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Cesare Neri: Lawful Evil Fighter 5

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Cesare Neri Fighter 5

Lawful Evil

17 -1 30 ft
+4 +3
54 d10


Fortitude: You have never been
-1 intimidated or discouraged by
Justice: you believe that nothing
-1 can rise above the Divine Law.
16 +2

+3 Anger: you have always been

-1 furious against those who contra-
dicted you.
-1 Resentment: You have often felt
8 +7
regret and envy for the successes
and privileges of others.

+5 Blood Mantle. Your base AC
is 16 (your Dexterity modifier
-1 does not affect this value), and
12 +1 Greatsword +8 2d6+5 T
you are considered wearing armor.

+4 Longsword +8 1d8+5 T
+2 Burden. This magical weapon can be used as a lon-
+2 gsword that grants a +2 bonus to your AC, or as a gre-
atsword. As an action, you can change weapon type.
-1 Tormented. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and
14 -1 damage rolls made with the burden.


Crowned Skull. Any creature within 10 feet of you
has disadvantage on all saving throws against being
+1 frightened.
Cesare Neri

Combat Style (Defense) Lost One Traits Those who have lorded over others in the material This is your sentence, this your fate. Now that you
Second Wind Courageous. You have advantage on all saving world, will end up in the Seventh Circle, among are in Hell, your sin looms upon you, its weight an
Action Surge throws against being frightened. the violent. Whatever the sins in the material omen of what will befall you after death and until
Martial Archetype (Tyrant) world, their sentence after death will be to spend the end of time, unless you find atonement and
Blood for blood Robust. Your hit point maximum increases eternity in a river of boiling blood, surrounded by redemption. To symbolize such a fatal flaw, your
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain fellow sinners who fight with each other in order to semblance takes on traits of ferocity and cruelty,
you learn the ability to empower your attacks a level. never sink, overseen by feral centaurs, casting spe- your eyes are shot with blood just as your hands
via special dice called blood dice. ars and bolts upon all those who dare to es- cape, are stained by it.
Blood Dice. When you hit a creature with Aegis. When you fail a saving throw, you can or even barely raise their head from their torment.
the burden weapon, you gain a blood die, reroll the die and must use the new roll. Once
which is a d8. A blood die is expended when you use this feature, you must finish a short or
you use it. You can store a number of blood long rest before you can use it again.
dice equal to your proficiency bonus. If your
turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile Embrace Sin
creature since your last turn, you lose a sto- When you hit a creature you can spend 2 hope
red blood die. Each stored blood die weighs points to make the attack deal a critical hit.
down the burden weapon, and you take a
-1 penalty to your AC every time you gain a
new blood die, until the start of your next
turn. When you hit a creature with an attack
with the burden weapon, you can spend
one or more blood dice and add them to the
damage roll.
Extra Attack

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