Introduction To Erp
Introduction To Erp
Introduction To Erp
ERP covers the techniques and concepts employed for the integrated management of
the business from the viewpoint of effective use of resources to improve the enterprise. It
helps a manufacturer or other businesses to manage all the important parts of the
organization. It is an integrated information system that serves all the departments in an
enterprise. The goal of ERP systems is to maximize production while minimizing cost and
(M’ MS)
It is a software package that integrates the various departments and functions of an
organization onto a single centralized system thereby enabling easy access to all in the
The market for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems is in great demand. The
reasons for this demand are as follows.
1. To enable, improved business performance:
Cycle time reduction.
Increasing business agility.
Inventory reduction.
Fulfilling orders on time.
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Installing an ERP system has many advantages both direct and indirect.
The indirect advantages include:
1. Better corporate image.
2. Improved customer goodwill.
3. Customer satisfaction.
Business Integration:
In case of ERP packages, the data of related business functions is automatically updated
at the time a transaction occurs. For this reason, one is able to grasp business details in real
time and carry out various types of management decisions in a timely manner based on that
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It provides for flexibility in a business organization by enabling any-where and any-time
access. It supports various languages and currencies, making the business truly global.
An enterprise is a group of people with a common goal which has certain resources at
its disposal to achieve that goal.
An information system is an open, purposive system that produces information using
the ‘input-process-output’ cycle
1. It consists of 3 elements :
i. People
ii. Procedures
iii. Data
2. It is an organized combination of people, hardware, software, communication networks
and data resources that collects, collates transforms information in an organization.
3. MIS systems lacked the integrated approach.
4. The key resource of any organization is information.
5. The three fundamental characteristics of information are:
i. Accuracy
ii. Relevancy
iii. Timeliness
6. The information has to be accurate, must be relevant for the decision maker and must
be available to decision maker when he needs it.
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7. If all this is present in the organization it will enable the employees to make better
8. The company must act as true owner of the project and should be more interested in
the success of the work and must do everything to comply with what was originally set
forth in the schedule.
9. The consultants should know the warning signs and must also know when to take the
corrective action.
10. The most important and critical activity is to designate right people to lead the project.
11. These individuals must acquire a reasonable degree of knowledge about ERP package.
12. In most cases, the vendors documentation will also help in understanding the system
and its working.
13. The employee should only be careful where to look and how to use this information.
1. Business modeling or creating a business model is the very first activity in any ERP
2. A Business model is not a mathematical model, but it is the representation of the
business as one large system showing the interconnections and interdependencies of
the various subsystems and business processes.
3. The business model is developed based on the goals, objectives and the strategic plans
of the organization.
4. Based on the business model, the ERP system is developed with the aim of providing
the individual with the required information and the necessary assistance they require
in order to run the business efficiently and effectively.
5. The business model is thus the representation of the actual business – what are the
various business functions of the organization, how they are related, what are their
interdependencies, and so on.
6. It is usually represented in graphical forms using flow charts and flow diagrams.
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There are many technologies that help to overcome these limitations. These technologies
when used in conjunction with the ERP package, help in overcoming the limitations of a stand-
alone ERP system and thus help the employees to make better decisions.
Dr. Michael Hammer defines BPR as “ the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of
business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of
performance such as cost, quality, services and speed ”
1. One of the main tools for making this change is the Information Technology(IT).
2. Any BPR effort that fails to understand the importance of IT, and goes through the pre-
BPR analysis and planning phases without considering the various IT options available,
and the effort of the proposed IT solutions on the employees and the organization is
bound to crash during take off.
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MIS is a computer – based system that optimizes the collection, collation, transfer and
presentation of information throughout an organization, through an integrated structure of
databases and information flow.
1. MIS supports data processing functions of transaction handling and record keeping.
2. MIS uses an integrated database and supports a variety of functional areas.
3. MIS provides operational, tactical and strategic levels of organization with timely,
structured information.
4. MIS is flexible and can adapt to the changing needs of the organization.
1 It uses an integrated database 1 It does not use an integrated database.
2. A DSS can help close this gap and allow managers to improve the quality of their
3. To do this, the DSS hardware and software employ the latest technological innovations,
planning and forecasting models, 4 th generation languages and even artificial
1 It focuses on decision – making. 1 It emphasizes on planning
reports on a variety of subjects.
2 Quite unstructured and is 2 It is standard, scheduled,
available on request. structured and routine.
3 It is immediate and user-friendly. 3 It is constrained by the
organizational system.
EIS is a decision support system especially made for senior level executives.
1. Top level executives and decision makers face many problems and pressures. They have
to make the right decisions at the right time to take the company forward.
2. An EIS is concerned with how the decisions affect an entire organization.
3. An EIS takes the following into considerations:
i. The overall vision and mission of the company and the company goals.
ii. Strategic planning and objectives.
iii. Organizational structure.
iv. Crisis management/ contingency planning.
v. Strategic control and monitoring of overall operations.
4. Successful EIS are easy to use, flexible and customizable and use the latest technological
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1. If operational data is kept in the database of the ERP system, it can create a lot of
2. As time passes, the amount of data will increase and this will affect the performance of
the ERP system.
3. However once the operational use of the data is over, it should be removed from the
operational databases.
Data mining is the process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful and ultimately
comprehensible information from databases that is used to make crucial business decisions.
1. The main reason for needing automated computer systems for intelligent data analysis
is the enormous volume of existing and newly appearing data that require processing.
2. The amount of data accumulated each day by various businesses, scientific and
governmental organizations around the world is daunting.
3. Research organizations, academic institutions and commercial organizations create and
store huge amounts of data each day.
4. It becomes impossible for human analysts to cope with such overwhelming amounts of
5. Two other problems that surface when human analysts process data are:
i. The inadequacy of the human brain when searching for complex multi-factorial
dependencies in the data.
ii. The lack of objectiveness in analyzing the data
1. A human expert is always a hostage of the previous experience of the investigating
other system.
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2. Sometimes this helps, sometimes this hurts, but it is almost impossible to get rid of
this fact.
3. While data mining does not eliminate human participation in solving the task
completely, it significantly simplifies the job and allows an analyst, who is not a
professional in statistics and programming to manage the process of extracting
knowledge from data.
OLAP can be defined in five words – Fast Analysis of Shared Multi-dimensional Information.
Fast: means that the system is targeted to deliver most responses to users within about 5
seconds, with the simplest analysis not taking more than one second and very few
taking more than 20 seconds.
Analysis: means that the system can cope with any business logic and statistical analysis that
is relevant for the application and the user, and keep it easy enough for the target user.
Shared : means that the system implements all the security requirements for confidentiality
and if multiple write access is needed, concurrent update locking at an appropriate
Multi-dimensional : means that the system must provide a multi-dimensional conceptual view
of the data, including full support for hierarchies and multiple hierarchies.
Information : is refined data that is accurate, timely and relevant to the user.
1. OLAP technology is being used in an increasingly wide range of applications.
2. The most common are sales and marketing analysis, financial reporting and
consolidation and budgeting and planning.
3. OLAP is being used for applications such as product profitability and pricing analysis;
activity based coating; manpower planning and quality analysis or for that matter any
management system that requires a flexible, top down view of an organization.
A supply chain is a network of facilities and distribution options that performs the
function of procurement of materials, transformation of these materials into intermediate and
finished products and the distribution of these finished products to the customers.
1. Supply chains exist in both service and manufacturing organizations, although the
complexity of the chain may vary greatly from industry to industry and firm to firm.
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2. CAD systems are computer programs or integrated packages for work station hardware
and software that allow the user to draw and easily modify product designs on a
computer screen.
3. Advanced CAD systems provide designers with at least three major benefits:
1. CAD systems allow the designer to view a product from different perspectives,
including three-dimensional rotations, and various cross-sections.
2. The designer can also make proportional changes in scale, or change the angle of an
arc with the click of a computer mouse rather than having to redraw the entire
1. Some CAD systems can store the design characteristics of existing products &
2. Then, for example, if a company needs a gear for a new product, the designer can
enter relevant information about the gear, such as it diameter, tooth pattern and
required hardness, into the CAD system.
3. The CAD system determines whether the company is already using an identical or
sufficiently similar gear, in which case a new one in unnecessary, if not, then use the
design of this similar gear as a starting point for the new gear.
4. This capability not only promotes the use of common components but also reduces
design time.
1. One of the most time-consuming aspects of design for highly technical products is
calculating whether or not product specifications, such as strength, heat resistance
or aerodynamic drag, are satisfied.
2. These calculations can be programmed into some CAD systems so that whenever the
designer changes the design (by altering the shape or material to be used) these
performance characteristics are recalculated automatically and compared to the
product requirements.
3. This is sometimes called Computer-Aided-Engineering (CAE).
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The overall benefits of CAD systems can be substantial. The features described above
reduce the development time and cost, and they improve product quality because more
design options can be evaluated in greater detail more quickly.
It means that all the activities which do not add any values and do not increase product
value and are costly to the comapny should be eliminated.
For Eg: the traditional production method.
Total quality management eliminates the defects in a JIT environment. The aim is to
prevent defects from occurring and this can be achieved by detecting the problem at their
It means that the management must provide the leadership which result in the employees to
be more participative in the process, continuous education & training is provided.
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1. The manufacturing organization considers the making of a product as continuous
activity from design, manufacturing, distribution, sales and customer services.
2. For many companies the heart of this process is KANBAN. It is a Japanese term which
means “Visual Record” It was developed at Toyota in 1950 and it was considered to
manage the material flow on the assembly line.
3. It is a highly efficient and effective production system, which has an optimum
manufacturing environment, which leads to global competitiveness.
4. The KANBAN process involves more than fine tuning production and supplier scheduling
system, where inventories are minimized by supplying the components only when
required in production & work in progress is monitored.
5. It also encourages industrial re-engineering & group production techniques &
employees are encouraged to participate continuously.
6. The Japanese refer to KANBAN as a simple parts - movement system that depends upon
the cards & boxes to take part from one station to another.
7. The essence of KANBAN concept is that the supplier or the ware house should only
deliver components to the production line as & when they are required so that there
is no storage in the production areas.
8. It also limits in the amount of inventory.
9. KANBAN is a chain process in which orders flow from one process to another, the
production or deliver of components is made to the production line.
Benefits of JIT
The benefits of a properly implemented JIT system are:
1. Increased Flexibility:
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i. This can be achieved through small batch sizes which achieves faster
ii. A flexible workforce means that the operators must be multi-skilled which is
done through training.
iii. The worker should be free to move from low demand to high demand areas.
2. Parts Reduction:
i. It seeks to continuously reduce inventory levels of raw material, work in
process and finished goods.
ii. Lower inventory means less space and less chance of the product being
obsolete, damaged or spoilt.
iii. Inventories can be reduced if products are produced, purchased, and
delivered in small lots.
3. Increased Quality:
i. When operating a JIT system, disruption has a major impact, so quality
problems need to be eliminated.
ii. Benchmarking, Quality function deployment and service design can be used
for service operations.
iii. Service employees need to learn the value of providing defect free services.
4. Simplicity of Systems:
i. product mix or volume changes as planned by the master production schedule
(MPS), can be accomplished by adjusting the number of cards in the system.
ii. Production orders are prioritized by the cards on post.
iii. Production orders for parts that are running low are moved in front of parts
that have more supply.
2. The system requires the full backing of the top management so that they are aware
of the tasks, resources, time scale and costs.
4. If careful planning process and control movements are not strictly followed, they will
result in JIT not being realized.
5. The planning stage requires dedication and time and also the assistance of an
external consultant.
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6. All of the above must be integrated with moves towards JIT purchasing.
7. The JIT system should not be viewed as a one off scheme but as an ongoing
continuous process.
2. The way PDM systems cope with this challenge is that the master data is secured once
in a secure ‘vault’, where its integrity can be assured as all changes to it monitored,
controlled and recorded.
3. Duplicate reference copies of the master data, on the other hand, can be distributed
freely, to users in various departments for design, analysis and approval.
4. The new data is then released back into the vault When a ‘change’ is made to the data,
signed and dated, is stored in the vault alongside the old data which remains in its
original form as a permanent record.
1. Process management is about controlling the way people create and modify data-active
2. This may sound like a new name for ‘project management’, but it is not
3. Project management concerns itself only with the delegation of tasks; process
management addresses the impact of tasks on data. Process management systems
normally have three broad functions:
i. They manage what happens to the data when someone works on it (Work
ii. They manage the flow of data between people (Workflow
iii. They keep track of all the events and movements that happen in functions 1 and 2
during the history of a project (Work History Management).
1. One way to classify the manufacturing operations is by the amount of processing the
product requires, after the company receives an order from a customer.
i. This company does not begin processing the material for the component or
product until it has received an order from the customer.
ii. In some cases, the company may not even procure the material and
components until after it receives the order.
3. At the opposite end of the spectrum is the make-to-stock (MTS) company, which
manufactures products and places them in inventory before it receives customer
i. Either the customer purchases the products directly from the inventory at a
retail outlet, or the company ships the product ‘off-the-shelf’ from the
finished goods inventory at the factory or at a distribution centre.
ii. MTS companies rely heavily on market analysis and demand forecasting in
planning the production of their products with respect to the product mix and
4. Following figure shows the relation between the output variety (degree of
customization) and the type of manufacturing operation.
5. As is evident from the graph, the output variety is highest when the company is
operating in the make-to-order mode, as the companies can serve each & every
individual customer in the way he/she wants.
6. But the cycle time will be more and the cost of the product will also be more.
7. But in the case of a MTS company, the products are already made and kept in the
inventory for the customer to pick up.
8. Here, the customer won’t get any individual attention or customization; he can buy
what is available with the company.
9. The MTS company will be making products in lots and the cost of the products will be
less as the economies of scale will be at work and there will not be any waiting period
for the customer after placing the order.
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0 50 100
90% MTS Company
NONE 0 50 100
8. MRP has proved to be an effective production & inventory planning system in a wide
variety of environments.
9. An MRP system requires 3 types of information:
Master Production schedule (MSP)
Bill of Material (BOM)
Inventory Records (IR)
10. The MSP is detailed production schedule for finished gods or end items that provides
the major input to materials requirement planning process.
11. Associated with each finished product is BOM , which describes the dependent demand
relationships that exist among the various components materials, parts, subassemblies ,
etc.- comprising the finished product.
12. The entire set of BOMs for the company finished products is called BOM file.
13. Inventory status data for each product or component such as stock-in –hand, stock-on
order, etc, .are provided by the inventory records, which also contains planning factors
like lead time, safety stock, re order, and so on.
14. MRP logic uses the MPS, the BOM file & the inventory records to determine the
following for the components:
Planned order quantities
Planned order release dates (to shop floor/suppliers)
Planned order due dates
15. The MRP system calculates the release dates & due date taking into consideration the
lead times required to produce or procure the components and by recognizing the
order in which they are assembled into the finished product.
16. If the MRP process is carried out in conjunction with the capacity planning, the
production facility should have to complete the orders on time.
9. It is common for suppliers to directly access a customers MRP system to receive up to date
information on the customers planned materials needs.
10. Information in the MRPII system is used to provide accounting with information on
materials receipts to determine accounts payable. Shop floor control information is used to
track workers hrs for payroll purposes.
11. MRP II system increases a company’s efficiency by providing a central source of
management information.
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All ERP packages contain many modules. The common modules which are available in almost
all ERP software packages are as following:
1. Finance
2. Manufacturing & Production Planning
3. Sales & Distribution
4. Plant Maintenance
5. Quality Management
6. Material Management
1. A set of processes are required so that they can provide the financial information in the
form that is required by the user
2. The financial application component of the ERP provides us with the information of
financial functionality across the different business area.
3. The finance module of ERP also provides analysis support to the business.
4. The finance module of the most ERP system will have the following subsystems:
a. Financial Accounting (General Ledgers, Accounts Receivable / Payable, Fixed
Asset Accounting)
b. Investment Management (Investment Planning / Budgeting / Controlling,
Depreciation Forecasting/Simulation/Calculation)
c. Controlling (Overhead Cost Controlling, Activity Based Costing, Product Cost
Accounting, Profitability Analyses)
d. Treasury (Cash Management, Treasury Management, Market Risk Management,
Funds Management)
e. Enterprise Controlling (EIS, Business Planning and Budgeting, Profit Center
1. The financial accounting system objective is to provide company-wide control and
integration of financial information which is required for strategic decision making.
2. The Financial Accounting Module of an ERP system, gives you the ability to centrally
track financial accounting data within an international framework of multiple currencies,
companies and languages.
Eg: When raw material moves from inventory into manufacturing, the system reduces
quantity values in inventory and subtracts value for inventory account in the balance sheet.
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b. These accounts are integrated with general ledger and it is associated in sales and
distribution & material management.
c. They are performed automatically when related processes take place in other
d. It uses the standard business rules for the data entry and reporting to processing
payments and bank transactions.
e. The accounts receivable and payable functions include:
i. Internet Integration
ii. Document Management
iii. EDI processing
iv. Automatic Integration with Cash Management
f. The module also provides, enterprise wide credit management with workflow
integration, payment automation with EFT and check processing etc.
a) This module gathers the functions required for effective internal cost accounting.
b) It offers a versatile information system, with standard reports and helps in analysis.
b) While cost monitoring and optimization may be quite advanced in production areas;
transparency is often lacking in overhead cost areas.
c) The over head cost controlling system focuses on monitoring and the allocation of
a) Investment management process starts from the planning of an organization till the
settlement of an organization.
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b) The investment programs are carried out in each and every department and it also tells
us the up to date information about funds, plant cost and actual cost from external and
internal activities.
c) The investment program allows to distribute budgets which help us to monitor the
budget and avoid over run.
d) It also helps us to manage and plan capital projects.
e) The investment measures that need to be monitored are done from time to time
according to the internal order.
a) The organization can gain a significant competitive advantage by efficiently managing
the short term, medium term and long term payment flows and managing the risk.
b) All these operating divisions are linked so that the financial transactions can be planned
and these positions in treasury have a significant impact on the organizations success.
c) It also helps in management and control of cash flow.
d) Manages the risk among all the division of organization.
e) The treasury component provides us with the following sub components:
1. Cash Management
2. Treasury Management
3. Market Risk Management
4. Funds Management
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a. It allows us to analyze financial transaction for a given period of time.
b. It provides the information on the sources and the uses of funds to secure liquidity
so that the payment obligation can be met on time.
c. It also monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing payment flow and
provides the data for managing short term money market investment.
a. The treasurer takes the result of current liquidity, currency and the risk position on
the money and the capital market before taking decision in the form of financial
instruments in treasury management.
b. The treasury management component offers functions for managing financial deal
and position.
c. It also supports flexible reporting and evaluation structure for analyzing position.
a. Enterprise controlling comprises of those functions that will optimize share-holder value,
while meeting internal objectives for growth and investment.
b. This module includes:
i. Executive Information Systems
ii. Business Planning and Budgeting.
iii. Profit Centre Accounting.
During sales order processing, the following basic functions are carried out:
Inquiry handling
Quotation preparation and processing
Contracts and contract management(order management)
Monitoring the sales transactions
Checking for availability
Transferring requirements to material planning(MRP)Scheduling the delivery
Calculating pricing and taxes
Checking credit limits
Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents (confirmations and so on)
The sales and distribution module very actively interacts with the material management
and financial accounting modules for delivery and billing.
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Typically, a sales and distribution module will contain the following sub systems:
Master data management
Order management
Warehouse management
Sales support
Foreign trade
3. Automatic sales processing, using ERP system, requires that the master data has been
stored in the system.
4. In addition to sales and distribution, other departments of the company, such as
accounting or materials management access the master data.
This module usually includes sales order management and purchase order management
and supports the entire sales and purchase processes from start to finish.
2. These applications allow a company to manage sales operations quickly and efficiently and
provide comprehensive solutions for the management of quotes, orders, contracts, prices,
and customer discounts.
Purchase order Analysis enables historical as well as statistical data to be used to assist in the
analysis of purchase activities.
Inventory reporting: This function permits full visibility of inventory at single or multiple
Inventory analysis: This module enables the analysis of information that result from
warehousing activities and the use of feedback in process optimization.
Lot control: This facility offers lot tracking and tracing, so that a company can trace all
the raw materials and the finished goods that its products require.
Distribution data collection: This is an essential element in paperless warehousing that
provides the communication link between storage and shipping systems and
warehousing equipment like bar coding scanners.
The shipping module supports the following functions:
Monitoring dates of orders due for delivery
Creating and processing deliveries
Planning and monitoring work lists for shipping activities
Monitoring material availability and processing outstanding orders
Picking(can be linked to the warehouse management system)
Packing deliveries
Information support for transportation planning.
Support for foreign trade requirements
Printing and sending shipping output
Data update in goods issue.
A business transaction is completed for sales and distribution once it has been billed.
The ERP systems support billing functions like issue of invoices on the basic of goods and
services, issuing f debit and credit memos.
1. The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation
of prices (for external use by customers or vendors) and costs (for internal purposes
such as cost accounting).
2. The pricing module keeps the information about the prices of the various items, the
details about the quantity discounts, the discounts to the different customer categories
and so on and enables the organization to generate documents like quotations, delivery
notes, invoices and so on.
3. Also, since this information is available to all the sales people, they can make better
decisions thus improving the sales performance.
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1. The sales support component helps the sales and marketing department to support your
existing customers and, at the same time, to develop new business.
2. Sales support provides an environment where all sales personnel-both the field sales
people and the staff in the sales office-can contribute to and access valuable information
about customers, sales prospects, competitors and their products and contact people.
3. The sales support component functions, both as a source of information for all other
areas of sales and distribution and as an initiating force for acquiring business.
1. Transportation is an essential element of the logistics chain.
2. It effects both inward and outward movement of goods.
3. Effective transportation planning is required to ensure that shipments are dispatched
without delay and that they arrive on schedule.
4. Transportation costs play a considerable role in determining the price of a product.
5. It is important that these transportation costs are kept to a minimum in order to keep
the price of the product competitive.
1. The entire logistics chain, from the import of raw materials, finished and unfinished
goods, to the sale of goods and the transfer of data to materials management and
financial accounts, is significantly influenced by foreign trade activities.
2. These main tasks in foreign trade processing can be carried out using the foreign trade
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Personnel management includes numerous software components, which allow you to
deal with human resources tasks more quickly, accurately and efficiently. You can use these
components not only as part of the company wide ERP solution but also as stand alone
i. Personnel Administration
Information is no longer owned by specific departments, but is shared by multiple
entities across an organization. This eliminates duplicate entries reduces the chance for error
and improves data accuracy.
iii.Recruitment management
1. This function helps in hiring the right people with the right skills.
2. Reducing the cost of recruiting and hiring new employees is a challenge for the HR
professional, who is responsible for placing people in the right job, at the right time, and
with the right skills and education.
3. These requirements are fulfilled only through effective automation of the entire
recruitment process.
4. The recruitment component is designed to help meet every facet of this challenge.
5. This component includes processes for managing open positions/requisitions, applicant
screening, selection and hiring, correspondence, reporting and cost analysis.
iv.Travel Management
1. This module helps you in processing the travel expenses effortlessly, in several
currencies and formants.
2. HR Travel management allows you to process a business trip from start to finish-from
the initial travel request right through to posting in financial accounting and controlling.
3. This includes any subsequent corrections and all retroactive accounting requirements.
4. Travel management automatically calculates the tax.
5. It automatically processes credit card transactions for a particular trip.
6. You reimburse costs incurred during a trip through a payroll accounting, accounts
payable accounting or by data medium exchange.
7. In addition, Travel management provides multiple report formats.
8. You can enter receipts in any currency and then print reports in your native currency.
Benefits Administration
1. Using the benefits administration component, you can define eligibility groups and rules
based on a wide range of factors.
2. You can determine the variables, rules and costs formulas for each benefits plan.
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Salary Administration
1. This function helps you in simplifying the process of rewarding your employees.
2. Administration of salaries is an ongoing process within your human resource
3. It is particularly important during the review processes, when your goal is to justify
reward good performance.
4. The salary administration module assists you in the salary review process by taking into
account standard salary changes within the company as well as individual competition
This module will assist you in maintaining an accurate picture of your organizations
structure, no matter how fast it changes. In many cases, graphical environments make it easy
to review any moves, additions, or changes in employee positions.
1. The payroll accounting system can fulfill the payroll requirements and provide you with
the flexibility to respond to your changing needs.
2. Payroll accounting should address payroll functions from a global point of view.
3. You should be able to centralize your payroll processing, or decentralize the data based
on country or legal entities.
4. Most payroll accounting systems give you the options and capabilities to establish
business rules without modifying the existing payroll.
5. Many systems have the features to remind you when transactions are due for
6. With payroll accounting, you have the ability to tailor the system to your organization
7. With country specific versions of payroll accounting, you can fulfill language, currency
and regulatory requirements.
1. It is a flexible tool designed to handle complicated evaluation rules to fulfill regulatory
requirements and determine overtime and other time related data.
2. The time evaluation component stores your organizations business rules and
automatically validates hours worked and wage types.
i. Shift Planning
1. Shift planning module helps you to plan your workforce requirements quickly and
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2. You can plan your shifts according to your requirements taking into consideration all
criteria, including absences due to leave or sickness, and employee requests for time
3. Shift planning keeps you informed at all times of any staff excess or deficit.
4. Another advantage of shift planning is that it enables you to temporarily assign an
employee or employees to another organizational unit where they are needed, allowing
for a temporary change of cost centre.
Effective personnel development planning ensures that the goals of the organization
and the goals of the employee are in harmony. The benefits of such planning include
improvements in employee performance, employee potential, staff quality, working climate
and employee morale.
1. Equipment is an asset that needs to be monitored and protected.
2. In many situations, equipment maintenance costs constitute the single largest
controllable expenditure of an organization.
3. All facets of plant location history and utilization history are described and tracked.
4. This history includes acquisition and disposition information and associations between
different pieces of equipment to pinpoint operational dependencies.
5. Each piece of equipment is defined by a model and a serial number.
6. All of this information can be used to create equipment specifications, which provide
detailed information for technical specialists working in equipment operations,
maintenance and transportation control.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
1. Components are typically subsets of larger equipment and deserve the same amount of
cost controlling scrunity.
2. Component tracking enables equipments managers to identify components with
chronic repair problems.
3. They can determine whether a repair or replacement should be covered by warranty.
4. Planning component replacements, rather then waiting for components failures to
occur, reduces unscheduled equipment downtime.
5. Component tracking includes repair/exchange history and component service life.
The material management module optimizes all purchasing processes with workflow-
driven processing functions, enables
automated supplier evaluation, lowers procurement and warehousing costs with accurate
inventory and warehouse management and integrates invoice verification.
The main module of material management are as follows:
1. This system supports the complete cycle of bid invitation, award of contract and
acceptance of services and also include maintaining a service master database, in which
the descriptions of all services that are to be procured can be stored.
2. The system also keeps separate sets of service specifications that can be created for
each concrete procurement project or proposed procurement in the purchasing
3. Set of service specifications may include both items with services and items with
4. The steps that are followed in the pre-purchasing activity are shown in the diagram that
Tech Solution Computer Institute
1. Purchasing is a very important component of the material management module.
2. It supports all the phases of material management, material planning and control,
purchasing, goods receiving, inventory management and invoice verification.
3. Good communication between all parties in the procurement process is necessary for
purchasing to function smoothly.
4. Purchasing communicates with other modules in the system to ensure a constant flow
of information.
5. For example it works side-by-side with the following modules : Cost Accounting System
,Financial Accounting, Sales and distribution
1. Process reengineering efforts and the elimination of waste have necessitated greater
reliance upon powerful, user friendly, flexible shop floor planning and control systems.
2. Management needs timely, accurate information and the ability to manage the shop
floor by exception.
3. A shop order can be reprinted at any time with user selection of weather to relocate
4. This reprinting gives a shop foreman flexibility to print a duplicate copy when an order
is split between operators.
5. This feature also gives the shop scheduler, the ability to reprint the shop packet and to
reflect new material allocations that correct previous shortages.
6. Every shop order can be maintained throughout its life.
7. All systems provide a full function shop order maintenance capability, allowing the user
to evaluate and adjust operation steps and components.
8. Orders can be re scheduled either backward or forward.
1. All manufacturing modules track quality control activities. These systems allow a wide
variety of characteristics and parameters to be specified in a test and inspection
operations and maintain an extensive history to improve product quality and identify
recurring problems.
2. The quality management systems usually support the bench marking on optimal
product design, process engineering and quality assurance data by all functional
departments within the manufacturing enterprise thereby facilitating definitions of
repeatable processes, route cause analysis and a continuous improvement of
manufacturing methods.
3. This documentation supports the job functions of quality assurance and production
managers in validating the manufacturer’s conformance to ISO 9000, good
manufacturing practices GMP world wide, MIL-Q-9858 in the United States and a
variety specific industry standards of quality assurance.
4. Many systems not only provide high volumes repetitive manufacturing functionality,
but also provide for the transition to rate based production by allowing the use of
repetitive scheduling, even for the products are not rate based.
5. This allows a production facility to transition products from the discreet manufacture
into a JIT/repetitive focus. For eg. When the demand pattern for an item begins to
stabilize and shown a repeatable/ predictable pattern, then a productive schedule can
be initiative even though the item may not be designated as rate based.
6. Overtime, as the items demand pattern grows, the item can be switched to full rate
based production scheduling.
7. This transition capability enables production facility to adopt process reengineering, set
up production, single minute exchange of die(SMED)programs employee empowerment
Tech Solution Computer Institute
work teams etc. with the confidence of knowing that the planning and control system
will effectively support the efforts.
8. GIT/repetitive includes strong analytic capabilities.
Cost management
1. ERP packages provide extensive cost information at several levels that have businesses
identify drivers and reduce product cost. You can choose the costing method that best
reflects your company’s business
2. FILO (Last in First out) FIFO (First in first out), moving average unit or lot costing
methods can be assigned by items.
3. Many vendors all support ACTIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC) with activities visibility by
cost object as well as cost for user defined groupings such as departments.
4. Manufacturing system provides extensive information about production costs at several
levels, which gives you the visibility that you need to identify costs drives and reduce
product costs.
Configuration Management
1. The Configuration management dramatically reduce order cycle time by eliminating the
lengthy engineering review, typically associated with determining feasibility and the
costs associated with the configured end item.
2. This reduction is achieved by creating a flexible user-defined knowledge base that is
accessed by a powerful analytic engine.
2. This Feature is available throughout the product offerings and includes MRP, shop floor
control, order processing and JIT.
1. For many manufacturers, ensuring that proper tooling is available is just as critical to
production schedules as the availability of material.
2. The ERP system extends capacity and inventory management to include these valuable
3. These systems help to ensure that tools and materials arrive together at scheduled
operations by storing tools in inventory and planning and allocating the required tools
as part of the production order.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
Some of the top-tier ERP vendors are SAP-AG, BAAN, PeopleSoft, Oracle Application and
These companies are covering the major ERP market revenue.
SAP (System Applications & Products in data processing) based in Walldorf, Germany is
one of the top most ERP vendors providing the client server business application
SAP serves as a standard in the industries like chemicals, customer products, oil & high
technology & electronics.
The SAP group has offices in more than 50 countries worldwide & employs a workforce
of over 19300.
SAP is most successful vendor of standard business application.
In 1988 SAP AG reported revenues of DM 847 billion & 41% increase over 1997’s
revenues & at the same time sales of SAP R/3 rose by 31%.
Since 1988, SAP AG has been a publicly held corporation, with its shares being traded
on the German & Swiss stock exchange. In 1995, the company was added to the DAX,
the index of Germany blue-chip companies.
S P listed its RD’s ( merican Depository Rights) on the NYSE (New York Stock
Exchange) in August 1998.
S P’s ERP package comes in 2 versions i e mainframe version (S P R/2) & client server
version (SAP R/3).
SAP provides the enterprise application suit R/3 for open client/server systems.
With SAP, customers can install the core system & one or more of the fundamental
components, or purchase the software as a complete package.
The international standards have been considered while designing the software like
support of multiple currencies simultaneously, automatically handles the country
specific import/export, tax, legal & languages requirements e.g. the R/3 system has an
unbeatable combination of functionality & technology.
The modules of R/3 can be used individually as well as user can expand it in stages to
meet specific requirement.
R/3 – An Overview:
R/3 employs a three-tire client/server architecture widely recognized by SAP customers,
technology partners & industry analysts as a winning approach to solving some of
today’s most demanding information- managements challenges.
The three-tiered architecture separated a system into three functional layers, each
structured to support the demands of its function.
1. Database layer resides on central servers or mainframe host computer.
2. The application layer holds the processing logic of the system, preparing &
formatting data for individual offices or department.
3. The presentation layer, typically on personal computers, handles all the task related
to the presentation of data, including user interfaces that enable easy access to
complex applications & data.
SAP has also incorporated & integrated the intranet & internet technologies into
business solutions for its customers.
Both internally & together with its partners, the company is defining & creating a
number of Internet standards-based interfaces, application & business processes that
will extend the usefulness of SAP software in entirely new ways & to new classes of
Tech Solution Computer Institute
R/3 offers integrated solution for client/server information system to create smoothly
functioning communication networks along with network administration & back up
S P’s partnership with technology, service companies, hardware manufactures &
database providers helps to provide a complete business solution.
The server coordinates with actual applications & controls communication with the
database, while client level shares this database with the end user by distributing it
across the various levels.
This client/server solution is infinitely expandable & can be used with anywhere
between 30 & several thousand end users. This ensures that R/3 can always grow with
the growing requirement of company.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
1. Baan company was founded in Netherlands in 1978 by brothers Jan and Paul Baan..
2. The BAAN Company is the leading global provider of enterprise business software.
3. The BAAN company products reduce complexity and cost, improve core business
processes, are faster to implement and use, are more flexible in adapting to business
4. The products offered by the company supports several business tools.
5. The tools are based on multi-tier architecture.
I. Manufacturing Module: This includes bills of material, cost price calculation, shop
floor control, material requirement planning, etc.
II. Finance Module: This includes accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash
management, fixed assets, etc
III. Project Module: This includes project budget, project definition, project estimation,
project planning, etc
IV. Distribution Module: This includes sales management, purchase management and
warehouse management.
4. Exchange control
5. Dynamic form editor
6. 4GL Program Editor ,etc
1. Oracle Corporation was founded in the year 1977 and is the world’s largest s/w
company and the leading supplier for enterprise information management.
2. This is the first s/w company to implement internet computing model for using the
enterprise s/w across the entire product line.
3. It provides databases and relational servers, application development, decision support
tools and enterprise business applications.
1. ORACLE software runs on the network computers, work stations & micro computers,
mini computers, etc.
2. ORACLE 8i is the leading database for internet computing.
3. ORACLE database allow the corporation to access on any data, on any service, over any
network, from any client device.
4. ORACLE Warehouse Technology Initiative (WIT) is one of the fastest flowing &
comprehensive programs in the data warehousing industry which provides the
customers a complete data warehousing solution.
5. OR CLE’s integrated Business Intelligence Solutions provides us with a solution to
deliver powerful processing capabilities to the user anywhere in the enterprise at
6. Oracle business intelligence family product includes:
1. Oracle report
2. Oracle enterprise reporting tools
3. Oracle discoverer
4. Ad-Hoc Queries and analysis tools
5. Oracle online analytical processing engine, etc.
1. Oracle Applications provides front office and ERP solutions for the enterprise.
2. It allows the customers to execute the strategies quickly
3. It manages the risk of change.
4. Oracle application exploit low cost and universal access in the internet computing model.
5. It provides a set of applications which are designed for security, self-service business
transactions across the internet.
1. Oracle Financials
2. Oracle Human Resource
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3. Oracle Projects
4. Oracle Manufacturing
5. Oracle Supply Chain
6. Oracle Front Office
a. This application transforms a finance organization into a strategic force and also
helps to access the financial management functions.
b. By working with these applications the companies can work globally, lower the
administrative cost & improve the cash management.
c. It also provides strategic information to make timely & accurate decisions.
These applications improve operational efficiency by providing an integrated project
management environment that supports the full lifecycle of a project and increases the
revenue growth and profitability
a. Oracle manufacturing application enables the companies to achieve market leadership
by becoming more customer responsive & efficient.
b. This module also supports the companies to increase revenue, profitability & customer
loyalty by capturing the demand & planning the manufacturing process in an efficient
Oracle provides vertical solutions with the modular product component which are
aimed at the unique requirements of the major industries including defense, communication
financial services etc.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
PeopleSoft Inc. was established in 1987 to provide innovative software solutions that
meet the changing business demands of enterprises worldwide.
It employs more than 7000 people worldwide.
The annual revenue for the year 1998 was $ 1.3 million.
PeopleSoft’s mission is to provide innovative software solutions that meet the changing
business demands of organizations worldwide.
PeopleSoft develops markets and supports enterprise-wide software solutions to
handle core business functions including human resources management, accounting
and control, project management, treasury management performance measurement
and supply chain management.
PeopleSoft provides industry-specific enterprise solutions to customers in select
markets, including communications, finance services, healthcare, manufacturing, higher
education, public sector, services, retail, transportation, US federal government and
The company also offers PeopleSoft Select, a complete packaged solution including
software, hardware and services to address the needs of medium-sized organizations.
PeopleSoft’s innovative use of technology empowers individuals to make informed
decisions and delivers the flexibility that allows dynamic organizations to manage
constant change.
PeopleSoft products support clients running, Microsoft Windows and popular Web
browsers, as well as a range of mainframe, midrange and LAN relational database
server platforms.
PeopleSoft solutions run on a variety of leading hardware and database platforms,
including Compaq, Hewlet-Packard, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Informix, Microsoft SQL
Server, Sybase, DB2 and others.
PeopleSoft delivers Web-enabled applications, workflow, online analytical processing
(OLAP) etc.
The PeopleSoft application serves the whole business management solutions,
commercial solutions & industry solutions.
Supply Chain Management - PeopleSoft has the industry’s only complete enterprise
resource planning solution that is built around supply chain optimization. A Demand
Planning module enables sophisticated forecasting, using both real-time and historical
information PeopleSoft’s complete suite of Supply Chain Management products
provides comprehensive support for any organization that products or markets a
physical product.
Services Industry Solutions – PeopleSoft also provides a complete commercial support
solution for service industries. The Service Revenue Management suite features
modules supporting the tracking of time and labor, payroll processing, project
management and billing, as well as expense and receivables processing. A suite of
Procurement modules is also available supporting purchasing, inventory management,
payables and expense processing, and asset management.
PeopleSoft supports industry-specific market initiatives in many business sectors.
The initiatives include industry-specific products, customization of existing applications,
and sales and marketing support through direct channels and business alliances.
PeopleSoft has 11 distinct business units, which provides software solutions specific to a
broad range of public and private sector industries.
The different business units are:
1. Communications
2. Federal Government
3. Financial Services
4. Healthcare
5. Higher Education
6. Manufacturing
Tech Solution Computer Institute
7. Public Sector
8. Retail
9. Service Industries
10. Transportation
11. Utilities
PeopleTools is an integrated set of client/server business application development and
customization tools from PeopleSoft.
These tools enable customers to implement, tailor and maintain PeopleSoft applications
as well as to extract, analyse and manipulate data.
PeopleTools includes several tools for reporting, customization and workflow.
PeopleSoft continually adds refines technology to optimise their customers’ information
They help customers take advantage of new and emerging technologies; giving them
more choices and freedom in develop their own innovative business processes.
Some of them are given below:
1. Self Service Applications: To improve productivity throughout the organization,
PeopleSoft focuses on providing the occasional user with easy access to information
and functionality specific to their role. They have developed a set of self-service
applications to help companies quickly and cost-effectively distribute functionality
throughout the enterprise over the Internet, intranets and extranets. Built with an
intuitive interface based on a standard Web, these Java-based, cross-platform
applications enable employees, customers, suppliers and other occasional users to
perform self-service administrative tasks easily.
2. Web Client: Self service applications use the PeopleSoft Web Client. The Web Client is
downloadable on demand and runs on a Web browser across multiple platforms. Its
affordability, open architecture and simplicity, provides an ideal framework for
delivering enterprise solutions to a large number of people. Applications don’t need to
be installed at every desktop; they are accessed easily through a browser. In addition to
supporting self-service applications, the PeopleSoft Web Client has a Worklist and
Query interface to help incorporate occasional users in the flow of a company’s
business processes and improve access to information. Furthermore, all data
transmitted between the Web Client & the application server is encrypted for added
Tech Solution Computer Institute
5. Workflow: As essential part of our solution, people soft workflow capabilities help
communication companies achieve enterprise wide integration of information,
applications and people. Workflow enables a company to automate many time-
consuming clerical tasks, while putting useful data into the hands of users. With
workflow, the company’s PeopleSoft applications do more work Workflow can also
help the company track projects, by initiating a workflow message to the appropriate
person, when project exceeds a predetermined cost. The company can even bring non-
PeopleSoft users into the workflow process, using e-mail systems and the internet for
collecting ad distributing data.
PeopleSoft has established global consulting agreements with Anderson Consulting,
Deloitte & Touche Consulting Groups, KPMG Consulting (a part of KPMG Peat Marwick
LLP) and Price Warehouse LLP, four of the world’s leading consulting and systems
integration firms.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
PeopleSoft also maintains relationships with more than 150 industry-leading third-party
vendors through its six Partnership Programs-application, Database, Hardware,
Implementation, system Integration and Workflow.
3. CORE AND SUPPORT PROCESSES: your first phase encompasses critical, core business
processes; subsequent phases focus on support processes.
You can combine your phasing choice with one of these implementation approaches:-
1. As delivered: This is the simplest approach, because you implement the applications as
delivered and adjust your business processes to match the system. By using this
approach, you are in essence reengineering your business operations with PeopleSoft
functionality driving your requirements.
2. Data modification: You will use this approach when data analysis, modification and
cleanup are a primary focus of the implementation. For example, if your
implementation is driven by legacy data held in date storage formats that don’t support
the year 2000.
3. Legacy Integration: Useful when interfaces between legacy systems and PeopleSoft
applications are a significant factor I the implementation. This approach includes
business event analysis and early resolution of interface issues.
processes supported by the first application you implement. Then, as you implement
other applications, you will concentrate on additional business processes.
5. Business Objectives and events: Pertinent when, in order to meet a set of business
objectives and their respective business events, your implementation also involves non-
PeopleSoft applications. For example, to broadcast timely sales and collections
information to the field, you would use this approach to implement a sales force
automation application along with PeopleSoft Financials.
On March 17, 1977 J.D. Edwards was formed, by Jack Thompson, Dan Gregery & Ed-Mc
In early years J.D. Edwards designed software for small & medium sized computers.
In 1980’s it focused on IBM system/38
As the company began to out grow, its headquarter in Denver, opened branch offices in
Dallas & Newport Beach, California, Houston, San Francisco & Bakenfield. And then
internationally expanded its Europe headquarters in Brussels & Belgium.
As it grew it became obvious that servicing a large number of customers was creating a
By the mid of 1980’s, J D Edwards was being recognizes as an Industry-leading supplier
of application software for the highly successful IBM AS/400 computer.
Today J.D Edwards is a publicly traded company that has more than 4700 customers
with sites in over 100 countries & more than 4200 employees.
It’s commitment to its product quality, its corporate culture & a customer-centric
approach enable the company to deliver & support leading enterprise software
solutions that solve business problems.
J.D Edwards offers customers the means of achieving greater outgoing control of their
businesses through the ability to define & redefine the way they do business as
markets, customers & competitive conditions change.
J.D Edwards emphasizes on the following three matters:
1. Solution : JD Edwards offers a balance of technology & service options tailored by the
unique industry & its processes. This allows JD Edward to ensure timely implementation
& outgoing quality of the solution.
2. Relationships : With JD Edwards, you have a partner committed to ushering you through
changes in the business & technology.
3. Value : JD Edwards provides with an appreciating software asset – one with the
potential to increase in value over the lift of your business.
As the business grew company adapted new technology & instead for small computer
application; it started to design enterprise-wise software.
JD Edwards is a leading provider of integrated software for distribution, human
resource, finance, manufacturing & SCM.
These softwares are operated in multiple computing environments & also JAVA & HTML
Tech Solution Computer Institute
OneWorld provides a solution by integrating with legacy, bets of breed & 3 rd party
This supports the industry standards such as CORBA, ODBC & other packaged
integration solutions.
It embraces change with its modular architectural foundation.
The information processing is segmented into 5 functional elements – database, data
warehouse, business objects, reporting & GUI.
The users are allowed to link these elements in variety of configurations.
It also allows to add new server, even web servers, without rewriting application for
new machines.
It has the tools & technologies that will quickly bring archived data to light.
It supports both client/server & internet modes.
With this it can distribute the enterprise application to employee, business partners &
It supports the databases like DB2, SQL server & Oracle along with hardware
This allows build highly flexible workflow solutions & execute, both predefined & ad-hoc
processes in your organization.
With OneWorld, your ability to learn, implement & maintain workflow at all levels of
your organization is simplified.
The different product modules available from JD Edwards are:
1. Foundation suite: Back office, CASE foundation, toolkit etc.
2. Financial Suite:general accounting, accounts payable etc.
3. Logistics/Distribution Suite: forecasting, requirements planning etc.
4. Services Suite: contract billing, change management etc.
5. Manufacturing Suite: configuration suite, cost management etc.
6. Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Mining & Real Estate Suite: procurement,
inventory management etc.
7. Energy & Chemical Suite:agreement management, sales order management etc.
8. Payroll suite
9. Human Resource Suite
10. Customer Service Management Suite
11. Government, Education & Not-for-Profit Solutions
12. Utility & Energy Solutions
Tech Solution Computer Institute
System Software Associates, Inc. (SSA) was founded in 1981.
It has branches in more than 91 countries & more than 2000 employees.
SSA has BPCS client/server V6 technology is implemented in more than 1000 industrial
sector firms in over 4000 sites worldwide.
SS ’s vision is to be the best global partner to the world’s industrial companies
To achieve competitive advantage for clients through ERP system, SS ’s follows its
Mission Statement 1981.
The statement has six key goals.
They are:
1. Best client satisfaction: this means that the company wants their clients to achieve
the greatest possible business benefits from their relationship with SSA.
2. Single image worldwide: this means that the client gets the same high level of
support & expertise all around the world.
3. Enterprise Solution Leadership: it means that the company is focused on building &
delivering solutions, which bring together the entire enterprise.
4. Proven leading Technology: this means that every piece of technology applied by
SSA will already be proven for high transaction volume enterprise-wide applications.
5. Highly skilled & motivated professional: it means that SSA is committed on having
the best professionals & resources in the application software business.
6. Strong financial results: this means that SSA can continue to invest in the
improvements of its software & professionals & will be a stable partner in the long
1. It was found in 1979.
2. The company’s products include MFG/PRO, service/support management and decision
1. QAD offers a variety of supply chain and enterprise resource planning s/w products to
manufacturing industries.
2. It optimizes the enterprise by increasing the speed of internet processes and
synchronizing the business operations.
3. The MFG\PRO is one of the software, product offered by QAD, which provides
multinational organization with integrated Global Supply Chain Management Solution.
4. It is one of the successful client server applications.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
5. Internet enabled MFG\PRO allows you to share information and conduct commercial
transactions over the internet.
6. It increases the internal efficiency of distributed operations within the months of
7. This s/w is comprehensive, open, flexible, scalable, interactive and designed to address
the operational requirements of the manufacturer.
8. It is available in 26 languages and supports multiple currencies.
9. It has an easy-to-understand graphical interface.
10. It can be implemented at multiple sites and it easily scales to meet the changing business
11. It helps the organization to achieve and maintain competitive advantage and synchronizes
the distributed operation which balances the supply and demand across multiple sites.
12. It is a fully integrated s/w package available on a module by module basis. It helps the
organization to face competition.
New Market
New Channels:
As all the vendors being forced to market their product in the world of small business, they
made their software products more affordable by lowering the prices for each module and by
ramping up the total costs by basing price on user licenses.
1. Oracle offerings the lower price software from companies such as platinum software
and great plains software.
2. JD Edward provides less expensive versions of the OneWorld suit.
10. As there is dearth of skilled consultants, ERP systems implementation often become a
difficult task.
11. To achieve system implementations the ERP vendors also provide the consulting
services with highly skilled consulting teams and charged with delivering fully trained
experienced consultant on a worldwide basis
12. Example, Oracle’s OracleOne or S P’s Platinum Consulting Services with highly skilled
consulting teams providing their services along with new channel partners and
implementation methodologies.
Windows NT is the most popular operating system in the world forcing all ERP vendors to
offer their products on its platform. Since 1993 R/3 has been available on NT and from 1995
on SQL-server. Baan, Oracle and PeopleSoft have announced the general availability of their
applications on back office platform in 1997. SAP has over 200R/3 installations on NT and
holds Microsoft as the company’s best customer Baan has the certification as ‘Designed for
Microsoft Back Office’ whereas PeopleSoft has also switch to Back Office as its primary
development and initial rollout platform. Oracle also supports NT based clustering technology.
Back office is becoming popular platform among the middle market vendors of accounting
and distribution software with NT/SQL server.
Application Platforms:
Tech Solution Computer Institute
The ERP vendors offer central platform management tools along with comprehensive
suites of application modules. These application modules supports multinational deployment,
year 2000 compliances and Euro (European currency) e.g. To centrally support R/3 product
uses popular platform management tools. The vendors such as Computer Associates
(Unicenter TNG) and Tivoli (TME) offers these tools.
After establishing in business /enterprise environment, ERP vendors are trying to deliver
specialized variants of their products to the business segments such as government, health
care, retail environments and financial services.
Some vendors are offering their services in more specialized areas such as demand
forecasting of sales automation and marketing and supply chain management e.g. PeopleSoft
bought Red Pepper Software to improve its supply chain application, Baan bought Aurum
Software for its Aurum Customer Enterprise suit of CRM tools and also teamed up with
Hyperion Solution to strengthen its financial accounting, budgeting and reporting solutions to
Baan’s distribution and manufacturing modules
More Features:
ERP vendors are also focusing on providing improved decision support applications. ERP
vendors teamed up with various software providers e.g. JD Edwards teamed up with
Information Builders Inc to deliver a data mart i.e. Smart Mart Suit with data base access, data
transformation, reporting and OLAP Tools. Baan linking its application software to the Gentia
Software Inc’s products to provide OL P capabilities and for the setup and monitoring of key
performance indicators.
Oracle offers a data mart designer and builder tool for creating a data marts as well as
offers Oracle Discoverer, an enduser tool for reporting, charting and querying data from
Oracles Application suite.
PeopleSoft is going to include closer integration between PeopleSoft applications and both
the client based Congos Corp. Power Play multidimensional OLAP tools and Arbor Software
Corp’s multidimensional Essbase Server S P is not behind in this race It has previewed its
own Business Information Warehouse product for synchronizing the R/3 system with data
warehouse that can manage both R/3 and non R/3 data through the use of a metadata
repository and CLAP engine.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
1. To deliver the self-services and e-commerce capabilities, ERP vendors are being forced
to move from client/server to browser/server architecture to web-enable their
2. Vendors deliver java based application for web enabling software
3. Example, Baan is working to deliver a java based web interface to all its products and
also focusing on the automation of supply chain relationship via internet, on e-
commerce via Microsoft merchant server (Site Server) and on using Hyperion Software
Corp ’s Spider-Man technology for report and alert distribution across the web.
4. PeopleSoft delivers java based self service applets with its version PeopleSoft-7, J.D.
Edward is using java to its One World to be available either through a Windows client or
a web browser.
5. Oracle has used java to deliver its web employee customers and suppliers module.
6. In 1997, SAP released 25 web applications for its version 3.1 of the R/3 and also
previewed links to online catalogs for web based procurement.
7. For their first generation of web enabled application, ERP vendors are all using java
rather than Microsoft’s ctives
8. ERP vendors deliver their universal application on Java based web interface.
9. This makes them to move away from proprietary technologies to more open tools.
10. E.g. SAP solutions and PeopleSoft offers tools for customerising their products ABAPG
and PeopleTools.
11. These tools are proprietary and make the implementation expensive, whereas many
lower-tier software vendors invites their application from ends using the commercial
tools like Power Builder, VB, or Microsoft Access ERP vendors are not using these
options, thus the customers have to pay a premium for ABAG and PeopleTools.
12. Oracle is also a tool vendor and uses Oracle Forms, Developer 2000 and Designer 2000
to develop its Oracle Application.
13. The emerging trends in the enterprise packaged applications are its integration with
latest cutting-edge technology like sales force automaton (SFA), customer relationship
management (CRAM).
14. As the internet based services like e-commerce are available, the new applications get
diverted from Back-office and Front-office functioned items.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
Claiming for ideal solution
a. There are hundreds of ERP vendors- all sizes & shapes- all claiming to have the
solution that is ideal for one company.
b. Analyzing all the packages before reaching the decision is not a perfect solution.
Time consuming process
a. It is also a very time consuming process. So, it is better to limit the number of
packages that are evaluated to less than 5.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
Important phase: decides success/failure
a. The evaluation or selection process is one of the most important phases of the
ERP implementation because the package that you select will decide the success
or failure of the project.
b. Since ERP system involves huge investments, once a package is purchased, it is
not an easy task to switch to another one.
c. The most important factor that should be kept n mind when analyzing the
different package is that none of them are perfect.
The main objective
a. The objective of the selection process is not to identify a package that covers
each & every requirement.
b. The objective is to find a package that is flexible enough to meet the company’s
After evaluation of package
a. Once the packages to be evaluated are identified, the company needs to develop
a selection criteria that will permit the evaluations of all the available packages
on the small scale.
Tech Solution Computer Institute
b. To choose the best system, the company should identify the system that meets
the business needs, the matches the business profile.
c. It is impossible to get a system that will perform exactly as the company does
business, but the aim should be to get the system that has the least number of
Important points to be kept in mind while evaluating ERP software include:
a. Functional fit with the company’s business processes
b. Degree of integration between the various components of the ERP system.
c. Flexibility & scalability.
d. Complexity.
e. User friendliness.
f. Quick implementation.
g. Ability to support multiple planning and control.
h. Technology-client /server, DB, independence, security.
i. Local support, infrastructure.
j. Amount of customization required.
k. Total costs, etc.
Evaluation committee
It is always better to form a selection committee that will do the evaluation process.
Consultants or experts
The package experts or the consultants can act as mediators or play the role of
explaining the pros & cons of each package.
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Tech Solution Computer Institute
Importance of Gap Analysis
a. Gap analysis is a phase in the ERP implementation, where the organization tries to
find out the gaps between the company’s existing business practices & those
supported by the ERP package.
b. This is the process through which companies create a complete model of where
they are now & where they want to head in the future.
Main objective
a. The main objective is to design a model, which both anticipates & covers any
function gap.
b. It has been estimated that even the best ERP package meets only 80% of the
company’s functional gaps
Different ways of finding gaps
a. One of the most affordable, but most difficult, solutions entails altering the
business to ‘fit’ the ERP package
b. Another solution is that the company can simply agree to live without a particular
Other solutions include:
i.Pinning your hopes on an upgrade or updation of software.
ii.Identifying a third-party product that might fill the gap.
iii.Designing a custom program.
iv.Altering the ERP source code.
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It is in this phase that the human factors are taken into account.
Two different connotations
1. 1st one is the controversial, involving the use of ERP to aid in downsizing efforts.
2. There have been occasions where high level executives have invoked the reengineering
slogan & purchased an ERP package with the aim of reducing number of employees.
3. While every implementation is going to involve some change in job responsibilities, so it
is the best to treat ERP as an investment as well as cost-cutting measure, rather than a
downsizing tool.
4. ‘Downsizing’ is a business practice that may have its place, but it should not be cloaked
within the glossier slogan of ‘reengineering’
5. The 2nd use of the word re-engineering in the ERP field refers to an ERP implementation
model initially designed & used.
6. The BPR approach to an ERP implementation implies two separate, but closely linked
implementations involved on an ERP site i.e. a technical implementation & a business
process implementation.
7. The BPR approach emphasis the human element of necessary changes within the
organization, which is generally more time consuming & has received its share of
criticism for creating bloated budgets & extended projects.
8. The ERP market shifts to a mid-market focus & as all implementation are becoming
more cost sensitive; the BPR approach has come under some real scrutiny.
a. This is the main functional area of the ERP implementation.
b. Business processes have to be understood & mapped in such a way that the
arrived solution matches with the overall goals of the company.
a. A prototype- a simulation of the actual business processes of the company- will
be used.
b. The prototype allows for thorough testing of the ‘to be’ model in a controlled
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c.As the ERP consultants configure & test the prototype they attempt to solve any
logistical problems inherited in the BPR before the actual go-live implementation.
a. Configuring a company’s system reveals not only the strengths of a company’s
business process but also- & perhaps more importantly- its weakness.
b. It is vital to the health of the company & to the success of the ERP
implementation that those configuring the system are able to explain what won’t
fit into the package & where the gaps in functionality occur.
This is the phase where you try to break the system.
Here we reach a point where we are testing real case scenarios.
The system is configured & now we must come up with extreme case scenarios- system
overloads, multiple users logging on at the same time with the same query, users
entering invalid data, hackers trying to access restricted areas & so on.
The test case must be designed specifically to find the weak links in the system & these
bugs should be fixed before going live.
On the technical side, the work is almost complete- data conversions is done,
databases are up & running, & on the functional side, the prototype is fully
configured & tested & ready to go operational.
The system is officially proclaimed operational, even though the implementation
team must have been testing it & running successfully for some time.
But once the system is ‘live’, the old system is removed & the new system is used for
doing business.
a.Everyone who uses these systems needs to be trained on how they work, how
they relate to the business process & how a transaction ripples through the entire
company whenever they press a key.
b. The training will never end; it is an ongoing process; new people will always be
coming in & new functionality will always be entering the organization.
Maximum value for these input
a. Living with ERP system will be totally different from installing them.
b. However, an organization can only get the maximum value of these inputs if it
successfully adopts & effectively uses the system.
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Vendors are the people to develop the ERP packages, they spent a huge amount of
time & effort in research & development to create the package solution that is flexible,
efficient and easy to use.
Now, these days the ERP have all features & function which can satisfy the need of all
the business data. The ERP vendors spent a large amount of money so that they can
become experts, to develop a flexible, efficient & easy to use ERP package.
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1. The vendor should supply the product & its documentation as soon as the contract is
2. The vendor is responsible to fix the errors which are found during the implementation
process, so it becomes necessary that the vendor should be constantly touched with the
implementation team.
3. The vendor also has to provide the training to the company’s user & also to the people
who are involved in the implementation process of the s/w.
4. The vendors training should explain how the package works, what are major
components, how the data & information flows across the system, etc.
5. The vendor gives the project support function & also takes care of the quality control
factor with respect to how the product is implemented.
6. The vendors participate in all the phases of an
implementation in which he gives advices, answers to technical questions about the
product & technology.
7. In case, there is gap between the package & the actual business process then it is the
job of a vendor to customize the s/w & make necessary modifications.
Business consultants are professional people who develop the different methods &
techniques to deal with the implementation process & with the various problems that will
crop up during implementation.
1. They are experts in the area of the administration, management & control activities.
2. They have experience of implementation & various methods that ensures successful
3. The only limitation with consultant is they are very expensive.
4. They consultants have to make the ERP implementation for an organization as their
own business.
5. They have to make a plan to carry the activities in the right direction during the
implementation process.
6. Since they are expensive the company should formulate a plan regarding best
optimum utilization of the money spent on consultants.
1. The consultants are involved in the implementation process of the organization.
2. They consultant should guarantee the success of the project and should be able to
show the results such as reduction in cycle time, increased response time, improved
productivity, etc to the satisfaction of the customer.
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3. They are responsible for the administration of all the phases of the implementation so
that the activities occur at the scheduled time and at the desired level of quality with
effective participation with all those who must participate.
4. They add value to the project as they provide knowledge about the packages & the
implementation process which gives the employees the practical experience.
5. They also analyze & provide the suggestion where customization needs to take place.
6. They should be able to balance their loyalty to the client & the project.
7. They should have a clear cut context & scope of the work so that they can provide the
management with the decision that are to be taken for the implementation process.
8. The consultants should create a knowledge base & train the people so that the
knowledge stays in the organization when the consultants leave the project.
They are the people who use the ERP system once it has been developed.
i. End users are the people who will be doing the functions which are automated by the
ERP system.
ii. The end user should be given the training as to how use the various functions that are
automated in the s/w.
iii. They fear among the employees of unemployment is taken out with the training
iv. The end users are provided with the skills set & more opportunities to work in a
challenging environment using the modern technologies.
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Tech Solution Computer Institute
Important Questions
1. Classification Of Components:
Components will be entered in the database under a variety of
classes, which suit individual business needs.
Classes themselves can be grouped under convenient broad
This allows all the company’s working stock of components to be
organized in an easily traceable, hierarchical network structure.
Each part can be given its own set of attribute.
2. Classification of Documents:
Documents relating to components & assemblies can be similarly
Each document can have its set of attributes – part, number,
author, date entered.
And, at the same time relationships between documents & the
components themselves can be maintained.
3. Product Structure:
The product data can be accessed by its product structure.
For any selected product, relationship between its component
assemblies & between the parts that make up these assemblies
should be maintained.
One distinct advantage is the ability to compare not just the
physical relationships between parts in an assembly, but also other
kinds of structures.
So it is possible for the team members to see the product structure
from their point of view.
4. Querying The Data:
One could move up & down a classification tree.