Intentional Injuries
Intentional Injuries
Intentional Injuries
4th Quarter in Health
Have you experienced bullying,
whether as the bully or being bullied?
What will you do to protect yourself
from situations or people who might
harm you?
What is injury?
Injury is a damage to the body. It can be a result of an accident or an
intentional act. That is why injuries can be considered intentional
or unintentional.
What are unintentional and intentional injuries?
Intentional Unintentional
• Those resulting from • Those that occur
purposeful acts without the intention to
directed to others or harm.
self. • These cannot be
• These are preventable prevented or not
and controllable. controllable.
• Examples: sexual • Examples: household
harrassment, fighting, fires, drowning,
assault, rape, bullying, vehicular accidents, and
and domestic violence poisoning
1. Domestic Violence
• is a pattern of abusive and intimidating
behavior used by one person to control
the other
• occurs in a domestic setting or at home
and the abusive person may be a partner,
parent, caregiver, or a relative (also
called family violence)
• includes physical violence, isolation from
relatives or friends, emotional abuse, and
financial abuse
• victims often suffer not only from physical
injuries, they also suffer psychologically
and emotionally as well
If you’re experiencing this kind of injury at home, you need to
know that the abuse is not your fault and you definitely
don’t deserve it.
If this happens to you, you should talk to someone you trust and
be aware of the emergency services available to use when
necessary. Remember that children who are exposed to
violence at home are at risk of having violent relationships. The
abuse will get worse if you wait for the offenders to change.
2. Bullying
• is an undesired behavior involving a real
or perceived superiority over others
• A way of intimidating or dominating
others by repeatedly doing or saying
Verbal Social
Saying or writing mean things such Also called relational bullying,
as teasing, name-calling, involves hurting someone’s
inappropriate sexual comments, reputation or relationships; includes
taunting, and threatening excluding someone from a group on
purpose, influencing others not to
be friends with someone, spreading
rumors, and public embarrassment
Physical Cyber
Hurting a person’s body or Bullying though electronic
possession; includes hitting, kicking, technology like cellular phones,
pinching, tripping, spitting, shoving, computers and communication tools
taking, or breaking other’s like social media, text messages,
possessions, and making mean or chat, websites, and online forums
rude hand gestures
Forms of Cyber Bullying
1. If you are alone at home, be sure to keep your doors and windows locked
securely. Never allow anybody you do not know to get in. Call someone
right away if you suspect someone to be intruders.
2. Do not walk alone, especially at night. Avoid dark areas even with a
3. Tell your parents where you are going. Inform them constantly of your
4. If confronted by an attacker, get away from him/her in any way you can.
You can apply self-defense skills, such as hitting or kicking the attacker.
Shout loudly for help or fo anything that will attract attention.
8. Acts of Terror
• Is a criminal act which aims to instill
a state of fear in the general public, a
group, or a particular person
• Terrorist groups create terror using
violence, fear and intimidation,
drawing attention of the local
populace, government, and the world
to their cause.
• In the process, people’s lives are at
stake. Their usually result in injuries
and deaths.
9. Suicide
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