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We Are Surrounded by Language. Language Is Every Where

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What Is Language

A language is a structured system of communication.

Language is a set of codes to share,ideas,thoughts and
experiences. When you know a language, you can speak (or sign)
and be understood by others who know that language.
Knowledge of the Sound System • When we know a language, we
know what sounds (or signs) are used in the language and which
sounds (or signs) are not.

We Are Surrounded by Language.

Language is every where.
Based on the definitions of a language above, we cay that a
language is every side of our daily life. In short, a means of
communication known as a language must have some characteristics that
do not belong to the other means of communication.

Characteristics of Language

Based on the definitions of a language above, we can

state some characteristics of human language, as follows:

1. A language is a system.

2. A language is said to be arbitrary

3. A language is social.

4. A language is spoken.

5. A language  is productive or creative.

6. A language is complete for its native speakers.

Difference Between Human And Animal Languge

  Human Animal

Duality of Distinctive Other animals do not communicate by arranging arbitrary sounds,

Patterning sounds, called which limits the number of messages they can create.
phonemes, are
arbitrary and
have no
meaning. But
humans can
string these
sounds in an
infinite number
of ways to create
meaning via
words and

Creativity New words can Animals have to evolve in order for their signs to change.
be invented

Displacement Humans can talk Animal communication is context driven—they react to stimuli, or
about remote, indexes.
abstract, or
imaginary things
that aren't
happening in
their immediate

Interchangeability Any gender of Certain animal communications in the animal world can only be used
human can use by one gender of that animal.
the same

Cultural Humans acquire The way that animals communicate are biological, or inborn.
Transmission language
words must be

Arbitrariness Human language Animal communication is not symbolic, so it cannot preserve ideas of
is symbolic, the past.
using a set
  Human Animal

number of
(phonemes) and
which allows
ideas to be
recorded and

Biology On a purely Other animals have different biological structures, which impact they
biological level, way they make sounds.
the human voice
box and tongue
are very unique,
and are required
to make the
sounds we
recognize as

Ambiguity A word, or sign, Every sign has only one meaning.

can have several

Variety Human language Animals only have a limited number of combinations they can use to
can arrange communicate.
words into an
infinite number
of ideas,
referred to as
discrete infinity.

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