Lesson Plan LA 1 WORD
Lesson Plan LA 1 WORD
Lesson Plan LA 1 WORD
Year : 5 Jujur
2) create and act out a role play based on the ending of the
“Peter Pan” story with guidance of visuals in groups.
Language Content:
➢ Vocabulary
Educational Emphasis:
➢ Moral Values – Cooperation
➢ Thinking Skill - Create ending to the “ Peter Pan” short story
➢ Multiple Intelligences – Visual and Lingustic
Content Activity Remarks
Set Activity: 1) Teacher divides Preparation Phase
Induction pupils into groups (Setting the tone
“ Guess the of six. of lesson)
(5 minutes) superheroes “
2) Teacher distributes Teaching aids:
Example a piece of puzzle
for each group. 1. Marker pen
(a)Peter Pan 2. Images of
3) Pupils are required characters
to rearrange those
puzzles which will
form an image
4) Pupils need to
paste their image
on the white board
and guess the
(b) Tinker Bell names of the
characters based
on the pictures.
5) Teacher introduces
the topic of the day.
Presentation Activity 1) Teacher arranges Imagination Phase
the characters of (Exploring,
(15 minutes) “ Listen and Learn “ the story on the generating, probing
whiteboard. and synthesising
Sentence Strips. ideas)
2) Teacher reads
1) Three children- aloud the “Peter Assessment for
Darling family- Pan” short story learning objective
London. and pupils listen (1)
2) Sleeping - Peter
Pan - Tinker Bell 3) Pupils are asked to
flew - into the read the short story Teaching aids:
house. Children - silently and note the
woke up - saw highlighted 1.Images of
Peter Pan - vocabulary in the characters
Tinker Bell - text. 2. Sentence Strips
bedroom. 3. Visual Images
4) Teacher introduces
3) Lived in the words and
Neverland - explains the
beautiful - meaning of the
magical words.
7) Pirates - kidnap -
Practice Activity: 1) Teacher organises Development
(15 minutes) classroom into Phase
“ Draw and have fun” several groups. (Guided practice)
5) Each group is
asked to send one
representative to
present their
4) Pupils are
requested to come
in front and act out
their ending without
making any noise.