2021 c2b Afrofuturism Course Overview 1
2021 c2b Afrofuturism Course Overview 1
2021 c2b Afrofuturism Course Overview 1
After the last creative writing course I taught, I surveyed students about their favorite assignment; the most
Course popular one turned out to be writing a science fiction story. This inspired me to make a whole course on
Overview/Narrative Afrofuturism, which is Science Fiction or speculative writing through the lens of Afro-descended people.
Afrofuturist writers critique today’s world and imagine alternative ways of being from the perspective of an
“other,” or marginalized identity, a perspective often missing from traditional Science Fiction and fantasy writing
and one that is full of wisdom and possibility.
In this course we will explore the genre of Afrofuturism together. Students will then imagine alternative worlds
through the writing of their own short story, which they will build step by step, with many workshops along the
way. Frequent writing workshops will make writing and sharing low stakes activities in which each student is
supported and celebrated by a community of writers.
1. Author’s Choices: I can interpret and analyze 3. Narrative Writing: I can use a writer’s toolbox to make my
the impact of author’s choices on a text writing vivid, engaging, and expressive.
Instructional Strategies
What instructional strategies will you rely on? ● Asynchronous learning, interactive technology, maximize student voice by offering
(Workshop Model, Blended Learning, Asynchronous choice and weekly opportunities for reflection
Learning, Individual Learning Plans, etc.) ● Writing workshops: peer feedback, peer revision
● SEL activity in every class
Describe how you will allow for outcome recovery Google Classroom--I will upload all assignments and materials on Google Classroom to
(Spiraling of skills/assessments, daily stations, students make them available for students to work on at their own pace.
may design their own assessments, etc.)
Layered Curriculum -- students may pass the class with only 3 of 4 outcomes, do not need to
complete all assessments
Describe how you will deal with “high flyers” or ● Extension lessons (varying sentence length, advanced grammar, etc.)
those students who may enter your class with higher ● Modify assignments to challenge high flyers (higher lexile level texts, more
than average skills sophisticated writing expectations)
Regents/College Readiness Alignment ● Learning how to use elements of writing will prepare students to identify them on the
Briefly describe how this course prepares students for a Regents exam and analyze their effectiveness
Regents exam and/or prepares them for college ● Close reading of engaging texts will built literacy
Engagement Strategies Engaging texts (relevant, powerful, accessible)
Describe how you will engage students with learning
Create a community of readers and writers (I imagine this community to be one in which
students engage in reading challenging texts with intellectual curiosity, and in which they feel
safe to ask questions and express their ideas. Students will feel comfortable sharing their
writing with their peers, and will receive their peers’ work with respect and affirmation.
Students will often work in teams, in which they will collaborate, manage their time, and seek
to maximize each member’s contribution based on their strengths.)
● help students build relationships with each other
● reinforce social contract
Conferring and Feedback I am returning all written work with comments in no more than 48 hours after it is submitted,
How will you ensure to conference with each student and encouraging students to meet with me during my one on one sessions. I plan to be
during each marking period and your system for available to students for as much support as they may need.
providing timely feedback on written work.
What information will be covered? What concepts will students learn?
1 Feb 1 2 Day 1 3 4 5
What is afrofuturism? I can get to know I can take an online I can define the I can make a
who is in this class learning survey to terms utopia and connection
Concepts: with me give my input dystopia between social
● utopia/dystopia activism and
● social values I can learn a little bit I can work with a I can make Science Fiction
about Afrofuturism partner to consider noticings about the
what values are world of Janelle I can begin to
Skills: I can activate my elevated in our Monae’s Dirty envision a
● activating prior prior knowledge by society Computer utopian or
knowledge playing Jeopardy! dystopian world
● making inferences I can read an F0: World Building for my own SciFi
● critical reflection afrofuturist text and in Dirty Computer story
infer what values are (AC)
held by the society it F1: Future World
depicts draft 1 (WP)
2 8 9 10 11 12 NO SCHOOL
How can I write an I can give feedback to I can read the story I can learn the
afrofuturist setting? a peer about their “Poison Fish by F3 Poison Fish Vocab ARMS revision
utopia/dystopia Nnedi Okorafor (VA) strategy
● setting I can analyze how I can practice the
● showing not telling the author uses ARMS revision
● sensory description history and vivid strategy to write a
● ARMS revision description to second draft of my
create worlds utopia/dystopia
3 Character 22 23 24 25 26
Concepts: What makes a good How do afrofuturist How do afrofuturist I can use a I can participate
● flat character protagonist? writers create a writers create a template to build in a writing
● round character protagonist? protagonist? my own SciFi workshop and
● static character Review Jeopardy protagonist give feedback
● dynamic character Read and discuss: Complete F5: using the TAG
● back story Build a character Build your own format
● FOIL profile F5: Character of F5: Character of protagonist
● What makes us Lauren in of Lauren in of Parable T- Tell the writer
root for this Parable of the of the Sower (AC) something you
Skills: character? Sower (AC) like
● analyzing author’s ● What makes them F6: Character
choices relatable? Profile (WP) A- ask a question
● vocab acquisition ● What makes them
● using sensory complex? G - give a
description suggestion
● ARMS revision Writing workshop
F6: Character
Profile (WP)
4 Conflict Mar 1 2 3 4 5
● dialogue How do afrofuturist How do afrofuturist I can write unique I can brainstorm I can write a
● types of conflict writers create and writers create and sentences for 10 several conflicts for dialogue that
● theme resolve a conflict? resolve a conflict? vocab words my protagonist shows a conflict
for my
I can read the short I can analyze and I can use vocab I can write one of protagonist
Skills: story “Conjurer’s evaluate the words creatively in the conflicts
● text annotation/close Rites” by Jen Brown author’s toolbox context through the use of ● write
reading used to create and dialogue. ● share
● analyzing author’s I can analyze and resolve the story’s ● mini lesson: ● TAG
choices evaluate the author’s conflict (F7) parts of F9 writing conflict feedback
● vocab acquisition toolbox used to create ● Conflict mini speech
● writing dialogue and resolve the story’s lesson ● brainstorm
conflict (F7) ● partner work ● F8 group work ● write
to highlight ● share-TAG
● Warm up quiz ● share out ● share out feedback
● choral reading
● rate the story
5 Drafting 8 9 10 11 12
Concepts: I can give and receive I can give and I can make a story I can reflect on I can reflect on
● plot diagram feedback in a writing receive feedback in map based on the what I enjoyed what I enjoyed
● conflict workshop about a writing workshop elements of my story about the about the
● theme dialogue about dialogue I’ve already created Afrofuturist texts Afrofuturist texts
● afrofuturist elements we’ve read we’ve read
I can revise my I can revise my F11 Story Map
dialogue using dialogue using I can use my I can use my
Skills: exemplars and my exemplars and my reflections to reflections to
● making a story map feedback feedback consider how I consider how I
● writing a first draft Dialogue mini canincorporate can incorporate
● vocab acquisition lesson afrofuturist afrofuturist
● workshopping elements into my elements into my
F10 own story own story
7 Editing & 22 23 24 25 26
Presentations I can review all of the I can give and I can show my I can learn and I can reflect on
Concepts: vocab from this class receive feedback in knowledge of practice editing my learning in
● capitalization a writing workshop vocabulary by steps this class
● punctuation I can complete the of our first drafts completing the
● repetition next step of my story summative test I can complete the reflection survey
● run-on sentences I can complete the next step of my
I can give and receive next step of my I can complete the story (revision or I can share my
Skills: feedback as part of a story next step of my story editing) afrofuturist story
● using editing strategies writing workshop
● presenting S1 Vocab Summative S2 Story Final Edit I can be a
Vocab Review supportive
Jamboard audience
member for my