from the point of view of trade, Even on economic grounds it's hard to argue against the north becoming part of the economy of a united Ireland. England no longer represents the answer 19 the unemployment problems of the north or the south. They have their own unemployment problem thanks to the legacy of Thatcher. Less people are moving over in search of work, prefernin communsties, Maybe that's why the Catholic population in the nnotth is booming?! According to the census of 1991, they reckon that the Catholics would be the majority in the north inside 20 years. I think that took even the British government and the fo stay in their own unionists by surprise. There hadn't been a census for 20 years, you see, because the tuationalists boyeotied the last fone. That could be why the rush want rather tan wait, Becanse, even based on—_—popullation calculations, it looks like we're heading for a united tretand, negotiate now Lastly, What do you think of the Sancine? T dunk it's great, From my point of view. I espectally like the fact azine regularly uff about the yublican prisoners and other prisoners who are victims of the unjust British legal system When you're inside and a magazine like this comes and you see your name in it, you immediately get a lif [think ‘maybe you could expand on that part of it and start featuring a few more of the injustive cases in a bit more detail. It's also, of course, about the supporters ‘making themselves heard. Cole's an Irish chub, they'll never change tha, and TAL reflects the feelings of most supporters that { talk to on this issne of Celtic's roots, | Motherwell Road, Bels Drop in for a ‘Sunday Session with Shebeen Live Irish Music Every Sunday Afternoon eee ae ea “1 Tiocfaidh ir Feggin’ La The all-party talks reached their conclusion and were hailed by the British, Irish and American governments asa “historic breakthrough”. Among Irish Republicans and their supporters, however, there is some confusion about what exactly is on offer. There hhas been speculation about arms decommissioning, disbanding the RUC and the possible early release of prisoners, with ‘conditions’ of course. It is important, however, to ‘and see that a bigger political picture to be drawn which puts the media hype about the ‘agreement’ in the proper context. It is right to be sceptical about the sincerity of the Bnts and the Free Stuters, but it is also right to be confident of the abilities of those who have led the Republican strugele for the past three decades. It 1s also important to recognise that the people who forced the Brits into negotiations with Sinn Fein were the volunteer soldiets of the IRA. The British Establishment was bombed to the negotiating table. And, when they made coneessions to unionism which ended the first ceasefire, they were bombed back to the negotiating table. That in essence was the logical conclusion of the armed struggle. The Republican Movernent wanted. their Britain) to recognise their litical representatives, acknowledge cit right to argue for self mination: and recognise their t to negotiate a political settlement re ts a question that can be put those various e conservative British (who never supported the IRA on. and who have ‘ceasefire uite seriously to denly become Nees) to those quasi-religious republican fundamentalists, who are falling over each other to shout ‘Sell Out!”. The question is, “What is your alternative?” The tus quo? If that is what they aare arguing for, and I've heard nothing from them to convinee me otherwise, it puts them in. the camp of the most reactionary BY clements in British and Irish society. That's what Paisley is arguing for and that is what night wing conservatives. and fascists have been arguing for It is also, interestingly enough, the position of the “securocrats” of the British secret state (MIS, SAS, RUC, Special Branch, ete.) Which camp would you rather be in? Anyone who thinks that Sinn Fein, by taking part in the talks process, were in @ position of weakness is. seriously mistaken, Remember that this whole process was actually kicked off by the Republican Movement. ‘The Hume/ Adams talks should really have been called the Adams/Hume talks because it was Sinn Fein rather than the SDLP who initiated the’ process. Republicanistn not only had an overall strategy. it also set the agenda throughout this phase of the struggle. Gerry Adams said at the end of the all party talks that it was not a historic ‘moment, only the start of another stage in the political process. We should listen carefully to what Adams and McGuinness are saying, rather than being fooled by the bluff and bluster of Trimble and Company. As Gerry Kelly, councillor, ex-prisoner, and a member of Sinn Fein's negotiating team said, on Easter Tuesday in Ardoyne, “We want a national democracy. We want a United Ireland. Does it (The Agreement) help or hinder it? That's the very basic question in all of this... This is our struggle. We're the experts on this issue.” Unionism will never be the same after these talks, The difforence between the negotiations of the 1990°s and those of the 1920's is that itis unionism rather than republicanism which is having to swallow the bitter pill of betrayal. ‘Trimble is caught between a rock and a hard place. He knows that the British Establishment want out and he also knows that they are prepared to abandon him, if he doesn’t tread carefully. Paisley looked like a tired old man outside Stormont when working class loyalists taunted and heckled him, This was significant because these are the very same people whom Paisley has always relied upon to deliver the hardline loyalist votes for the DUP. Unionism’s catchphrase word “No” is starting to ‘wear thin with just about everybody ‘The other sea-change may well be in Irish nationalism. In the 26 Counties, Sinn Fein have come from the position where, in the early “90°s, they were forced to hold theit Ard Fheis in a Dublin community centre due to a state ban. Now they are setting the political agenda in Ireland; certainly in the north, and they very soon will be in the south as well! The SDLP are worried that Sinn Fein may eat into their vote now that the war appears to be over, increasing their appeal to middle class nationalist voters. ‘Whatever happens there’s a lot more yet to be gone through than signing treaties and basking in the Brits’ illusory “peace” AS for decommissioning, even Billy Hutchison of the PUP/UVF wasn’t falling for that one. On his way out of the talks he commented — that ‘Decommissioning was never on the agenda. There won't be any weapons getting handed over by loyalists, and 1 don't expect you'll be getting any from the other lot either!” The forgotten man, John Major, has been wheeled back in by New Labour to promote this non-issue. This indicates that the Brits have already conceded that there will be no decommissioning this side of @ united Ireland, On this issue, it might be prudent to remember ‘what James Connolly said to the Irish Citizen's Army on the eve of the Faster Rising, “Hold on to your rifles. ak 6G) rey rm peter croc Me Meare) land relevant analysis off Ceo ec) Cre ron] Beer cnt 8 Red Action 69, 70, 72, 73, 75 Sees crete sry va) Dore ed INDI) Bo he oe Blas ‘appear on this cola vehan's cut there! Ne 7 avacken om far water MOST Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn’t Aldershot the home of the infamous British Parachute Regiment, the dregs of the British Amy and scourge of our people in the North? But that looks suspiciously like a republican phoenix which adoms the official i merchandise of the local football club. 1 wonder if any of the ‘Johnnies’ have i noticed? The red, white and blue are on the rosette, but the flames and the bird. it would seem, are colour blind. Unlike our Para friends! ‘NO’ HATE ‘The Smell just hangs from them. What? You can’t smelt it?” think: Lean grasp the tinge of hate, the odour of years of oppress “For surely,” He thinks, “Ihave the God given right to know that Fam of the ascendancy class. With the God given right todo, to hate and to cemplay. who where and when Tike. Regardless of skil, of passion, of lve... ‘What trie men have? NO” says he, speaking for Uster again, suppose. Hements 98 Four Walls Lonely four walls, my thoughts. Your thoughts... are only of guns, bat Gas, Strip searches and Diplock Co But my thoughts... are of Freedom. Jements ‘08 Tiocfaioh Ar La Tadream of the heroes of 1916, T dream of a colour, that colour is green, [dream of a time when Ireland is free, Unt that day comes, bombs are the key. Forward brave comrades into batlle we go. ‘Our morale high, thelr morale low, To drive the Orange planters into the sea, [And celebrate the time when Ireland i fre, Black and Tans, B-Spectals and RUC, ‘Your time has come to set to sea, Back into England, where you belong. Your crimes were evil your policies wrong, Begone George Richardson and your UVF, Remain in Free ireland and face your death, Free Armagh, Antrim and De ‘Orange get out! And don't miss the ferry Liberate Tyrone, Fermanagh and Down, Tetand i free! Free from the crown. ‘Shaun, HMP Armley Tory Blur New Labour = Old Tory Pain.. ‘What will you do for us when you get in? Take all your promises and put them in the bin? Put down the worker ike all your Tory kin, Be honest Mr Blur, that’s the world you liv 7 tees Pao) Racism In Ireland _ The Last isver af TAL Inchided reports on acim in Ireland and Anti Fascist Action’ disruption of x meeting that had been called (0 fet up a racist group in Ie ‘the ‘Immigration Control Ni Cloall is their media spokesperson. TAL readers might be interested know a bi mare bout this poisonous od racist. ‘Aine Ni Choanail, extreme racist and fascist ‘ompathiser. i also vicioely ant-republican. Her isin is of the irokk des t inca my other race, cultresor politcal views ther than het own she claims tht te twentieth century She also prides ersell fon being an admirer of Maggie Thatcher and is an ‘member ofthe Progressive Democrat's (PD's), Ireland's Thatcherite politcal party. She bas al made statemests in support of Jan Marie Le Pen, Teader of the National Front in France Membership of Ni Chonsil's —_“Inmigration Control Platform’ is limited to. Jesh cttzen remeont the 26 counter of tie atte. Thie Timitsion i interesting ai events a elue 10 ber ‘ess on the Six Couies protester af a Republican event in Co. Cork, 19 983 Gerry Adame gave the orion st ‘he commemoration of the baie of Kilsiehel the c= Republican victory. in the War of pendence Aine Ni Choral protested out the event holding a placard which res prevent ber racist ICP macting from taking place re pe Tost tne che had been fecal Sinn Fein members. with the AFA protest tok up that mater wth her Whee AFA spote on ratio. phone-in chat shows ser the Ennis meeting was abandoned de 1 their protest. there were several calls fom a Fepsblicans stacking AFA's tacticy and claiming oe Mick Nugent, leader ofthe pro-Pritsh New Consenstt “peace” soup. dragged in red herrings abou republican violence nan serps to discredit AFA. OF course Nugent's condemnation of violence ix selective. His sroup wicomed Prince Charles Windsor. Commande i-Chiet of the British Parache Regiment init 1998. Past of hi agenda was o obscure the welltnown links between northern Loyalists sad facts fromm Seotland and England Interestingly. Cosk wa alse the main ba ofthe "Blucshirs in the 1930" 40 Ni Chon far right politica) and aati-republicn views stem from this shame heritage, Fortunately. Cork also produced mary noted aat-aseists including General Tem Barry (Who commanded the TR at Kilmichae! in 1920) and Mick O'Riordan. a ‘veteran of the Connolly Column ho fous agaist fascism with the Interational Brigades ering the Spanish Civil War Mick O'Riordan

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