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1 © University of West London 2018

Module Study Guide
Enterprise and Business Development

Academic Year 2020 – 2021

London School of Science and Technology (LSST)

MS5LS55O – Enterprise and Business Development

Level: 5

Credits: 20

Location: Wembley Campus, London

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 2

Table of contents
Key team contact details.....................................................................................................3
1 Module overview.........................................................................................................................4

1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................4
1.2 Module summary content and aims........................................................................4
1.3 Learning outcomes to be assessed.........................................................................5
1.4 Indicative Contact Hours..........................................................................................6
2 Assessment and feedback..........................................................................................................7

2.1 Summative assessment grid....................................................................................7

2.2 Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning outcomes....................7
2.3 Learning materials...................................................................................................17
3 Things you need to know..........................................................................................................21

3.1 Engagement.............................................................................................................21
3.2 Need help, just ask..................................................................................................21
3.3 Getting support for your studies...........................................................................22
3.4 Student support.......................................................................................................22
3.5 Module evaluation – have your say!......................................................................22

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 3

Key team contact details
Module Leader Mr. Sajid Hussain
School/College London School of Science and Technology (LSST)
Email sajid.hussain@lsst.ac
Phone 01582 729486 Extension 107
Location Luton Campus, Luton

Course Leader Eniana Gobuzi

Email eniana.gobuzi@lsst.ac

Phone +44 (0) 208 7953863    Extension: 535

Location Memo House, Park Royal

Academic Support Librarian Wembley Library

Email Library.wembley@lsst.ac
Phone +44 (0) 208 7953 863
Location Wembley Campus, London

Course Administrator LSST Registry

Email Registry@lsst.ac
Phone +44 (0) 208 7953863    Extension: 527
Location Memo House, Park Royal

The Course Leader overseeing this module is Eniana Gobuzi and can be contacted at

The module leader responsible for this module is Mr. Sajid Hussain and can be contacted at

School/College/Dean of College responsible for this module is Dr George Panagiotou and can be
contacted at George.panagiotou@lsst.ac

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 4

1 Module overview
1.1 Introduction
We have introduced UWLFlex – our new, online, flexible learning platform.
UWLFlex has been designed to complement face-to-face learning and build on our reputation for
excellence in teaching, learning and student support. We will be able to deliver a University experience
that is more collaborative, active, and relevant for an increasingly digital world thus enabling us to
provide you with an improved student experience. UWLFlex will provide you with an enhanced range of
online tools, to help facilitate your learning whether this takes place primarily on site or online.

1.2 Module summary content and aims

Enterprise and Business Development is a Level 5 module intended for students who are studying BA
(Hons) Business Studies. This is an applied, hands-on, interdisciplinary module designed to help you
gain an insight into the development of a new business: from generating a new idea, to gathering the
necessary resources, getting started and managing the new business.
This is a popular module, enjoyed by hundreds of students over the years, and one that has had a
direct bearing on many students’ business start-ups ultimate success.
The aim of the module is to provide students with the opportunity to:
1. Develop self-awareness in the context of entrepreneurial personality characteristics and traits in
relation to their own characteristics and traits. To raise awareness of self-employment as a
career option.
2. Understand and analyse the role of the entrepreneur in the process of business start-up and
3. Develop and practice the skills necessary to operate effectively as entrepreneurs in the small
business sector.
Topics covered in this module are:
 The entrepreneur: traits and characteristics
 Generating successful business ideas
 Creativity and innovation
 Environmental scanning
 Financial planning
 Developing a credible business plan
 Presenting the business idea effectively
This Module Study Guide (MSG) is intended to assist you through this module, by providing you with a
clear indication of the reading and activities you are required to do in support of each learning session.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 5

Please keep this MSG close to hand throughout your study of this module and use it – it is an
indispensable learning and reference tool.

Specific expectations students can have of tutors:
 Constructive formative feedback on one assignment draft per assessment
 Lecture slides made available on blackboard prior to lecture
 Assessment marks and summative feedback given within fifteen working days from the
assessment submission deadline
Specific expectations tutors will have of students:
 Attend all teaching and activity sessions and arrive punctually
 Behave professionally in classes and avoid disruption to class and other students
 Inform tutor via email beforehand when not able to attend any classes
 Participate and communicate professionally in class and with tutors
 Attempt all assessments by submission deadline and communicate with the tutor if there are
any extenuating circumstances to explore extensions requests and/or mitigation claims

1.3 Learning outcomes to be assessed

LO1 Give evidences of a critical review of the skills and qualities they possess and
how these relate to the skills and qualities associated with successful

LO2 Developed and appraised their personal potential as entrepreneurs

LO3 Show understanding the skills and approaches the entrepreneur brings to the
process of value creation

LO4 Show understanding of the factors that encourage and inhibit the move to

LO5 Locate, analyse and evaluate sources of information related to the development
of a business plan

LO6 Demonstrate planning and management skills appropriate to the management of

an SME

LO7 Produce a business plan which demonstrates the commercial viability of a

proposed small business start-up

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 6

LO8 Show evidence of skills necessary to evaluate similar business proposals

1.4 Indicative Contact Hours

Teaching Contact Hours 42 hours

Independent Study Hours 158 hours

Total Learning Hours 200 hours

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 7

2 Assessment and feedback
2.1 Summative assessment grid

Method of
Indicative Submission
Word Count or Pass
Type of Assessment Weighting Submission & Date of
equivalent Mark
week Feedback
(refer to BB)

on Turnitin,
Portfolio 2000 Feedback
100% 40% Week 14 within 15
(Business Plan) (+/- 10%) working
days of due

2.2 Assessment brief including criteria mapped to learning

After an initial briefing, you will be asked to undertake some market investigation and to apply some
creative techniques that will enable you to develop a new business idea. You are required to develop a
business model for your idea. The business idea developed as part of the course activities needs to be
presented in a business plan. The output should be a full professional plan and contain information on
all aspects of the proposed business. In your written proposal, you should ensure that all the
information is fully supported by primary research or from secondary sources such as Mintel, Keynote,
UK census data as well as academic sources.
Your business plan should minimum cover the following elements:

 The Business Detail: A summary, clearly identify the customers and their need(s), or problem(s)
that your product or service addresses. Provide an outline of the product/service and how it meets
the identified need(s). How does it work? What are its key features and how does it benefit the
target market?
 Macro-Environmental Overview: Assumptions about current and future macro environment
conditions are essential for planning and strategic decisions. Any forecasts must be relevant to the
needs of the business, and clearly understood and utilized. In particular consider the macro-
economic environment and the implications of the economic outlook for your business.
 Market & Industry analysis: Clearly identify the target market and specify its’ characteristics, i.e.
size, value, geographic location, and any demographic details. You should also indicate whether
you expect this market to grow, remain stable, or shrink. You should consult sources like the ONS
as well and Mintel and Keynote to inform your writing. Outline the characteristics of the industry

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 8

that your business will compete in. Who are the dominant competitors? Is the industry
fragmented, or consolidated? Is the industry growing, or in decline? You may use the FAME
database to build up a picture of your industry.

 Competitor analysis: Provide an overview of the competitive environment. Who are your main
competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses in relation to your proposed business?
You should consider both direct and indirect competitors. The FAME database should provide a
lot of the information that you need, but you should also conduct primary research into your
competitors, for example, if appropriate, you might visit their premises. You should certainly
understand how their products are pitched in relation to yours, who their customers are, the
strengths and weaknesses of their location, etc.

 Marketing & Pricing Strategies: The marketing strategy focuses on how the business will
market its products or services. It defines how the business is positioned within the market and
emphasises the points of differentiation, i.e. the specific strengths of the business. Most importantly
the marketing strategy will clearly describe how the business will reach and interact with its target
market. Explain your pricing strategy based on target customer segment, market and competitor
analysis from other elements.

 Operations Plan: The operations plan describes how the business will work. Here you need to
describe how the product/service will be produced and what facilities or equipment are needed.
Give details on the location of the premises, transport links (this is how your customers will get to
you, or will facilitate the distribution of your products), general site information, external
considerations, building, parks and premises details. You also need to mention any legal
considerations with respect to the business or premises, e.g. if you need to apply for a change of
use. You also need to consider who the suppliers for the business are going to be.

 SWOT Analysis: Include a SWOT analysis here which shows the reader what your strengths
and weaknesses are as well as the perceived opportunities and threats to the business.
Information in the SWOT analysis should be drawn from other sections such as competitor,
economic, market analysis, etc

a. Strengths: why will customers buy from you instead of your competitors? What does your
business do better than your rivals? What makes you stand out from the competition – your
unique selling point (USP)?
b. Weaknesses: why would your customers buy from your competitors rather than you? What do
your competitors do better than you do?
c. Opportunities: What are the opportunities for you and how are you taking advantage of them?
d. Threats: what are the potential changes that could threaten your business?

 Financial requirements: provide a detailed breakdown of the financial requirements for your
business. This should include the following:

a. The start-up costs of the business to include costs such as any equipment; furniture; premises
costs (including any building works); opening stock, etc.
b. Your estimated cost of sales & Your expected selling price
c. Fixed & Running Costs of the Business

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 9

d. Profitability & Break-Even-Point analysis

Begin with a forecast of the projected sales and costs of the business. Information from your
market analysis and competitor analysis will help you here. If you are writing a plan for a business
that is already up and running you can also use historic data, or where this is not available try to
use information from other, similar businesses.

 The elevator pitch: a short, oral presentation of the key points of your business (1-5 minutes)
in form of an elevator pitch to be delivered in class or alternatively via uploaded video

It is also important to remember that this is an academic piece of work and as such, students will need
to substantiate any claims or statements that they make using both primary and secondary sources.
You will need to reference your sources appropriately using the Harvard referencing convention.
Please note that where you are relying extensively on primary data. You must provide evidence to
support the data. The financial element should incorporate a detailed assumption sheet (not included
in your word count) which clearly explains how your figures have been arrived at.
You will be given suggested report structure and sample business plans during the course. However,
provided the key elements mentioned above are included, you have freedom in the layout and
structure of the plan. You are encouraged to be as creative and make the plan a readable and
attractive document to present professionally.
School regularly participates in various business competitions to promote entrepreneurship among the
students and wider community. Outstanding works will be encouraged and assisted to take part in
these competitions.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 10

Assessment criteria

Excellent Very good Good Acceptable Requires some
Outstanding (80- substantial
Improvement (30- Poor (0-19%)
100%) (70-79%) (60-69%) (50-9%) (40-49%) improvement (20-
Good written
Outstanding written Excellent written Very good written summary. The Acceptable written Relatively weak written Poor written Poor written
summary. The summary. The summary. The problem the summary. The summary. The summary. The summary. The
problem the business problem the problem the business problem the business problem the business problem the business problem the business
addresses and the business business addresses and the addresses and the addresses and the addresses and the addresses and the
market needs are addresses and the addresses and the market needs are market needs are market needs are market needs are not market needs are not
clearly identified market needs are market needs are identified. identified. identified, but this is clearly identified. identified.
Detail clearly identified. clearly identified. rather broad, or
The summary retains The summary The section retains The section does not There is significant
an outstanding The summary The summary retains a good some coherence retain coherence lack of coherence
(10 marks)
coherence retains excellent retains very good level of coherence throughout. The section does not throughout.
throughout. coherence coherence throughout. retain coherence
throughout. throughout. throughout.

. .
Macro Outstanding insights Excellent insights Very good insights Good insights into Reasonable insights Some insights may There may be a lack A lack of
Environment into the macro- into the macro- into the macro- the macro- into the macro- have been drawn into of understanding as understanding as to
overview environments. The environments. environments. environments. The environments. Some macro- environments, to the implications of the implications of the
implications of the The implications of The implications of implications of the of the implications of although the the macro macro environment is
(10 marks) economic outlook are the economic the economic economic outlook the economic outlook implications of this are environment. There evident. There is a
clearly considered in outlook are clearly outlook are clearly are considered in are considered in not always considered. is likely to be a lack general lack of clarity
respect of support considered in considered in respect of support respect of support of clarity in the in the description of
available and in respect of support respect of support available and in available and in description of the the current economic
terms of the viability available and in available and in terms of the terms of the viability There may be an current economic situation. Any
of the proposed terms of the terms of the viability of the of the proposed attempt to consider the situation. Any discussions are
business. viability of the viability of the proposed business. future economic discussion is vague vague and rather
proposed proposed business. environment, but the and rather general general and not
business. business. assumptions upon and not related to the related to the
Sensible economic Some economic which such projections proposed business. proposed business.
projections offered. Sensible economic projections may be are made are not
All information is Sensible Sensible economic projections offered. offered. There is clearly stated, or not
supported through economic projections Most information is some reference to supported with Future trends may Future trends are not
references to projections offered. All supported through sources of references to not be considered, or be considered, or
credible sources. offered. All information is references to information but there appropriate sources. assumptions are not assumptions are not
information is supported through credible sources. may be a lack of justified. justified.
supported through references to criticality in the

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 11

Outstanding references to credible sources. Good coherence choice of sources The section does not There is mostly lack There is significant
coherence credible sources. throughout the used. retain coherence of coherence lack of coherence
throughout the section. throughout.
section. Very good
Excellent coherence The section retains
coherence throughout the some coherence
throughout the section. throughout.
Market & Outstanding clarity Excellent clarity Very good clarity Good clarity There is a reasonable There is limited clarity There is very little There is no real
Industry throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the level of clarity in the in the market analysis. clarity in the market clarity in the market
analysis market analysis. The market analysis. market analysis. market analysis. market analysis. The The target market may analysis. The target analysis. The target
target market is The target market The target market The target market target market is not be clearly identified market is not clearly market is not clearly
(10 marks) clearly identified and is clearly identified is clearly identified is clearly identified identified and or may be too broad. identified or may be identified or may be
justification for choice and justification for and justification for and justification for justification for choice too broad. too broad.
is outstanding. choice is choice is very choice is good. is attempted but may
excellent. good. be lacking in some There is very limited
respects. research underpinning There is a lack of There is no
An exceptional level A good level of the market analysis meaningful research meaningful research
of research is evident An excellent level A very good level research is evident and the choice of underpinning the underpinning the
in the market of research is of research is in the market The market analysis sources may be market analysis and market analysis. The
analysis. The needs evident in the evident in the analysis. The is underpinned by poor/show a lack of the choice of sources needs and
and characteristics of market analysis. market analysis. needs and some research, but criticality. There is little may be poor/show a characteristics of the
the target market are The needs and The needs and characteristics of sources are limited, attempt to identify the lack of criticality. The target market are not
highlighted with characteristics of characteristics of the target market or not very reliable. needs and needs and identified.
outstanding clarity. the target market the target market are highlighted There is an attempt characteristics of the characteristics of the
are highlighted are highlighted with a good level of to identify the needs target market. target market are not
with an excellent with a very good clarity. and characteristics of really identified. There is no attempt to
The size and level of clarity. level of clarity. the target market. consider the size and
potential of the There is little attempt to potential of the
market are clearly The size and consider the size and There is no attempt market and there is a
highlighted and there The size and The size and potential of the There is an attempt potential of the market to consider the size lack of appreciation of
is an exceptional potential of the potential of the market are to consider the size and there is little and potential of the the trends in the
appreciation of the market are clearly market are clearly highlighted and and potential of the appreciation of the market and there is a market.
trends in the market. highlighted and highlighted and there is a good market and there is trends in the market. lack of appreciation
there is an there is a very appreciation of the some appreciation of of the trends in the
There is an excellent good appreciation trends in the the trends in the market. Poor analysis of the
outstanding analysis appreciation of the of the trends in the market. market. The analysis of the key key features of the
of the key features of trends in the market. features of the industry industry in which the
the industry in which market. in which the proposed The analysis of the proposed business
the proposed There is a very There is a very There is a reasonable business will operate is key features of the will operate.
business will operate. good analysis of good analysis of analysis of the key limited. industry in which the
There is an the key features of the key features of features of the proposed business
excellent analysis the industry in the industry in industry in which the will operate is very There is significant
of the key features which the which the proposed business limited.
The section does not lack of coherence
Outstanding of the industry in proposed proposed business will operate retain coherence
coherence which the business will will operate. throughout.
throughout the proposed operate.
There is mostly lack
section. business will The section retains of coherence

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 12

operate. Very good Good coherence some coherence
coherence throughout the throughout.
throughout the section.
Excellent section.
throughout the
There is an There is an There is a very There is a good There is a reasonable There is a limited level There is a very There is no real
outstanding level of excellent level of good level of level of clarity and level of clarity and of clarity and insight limited level of clarity clarity and insight in
clarity and insight in clarity and insight clarity and insight insight into the insight into the into the evaluation of and insight into the the evaluation of the
the evaluation of the into the evaluation into the evaluation evaluation of the evaluation of the the competitive evaluation of the competitive
competitive of the competitive of the competitive competitive competitive landscape. There is competitive landscape. There is
landscape. Both landscape. Both landscape. Both landscape. Both landscape. There is some attempt to landscape. There is a poor attempt/no
direct and indirect direct and indirect direct and indirect direct and indirect an attempt to consider direct and a very weak attempt attempt to consider
competitors are competitors are competitors are competitors are consider both direct indirect competitors, to consider direct and direct and indirect
considered. considered. considered. considered, but and indirect but there are indirect competitors, competitors, but there
there may be some competitors, but there shortcomings. but there are major are major
omissions. are some omissions. shortcomings. shortcomings.
The analysis is The analysis is The analysis is
underpinned by an underpinned by an underpinned by a There is a limited
exceptional level of excellent level of very good level of The analysis is There is an attempt attempt to underpin the There is a very There is a poor
both primary and both primary and both primary and underpinned by a to underpin the analysis with some limited attempt to attempt to underpin
Competitor secondary research. secondary secondary good level of both analysis with some research, but there are underpin the analysis the analysis with
analysis research. research. primary and research, but there flaws. with some research, some research, but
secondary may be flaws. but there are there are significant
(10 marks) research. significant flaws. flaws, or there is no
The assessment of
the proposed The assessment The assessment The assessment of the research at all.
business’ competitive of the proposed of the proposed The assessment of proposed business’
position is highly business’ business’ The assessment of the proposed competitive position is The assessment of
realistic. competitive competitive the proposed business’ competitive not very realistic. the proposed There is no
position is highly position is realistic. business’ position may not be business’ competitive understanding of the
realistic. competitive completely realistic. position is not at all business’ competitive
Outstanding position is The section does not realistic. position.
coherence Very good generally realistic. retain coherence
throughout the Excellent coherence The section retains throughout..
section. coherence throughout the coherence There is mostly lack There is significant
throughout the section Good coherence throughout of coherence lack of coherence
section. throughout the

Marketing & There is an There is an There is very good There is good level There is reasonable There is limited level of There is a very There is no clarity
Pricing outstanding level of excellent level of level of clarity and of clarity and level of clarity and clarity and insight in the limited level of clarity and insight in the
Strategy clarity and insight in clarity and insight insight in the insight in the insight in the evaluation of how the and insight in the evaluation of how the
the evaluation of how in the evaluation evaluation of how evaluation of how evaluation of how the business is positioned evaluation of how the business is
(10 marks) the business is of how the the business is the business is business is within the market and business is positioned within the
positioned within the business is positioned within positioned within positioned within the emphasises the points positioned within the market and

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 13

market and positioned within the market and the market and market and of differentiation, i.e. market and emphasises the
emphasises the the market and emphasises the emphasises the emphasises the the specific strengths emphasises the points of
points of emphasises the points of points of points of of the business. There points of differentiation, i.e. the
differentiation, i.e. points of differentiation, i.e. differentiation, i.e. differentiation, i.e. the is some attempt to differentiation, i.e. the specific strengths of
the specific strengths differentiation, i.e. the specific the specific specific strengths of describe how the specific strengths of the business. There
of the business. the specific strengths of the strengths of the the business. business will reach and the business. There is no attempt to
Clearly describe how strengths of the business. Clearly business. Clearly Attempts to describe interact with its target is a very limited describe how the
the business will business. Clearly describe how the describe how the how the business will market. attempt to describe business will reach
reach and interact describe how the business will reach business will reach reach and interact how the business will and interact with its
with its target market. business will and interact with and interact with its with its target market. Explains the pricing reach and interact target market.
reach and interact its target market. target market. strategy based on with its target market.
Explains the pricing with its target Explains the pricing target customer Explains the pricing
strategy based on market. Explains the Explains the strategy based on segment, market and Explains the pricing strategy based on
target customer pricing strategy pricing strategy target customer competitor analysis strategy based on target customer
segment, market and Explains the based on target based on target segment, market and from other elements target customer segment, market and
competitor analysis pricing strategy customer customer segment, competitor analysis segment, market and competitor analysis
from other elements based on target segment, market market and from other elements competitor analysis from other elements
customer and competitor competitor analysis The section does not from other elements
segment, market analysis from from other retain coherence
Outstanding and competitor other elements elements Reasonable throughout the section. There is significant
coherence analysis from coherence The section does not lack of coherence.
throughout the other elements throughout the retain coherence
section. Very good Good coherence section. throughout the
coherence throughout the section.
excellent throughout the section.
coherence section.
throughout the
Operations & There is outstanding There is an There is very good There is good There is reasonable There is limited clarity There is very limited There is no real
Location clarity in the analysis excellent clarity in clarity in the clarity in the clarity in the analysis in the analysis of the clarity in the analysis clarity in the analysis
details of the business the analysis of the analysis of the analysis of the of the business business operations, of the business of the business
operations, including business business business operations, including including site details operations such as operations such as
(10 marks) site details and operations, operations, operations, site details and and transport links, but site details and site details. There no
transport links. including site including site including site transport links, but there are likely to be transport links, but meaningful
There is an details and details and details and there may be some shortcomings. There is there are many assessment of the
outstanding transport links. transport links. transport links. shortcomings. There a limited assessment of shortcomings. There channels of
assessment of the There is an There is a very There is a good is a reasonable the channels of is a very limited distribution and legal
channels of excellent good assessment assessment of the assessment of the distribution and legal assessment of the issues such as
distribution and legal assessment of the of the channels of channels of channels of issues such as channels of business ownership.
issues such as channels of distribution and distribution and distribution and legal business ownership distribution and legal
business ownership distribution and legal issues such legal issues such issues such as and change of use for issues such as
and change of use legal issues such as business as business business ownership premises are also business ownership There is significant
for premises are also as business ownership and ownership and and change of use for considered, however and change of use for lack of coherence
very clearly and ownership and change of use for change of use for premises are also there are be gaps. premises may not be
concisely considered. change of use for premises are also premises are also considered, however considered.
premises are also clearly considered. considered. there may be gaps.
very clearly and The section does not
Outstanding concisely retain coherence The section does not

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 14

coherence considered. Very good Good coherence Reasonable throughout the section. retain coherence
throughout the coherence throughout the coherence throughout the
section. throughout the section. throughout the section.
Excellent section. section
throughout the
Outstanding SWOT Excellent SWOT Very good SWOT Good SWOT Reasonable SWOT A limited attempt to A very limited attempt A poor SWOT
analysis with a very analysis with a analysis with a analysis with a analysis with an complete the SWOT to complete the analysis with little
detailed and very detailed and very detailed and detailed and acceptable analysis with a limited SWOT analysis with meaningful
meaningful meaningful meaningful meaningful assessment of assessment of a very limited assessment of
assessment of assessment of assessment of assessment of strengths and strengths and assessment of strengths and
strengths and strengths and strengths and strengths and weaknesses of the weaknesses of the strengths and weaknesses of the
weaknesses of the weaknesses of the weaknesses of the weaknesses of the business, including in business, including in weaknesses of the business. There are
business, including in business, business, business, including relation to relation to competitors. business, including in significant
relation to including in including in in relation to competitors. There There is a limited relation to shortcomings
competitors. relation to relation to competitors. may be some assessment of competitors. There is
competitors. competitors. shortcomings. opportunities and a very limited
threats. There are assessment of There is a poor
There is an There is a good some shortcomings. opportunities and assessment of
exceptional There is an There is a very assessment of There is a reasonable threats. There are opportunities and
assessment of excellent good assessment opportunities and assessment of many shortcomings. threats.
SWOT opportunities and assessment of of opportunities threats. opportunities and Information in the
analysis threats. opportunities and and threats. threats. SWOT analysis is not
threats. always drawn from Information in the Information in the
(10 marks) Information in the other sections such as SWOT analysis is not SWOT analysis is not
Information in the Information in the SWOT analysis is Information in the competitor, economic, drawn from other drawn from other
SWOT analysis is Information in the SWOT analysis is drawn from other SWOT analysis is market analysis, etc. sections such as sections such as
very clearly drawn SWOT analysis is clearly drawn from sections such as drawn from other competitor, competitor,
from other sections very clearly drawn other sections competitor, sections such as economic, market economic, market
such as competitor, from other such as economic, market competitor, The section does not analysis, etc. analysis, etc.
economic, market sections such as competitor, analysis, etc. economic, market retain coherence
analysis, etc. competitor, economic, market analysis, etc. throughout the section.
economic, market analysis, etc. The section does not There is significant
analysis, etc. Good coherence retain coherence lack of coherence
Outstanding throughout the Reasonable throughout the
coherence Very good section. coherence section
throughout the Excellent coherence throughout the
section. coherence throughout the section
throughout the section.
Financial There is an There is an There is a very There is a good There is a reasonable There is a limited There is a very There is a poor
requirement outstanding excellent good assessment assessment of the assessment of the assessment of the limited assessment of assessment of the
s (10 marks) assessment of the assessment of the of the financial financial financial financial requirements the financial financial
financial financial requirements of requirements of requirements of the of the business. requirements of the requirements of the
requirements of the requirements of the business. the business. business. business. business.
business. the business.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 15

The evaluation of start-
up costs may not be
There is an There is an There is a very There is a good There is a generally realistic. There is a The evaluation of The evaluation of
exceptionally excellent good evaluation of evaluation of start- sensible evaluation of limited attempt to start-up costs is start-up costs is
thorough evaluation evaluation of start- start-up costs, all up costs, most of start-up costs which support the information unrealistic. There is completely
of start-up costs, all up costs, all of of which are which are realistic are generally presented with a very limited attempt unrealistic. There is
of which are realistic which are realistic realistic and fully and fully realistic. There is an reference to to support the a poor attempt/pr no
and fully supported. and fully supported. supported. attempt to support appropriate sources. information presented attempt to support the
supported. the information with reference to information presented
presented with appropriate sources. with reference to
The cost of sales has The cost of sales The cost of sales reference to appropriate sources.
appropriate sources, The cost of sales has
been accurately The cost of sales has been has been been calculated, but
calculated and there has been accurately accurately but there may be The cost of sales has
errors. there are errors in the
is an exceptionally accurately calculated and calculated and calculation. There is a been calculated, but The cost of sales has
lucid basis for the calculated and there is a very there is a good limited basis for the there are obvious been calculated, but
proposed selling there is an good basis for the basis for the proposed selling price. errors in the there are obvious
price. The selling excellent basis for proposed selling proposed selling The cost of sales has The selling price is not calculation. There is errors in the
price is clearly the proposed price. The selling price. The selling been calculated, but be fully consistent with a very limited basis calculation. There is
consistent with the selling price. The price is consistent price is largely there may be a minor the business’ for the proposed a no real basis for the
business’ competitive selling price is with the business’ consistent with the error in the competitive position. selling price. The proposed selling
position. clearly consistent competitive business’ calculation. There is selling price is price. The selling
with the business’ position. competitive some basis for the inconsistent with the price is completely
competitive position. proposed selling business’ competitive inconsistent with the
position. price. The selling There is limited clarity position. business’ competitive
There is outstanding in the presentation of
clarity on the There is very good price is may not be position.
fully consistent with information and errors
presentation of clarity in the There is good in calculations.
information and all There is excellent presentation of clarity in the the business’ There is very limited
calculations are clarity on the information and all presentation of competitive position. clarity in the There is a lack of
accurate. presentation of calculations are information and all presentation of clarity in the
information and all accurate. calculations are information and many presentation of
calculations are largely accurate. There is some clarity errors in calculations. information and many
accurate. in the presentation of errors in calculations.
information although
there may be minor
errors in calculations
The report does
Organisation Fully adheres to the Fully adheres to Fully adheres to Adheres to the Generally, adheres to Attempts to adhere to Very limited attempt not adhere to a a
and clarity of recognised report the recognised the recognised recognised report the recognised report the recognised report to adhere to the recognised format.
expression format and remains report format and report format and format and remains format and remains format, but there may be recognised report The report
within the specified remains within the remains within the within the specified within the specified errors. Work may be format. Work is significantly
(10 marks) word count. specified word specified word word count. word count. significantly over, or significantly over, or exceeds the
count. count. under the specified word under the specified specified word
Outstanding Accurate Largely accurate count (more than 10%). word count (more than
accuracy to Excellent Very accurate spelling and spelling and count (or is
10%). significantly
spelling and accuracy to spelling and grammar. grammar, but there Several errors in
grammar. spelling and grammar. may be minor spelling and Significant errors under).
grammar. Citations and errors. grammar. in spelling and
Citations and Citations and references Numerous errors in
grammar which spelling and
references adhere Citations and references largely adhere Citations and There are errors in inhibit clarity in
fully to the references adhere adhere to the to the Harvard references generally citations and grammar inhibit

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 16

Harvard Harvard convention. parts. clarity and have a
convention. fully to the convention. adhere to the references. substantial impact
Harvard Harvard convention, There are many on coherence.
convention but there may be errors in citations
some errors. and references.

The verbal Excellent Very confident and Confident and Reasonably confident Some parts of the Many parts of the Poor verbal
presentation is confident and clear verbal clear verbal and clear verbal presentation may lack presentation may presentation. The
delivered with clarity in the verbal presentation. The presentation. The presentation. The clarity. There may be a lack clarity. There is problem that the
outstanding presentation. The presentation presentation presentation lack of confidence in a lack of confidence business seeks to
confidence and presentation clearly identifies identifies the identifies the problem the delivery. The in the delivery. The address in not
clarity. The clearly identifies the problem that problem that the that the business problem that the problem that the identified. The needs
presentation clearly the problem that the business business seeks to seeks to address, but business seeks to business seeks to of the target market
identifies the problem the business seeks to address. address. The this could have been address could be more address is not clearly are not addressed.
that the business seeks to address. The target market target market is more clearly clearly identified. The identified. The target The vision about what
seeks to address. The target market is clearly identified. The expressed. The target market is market is not clearly the business hopes to
The elevator The target market is is clearly identified. There vision of what the target market is identified, but this may identified. The vision achieve is not clearly
pitch clearly identified. identified. There is a clear vision business hopes to identified, but the be rather about what the expressed.
There is a clear is a clear vision about what the achieve is outlined, focus could be general/vague. The business hopes is not
(10 marks) vision about what the about what the business hopes to but this could be clearer. The vision vision about what the clearly expressed.
business hopes to business hopes to achieve. clearer. about what the business hopes to The presentation /
achieve. achieve. business hopes to achieve could have video is no more than
achieve could have been more clearly The presentation / 5 minutes in length.
The presentation / been more clearly expressed. video is no more than
The presentation / The presentation / video is no more The presentation / expressed. 5 minutes in length.
video is no more video is no more than 5 minutes in video is no more
than 5 minutes in than 5 minutes in length. than 5 minutes in The presentation /
length. length. length. The presentation / video is no more than 5
video is no more than minutes in length.
5 minutes in length.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 17

For guidance on online submission of assignments, including how to submit and how to access online
feedback, please refer to the UWL Blackboard student-help pages at: uwl.ac.uk/blackboardhelp

2.3 Learning materials

The reading list for this module is available on Blackboard in the module area and online by searching
uwl.rl.talis.com. This shows real-time availability of books in the library and provides direct links to
online resources, recommended by your lecturer.
Remember to log into Blackboard daily to receive all the latest news and support available at
your module sites!
Subject guides (subject-guides-libguides) are also available to help you find relevant information for
assignments, with contact details of the Academic Support Librarian for your School.

Reading List

Burns, P. (2018) New Venture Creation: a framework for entrepreneurial start-ups, 2nd Edition
Basingstoke, Palgrave McMillan
Mariotti, S. and Glackin, C. (2016) Entrepreneurship Starting snd operating a small business, Pearson
Barringer, B.R. (2014). Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach, International
Edition, FT Prentice Hall.
Barringer, B.R. and Ireland, R.D. (2014). Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures,
Pearson International.
Meyer, M. H. and Crane, F.G. (2011). Entrepreneurship: an innovator’s guide to start-ups and
corporate ventures, Sage, Thousand Oaks, California.
Scarborough, N. M. (2014). Effective Small Business Management: an entrepreneurial approach,
Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey.
Stokes, D. and Wilson, N. (2010). Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Cengage
Stokes, D., Wilson, N. and Mador, M. (2010). Entrepreneurship, Cengage Learning, Singapore.
Storey, D. J. and Greene, F. J. (2010). Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Pearson Education,
Stutely, R. (2012). The definitive business plan: the fast-track to intelligent business planning for
executives and entrepreneurs, London, Prentice Hall.
Williams, S. (2014). The Financial Times Guide to Business Start-up, Pearson Education, Harlow.

General Reading

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 18

There are also a wide range of general texts available on developing business plans. Some of the most
useful are produced by clearing banks, who also often provide business start-up packs and useful
software for developing a financial forecast
Other useful resources include (accessed through UWL Library electronic resources)

IBISWorld – (International Business Intelligence Service) provides analysis for hundreds of industries
in the UK, providing a global resource that offers an analysis of industry dynamics, current
Mintel – UK Market research database. Subjects include: fast-moving consumer goods, financial
services, media, retail, tourism and education.
Fame – Fame contains comprehensive information on companies in the UK and Ireland. You can use
it to research individual companies, search for companies with specific profiles and for analysing
companies and sets of companies.
Passport – Consumer market sizes, forecasts, companies and brands, business information sources,
major market profiles and market analysis.

Links to selected websites that can offer help and advice.

Associations Chambers of Commerce (UK) (www.britishchambers.org.uk)
Federation of Small Business (www.fsb.org.uk)
Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Business plans These sites provide free sample business plans, help and
advice (www.bplans.com; www.businessplanarchive.org;
www.businessplans.org; www.morebusiness.com;

Companies House www.creax.com/csa

Creativity web sites www.creax.net

Statistics The Office for National Statistics is a very useful and reliable
source of all kinds of relevant data from economic data to
population data (www.ons.gov.uk)

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 19

Finance Banking (www.fairinvestment.co.uk)
British Venture Capital Association (www.bvca.co.uk)
British Business Angels (www.bbaa.org.uk)
Business Angels (www.venturesite.co.uk)
European Venture Capital Association (www.evca.com)
Venture capital funds in UK (www.growthbusiness.co.uk)

Family business The Institute for Family Business (www.ifb.org.uk)

Scottish Family Business Association (www.sfba.co.uk)
Caladonian Family Business Centre
Family Business Magazine
BDO Centre for Family Business (www.bdo.co.uk)

Help and advice Business Link (UK) (www.businesslink.gov.uk)

Prince’s Trust (www.princes-trust.org.uk)
Shell-Livewire Young Entrepreneurs (www.shell-livewire.org)
Small Business Guides and Tips (www.smallbusiness.co.uk)

Information The British Library Business and IP Centre (www.bl.uk/bipc)

United States Small Business Association (www.sba.gov)

International trade International Chamber of Commerce (www.iccwbo.org/)

and International Monetary Fund (www.imf.org)
entrepreneurship International Forum on Globalisation (www.ifg.org)
Peterson Institute of International Economics (www.iie.org)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
World Trade Organisation (www.wto.org)
World Bank (www.worldbank.org)

Safeguarding ideas Internet Corporation for assigned Names and Numbers

Intellectual Property Organisation (UK) (www.ipo.gov.uk)
World Intellectual Property Organisation (UN) (www.wipo.int)

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 20

Social enterprise Ashoka Changemakers (www.changemakers.net)
and Business Link (www.businesslink.gov.uk)
entrepreneurship Centre for Social Innovation (http://csi.gsb.stanford.edu/)
Community Development Finance Association
Social Entrepreneurship Monitor (www.gemconsortium.org)
Social Enterprise Coalition (www.socialenterprise.org.uk)
Social Enterprise London (www.sel.org.uk/publications.aspx)
Social Enterprise Magazine (www.socialenterpriselive.com)
Social Enterprise Training and Support (www.setas.co.uk)
The Institute for Social Entrepreneurs (www.socialent.org)
The School for Social Entrepreneurs (UK) (www.sse.org.uk)

Start-up Business Link (UK) (www.businesslink.gov.uk)

Shell-Livewire Young Entrepreneurs (www.shell-livewire.org)
Start-up Magazine (www.startups.co.uk)

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 21

3 Things you need to know
3.1 Engagement
Teaching at UWL during the academic year 2020-21 will be conducted using the UWLFlex model and
may involve a range of onsite and online teaching and learning activities. Whether you are engaging
with teaching and learning activities on site or via the UWL Virtual Learning Environment, we expect the
same level of commitment and engagement from you. If you are unable to attend scheduled on site or
online activities or complete activities in the time frames set out, you should let your tutors know. You
should aim to stick to assessment deadlines; if you are concerned that you will not be able to complete
your assessments on time, you should talk to your tutors. Your engagement, whether online or on site,
will be tracked and if we see that you are not engaging, we will get in contact with you. However, we
encourage you to let us know if you are struggling so we can work with you to find solutions and get
you back on track as soon as possible. Give yourself the best possible chance to succeed by engaging
with the full range of learning and teaching activities available to you.

3.2 Need help, just ask

The University recognises that there are times when you may encounter difficulties during your course
of study and provisions are made to help you. If you are struggling with meeting deadlines please talk
to us, whether it’s your course/module leader, personal tutor or any member of staff, speak to them so
they can get you the support you need to succeed. You can extend your deadline if you have a good
reason why you are not able to submit a piece of coursework on time, apply online for an extension
before your deadline. An extension will allow you an extra 10 working days. If an extension is not
sufficient and circumstances beyond your control are preventing you from completing your
assessment, then you can, apply online for mitigation.
Please remember late submission without extension or mitigation will result in penalties depending on
how late it is, see University Academic Regulations.
You are reminded that the University applies penalties to students who commit an academic offence, in
which case the Academic Offences Regulations will be used to deal with any cases of academic
misconduct including examination offences, plagiarism and other means of cheating to obtain an
You are encouraged to seek advice from the Students’ Union Advice Service; UWLSU support you
with all aspects of your academic experience by providing advice and guidance to ensure you are fully
informed of the academic regulations set out by the University as well as advocate for student views.
You are expected to behave in line with UWL expectations, irrespective of whether your interactions
with staff and other students are in person or online. As you will be engaging with others online and a
range of online materials, it is important to consider how to stay safe online and ensure your
communications are secure and appropriate. If you have any questions about how to manage your
online UWL activities, please contact your module leader.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 22

If you have an issue about the module, you should speak to your Module Leader or Course Leader
informally in the first instance. Your Course Representative can also raise your concerns at Course
Committees, which take place each semester. If you are unable to resolve it informally, you should
refer to the Complaints Procedure which is outlined in the student handbook and consult the Students’
Union about it. The University aims to ensure that issues are resolved informally as quickly as possible
to have minimum impact on your studies.

3.3 Getting support for your studies

Throughout your course of study, you will have access to a wide variety of sources of support
depending on your individual circumstances and needs. Your first point of call for getting general
academic support is your Personal Tutor. As well as approaching your Module Leader with any
questions specifically related to your module and your Course Leader with questions on your Course,
do contact your Personal Tutor or Apprenticeship Support Link Tutor for academic advice in relation to
your studies and your academic development.
Apart from the University-wide support framework, which encompasses the Module Leaders, Course
Leader, the Subject Librarian, and your Course Administrator, you will also have at your disposal the
UWL Engagement Team. The Engagement Team offers One-to-One Academic Support opportunities
and Academic Skills Workshops throughout the year, helping you to develop skills relevant to your
degree. Workshops include for instance Essay Planning and Writing; Critical Thinking; Reflective
Writing; Group Work and Presentation Skills. Maths Support and English Language Support
opportunities are available too.

3.4 Student support

In addition to the support listed in the previous section, there is also more help offered by UWL Student
Support Services. These are located in The Street at St Mary’s Road, Ealing campus, but offer drop-in
sessions at all UWL sites. They offer a wide range of support and advice services consisting of Student
Advice, and Funding & Immigration advice; Careers; Counselling; Disability/Mental Health; Inter-faith
Advisor; Placement & Employment; Volunteering; Student Welfare; and Scholarships and Bursaries.

3.5 Module evaluation – have your say!

Towards the end of the module you will be invited to provide some anonymous feedback to the Module
Leader through an online survey. This is your opportunity to give some direct feedback about the
module through a series of questions and free text. Your constructive feedback will help the Module
Leader and teaching team to understand the module experience from your perspective and helps
inform the development of the module. At the end of the survey period, a response to the survey will be
available on Blackboard so that you can see exactly how your voice has been heard.

Module Study Guide – Enterprise and Business Development 2020-2021 Page 23

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