Text Type: Blog (Entry) : Blogs
Text Type: Blog (Entry) : Blogs
Text Type: Blog (Entry) : Blogs
Wide Web; they are updated frequently and everybody can contribute to them by posting an entry,
commenting on previous entries, …
Function: to express one’s own opinion/thoughts on a topic, a newspaper article, a book, film, TV
show, …
Depends largely on the input text and The aim is to write a clear and Do not
the task; comprehensible text which is • be rude or
but the text should interesting and conversational offensive
• be written with a specific audience Dos: • use swear words
in mind • Use first and second person • post texts which
• be informative and clear in pronouns (“I, you”) to make the are unkind or
language and content entry personal uncomplimentary;
• contain complete thoughts which • Use conjunctions to improve the be especially
the reader can follow easily flow of statements and make careful with topics
• be structured and divided into reading more interesting like sex, age, race,
clear paragraphs with a topic religion, nationality
sentence in each paragraph • Use vivid words, expressions,
modifiers (and images) • use jargon or
• begin with the most important
thought or idea the blogger wants Register: varies depending on confusing
to present his audience the input text and the task ; abbreviations
• capture and maintain the readers’ frequently informal/colloquial • bend grammar
interest and attention throughout and/or punctuation
the entry rules so that the
• end with a conclusion that invites entry is insulting or
further comments or reactions hard to follow
from other bloggers • switch tenses
without good
• overload the text
with complex
structures; clauses
participles with
their own subject1
and non-defining
relative clauses,
for example should
be used sparingly
• waffle
• copy from the input
text or include
lengthy and
quotes (plagiarise)
e.g. “The weather being rather wet, we decided to stay at home.” It might be better to write “We
decided to stay at home because the weather was wet.”