Ethernet Routing Switch 4900: Highlights
Ethernet Routing Switch 4900: Highlights
Ethernet Routing Switch 4900: Highlights
• High-performance Wiring Closet
• Delivers Enabled Edge
• Agile support for Extreme
Fabric Connect
• Advanced IPv4 & IPv6 Routing
• Non-blocking, wire-speed
switching performance
• High-capacity Stackable
Chassis architecture
• 24 or 48 Ports of Gigabit Ethernet for
Access connectivity
• 2 ports of 10 Gigabit Ethernet for
Network Uplink connectivity
• Optional support for Full-Power
Ethernet Routing Switch 4900
PoE/PoE+ Next-generation, high-performance, feature-rich Ethernet
• Field-Replaceable AC Power with Switch platforms specifically optimized for the Wiring Closet
optional High-Availability
demands of the mainstream Enterprise. Extreme Ethernet
Benefits Routing Switch 4900 products deliver the agility to perform
• Convergence-ready Switches for the equally in conventional IP and Ethernet Fabric-based
Wiring Closet and Network Edge
networking solutions.
• Pay-as-you-grow Resilient Stacking
• Optimized for
The Ethernet Routing Switch 4900 products leverage the latest advances in
advanced communications
network switching architecture design to maximize hardware performance
• Choice of PoE or PoE+ to
and software capability. These products represent a clear evolutionary step
Power Devices
for the Ethernet Routing Switch 4000 Series, particularly in terms of
• Simplified network operations
value and future-ready flexibility, and have been optimized for the
• Extend Fabric Services to the Enabled Edge role.
Network Edge
• Lifetime Warranty The primary purpose of a network is to interconnect users with their
applications, and the best networks do this reliably, efficiently, and with
Features and Capabilities a high degree of agility. Extreme’s Fabric-Based architecture empowers
• Non-blocking, wire-speed companies to extend the virtualized Ethernet Fabric beyond the Data
• Integrated design Center, to the very edge of the network, delivering powerful integration of
users, applications, and devices.
• Feature-rich
• Extreme Stackable Chassis The new Ethernet Routing Switch 4900 (ERS 4900) products are an
• Extreme Fabric Connect important part of this strategy, integrating Fabric Connect capabilities into
a form-factor that is cost-effective, flexible, and reliable. The ERS 4900
• Fabric Attach
products can be deployed standalone, or configured as a Stackable Chassis
• Advanced IPv4 and IPv6 Routing
system of up to eight units/400 ports, supported by up to 416Gbps of
• Field-replaceable Power virtual backplane bandwidth.
The Extreme Stackable Chassis technology can offer the
same performance, resiliency, and ease of serviceability
attributes of a traditional Chassis solution, but at a lower,
pay-as-you-grow price point. Notable is the ability to swap-
out an individual failed unit without the requirement to pre-
ERS 4900 Stackable Chassis or post-stage operating system software or configuration;
providing equivalency to module replacement for a modular
Chassis system.
Product Overview
Broadly speaking, the Ethernet Routing Switch 4900
ERS 4950 GTS-PWR+ products provide a mix of Gigabit Ethernet ports for edge
access and 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports for network uplinks.
Supporting modern Enterprise applications requires a Model variants that support Power-over-Ethernet (PoE/
flexible and highly reliable infrastructure, and the ERS PoE+) are also available, and all models support optional
4900 products deliver against this challenge. These are highly available AC power (up to 2 field-replaceable Power
highly strategic products, fit-for-purpose for conventional Supplies). Two different port configurations are available:
Routed IP connectivity requirements and future-ready 26-port and 50-port models, and each configuration is
for the evolving and emerging software-defined needs of available in either a PoE or non-PoE format. The product
tomorrow. Boasting equal competency for both IP- and range includes the following models:
Fabric-based networking give businesses the flexibility to • ERS 4926GTS – 24 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45, plus 2 x
satisfy all common deployment scenarios, with the added 10 Gigabit SFP+
advantage of an easy transitioning between the two. • ERS 4926GTS-PWR+ – 24 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45
with PoE/PoE+, plus 2 x 10 Gigabit SFP+
Extreme brings unique differentiation to the mainstream
Wiring Closet role: with a flexible, non-blocking “Stackable • ERS 4950GTS – 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45, plus 2 x
10 Gigabit SFP+
Chassis” architecture. The proprietary Extreme “Flexible
Advanced Stacking Technology” (FAST) protocol – • ERS 4950GTS-PWR+ – 48 x 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ45
implemented over dedicated Quality-of-Service aware with PoE/PoE+, plus 2 x 10 Gigabit SFP+
interfaces – enables a resilient, high-performance solution
The product’s proven design leverages a sophisticated
that leverages a shortest path algorithm to minimizes
chipset from the Industry’s leading supplier, featuring
transit hops in a multi-device configuration by providing
high-performance switching and frame forwarding. The
active-active bi-directional traffic flows.
switching core is designed to deliver wire-speed capabilities,
with a fully integrated ASIC architecture that facilitates
hardware-assisted feature execution.
The 26-port models – ERS 4926GTS and ERS 4926GTS- The ERS 4900 products deliver key Enterprise-class
PWR+ – feature 24 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet access benefits, including:
ports with RJ45 interfaces; these ports also support • Always-On – Stackable Chassis delivers a best-in-class
10/100Mbps connectivity. Two SFP+ interfaces provide for high-availability solution, featuring hot-swappable unit
network uplink connectivity, and these ports support both replacement and integrated power redundancy.
Gigabit and 10 Gigabit pluggable transceivers.
• Convergence-Ready – Support for PoE/PoE+,
The 50-port models – ERS 4950GTS and ERS 4950GTS- optimized for high-definition video surveillance,
PWR+ – feature 48 1000BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet access true plug-and-play capabilities for communications,
ports with RJ45 interfaces; these ports also support collaboration, and engagement deployments, and
10/100Mbps connectivity. Two SFP+ interfaces provide for advanced QoS capabilities.
network uplink connectivity, and these ports support both • Powerful – Wire-speed performance, truly scalable
Gigabit and 10 Gigabit pluggable transceivers. virtual backplane capabilities, delivering up to 412Gbps
of throughput to support large-scale deployments.
Importantly, all ERS 4900 models feature two dedicated
Stackable Chassis interfaces mounted on the rear; one a • Highly Secure – Standards-based 802.1X Network
bi-directional uplink and the other a bi-directional downlink. Access Control can also be integrated with Extreme
These QoS-aware high-speed connections enable a Management Center for centralized, policy-based
resilient, high-performance hardware virtualization solution, authenticated network access.
leveraging a shortest path algorithm to minimizes transit • Flexibility and Agility – Best-in-class pay-as-you-grow
hops in a multi-device configuration and supporting active- scalability, versatile PoE/PoE+ support and 1/10 Gigabit
active bi-directional traffic flows. network uplinks.
The Power-over-Ethernet models – ERS 4926GTS-PWR+ • Fabric-Enabled – Supporting Extreme’s Fabric Connect
and ERS 4950GTS-PWR+ – support full Standards- technologies to empower a seamless transition to an
compliant IEEE 802.3af/802.3at PoE/PoE+ delivering up to agile, software-defined virtualized networking solution.
30W per port to power IP Phones, Wireless Access Points, • Energy Efficient – Focusing on end-to-end energy
networked IP CCTV Cameras, and other converged devices. efficiency, dynamic Energy Saver further reduces
Today, certain PoE devices require a surge of start-up power, power consumption for both the Ethernet Switch
over-and-above that defined by the IEEE Standards, and (ranging 8-17%) and IP Phones without impacting
support for the High In-Rush mode enables these devices service availability.
to function.
These PoE models require the 1,025W field-replaceable, hot- System Compatibility
swappable power supply; the non-PoE models utilize the From an operating system software perspective, the ERS
lower-rated 250W version. The PoE power budgets for the 4900 products are being introduced via the 7.1 release;
PWR+ models are as follows: therefore, this will be the minimum level of system software
• ERS 4926GTS-PWR+ – up to 720W of PoE power with required to operate the Switches. As of the 7.1 release,
either 1 or 2 PSUs installed both the ERS 4900 and ERS 5900 Series products are
supported by the same BOSS software image. This delivers
• ERS 4950GTS-PWR+ – up to 1,440W of PoE power
harmonized feature availability – where applicable – across
with 2 PSUs installed, and 750W with a single PSU
both the mainstream and premium product lines.
Features and Capabilities Warranty
• Lifetime Hardware Warranty, providing Next Business
Features and Capabilities Day shipment of replacement hardware.
• Non-blocking, wire-speed switching architecture.
• Lifetime Software Warranty, providing access to
• Integrated design that is optimized for low latency and Updates and Upgrades.
high Quality-of-Service (including QoS-aware Stackable
• Lifetime Basic Technical Support.
Chassis interfaces).
• 90-Day Post-Purchase Advanced Technical Support.
• Feature-rich support for conventional VLAN, Private
• VLAN, Multi-Link Trunking, Spanning Tree technologies. Software Licensing
• Extreme Stackable Chassis technology supporting • Base Software License, included with hardware
scalability up to 8 units/400 ports, and Auto-Unit purchase, enables most features with the exception of
Replacement for Software Image and Configuration. those specifically noted and enabled by the Advanced
Software License.
• Extreme Fabric Connect technology supports L2
Virtual Service Networks (VSNs), IP Shortcut Routing, • Advanced Software License, an optional accessory,
IP Multicast-over-Fabric Connect, ETREE, and enables the following features: OSPF, VRRP, ECMP, PIM-
Fabric Attach. SM/PIM-SSM, IPv6 Routing (IP Static Routing, RIPng),
and IP Shortcut Routing.
• IP Routing includes support for Static, RIP/RIPng,
OSPF, ECMP, VRRP, Routing Polices and Source-based Country of Origin
Routing, and PIM-SM/PIM-SSM. • China (PRC)
Specifications Fabric Connect
• IEEE 802.1aq/RFC 6329 Shortest Path Bridging with custom extensions
General • MAC Addresses: 32,000
• Physical Connectivity • IS-IS Adjacencies: 4
• 1000BASE-T Access Ports (supporting both Half- and Full-Duplex)
• Fabric Attach modes: Server, Proxy, & Standalone Proxy
• 10GBASE-SFP+ Network Uplink Ports
• BCB/BEB Nodes per Region: 750
• Switching Fabric
• BEB Nodes per VSN: up to 750 (soft ceiling)
• 140Gbps (Full-Duplex) for 26-port models
• L2 Virtual Service Networks: 500
• 188Gbps (Full-Duplex) for 50-port models
• Frame Forwarding • IP Shortcut Routes: 2,000
• 66Mpps for 26-port models
• 102Mpps for 50-port models QoS and Filtering
• Priority Queues: 8
• Nominal Latency: 3.5 microseconds for 64 Byte packets
• Ingress and Egress ACLs: up to 256 per Precedence, up to 16 Precedence
• Nominal Jitter: 0.84 microseconds for 64 Byte packets
• Frame Length: 64 to 1518 Bytes (Untagged), 64 to 1522 Bytes (Tagged)
• Jumbo Frame: up to 9,216 Bytes (802.1Q Tagged) Operations and Management
• Stackable Chassis Throughput: 52Gbps • Port- and VLAN-based Mirroring
• (Full-Duplex) per Switch, up to 416Gbps • IPFIX Sampled Flows: up to 100,000
• Enterprise Device Manager GUI, on-box &
Layer 2 • Mirroring Instances: 4
• MAC Address: up to 32,768
• sFlow Flow Sampling off-box
• Port-based VLANs: 1,024
• Time-Domain Reflectometry
• MSTP Instances: 8
• MLT/LACP Groups: 32 • SSHv2 with AES128
• Links per MLT/LACP Group: 8
• DHCP Snooping Entries: up to 1,024
Support Transceivers
• 10GBASE-LRM SFP+ (AA1403017-E6), up to 220m over FDDI-grade MMF
• 802.1X Clients: up to 768
• 10GBASE-SR/SW SFP+ (AA1403015-E6), up to 300m over MMF
• LLDP Neighbors: up to 800
• 10GBASE-LR/LW SFP+ (AA1403011-E6), up to 10km over SMF
• Avaya SLPP Instances: 128
• 10GBASE-ER/EW SFP+ (AA1403013-E6), up to 40km over SMF
• 10GBASE-ZR/ZW SFP+ (AA1403016-E6), up to 80km over SMF
Layer 3 IPv4 Routing Services
• ARP Entries: 1,792 • 10GBASE-CX (AA1403019-E6) Dual-Attach Cable, up to 3m over Twinax
• Static ARP Entries: 256 • 10GBASE-CX (AA1403020-E6) Dual-Attach Cable, up to 5m over Twinax
• IP Interfaces: 256 • 10GBASE-CX (AA1403021-E6) Dual-Attach Cable, up to 10m over Twinax
• CLIP Interfaces: 16
• IP Routes: to up 2,000
Physical Specifications
• IP Static Routes: 512 • Height: 44mm
• RIP Interfaces: up to 64 • Width: 440mm
• RIP Routes: up to 2,000 • Depth: 480mm
• OSPF Interfaces: up to 64
• Weight: 7.0-10.0kg
• OSPF Routes: up to 2,000
• OSPF Areas: 4
Power Specifications
• ECMP Groups: 128 • ERS 4926GTS
• Paths per ECMP Group: 4 • Up to 46.23W, up to 0.40A, and up to 157.73BTU/hr @ 200-240VAC
• VRRP Interfaces: 64 • Up to 44.35W, up to 0.46A, and up to 151.32BTU/hr @ 100-110VAC
• IP Route Policies: 128 • 34.9W power consumption at idle, and 40.0W under typical traffic load
• ERS 4926GTS-PWR+
Layer 3 IPv6 Routing Services • Up to 816.03W, up to 3.78A, and up to 342.32BTU/hr @ 200-240VAC
• IPv6 Interfaces: 256
• Up to 839.64W, up to 7.73A, and up to 424.24BTU/hr @ 100-110VAC
• IP Routes: up to 2,048
• 51.4W power consumption at idle, and 55.8W under typical traffic load
• IPv6 Static Neighbors: 256
(excluding PoE draw)
• CLIP Interfaces: 16
• ERS 4950GTS
• IPv6 Management Tunnels: 4
• Up to 58.88W, up to 0.44A, and up to 200.89BTU/hr @ 200-240VAC
• IPv6 Data Tunnels: 8
• Up to 59.53W, up to 0.58A, and up to 203.11BTU/hr @ 100-110VAC
• 43.9W power consumption at idle, and 53.0W under typical traffic load
• ERS 4950GTS-PWR+
• IGMP Enabled VLANs: 256
• Up to 1,586.25W, up to 7.15A, and up to 584.30BTU/hr @ 200-240VAC
• PIM Passive Interface: 28
• Up to 1,660.07W, up to 15.15A, and up to 837.88BTU/hr @ 100-110VAC
• IP Multicast Groups: 512
• 65.9W power consumption at idle, and 73.4W under typical traffic load
• PIM Active Interfaces: 4
(excluding PoE draw)
• PIM-SSM Static Channels: 512
Environmental Specifications
• Operating Temperature
Electromagnetic Emissions
• 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F) and Immunity
• Storage Temperature
• CISPR 22 International EMC Emissions
• -40°C to 85°C (-40°F to 185°F)
• Operating Humidity • CIRPR 24 International EMC Immunity
• 0 to 95% maximum relative humidity, non- condensing • FCC part 15B, Class A USA EMC Emissions
• Storage Humidity
• 10 to 90% maximum relative humidity,
• ICES-003 Class A Canadian EMC Emissions
non-condensing • VCCI Japan EMC Emissions
• Operating Altitude
• 0 to 3,048m (0 to 10,000ft) maximum Storage altitude: 0 to 12,192m (0
• EN 55022 Class A, CISPR 22 European EMC
to 40,000ft) maximum Emissions (CE)
• Acoustic Noise • EN 55024, CISPR 24 including EN 61000-4-2, 4-3, 4-4,
• Less than 48dbA at 25°C 4-5, 4-6, 4-8 & 4-11 European EMC Immunity (CE)
• Less than 61dbA at 50°C • ACMA-RCM Mark
Note: SFP+ sockets are also capable of supporting a wide range of 1 Gigabit
Ethernet Transceivers; please refer to the product documentation for
• Australia EMC Emissions
complete details. • Anatel Brazilian EMC Certification
• Customs Union/EAC EMC Certification
Safety Agency Approvals • CCC & MIIT China EMC Certification
• IEC 60950 International CB Certification
• KC mark: EMI & EMS Korean EMC Certification
• EN 60950-1 Europe Safety (CE): CB Scheme
Certification with Member Deviations • CNS 13438 Taiwan BSMI EMC
• UL 60950-1 USA Safety
• CSA-C22.2, #60950-1 Canada Safety MTBF Values
• NOM Mexico Safety
(Base Unit with Single Power Supply)
• EN 60950-1 Japan Safety • ERS 4926GTS – 212,509 hours (24.14 years)
• Anatel Brazilian Safety • ERS 4926GTS-PWR+ – 211,044 hours (24.09 years)
• ACMA-RCM Australia Safety • ERS 4950GTS – 199,834 hours (22.81 years)
• Customs Union/EAC Safety of Low-Voltage
Equipment Certification • ERS 4950GTS-PWR+ – 195,578 hours (22.32 years)
• CCC & MIIT China Safety
• CNS 14336-1 Taiwan BSMI Safety
• UL 1069 Hospital Signaling and Nurse Call Equipment
(relevant to PWR units only)
Ordering Information
Part Code Description
ERS 4926GTS 26-port Ethernet Switch, supporting 24 x 1000BASE-T & 2 x 10GBASE-SFP+ ports.
Includes single 250W AC Power Supply, Base Software License, and 0.5m, Stacking Cable.
ERS 4926GTS-PWR+ 26-port Ethernet Switch, supporting 24 x 1000BASE-T PoE/PoE+ & 2 x 10GBASE-SFP+
ports. Includes single 1,025W AC Power Supply, Base Software License, and 0.5m Stacking Cable.
ERS 4950GTS 50-port Ethernet Switch, supporting 48 x 1000BASE-T & 2 x 10GBASE-SFP+ ports.
Includes single 250W AC Power Supply, Base Software License, and 0.5m, Stacking Cable.
ERS 4950GTS-PWR+ 50-port Ethernet Switch, supporting 48 x 1000BASE-T PoE/PoE+ & 2 x 10GBASE-SFP+
ports. Includes single 1,025W AC Power Supply, Base Software License, and 0.5m Stacking Cable.
ERS 4900 Advanced Software License. Enables additional functionality including: OSPF, VRRP, ECMP, PIM-SM, PIM-
SSM/PIM-SSM, IPv6 Routing, and IP Shortcut Routing.
Note: Power cord is not included and must be ordered separately. For a
list of available power cords, please refer to "Lifecycle Notification on ERS
Power Cord Models" at:
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