This document provides a list of textbooks and notebooks required for 9th grade students. It includes the subject, name of the textbook, publisher, and type and quantity of notebooks needed for each subject. Some of the main subjects listed are Hindi, Math, Social Science, Science, English, Computer Applications, Design Technology, Physical Education, and second languages of Tamil, Sanskrit, and Drama/Music. The note specifies that the second language options of Hindi, Tamil, or Sanskrit are optional.
This document provides a list of textbooks and notebooks required for 9th grade students. It includes the subject, name of the textbook, publisher, and type and quantity of notebooks needed for each subject. Some of the main subjects listed are Hindi, Math, Social Science, Science, English, Computer Applications, Design Technology, Physical Education, and second languages of Tamil, Sanskrit, and Drama/Music. The note specifies that the second language options of Hindi, Tamil, or Sanskrit are optional.
This document provides a list of textbooks and notebooks required for 9th grade students. It includes the subject, name of the textbook, publisher, and type and quantity of notebooks needed for each subject. Some of the main subjects listed are Hindi, Math, Social Science, Science, English, Computer Applications, Design Technology, Physical Education, and second languages of Tamil, Sanskrit, and Drama/Music. The note specifies that the second language options of Hindi, Tamil, or Sanskrit are optional.
This document provides a list of textbooks and notebooks required for 9th grade students. It includes the subject, name of the textbook, publisher, and type and quantity of notebooks needed for each subject. Some of the main subjects listed are Hindi, Math, Social Science, Science, English, Computer Applications, Design Technology, Physical Education, and second languages of Tamil, Sanskrit, and Drama/Music. The note specifies that the second language options of Hindi, Tamil, or Sanskrit are optional.
Publisher Sparsh - 1 AM Ncert Sanchayan -1 AM Ncert FOR STUDENTS WHO OPT. HINDI 1 9 Hindi AS SECOND LANGUAGE AM New Saraswati Main aur mera vyakaran - 9(New edition) House Mathematics AM Ncert 2 9 Math Math Lab Record BL Laxmi Publications
AM India & The 1 Ncert
Contemporary India Ncert 3 9 Social Science Economics Ncert Democratic Politics Ncert Science AM Ncert 4 9 Science Ncert (Laxmi Lab Manual BL Publications) Beehive - English Textbook AM Ncert 5 9 English Moments - Supplementary Reader AM Ncert Words and Expressions Work book -1 BL Ncert FOR STUDENTS WHO OPT. TAMIL 6 9 Tamil TN Govt TN Govt AS SECOND LANGUAGE FOR STUDENTS WHO OPT. Shemushi -1 & Abhyasavan Bhava -1 work 7 9 Sanskrit book (2 Books - 50 + 60) NCERT SANSKRIT AS SECOND LANGUAGE 8 9 Computer Applications Computer Application by Sumita Arora BL Dhanpat Rai & Co Learning Material (No need to buy if you 10 9 Design Technology have bought the textbook last year) BVS 11 9 Physical Education Learning Material BVS GRADE SUBJECT Type of note books Pgs Qty 9 9 Computer Applications Double Side Ruled Long Size 92 1
10 9 Science(Physics,Chemistry and One Side Ruled Long Size 120 4
Biology) Records(physics, chemistry and biology ) 108 3 Unruled Long size 172 2 11 9 Unruled Long size 92 3 Maths Graph 64 1 Double Side Ruled Long Size 120 1 12 9 English Double Side Ruled Long Size 92 1 13 9 Robotics Double Side Ruled Short Size (Only for new students) 92 1 Double Side Ruled Long Size 120 4 14 9 Social Science Double Side Ruled Long Size 92 1 Double Side Ruled Long Size 120 2 15 9 II Lang Double Side Ruled Short Size 92 1 16 9 DT Drawing Note Book(New students) 120 1 17 9 All Perforated notebook King Size 160 2 Note : Second Language Hindi,Tamil,Sanskrit Is Optional, So Parents Are Requested To Buy The Textbooks And Notebooks Acordingly. One Side Ruled Short Size (24 x 18 cm) Drama 18 9 (Only for new students) 172 1 One Side Ruled Short Size (24x 18cm) Music - Vocal & Dance 19 9 (Only for new students) 92 1