Your Handwriting is the mirror to judge your quality. Write neatly and legibly. Since these tests are designed
to calculate your IQ, try and complete, as many questions as possible; but at the same time, do not do so
without thinking sufficiently. Even75% of the questions answered correctly will see you thorough. Since
every test is co-related, be positive in what you write. Your pen picture should tally with your thoughts pen
down. Since you are being compared with all other candidates your best performance will take you to your
ultimate Goal.
WAT Word Association Test: Write the first positive thought that comes to your mind. Time given is 15
seconds to write. The sentence need not be grammatically correct or the word used just to write a sentence.
Remember this is not a Make a sentence type exam. This is designed to test your inner thoughts. So be careful
in whatever you write.
SRT (Situational Reaction Test) the tests contain day-to-day practical incidents that you will be facing in
your real life. Write what actions you, Will be taking in case you are in those situations. There are no right or
wrong answers; best approach is to write a positive yet a good citizen will do. Here your qualities such as
Courage, helping attitude, empathy, responsibility, social interaction, boldness, honesty etc are tested. Write
down the answers on a sheet of paper so that you can compare the same with some suggestions. (Never copy
the suggestions for it might lead you to wrong conclusions)
Please take the Practice test.
The Thematic Story writing will be 12 in all. 11 of them are having some picture and one does not have any.
You will get about 3 minutes for each story. Do not write stereotype stories. Try different theme for different
stories. Remember you are the Hero; the aim should be to bring out leadership qualities of the hero through
these stories.
The Qualities that you are to project through your stories are:-
Only during the perception test you are required to give The age, sex, mood, and number of group of the
persons you see in the picture. Your story should such that it suits the picture yet tells the past is that what led
to this situation what is happening in the picture? What will happen in the future?