CONCEPT OF RASESHWARA DARSHANA (Philosophy On Mercurial System)
CONCEPT OF RASESHWARA DARSHANA (Philosophy On Mercurial System)
CONCEPT OF RASESHWARA DARSHANA (Philosophy On Mercurial System)
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4 authors, including:
Nisha .G
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
All content following this page was uploaded by Nisha .G on 30 August 2019.
Darsana (Philosophy) dealt in Indian system emphasize on accomplishing
Purusharthas (Objectives of man) i.e Dharma (Righteousness), Artha (Wealth),
Kaֿma (Desire) and Moksha (Salvation). Moksha is the ultimate goal of mankind and it
is achieved only after death however Raseshwara darshan (Philosophy on Mercurial
system) believes in Jivanmukti (Lively liberation). Jivanmukti is possible only in a
healthy body and the state of health and wellbeing is attained only by means of Rasa
(Mercury). The concept of Raseshwara darshana is understood by knowing its
relation with Rasashastra (Medicinal chemistry) a unique branch of science in
Ayurveda which also emphasizes on the importance of Parada (Mercury) which helps
in eradicating disease and poverty. Rasahrdaya tantra explains that one who wants to
attain Jivanmukti, should have the combination of Haragowri shrishti i.e
Parada(Mercury) & Abhraka (Mica). Raseshwara darshan also have a close relation
to that of Haṭha yoga in Yoga darshanas which enumerates certain procedures like
Āsana, Pranayama, Mudra, Samadhi etc to make Vayu and Rasa stable to attain
disease free state, restrain from death and finally accomplish Moksha
Keywords: Raseshwara darshan, Hata yoga, Rasashastra
Darsana (Philosophy) literally means vision. All Darshanas ultimately pursuit the path of
liberation (Moksha) i.e sublimation of soul with God or it is a state of liberating the soul from
rebirth and death. Darshanas have been originated with different philosophical thought but
emphasize the methods to accomplish Purusharthas (Objectives of man i.e Dharma
(Righteousness), Artha (Wealth), Kaֿma (Desire) and Moksha(Salvation). The fundamental
principles of many Darshanas have been widely applied in Ayurveda.
• The Promulgator of Raseshwara Darsana was Adinatha (Lord Mahadeva). Few yogis
namely Chandrasena, Nityananda, Gorakshanath, Kapali, Bhaluki, Mandavya, Siddha
Nagarjuna etc have sufficiently contributed in establishing the concept of this
• Acharya Sayana Madhava had quoted about the concept of Raseshwara Darsana in
the work “Sarva Darsana Sangraha”(14th AD) which is a compilation of 16 Darsanas
• Initially Parada (Mercury) was considered as an important tool for Dhatuvada
(Transmutation of lower metals to gold).
• It gradually paved way for the recognition of Dehavada (Therapeutic implications of
• Later on, tantric and philosophical thoughts regarding mercury came to existence.
• Rasalinga (Idol with mercury) was made and started worshipping
• And finally, Rasa was considered as the best and unique tool for attaining Moksha.
• From this, the concept of Raseshwara Darshana evolved which explains the method
of attaining Jivanmukti using Parada
2) Available classical text books of Rasashastra were also screened for interpretations.
Conceptual Review
The conceptual review is divided into three segments
It has a unique way of approach for attaining liberation called as ‘Jivan mukti’ i.e to attain
salvation during life itself. According to Rasarnava and the believers of this darshan,
attaining liberation after death is considered to be hopeless as it is possible even by a donkey.
To attain Jivan mukti’, the body should be free from diseases, oldage and death. The diseased
body cannot perceive the knowledge. The knowledge is obtained by vigorous
exercises(practices). To make this possible, the man should make the body healthy and stable
which is called as‘ Pinda sthairyatha’. Hence ultimately to accomplish ‘Pinda sthairyatha’
(Stable body) the man should use Parada (Mercury)
According to Rasahrdaya tantra, Acharya says that Murchita Parada (Swooned mercury) is
Roga naashaka (Cures diseases). Mrtha parada (Inactive mercury) is Amarathwa kāraka
(Prevents death) and Baddha parada (Bound mercury) for Moksha prapti (attains salvation)
The school of Raseshwara Darshana is having close relationship with Hatha yoga.
The techniques described in Hata yoga also aids to accomplish Moksha. It is said that the
very core of Yogasastra was narrated by Ādinatha(Lord shiva) and later learnt by yogis like
Matsyendranath, Gorakhanath etc.
It is believed that in our body Manas and Rasa are considered to be Chanchala (Unstable)
Mana is nothing but Vayu and Rasa can be Shukra
There are many methods mentioned in Hata yoga which helps to balance Vayu (Breadth) and
shukra (Semen).
Prana (Mana)-It is balanced by practising certain techniques like Pranayama etc
Sukra(bindu) - It is preserved by practicing certain mudras like Vajrouli Mudra etc.
In Hatayoga, Lord shiva says to Parvati that
Murchitoharate vyādhīnṃrto jīvayati svayaṃ
Baddhaḥ khecharatām dhatte raso vāyuśca pārvati
When Mercury and breathing is made stable, then it destroys diseases, death etc and attains
Khecharata (state of flying). When manas is stable, the vayu and bindu is preserved and
ultimately reaches the state of Moksha.
The basic fundamentals and concepts of all Darshanas is to attain Moksha but the method of
approach differs. Among these Raseshwara darshan is unique as this philosophy highlight
the importance of Moksha prapti (attains emancipation) during life itself which is Jivanmukti
(Lively liberation). According to Raseshwara darshan, Jivanmukta is possible only by a body
which is devoid of disease and death, and to accomplish this state it is possible only by means
of Parada(Mercury).The concept of Raseshwara darshan is extensively applied in
Rasashastra, which is a science originated to destroy poverty and diseases to mankind by the
use of Parada. The techniques like Ashtadasha samskara etc been described in detail to make
Parada stable and potent. In the similar way, the concepts of Hata yoga also substantiates the
principles given in Raseshwara darshana by explaining the techniques by which Prana,
manah and sukra is made steady, providing equilibrium of body and mind thereby helps in
attaining Moksha.
Raseshwara darshan is an unique philosophy given by Ādinatha (Lord shiva) which
emphazise on the method of being healthy (to both body and mind) and through which a man
can restrain from death and attains Jivanmukti (lively liberation). It is said that all these are
possible only by means of a divine drug Parada (Mercury).