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Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

PCMS-C Manual

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 1-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual


PREFACE ..........................................................................................................................................................................................3

INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................................................4

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................................................................................5

GRAPHIC OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................................................6

Motor popup window ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Valve popup window ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Analog input popup window ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Binary input popup window ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8

PID Controller popup window ................................................................................................................................................................... 9

RECIPE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................10

Pellet mill w/ Expander & 1 additive - Screenshot .................................................................................................................................. 10

Pellet mill w/ Expander & 1 additive - Explanation .................................................................................................................................. 11

TREND ............................................................................................................................................................................................12

Trend Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13

CONFIGURATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................14

Main Configuration................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

Configuration of the Feed screw ............................................................................................................................................................ 16

Configuration of the Conditioner 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

Configuration of Conditioner 2 ............................................................................................................................................................... 19

Configuration of the Fines system .......................................................................................................................................................... 20

Configuration of the FEX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21

Configuration of the Pellet mill ............................................................................................................................................................... 23

Configuration of the Additives ................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Configuration of the Cooler .................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Configuration of the Crumbler ................................................................................................................................................................ 27

ALARMS ..........................................................................................................................................................................................28

WEAR PARTS. ................................................................................................................................................................................42

Creating wear part ................................................................................................................................................................................. 42

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 2-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

This manual describes the functionality of the PCMS-C system and provides thorough instructions about
set-up, operation and troubleshooting of the system.
This manual is created for the PCMS-C system alone.

General A-Scada functions are not described in this manual; they are described in the Design manual.

Furthermore, this manual assumes that the reader has general knowledge of pelleted feed production as
well as comprehensive knowledge about the machines of which this system will be controlling. The reader
is referred to the mechanical documentation of the relevant machines for any mechanical questions.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 3-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The PCMS-C control is a system for controlling an entire pelleting line or a part of it.
It is a modular system, making it possible to construct a control for any Andritz Feed & Biofuel pellet feed
production machine.
The system may also be configured to control a range of third-party machines.
Due to the flexibility of the PCMS-C system, Customization and optimization must be carried out by an
authorized Andritz Feed & Biofuel technician.

The PCMS-C system consists of the following basic modules and extensions, but specialized functions
could be/have been added.

Basic module A Basic module B Extension 1

Pellet mill, Pellet mill with Conditioner 2,
conditioner dual main motor, Constant RPM
and feed screw, Conditioner,
Steam addition feed screw,
And re-pelletizing. Steam addition and
Extension 2 Extension 3 Extension 4
CRT as conditioner 2, Dynamic Weight Control Fine bin,
CRT with Feeding (DWC) Dosing of fine into
level control conditioner
and equalizer

Extension 5 Extension 6 Extension 7

Additive 1+2 Additive 3+4 Additive 5+6
Liquid or powder Liquid or powder Liquid or powder

Extension 8 Extension 9 Extension 10

Feed expander, Pre pellet mill, Cooler 1 with
wing crumbler and forced feeder, Fan and cyclone.
Bypass before and after. Bypass before
And after.

Extension 11 Extension 12 Extension 13

Cooler 2 with Crumbler 1 with Crumbler 2 with
fan and cyclone distributer and bypass distributer and bypass

Extension 14 Extension 15 Extension 16

4 conveyors and 5 conveyors and ARC
4 gates with 10 gates with Automatic roller
overflow switch overflow switch position control
and speedguards and speedguards on pellet mill

Extension 17
Steam addition
on FEX
Motor valve
and flow meter

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 4-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

System Description
The PCMS-C is based around an Allen-Bradley CompactLogix PLC, which handles all electrical signals to
and from the machines. The PLC communicates with a computer running the A-Scada system.
A-Scada allows the operator to monitor, manage the process, and also saves production data for retrieval
at any time.
Computer and PLC is connected via an Ethernet connection.
The A-Scada system is network-based and it is possible to connect more than one client to the same
Server. Client and server do not have to be installed on the same PC, as long as they are connected via
the same network. This means that there can be several operating stations for controlling the machinery.
Please see the Design manual for more information about the A-Scada system.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 5-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Graphic Overview
The graphic overview is found in the Overview tab. It shows the entire installation with all components.
Motors, switches etc. change color to show which state they are in. Motors are brown when stopped,
green when running, and blinking red to indicate an error state.
Switches are green when they are OK, i.e. in a state that does not prevent operation. A red switch means
that it is in a state that prevents operation, and blinking signifies that the switch has triggered an alarm.

There may be fields for adjusting Recipe parameters or fields that display current values.

Pellet press with cooler

Start – Stop Icons

The Graphic overview also contains the buttons for starting and stopping the pelleting
equipment. The control starts each part of the machine in preprogrammed steps that
makes sure the machines start in the correct order. During steps, the clicked button will
blink green. When a sequence is finished/ready the button will be constantly green.

Start and Stop

When clicking Start; all steps initiate automatically. Clicking Stop will reverse this sequence.

Step Start and Step Stop

By clicking Step Start, the machine will start in steps.
For each time the button is clicked, next section will initiate.
By clicking Step Stop, the active step will stop and the preceding step will be active.

Open Dumpshute
This button will open the Dump Shute, when clicked the button will become orange and the text will
change to Close Dumpshute.
Clicking Close Dumpshute will reverse the above.
Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 6-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Empty Cooler
Empty cooler will discharge the cooler for a configured amount of time (see Cooler
configuration page)

Start and Stop Crumbler

When clicking the Start Crumbler; the crumbler will be selected and startup, all steps
initiate automatically.
Stop will reverse this sequence and deselect the crumbler.

Start and Stop Preheat

When clicking the Start Preheate; the preheatesequence will be selected and startup, all
steps initiate automatically.
Cancel will reverse this sequence and deselect the preheate function.
The Start/Stop Heat Tracing will start/stop heat tracing for the preheat conditioner.

Motor popup window

By clicking on a motor icon on the graphic overview

picture the Motor popup window opens.
The window has the following functions:

Simulation, Auto, Man, Service, Start and Stop are

belonging to the standard controls of this popup and if
the motor has interlocks they are also indicated and
limited interlocks can be bypassed on this popup.
To operate buttons whit a lock, the user has to log in as
Maint. or Prog.

Diagnostic of the motor can be opened by


This is the diagnostic popup for motors and indicates all the important States of the
Motor. It can influence all the input signals of the motor for maintenance, service
and start-up.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 7-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Valve popup window

Valve popup window. There are standard buttons to operate the
valve (Sim, Auto, Man, Open, Close, Service). Interlocks are
visible in this popup.

The diagnostic popup for the Valve. It acts

similar to the Motor diagnostic as service- and
maintenance- and start-up interface

Analog input popup window

The Analog input window shows the scaled value of the input,
alarms and the value can be set to simulation.

Binary input popup window

The Binary input window shows the status of the input.
Alarm can be inhibit and the inhibit state in the plc is shown.
Simulation of the signal can be set or reset from window.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 8-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

PID Controller popup window

The Controller is an extended PID controller with
many useful options. The Analog input part is similar
to the standalone analog with the 4 alarms.
The Controller has basically 3 modes:

Auto: The controller is on and the

Auto set point is used.

Manual: The controller is off and the

Output can be set by the
manual CV value.

Remote: The controller is on and the

set point is calculated from the PLC
(Remote set point)

A controller can be forced (In the Plc). For each force there can be a different output value. In this mode
the controller is switched off. And the force value is directly given to the output.

In the parameter popup of the controller you can set the PID parameter:

KP: Proportional part of the controller

TI: Integration time
TD: Differential time
TF: Filter time for the differential part
DZ: Dead zone

Limits for SP and CV and deviation limits are set here.

Also alarm setpoints for the PV are set here.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 9-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The recipe handler makes it possible to create standard recipes for each type of product.
(See the Design Manual for further information)

The values put in the recipe are the parameters to lead the machine to producing the optimal product.
They will be the indicators for a smooth automatic startup where the requested temperature and capacity
will be reached the best possible way.
The system has programmed PID control loops to automatically raise and adjust the process values to the
requested set points.

Examples and explanations

Pellet mill w/ Expander & 1 additive - Screenshot

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 10-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Pellet mill w/ Expander & 1 additive - Explanation

Parameter Explanation
This is the density of the raw material. Kg/m3 = Grams/Liter = the weight of 1 liter material.
Density of raw meatrial:
This is used to calculate the volumetric capacity of the feed screw.

Speed of Feed screw high limit: The maximum speed of the feed screw after the Conditioner temperature set point is reached the first time.

Feed screw until temp at set The feed screw will regulate regardless of the temperature in the conditioner until this set point. The feed
point: screw will stop regulating until the requested Conditioner temperature set point is reached the first time.

Min. opening of Steam valve: This is the minimum opening of the steam valve in auto mode.

Max Opening of Steam valve: This is the maximum opening of the steam valve in auto mode.

After start of the feed screw the Control system will try to achieve and maintain this chosen temperature by
Set point for Conditioner
regulating the steam valve between the Steam valve minimum opening and Steam valve maximum
temperature control:

Set point for Additive 1 – Flow The percentage of additive you would like to add to the process. If you do not want to use it; write 0 as the
control: set point.

Set point for Additive 2 – Flow

control: ----

The minimum opening of the FEX gap, The FEX gap will close according to the load control on the FEX main
Gap Minimum opening
motor. The gap will not close more than to the minimum level.

The more material the Pellet press has to work with, the more amperes it will use. The feed screw will
Main motor load set point adjust the amount of product to the requested amperes in this set point. The bigger difference between the
actual value and this set point, the more aggressive the regulation will be and vice versa.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 11-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The PCMS has trend curves for a large number of variables, and more are added constantly. The trend curve is accessed clicking
Trend in the lower tab.

Please see the A-Scada manual for more information on using the trend window.

The variables shown as trends depend on the specific machines installed, and may be adjusted by an Andritz Feed & Biofuel
technician, but this table demonstrates the most common ones. Your specific installation may differ from this description.
On each trend bar you have a scale and 2 arrows. The bars fill color indicates the input value of the variable, the small arrow
indicates the Set Point of the variable and the big arrow indicates the output value.

Parameter Explanation
Feed screw Amp. Load Control PV load on Pellet mill main motor, CV speed of feed screw.

Conditioner 1 Steam temperature PV temperature of material out of conditioner, CV opening of steam motor valve
Conditioner 1 Steam motor valve
PV steam motor valve opening feedback signal
Additive 1 The capacity of the additive added, 0 – x,x % (customer specific)

Equalizer Level control PV Level in CRT outlet, CV speed of equalizer screw

Actual production Actual production capacity, value from DWC or calculated from feed screw speed and product dencity

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 12-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Trend Configuration

Press the “Config” button located in the bottom left corner or the trend window

In the configuration you can change which trends are shown and on what position and the color of the Graphical
View. Maximum 11 Trends can be shown at a time.
If you need to view a certain time in the past then you can use the CONFIG button

Then choose ABSOLUTE TIME instead of RELATIVE TIME and input the exact time you want to view.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 13-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The PCMS-C has adjustable parameters for each part of the machinery. They are usually adjusted by the Andritz Feed & Biofuel technician during
In some cases it is needed to change these parameters later on and for that a special administrator login is needed.
The login will be given to a chief operator or similar.
The configuration parameters can be found in the Pellet Mill – Configuration tab.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 14-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Main Configuration

The Main Configuration is to ease setting or resetting multiple functions at the same time and to backup or restore the
configuration of all equipment.

Parameter Explanation
Switch simulation of all
All equipment in Simulation
equipment ON or OFF

All equipment in Dynamic Switch dynamic simulation of

Simulation all equipment ON or OFF

Switch off all bypassed

All equipment Bypass

Switch off all inhibited

All equipment Inhibit

Switch all equipment to Auto

All equipment in Auto

Back up Configuration
By pressing Backup config on the main configuration page a pop-up
window will allow you to save your current configuration of the system.
It is also possible to load and/or delete earlier saved configurations.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 15-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Feed screw

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing
component, signal type or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component triggers the

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running
signal trigger the alarm.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[410LS01] – Feed screw – Prebin Indicates product available in systems without
3.00 sec
empty level Switch DWC (Extension 3).
[410LS02] – Feed screw – Prebin full
Indicates upstream that the prebin is full. 3.00 sec
level Switch
[410GS01] – Feed screw – Overflow
Blocking sensor located at the feed screws outlet. 3.00 sec
[410M01] – Feed screw – Motor The motor for the feed screw. 3.00 sec
[410EIC01] – Feed screw – Process
Feedback of feed screws speed. -
value (PV)
Span of the ampere feedback – 100 % = Main
Motors nominal current
[410EIC01] – Feed screw – Control
Set point of feed screws speed. -
value (CV)
The minimum - maximum output speed to the
Scaling 0-100%
frequency drive.
The gain of the speed controller. Higher = More
KP 1
The integral time of the controller. Higher = less
TI 20
The Dead band of the controller. The span around
TD 1
the set point with no regulation.
The delay before the deviation in the controller
Deviation alarm delay time 10 sec
triggers the alarm.
Maximum deviation between actual and set point
Deviation high value 15 %
before alarm.
Minimum deviation between actual and set point
Deviation low value -15%
before alarm.
Production of Feed screw on 100% Kilos of production pr. hour with 100% speed on
Speed the feed screw.
Density of the product used when calculating the
Calibration density -
above capacity.
Sequence waiting time after stop of Waiting time before it is possible to stop the next
Feed screw step after the feed screw.
The delay between the empty sensors signal is lost
Prebin empty delay time 3
and the alarm is triggered.
Auto stop line at empty prebin Stop down the line if the prebin is empty. -
Stop the feed screw in case of overload on the
Stop feed screw at high PM amp -
main motor.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 16-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Conditioner 1

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing component, signal type
or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[411M01 – Conditioner 1 - Motor The motor for the conditioner. 3.00 sec

[411GS02] – Conditioner 1 – Overflow Switch Blocking sensor located at the conditioners outlet. 3.00 sec

[411SS01 – Conditioner 1 – Speed Switch Speed switch indicating correct speed of the conditioner. 3.00 sec

[411SI01] – Conditioner 1 - Speed Speed control of the conditioner motor. -

Scaling The scaling of the speed control in percentage. 0-100%

Min Output The minimum speed output in percentage. -

[411EI01] Conditioner 1 - Load Ampere feedback of the conditioner. -

Nominal Current The nominal current, read of the motors tag plate. -

Trend scale max Maximum amperes on the trend scaling. -

Max amp alarm The ampere needed to trigger the alarm. -

[411OV01] – Conditioner - PT100 Cleaning The air cylinder that cleans the PT100 thermostat. 3.00 sec

[411OV02] – Conditioner - Inlet valve Special inlet shot for CM902PH. 3.00 sec

[411OV03] – Conditioner – Outlet valve 1 Special outlet shot for CM902PH (left). 3.00 sec

[411OV04] – Conditioner – Outlet valve 2 Special outlet shot for CM902PH (right). 3.00 sec

[413OV01] – Steam to Conditioner 1 - Valve On/off valve for supply of steam to the conditioner. 3.00 sec

[413TIC01] – Steam to Conditioner 1 – Process Value(PV) Feedback of the motor valves position (steam controller). -

Scaling Scaling of the PT100 thermostats span in degrees. 0-200°C (read tag plate)

Control Value (CV) Set point of the motor valves position (steam controller). -

KP The gain of the steam controller. Higher = More aggressive. 1

TI The integral time of the steam controller. Higher = less aggressive. 20

The Dead band of the steam controller. The span around the set
TD 1
point with no regulation.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 17-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Parameter Explanation Typical setting
Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 10 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. 15%

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. -15%

Sequence waiting time after start/stop of Conditioner Waiting time for next step after start/stop of the conditioner 5 sec.

Steam to conditioner on delay When to open the steam supply after starting the feed screw. 3-5 sec.

Parking position of steam motor valve In what position to “park” the motor valve after stop. -

Steam to Conditioner off delay When to close the steam supply after stop of the feed screw. 3-5 sec.

PT100 cleaning open time The opening time of the PT100 cleaning cylinder before closing. 2 sec.

PT100 cleaning close time The closing time of the PT100 cleaning cylinder before opening. 200 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 18-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of Conditioner 2

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an
existing component, signal type
or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component
signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a
motors running-signal signals

Position available
Position switches indicating the
position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 –

See Conditioner 1 for explanation of general parameters

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

414LIC01- Level Control
Select if Conditioner 2 is an CRT whit level sensor in
PV available -
- Min & Max level 0% & 100%
Select if Conditioner 2 is an CRT whit level sensor
CV available -
and Equalizer screw in outlet
KP, TI, TD PID settings KP 0,5 TI 10,0 TD 0,0

Deviation alarm delay time Time delay for deviation alarm 10 sec.

High speed High speed for Equalizer screw 100%

Low speed Low speed for Equalizer screw 20%

Equalizer ramp down cycle time Ramp time for Equalizer screw 1.0 sec

Equalizer ramp down gain Ramp down gain for Equalizer screw 10.0

414M01 Screw available Equalizer screw available -

CRT / Conditioner 2 temperature sensor in outlet
412TI01 Temperature available -
CRT outlet max level High level alarm CRT outlet 100%

CRT total retention time Retention time in CRT at 100% rpm 60 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 19-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Fines system

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an
existing component, signal type or

Signal delay time

The delay before a component
signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors
running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the
position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[461M01] – Screw Available Screw located under the fine bin 5 sec.

[461GS01] – Blocking sensor Available Overload switch, located at the end of the screw 2 sec.

[461M02] – Elevator Available Elevator supplying the fine bin with material 5 sec.

[461M03] – Fine screw to elevator Available Fine screw after pellet mill before elevator 5 sec.

[461GS02] – Blocking sensor Available Overload switch, located before elevator 5 sec.

[461SS01] – Elevator – Speed guard Indication that elevator speed is correct. 5 sec.

[461LS01] – Empty level sensor Low level sensor of the fine bin 1 sec.

[461LS02] – Full level sensor Full level sensor of the fine bin 3 sec.

[461LS03] – Middle level sensor Middle level sensor of the fine bin 2 sec.
Speed control of the Discharge screw –
[461SI01] – Screw Speed Available 0 – 100%
Trend scale minimum - maximum
CV Abs min Minimum speed of fine screw 5%

Fine screw ramp up gain Increase gain to make shorter ramp time 5

Fine screw ramp down gain Increase gain to make shorter ramp time 5

Min- Max Output Minimum & Maximum speed of the Discharge screw 5 % - 100 %

[461LI01] Analog – Level sensor Analogue level indication of the fine bin. 0 – 100%
Bypass cooler 2-way distributor, for bypass of cooler
[420OV01] Bypass Valve available
during start up or at low temperature

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 20-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the FEX

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing
component, signal type or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors
running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position
of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[415M01] - FEX – Main motor The main motor of the Feed expander Depending on size of the FEX.

[415SS01] – FEX – Speed guard Speed switch indicating correct speed of the expander’s main motor. Depending on size of the FEX.

[415GS01] – FEX – Door switch Door switch located at the head of the expander 0 sec.

[415GS01] – FEX – Blocking Sensor Outlet Sensor indicating blockage in the outlet after the Expander. 5 sec.

[415M02] - FEX – Hy. Pump Hydraulic pump controlling the 3 sec.

[415M04] - FEX – Oil lub. - Pump Pump for lubrication of the main bearing house 3 sec.

[415M05] - FEX – Oil lub. - Cooler Cooler for cooling of the oil for lubrication of the main bearing house 3 sec.

[415FS01] – FEX – Oil lub. – Flow Switch 1 Flow switch indicating that the lubrication is ok. 0 sec.

[415FS02] – FEX – Oil lub. – Flow Switch 2 Flow switch indicating that the filter for the lubrication is ok. 0 sec.
Read the tag plate located on the
Nominal current The main motors Current
Read the tag plate located on the
Voltage The main motors Voltage
Read the tag plate located on the
Main motor Cos fi The main motors Cosinus fi
Depending on the scale of the
[415EIC01] – FEX – Load - PV Main motor current feedback [A] current transformer, soft starter,
Hydraulic gap control, configuration of the pulse time under normal
CV available 2,5 sec – 4,5 sec
circumstances and during emergency opening.
Deadband Span around the SP where the controller isn’t regulating. 3%

Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 5 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. + 20 %

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. - 20%

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 21-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Parameter Explanation Typical setting
[415GI01] – FEX – Gap Opening Sensor Sensor Indicating the Position of the Gap 0-100%

[415TI01] – FEX – Gap Temperature Sensor Sensor indicating the temperature at the Gap opening. 0-200°C (read tag plate)

[415OV01] – FEX Gap - Valve - -

[415OV04] – Oil at Stop Valve Oil Additive to prevent blocking of the FEX while stopping down. 3 sec.

[415OV05] – Bypass FEX – Valv e Bypass before the FEX 3 sec.

[415OV06] – Bypass PM - Valve Bypass right after the Gap to bypass a possible Pellet Mill 3 sec.
Delay before restarting the FEX, to make sure the Main motor is
Restart Delay Depending on size of the motor.
stopped before restarting.
Waiting time before the start sequence continues after starting the
Sequence waiting time after start of FEX 20 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 22-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Pellet


General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an
existing component, signal type
or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component
signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a
motors running-signal signals

Position available
Position switches indicating the
position of a valve.

Check this, if the signal is 4 –

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[419M01] – Pellet Mill – Main Motor The main motor of the Pellet mill 20 sec.

[419SS01] – Pellet Mill – Main Motor Speed Switch Speed switch indicating correct speed of the Pellet mill main motor. 10 sec.
Read of the tag plate
Nominal current The main motors Current
located on the motor.
Read of the tag plate
Voltage The main motors Voltage
located on the motor.
Read of the tag plate
Cos fi The main motors Cosinus fi
located on the motor.
[419M02] – Pellet Mill – Inlet Screw Motor A screw located in front of the Pellet chamber. 3 sec.

[419SS02] – Pellet Mill – Inlet Screw Motor Speed Switch Speed switch indicating correct speed of the Inlet screw. 3 sec.

[419M03] – Pellet Mill – Hydraulic Pump Pump controlling the brake pressure and tension of the belts. 3 sec.

[419PS01] – Pellet Mill – Pressure Switch Indicator for the brake pressure. 3 sec.

[419PS02] – Pellet Mill – Pressure Switch Indicator for the belt tension 3 sec.

[419M04] – Pellet Mill – Gearbox Oil Pump Circulation pump for oil in cog driven Pellet mills 3 sec.

[419PS03] – Pellet Mill – Gearbox Pressure Switch Switch indicating the pressure of the oil flow. 0 sec.
[419OV01] – Pellet Mill – Bypass Pellet mill (Dump
Bypass in front of the Pellet Chamber. 3 sec.
In case the Dump Shute opens due to overload of the main motor, the bypass
Manual Close Dump Shute -
will not close automatically.
Depending on the
Restart delay Time before the Pellet mill main motor will be able to start again after stopping.
size of the motor.
Sequence waiting time after stop of Pellet Mill Waiting time after the stop sequencer has stopped the Pellet mill. 10 sec.
Check lubrication
Lubrication alarm delay Time for registering pulses after each lubrication cycle.
Scheme in Manual
Check lubrication
Lubrication cycle time Time between each cycle of lubrication
Scheme in Manual
Check lubrication
Lubrication number of pulses Pulses requested in each lubrication cycle.
Scheme in Manual
Blocking sensor outlet Switch indicating that that the space after the Pellet mill is blocked. 1 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 23-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an
existing component, signal type
or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component
signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a
motors running-signal signals

Position available
Position switches indicating the
position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Dep. On the flow
[441FIC01] – Additive 1 - Flow Flow meter and scale of its minimum - maximum feedback
meters scale.
CV Available Control of motors speed via frequency drive -

KP The gain of the speed controller. Higher = More aggressive 0.1

TI The integral time of the controller. Higher = less aggressive 10

TD The Dead band of the controller. The span around the set point with no regulation. 1

Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 10 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. + 20 %

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. - 20%

[441M01] – Additive 1 – Pump Main motor of the additive 3 sec.

[441LS01] Additive 1 – Level switch Empty Empty switch in the container of the additiv 10 sec.

[441GS01] – Additive 1 – Overload Switch Physical overload switch of the additive dosing. 0 sec.

[441OV01] – Additive 1 – Injection Valve 1 First injection valve into the product 2 sec.

[441OV02] – Additive 1 Injection Valve 2 Second injection valve into the product 2 sec

[441OV03] – Additive 1 Injection Valve 3 Third injection valve into the product 2 sec

Additive on delay after start of Feed screw The delayed start after starting the feed screw and the start rpm percentage. 10 sec. - 5%

Additive off delay after stop of Feed screw The delayed stop after the feed screw has stopped 5 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 24-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Cooler

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an existing
component, signal type or motor.

Signal delay time

The delay before a component signals

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors running-
signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the position of a

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

[412FIC01] – Cooler 1 – Air flow control System that controls the airflow of the cooler outlet. 0-100 %

Deviation alarm delay time Time before the below mentioned deviation triggers the alarm. 5 sec.

Deviation high value Accepted + Deviation between actual position and set point. +10 %

Deviation low value Accepted - Deviation between actual position and set point. -10 %

[421M01] – Cooler 1 – Inlet airlock Airlock located on top of the cooler. -

[421M02] – Cooler 1 – Distributer Distributor located in the top of the cooler on the inside. 3 sec.

[421M03] – Cooler 1 – Discharger The moving floor in the cooler. 3.sec.

[421M04] – Cooler 1 – Fan The fan that circulates the air in the cooling system. ̴ 20 sec. (dep. on size)

[421M05] – Cooler 1 – Cyclone Airlock Airlock located in the bottom of the cyclone. 3 sec.

[421GS01] – Cooler 1 – Door switch Switch making sure that the door is closed. 0 sec.

[421GS02] – Cooler 1 – Blocking sensor outlet Switch located after the floor of the cooler, activated if the outlet is blocked. 3 sec.
Switch located at the “arm” of the moving floor, activated when the floor is
[421GS03] – Cooler 1 – Discharger bottom closed 0 sec.
mechanically closed.
Switch located at the “arm” of the moving floor, activated when the floor is
[421GS04] – Cooler 1 – Discharger bottom opened 0 sec.
mechanically opened.
[421XS01] – Cooler 1– Fire sensor or fire gate pos. Temperature switch and/or position switch indicating the fire gate open. 0 sec.

[421LS01] – Cooler 1 – Full level switch Top level switch of the cooler main chamber. 5-10 sec.

[421LS02] – Cooler 1 – Empty level switch Low level switch of the cooler main chamber. 3 sec.

[421LS03] – Cooler 1 – Start level switch Middle level switch of the cooler main chamber. 3 sec.

[421LS04] – Cooler 1 – Blocking level switch in cyclon Level switch located just above the cyclone airlock. 3 sec.

[421SS01] – Cooler 1 – Fan Speed guard Switch indicating correct speed of the cooler fan. ̴ 10 sec. (dep. on size)

[421OV01] – Cooler 1 – Grid Valve Valve for total opening of the cooler floor 3 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 25-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Parameter Explanation Typical setting
[421OV02] – Cooler 1 – Midriff Valve Extra floor located in the middle of the cooler chamber. 3 sec.

Ambient Temperature The temperature outside the cooler. 0-200°C (read tag plate)

Outlet Temperature Temperature in the outlet, after the bottom floor. 0-200°C (read tag plate)

Material Temperature Temperature inside the cooler chamber, in material level. 0-200°C (read tag plate)

Cooler emptying time The time it takes to empty a full cooler with grid half open. (Experienced value)
If the grid valve is available, the end of the above cycle will open
Cooler emptying time with open grid valve (Experienced value)
completely these seconds.
Cooler discharging time The discharging time when reaching the start level (Experienced value)
The alarm delay, If the discharging arm doesn’t stop on the parking
Parking switch alarm delay 3 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 26-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Configuration of the Crumbler

General explanation

Cross a checkbox to indicate an
existing component, signal type or

Signal delay time

The delay before a component
signals “Alarm”.

Feedback time
The delay before loss of a motors
running-signal signals “Alarm”.

Position available
Position switches indicating the
position of a valve.

Check this if the signal is 4 – 20mA

Parameter Explanation Typical setting

Dep. On the Current
[431EIC01] – Crumbler 1 – Main motor current control Current controller and the scale of its minimum - maximum feedback
feedbacks scale.
CV Available Control of motors speed via frequency drive -

KP The gain of the speed controller. Higher = More aggressive 0.1

TI The integral time of the controller. Higher = less aggressive 10

TD The Dead band of the controller. The span around the set point with no regulation. 1

Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 10 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. + 20 %

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. - 20%
Read the Motors tag
Nominal current The Crumblers Main motors nominal current
Controller that adjusts the left side gap between the rollers, minimum and
[431GIC01] – Crumbler 1 – Left roller distance control 0 – 100 %
maximum opening.
Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 5 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. + 20 %

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. - 20%
[431GIC02] – Crumbler 1 – Right roller distance Controller that adjusts the right side gap between the rollers, minimum and
0 – 100 %
control maximum opening.
Deviation alarm delay time The delay before the deviation in the controller triggers the alarm. 5 sec.

Deviation high value Maximum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. + 20 %

Deviation low value Minimum deviation between actual and set point before alarm. - 20%

[431M01] – Crumbler 1 - Distributer Distributor determining the amount of product going through the crumbler 3 sec.

[431M02] – Crumbler 1 – Main Motor The main Motor of the Crumbler 10 – 20 sec.
[431SS01] – Crumbler 1 – Speed guard for main
Speed switch indicating correct speed of the Crumbler main motor. 0 sec.
[431GS01] – Crumbler 1 – Overload switch Switch activated in case of overload of the rollers 0 sec.

[431OV01] – Crumbler 1 – Bypass Valve Bypass located in the beginning of the Crumbler 3 sec.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 27-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual


There is alarm indication on the main screen and in the Alarm list tab.
Here you will find the current alarms, when they where received, cleared and acknowledged.

The usual alarm consist of 3 - 4 different information’s

Example: [411OV01] - Conditioner 1 - PT100 Cleaning - Close fault

 [411OV01] The position and internal name of the faulted element

 Conditioner 1 The main part of the machine where the faulted element is located
 PT100 cleaning The exact element where the fault is located
 Close fault The reason why the element is signaling alarm

You will find a specific explanation in the list below.

Alarm Name Explanation Possible Solutions

[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control - PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
Deviation high alarm SP
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control - PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
Deviation low alarm SP
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control -
Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control - Low The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
alarm configuration
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control - Low The PV has reached the LO level set in the
warning configuration
[410EIC01] - Feed screw - Speed Control -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[410GS01] - Feed screw - Overflow Switch -
Overflow switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
[410LS01] - Feed screw - Prebin empty level
The empty switch is not activated Fill material into to the bin.
Switch - Fault
[410LS02] - Feed screw - Prebin full level
The full level switch is activated -
Switch - Fault
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[410M01] - Feed screw - Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[410M01] - Feed screw - Motor - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[410SI01] - Feed screw - Speed - High alarm -

[410SI01] - Feed screw - Speed - High warning The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-

The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the

[410SI01] - Feed screw - Speed - Low alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[410SI01] - Feed screw - Speed - Low warning -
[410SI01] - Feed screw - Speed - Wire broken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 28-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the

[411EI01] - Conditioner 1 - Load - High alarm -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the
[411EI01] - Conditioner 1 - Load - High warning -

[411EI01] - Conditioner 1 - Load - Low alarm The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the config. -

The PV has reached the LO level set in the

[411EI01] - Conditioner 1 - Load - Low warning -

[411GS01] - Conditioner 1 - Door Switch - Fault Door switch is not activated Check that the Door is closed.

[411GS02] - Conditioner 1 - Overflow Switch -

Overflow switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[411M01] - Conditioner 1 - Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[411M01] - Conditioner 1 - Motor - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[411OV01] - Conditioner 1 - PT100 Cleaning - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[411OV01] - Conditioner 1 - PT100 Cleaning - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[411OV02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet valve - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[411OV02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet valve - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[411OV03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet valve 1 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[411OV03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet valve 1 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[411OV04] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet valve 2 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[411OV04] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet valve 2 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[411SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed - High alarm -
[411SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed - High
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[411SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed - Low alarm -
[411SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed - Low The PV has reached the LO level set in the
warning configuration
[411SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed - Wire
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
broken alarm
[411SS01] - Conditioner 1 - Speed Switch -
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
[411TI01] - Conditioner 1 - Prebin Temperature The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
- High alarm configuration
[411TI01] - Conditioner 1 - Prebin Temperature
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
- High warning
[411TI01] - Conditioner 1 - Prebin Temperature The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
- Low alarm configuration
[411TI01] - Conditioner 1 - Prebin Temperature The PV has reached the LO level set in the
- Low warning configuration
[411TI01] - Conditioner 1 - Prebin Temperature
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
- Wire broken alarm
[411TI02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet Temperature - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[411TI02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet Temperature -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[411TI02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[411TI02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[411TI02] - Conditioner 1 - Inlet Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 29-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[411TI03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet Temperature The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
- High alarm configuration
[411TI03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet Temperature The PV has reached the HI level set in the
- High warning configuration
[411TI03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet Temperature The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
- Low alarm configuration
[411TI03] - Conditioner 1 - Outlet Temperature The PV has reached the LO level set in the
- Low warning configuration
[411TI04] - Conditioner 1 - Housing The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
Temperature - High alarm configuration
[411TI04] - Conditioner 1 - Housing
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
Temperature - High warning
[411TI04] - Conditioner 1 - Housing The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Temperature - Low alarm configuration
[411TI04] - Conditioner 1 - Housing The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Temperature - Low warning configuration
[411TI04] - Conditioner 1 - Housing
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Temperature - Wire broken alarm

[412GS01] - Conditioner 2 - Door Switch - Fault Door switch is not activated Check that the Door is closed.

[412GS02] - Conditioner 2 - Overflow Switch -

Overflow switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[412M01] - Conditioner 2 - Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[412M01] - Conditioner 2 - Motor - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[412OV01] - Conditioner 2 - PT100 Cleaning - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[412OV01] - Conditioner 2 - PT100 Cleaning - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[412SS01] - Conditioner 2 - Speed Switch -
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
[412TI01] - Conditioner 2 - Temperature - High The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
alarm configuration
[412TI01] - Conditioner 2 - Temperature - High
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
[412TI01] - Conditioner 2 - Temperature - Low The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
alarm configuration
[412TI01] - Conditioner 2 - Temperature - Low The PV has reached the LO level set in the
warning configuration
[412TI01] - Conditioner 2 - Temperature - Wire
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
broken alarm
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow - PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
Deviation high alarm SP
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow - PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
Deviation low alarm SP
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow -
Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[413FIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Flow -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[413OV01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Valve - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[413OV01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Valve - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[413OV02] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Motor The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Valve - Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 30-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[413OV02] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Motor The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Valve - Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[413PI01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Pressure The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
- High alarm configuration
[413PI01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Pressure The PV has reached the HI level set in the
- High warning configuration
[413PI01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Pressure The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
- Low alarm configuration
[413PI01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - Pressure The PV has reached the LO level set in the
- Low warning configuration
[413SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Steam motor valve - The PV has reached the HI level set in the
Hi Level Alarm configuration
[413SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Steam motor valve - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
HiHi Level Alarm configuration
[413SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Steam motor valve - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Lo Level Alarm configuration
[413SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Steam motor valve - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
LoLo Level Alarm configuration
[413SI01] - Conditioner 1 - Steam motor valve -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wirebroken Alarm
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
Temperature - Deviation high alarm SP
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
Temperature - Deviation low alarm SP
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 -
Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback
Temperature - Fault
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
Temperature - High alarm configuration
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
Temperature - High warning
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Temperature - Low alarm configuration
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Temperature - Low warning configuration
[413TIC01] - Steam to Conditioner 1 -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Temperature - Wire broken alarm
[414EI01] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Load - High The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
alarm configuration
[414EI01] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Load - High
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
[414EI01] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Load - Low The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
alarm configuration
[414EI01] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Load - Low The PV has reached the LO level set in the
warning configuration
[414EI01] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Load - Wire
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
broken alarm
[414EI02] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Equilizer The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
Speed - High alarm configuration
[414EI02] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Equilizer
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
Speed - High warning
[414EI02] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Equilizer The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Speed - Low alarm configuration
[414EI02] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Equilizer The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Speed - Low warning configuration
[414EI02] - CRT - Conditioner 2 Equilizer
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Speed - Wire broken alarm
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
Deviation high alarm SP
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
Deviation low alarm SP
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed -
Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 31-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed -

The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[414LIC01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[414M01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[414M01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[414SI01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[414SI01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[414SI01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[414SI01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[414SI01] - CRT - Equalizer Screw Speed -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Gap -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Regulator - Wirebroken - Alarm
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Gap -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Regulator Error
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - The PV has reached the HI level set in the
Devigation High - Alarm configuration
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Devigation Low - Alarm configuration
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - Hi The PV has reached the HI level set in the
Alarm configuration
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - HiHi The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
Alarm configuration
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - Lo The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Alarm configuration
[415FIC01] - FEX - Main Motor - Load - LoLo The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Alarm configuration

[415FS01] - No Flow - Oil Lubrication - Alarm There is no flow in the lubrication circuit. Check the pump, gear and oil level.

[415FS02] - No Flow - Oil Lubrication - Alarm There is over pressure at the oil filter Change the filter.

The PV has reached the HI level set in the

[415GI01] - FEX GAP Opening - Hi Alarm -
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[415GI01] - FEX GAP Opening - HiHi Alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[415GI01] - FEX GAP Opening - Lo Alarm -
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[415GI01] - FEX GAP Opening - LoLo Alarm -
[415GI01] - FEX GAP Opening - Wirebroken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[415M01] - FEX - Main Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[415M01] - FEX - Main Motor - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[415M02] - FEX - Hydraulic pump - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[415M02] - FEX - Hydraulic pump - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[415M04] - FEX - Oil Lub Pump - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[415M04] - FEX - Oil Lub Pump - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 32-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[415M05] - FEX - Oil Lub Cooler - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[415M05] - FEX - Oil Lub Cooler - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[415OV01] - FEX Gap - Close Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[415OV01] - FEX Gap - Open Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”
[415OV04] - FEX Oil At Stop - Close Valve - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[415OV04] - FEX Oil At Stop - Open Valve - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[415OV05] - FEX Bypass - Close Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[415OV05] - FEX Bypass - Open Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[415OV06] - PM Bypass - Close Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[415OV06] - PM Bypass - Open Valve - Fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”

[415PS01] - Low Pressure - Oil At Stop - Alarm There is no pressure at the oil additive. Check oil level.

[415SS01] - FEX - GAP - Doorswitch - Alarm Door switch is not activated Check that the Door is closed.

[415SS01] - FEX - Main Motor - Speedguard -

The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
The PV has reached the HI level set in the
[415TI01] - FEX GAP Temperature - Hi Alarm -
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[415TI01] - FEX GAP Temperature - HiHi Alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[415TI01] - FEX GAP Temperature - Lo Alarm -
[415TI01] - FEX GAP Temperature - LoLo The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Alarm configuration
[415TI01] - FEX GAP Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wirebroken Alarm
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[418M01] - Wingcrumbler - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[418M01] - Wingcrumbler - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[418SS01] - FEX Wingcrumbler - Speedguard -
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[419EI01] - Pellet Mill - Load - High alarm -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the
[419EI01] - Pellet Mill - Load - High warning -
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[419EI01] - Pellet Mill - Load - Low alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[419EI01] - Pellet Mill - Load - Low warning -
[419EI01] - Pellet Mill - Load - Wire broken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Deviation high PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
alarm SP
[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Deviation low PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
alarm SP

[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Fault Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback

The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the

[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - High alarm -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the
[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - High warning -
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Low alarm -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 33-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The PV has reached the LO level set in the

[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Low warning -
[419GIC01] - ARC - Distance - Wire broken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
[419GS01] - Pellet Mill - Overload Switch -
Overload switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.

[419GS02] - Pellet Mill - Door Switch - Fault Door switch is not activated Check that the Door is closed.

[419GS03] - Pellet Mill - Blocking Sensor Inlet - Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Fault sensor can rotate.
[419GS04] - Pellet Mill - Blocking Sensor Outlet Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
- Fault sensor can rotate.
[419GS05] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication Pulse Lubrication system hasn’t reached its number of
Check level in lubrication barrel and pulse sensor.
Sensor - Fault pulses with in the cycle time.
Low level in the lubrication barrel or no pulses from
[419LS01] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication - Fault Check level in lubrication barrel
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[419M01] - Pellet Mill - Main Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[419M01] - Pellet Mill - Main Motor - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[419M02] - Pellet Mill - Inlet Screw - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[419M02] - Pellet Mill - Inlet Screw - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[419M03] - Pellet Mill - Hydraulic Pump - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[419M03] - Pellet Mill - Hydraulic Pump - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[419M04] - Pellet Mill - Gearbox Oil Pump - The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Fault received a running signal. starter.
[419M04] - Pellet Mill - Gearbox Oil Pump - The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[419OV01] - Pellet Mill - Bypass Pellet mill The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
(Dump shute) - Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[419OV01] - Pellet Mill - Bypass Pellet mill The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
(Dump shute) - Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[419OV02] - Pellet Mill - Clutch Valve - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[419OV02] - Pellet Mill - Clutch Valve - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[419OV03] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication Grease The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Valve - Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[419OV03] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication Grease The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Valve - Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[419OV04] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication Air Valve - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[419OV04] - Pellet Mill - Lubrication Air Valve - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[419OV05] - ARC - Valve - Close fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[419OV05] - ARC - Valve - Open fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”

[419PS01] - Pellet Mill - Pressure Switch - Fault Hydraulic brake pressure not ok. Check hydraulic pump for oil level and pressure

[419PS02] - Pellet Mill - Pressure Switch - Fault Belt tension pressure not ok. Check hydraulic pump for oil level and pressure

[419PS03] - Pellet Mill - Gearbox Pressure

Oil Lubrication pressure not ok. Check hydraulic pump for oil level and pressure
Switch - Fault
[419SS01] - Pellet Mill - Main motor Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[419SS02] - Pellet Mill - Inlet Screw Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[419TI01] - Pellet Mill - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 34-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[419TI01] - Pellet Mill - Outlet Temperature -

The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[419TI01] - Pellet Mill - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[419TI01] - Pellet Mill - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[419TI01] - Pellet Mill - Outlet Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[420OV01] - Cooler - Bypass Valve - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[420OV01] - Cooler - Bypass Valve - Open fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[420OV02] - Cooler - Fire Gate - Close fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[420OV02] - Cooler - Fire Gate - Open fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
Deviation high alarm SP
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
Deviation low alarm SP

[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - Fault Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback

[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - High The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
alarm configuration
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - High The PV has reached the HI level set in the
warning configuration
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - Low The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
alarm configuration
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - Low The PV has reached the LO level set in the
warning configuration
[421FIC01] - Cooler 1 - Air flow control - Wire
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
broken alarm

[421GS01] - Cooler 1 - Door Switch - Fault Door switch is not activated Check that the Door is closed.

[421GS02] - Cooler 1 - Blocking Sensor Outlet - Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Fault sensor can rotate.
[421GS03] - Cooler 1 - Discharger bottom Discharger has tried to close, but the system hasn’t
Check mechanical adjustment of the discharge bottom
closed - Fault received “closed” position.
[421GS04] - Cooler 1 - Discharger bottom Discharger has tried to open, but the system hasn’t
Check mechanical adjustment of the discharge bottom
opened - Fault received “open” position.

[421LS01] - Cooler 1 - Full level Switch - Fault The full level switch is activated Check that downstream machines are running.

[421LS02] - Cooler 1 - Empty level Switch -

The empty level switch is not activated -
[421LS04] - Cooler 1 - Blocking level Switch in Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Cyclon - Fault sensor can rotate.
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M01] - Cooler 1 - Inlet Airlock - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[421M01] - Cooler 1 - Inlet Airlock - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M02] - Cooler 1 - Distributer - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[421M02] - Cooler 1 - Distributer - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M03] - Cooler 1 - Discharger - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[421M03] - Cooler 1 - Discharger - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M04] - Cooler 1 - Fan - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[421M04] - Cooler 1 - Fan - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M05] - Cooler 1 - Cyclon Airlock - Fault
received a running signal. starter.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 35-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[421M05] - Cooler 1 - Cyclon Airlock - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[421M06] - Cooler 1 - Midriff hyd. pump - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[421M06] - Cooler 1 - Midriff hyd. pump - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
[421OV01] - Cooler 1 - Grid Valve - Close fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Closed”
The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
[421OV01] - Cooler 1 - Grid Valve - Open fault Check air supply to the valve.
signal from the position switch “Opened”
[421OV02] - Cooler 1 - Midriff Valve - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[421OV02] - Cooler 1 - Midriff Valve - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[421SS01] - Cooler 1 - Outlet fan Speed Switch
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
- Fault
[421TI01] - Cooler 1 - Ambient Temperature - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[421TI01] - Cooler 1 - Ambient Temperature -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[421TI01] - Cooler 1 - Ambient Temperature - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[421TI01] - Cooler 1 - Ambient Temperature - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[421TI01] - Cooler 1 - Ambient Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[421TI02] - Cooler 1 - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[421TI02] - Cooler 1 - Outlet Temperature -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[421TI02] - Cooler 1 - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[421TI02] - Cooler 1 - Outlet Temperature - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[421TI02] - Cooler 1 - Outlet Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[421TI03] - Cooler 1 - Material Temperature - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[421TI03] - Cooler 1 - Material Temperature - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[421TI03] - Cooler 1 - Material Temperature - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[421TI03] - Cooler 1 - Material Temperature -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[421XS01] - Cooler 1 - Fire sensor or Fire gate High temperature switch activated or fire gate not in Make sure that there isn’t fire in the cooler and cool down the
position switch - Fault position. product inside while slowly emptying it.
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
control - Deviation low alarm configuration
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current
Controller in fault Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Fault
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
control - High alarm configuration
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
control - High warning
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
control - Low alarm configuration
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current The PV has reached the LO level set in the
control - Low warning configuration
[431EIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Main motor current
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Wire broken alarm
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
control - Deviation high alarm SP
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
control - Deviation low alarm SP

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 36-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance

Controller in fault Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Fault
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
control - High alarm configuration
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
control - High warning
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
control - Low alarm configuration
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance The PV has reached the LO level set in the
control - Low warning configuration
[431GIC01] - Crumbler 1 - Left roller distance
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Wire broken alarm
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
control - Deviation high alarm SP
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
control - Deviation low alarm SP
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance
Controller in fault Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Fault
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
control - High alarm configuration
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
control - High warning
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
control - Low alarm configuration
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance The PV has reached the LO level set in the
control - Low warning configuration
[431GIC02] - Crumbler 1 - Right roller distance
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
control - Wire broken alarm
[431GS01] - Crumbler 1 - Overload Switch -
Overload switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
Deviation high alarm
[431GS01] - Crumbler 1 - Overload Switch -
Overload switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[431M01] - Crumbler 1 - Distributer - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[431M01] - Crumbler 1 - Distributer - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[431M02] - Crumbler 1 - Main Motor - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
[431M02] - Crumbler 1 - Main Motor - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[431OV01] - Crumbler 1 - Bypass Valve - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[431OV01] - Crumbler 1 - Bypass Valve - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[431SS01] - Crumbler 1 - Speed guard for main
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
motor - Fault
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Deviation high PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
alarm SP
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Deviation low PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
alarm SP

[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Fault Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback

The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the

[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - High alarm -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - High warning -
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Low alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Low warning -
[441FIC01] - Additive 1 - Flow - Wire broken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
[441GS01] - Additive 1 - Overload Switch -
Overload switch has been activated Make sure that overload is ok.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 37-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[441LS01] - Additive 1 - Level Switch Empty -

No level in the additive tank Fill up additive tank
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[441M01] - Additive 1 - Pump - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[441M01] - Additive 1 - Pump - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[441OV01] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 1 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[441OV01] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 1 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[441OV02] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 2 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[441OV02] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 2 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[441OV03] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 3 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[441OV03] - Additive 1 - Injection Valve 3 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Deviation high PV is deviating higher than allowed compared to the
alarm SP
[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Deviation low PV is deviating lower than allowed compared to the
alarm SP

[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Fault Controller has faulted Check unit supplying mA feedback

The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the

[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - High alarm -

[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - High warning The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-

The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the

[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Low alarm -
The PV has reached the LO level set in the
[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Low warning -
[442FIC01] - Additive 2 - Flow - Wire broken
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
[442GS01] - Additive 2 - Overload Switch -
Overload switch has been activated Make sure that overload is ok.
[442LS01] - Additive 2 - Level Switch Empty -
No level in the additive tank Fill up additive tank
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t
[442M01] - Additive 2 - Pump - Fault
received a running signal.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[442M01] - Additive 2 - Pump - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[442OV01] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 1 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[442OV01] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 1 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[442OV02] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 2 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[442OV02] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 2 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[442OV03] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 3 - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Close fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[442OV03] - Additive 2 - Injection Valve 3 - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Open fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[451GS01] - Fat coat - Inlet - Blocking Sensor - Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS02] - Fat coat - Outlet - Blocking Sensor Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
- Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS03] - Fat coat - Downstream running -
Downstream after Fat coater not running. -
[451GS05] - Transport - Conveyor 5 - Blocking Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Sensor - Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS06] - Transport - Overflow switch for
Overflow switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
Chain conveyor after MFS - Fault

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 38-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[451GS07] - Transport - Conveyor 7 - Blocking Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Sensor - Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS08] - Transport - Conveyor 8 - Blocking Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Sensor - Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS09] - Transport - Conveyor 9 - Blocking Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Sensor - Fault sensor can rotate.
[451GS10] - Transport - Conveyor 10 - Clean area around blocking sensor and make sure that the
Blocking sensor activated
Blocking Sensor - Fault sensor can rotate.
[451M01] - Transport - Fat coating conveyor - The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M01] - Transport - Fat coating conveyor - The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M02] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Crumbler - Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M02] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Crumbler - OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[451M03] - Transport - Sifter - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the
[451M03] - Transport - Sifter - OPH Alarm Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
“Operation Counter” Tab
[451M04] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Sifter - Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M04] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Sifter - OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M05] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
MFS - Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M05] - Transport - Bucket elevator after The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
MFS - OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M06] - Transport - Chain conveyor after The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
MFS - Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M06] - Transport - Chain conveyor after The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
MFS - OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M07] - Transport - Conveyor 7 - Gearmotor The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
- Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M07] - Transport - Conveyor 7 - Gearmotor The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
- OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M08] - Transport - Conveyor 8 - Gearmotor The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
- Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M08] - Transport - Conveyor 8 - Gearmotor The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
- OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M09] - Transport - Conveyor 9 - Gearmotor The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
- Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M09] - Transport - Conveyor 9 - Gearmotor The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
- OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451M10] - Transport - Conveyor 10 - The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Gearmotor - Fault received a running signal. starter.
[451M10] - Transport - Conveyor 10 - The motor has been running longer than set in the
Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters” tab
Gearmotor - OPH Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab
[451SS01] - Transport - Conveyor 1 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[451SS02] - Transport - Speed guard for
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Bucket elevator after Crumbler - Fault
[451SS03] - Transport - Conveyor 3 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[451SS04] - Transport - Speed guard for
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Bucket elevator after Sifter - Fault
[451SS05] - Transport - Speed guard for
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Bucket elevator after MFS - Fault
[451SS06] - Transport - Conveyor 6 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[451SS07] - Transport - Conveyor 7 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[451SS08] - Transport - Conveyor 8 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 39-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[451SS09] - Transport - Conveyor 9 - Speed

The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[451SS10] - Transport - Conveyor 10 - Speed
The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
Switch - Fault
[452OV01] - Transport - Distributer 1 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV01] - Transport - Distributer 1 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV02] - Transport - Distributer 2 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV02] - Transport - Distributer 2 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV03] - Transport - Distributer 3 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV03] - Transport - Distributer 3 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV04] - Transport - Distributer 4 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV04] - Transport - Distributer 4 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV05] - Transport - Distributer 5 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV05] - Transport - Distributer 5 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV06] - Transport - Distributer 6 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV06] - Transport - Distributer 6 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV07] - Transport - Distributer 7 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV07] - Transport - Distributer 7 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV08] - Transport - Distributer 8 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV08] - Transport - Distributer 8 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV09] - Transport - Distributer 9 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV09] - Transport - Distributer 9 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[452OV10] - Transport - Distributer 10 - Close The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Closed”
[452OV10] - Transport - Distributer 10 - Open The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
fault signal from the position switch “Opened”
[461GS01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw -
Overflow switch has been activated Make sure that overload opening is closed.
Outlet Overload

[461LS01] - Fine bin - Low level Fine bin is empty -

[461LS02] - Fine bin - High level Fine bin is Full -

[461LS03] - Fine bin - Mid level Fine bin is half full -

[461M01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
Fault received a running signal. starter.
[461M01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - OPH The motor has been running longer than set in the Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters”
Alarm “Operation Counter” Tab tab
The motor has tried to start but the system hasn’t Check repair switch, overload relay, frequency drive or soft
[461M01] - Fine Bin - Elevator - Fault
received a running signal. starter.
The motor has been running longer than set in the Reset the operation counter on the “Operation Counters”
[461M02] - Fine Bin - Elevator - OPH Alarm
“Operation Counter” Tab tab
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - Hi The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
Alarm configuration
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - HiHi
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 40-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - Lo The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Alarm configuration
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw - LoLo The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Alarm configuration
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Discharge - Screw -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wirebroken Alarm
The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Level - HiHi Alarm -

[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Level - Hi Alarm The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration -

The PV has reached the LO level set in the

[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Level - Lo Alarm -
The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Level - LoLo Alarm -

[461SI01] - Fine Bin - Level - Wirebroken Alarm The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit

[461SS01] - Fine Bin - Elevator -+ Speedguard

The motor speed is not activating the speed switch Check if the motor is stuck.
- Alarm
[471OV01] - DWC - Refilling gate -Closing - The valve has tried to close but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Alarm signal from the position switch “Closed”
[471OV01] - DWC - Refilling gate -Opening - The valve has tried to Open but haven’t received
Check air supply to the valve.
Alarm signal from the position switch “Opened”
[471WI01] - Dynamic Weight Control - Weight - The PV has reached the HIHI level set in the
High alarm configuration
[471WI01] - Dynamic Weight Control - Weight -
The PV has reached the HI level set in the configuration-
High warning
[471WI01] - Dynamic Weight Control - Weight - The PV has reached the LOLO level set in the
Low alarm configuration
[471WI01] - Dynamic Weight Control - Weight - The PV has reached the LO level set in the
Low warning configuration
[471WI01] - Dynamic Weight Control - Weight -
The PV feed back is more or less than 4-20mA Check mA circuit and mA unit
Wire broken alarm
[481XS01] - General Signals - Emergency Stop
Emergency stop has been pushed. Make sure all emergency buttons aren’t activated.
- Fault
[481XS02] - General Signals - Downstream
Downstream after pellet mill/cooler isn’t running -
running - Fault
[481XS04] - General Signals - Downstream
Downstream after cooler cyclone not running. -
running - Cooler cyclon - Fault
[481XS05] - General Signals - Downstream
Downstream after MFS isn’t running -
running - Outtake after MFS - Fault

Cooler 1 not running The cooler is not running Make sure it is running

No Communication to PLC! Communication to PLC is not established Check network connections.

SCADA System Disconnected Scada system has been closed -

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 41-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Wear parts.
The wear part section of the control gives a clear survey of the parts, and setup of the pellet mill.
Another big advantage is the option to change the parts, with the actual sparepart numbers,
working hours, etc.
Following a description will guide you, how to operate the wear parts.
The guide shows wear parts form an extruder but the way to set it up for a pellet mill is the same

First step to create the wear part overview is to setup step by step the parts, position and part

 Create a “machine” is the basic ground of compounding the parts like a “Table”.

The Machine is as standard configured to PCMS,

but optional you can create ECMS, VCMS and DCMS.

 ECMS is the machine for surveying the Extruder Barrel & screw wear parts.
 VCMS is the machine for surveying the Vacuum coater wear parts.
 DCMS is the machine surveying the dryer.

Creating wear part

Before you can create any wear part you need to be logged in as programmer.
When opening the wear parts handling located in the top of the tabs, a pop up accurse.

ECMS machine:

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 42-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

To create a section of screws and slew’s you have to follow mentioned steps:

 Insert a “part” in the machine ECMS.........press EDIT

 This pop up allows you to add or delete a part.

To add a part simply make sure the Mode is set to Add Part.
1) Name..........here you type the name of the part you want to create.
2) Machine......This is already created from scratch “earlier mentioned”.

After the NAME is typed you press add and the part is located in the “Parts already exist”

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 43-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

 You have now created a part and need to create a position for the part.
To do this you press Change in the “Position” tab.

In the next pop up you have to type in Name and Number for the position, the number indicates,
in this case the first screw section which we call 0.
After added a position it will figurate in the section Positions already exist.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 44-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

In the wear part overview picture you now have the complete created position where to attach you
spare part.

 Following a “type” needs to be created for the position, this is done by press the icon “Edit
in the section Type.

Again a new pop up accurse

In this pop up you have 3 options:

Add, Change or Delete a type.

By adding 3 steps is needed.

1. Type in a description
2. Type in an order number
3. Insert a picture.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 45-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

You choose what type of screw, in this case 0 screw, which one you like to insert according your
extruder setting.

After selected the screw and typed in the

describtion and order number, the type will exist
in the 4) Positions:

When the type is placed together with the position the next step is to show it on the main part
page, done by following process:

Select “Edit” in the tab Wear part.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 46-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

Next step is now to insert the screw to the parts in this first section of the extruder.
This is done in the pop up where the part now exists; we just have to insert a comment and serial
number for it.

After attached a comment and serial no. the part will be available in the “wear part already exist”.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 47-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The part is now ready to be placed in the graphics, to do this you press: NO ITEM

Now you select the wanted spare to use and press ok.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 48-49
Andritz Feed & Biofuel – PCMS-C Manual

The part is now configured to the wear part handling.

 This complete process has to be done, until the complete extruder is “a sampled”.
Furthermore you will notice that after the part is configured the date hours and tons accurse.
This information is constant updated and inform you about the process values for the part.

 To change or add parts please follow the steps for the position section at page 44.

Last saved by Fielsø Orla 19-12-2016 49-49

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