Review Article: Diabetic Nephropathy: Where Are We On The Journey From Pathophysiology To Treatment?
Review Article: Diabetic Nephropathy: Where Are We On The Journey From Pathophysiology To Treatment?
Review Article: Diabetic Nephropathy: Where Are We On The Journey From Pathophysiology To Treatment?
Diabetic nephropathy: where are we on the journey
from pathophysiology to treatment?
H. Gallagher & R. J. Suckling
SW Thames Renal Unit, St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey, UK
Diabetic nephropathy affects 30–40% of people with diabetes, and is the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease. The current treatment paradigm relies
on early detection, glycaemic control and tight blood pressure management with preferential use of renin-angiotensin system blockade. This strategy
has transformed outcomes in diabetic kidney disease over the last 20 years. Over the last two decades we have also witnessed significant advances in the
understanding of the pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy; however, despite this new knowledge, we have yet to develop new treatments of proven
efficacy. Whilst a continued emphasis on preclinical and clinical research is clearly needed, clinicians treating people with diabetes should not forget that,
in the short term, the greatest gains are likely to be realised by more consistent deployment of existing therapies.
Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, glycaemic control
Date submitted 7 September 2015; date of first decision 17 October 2015; date of final acceptance 29 December 2015
Significance of Diabetic Nephropathy diabetes in England and Wales is financially incentivised under
the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) and assessed via
Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
QOF data returns and through the National Diabetes Audit,
worldwide. According to the International Diabetes Federation
which has been running since 2003.
in 2013, the global prevalence of diabetes was 382 million
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects up to 13% of adults
people (with 46% undiagnosed), which will rise to 592 million
[7] but is often unrecognized by both healthcare professionals
within 25 years. The global health expenditure attributable
to diabetes is expected to increase from $548 bn in 2013 to and patients, with up to 30% of those with the most advanced
$627 bn in 2035 [1]. Global mortality attributable to diabetes is stages of disease (CKD stages 3–5) undiagnosed [7]. Diabetes
5.1 million deaths per year (one death every 6 s); the majority substantially increases the risk of developing moderate to severe
are as a result of cardiovascular disease [2]. More than 80% CKD. In men, the risk of developing CKD is increased by a
of diabetes-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income factor of 12 in type 1 diabetes and 6 in type 2 diabetes, as
countries [3]. compared with individuals without diabetes [8]. Up to 30% of
In the European Union the number of people with diabetes in people with diabetes have moderate to severe CKD [9,10]. Reg-
2013 was estimated at 56 million, representing 7% of the Euro- istry data across the developed world consistently show that
pean population. By 2035, this number is expected to rise by diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of end-stage
22% to 68.9 million people. Diabetes accounted for 10% of all renal disease (ESRD) requiring renal replacement therapy [11].
European deaths in 2013. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% The development of kidney disease in diabetes has great signif-
of cases in all high-income countries. The current European icance; excess mortality in diabetes is seen exclusively in type 1
healthcare expenditure required for people with diabetes is [12] and predominantly in type 2 diabetes in people with an
€105 bn per annum in 2013, which will rise to €125.1 bn per impaired estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and/or
year by 2035. This is ∼11% of the total European adult health- albuminuria [13].
care budget [1]. The vast majority of patients with CKD do not progress to
In England and Wales diabetes was associated with almost ESRD, with only 1–2% of patients with CKD stage 3 requiring
20 000 premature deaths in 2011/2012 [4]. The associated social renal replacement therapy over a 10-year period [14]. For many,
and economic burdens are enormous: although the direct costs the importance of CKD lies in its role as a powerful independent
of treating diabetes in UK are >£13 bn annually, of which the risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Recent epidemiological
major component is inpatient care, the indirect costs, including data, that are both large-scale and robust, indicate that the risks
absenteeism and early retirement, are far greater [5]. It is esti- of both all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in the general
mated by Diabetes UK that there are a further 6 30 000 people in population increase where eGFR is <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 , and
the UK with undiagnosed diabetes [6]. The care of people with where the albumin:creatinine ratio is >1 mg/mmol. The risks
are graded, and eGFR and albumin:creatinine ratio are mul-
Correspondence to : H. Gallagher, SW Thames Renal Unit, St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey, tiplicatively associated with mortality risk, with no evidence
SM5 1AA, UK. of interaction [15]. Albuminuria and eGFR are similarly pre-
dictive of mortality in high-risk population cohorts [16] and
kidney disease cohorts [17], and in people with and without observational follow-up study. Although glycaemic control was
diabetes [18] and hypertension [19]. The findings hold true in similar in the two groups after the DCCT closed, the incidence
older people [20], both sexes [21] and across races [22]. of an impaired eGFR in participants originally assigned to
Identifying and treating CKD in people with diabetes is intensive treatment was 50% lower than that in the conven-
therefore a major target for public health. In the present paper, tionally treated group after a median follow-up of 22 years [33].
we review the key aspects of the pathogenesis of diabetic This effect also operates in type 2 diabetes; long-term outcome
nephropathy and describe the implications of its pathophysi- data from the UK Prospective Diabetes Study show improved
ology on treatment. We also reflect on the extent to which the outcomes in participants initially assigned to intensive treat-
increase in our understanding of disease has been paralleled ment evident after 10 years of follow-up, despite the loss of
by advances in therapeutics and consider how best we might between-group differences in glycaemic control after the first
deploy our efforts in the short to medium term in order to year [34].
improve outcomes.
Blood Pressure, Sodium and Diabetic Nephropathy a major influence on clinical practice [84]. Early studies indi-
It is well established that salt is important in regulating blood cated that bardenoloxone, which inhibits the transcription fac-
pressure, and that a modest salt reduction lowers blood tor NF-𝜅B, increased eGFR in people with CKD stage 3B and
pressure, leading to recommendations in international guide- 4 [85], but a subsequent phase III trial was terminated early
lines for salt reduction in patients with CKD [77]. This is because of significant increases in the risks of major adverse
supported by experimental evidence. Salt-induced renal dam- cardiovascular events in the bardenoloxone-treated group [86].
age is mediated through the effect of salt on blood pressure Furthermore, whilst the benefits of glycaemic control in gen-
and urinary albumin excretion and through direct renal eral are well established, we do not yet have long-term safety
effects. Enhanced distal tubular reabsorption of sodium pro- data on the newer hypoglycaemic agents. For example, the early
moted by hyperinsulinaemia [78,79], increased activity of suggestions that dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors had
the sodium-glucose cotransporter and increased activity of protective cardiovascular effects have not been confirmed in
the RAS leads to elevated total body exchangeable sodium in large-scale clinical trials, with one reporting an increased inci-
people with diabetes compared with healthy individuals, even dence of hospitalization for heart failure in the DPP-4-treated
before the onset of overt nephropathy [80,81]. arm [87].
Clinical evidence for salt reduction in diabetic nephropathy A number of novel approaches to treatment are currently
is more limited. Although cohort studies in people with dia- being evaluated, directed at targets including transforming
betes have shown increased mortality in those patients with growth factor-𝛽, a key profibrotic factor, and a wide range of
lowest salt intake, these studies are observational in nature. proinflammatory intracellular signalling pathways [84]. Many
A meta-analysis of a modest reduction in salt intake in peo- of these are at the early stages of development. We should also
ple with diabetes showed a reduction in blood pressure and not underplay the role of basic lifestyle interventions in the pre-
albuminuria without affecting insulin resistance [82]. Dietary vention and treatment of diabetes and nephropathy. The role of
sodium restriction is also an important adjunct to established salt restriction has already been discussed. A position statement
therapies, with studies showing that salt restriction enhances from the American Diabetes Association summarizes the prob-
the effects of inhibitors of the RAAS on proteinuria in people able benefits of physical activity and exercise in people with dia-
with diabetes [83]. Although the effects on harder endpoints betes; these include increased insulin sensitivity and improved
is unknown and there remains debate over the optimum salt glycaemic control, cardiovascular disease prevention and blood
intake for people with diabetes, there is no evidence to suggest pressure reduction [88]. There is good evidence that diabetes
the current recommendations of modest salt reduction are itself can be prevented in people at high risk through lifestyle
unsafe. changes [89,90]. The 𝛽-alanine and histidine dipeptide carno-
sine appears to be a protective factor in diabetic nephropathy
and is a new potential therapeutic approach. Carnosine may
inhibit the production of AGE and reactive oxygen species and,
Conclusions and Perspectives in the kidney, has been shown to inhibit mesangial matrix accu-
Kidney disease is a critical determinant of outcomes in dia- mulation in response to glucose loading [91]. Recent data sug-
betes, and diabetic nephropathy remains a key area of focus gest that a dietary supplement including carnosine (together
for both preclinical and clinical research. We have witnessed with cinnamon and chromium) reduces fasting plasma glucose
major advances in treatment over the last 20 years, with out- in people with a raised body mass index [92].
comes transformed by the use of RAS blockade and tight, but We also need to learn more about the 60–70% of individuals
judicious, glycaemic control. Nevertheless, our understanding with diabetes who do not develop kidney disease irrespective
of how best to deploy existing therapies is incomplete. The role of their level of glycaemic control. People with type 1 diabetes
of glycaemic control in primary prevention is incontrovertible, who do not develop nephropathy after 15 years of diabetes
whilst the data on RAS blockade in this setting are conflicting. appear to be protected, suggesting that genetic factors may
Despite a sound scientific rationale and encouraging early data, be involved [93]. Some ethnic groups are at particularly high
the use of combination RAS antagonism appears to do more risk, notably Pima Indians [94] and South Asians [95]. Indeed,
harm than good. More studies are needed before combination a large number of genetic variants have been associated with
therapy can be recommended in any group, even the younger diabetic nephropathy, with some differences evident in Euro-
patients with type 1 diabetes in whom there remains enthusi- pean and Asian subgroups [96]. The variants associated with
asm for dual blockade from some quarters. Unless and until altered risk included those involving the RAS, oxidative stress,
such data become available, we may be better served direct- inflammation, the polyol pathway and the glomerular base-
ing our clinical efforts on potentiating RAS blockade though ment membrane, consistent with our current understanding
lifestyle measures, and in particular dietary sodium restriction. of aspects of the mechanisms of nephropathy. Genetic vari-
The mechanisms by which hyperglycaemia promotes the ants coding for apolipoprotein-E and apolipoprotein-C1 have
development of nephropathy are now relatively well under- also been reproducibly associated, suggesting a role of lipid
stood; however, the hope that an increased understanding of metabolism in the pathogenesis. Indeed, lipid abnormalities
the pathogenesis of diabetic renal disease would lead to effective are found at an early stage of nephropathy [97,98], and may
targeted strategies has largely yet to be realised, and attempts to also be a risk factor for progression [99–101].
target specific pathways, including AGE formation, mesangial We should also remember that advancing our knowledge
matrix accumulation and protein kinase C, have yet to exert of the pathogenesis of nephropathy is necessary but not
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