■ In the news
■ People to watch
■ Views from the region
3 In the news
Recent events and people
making news at Zuellig Pharma
Asia Pacific
course is forcing the pharma
industry to evaluate strategies,
and increasing focus on the faster-
Sophisticated IT systems provide
transparency. In addition, a rigor-
ous quality management system
growing emerging markets. In that has been rolled out across all
our region, many eyes are now Zuellig Pharma sites in the region
focused on China hoping that the offers superior and consistent
12 All clear
Zuellig Pharma China is pioneering
direct distribution solutions to
value) in the past five years,
according to IMS China hospital
audit data. It is expected to con-
streamline the pharmaceutical tinue its sharp upward surge as
supply chain urbanization, an ageing popula-
tion, increased government spend-
ing, and rising income levels build
People to Watch
The new Market Partner talents who are responding to the demands of our
ever-expanding businesses
China’s distribution system has advanced enor- oped economies. Costs ticked up to 18.4% in Ocean freight companies are
mously over the past few years in tandem with 2007, probably reflecting the impact of higher
continuous improvements made to national road labor and fuel costs. In theory, the higher the ratio preparing for a slowdown in
and rail networks, waterways, ports and airports. to GDP, the less efficient the logistics system.
Logistics services showed marked progress in High spending on logistics can be partially business amid slacker growth
2007-08, helped by China’s robust economic explained by China’s heavier reliance on manufac-
growth. Project completions in Beijing and turing than most developed countries. The coun- in Chinese exports. Overland
other Olympic venues ahead of the Olympic try’s unevenly developed transport sector,
Games in August 2008 also gave a lift to the insufficient trucking capacity, lack of container delivery companies have also
transport business. facilities and local protectionism are other factors.
Despite impressive improvements in infrastruc- In a 2007 survey, the US-China Business felt the margin squeeze, having
ture, China’s logistics industry remains grossly Council found that 83% of respondents had
inefficient. While the ratio of logistics costs to indicated there had been an improvement in to deal with higher costs and
GDP slipped between 2003 and 2006 (18.9% to distribution rights over the past year, up from
18.3%), the ratio was still double that of devel- 57% in 2006. This reflected the resolution of greater competition
some licensing issues. In previous surveys, dis-
tribution rights had led the list of concerns, but
the issue dropped to tenth in the 2007 survey
and was identified as a success story.
Nonetheless, freight distribution continues to
pose headaches. Goods may be moved around
the country, but the process is slow, dispropor-
tionately expensive and often difficult to man-
age. It typically involves many more operators
than in Europe or North America. The frag-
mented nature of the country’s distribution
system results in multiple transfers of goods,
giving rise to opportunities for theft and break-
age; lack of economies of scale among most
operators, making the introduction of new
technologies overly expensive; and limited
reach among operators, hampering the develop-
Market development
The logistics market has expanded dramatically.
In 2007, it was valued at RMB75.22 trillion
(US$11 trillion), an increase of 26.2% on 2006.
(The market value refers to the total value of
products using logistics services.) However, dis- ■ More complex demands. Ongoing reloca- (FYP, 2006-10) give railway expansion much
tributing goods in China remains a challenging tion of businesses inland has encouraged dis- higher priority than previous FYPs. Beijing
business. This is especially so for foreign service- tribution companies to focus on second and announced further investment in rail infra-
6 |7
providers despite the lowering of entry barriers. third-tier cities. International logistics structure after the 2008 Olympics as part of
Although infrastructure facilities have improved providers are expanding their networks to an effort to boost sagging economic growth.
significantly, traffic bottlenecks remain. The match this move while domestic players con- Despite the impressive hardware, the nation-
uneven quality and availability of transport modes tinue to amalgamate. Supply chains are facing al distribution system remains backward. Many
across the country, and poor co-ordination more complex demands while having to deal highways are expensive to use, poorly main-
between local authorities are major obstacles to with bottlenecks and unpredictable costs. tained and unsafe. Transport management
building a seamless supply chain. Another troubling area is human resources. systems involving tracking of trucks and loads
New hurdles have now emerged. These Industry growth is hindered by a lack of are still underdeveloped. Good warehousing is
include: skilled and experienced staff. Wages continue expensive and in short supply, even in high-
■ Business slowdown. Corporate growth has to rise but service levels do not necessarily priority areas.
slowed dramatically in the wake of the global match them. Perhaps the most serious barrier to the
recession. Several Chinese airlines, for example, development of a national logistics industry is
cut revenue targets for 2008 and 2009 after Progress and problems local protectionism. Even in major Chinese
years of growth. China Southern Airlines, Moving goods around the country remains cities, non-local logistics firms are discriminat-
China’s largest airline, cut its freight volume problematic and expensive. The principal ed against while those looking to set up nation-
target by 8.5% for 2008 while chairman Liu reason for the high costs used to be poor al networks have to meet rules and regulations
Shaoyong warned of long and difficult times infrastructure. This is no longer true. The that often differ from province to province.
ahead driven by falling demand, volatile oil pace of expansion is slowing but construction Businesses have to cobble together multi-
prices and cut-throat competition. and upgrading continues. Many sub-regions, modal transport networks using small and inef-
Ocean freight companies are preparing for a such as the Yangtze River Delta, are ficient local distributors. Larger players such as
slowdown in business amid slacker growth in approaching a level of coverage similar the Sinotrans Group and YRC Worldwide of
Chinese exports. Overland delivery companies to the developed world. the US are quickly grabbing national market
have also felt the margin squeeze, having to A good national expressway system is only share but still have to deal with local issues.
deal with higher costs and greater competition. one of the factors required for the develop- Another problem is a lack of uniform ship-
Some, such as US company FedEx, were willing ment of national transport companies. Other ping standards. The result is constant packing
to take losses to win market share. Others, for transport systems also have to be efficient. and unpacking as shipments move across and
example, the IDS Group of Hong Kong, bene- China’s railway network, which has not out of the country. Even the wooden pallets
fited from a surge in dairy imports following improved as fast as roads, is getting more used to stack goods come in different sizes.
the discovery of melamine-tainted milk prod- attention from the government. Investment The government-backed China Federation of
ucts made on the mainland. commitments made in the 11th Five-Year Plan Logistics and Purchasing has developed stan-
dards based on International Organization for of bodies a company has to interact with mak-
Standardization (ISO) norms but these are dif- ing it difficult to put together a national distri-
Regulatory progress
ficult to enforce. The lack of uniformity across bution plan using third-party logistics firms.
the country in everything, from insurance and China’s World Trade Organization compli-
driving licenses to provincial regulations, Domestic industry consolidation ance record over the past four years has
remains a huge problem. The mainland’s traditional distribution system, been good. Most geographical barriers for
Corruption is also an issue. Bribery is not comprising three tiers of distribution agencies – foreign wholesalers have been removed
unusual throughout the supply chain. national, provincial and local – has experienced and, since December 2004, for foreign
Distributors sometimes sell counterfeit versions radical changes as companies realign their oper- retailers. By December 2005, the last
of goods they deliver. The use of a distributor ations and foreign competitors penetrate deeper restrictions were removed on international
established by staff members of the company but into the market. Many state-run distributors freight forwarders. Foreign-owned entities
whose ownership is disguised to make it appear have adopted new management styles while are allowed to engage in infrastructure con-
independent is not uncommon. others have sought foreign partners. struction. With the exception of the water
One bright spot is an ongoing effort to Foreign-trade corporations, set up by various transport sector, which still carries some
streamline fragmented oversight. In March state ministries after the launch of economic restrictions, foreign companies have much
2008, the old Ministry of Communications, reforms in 1978, have altered their organiza- more access.
responsible for road and water transport, the tional structure several times in line with Local branch offices of the Ministry of
Civil Aviation Administration of China and the changes in government administration and Commerce have the power to approve for-
Ministry of Construction’s urban traffic section market demand. A typical example is the China eign-invested commercial enterprise (FICE)
were merged into a super Ministry of National Electronics Import and Export Corp applications to expand their business
Transport, which also supervises a new State (CEIEC). In 1999, CEIEC, established in 1980 scope. However, foreign companies have to
Bureau of Civil Aviation and the State Postal as an exclusive importer and exporter of elec- seek state-level approval if their business
Bureau. Nevertheless, there are still a number tronic goods for the mainland, was absorbed by involves:
■ Sales conducted via television, tele-
Changing attitudes
The next decade will see the emergence of
the middle class in China and by 2025 the
country is predicted to be the world’s third-
largest consumer market. China is a classic
emerging market, with rising income levels
and increasing awareness of health issues
(such as lifestyle-related diseases) driving
consumer healthcare.
Some sectors are feeling the benefit of
changing Chinese attitudes more than others.
Treatments to prevent lifestyle or age-related
problems, for example, cardiovasculars, are
on the rise while digestive remedies are being
spurred by the increasing uptake of Western
diets. Consumers are also more willing to
medicate for once-taboo ailments, driving
segments such as vaginal yeast infections and
hemorrhoid preparations. Emergency contra-
ception has been boosted by high-profile
government campaigns.
Smoking control is set to be the next driver
of OTC growth following the State Food
and Drug Administration’s (SFDA)
December 2008 approval of OTC nicotine
patches in 5mg, 10mg and 15mg doses and
nicotine gum in 2mg and 4mg doses for sale
ALL CLEARThe China healthcare market is on the move, with Zuellig Pharma China
pioneering direct distribution solutions to streamline the pharmaceutical supply chain
By Elsie Lim, Chief Executive, Zuellig Pharma China ■
s the economic meltdown continues and the world shivers at the need for change. These factors are opening up fresh opportunities
A the prospect of icy business conditions in the year ahead, for distribution partnerships that deliver in terms of business results as
Vaccines Respiratory
Simplifying the chain
Zuellig Pharma China, established in 1993 and a pioneer from its ear-
liest days as the first licensed foreign distributor in the country, is now Dermo-
leading the way forward with a strategic approach that leverages its cosmetic
of view
Ministry of Commerce
■ Commercial regulation &
industry policy
As hospitals and their services to the general population evolve, so are Zuellig Pharma China’s
distribution models. With this evolution, many healthcare products, particularly medical devices,
need a unique distribution model
and the community hospital channel in the new healthcare reform era, A regional quality management system operating across all Zuellig
as well as major city growth. Remote distribution centers offer logistic Pharma sites provides pan-Asia operation consistency, including rigorous
services and direct access to community hospitals; and the company is quality control, product integrity and business continuity planning.
continuing to invest, improving economies of scale through mergers Redressing is in compliance with GMP.
and acquisitions. While seeking to maximize the percentage of prod- In addition, Zuellig Pharma China’s delayered distribution strategy
ucts going directly to hospitals and pharmacies, Zuellig Pharma China combined with sophisticated IT systems brings greater transparency to
also works with a group of carefully selected wholesalers, depending the supply chain. In line with Zuellig Pharma Asia Pacific’s regional
on the therapeutic class with which products will be sold and which approach, Zuellig Pharma China has information systems specifically
defined targeted customers will be reached. focused on serving the distribution needs of the pharmaceutical and
healthcare product industry. As a result, principals can keep track of
Customized solutions which products are going where down to the final customer level.
This flexibility allows the company to build customized distribution Meanwhile, the availability of timely information on sales, marketing
solutions for principals that boost efficiency by identifying and strategy and inventory creates the opportunity for a pro-active response
implementing the shortest channel route. “The platform we have to market conditions.
developed is highly adaptable, allowing us to serve the different needs
of principals and rapidly respond to any changes in the China health- Empowering hospitals
care business environment,” Mr. Chau said. “Our comprehensive As hospitals and their services to the general population evolve, so are
portfolio ranging from pharmaceutical distribution to vaccines and Zuellig Pharma China’s distribution models. With this evolution, many
clinical trial logistics means we can match the extensive portfolios of healthcare products, particularly medical devices, need a unique distribu-
leading multinationals and also provide the services required by tion model. Hospital surgeries are frequently complex and need special-
smaller, specialized suppliers.” ized tools for a specific sequence in an operation. As operations are not
always executed exactly to plan, the need for tools or
Supplying solutions devices only becomes apparent in surgery. Zuellig
Pharma China provides flexibility to hospitals by
Zuellig Pharma China’s dedicated focus on facility in Guangzhou. All warehouses oper- having everything needed for a particular operation
pharmaceutical and healthcare product dis- ate under the same standardized proce- at the time. The company works closely with hospi-
tribution offers added value know-how, dures, with back-up alarm systems and tals to prepare for their needs and provide what
logistics and infrastructure support to sup- specially trained personnel. Quarterly tem- Zuellig Pharma China calls “last mile logistics” to
pliers seeking to build their presence in the perature mapping is carried out to identify hospitals. This helps hospitals manage their invento-
China market. The company operates at cold and hot spots while 24-hour tempera- ry with fewer overheads and allows them to concen-
national, regional and local level to provide a ture tracking provides monitoring on a con- trate on saving lives and patient care.
full range of distribution solutions to stream- tinuous basis. Manual tracking is carried out Zuellig Pharma China has been engaging local
line supply chain management. Business six times a day. Inbound quality assurance hospitals to increase transparency in their forecast-
models are tailored to the demands of each includes temperature measurement and ing and internal product flows by helping to source,
of the sectors below, with further customiza- data collection, depending on a principal’s customize and maintain an internal reporting, ana-
tion available depending on individual prin- requirements, while outbound checks lytic and business intelligence system. This system
cipal requirements. involve packaging protection and cold chain has enabled hospitals to look at their raw data in a
labeling checks. Trucks are equipped with new way. By drilling by ward, doctor, and even prod-
Pharmaceutical GPS systems for long-haul trips for constant uct level, hospitals are able to see their sales on a
Zuellig Pharma China’s flexible operating surveillance and timely delivery. daily basis with up-to-date information. With
platform offers both local direct distribution enhanced analytics, hospitals have been able to drive
and delayered wholesaler distribution mod- OTC efficiency and superior service for their patients
els to provide greater efficiency, cost reduc- One of the beneficiaries of urban growth and while remaining cost friendly. In helping hospitals
tions, and higher transparency and rising incomes in China is likely to be OTCs, with consolidating their data, Zuellig Pharma China
traceability of sales and inventory. Six local with retail pharmacies already establishing has been able to understand the customer better and
direct distribution companies cover hospi- themselves as a key source of future expan- in turn serve their needs.
tals. Parts of foreign and private clinics are sion in some parts of the country. At Zuellig Other initiatives for hospitals are also underway,
also covered to meet principals’ require- Pharma China, a specific team has been set such as implementing internal ordering systems and
ments. The company has the capability to up to handle OTC business with 60 retail spe- looking at consulting with their operational teams.
handle a comprehensive range of product cialists and coverage of 85,000 retail pharma-
categories and therapies (see Figure 3). cy outlets. Direct distribution to retail is Strategic outlook
available, with value-added support includ- China is on its way to implementing healthcare
Vaccines ing product launch planning, retail targeting reform throughout the entire system. While details
Among the challenges of vaccine distribu- support, and management of key account are not entirely clear for many of its amendments,
tion in China are the lack of infrastructure support. Zuellig Pharma is positioned for this change, seek-
outside the largest cities and lack of trans- ing closer relationships with its customers (hospi-
parency of the whole Center for Disease Diagnostics and medical devices tals, retail pharmacies and clinics) and working as a
Control (CDC) distribution network. Zuellig Logistical services are available for all prod- market partner with manufacturers and suppliers.
Pharma addresses both these concerns ucts including import, local direct distribu- As the fundamental shift in healthcare management
through a distribution model that is flexible tion (hospital and OTC) and regional begins in China, Zuellig Pharma China’s direct
and expanding the number of direct suppli- distribution. A specific medical device team relationship with both parties will help to move the
ers. Zuellig Pharma is enforcing step-by- is provided in the field to handle distribution industry forward.
step the delayering model used over the to dealers, hospitals and retail pharmacies, “Supply chain management in China needs to be
years for pharmaceuticals to vaccines. data and accounts receivable collection. viewed as strategic”, Mr. Zwisler said. “Given the
Import procedures can be handled and importance of the China market to the global health-
warehousing facilities with cold-chain Clinical trial logistics care market, principals must be able to effectively
expertise are available in different locations. Zuellig Pharma China’s “Clinical Reach address a changing business environment to capital-
A dedicated vaccine team operates in the Solution” offers a range of services, including ize on the opportunities that are unfolding.
field handling distribution to CDC, including but not limited to: consultation on importa- “A distribution partner who can provide flexible,
orders and returns management; data col- tion and customs clearance, registration and comprehensive solutions that are tailored to the
lection; accounts receivable collection; and the regulatory process; storage and inventory needs of individual principals and cut through sup-
non-standard promotion services. management in a protected and temperature- ply chain complexity is the kind of solution
controlled warehouse; order management provider to meet these needs, today and in the
Cold-chain management and dispatch; specialized cold-chain manage- future,” he said. mp
Zuellig Pharma China provides reliable, cut- ment based on -20°C, 2-8°C and 15-25°C; and
ting-edge cold chain and storage manage- clinical supplies returns, supplies destruction
ment capabilities, including a custom-built with supervision and report.
| market watch
Wider vision
Growth opportunities in the China market remain optimistic
IMS China hospital audit data (see chart). The China pharmaceutical market size (US$ bn) and growth to 18% in 2007 and 2008 respectively, while
compound annual growth rate from 2004-08 growth in smaller hospitals’ (less than 100 beds)
was 20% and is forecast to remain strong at sales ratio for western drugs increased from 6%
55 56
19% from 2008-13. CAGR: 19% to 8% in 2007 and 2008 respectively. While
US$ bn (Ex-manufacturer value)
Such a stellar outlook is projected to see (08-13) change in the concentration on city contribution
China among the leading countries in the is currently limited, such trends are expected to
world’s top 10 pharmaceutical markets in 2013
for ethical and OTC drugs at ex-factory level
(excluding traditional Chinese medicine). It
CAGR: 20%
continue. The healthcare reforms are highly
likely to accelerate change on the supply side. mp .
would place China behind the US in first posi-
20 In line with such evolution, IMS is expanding its detailed
tion, with an estimated market size of US$372 23
15 sub-city (“brick”) data to 22 cities. It is launching retail Rx
billion, and Japan in second at US$80 billion. 15 data for 22 cities and developing a smaller hospital audit (100
The country is expected to just edge ahead 11 or less beds). For further information on IMS services or the
5 China healthcare reforms, please contact: David Twinberrow,
of France.
0 General Manager, Business Lines, Shanghai, tel: 86 6362 011;
Key forces behind such growth in China or Wang Danhui, Product and Portfolio Strategy Principal,
2004 2006 2008 2010 2013
include a sustained GDP growth rate, even in Beijing, tel: 86 010 65886988 439.
views from the region
A round-up of reports from our offices around the region outlining the news and
events that are shaping their businesses and redefining the healthcare industry
Export, property
slowdown impacts
priority to creating and preserving jobs. than 1,000 permanent jobs in 2009 and rural and urban populations through
Revenue concessions, such as a waiver nursing schools are being reopened to either the basic medical insurance sys-
of salaries tax and rates, and a freeze offer 550 training places. In addition, ✱ Fast Fact tem or the new rural cooperative med-
on government fees and charges, will the Hospital Authority will look into the The Hospital Authority’s recurrent ical system. Each person under either
be introduced to stimulate the econo- possibility of providing patients with subvention will be increased over the system will receive a subsidy of
my. As a result, the government will more expensive drugs free of charge. next three years. RMB120.
views from the region
■ Establish a national essential drug ally perceived as a strong stimulus the Health Ministry has announced
system. All essential drugs will be
included in the national drug reim-
package which will partially soften the
contraction of the economy. Exports
Singapore plans to speed up recruitment for
jobs for those who may be
bursement list for basic medical insur- plunged a record 42% in December as Downturn expected retrenched. The ministry is now look-
ance programs. demand for IT products has been to continue in 2009 ing to fill 4,500 positions in the public
■ Improve the primary medical service severely affected by the global finan- health sector over the next two years
system, concentrating on county level cial crisis. The final figure for GDP and another 1,700 later. These range
hospitals, township clinics and commu- growth in 2008 is expected to be from jobs for healthcare professionals
nity health centers. below 2%, a significant drop compared In the midst of deepening crises in the such as nurses and pharmacists, to
■ Promote fair access to basic public with previous forecasts, reflecting a world’s major financial markets, administrative positions for counter
health services by developing and Taiwanese economy in worse shape Singapore’s economy continued to staff and telephone operators. To aid
implementing national basic public than anticipated. Many analysts deteriorate in Q4 2008. Preliminary those interested in a mid-career
health service programs. believe GDP will contract in 2009 at indicators point toward a contraction switch to the healthcare sector, the
■ Implement a pilot program this year around -2% and that growth will only of real GDP by 3.7%, following a ministry and Workforce Development
to reform public hospitals by increas- resume from 2010. Taiwan’s unemploy- decline of 0.2% in the preceding quar- Agency have announced plans to sub-
ing operational efficiency and service ment rate climbed sharply in the last ter. For 2008 as a whole, the economy sidize training to enable 250 people
standards. Funding mechanisms for four months of 2008 and reached 4.6% is estimated to have grown by only with no prior experience to become
With a history of more than 60 years in Asia, Zuellig zip-online® is our regional
Pharma has forged a reputation as the leading provider of principal information
distribution solutions for the pharmaceutical industry in the platform offering timely
region. Our cutting-edge services cover end-to-end supply sales and inventory Pharma Industries has a PharmaLink is a leading
chain management, including inventory management, ware- information, best practices long-established history in pharmaceutical and health-
housing, distribution and customer order management, in analysis and reporting, providing contract manu- care marketing specialist in
among others. Taking advantage of our extensive expertise, and diverse forms of facturing services to the the Asia Pacific region. The
pioneering technological innovations and state-of-the-art benchmarking. Asian pharmaceutical company is a wholly owned
facilities allows manufacturers to focus on their own core healthcare industry through subsidiary of Asia Pacific
expertise. A scalable infrastructure supports the marketing its operations in Thailand Pharmaceutical Holdings,
drives of our principals and our collection services reduce and the Philippines. With a joint venture between
country risks for individual principals. AsiaRx® is our exclusive a client base of over 50 Interpharma Investments
We provide the largest direct account coverage in all regional Internet-based multinational companies, Ltd, Quintiles Transnational
healthcare channels in Asia Pacific, employing over 1,000 pharmaceutical marketplace and over 1,200 formula- Corp and Temasek
sales representatives to support the activities of our princi- that connects customers tions currently in produc- Holdings (Private) Limited.
pals in the trade channel. Advanced information technology and principals in innovative tion, the Philippines plant
tools, such as zip-online, an innovative sales and inventory ways. For principals, it is a of Pharma Industries is
tool, give principals full transparency for all transactions. new connection to cus- the largest, most advanced
Our world-class facilities operate in strict accordance with tomer behavior, integrated contract manufacturing
rigorous quality management standards, setting industry with other channels and facility in Asia. The group’s
benchmarks of excellence. We continuously refine and offering complete supply Thai operations are certi-
implement the latest technological advances in our on-going chain information. For cus- fied to the same top GMP
drive to offer the best services to our principals and clients. tomers, it saves them time standards, providing manu-
and money, and gives them facturing services to over 30
the control necessary to run research-based companies
their businesses better. from around the globe.