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An Analysis of Winding Up of Companies Under Indian Companies Act 2013

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International Journal of Law

International Journal of Law

ISSN: 2455-2194
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 4; Issue 2; March 2018; Page No. 117-122

An analysis of winding up of companies under Indian companies act 2013

Belal Allail
Research Scholar, Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

The life of the Company comes into existence by legal procedure through incorporating it. Therefore it enjoys the legal status and
wide range of the rights and obligations under the statute. Moreover, the life and death of the Company are also legally
manufacture phenomena. As per the article of association of the Company, the closing the affairs of the Company or wind up the
Company is a legal tactic. Hence this article seeks to find out mechanism of winding up or shutting down the affairs of the
Company under the different Companies Laws. This article also examines the scope of the winding up of the Company under these

Keywords: Winding Up of Company, Liquidation

1. Introduction include Company law 1956 and Company amendment law

A company exist by the legal procedure, and when it wants to 2013, and subsequent changes in Company law. The study
end it is life, and when it wants to end its reality, it is just analysing the changing prospect winding up of the Company
conceivable through the lawful mechanism. Consequently, the in India. The secondary sources include available books,
ending up of the organization is the instrument to end its life, research articles, and paper, briefs and opinion published in
the last stage in the existence of the company. The existence various journals and magazine. However, the attention will be
of the company extinguished then its property governed for made to rely only on recent work as far as possible.
the benefits and advantage of the its creditors and members.
The administrator is being appointed he look after the affairs 3. Winding Up of the Company
of the company and accumulate the assets, pay its debts and The result of the registration of the company is that it
allocate the surplus among the members and creditors of the transforms the business of the company as a legal entity,
company if any exist according to their respective rights and having legal rights and obligations which are distinct from its
liabilities. member’s [2]. The company incorporated and it becomes a
The company Act 1956, and company Act, 2013 provides the separate legal entity as a natural person [3]. Hence the existence
mechanism of the winding up of the company. The of the Company separate from it is legal persons, shareholder
mechanism can be divided into two categories, Firstly, the sand directors [4].
winding up by the order of the court and second, winding up Winding up of the Company is mechanism by which legal
by the creditors and member of the Company. In the wilful entity of the Company come into end, and its affairs accrue
winding, the members and its creditors are allowed to from its Directors control and assets assessed by the liquidator
determine their differences commonly without the and debts paid out. The existence of the Company is conveyed
intervention of the Court. to an end and its property administered for the benefit of its
In order to make the company more fruitful and more members and creditors. In words Professor Gower, “Winding
convenience, the government of the India time to time bring up of a company is the process whereby its life is ended. The
changes and consequently. It also established the National Property of it administered for the benefit of its members &
Company Tribunal (NCLT) and new version of the company creditors. The Company appoint the liquidators from the penal
Act, passed in 2013 by the parliament of the India and it set up by the Central Government about the winding up the
received the consent of the president of India on 29 August affairs of the Company [5]. Hence it is the duty of the
2013. It has been told in the Official Gazette on 30 sept, 2013. liquidators distributes the assets of the Company.
Having said that the arrangements of the organization Act Furthermore, the liquidation is the last step to wind up the
1956 is still valid [1]. troubled Company it involves the congregate its assets and

2. Research Methodology 2
Talbot Le, Critical Company Law, (New YORK: Routledge-Cavendish,
The study is essentially being doctrinal and use analytical 2008),24
method based on secondary sources. The primary sources 3
Griffin Stephen, Company Law Fundamental Principles,( England: Pearson
Sealy, L., & Worthington, S. (2013). Sealy & Worthington's Cases and
“Ministry of corporate Materials in Company Law. Oxford University Press.
affairs”,http://www.mca.gov.in/MinistryV2/companiesact2013.html 5
Section 310, of the Company Act,2013

International Journal of Law

redistribute it [6]. However, the Court appointed the a. It is dissolved or stops its business in India, or running it
administrator, with the power of the reorganize and is business only for the winding up purpose.
restructures the Company debts and offers the most suitable b. It is unable to pay its debts
means of the realization of the assets for the favour of c. If the tribunal determine in its opinion that it’s just and
creditors and shareholders [7]. Moreover, there are two kinds of equitable and it should be winding up [12].
liquidators for that purpose, the voluntary liquidator and
member liquidator he has been pertain to restructure the 4.2 Winding up of banking companies
solvent Company [8]. Parts III and IIIA of Banking Regulation Act, 1949 provides
According to Halsbury's Laws of England, the winding up of particular mechanism for the winding up of the banking
the Company is a mechanism by which a Company finished, companies, if no provisions mention the winding up of these
and in the course its assets are aggregated and acknowledged Companies than Companies provisions operates in order to
and utilized as a part of the payment of the Company wind up such company.
obligations, and when these obligations are fulfilled, the
remaining sum is providing for its members and creditors for 4.3 Winding up of the defunct companies
the sum they added to the Company as per the Article of the The Defunct Companies are those companies, which ended it
Company [9]. is business or dead, and it is the duty of the Registrar of the
By means of the winding up of the Company, the life of the Companies of State or Union territory the where the office is
Company comes to an end and its property being directed to situated to decide whether the company is currently running it
the advancement of the members and its creditors. Moreover, is business or not. The Defunct company could be dissolve if
the liquidator assesses the Company liabilities and debts. the registrar has reasonable believes that Company is not
Hence the winding up of the company does not mean that the running it is business, of which he must send a letter to inquiry
company is insolvent. Moreover, the process of the winding company whether it working or not. If the Registrar not
up is not limited to the situation where the Company become receive an answer within one month than within fourteen days
insolvent; it also adopts when the members of the Company from expiry of one month, send to Company via post another
not in position to cooperate in order to run the business of the letter motioning previous letter. If the company gives no
Company. answer within one month, thereof the notice would publish in
The order of the winding up of the Company is final, and it’s the official gazette to striking off the name of the company off
not subject to annul. Hence a fresh petition required to stay the register [13].
under section 466 of the Company Act [10]. Therefore winding
up of the company process by which the stopping the affairs 4.4 Winding up of sick company
of the Company, assessing it is assets, pay its debts and The sick company Act, 1985 was enacted with the object to
reaming distributes to the members and creditors. determine sick or seriously sick company and expedient
determination by the board experts to take preventive and
4. Different types of winding up of companies remedial or other manner. The section 4 of the said Act, the
There are various types of the Company on which Indian board of industrial and financial established to apply the
Company Act apply like, foreign Companies, Defunct jurisdiction and discharge the function under said Act. Section
Companies, Sick Companies, Government Companies, and 20 provides that sick company must be wind up on the report
Unregistered Companies: of the board by the High Court according to the Company Act,
1956 [14]. The High Court of the Andhra Pradesh held that
4.1 Winding up of foreign company winding up petition is not sustainable the reference previously
The foreign company running it is business in India it does not registered with the Board for Industrial and Financial
substantially it incorporated under the Indian Company Act, Reconstruction [15].
and fall within the jurisdiction of the Indian court. Moreover,
such company governed under section 2 (42) of the company 4.5 Winding up of government companies
Act 2013, which provided any Company or body not The company having either 51 or more shares of the
registered in India but operating it is business in India by itself government are called the government company, which
or through an agent, either physically or electronic means or registered under the Company Act, 1956 and the procedure of
any other manner [11]. Further, it may be wind up under some the winding up of it alike to the normal winding up of the
particular situations if company. Having said that Court consider the interest of the
public hence its primary purpose to provides the service to
Finch, V. (2002). Corporate insolvency law: perspectives and principles.
Cambridge University Press. 5. Modes of Winding Up of the Company
Liu, J., & Wilson, N. (2002). Corporate failure rates and the impact of the
1986 insolvency act: An econometric analysis. Managerial Finance, 28(6), The Company Act 1956, under the part VII and chapter XX of
Cuthbertson, K., & Hudson, J. (1996). The determinants of compulsory 12
liquidations in the UK. The Manchester School, 64(3), 298-308. Section 375 of Company Act, 2013.
Practical guidance Indian companies law, winding up of the company, Section 560, of company act 1956.
https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/pg/indiacompanieslaw/document Section 20 in the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985
10 15
Re. Intermain Properties Ltd. 1986 BCLC 265(Ch D) Mohd. Nizamuddin v. Shiri Shakti LPG Ltd, (2003) 117 Comp. Cas. 138 (
Section 2(42) of Company Act, 2013. AP)

International Journal of Law

Company Act, 2013 provided the mechanism for winding up The Court may also appoint or remove more liquidation and
the company. The section 425 of former Act and section 270 also appoint an official liquidator to fill up the vacancy. Hence
of the later offer the comprehensive procedure of winding up the liquidator empowers to take all steps for the best possible
of the Company. Therefore the modes of winding up of the interest and benefit of the Company. He can enjoy all powers
Company can be classified into following heads as Company wound up voluntary
1. Compulsory winding up by the Court, Furthermore, the Court may enforce the adjudication of the
2. Winding up under the supervision of the Court liquidators including the winding up of the Company as the
3. Voluntary winding up, its two kinds section 526 of the Company Act, 1956. Moreover, the
4. By the members voluntary winding up liquidators also carry to an obligation under section 583 of the
5. By the Creditors voluntary winding up. said Act, which imposed the responsibility other than official
liquidator, to deposit the money in the scheduled bank, which
5.1. Compulsory winding up by the court they have received or to the credit of a particular account
The section 433 of the company Act 1956 deals with the which they opened.
situation under which a company can be compulsory wind up:
1. If special resolution being passed which stated the 5.3. Voluntary winding up
Company should wound up by tribunal Chapter III, part VII of the company Act 1956, under section
2. In the case of default is made to sending the statutory 484 to 520, comprehensively provides the mechanism of the
report to the Registrar or holding the statutory meeting winding up the company. Company can be a voluntary wind
3. Company failed to began its business within the one year up if it is incapable to take it is business, Orit established for
from its registration or postpone its affairs for entire year. the limited purpose, or it is not capable to fulfil its fiscal
The power to the court with regard to is discretionary it commitment [18].
cannot be used unless there is indication that company It the voluntary winding up of the company the whole
does not have the intention to carry out its business. proceeding has been done with the supervision of the Court.
4. If the numbers of the members are reduce, in a public Moreover, when the proceeding of the winding up is
company less than seven and in a private company less completed, the pertinent documents are being presented before
than two. the Court with the view of acquire the order of dissolution of
5. If the company is unable pay its debts it life. Thus the object of the voluntary winding up of a
6. If in the opinion of the Court that it is being just and company to enabling its members and creditors to resolve
equitable that Company could be wind up. The Court has their dispute without the intervention of the Court. Although
power to wind up the Company on ground of the just and direction or order of the Court is permissible if and when
equitable where the peculiar conditions exist, and it necessary.
appears to the court it just and reasonable. Where the 1. The section 484(1) deals with the specific conditions
substratum of the company does not seems, and there is by which a Company may be Voluntary winding up
acute crisis in the management of the company. 2. When the period mention in the article of association
has been lapsed or
In Vijay Lakshmi talkies v. Roa [16]. When the worsening the 3. On the happening of the event which has mentioned
condition of the management and control of the company in article and eventually it occurred
business seem shape differences among the members of the 4. By the passing special resolution that it should be
company it also reflected in the resolution. The company can wound up voluntary
also be wind up when it carry unlawful commerce or insolvent
and the business of the company running for the advantage of Furthermore, in Neptune Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Union of India
the debentures holders [17]. [19]
. The voluntary winding up means by a specific resolution
of a company to that effect. In British Water Gas Syndicate v.
5.2. Winding up the company under the supervision of the Notts Derby Water Gas Co. Ltd [20]. the well-functioning
tribunal company, can be wound up only by passing a special
The winding up of the company under the supervision of the resolution hence either article of the company or the Court can
Court is entirely different from the winding of the Company intervened by implementing the statutory right. Re, West
through Court. In the case of the supervisory wind up of the Cumberland Iron Steel Co [21], the voluntary winding
Company, the Court only supervises the mechanism or commence at the point of time when resolution of it passed
proceeding of the wind up the affairs of the Company. not when the court supervise or passed an order.
Members of the company finally passed the resolution for the In National Stores v. Ramsaran [22]. The consequence of the
winding up the business of the Company and the Court for voluntary wind up is that the Company stops to bear on its
some particular grounds with some special conditions, business except so far as might be required for useful wind-up.
supervise the proceeding of the winding up of the Company.
Moreover, the creditors and contributors have the autonomy to 18
Ministry of corporate affairs,
apply to the Court for supervision of the winding up the http://www.companyliquidator.gov.in/winding_up_3.html
Company under section 522. 19
1973 SCR (2) 940
1889 WN 204
16 21
AIR. 966Adh.pr.285 (1889) 40 Ch D 361
17 22
Clandown Colliery Co (1915),I Ch. 369 AIR 1926 Nag 303

International Journal of Law

In Knowles v. Scott [23]. The voluntary wind does not prevent designated. In London & Australian Agency Corp. Ltd. Re [30].
for legal proceeding and filing of new case. The court held that the solicitor could be appointed as
The company may be voluntary wind up by two means [24]. liquidator and remuneration must be paid to him for his
1. members voluntarily winding up services.
2. Creditors voluntarily winding up In amalgamated Syndicate Ltd., Re [31] the remuneration for
the liquidator in voluntary winding up of the company has to
Company may be a voluntary wind up by passing the ordinary be fixed at the meeting by the contribution if the court also
or special resolution, in a former situation when the purpose of can adjust the compensation if it not done. As indicated by
the Company have been fulfilled or the time period of the section 493 of Act above, the Company must given the
company expire and in later case by passing of an special appointment notice to Registrar within the ten of appointment.
resolution in the general meeting of Company [25]. Subsequently, powers of Directors, Managing Director, and
Manager stop to subsist [32].
5.3.1. Voluntary winding up by member The liquidator takes the best possible effort for the benefit of
The company can be voluntary wind up by the member under the Company as well as creditors and members. However, the
section 490 to 498 of the Company Act 1956, and section 304 all the proceeding regarding the closing the affairs of the
to 323 of company Act 2013. When the company is insolvent, Company might be take more than one year. The exact
and it’s capable of paying its liabilities in such situation, the position of the liquidator and procedure of the winding up
consultation of the creditors or to call their meeting not must be disclosed [33].
required. The Directors of the company or in a case where The liquidator help and assists in the winding up of the
more than two directors, in a Board meeting. Company, he may call the meeting of the members. He also
They may declare by the majority of the Directors the produce the complete record of the methodology of the
insolvency which is verified by the affidavit which mentions closing the affairs of the Company and circulate the
that they inquire the full affair of the company. Hence they advertisement with appropriate time, place and purpose of the
formed the outlook that Company is free from debts or it is meeting.
capable to pay its debts within the period from the Additionally, he dispatches to the Register a copy of the
commencement of the winding up as may be mention in the account and must make a return to him of the meeting. On the
announcement [26]. In Collector of Moradabad v. Equity off possibility that he neglects to send a copy or return is not
Insurance Co. Ltd, the section,488 of the company Act1956 made then he must be punish with fine which might be
does not impose any obligation to the each Director to extended fifty rupees for consistently amid which default
specifically declare by affidavit. exists [34]. The Court on the acceptance of the report either
The declaration by the members to wind up of the Company make the order that Company may wind up with the effect as
must be within five weeks at instantly going earlier than the the date mention by the Court or make other report in the
date of passing the determination, and it sends to the Registrar circum position of the case carry out in report [35].
for the registration [27]. The declaration must pertain to the
asset or liabilities of the company at the latest possible date 5.3.2. Voluntary winding up by creditors
before the declaration is making. When the Board of Director passed the resolution for the
Any Director is making such an affirmation under the section closing the affairs of the Company but their position are not
above with no rational justification for the opinion that obvious about the liability of the Company. In such situation
Company will have the capacity to pay its obligation within they might be call the meeting of all creditors regarding the
specified in the declaration, must be imprisonment up to six winding up of the Company [36]. So in such a circumstance it is
month or fine, which may stretch out up to 5,000 rupees or liability of the Board of Directors to provide the full
both [28]. Having said that the declaration of the insolvency is description of the Company business and dues on it before the
not issued according to the law, eventually, the subsequent creditors meeting [37]. Hence the resolution must be submitted
proceeding will be void [29]. to the Registrar within the ten days of its pass [38].
In Re Karamelli and Barnett Ltd [39] in the procedure of
Procedures for the member voluntary winding up winding up, the Company must arrange the meeting of the
The section 490 of the Company Act, 1956 gives that creditors and shareholders. After that, the Directors must
Company must delegate at least more than one liquidator, in describe the position of Company business affairs to the
the general meeting who must care for the winding up creditors. Furthermore, in a case of Pure Milk Supply Co. Ltd.
procedure of the Company and the Secretary of it can be
1873) 29 LT 417: 22 WR 45
(1901) 2 Ch 181
23 32
(1891) 1 Ch 717 Section 491, Companies Act, 1956
24 33
Section304, company Act 2013. Section 496, Companies Act, 1956
25 34
Supra note 1. Section 497, Companies Act, 1956
26 35
Section 488 of company Act, 1956. ibid
27 36
Ibid at 4. Section 500, Companies Act, 1956
28 37
Ibid Section 500(3), Companies Act, 1956
29 38
In Shri Raja Mohan Manucha v. Lakshminath Saigal, (1963) 33 Comp. Section 501, Companies Act, 1956
Cases 719 (1917)1 Ch 203

International Journal of Law

v. S. Hari Singh [40], the honorable Court said that on The Registrar had power to strike off the name of the
observance of the section 509 of the Company Act 1956, held Company from the register of the companies on the non filing
directors liable to pay fine, but does not affect the proceeding the financial statement and return. Moreover, after the 15
of meeting. The section 509 of the Act above offers the December 2016 winding up of the Company on the ground
various method of full wound up of the Company. above mention would be made to the Tribunal in accordance
of the provisions of the Company Act, 2013.
6. Who may file the petition for the winding up of the
company? 8. Conclusion
The section 272 of the Company Act, 2013 provides the A company is an artificial legal entity cannot hence it could
numbers of entity eligible to file the petition in Court for the not come to end as natural person or other entity. The winding
winding up of the Company. up is one of the legal procedures through which the life of the
1. Company Company can be ended. This mechanism comprehends the
2. Creditors process of selling the assets pays it debts and disseminated
3. Contributories any residual assets to the creditors or shareholders and then
4. Registrar dissolving the affairs of the company according to laws as
5. Person authorized by the Centre Government well as the article of association.
6. If the case filed under section 271(c)(l) by the Centre or Winding up can be compulsory or voluntary. Compulsory
State Government winding up take place when a company is forced, by law and
usually by a tribunal order, to appoint the liquidator for
7. Current position of winding up of the company carrying the control the assets of the Company and adoption
Before to November 2016, neither the Company Act, 1956, of the procedure for the winding up of the Company. The
nor the Company Act, 2013, defined the term “winding up of Company which is subject to the wind up May or not be
the Company.” Ministry of the Corporate Affairs in the insolvent. The Company Act, 1956 and Company Act, 2013
notification no.S.O.3455 E, The section 255 of the are progressively trying to solve the complex and
Insolvency& Bankruptcy Code, 2016 amended following sophisticated issue of the Winding Up of the Company. The
sections of the Company Act, 2013,it amended in accordance various provisions of these Acts have been collaterally
to schedule XI of the Insolvency& Bankruptcy Code.41 working in the field of settling the winding up problem.
It amended in accordance to schedule XI of the Insolvency& Despite these with the development of times and progress of
Bankruptcy Code. It describe the term “winding up” by winding up companies, there are several issues came in front
inserting new section 2(94A) to the Company Act, 2013 “the of the judiciary and it always tried to mitigate the friction in
winding up” means winding up under this Act, or liquidation the process of winding up of companies. In the recent time, for
under the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 [42]. Hence it the serving, the interest of the stakeholders in the process of
would be appropriate to conclude that the winding up of the winding up the role played by NCLT can’t be ignored. Indeed
company now govern by the Code above and the provisions of the effort of NCLT is to expedite the winding up process and
Company Act, 2013. serve it is mandate.
Furthermore, the noteworthy changes initiated by this Code to
the Company Act, 2013, including the subtraction voluntary 9. References
winding up and winding up on the ground of inability to pay 1. Companies Act 1956
debts. Consequently, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) 2. Companies Act 2013
of 7 December 2016, notified the provision of Chapter XX of 3. The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act,
the Company Act, 2013 with the effect from December 15, 1985 [Act No. 1 of Year 1986, dated 8th. January 1986]
2016, these provisions are governed the winding up of 4. Hudson J. An Analysis of Company Liquidations.
Company in any ground other than inability to pay debts. Applied Economics, 1986: 219-235.
Although section 59 of the Code above, undertake the position 5. Cuthbertson K, Hudson J. The Determminants of
of voluntary winding up of the liquidation of corporate Compulsory Liquidations in the UK. The Manchester
persons. However, the provisions of the Company Act, 2013 School. 1996; 64(3):298-308.
on the grounds mention under section 271 of the Act above, 6. Finch V. Corpoarte Insolvency Law: Perspectives and
still valid for the winding up of the Company: Principles. (Cambridge University Press) 2002.
1. By passing special resolution to that effect 7. Goode R, Goode RM. Principles of Corporate Insolvency
2. Conducting against the sovereignty and integrity of India Law. (Sweet & Maxwell) 2011.
3. Conducting the company affairs in fraudulent manner 8. Liu J, Wilson N. Corporate Failures Rates and the Impact
4. Default in filing of financial statement or return of the 1986 Insolvency Act: An Economic Analysis.
5. On just and equitable ground Managerial Finance. 2002; 28(6):61-71.
9. Sealy L, Worthington S. Sealy & Worthington's Cases
AIR 1962 Punj 190: (1962) 32 Com Cases 659 and Materials in Company Law. (Oxford University
Pandey, Anubhav, A comparative analysis of winding up of a company – Press) 2013.
Companies Act, 1956, Companies Act, 2013 and the Insolvency and 10. Stephen Griffin. Company Law Fundamental Principles.
Bankruptcy Code, 2016,https://blog.ipleaders.in/comparative-analysis-
(England: Pearson), 2006, 1.
bankruptcy-code-2016/ 11. Talbot Le. Critical Company Law. (New York:
Id Routledge-Cavendish), 2008, 24.

International Journal of Law

12. Assurance Co. Ltd. v. Union of India, SCR (2) 940 (1973
13. Amalgamated Syndicate Ltd., Re,2 Ch 181(1901)
14. British Water Gas Syndicate v. Notts Derby Water Gas
Co. Ltd, WN 204 (1889)
15. Knowles v. Scott,1 Ch 717 (1891)
16. London & Australian Agency Corp. Ltd. Re, 29 LT 417:
22 WR (1873)
17. National Stores v. Ramsaran, AIR Nag 303(1926)
18. Re, West Cumberland Iron Steel Co, 40 Ch D 361(1889)
19. Shri Raja Mohan Manucha v. Lakshminath Saigal, 33
Comp. Cases 719 (1963)
20. Vijay Lakshmi Talkies v. Roa, AIR. Adh.pr.285 (1966)
21. Ministry of Corporate Affairs http://www.mca.gov.in/Min
22. Practical guidance Indian Companies’ Law, Winding Up
of the Company, https://www.lexisnexis.com
/ap/pg/indiacompanieslaw/documentPractical guidance
23. Companies Law, Winding Up of the Company,


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