1.1 Is There A Significant Difference in The Household Income of The Respondents When Grouped According To GENDER?
1.1 Is There A Significant Difference in The Household Income of The Respondents When Grouped According To GENDER?
1.1 Is There A Significant Difference in The Household Income of The Respondents When Grouped According To GENDER?
1 Is there a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to GENDER?
1. Ho: There is no significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to gender.
2. Ha: There is a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to gender.
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: t-test
5. Compute: Prob.Value=.196
6. Analyze/Decide
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Accept Ho
There is no significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to gender.
T-TEST GROUPS=gender(0 1)
Group Statistics
1. Ho: There is no significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to level of education.
2. Ha: There is a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to the level of education.
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: ANOVA
5. Compute: Prob.Value=. 000
6. Analyze/Decide
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Reject Ho
There is a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to the level of education.
Household income in thousands
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Household income in thousands
Tukey HSD
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
Difference Std. Lower Upper
(I) Level of education (J) Level of education (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
Did not complete high High school degree -2.63419 2.2430 .766 -8.7549 3.4865
school 2
Some college -9.83115* 2.4718 .001 -16.5762 -3.0861
College degree -20.14305* 2.4109 .000 -26.7221 -13.5640
Post-undergraduate -34.76793* 3.3761 .000 -43.9807 -25.5552
degree 4
High school degree Did not complete high 2.63419 2.2430 .766 -3.4865 8.7549
school 2
Some college -7.19696* 2.2086 .010 -13.2238 -1.1701
College degree -17.50886* 2.1403 .000 -23.3493 -11.6684
Post-undergraduate -32.13374* 3.1884 .000 -40.8344 -23.4331
degree 9
Some college Did not complete high 9.83115* 2.4718 .001 3.0861 16.5762
school 2
High school degree 7.19696* 2.2086 .010 1.1701 13.2238
College degree -10.31189* 2.3790 .000 -16.8037 -3.8201
Post-undergraduate -24.93678* 3.3533 .000 -34.0874 -15.7862
degree 9
College degree Did not complete high 20.14305* 2.4109 .000 13.5640 26.7221
school 8
High school degree 17.50886* 2.1403 .000 11.6684 23.3493
Some college 10.31189* 2.3790 .000 3.8201 16.8037
Post-undergraduate -14.62489* 3.3088 .000 -23.6538 -5.5959
degree 0
Post-undergraduate Did not complete high 34.76793* 3.3761 .000 25.5552 43.9807
degree school 4
High school degree 32.13374* 3.1884 .000 23.4331 40.8344
Some college 24.93678* 3.3533 .000 15.7862 34.0874
College degree 14.62489* 3.3088 .000 5.5959 23.6538
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets
1. Ho: There is no significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to recoded age (below 47; 47 and above).
2. Ha: There is a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to recoded age
(below 47; 47 and above).
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: t-test
5. Compute: Prob.Value=. 000
6. Analyze/Decide
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Reject Ho
There is a significant difference in the household income of the respondents when grouped
according to recoded age (below 47; 47 and above)
T-TEST GROUPS=recodedage(1 2)
Group Statistics
3. Is there a significant difference in the credit card debt of the respondents when grouped
according to marital status?
1. Ho: There is no significant difference in the credit card debt of the respondents when grouped
according to marital status.
2. Ha: There is a significant difference in the credit card debt of the respondents when grouped
according to marital status.
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: t-test
5. Compute: Prob.Value=. 641
6. Analyze/Decide
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Accept Ho
There is no significant difference in the credit card debt of the respondents when grouped according
to marital status.
T-TEST GROUPS=marital(0 1)
Group Statistics
Marital status N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Credit card debt in thousands Unmarried 2559 1.8978 3.19307 .06312
95% Confidence
Sig. Std. Interval of the
(2- Mean Error Difference
tailed Differ Differ
F Sig. t df ) ence ence Lower Upper
Credit card Equal .218 .641 . 49 .630 . . -.143 .
debt in variances 48 98 0469 0973 97 2378
thousands assumed 2 2 7 1
Equal . 48 .631 . . -.144 .
variances 48 25. 0469 0977 62 2384
not assumed 0 92 2 0 5
1. Ho: There is no significant relationship between job category and level of education.
2. Ha: There is a significant relationship between job category and level of education.
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: Chi Square test
5. Compute: Prob.Value=. 003
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Reject Ho
There is a significant relationship between job category and level of education.
/TABLES=jobcat BY edcat
Case Processing Summary
Valid Missing Total
Chi-Square Tests
Asymptotic Significance
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 41.394a 20 .003
Likelihood Ratio 41.369 20 .003
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 15.74.
5. Is there a significant correlation between household income and credit card debt?
1. Ho: There is no significant correlation between household income and credit card debt.
2. Ha: There is a significant correlation between household income and credit card debt.
3. Set level of significance (alpha)=5% or 0.05
4. Test stat: Bivariate Correlation
5. Compute: Prob.Value=. 000
Prob.Value vs Alpha
Decision: Reject Ho
There is a significant correlation between household income and credit card debt.
/VARIABLES=income creddebt
N 5000 5000
N 5000 5000