Management Science 123
Management Science 123
Management Science 123
BUMA 20103
Dante V. Alumno
BSMA 2-1
1. Look for a small or a large business that applies various management science
modelling techniques then identify the usage and benefits within the business.
A Japanese restaurant in Cavite started their business last year and uses
management science to manage their business efficiently and effectively. They
make organizational chart and flow chart to distinguish the segregation of duties
among the crews. This helped the restaurant to efficiently function. Efficiency in the
core areas of business boosts the productivity of the crews, industrial peace and
enhance the restaurant’s ability to specialize its products and services.
Most firms produce more than one product, and a crucial question to which
they seek an answer is how much of each product (the decision variables) the firm
should produce in order to maximize profits. Usually, firms also face many
constraints on the availability of the inputs they use in their production activities.
The problem is then to determine the output mix that maximizes the firm’s total
profit subject to the input constraints it faces.
Step 3. Select the pivot column: Choose the negative number with the
largest magnitude in the bottom row (excluding the rightmost entry). Its column is
the pivot column. (If there are two candidates, choose either one.) If all the numbers
in the bottom row are zero or positive (excluding the rightmost entry), then you
are done: the basic solution maximizes the objective function (see below for the
basic solution).
Step 4. Select the pivot in the pivot column: The pivot must always be a
positive number. For each positive entry b in the pivot column, compute the ratio
a/b, where a is the number in the Answer column in that row. Of these test ratios,
choose the smallest one. The corresponding number b is the pivot.
Step 5. Use the pivot to clear the column in the normal manner (taking care
to follow the exact prescription for formulating the row operations described in
the tutorial on the Gauss Jordan method,) and then relabel the pivot row with the
label from the pivot column. The variable originally labeling the pivot row is the
departing or exiting variable and the variable labeling the column is the entering
Step 6. Go to Step 3.
Most firms usually use more than one input to produce a product or service,
and a crucial choice they face is how much of each input (the decision variables) to
use in order to minimize the costs of production. Usually firms also face a number
of constraints in the form of some minimum requirement that they or the product
or service that they produce must meet. The problem is then to determine the
input mix that minimizes costs subject to the constraints that the firm faces.
6. Find and compare the values at the corner points to determine the
Transportation systems rely upon linear programming for cost and time
efficiency. Bus and train routes must factor in scheduling, travel time and
passengers. Airlines use linear programming to optimize their profits according to
different seat prices and customer demand. Airlines also use linear programming
for pilot scheduling and routes. Optimization via linear programming increases
airlines’ efficiency and decreases expenses.
Product Mix
To meet the demands of its customers, a company manufactures its
products in its own factories (inside production) or buys them from other
companies (outside production). Inside production is subject to some resource
constraints: each product consumes a certain amount of each resource. In contrast,
outside production is theoretically unlimited. The problem is to determine how
much of each product should be produced inside the company and how much
outside, while minimizing the overall production cost, meeting the demand, and
not exceeding the resource constraints. For each product, we need to know the
inside and outside production costs, and for each resource we need to know the
available capacity of that resource. Also, we need to know the consumption of
resources by the different products.
real decision making problems related to advertising, the goals, the constraints and
the outcomes of actions are uncertain. LP can be used to help marketing managers
allocate a fixed budget to various advertising media. The objective is to maximize
reach, frequency, and quality of exposure. Restrictions on the allowable allocation
usually arise during consideration of company policy, contract requirements and
media availability.
These five models differ from the decision variables each of them have. Also
each models have diverse objective function. Although some of the models have
the same objective, which is to reduce the cost and maximize profit, they have
different aim or intention as to their purpose. Furthermore, the five model have
assorted constraints base on their function. To simply put, these five models differs
basically in their steps of defining each of their linear programming application.
2. Describe the difference between the three types of integer programming models.
The three types of integer programming models are total integer model,
0-1 integer model, and mixed integer model. The difference between the three
lies on the decision variables. All decision variables in total integer model is
required to have integer solution values, while in 0-1 integer model, all decision
variables is required to have zero or one values. On the other hand, the mixed
integer model, from the word mixed, some of decision variables but not all is
required to have integer values.
a. A set of ‘m’ supply points from which a good is shipped. Supply point ‘i’ can
supply at most ‘si’ units.
b. A set of ‘n’ demand points to which the good is shipped. Demand point j
must receive at least ‘dj’ units of the shipped good.
c. Each unit produced at supply point ‘i’ and shipped to demand point ‘j’ incurs
a variable cost of ‘cij’.
d. Let ‘xij’ number of units shipped from supply point ‘i’ to demand point ‘j.’
Intermediate transshipment points are added between the sources and destinations.
Transportation Model
Transshipment Model
Assignment Model
Determine the initial shortest route from the origin (node ①) to the closest
node ③.
A minimum spanning tree is a special kind of tree that minimizes the lengths
(or “weights”) of the edges of the tree. An example is a cable company wanting
Larger graphs have more nodes and many more possibilities for subgraphs.
The number of subgraphs can quickly reach into the millions, or billions, making
it very difficult (and sometimes impossible) to find the minimum spanning tree.
Additionally, the lengths usually have different weights; one 5m long edge
might be given a weight of 5, another of the same length might be given a
weight of 7. A few popular algorithms for finding this minimum distance
include: Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm and Boruvka’s algorithm. These
work for simple spanning trees.
Kruskal’s Algorithm
Kruskal’s Algorithm builds the spanning tree by adding edges one by one into
a growing spanning tree. Kruskal's algorithm follows greedy approach as in
each iteration it finds an edge which has least weight and add it to the growing
spanning tree. Algorithm Steps:
• Sort the graph edges with respect to their weights.
• Start adding edges to the MST from the edge with the smallest weight until
the edge of the largest weight.
• Only add edges which doesn't form a cycle, edges which connect only
disconnected components.
Prim's Algorithm
Prim’s Algorithm also use Greedy approach to find the minimum spanning
tree. In Prim’s Algorithm we grow the spanning tree from a starting position.
Unlike an edge in Kruskal's, we add vertex to the growing spanning tree in
Flow may be increased in an arc when the current flow is less than capacity (x k
< uk ). Flow can be decreased in arc when the current flow is greater than zero
(x k > 0). As we will see, a flow augmenting path traverses an arc in the forward
direction when the arc flow is to be increased and in the reverse direction when
the arc flow is to be decreased. For the initial solution there are a number of
flow augmenting paths. We choose the path P1 = (1, 4, 8), identified by the list
of arcs in the path, and note that the flow may be increased by 5 to obtain the
Inputs required are network graph G, source node S and sink node T. Update
of level graph includes removal of edges with full capacity. Removal of nodes
that are not sink and are dead ends. A demonstration of working of Dinic's
algorithm is shown below with the help of diagrams.
1. Discuss the techniques that can be used to solve problems when they have multiple
objectives: goal programming, the analytical hierarchy process, and scoring models.
Goal Programming
The first step here is to identify the goals and constraints based on the availability
of resources that may restrict achievement of goals. Followed by determining the level
of priority to be associated with each goal. Is it the priority 1 or the last priority? Third,
define decision variables, formulate the constraints just the same as Linear Programming
Model. Then, following each constraint, develop equation by adding d1- or d1+, which
indicates the possible deviations below or above target value. Lastly, write the objective
function in terms of minimizing a prioritized function of the deviational variables.
The following is the summary of the mathematical steps used to arrive at the
AHP-recommended decision: First, develop a pairwise comparison matrix for each
decision alternative (site) for each criterion. Second, synthesization process- determining
which site is the most preferred, the second most preferred, the third most preferred
and so on for each of the criteria. Third, develop a pairwise comparison matrix for the
criteria. Fourth, compute the normalize matrix by dividing each value in each column of
the matrix by the corresponding column sum. Next, develop the preference vector by
computing the row averages for the normalized matrix. Then, compute an overall score
for each decision alternative by multiplying the criteria preference vector by the criteria
matrix. Lastly, rank the decision alternatives, based on the magnitude of their overall
Although the AHP is one of the most advanced methods available in the field of
management science and operations research, the complexity involved in using this tool
makes it difficult to apply. However, software tools have been built which automate the
mathematics intensive part. The user has to follow a simple methodology of data
collection which is then fed into the tool to get the results.
Scoring Models
Scoring models come in different shapes and sizes. Some generic, others very
specific. In short, you could describe a scoring model as follows; a model in which various
variables are weighted in varying ways and result in a score. This score subsequently
forms the basis for a conclusion, decision or advice.
of all of these top performers, arranging from most effective to least effective. We’ll
come back to this later.
Formally, a local optimumx* is a feasible point that has a better value than any
other feasible point in a small neighborhood around it. The global optimum, on
the other hand, is the point with the best value of the objective function anywhere
in the feasible region.
b. Optima are not restricted to extreme points. An optimum (local or global) could
be anywhere: at an extreme point, along an edge of the feasible region, or in the
interior of the feasible region.
c. There may be multiple disconnected feasible regions. Because of the way in which
nonlinear constraints can twist and curve, there may be multiple different feasible
d. Different starting points may lead to different final solutions. The difficulty is
compounded worse when the problem is constrained: not only are there multiple
local optima, but these may be discontinuous feasible regions.
e. It may be difficult to find a feasible starting point.
minimize F(x)
where each of the constraint functions g1 through gm is given. A special case is thelinear
program that has been treated previously. The obvious association for this case is:
f (x1, x2, . . . , xn) = Xn j=1 c j x j,
(i = 1, 2, . . . , m).
Sometimes these constraints will be treated explicitly, just like any other problem
constraints. At other times, it will be convenient to consider them implicitly in the same
way that nonnegativity constraints are handled implicitly in the simplex method.
o Quasi-Newton: uses a mixed quadratic and cubic line search procedure and
the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) formula for updating the
approximation of the Hessian matrix
o Nelder-Mead: uses a direct-search algorithm that uses only function values
(does not require derivatives) and handles nonsmooth objective functions
o Trust-region: used for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems and is
especially useful for large-scale problems where sparsity or structure can be
a. Probability is simply how likely something is to happen and the analysis of events
governed by it is called statistics. Statistics is a discipline that focuses on collection
of data, summarize the information collected to aid understanding, drawing
conclusions from it, and estimating the present or predicting the future that would
help people to make right decision with the best outcome among alternative
courses of action. So basically, probability and statistics is a systematic approach
that would help the decision makers on making sound decisions.
b. Statistics and probability removes uncertainty in the situation. Statistics does not
deal with the question of what is but of what could be or what probably is. At a
time when assertions are made it's not possible to tell surely of what is going to
be the truth. This means that there is an element of uncertainty. This is answered
with the help of statistical probability tools.
e. Statistics and probability also helps in hypothesis development. Once the decision
maker identifies the important variables in a situation and establishes the
For example, suppose Geoffrey Ramsbottom is faced with the following pay-
offtable. He has to choose how many salads to make in advance each day before
he knows the actual demand.
Maximax Criterion
The maximax rule involves selecting the alternative that maximises the
maximum payoff available.
Looking at the payoff table, the highest maximum possible pay-off is $140.
This happens if we make 70 salads and demand is also 70. Geoffrey should
therefore decide to supply 70 salads every day.
Maximin Criterion
The maximin rule involves selecting the alternative that maximises the
minimum pay-off achievable. The investor would look at the worst possible
outcome at each supply level, then selects the highest one of these. The decision
maker therefore chooses the outcome which is guaranteed to minimise his losses.
In the process, he loses out on the opportunity of making big profits.
The highest minimum payoff arises from supplying 40 salads. This ensures that the
worst possible scenario still results in a gain of at least $80.
Minimax regret
The minimax regret strategy is the one that minimises the maximum regret.
It is useful for a risk-neutral decision maker. Essentially, this is the technique for a
'sore loser' who does not wish to make the wrong decision.
To solve this a table showing the size of the regret needs to be constructed.
This means we need to find the biggest pay-off for each demand row, then subtract
all other numbers in this row from the largest number.
The queue discipline shows the sequence in which queue’s members are
being selected for the service. Queue discipline may handle things in order of their
receipt or may categorize the things in order of their importance.
3. What is the essence of use of waiting line models to make managerial decisions?
Waiting line models are important to a company because they directly affect
customer service perception and the costs of providing a service.
Several functional areas are affected by waiting line models in making
managerial decisions and some of these are the following:
Accounting is concerned with the cost of the waiting line system used. If system
average utilization is low, that suggests the waiting line design is inefficient and
too expensive. Poor system design can result in over staffing or unnecessary
capital acquisitions in an effort to improve customer service.
1. What is Simulation?