Ultra Wide Band Antenna For Future 5G
Ultra Wide Band Antenna For Future 5G
Ultra Wide Band Antenna For Future 5G
Muhammad Zahid1, Sultan Shoaib2, Yasar Amin1, Peter Excell2, Sergey Lupin3
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Taxila, Pakistan
Glyndwr University, Wrexham, UK
Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Moscow, Russia
Abstract—An ultra-wideband miniature antenna based on The suitable antennas for higher band of the mm-wave
circular patch with circular slots has been presented for future system are circularly polarized (CP) antennas, due to the effect
generation mm-wave indoor wireless applications. The proposed of polarization mismatch and multipath reduction [7].
miniature antenna is fed by probe feed and, the maximum According to [8], implementation of the sequential rotate
realized gain and the total efficiency throughout the three bands technique (SRT) in the CP antenna array effectively supports
are 7.7 dBi in an upper higher band and 97% in the lower band, engineering of the wide axial ratio (AR) bandwidth. In [9], a
respectively. This proposed antenna covers the seven bands (five design comprising four array antennas with circular
bands are in the existing allocation to mobile, and the other two polarization based on substrate integrated waveguide
bands are to be considered for allocation) for 5G higher bands
configuration was presented. The achieved AR bandwidth and
and lower band covers uplink Ku-band (14GHz - 14.5GHz) for
satellite communication. The proposed antenna in ultra-
maximum gain are 14% and 15.9 dBi, respectively. The
wideband has the impedance bandwidth of 31.8 GHz and the narrower AR bandwidth of CP antennas can be broadened by
fractional bandwidth of 60.61%. employing SRT technique [10], [11]. The partial ground plane
technique discussed in [12] is an effective method helping to
Keywords—ultra-wideband; mm-wave; 5G; MSPA; miniature improve gain and bandwidth of microstrip patch antenna
antenna (MSPA) significantly. Ppers [13]-[16] present a variety of
compact antennas developed for implemenetion into the future
I. INTRODUCTION communication technology, however, these have bigger size
The expected mobile population will be increasing day-by- than in the proposed antenna in this paper.
day shortly, which in turn will demand higher data rates, In this paper, the ultra-wideband circular antenna with
bandwidth, and channel usage capacity. To meet these circular slots is presented, which covers more than 80% mm-
requirements, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) wave frequency bands of future 5G, one from the ISM band
specifies the different frequency bands in the mm-wave range (61.25 GHz) and also covers around 80 % of WiGig band
30GHz to 300GHz [1]. The upcoming fifth-generation (5G) to (57 GHz to 71 GHz). The final optimized antenna shows three
acknowledge the fast transmission has been concentrating notches (triple band), the lowest band covers the uplink
broadly. As indicated by the arrangement of 5G, 2020 will frequency of Ku band, the second band covers 35.45% of the
most likely be the principal business year for this first mm-wave band of 24 GHz, and the third one is ultra-
communication technology. In July 2016, US Federal wideband, which covers seven-band of mm-wave. The antenna
Communications Commission had characterized the design, parametric analysis and its results will be presented in
millimeter-wave groups 24 GHz, 37 GHz, 39 GHz, and the following sections and subsections.
47 GHz bands. Earlier, at World Radiocommunication
Conference (WRC-15) in 2015, these frequency bands have II. ANTENNA DESIGN
been discussed [2]. According to [2], these frequency bands are Fig.1 and Fig. 2 demonstrate the layout and dimensions of
24.25–27.5 GHz, 31.8–33.4 GHz, 37–40.5 GHz, 40.5– the proposed ultra-wideband antenna.
42.5 GHz, 42.5–43.5 GHz, 45.5–47 GHz, 47–47.2 GHz, 47.2–
50.2 GHz, 50.4–52.6 GHz, 66–76 GHz and 81–86 GHz. The
frequency bands mentioned above are also lie in the agenda of
WRC-19 for further recommendation [3].
In mm-wave frequency range, the higher frequency bands
are issued for different applications, like, for the mobile
communication, and the industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM) usage (61–61.5GHz) [4],[5]. Furthermore, the future
trend is to achieve a higher gain and a bandwidth of an antenna
for millimeter-wave communication, i.e., Wireless Gigabit
Alliance (WiGig or 60 GHz Wi-Fi), which is also the
requirement of current mobile users. The devices used for
WiGig can communicate with multi-gigabit speed, and its
frequency band range is 57 GHz to 71 GHz, which includes the
current Wi-Fi standard IEEE 802.11ad and the upcoming Fig. 1. Front view of the antenna layout.
standard IEEE 802.11ay [6].
Fig. 4. Reflection coefficient for fixed ground length with varying ground
Fig. 2. Rare view of the layout. width (Case-I).
III. RESULTS Fig. 5. Reflection coefficient for fixed ground width with varying ground
length (Case-I).
The simulation was conducted using CST MW Studio
2018. S-parameter of the proposed antenna without changing Sw = 10, Sl = 16.5, Gw = 9.5 and Gl = 11.5
the parameters is shown in Fig. 3. In this situation, the
maximum efficiency is 95.8%, the maximum gain is 7.77 dBi. The substrate width and length are reduced from 12 to
Under the same condition, the voltage standing wave ratio 10 mm and 18 to 16.5 mm, respectively, by reducing the
(VSWR) shows the value of 3:1 (impedance bandwidth is reflection co-efficient shows multiple bands (triple-band)
taken as –6dB). instead of single or ultra-wideband. After reducing the
substrate dimensions, ground dimensions also goes down from
10.7 to 9.5 (width) and 12.3 to 11.5 (length), to get the required
multiple bands. The reflection coefficient of this case is
depicted in Fig. 6.
Ref Technique Frequency Size (m³) BW (GHz) Gain (dBi)
[9] Partial ground plane 32.56 10x10x0.254 2.95 6.12
[10] EBG structure 28/38 5.5x20x0.787 0.45/2.2 5.2/5.9
[11] Slotted antenna 30.5/41.5 10x10x0.762 1.5 N/A
Teaching learning optimization
[12] 25/37 4.96x6.86x0.762 2/6 6.71/7.12
[13] Inset feeding 37/54 7.2x5x0.787 5.5/8.67 5.5/6
Partial ground plane 15.6/24.7/41.4 10x16.5x0.787 3.1/1.1/31.7 4.6/6.95/7.7
The proposed antenna is compared to some published that the maximum value of the total efficiency is 95.5% while
papers; the proposed antenna has one drawback to previous the overall total efficiency has the value higher than 75.5%
ones, which is due to size but has effective advantages, like, throughout the UWB.
high gain and bandwidth to previous ones. The comparison is
shown in Table II. The final optimized circular antenna attains V. FUTURE WORK
the three bands. First two low-frequency bands are Ku uplink In the future, this proposed antenna will go through
and the second one is covering some part of first mm-wave fabrication and testing phase and will further be optimized to
band 24 GHz, presented in Fig. 7. The third band is ultra- improve its realized gain and efficiency.
wideband, having a bandwidth of 31.7 GHz, which covers the
multiple bands of future 5G communication for handheld
devices. The ultra-wideband also covers the 61.25 GHz ISM
band and the maximum portion of WiGig communication band
(57 GHz to 68.36 GHz). The maximum realized gain obtained
in the first band is 4.6 dB, 6.95 dB in the second band, and in
the ultra-wideband, it is 7.7 dB.
The radiation pattern at different frequencies in all the three
bands is shown in Fig. 9.
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