Course Plan - Bachelor of Business V11 16 Mar 2020 (Commenced T1 2020)
Course Plan - Bachelor of Business V11 16 Mar 2020 (Commenced T1 2020)
Course Plan - Bachelor of Business V11 16 Mar 2020 (Commenced T1 2020)
Year 1
Trimester 1 Trimester 2
Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co- Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co-
requisite requisite
BCOM101 Business Communication 6 None BACT105 Business Accounting 6 None
MGTP102 Management Principles 6 None OGBH201 Organisational Behaviour 6 MGTP102
QMTH104 Quantitative Methods 6 None BECO107 Business Economics 6 MGTP102,
CRSE108 Corporate Responsibility & 6 None MKTP103 Marketing Principles 6 MGTP102
** Replaced for (Information
Systems) Specialisation Core
Year 2
Trimester 3 Trimester 4
Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co- Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co-
requisite requisite
BLAW204 Business Law 6 MGTP102 Specialisation - 2 * 6 36cps
Elective - 1 * 6 36cps Specialisation - 3 * 6 36cps
Elective - 2 * 6 36cps Elective - 3 * 6 36cps
Specialisation - 1 * 6 36cps Elective - 4 * 6 36cps
Year 3
Trimester 5 Trimester 6
Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co- Unit Code** Unit cps Pre or Co-
requisite requisite
Specialisation - 4 * 6 48 cps BSTR301 Business Strategy 6 9 core units
Specialisation - 5 * 6 48 cps Specialisation - 6 * 6 72 cps
Elective - 5 * 6 48 cps Specialisation - 7 * 6 72 cps
Elective - 6 * 6 48 cps Elective - 7 * 6 72 cps
*Specialisation / Electives
*Management *Information Systems
Unit Code** Unit cps Pre-requisite Unit Code** Unit cps Pre-requisite
HRMG203 Human Resource Management 6 MGTP102 ITBO201 IT for Business Organisations 6 None
LEMT305 Leadership for Managers 6 MGTP102 WPDD202 Web Page Design and 6 None
FINM202 Financial Management 6 BACT105 SYAD310 Systems Analysis & Design 6 ITBO201
ITMG306 International Management 6 OGBH201 ENSN201 Enterprise Social Networks 6 WPDD202
CNMT210 Change Management 6 OGBH201 DBFN212 Database Fundamentals 6 SYAD310
CCMT313 Cross Cultural Management 6 ITMG306 OODP101 Object-Oriented Design and 6 None
ENTP205 Entrepreneurship 6 CNMT210 PAQM321 Project and Quality Management 6 OGBH201
BUIN311 Business Intelligence * 6 QMTH104
SENG205 Software Engineering * 6 SYAD310
**CORE UNIT The IT Professional * 6 None