Lactic Acid Recent Advances in Products
Lactic Acid Recent Advances in Products
Lactic Acid Recent Advances in Products
Lactic acid: recent advances in products,
processes and technologies – a review
Rathin Datta∗ and Michael Henry
Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4815, USA
Abstract: Lactic acid, the most widely occurring hydroxycarboxylic acid, is an enigmatic chemical. It was
discovered a long time ago and its use in food preservation and processing and as a specialty chemical has grown
over the years with current production of about 120 000 t yr−1 . Its potential as a major chemical feedstock, derived
from renewable carbohydrates by sustainable technologies, to make plastics, fibers, solvents and oxygenated
chemicals, had also been recognized. Recently, new technologies have emerged that can overcome major barriers
in separations and purification and processing. Advances in electrodialysis (ED) and bipolar membranes and one
particular process configuration termed the ‘double ED’ process, a specific combination of desalting ED followed
by ‘water-splitting’ ED with bipolar membranes, has given very promising results, showing a strong potential for an
efficient and economic process for recovery and purification of lactic acid without generating a salt waste. For the
production of polymers, several advances in catalysts and process improvements have occurred in the technology
to produce dilactide and its polymerization to produce plastics and fibers by Natureworks LLC, which is the leader
in lactic polymer technology and markets. Other advances in esterification technology with pervaporation and
development of biosolvent blends also have a high potential for ‘green’ solvents in many applications. Recently,
a considerable amount of pioneering effort in technology, product development and commercialization has been
expended by several companies. To overcome the barriers to replace long-established petroleum-derived products,
further real support from consumer, regulatory and government organizations is also needed.
2006 Society of Chemical Industry
Correspondence to: Rathin Datta, Energy Systems Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4815, USA
(Received 30 August 2005; revised version received 21 September 2005; accepted 21 September 2005)
Published online 2 May 2006; DOI: 10.1002/jctb.1486
uses, and the production technology is now primarily Technical-grade lactic acid has long been in use
based on carbohydrate fermentation. in the leather tanning industry as an acidulant for
deliming hides and in vegetable tanning. In various
textile-finishing operations and acid dying of wool,
technical-grade lactic acid was used extensively.
PRODUCTS AND USES – TRADITIONAL Cheaper inorganic acids are now more commonly
Traditionally, the principal use of lactic acid is in used in these applications. The future availability of
food and food-related applications, which in the USA lower cost lactic acid and the increasing environmental
accounted for approximately 85% of the demand. The restrictions on waste salt disposal may reopen these
rest (∼15%) of the uses are for nonfood industrial markets for lactic acid.
applications. Currently, with the development and Traditionally, lactic acid is used in a wide variety of
commercialization of the biopolymers, lactic acid small-scale, specialized industrial applications where
use has increased considerably and 20–30% of the the functional speciality of the molecule is desirable.
2005 production is estimated to be in these new Examples include pH adjustment of hardening baths
applications. The current spot price, as posted in the for Cellophane used in food packaging, a terminating
Chemical Marketing Reporter, of heat-stable lactic acid agent for phenol-formaldehyde resins, alkyd resin
is about $0.70 lb−1 . In the future and as discussed later, modifier, solder flux, lithographic and textile printing
the growth of lactic acid is expected to come from the developers, adhesive formulations, electroplating and
development of new, large-volume uses, particularly electropolishing baths and detergent builders (with
as a feedstock for biodegradable polymers, ‘green’ maleic anhydride to form carboxymethoxysuccinic
solvents and oxygenated chemicals acid-type compounds). Owing to the high cost and low
As a food acidulant, lactic acid has a mild acidic volume of production, these applications accounted
taste, in contrast to other food acids. It is nonvolatile, for only 5–10% of the consumption of lactic acid.1
odorless and is classified GRAS for general-purpose Lactic acid and ethyl lactate [CAS 97-64-3] have
food additives by the FDA in the USA and by long been used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic appli-
other regulatory agencies elsewhere. It is a good cations and formulations, particularly in topical oint-
preservative and pickling agent for sauerkraut, olives ments, lotions, parenteral solutions and biodegradable
and pickled vegetables. It is used as an acidulant, polymers for medical applications such as surgical
flavoring, pH buffering agent or inhibitor of bacterial sutures, controlled-release drugs and prostheses. A
spoilage in a wide variety of processed foods such substantial part of pharmaceutical lactic acid is used as
as candy, breads and bakery products, soft drinks, the sodium salt [CAS 16595-31-6] for parenteral and
soups, sherbets, dairy products, beer, jams and jellies, dialysis applications. The calcium salt [CAS 5743-
mayonnaise, processed eggs and many other processed 48-6] is widely used for calcium deficiency therapy
foods, often in conjunction with other acidulants.3 An and as an effective anti-caries agent. As humectants in
emerging new use for lactic acid and its salts is in the cosmetic applications, the lactates are often superior
disinfection and packaging of carcasses, particularly as natural products and more effective than polyols.3
those of poultry and fish, where the addition of Ethyl lactate is the active ingredient in many anti-
aqueous solutions of lactic acid and its salts during acne preparations. The use of the chirality of lactic
processing increases shelf-life and reduces the growth acid for synthesis of drugs and agrochemicals is an
of anaerobic spoilage organisms such as Clostridium opportunity for new applications for optically active
botulinum.4,5 lactic acid or its esters. The chiral synthesis routes to
A large fraction (>50%) of the lactic acid for R-(+)-phenoxypropionic acid [CAS 1129-46-0] and
food-related uses goes to produce emulsifying agents its derivatives using S-(−)-lactate ester as a chiral
used in foods, particularly for bakery goods. The synthon have been described.3 These compounds are
emulsifying agents are esters of lactate salts with used in herbicide production. Another use, as an opti-
longer chain fatty acids. Four important products cally active liquid crystal using lactic acid as a chiral
are calcium and sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate [CAS synthon, has been described.6 These advances open
25 383-99-7], glyceryl lactostearate [CAS 1338-10- up new small-volume specialty chemical opportunities
9] and glyceryl lactopalmitate [CAS 1335-49-5]. Of for optically active lactic acid and its derivatives.
the stearoyl lactylates, the calcium salt [CAS 5793-94-
2] is a good dough conditioner and the sodium salt is
both a conditioner and an emulsifier for yeast-leavened PRODUCTS AND USES – RECENT
bakery products. The glycerates and palmitates are DEVELOPMENTS
used in prepared cake mixes and other bakery products Its two functional groups permit a wide variety of
and in liquid shortenings. In prepared cake mixes, the chemical reactions for lactic acid. The primary classes
palmitate improves cake texture, whereas the stearate of these reactions are condensation, esterification,
increases cake volume and permits mixing tolerances.3 reduction and substitution at the alcohol group.7
The manufacture of these emulsifiers requires heat- Using such reactions, lactic acid can be used for
stable lactic acid; hence only the heat-stable food products that potentially have very large-volume uses
grade is used for this application. in industrial applications and consumer products.
Fermentation &
Carbohydrates Lactic Acid
Hydrogenolysis Propylene
Dehydration Propylene
The primary classes of such products are polymers are biodegradable thermoplastics. The L-isomer of
for plastics and fibers, solvents for formulations and lactic acid is the preferred feedstock for dilactide
cleaning and oxygenated industrial chemicals. Thus production because it provides a high dilactide
lactic acid is one of the primary platform chemicals yield and a high molecular weight polymer with
that can be derived from renewable carbohydrates and a high degree of crystallinity and tensile strength.
used to make a wide variety of useful products. This Furthermore, a fairly wide range of properties
is shown schematically in Fig. 1. can be obtained by copolymerization with other
oxygenated functional monomers such as glycolide,
Polymers caprolactone, polyether polyols and the D-isomer of
Because lactic acid has both hydroxyl and carboxyl lactic acid. The actual compositions of the polymers
functional groups, it undergoes intramolecular or self- are proprietary to the various manufacturers. The
esterification and forms linear polyesters, lactoyllactic polymers are transparent, which is important for
acid and higher poly(lactic acid)s or the cyclic packaging applications. They offer good shelf-life
dimer 3,6-dimethyl-p-dioxane-2,5-dione [CAS 95- because they degrade slowly by hydrolysis, which
96-5] (dilactide). Whereas the linear polyesters, can be controlled by adjusting the composition
lactoyllactic acid and poly(lactic acid)s are produced and molecular weight. The properties of lactic
under typical condensation conditions such as by copolymers, which approach those of large-volume
removal of water in the presence of acidic catalysts, the petroleum-derived polymers such as polystyrene,
formation of dilactide with high yield and selectivity flexible poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and vinylidene
requires the use of special catalysts which are primarily chloride, have been summarized.2 There are numerous
weakly basic. The use of tin and zinc oxides and patents and articles on lactic acid polymers and
organostannates and -titanates for this purpose has copolymers, their properties, potential uses and
been reported.7 – 10 processes, including some that date back to the early
work by Carothers at Du Pont and other DuPont
2 CH3CHOHCOOH C6H8O4 + 2 H2O researchers.2,11 – 14
O Currently, Natureworks LLC (www.natureworks-
OH O is the primary developer and commercializer
2 + 2
H H of lactic acid-based polymers and products, and
OH O O a recent patent search showed that over 100
Lactic acid Dilactide Water US patents in this area were assigned to this
company. The company produces and sells two
(1) types of products – the polydilactide-based resins
(Natureworks PLA ), used for plastics/packaging
Dilactide, also commonly termed lactide, is the applications, and the Ingeo polydilactide-based
primary feedstock for polymerization to make high fibers, that are used in specialty textiles and fiber
molecular weight polymers of lactic acid (PLA), which applications. Over the past 10 years, this company
has done extensive product development work, the precision cleaning. More recently, Vertec Biosolvents
magnitude of which becomes apparent from their Inc. ( has been develop-
technical and applications literature. They have also ing and commercializing blends of these esters with
built a plant in Blair, Nebraska, with a nameplate other biologically derived solvents such as fatty acid
capacity of 300 million lb yr−1 for the production of methyl esters or D-limonene that can have a wide range
lactic acid and PLA. For product commercialization of solvating and cleaning properties.15,16 The US Envi-
they have partnered with many potential end-users ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently classified
and polymer processing equipment manufacturers. the lactate esters ethyl and butyl lactate as Class 4A
For plastics and packaging applications, both inert ingredient for use in the formulation of pesticides
general and detailed information on the properties and other bioactive compounds. The Class 4A desig-
of various grades of resins are available from the nation is given to compounds that have demonstrated
manufacturer. A variety of products such as cups, negligible toxicity and an excellent environmental pro-
cutlery, plates and saucers and food dispensing file. Thus, a good range of specialty applications and
containers can be made by injection molding. General commercial uses could be developed with these non-
and detailed guides for injection molding process using toxic, environmentally friendly lactate ester solvents
conventional injection molding equipment with PLA with other biologically derived solvents.17
resins are also available from the manufacturer. Some
of the advantages listed include superior clarity, good Oxygenated chemicals
heat deflection, readily degradable in the enviornment Large-volume oxygenated chemicals such as propylene
(compostable) and sustainability (renewable resource glycol (1.5 billion lb US production in 2004),
based). The US FDA and European regulatory propylene oxide (4 billion lb US production in 2004),
authorities have approved the resins for all food-type acrylic acid and acrylate esters (1.8 billion lb US
applications. production in 2004) and other chemical intermediates
Similarly, for fiber and fabric applications compar- such as lactate ester plasticizers can potentially be
ative properties of the PLA-based Ingeo with nylon, made from lactic acid.1,2,18 The advances made in
PET, rayon, cotton, silk and wool are available from hydrogenolysis technology can be further developed
the company. and integrated to make propylene glycol from lactic
Some of the advantages listed include: acid in the future.19 – 22
• lower specific gravity than other natural fibers – CH3CHOHCOOH + 2 H2 CH3CHOHCH2OH + 2 H2O
lighter products; O
• higher tenacity than natural fibers – tensile strength; OH
+2 H O
H OH + 2 H
• significantly lower moisture regain than natural HO
fibers – easier drying after wet; OH
• outstanding UV resistance compared with all fibers; Lactic acid Hydrogen Propylene glycol Water
• low refractive index, which produces intense colors (2)
on dyeing;
• compared with PET and other synthetics, lower Advances in catalysis and process technologies are
heat of combustion, less smoke when burned, high needed for efficient conversion of lactate to acrylate
water wicking and faster moisture spread. or propylene glycol to propylene oxide, even though
some of the early patents show the technical feasibility
Some of the negatives include:
of such conversions.23 – 26
• poor alkali resistance, causing strength loss in the CH3CHOHCH2OH CH3CHOCH2 + H2O
conventional dispersed dye process;
• low ironing temperature due to low crystalline melt OH + O
temperature. HO
Propylene glycol Propylene oxide Water
Thus, over the past 10 years, an extensive amount of
work has been done on developing and commercializ- (3)
ing PLA and its products. A more detailed analysis of CH3CHOHCOOH CH2CHCOOH + H2O
polymer technology undertaking is beyond the scope O
of this paper. OH
Solvents OH
Environmentally friendly, ‘green’ solvents are another Lactic acid Acrylic acid Water
potential growth area for lactic acid derivatives, partic-
ularly lactate esters of low molecular weight alcohols (4)
such as ethyl, propyl and butyl lactate. Purac Inc.
has developed and commercialized several special- In Table 1, these potential products and applica-
ized applications of lactate esters in electronics and tions and estimates of their overall size in terms of both
Polymers: plastics Degradable packaging, films 1.5 1.5 1.0c [2200] 3300
Polymers: fibers Specialty textiles, bedding, etc. 0.5 0.5 2c [4400] 2200
‘Green’ solvents (biosolvent Specialty formulations, industrial/ 0.5b 0.5 1b [2200] 1100
blends) machinery cleaning, etc.
Oxychemicals: propylene glycol Humectants, food processing, 1.5 1.5 1d [2200] 3300
deicers, polymers
Oxychemicals: propylene oxide Polyurethanes, plastics, etc. 4.0e 4.0 0.9d [2000] 8000
Oxychemicals: acrylates Polymers, plastic films, coatings 1.8 1.8 1d [2200] 4000
Total 9.8 9.8 21 900
World market volume is usually about 2–2.5-fold of the US market volume; we have rounded it off to 2.2-fold and reported as metric tons (t).
Market size potential and selling price targets are based on Industrial Bioprocessing, (IB market forecast), Vol. 23, No. 4 (2004), and also authors’
estimates from various reports.
c Selling prices for the lactic polymers and fibers are targets, based on author’s estimates from various publications.
d Selling prices (US) for the oxychemicals are from the Chemical Marketing Reporter, September 2005.
e This excludes the volume of propylene oxide that is used to make propylene glycol.
f The total potential value is the total scope worldwide at current estimates of market volumes and prices.
Mol. Sieve
evaporated and the alcohol recycled. This separation Ethanol Column
process produces a highly pure product which is water-
white and heat stable.
Lights Column Lights Purge
Ca(CH3 CHOHCOO)2 2 CH3 CHOHCOOH Purified Lactic Acid
+H2 SO4 +CaSO4 Figure 2. Conventional process for lactic acid manufacture from
(5c) carbohydrate.
any significant advance in overcoming this problem. One particular process configuration, termed the
In the work published by the large team led ‘double ED’ process, (Fig. 4), has been developed and
by Porro,30 Kluyveromyces lactis yeast strain was piloted at Michigan Biotechnology Institute (MBI)
genetically engineered to become a homolactate and at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and has
producer. In actual fermentation tests at a low final given very promising results.35,36 This process uses a
pH of 2.8–3.0, the organism was able to produce only desalting ED unit to remove the multivalent cations
about 30 g L−1 of protonated lactic acid with yields of and concentrate the lactate salt, followed by a ‘water-
about 0.7–0.9 mol per mole of dextrose, which is only splitting’ ED unit with bipolar membranes to produce
35–45% of theoretical, uneconomic for a commercial concentrated lactic acid and alkali for recycle.
process. The desalting ED (shown schematically in Fig. 5)
Hence technologies that would allow the conversion is a critical step that enables the process to operate
of the salt to the corresponding acid and alkali efficiently and economically. This step:
without consuming another acid or large amount of
energy have been critical. The other problems are • Concentrates the lactate salt by 2-fold or higher,
in purification, where the efficient production of a from a feed broth concentration of 8–10 to about
key intermediate such as an ester with high yield and 20 wt%.
purity is very important. Recent advances are discussed • Purifies the product (10–20 fold purification on
below. proteins, peptides, sugars and other non-ionic
Advanced electrodialysis technologies • Rejects divalent ions by 98–99% (using monovalent
Advances in membrane-based separation and purifi- cation selective membranes).
cation technologies, particularly in microfiltration,
ultrafiltration and electrodialysis (ED), have led to the Dextrose
inception of new processes for lactic acid production Makeup
that do not produce a salt waste. Successful com-
mercial development of bipolar ED membranes has
recently occurred.32 – 34 These membranes can split Ammonium
and separate water to protons (H+ ) and hydroxyl Lactate Broth
(OH− ) ions as shown schematically in Fig. 3 and the
membranes can operate at about 80% of the theoret- Microporous
ical thermodynamic efficiency.33,34 This technology
advance now enables the H+ to transport to the acid
anion to form the free acid and the OH− ion to trans- Desalting
port to the cation compartment to form the free base. Electrodialysis
Despite the recent advances in bipolar membranes,
they have the fundamental problem of intolerance
to multivalent cations such as calcium and magne- Chelation
sium that form insoluble hydroxides at the critical
interface of the bipolar membrane where the ions sep-
arate. Typically, the tolerance limit for these divalent Water-Splitting
cations is about 1 ppm. Fermentation broths contain
much higher concentrations, often in the region of
1000 ppm. Hence a successful process with bipolar Polishing
membranes requires critical integration of key process Ion Exchange
steps that would work efficiently and economically. Lactic Acid
Ethanol Makeup
+ -
H+ H+
+ Recycle
OH- OH- A - Anion permselective layer
C - Cation permselective layer Purified Lactic Acid
I - Interface layer
Figure 3. Bipolar electrodialysis membrane schematic and operation. Figure 4. Double-ED process schematic.
Concentrated Product
(Ammonium Lactate)
Desalted Broth
M++ M++ M++
M+ M+ M+
+ -
X-- X--
X- X- X-
(Ammonium Hydroxide)
+ -
M+ M+ M+
H+ H+ H+
X- X- X-
• Has a high recovery yield (>95% yield of lactate to stream to the range of 5–10 ppm and reduces the
the product from the feed). need for chelation by >95%.
• Moreover, the power consumption to do all of this The water-splitting ED step using the two-
is low, approximately 0.33 kWh kg−1 (0.15 kWh compartment ‘cation-bilpolar’ configuration (shown
lb−1 ) of lactate and allows a high current density to schematically in Fig. 6) also permits efficient and
be maintained. economic operation. This step can achieve:
processes give high selectivity and rates and operate success. Other advances in esterification technology
at moderate pressures.21,22 This technology has with pervaporation and development of biosolvent
been commercialized to produce 1,4-butanediol, blends also have a high potential for use as ‘green’
tetrahydrofuran and other four-carbon chemical solvents in many applications.
intermediates from maleic anhydride. In the future, Hence, from a technology viewpoint, major
such technologies could be integrated with low-cost advances and integration of bioprocessing, biochem-
lactic acid production processes to make propylene ical engineering, advanced membrane-based separa-
glycol and other intermediate chemicals.21,22 tions technologies, chemical catalysis and polymer
Further advances in catalytic dehydration and pro- processing have developed to bring out the poten-
cess technologies are needed for efficient conversion tial of lactic acid. Recently, a considerable amount
of lactate to acrylate or propylene glycol to propylene of pioneering effort in technology, product develop-
oxide, even though some of the early patents show the ment and commercialization has been expended by
technical feasibility of such conversions.23 – 26 several companies and considerably more is needed.
Furthermore, real support from consumer, regula-
tory and government organizations is also needed
CONCLUSIONS to overcome the inertia and barriers to change that
Lactic acid is an enigmatic chemical. It was discovered are so inherent in bringing out sustainable products
a long time ago and has been produced as a specialty from renewable resources to replace long-established
chemical for decades. Its use in food preservation and petroleum-derived products.
processing has grown over the years. Its potential as
a major chemical feedstock, derived from renewable
carbohydrates by sustainable technologies, to make REFERENCES
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