You May Use Your Responses To Identify Whether in What Type of Exercises Is It Belong
You May Use Your Responses To Identify Whether in What Type of Exercises Is It Belong
You May Use Your Responses To Identify Whether in What Type of Exercises Is It Belong
UNIT Unit 2: Functional Exercise
COVERAGE Types of Exercises
Do’s and Don’ts in Exercise
Body Positions for Exercise
Movement Competency Screening
Primal Movement for Functional Exercise
DURATION A.Y. 2020-2021 | 1st Semester | Prelim Term | 4 Hours
LEARNING At the end of this module, you are expected to have:
OUTCOMES 1. Identified the different types of exercises
2. Performed the different body position for exercise
3. Executed the movement competencies and primal movement for functional exercise
4. Appreciated the importance of regular exercise to improve self holistically.
One should enhance the physical fitness in terms of health and skill by executing different physical
exercises. Appreciated the contribution of physical fitness to the holistic health, a rich and full life by the
recollect charism with emphasis on moral integrity, justice and peace.
Direction: Name kinds of exercise as many as you can inside the box.
You may use your responses to identify whether in what type of exercises is it belong.
Lesson 1: Types of Exercise
Why exercise?
Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Study after study shows the benefits it can
have. Not only does regular exercise help you manage your weight and reduce your risk of developing diseases,
it can help prevent and treat mental health problems.
Let’s Check!
Endurance Strength
Endurance activity keeps your - Flexibility exercises stretch is physical activity designed
heart, lungs and circulatory your muscles and can help your to improve muscular fitness
system healthy and improves body stay flexible. (AHA, by exercising a specific
your overall fitness. As a 2020). muscle or muscle group
result, people who get the against external resistance,
recommended regular physical - Balance training involves
including free-weights,
activity can reduce the risk of doing exercises that strengthen
many diseases such as diabetes, the muscles that help keep you weight machines, or your
heart disease and stroke (AHA, upright, including your legs and own body weight,
2020). core (Watson, 2018). according to the American
Heart Association (2020).
Note: You may used the name of exercises you have written from the self check activity on page 15.
Lesson 2: Do’s and Don’ts in Exercise
Let’s Check!
Do’s in Exercise
Don’ts in Exercise
1. Over-train
Over-training can take many forms – from trying to do too much in each session to completing too many
sessions. Symptoms of overtraining include lack of motivation; a decline in performance; continual
fatigue; susceptibility to illness and infection; difficulty in sleeping; and general irritability (Realbuzz,
2. Neglect Rest
Rest is the most important component of any training program, because it’s only when your body is at
rest that it can adapt to the stress of training and rebuild itself properly (Realbuzz, 2020).
Examples of Do’s and Don’ts in body position and alignment during Exercise.
Legend : X – wrong and / - correct
X /
You Do!
Identify whether the exercise picture below is correct (/) or wrong (x). Put / if it’s correct and x if it’s wrong
inside the box.
Lesson 3: Body Position in Exercise
Stand Lunge