Group Assignment-Syndicate 3
Group Assignment-Syndicate 3
Group Assignment-Syndicate 3
Now 300 0 0
Planning 3 years from now 500 500 300
5 years from now 0 300 500
Netherlands India Apart 500 500 500
Now 0 0 0
Joint Business
Venture 3 years from now 300 300 500
5 years from now 500 500 300
TOTAL 3700 1200 1700
Based on our discussion result, we conclude that here are our aspiration point and
Aspiration point: me and the MBA student as a partner are going to stay in Indonesia and
I’m not going to leave my job as a doctor here.
• Live apart and maintain my current job
• Come with my partner to Amsterdam and leave my job
• Postpone family planning
The result:
Based on our negotiation, finally we achieve a deal that the couple will stay in Indonesia
(us, as the woman still become a doctor in Indonesia). Then we both agree regarding family
planning that we will have children in 3 years from now and will start the business in 5 years from
now. So, we are happy with the result since our reach our aspiration point which is also our plan
A based on the scoring table provided which we already planned before the negotiation start as
our main objective.
We able to execute our strategy just like what we planned in the individual planning
assignment which are using some key factors such as:
- Ask regarding his promises to come back and start family and business together (keywords:
promise, men fulfil his promise, feeling of betrayed).
- Bringing up the issue regarding how hard and how expensive the cost to become a medical
- How hard to adapt living in Amsterdam for me to be able to practice medical doctor, seems
like starting from zero in there.
- Gender equality, women empowerment during this era.