Coaching Youth Volleyball
Coaching Youth Volleyball
Coaching Youth Volleyball
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Coaching Youth Volleyball
Officially endorsed by USA Volleyball
American Sport Education Program
Human Kinetics
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Library of Congress CataloginginPublication Data
Coaching youth volleyball / American Sport Education Program. 2nd
p. cm.
"Endorsed by USA Volleyball."
Rev. ed. of: Rookie coaches volleyball guide. 1993.
ISBN 0880115408
1. VolleyballCoaching. I. American Sport Education Program.
II. USA Volleyball (Organization) III. Rookie coaches volleyball
GV1015.5.C63C63 1996
796.352'3dc20 963039
ISBN: 0880115408
Copyright © 1993, 1997 by Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
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Coaching Youth Volleyball is the second edition of Rookie Coaches Volleyball Guide.
Acquisitions Editor: Jim Kestner; Volleyball Consultant: Stu Sherman; Developmental Editors: Jessie Daw, Jan Colarusso Seeley; Assistant Editors: Lynn
M. Hooper, Erin Cler; Copyeditors: Jacqueline Eaton Blakley, Anne Mischakoff Heiles; Proofreader: Pam Johnson; Graphic Artist: Francine Hamerski; Graphic
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Page iii
A Message From USA Volleyball v
Welcome to Coaching! vii
Unit 1 9
Who, Me . . . a Coach?
Uncover five qualities all coaches need to be successful.
Unit 3 19
How Should I Communicate With My Players?
How to send effective verbal and nonverbal messages to communicate better
with players, parents, fans, game officials, and opposing coaches.
Unit 4 35
How Do I Get My Team Ready to Play?
Discover the four steps of teaching volleyball skills effectively, six elements of a
good practice, and how to plan prior to the season.
Unit 5 49
What About Safety?
How to prevent injuries to your athletes and provide emergency care for minor
and serious injuries.
Unit 6 61
What Is Volleyball All About?
Understand volleyball rules, player equipment and positions, scoring, and
Unit 7 83
What Volleyball Skills and Drills Should I Teach?
How to teach your players basic serving, forearm passing, overhead passing,
hitting, and blocking skills, and how to use 15 drills to improve your players'
Unit 8 119
How Do I Get My Players to Play as a Team?
Put it all together with basic offensive and defensive alignments, transitions, and 8
Take the Next Step! 151
Appendix A 153
Organizations to Contact for Coaching Children With Disabilities
Appendix B 154
Sample Season Plan for Beginning Volleyball Players
Appendix C 156
Commonly Used Volleyball Officiating Signals
Page v
A Message from USA Volleyball
As the national governing body of a sport that has 46 million participants in the United States and an estimated 800 million players worldwide, USA Volleyball
considers coaching of paramount importance to everyone involved with the future of the game. Our mission is to develop the sport of volleyball. The best way to
harness the potential of the sport's astonishing popularity is through effective and inspirational coaching.
With more than 100,000 members registered through 29 member organizations in 35 regions of the United States, USA Volleyball has the perfect network in place to
make an impact on the country's volleyball players—and coaches. For this reason, eight years ago the Coaching Accreditation Program (CAP) was formed to help
foster consistency in coaching techniques. CAP promotes the principles practiced by the most effective coaches in the world. The sequential format of the program
allows coaches, on any level, to develop their talents continually as they ascend through course levels. The Level I course can provide a solid base from which to begin
your coaching career, and you need not feel pressured to continue through all five levels available in CAP.
In addition to the CAP program, USA Volleyball has embarked on a joint venture with the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) to form an entity
called Volleyball Informational Products (VIP), which is dedicated to providing educational resources for coaches through the most uptodate multimedia productions
Indeed, USA Volleyball shows its commitment to excellence in promoting coaching publications such as the American Sport Education Program's Coaching Youth
Volleyball. This resource strengthens our educational outreach.
It takes a special individual to teach, whether the subject is the cell membrane in biochemistry or a jump serve in volleyball. The same character traits that make good
teachers also motivate good learners. USA Volleyball and the AVCA commend every reader of this book for caring to learn and for the dedication you possess to
becoming a better coach. We will continue to assist you in all your educational endeavors in volleyball.
Page vii
Welcome to Coaching!
Page viii
Coaching young people is an exciting way to be involved in sport. But it isn't easy. The untrained coach may be overwhelmed by the responsibilities involved in helping
athletes through their early sport experiences. Preparing youngsters physically and mentally in their sport and providing them with a positive role model are among the
difficult—but rewarding—tasks you will assume as a coach.
This book will help you meet the challenges and experience the rewards of coaching young athletes. We call it Coaching Youth Volleyball because it is intended for
coaches who are working with developing volleyball players. In this book you'll learn how to apply general coaching principles and teach volleyball rules, skills, and
strategies successfully to kids. This book also serves as a text for the American Sport Education Program's (ASEP) Rookie Coaches Course.
We hope you will find coaching rewarding and that you will continue to learn more about coaching and your sport so that you can be the best possible coach for your
young athletes.
If you would like more information about ASEP and its Rookie Coaches Course, please contact us at
P.O. Box 5076
Champaign, IL 618255076
(800) 7475698
Good Coaching!
Page 1
Unit 1—
Who, Me . . . a Coach?
Page 2
If you are like most youth league coaches, you have probably been recruited from the ranks of concerned parents, sport enthusiasts, or community volunteers. And,
like many rookie and veteran coaches, you probably have had little formal instruction on how to coach. But when the call went out for coaches to assist with the local
youth volleyball program, you answered because you like children and enjoy joy volleyball, and perhaps because you want to be involved in a worthwhile community
I Want to Help, but . . .
Your initial coaching assignment may be difficult. Like many volunteers, you may not know everything there is to know about volleyball or about how to work with
children between the ages of 6 and 14. Relax, because Coaching Youth Volleyball will help you learn the basics of coaching volleyball effectively. In the coming
pages you will find the answers to such common questions as these:
• What do I need to be a good coach?
• How can I best communicate with my players?
• How do I go about teaching sport skills?
• What can I do to promote safety?
• What should I do when someone is injured?
• What are the basic rules, skills, and strategies of volleyball?
• What practice drills will improve my players' volleyball skills?
Before answering these questions, let's take a look at what's involved in being a coach.
Am I a Parent or a Coach?
Many coaches are parents, but the two roles should not be confused. Unlike your role as a parent, as a coach you are responsible not only to yourself and your child,
but also to the organization, all the play
Page 3
ers on the team (including your child), and their parents. Because of this additional responsibility, your behavior on the volleyball court will be different from your
behavior at home, and your son or daughter may not understand why.
For example, imagine the confusion of a young boy who is the center of his parents' attention at home but is barely noticed by his father/coach in the sport setting. Or
consider the mixed signals received by a young girl whose volleyball skill is continually evaluated by a mother/coach who otherwise rarely comments on her daughter's
activities. You need to explain to your son or daughter your new responsibilities and how they will affect your relationship when coaching.
Take the following steps to avoid such problems in coaching your child:
• Ask your child if he or she wants you to coach the team.
• Explain why you wish to be involved with the team.
• Discuss how your interactions will change when you take on the role of coach at practices or games.
• Limit your coach behavior to when you are in the coaching role.
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• Avoid parenting during practice or game situations, to keep your role clear in your child's mind.
• Reaffirm your love for your child, irrespective of his or her performance on the volleyball court.
What are My Responsibilities as a Coach?
A coach assumes the responsibility of doing everything possible to ensure that the youngsters on his or her team will have an enjoyable and safe sporting experience
while they learn sport skills.
Provide an Enjoyable Experience
Volleyball should be fun. Even if nothing else is accomplished, make certain your players have fun. Take the fun out of volleyball and you'll take the kids out of sport.
Children enter sport for a number of reasons (e.g., to meet and play with other children, to develop physically, and to learn skills), but their major objective is to have
fun. Help them satisfy this goal by injecting humor and variety into your practices. Also, makes games nonthreatening, festive experience for your players. Such an
approach will increase your players' desire to participate in the future, which should be the biggest goal of youth sport. Unit 2 will help you learn how to satisfy your
players' yearning for fun and keep winning in perspective. And unit 3 will describe how you can effectively communicate this perspective to them.
Provide a Safe Experience
If one thing keeps kids out of volleyball, it's the belief that volleyball is only for older, more mature athletes. ''Kids can't hit a ball over that high net" is a common
excuse for introducing volleyball only after kids have reached their teens. But volleyball can be adapted to be the perfect game for kids. Children and their parents
should be reassured that you can make participation in youth volleyball fun and safe, even for sevenyearolds.
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You are responsible for planning and teaching activities in such a way that the progression between activities minimizes risks (see units 4 and 5). Further, you must
ensure that the facility at which your team practices and plays and the equipment that team members use are free of hazards. Finally, you need to protect yourself from
any legal liability that might arise from your involvement as a coach. Unit 5 will help you take the appropriate precautions.
Provide Opportunities for Children with Disabilities
There's a possibility that a child with a disability of some kind will register for your team. Don't panic! Your youth sport administrator or a number of organizations (see
appendix A) can provide you with information to help you best meet this child's needs.
As a coach, you need to know about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Passed in 1990, the ADA gives individuals the same legal protection against
discrimination on such bases as disabilities as is provided against discrimination on the basis of race, gender, and class. The law does recognize that there are times
when including a player with a disability might risk the safety of that individual and other players, but no clear legal precedents have been established. In general, the
law requires that "reasonable accommodations" be made to include children with disabilities into
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organized sport programs. If a parent or child approaches you on the subject, and you aren't sure what to do, talk to the director in charge of your volleyball program.
If you make any decision on your own pertaining to the ADA, you may be vulnerable to a lawsuit.
Keep in mind that these children want to participate alongside their ablebodied peers. Give them the same support and encouragement that you give other athletes,
and model their inclusion and acceptance for all your athletes.
Teach Basic Volleyball Skills
In becoming a coach, you take on the role of educator. You must teach your players the fundamental skills and strategies necessary for success in volleyball. That
means that you need to "go to school."
If you don't know the basics of volleyball now, you can learn them by reading the second half of this book, units 6, 7, and 8. But even if you know volleyball as a
player, do you know how to teach it? This book will help you get started. There are also many helpful volleyball books on the market, including those offered by
Human Kinetics. See the information in the back of this book or call (800) 7474457 for more information.
You'll also find it easier to provide good educational experiences for your players if you plan your practices. Unit 4 of this manual provides some guidelines for the
planning process.
Getting Help
Veteran coaches in your league are an especially good source of help for you. They have all experienced the same emotions and concerns you are facing, and their
advice can be invaluable as you work through your first season.
Page 7
You can get additional help by watching volleyball coaches in practices and games, attending workshops, reading volleyball publications, and studying instructional
videos. In addition to the American Sport Education Program (ASEP), USA Volleyball will assist you in obtaining more volleyball coaching information.
USA Volleyball
3595 E. Fountain Blvd., Suite I2
Colorado Springs, CO 809101740
(800) 2758782
Coaching volleyball is a rewarding experience. And your players will be rewarded if you learn all you can about coaching so you can be the best volleyball coach you
can be.
Page 9
Unit 2—
What Tools Do I Need as a Coach?
Page 10
Have you purchased the traditional coaching tools—things like whistles, coaching clothes, court shoes, and a clipboard? They'll help you coach, but to be a successful
coach you'll need five other tools that cannot be bought. These tools are available only through selfexamination and hard work; they're easy to remember with the
acronym COACH:
Comprehension of the rules, skills, and tactics of volleyball is required. It is essential that you understand the basic elements of the sport. To help you learn about the
game, units 6–8 describe rules, skills, and tactics and include a variety of drills to use in developing young players' skills.
To improve your comprehension of volleyball, take the following steps:
• Read units 6–8.
• Consider reading other volleyball coaching books, including those available from ASEP (see the back of this book for more information).
• Contact USA Volleyball at (800) 2758782 for information.
• Attend volleyball clinics and coaching clinics.
• Talk with other, more experienced, volleyball coaches.
• Observe local college, high school, and youth volleyball games.
• Watch volleyball matches on television.
In addition to having volleyball knowledge, you must implement proper training and safety methods so your players can participate with little risk of injury. Even then,
sport injuries will occur. And
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more often than not, you'll be the first person responding to your players' injuries, so be sure you understand the basic emergency care procedures described in unit 5.
Also, read in that unit how to handle more serious sport injury situations.
Outlook refers to your perspective and goals—what you are seeking as a coach. The most common coaching objectives are (a) to have fun, (b) to help players
develop their physical, mental, and social skills, and (c) to win. Thus your outlook involves the priorities you set, your planning, and your vision for the future.
To work successfully with children in a sport setting, you must have your priorities in order. In just what order do you rank the importance of fun, development, and
Answer the following questions to examine your objectives:
Which situation would make you most proud?
a. Knowing that each participant enjoyed playing volleyball.
b. Seeing that all players improved their volleyball skills.
c. Winning the league championship.
Which statement best reflects your thoughts about sport?
a. If isn't fun, don't do it.
b. Everyone should learn something every day.
c. Sports aren't fun if you don't win.
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How would you like your players to remember you?
a. As a coach who was fun to play for.
b. As a coach who provided a good base of fundamental skills.
c. As a coach who had a winning record.
Which would you most like to hear a parent of a child on your team say?
a. Billy really had a good time playing volleyball this year.
b. Susie learned some important lessons playing volleyball this year.
c. José played on the firstplace volleyball team this year.
Which of the following would be the most rewarding moment of your season?
a. Having your team want to continue playing, even after practice is over.
b. Seeing one of your players finally master the skill of setting for the hitter.
c. Winning an important match.
Look over your answers. If you most often selected "a" responses, then having fun is most important to you. A majority of "b" answers suggests that skill development
is what attracts you to coaching. And if "c" was your most frequent response, winning tops your list of coaching priorities.
Page 13
Most coaches say fun and development are more important, but when actually coaching, some coaches emphasize—indeed, overemphasize—winning. You, too, will
face situations that challenge you to keep winning in its proper perspective. During such moments, you'll have to choose between emphasizing your players'
development or winning. If your priorities are in order, your players' wellbeing will take precedence over your team's winloss record every time.
Take the following actions to better define your outlook:
1. Determine your priorities for the season.
2. Prepare for situations that challenge your priorities.
3. Set goals for yourself and your players that are consistent with those priorities.
4. Plan how you and your players can best attain those goals.
5. Review your goals frequently to be sure that you are staying on track.
It is particularly important for coaches to permit all young athletes to participate. Each youngster—male and female, small and tall, gifted and disabled, skilled and
unskilled—should have an opportunity to develop skills and have fun.
Remember that the challenge and joy of sport is experienced through striving to win, not through winning itself. Players who aren't allowed off the bench are denied the
opportunity to strive to win. And herein lies the irony: Coaches who allow all of their players to participate and develop skills will—in the end—come out on top.
ASEP has a motto that will help you keep your outlook focused on the best interest of the kids on your team. It summarizes in four words all you need to remember
when establishing your coaching priorities:
Athletes First
Winning Second
This motto recognizes that striving to win is an important, even vital, part of sport. But it emphatically states that no efforts in striving to win should be made at the
expense of the athletes' wellbeing, development, and enjoyment.
Page 14
Affection is another vital tool you will want to have in your coaching kit: a genuine concern for the young people you coach. It involves having a love for children, a
desire to share that love and your knowledge of volleyball with them, and the patience and understanding that allow each individual playing for you to grow from his or
her involvement in sport.
Successful coaches have a real concern for the health and welfare of their players. They care that each child on the team has an enjoyable and successful experience.
They recognize that there are similarities between young people's sport experiences and other activities in their lives, and they encourage their players to strive to learn
from all their experiences, to become wellrounded individuals. These coaches have a strong desire to work with children and be involved in their growth. And they
have the patience to work with those who are slower to learn or less capable of performing. If you have such qualities or are willing to work hard to develop them,
then you have the affection necessary to coach young athletes.
There are many ways to demonstrate your affection and patience, including these:
• Make an effort to get to know each player on your team.
• Treat each player as an individual.
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• Empathize with players trying to learn new and difficult volleyball skills.
• Treat players as you would like to be treated under similar circumstances.
• Be in control of your emotions.
• Show your enthusiasm for being involved with your team.
• Keep an upbeat and positive tone in all of your communications.
Some children appreciate a pat on the back or shoulder as a sign of your approval or affection. But be aware that not all players feel comfortable with being touched.
When this is the case, you need to respect their wishes.
Character is a word that adults use frequently in conversations about sport experiences and young people. If you haven't already, you may one day be asked to
explain whether you think sport builds good character. What will you say?
The fact that you have decided to coach young volleyball players probably means that you think participation in sport is important. But whether or not that
participation develops character in your players depends as much on you as it does on the sport itself. How can you build character in your players?
Youngsters learn by listening to what adults say. But they learn even more by watching the behavior of certain important individuals. As a coach, you are likely to be a
significant figure in the lives of your players. Will you be a good role model?
Having good character means modeling appropriate behaviors for sport and life. That means more than just saying the right things. What you say and what you do
must match. There is no place in coaching for the ''Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy. Challenge, support, encourage, and reward every child, and your players will
be more likely to accept, even celebrate, their differences. Be in control before, during, and after all games and practices. And don't be afraid to admit that you were
wrong. No one is perfect!
Many of us have been coached by someone who believes that criticizing players is a good way to build character. In reality, this
Page 16
approach damages children's selfesteem and teaches them that their value as a person is based on how they perform in sport. Unit 3 will help you communicate with
your players in a way that builds positive selfesteem and develops your athletes' skills.
Finally, take stock of your own attitudes about ethnic, gender, and other stereotypes. You are an individual coach, and it would be wrong for others to form beliefs
about you based on their personal attitudes about coaches in general. Similarly, you need to avoid making comments that support stereotypes of others. Let your
words and actions show your players that every individual matters, and you will be teaching them a valuable lesson about respecting and supporting individuals'
Consider the following steps to being a good role model:
• Take stock of your strengths and weaknesses.
• Build on your strengths.
• Set goals for yourself to improve upon those areas you would not like to see mimicked.
• If you slip up, apologize to your team and to yourself. You'll do better next time.
Page 17
Humor is an oftenoverlooked coaching tool. For our use it means having the ability to laugh at yourself and with your players during practices and games. Nothing
helps balance the tone of a serious, skilllearning session like a chuckle or two. And a sense of humor puts in perspective the many mistakes your young players will
make. So don't get upset over each miscue or respond negatively to erring players. Allow your players and yourself to enjoy the ups, and don't dwell on the downs.
Here are some tips for injecting humor into your practices:
• Make practices fun by including a variety of activities.
• Keep all players involved in drills and scrimmages.
• Consider laughter by your players a sign of enjoyment, not waning discipline.
• Smile!
Where Do You Stand?
To take stock of your "coaching tool kit," rank yourself on the three questions for each of the five coaching tools. Simply circle the number that best describes your
current status on each item.
Not at all Somewhat Very much so
1 2 3 4 5
1. Could you explain the rules of volleyball to other 1 2 3 4 5
parents without studying for a long time?
2. Do you know how to organize and conduct safe 1 2 3 4 5
volleyball practices?
3. Do you know how to provide first aid for most 1 2 3 4 5
common, minor sport injuries?
Comprehension Score:___
(table continued on next page)
Page 18
(table continued from previous page)
4. Do you place the interests of all children ahead of 1 2 3 4 5
winning when you coach?
5. Do you plan for every meeting and practice? 1 2 3 4 5
6. Do you have a vision of what you want your players 1 2 3 4 5
to be able to do by the end of the season?
Outlook Score:___
7. Do you enjoy working with children? 1 2 3 4 5
8. Are you patient with youngsters learning new skills 1 2 3 4 5
9. Are you able to show your players that you care? 1 2 3 4 5
Affection Score:___
10. Are your words and behaviors consistent with each 1 2 3 4 5
11. Are you a good model for your players? 1 2 3 4 5
12. Do you keep negative emotions under control 1 2 3 4 5
before, during, and after after matches and practices?
Character Score:___
13. Do you usually smile at your players? 1 2 3 4 5
14. Are your practices fun? 1 2 3 4 5
15. Are you able to laugh at your mistakes? 1 2 3 4 5
Humor Score:___
If you scored 9 or less on any of the coaching tools, be sure to reread those sections carefully. And even if you scored 15 on each tool, don't be complacent. Keep
learning! Then you'll be wellequipped with the tools you need to coach young athletes.
Page 19
Unit 3—
How Should I Communicate with My Players?
Page 20
Now you know the tools needed to COACH: Comprehension, Outlook, Affection, Character, and Humor. These are essentials for effective coaching; without them,
you'd have a difficult time getting started. But none of those tools will work if you don't know how to use them, with your athletes—and this requires skillful
communication. This unit examines what communication is and how you can become a more effective communicator and coach.
What's Involved in Communication?
Coaches often mistakenly believe that communication involves only instructing players to do something, but verbal commands are a very small part of the
communication process. More than half of what is communicated is nonverbal. So remember when you are coaching: Actions speak louder than words.
Communication in its simplest form involves two people: a sender and a receiver. The sender transmits the message verbally, through facial expression, and possibly
through body language. Once the message is sent, the receiver must assimilate it successfully. A receiver who fails to listen will miss parts, if not all, of the message.
How Can I Send More Effective Messages?
Young athletes often have little understanding of the rules and skills of volleyball and probably even less confidence in playing it. So they need accurate,
understandable, and supportive messages to help them along. That's why your verbal and nonverbal messages are so important.
Verbal Messages
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" isn't true. Spoken words can have a strong and longlasting effect. And coaches' words are
particularly influential because youngsters place great importance on what coaches say. Perhaps
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you, like many former youth sport participants, have a difficult time remembering much of anything you were told by your elementary school teachers but can still recall
several specific things your coaches at that level said to you. Such is the lasting effect of a coach's comments to a player.
Whether you are correcting misbehavior, teaching a player how to set the ball, or praising a player for good effort, there are a number of things you should consider
when sending a message verbally. They include the following:
Be positive and honest.
State it clearly and simply.
Say it loud enough, and say it again.
Be consistent.
Be Positive and Honest
Nothing turns people off like hearing someone nag all the time, and young athletes react similarly to a coach who gripes constantly. Kids particularly need
encouragement because they doubt their ability to perform in sport. So look for and tell your players what they did well.
But don't cover up poor or incorrect play with rosy words of praise. Kids know all too well when they've erred, and no cheerfully expressed cliché can undo their
mistakes. If you fail to acknowledge players' errors, your athletes will think you are a phony.
State It Clearly and Simply
Positive and honest messages are good, but only if expressed directly in words your players understand. "Beating around the bush" is ineffective and inefficient. And if
you ramble, your players will miss the point of your message and probably lose interest. Here are some tips for saying things clearly.
• Organize your thoughts before speaking to your athletes.
• Explain things thoroughly, but don't bore them with longwinded monologues.
• Use language your players can understand. However, avoid using slang vocabulary in an attempt to be hip.
Page 22
A good way to handle situations in which you have identified and must
correct improper technique is to serve your players a "compliment
1. Point out what the athlete did correctly.
2. Let the player know what was incorrect in the performance and
instruct him or her how to correct it.
3. Encourage the player by reemphasizing what he or she did well.
Say It Loud Enough, and Say It Again
A crowded gym filled with the sound of bouncing balls can hinder communication, so talk to your team in a voice that all members can hear and interpret. A crisp,
vigorous voice commands attention and respect; garbled and weak speech is tuned out. It's appropriate to soften your voice when speaking to a player individually
about a personal problem. But most of the time your messages will be for all your players to hear, so make sure they can! An enthusiastic voice also motivates players
and tells them you enjoy being their coach. A word of caution, however: Don't dominate the setting with a booming voice that distracts attention from players
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Sometimes what you say, even if stated loud and clear, won't sink in the first time. This may be particularly true with young athletes hearing words they don't
understand. To avoid boring repetition and yet still get your message across, say the same thing in a slightly different way. For instance, you might first tell your players
"Set the ball to the outside." Soon afterward, remind them "Put the ball in good position for the hitter." The second form of the message may get through to players
who missed it the first time around.
Be Consistent
People often say things in ways that imply a different message. For example, a touch of sarcasm added to the words "way to go" sends an entirely different message
than the words themselves suggest. It is essential that you avoid sending such mixed messages. Keep the tone of your voice consistent with the words you use. And
don't say something one day and contradict it the next; players will get their wires crossed.
Nonverbal Messages
Just as you should be consistent in the tone of voice and words you use, you should also keep your verbal and nonverbal message consistent. An extreme example of
failing to do this would be shaking
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your head, indicating disapproval, while at the same time telling a player "Nice try." Which is the player to believe, your gesture or your words?
Messages can be sent nonverbally in a number of ways. Facial expressions and body language are just two of the more obvious forms of nonverbal signals that can
help you when you coach.
Facial Expressions
The look on a person's face is the quickest clue to what he or she thinks or feels. Your players know this, so they will study your face, looking for any sign that will tell
them more than the words you say. Don't try to fool them by putting on a happy or blank "mask." They'll see through it, and you'll lose credibility.
Serious, stonefaced expressions are no help to kids who need cues as to how they are performing. They will just assume you're unhappy or disinterested. Don't be
afraid to smile. A smile from a coach can give a great boost to an unsure young athlete. Plus, a smile lets your players know that you are happy coaching them. But
don't overdo it, or your players won't be able to tell when you are genuinely pleased by something they've done or when you are just putting on a smiling face.
Body Language
What would your players think you were feeling if you came to practice slouched over, with head down and shoulders slumped? Tired? Bored? Unhappy? What
would they think you were feeling if you watched them during a game with your hands on your hips, your jaws clenched, and your face reddened? Upset with them?
Disgusted at an official? Mad at a fan? Probably some or all of these things would enter your players' minds. And none of these impressions is the kind you want your
players to have of you. That's why you should carry yourself in a pleasant, confident, and vigorous manner. Such a posture not only projects happiness with your
coaching role but also provides a good example for your young players, who may model your behavior.
Page 25
Physical contact can also be a very important use of body language. A handshake, a pat on the head, an arm around the shoulder, or even a big hug are effective ways
of showing approval, concern, affection, and joy to your players. Youngsters are especially in need of this type of nonverbal message. Keep within the obvious moral
and legal limits, but don't be reluctant to touch your players and send a message that can only truly be expressed in that way.
How Can I Improve My Receiving Skills?
Now, let's examine the other half of the communication process—receiving messages. Too often people are very good senders but very poor receivers of messages.
As a coach of young athletes, it is essential that you are able to fulfill both roles effectively.
The requirements for receiving messages are quite simple, but receiving skills are perhaps less satisfying and therefore underdeveloped compared to sending skills.
People seem to naturally enjoy hearing themselves talk more than others. But if you are willing to read about the keys to receiving messages and to make a strong
effort to use them with your players, you'll be surprised by what you've been missing.
Page 26
First, you must pay attention; you must want to hear what others have to communicate to you. That's not always easy when you're busy coaching and have many
things competing for your attention. But in onetoone or team meetings with players, you must really focus on what they are telling you, both verbally and nonverbally.
You'll be amazed at the little signals you pick up. Not only will such focused attention help you catch every word your players say, but you'll also notice your players'
moods and physical states, and you'll get an idea of their feelings toward you and other players on the team.
Listen CareFully
How we receive messages from others, perhaps more than anything else we do, demonstrates how much we care for the sender and what that person has to tell us. If
you care little for your players or have little regard for what they have to say, it will show in how you attend and listen to them. Check yourself. Do you find your mind
wandering to what you are going to do after practice while one of your players is talking to you? Do you frequently have to ask your players, ''What did you say?" If
so, you need to
Page 27
work on your receiving mechanics of attending and listening. But perhaps the most critical question you should ask yourself, if you find that you're missing the messages
your players send, is this: Do I care?
How Do I Put It All Together?
So far we've discussed separately the sending and receiving of messages. But we all know that senders and receivers switch roles several times during an interaction.
One person initiates a communication by sending a message to another person, who then receives the message. The receiver then switches roles and becomes the
sender by responding to the person who sent the initial message. These verbal and nonverbal responses are called feedback.
Your players will be looking to you for feedback all the time. They will want to know how you think they are performing, what you think of their ideas, and whether
their efforts please you. Obviously, you can respond in many different ways. How you respond will strongly affect your players. So let's take a look at a few general
types of feedback and examine their possible effects.
Page 28
Providing Instructions
With young players, much of your feedback will involve answering questions about how to play volleyball. Your instructive responses to these questions should include
both verbal and nonverbal feedback. Here are some suggestions for giving instructional feedback:
• Keep verbal instructions simple and concise.
• Use demonstrations to provide nonverbal instructional feedback (see unit 4).
• "Walk" players through the skill, or use a slowmotion demonstration if they are having trouble learning.
Correcting Errors
When your players perform incorrectly, you need to provide informative feedback to correct the error—and the sooner the better. And when do you correct errors,
keep in mind these two principles: Use negative criticism sparingly, and keep calm.
Use Negative Criticism Sparingly
Although you may need to punish players for horseplay or dangerous activities by scolding or removing them from activity temporarily, avoid reprimanding players for
performance errors. Admonishing players for honest mistakes makes them afraid to even try. Nothing ruins a youngster's enjoyment of a sport more than a coach who
harps on every miscue. So instead, correct your players by using the positive approach. Your players will enjoy playing more, and you'll enjoy coaching more.
Keep Calm
Don't fly off the handle when your players make mistakes. Remember, you're coaching young and inexperienced players, not pros. You'll
Page 29
therefore see more incorrect than correct technique, and you'll probably have more discipline problems than you expect. But throwing a tantrum over each error or
misbehavior will only inhibit your players or suggest to them the wrong kind of behavior to model. So let your players know that mistakes aren't the end of the world;
stay cool!
Giving Positive Feedback
Praising players when they have performed or behaved well is an effective way of getting them to repeat (or try to repeat) that behavior in the future. And positive
feedback for effort is an especially effective way to motivate youngsters to work on difficult skills. So rather than shouting and providing negative feedback to a player
who has made a mistake, try offering players a compliment sandwich, described on page 22.
Sometimes just the way you word feedback can make it more positive than negative. For example, instead of saying, "Don't hit the ball that way," you might say, "Hit
the ball this way." Then your players will be focusing on what to do instead of what not to do.
Page 30
Coaches, be positive!
Only a very small percentage of ASEPtrained coaches'
behaviors are negative.
You can give positive feedback verbally and nonverbally. Telling a player, especially in front of teammates, that he or she has performed well is a great way to boost
the confidence of a youngster. And a pat on the back or a handshake can be a very tangible way of communicating your recognition of a player's performance.
Who Else Do I Need to Communicate With?
Coaching involves not only sending and receiving messages and providing proper feedback to players, but also interacting with parents, fans, game officials, and
opposing coaches. If you don't communicate effectively with these groups of people, your coaching career will be unpleasant and shortlived. So try the following
suggestions for communicating with these groups.
Page 31
A player's parents need to be assured that their son or daughter is under the direction of a coach who is both knowledgeable about the sport and concerned about the
youngster's wellbeing. You can put their worries to rest by holding a preseason parent orientation meeting in which you describe your background and your approach
to coaching.
If parents contact you with a concern during the season, listen to them closely and try to offer positive responses. If you need to communicate with parents, catch them
after a practice, give them a phone call, or send a note through the mail. Messages sent to parents through children are too often lost, misinterpreted, or forgotten.
The stands probably won't be overflowing at your games, but that only means that you'll more easily hear the few fans who criticize your coaching. When you hear
something negative said about the job you're doing, don't respond. Keep calm, consider whether the message has any value, and if not, forget it. Acknowledging
critical, unwarranted comments from a fan during a game will only
Page 32
encourage others to voice their opinions. So put away your "rabbit ears" and communicate to fans, through your actions, that you are a confident, competent coach.
Prepare your players for fans' criticisms. Tell them it is you, not the spectators, to whom they should listen. If you notice that one of your players is rattled by a fan's
comment, reassure the player that your evaluation is more objective and favorable—and the one that counts.
Game Officials
How you communicate with officials will have a great influence on the way your players behave toward them. Therefore, you need to set an example. Greet officials
with a handshake, an introduction, and perhaps some casual conversation about the upcoming contest. Indicate your respect for them before, during, and after the
game. Don't make nasty remarks, shout, or use disrespectful body gestures. Your players will see you do it, and they'll get the idea that such behavior is appropriate.
Plus, if the official hears or sees you, the communication between the two of you will break down.
Opposing Coaches
Make an effort to visit with the coach of the opposing team before the match. Perhaps the two of you can work out a special arrangement for the game, such as
matching up players and coordinating substitutions. During the match, don't get into a personal feud with the opposing coach. Remember, it's the kids, not the coaches,
who are competing. And by getting along well with the opposing coach, you'll show your players that competition involves cooperation.
Page 33
• Summary Checklist
Now, check your coachcommunication skills by answering "Yes" or "No" to
the following questions.
Yes No
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, you may want to refer back to the section of the chapter where the topic was discussed. Now is the time to
address communication problems, not when you're coaching young athletes.
Page 35
Unit 4—
How Do I Get My Team Ready to Play?
Page 36
To coach volleyball, you must understand the basic rules, skills, and strategies of the sport. The second part of this book provides the basic information you'll need to
comprehend the sport.
But all the volleyball knowledge in the world will do you little good unless you present it effectively to your players. That's why this unit is so important. Here you will
learn the steps to take when teaching volleyball skills, as well as practical guidelines for planning your season and individual practices.
How Do I Teach Sport Skills?
Many people believe that the only qualification needed to coach is to have played the sport. It's helpful to have played, but there is much more to coaching
successfully. Even if you haven't played or watched volleyball, you can still learn to coach successfully with this IDEA:
I—Introduce the skill.
D—Demonstrate the skill.
E—Explain the skill.
A—Attend to players practicing the skill.
Introduce the Skill
Players, especially young and inexperienced ones, need to know what skill they are learning and why they are learning it. You should therefore take these three steps
every time you introduce a skill to your players:
1. Get your players' attention.
2. Name the skill.
3. Explain the importance of the skill.
Page 37
Get Your Players' Attention
Because youngsters are easily distracted, use some method to get their attention. Some coaches use interesting news items or stories. Others use jokes. And others
simply project enthusiasm that gets their players to listen. Whatever method you use, speak slightly above the normal volume and look your players in the eyes when
you speak.
Also, position players so they can see and hear you. Arrange the players in two or three evenly spaced rows, facing you and not some source of distraction. Then ask
if all can see and hear you before you begin.
Name the Skill
Although you might mention other common names for the skill, decide which one you'll use and stick with it. This will help avoid confusion and enhance communication
among your players. For example, choose either ''bump" or "dig" as the term for the forearm passing skill, and use it consistently.
Explain the Importance of the Skill
Although the importance of a skill may be apparent to you, your players may be less able to see how the skill will help them become better volleyball players. Offer
them a reason for learning the skill and describe how the skill relates to more advanced skills.
"The most difficult aspect of coaching is this: Coaches must
learn to let athletes learn. Sport skills should be taught so
they have meaning to the child, not just meaning to the
Rainer Mariens, ASEP Founder
Demonstrate the Skill
The demonstration step is the most important part of teaching sport skills to young players who may have never done anything closely
Page 38
resembling the skill. They need a picture, not just words. They need to see how the skill is performed.
If you are unable to perform the skill correctly, have an assistant coach, one of your players, or someone skilled in volleyball perform the demonstration. These tips will
help make your demonstrations more effective:
• Use correct form.
• Demonstrate the skill several times.
• Slow down the action, if possible, during one or two performances so players can see every movement involved in the skill.
• Perform the skill at different angles so your players can get a full perspective of it.
• Demonstrate the skill from both the right and left sides and each end of the court.
Explain the Skill
Players learn more effectively when they're given a brief explanation of the skill along with the demonstration. Use simple terms and, if possible, relate the skill to
previously learned skills. Ask your players whether they understand your description. A good technique is to ask the team to repeat your explanation. Ask questions
like "What are you going to do first?" "Then what?" Watch for looks of confusion or uncertainty and repeat your explanation and demonstration of
Coaches' Teaching Methods
Page 39
those points. If possible, use different words so that your players get a chance to try to understand from a different perspective.
Complex skills often are better understood when they are explained in more manageable parts. For instance, if you want to teach your players how to serve, you might
take the following steps:
1. Show them a correct performance of the entire skill and explain its function in volleyball.
2. Break down the skill and point out its component parts to your players.
3. Have players perform each of the component skills you have already taught them, such as preparation, toss, precontact movement, and contact.
4. After players have demonstrated their ability to perform the separate parts of the skill in sequence, reexplain the entire skill.
5. Have players practice the skill.
One caution: Young players have short attention spans, and a long demonstration or explanation of the skill will bore them. So spend no more than a few minutes
combined on the introduction, demonstration, and explanation phases. Then get the players active in attempts to perform the skill by playing some type of game. The
total IDEA should be completed in 10 minutes or less, followed by individual and group practice activities.
Attend to Players Practicing the Skill
If the skill you selected was within your players' capabilities and you have done an effective job of introducing, demonstrating, and explaining it, your players should be
ready to attempt the skill. Some players may need to be physically guided through the movements during their first few attempts. Walking unsure athletes through the
skill will help them gain confidence to perform it on their own.
Your teaching duties don't end when all your athletes have demonstrated that they understand how to perform the skill. In fact, a significant part of your teaching will
involve observing closely the hitandmiss trial performances of your players.
As you observe players' efforts in drills and activities, offer positive, corrective feedback in the form of the "compliment sandwich"
Page 40
described in unit 3. If a player performs the skill properly, acknowledge it and offer praise. Keep in mind that your feedback will have a great influence on your
players' motivation to practice and improve their performance.
Remember, too, that young players need individual instruction. So set aside a time before, during, or after practice to give individual help.
What Planning Do I Need to Do?
Beginning coaches often make the mistake of showing up for the first practice with no particular plan in mind. These coaches find that their practices are unorganized,
their players are frustrated and inattentive, and the amount and quality of their skill instruction is limited. Planning is essential to successful teaching and coaching. And it
doesn't begin on the way to practice!
Preseason Planning
Effective coaches begin planning well before the start of the season. Among the preseason measures that will make the season more enjoyable, successful, and safe for
you and your players are the following:
• Familiarize yourself with the sport organization you are involved in, especially its philosophy and goals regarding youth sport.
Page 41
• Examine the availability of facilities, equipment, instructional aids, and other materials needed for practices and matches.
• Find out what fundraising you and your players will be expected to do, and decide on the best way to meet your goals.
• Make arrangements for any team travel that will be required during the season. Consider clearance forms, supervision, transportation, equipment, contacting parents,
and safety.
• Check to see whether you have adequate liability insurance to cover you when one of your players is hurt (see unit 5). If you don't, get some.
• Establish your coaching priorities regarding having fun, developing players' skills, and winning.
• Select and meet with your assistant coaches to discuss the philosophy, goals, team rules, and plans for the season.
• Register players for the team. Have them complete a player information form and obtain medical clearance forms, if required.
• Institute an injuryprevention program for your players.
• Hold an orientation meeting to inform parents of your background, philosophy, goals, and instructional approach. Also, give a brief overview of volleyball rules,
terms, and strategies to familiarize parents or guardians with the sport.
You may be surprised at the number of things you should do even before the first practice. But if you address them during the preseason, the season will be much
more enjoyable and productive for you and your players.
Page 42
InSeason Planning
Your choice of activities during the season should be based on whether they will help your players develop physical and mental skills, knowledge of rules and game
tactics, sportsmanship, and love for the sport. All of these goals are important, but we'll focus on the skills and tactics of volleyball to give you an idea of how to
itemize your objectives.
Goal Setting
What you plan to do during the season must be reasonable for the maturity and skill levels of your players. In terms of volleyball skills and tactics, you should teach
young players the basics and move on to more complex activities only after the players have mastered these easier techniques and strategies.
To begin the season, your instructional goals might include the following:
• Players will be able to use proper footwork when moving to the ball.
• Players will be able to assume and recover to ready position.
• Players will be able to serve the ball to specific areas of the court using the underhand and overhand serves.
Page 43
• Players will be able to forearm pass correctly to the setter's position.
• Players will be able to correctly set to the hitter's position.
• Players will be able to attack the ball to specific areas of the court.
• Players will be able to execute the proper footwork and hand position for blocking an attack.
• Players will be able to use proper technique for digging an attacked ball.
• Players will demonstrate knowledge of basic offensive and defensive strategies.
• Players will demonstrate knowledge of volleyball playing rules.
• Players will be able to communicate effectively on the court with teammates.
After you've defined the skills and tactics you want your players to learn during the season, you can plan how to teach them to your players in practices. But be
flexible! If your players are having difficulty learning a skill or tactic, take some extra time until they get the hang of it—even if that means moving back your schedule.
After all, if your players are unable to perform the fundamental skills, they'll never execute the more complex skills you have scheduled for them, and they won't have
much fun trying.
Still, it helps to have a plan for progressing players through skills during the season. The 4week sample season plan in appendix B shows how to schedule your skill
instruction in an organized and progressive manner. If this is your first coaching experience, you may wish to follow the plan as it stands. If you have some previous
experience, you may want to modify the schedule to better fit the needs of your team.
The way you organize your season may also help your players to develop socially and psychologically. By giving your players responsibility for certain aspects of
practices—leading warmup and stretching activities are common examples—you help them develop selfesteem and take responsibility for themselves and the team.
As you plan your season, consider ways to provide your players with experiences that lead them to steadily improve these skills.
Page 44
What Makes Up a Good Practice?
A good instructional plan makes practice preparation much easier. Have players work on more important and less difficult goals in earlyseason practice sessions. And
see to it that players master basic skills before moving on to more advanced ones.
It is helpful to establish one goal for each practice, but try to include a variety of activities related to that goal. For example, although your primary objective might be
to improve players' setting skills, you should have them perform several different drills designed to enhance that single skill. To add more variety to your practices, vary
the order of the activities.
In general, we recommend that in each of your practices you do the following:
Warm up.
Practice previously taught skills.
Teach and practice new skills.
Practice under competitive conditions.
Cool down.
Warm Up
As you're checking the roster and announcing the performance goals for the practice, your players should be preparing their bodies for vigorous activity. A 5 to 10
minute period of easypaced activities, stretching, and calisthenics should be sufficient for youngsters to limber their muscles and reduce the risk of injury.
Practice Previously Taught Skills
Devote part of each practice to having players work on the fundamental skills they already know. But remember, kids like variety. Thus, you should organize and
modify drills so that everyone is involved and stays interested. Praise and encourage players when you notice improvement, and offer individual assistance to those
who need help.
Page 45
Teach and Practice New Skills
Gradually build on your players' existing skills by giving players something new to practice each session. The proper method for teaching sport skills is described on
pages 36–40. Refer to those pages if you have any questions about teaching new skills or if you want to evaluate your teaching approach periodically during the
Practice under Competitive Conditions
Competition among teammates during practices prepares players for actual games and informs young athletes about their abilities relative to their peers. Youngsters
also seem to have more fun in competitive activities.
You can create gamelike conditions by using competitive drills, modified games, and scrimmages (see units 7 and 8). However, consider the following guidelines
before introducing competition into your practices:
• All players should have an equal opportunity to participate.
• Match players by ability and physical maturity.
• Make sure that players can execute fundamental skills before they compete in groups.
Page 46
• Emphasize performing well, not winning, in every competition.
• Give players room to make mistakes by avoiding constant evaluation of their performances.
Cool Down
Each practice should wind down with a 5 to 10minute period of light exercise, including jogging, performance of simple skills, and some stretching. The cooldown
allows athletes' bodies to return to the resting state and avoid stiffness, and it affords you an opportunity to review the practice.
At the end of practice spend a few minutes with your players reviewing how well the session accomplished the goals you had set. Even if your evaluation is negative,
show optimism for future practices and send players off on an upbeat note.
Page 47
How Do I Put a Practice Together?
Simply knowing the six practice components is not enough. You must also be able to arrange those components into a logical progression and fit them into a time
schedule. Now, using your instructional goals as a guide for selecting what skills to have your players work on, try to plan several volleyball practices you might
conduct. The following example should help you get started.
Sample Practice Plan
Performance Objective. Players will be able to pass effectively and accurately
with both the forearm and overhead passes.
Component Time Activity or drill
Warm up 10 min Light running Calisthenics/stretching
Practice previously 15 min Practice tossing skills Toss and pass
taught skills to self
Teach 15 min Forearm and overhead passes to a
Practice 20 min Triangle Passing Drill FreeBall
Overhead Passing Drill
Scrimmage 15 min 3on3 modified scrimmage (points
awarded for each pass to the setter)
Cool down and 10 min Serving Stretching
Page 48
• Summary Checklist
During your volleyball season, check your planning and teaching skills
periodically. As you gain more coaching experience, you should be able to
answer ''Yes" to each of the following.
When you plan, do you remember to plan for
___ preseason events such as player registration, fundraising, travel,
liability protection, use of facilities, and parent orientation?
___ season goals such as the development of players' physical skills,
mental skills, sportsmanship, and enjoyment?
___ practice components such as warmup, practicing previously taught
skills, teaching and practicing new skills, practicing under gamelike
conditions, cooldown, and evaluation?
When you teach sport skills to your players, do you
___ arrange the players so all can see and hear?
___ introduce the skill clearly and explain its importance?
___ demonstrate the skill properly several times?
___ explain the skill simply and accurately?
___ attend closely to players practicing the skill?
___ offer corrective, positive feedback or praise after observing players'
attempts at the skill?
Page 49
Unit 5—
What about Safety?
Page 50
One of your players reacts quickly to the ball, diving to dig a spike hit toward the sideline. Incredibly, your player digs the ball to a teammate and saves the point. But just as you
turn to praise the gutsy play, you see that the player is still down on the court. She is clutching her elbow and seems to be in pain. What do you do?
No coach wants to see players get hurt. But injury remains a reality of sport participation; consequently, you must be prepared to provide first aid when injuries occur
and to protect yourself against unjustified lawsuits. Fortunately, there are many preventive measures coaches can institute to reduce the risk. This unit will describe how
you can
• create the safest possible environment for your players,
• provide emergency first aid to players when they get hurt, and
• protect yourself from injury liability.
How Do I Keep My Players from Getting Hurt?
Injuries may occur because of poor preventive measures. Part of your planning, described in unit 4, should include steps that give your players the best possible
chance for injuryfree participation. These steps include the following:
Preseason physical examination
Physical conditioning
Apparel and facilities inspection
Matching athletes by physical maturity and warning of inherent risks
Proper supervision and record keeping
Providing water breaks
Warmup and cooldown
Page 51
Preseason Physical Examination
In the absence of severe injury or ongoing illness, your players should have a physical examination every two years. If a player has a known complication, a physician's
consent should be obtained before participation is allowed. You should also have players' parents or guardians sign a participation agreement form and a release form
to allow their children to be treated in case of an emergency.
I hereby give my permission for __________ to participate in
__________ during the athletic season beginning in 199___. Further, I
authorize the school to provide emergency treatment of an injury to or
illness of my child if qualified medical personnel consider treatment
necessary and perform the treatment. This authorization is granted only if
I cannot be reached and a reasonable effort has been made to do so.
Date ___ Parent or guardian __________
Address __________ Phone ( )___
Family physician __________ Phone ( )___
Preexisting medical conditions (e.g., allergies or chronic illnesses) ___
Other(s) to also contact in case of emergency __________
Relationship to child __________ Phone ( )___
My child and I are aware that participating in __________ is a
potentially hazardous activity. I assume all risks associated with
participation in this sport, including but not limited to falls, contact with
other participants, the effects of the weather, traffic, and other reasonable
risk conditions associated with the sport. All such risks to my child are
known and understood by me.
I understand this informed consent form and agree to its conditions on
behalf of my child.
Child's signature __________ Date ___
Parent's signature __________ Date ___
Page 52
Increasingly, disordered eating and unhealthy dietary habits are affecting youth volleyball players. Let players and parents know the importance of healthy eating and
the dangers that can arise from efforts to lose weight too quickly. Young volleyball players need to supply their bodies with the extra energy they need to keep up with
the demands of practices and games. Ask your director about information that you can pass on to your players and their parents, and include a discussion of basic,
commonsense nutrition in your parent orientation meeting.
Physical Conditioning
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments unaccustomed to vigorous and longlasting physical activity are prone to injury. Therefore, prepare your athletes to withstand the
exertion of playing volleyball. An effective conditioning program for volleyball would involve running, lateral movement, and jumping activities.
Make conditioning drills and activities fun. Include a skill component, such as serving or passing, to prevent players from becoming bored or looking upon the activity
as work.
Keep in mind, too, that players on your team may respond differently to conditioning activities. Wideranging levels of fitness or natural ability might mean that an
activity that challenges one child is beyond another's ability to complete safely. The environment is another factor that may affect players' responses to activity. The
same workout that was effective on a cool morning might be hazardous to players on a hot, humid afternoon. Similarly, an activity children excel in at sea level might
present a risk at higher altitudes. An ideal conditioning program prepares players for the season's demands without neglecting physical and environmental factors that
affect their safety.
Apparel and Facilities Inspection
Another way to prevent injuries is to check the quality and fit of the clothes that your players wear. Slicksoled, poor fitting, or unlaced volleyball shoes; unstrapped
eyeglasses; and jewelry are dangerous on the volleyball court. Also, encourage players to
Page 53
carry their volleyball shoes to practice and game sites so that the soles of their shoes are free of mud and moisture.
Remember, also, to examine regularly the court on which your players practice and play. Wipe up wet spots, remove hazards, report conditions you cannot remedy,
and request maintenance as necessary. If unsafe conditions exist, either make adaptations to avoid risk to your players' safety or stop the practice or match until safe
conditions have been restored.
Matching Athletes by Physical Maturity and Warning of Inherent Risks
Children of the same age may differ in height and weight by up to 6 inches and 50 pounds. That's why in volleyball, where size provides such an advantage, it's
essential to match players against opponents of similar physical maturity and size. Such an approach gives smaller, less mature children a better chance to succeed and
avoid injury, and provides larger children with more of a challenge.
Matching helps protect you from certain liability concerns. But you also must warn players of the inherent risks involved in playing volleyball, because "failure to warn"
is one of the most successful arguments in lawsuits against coaches. So, thoroughly explain the inherent risks of volleyball and make sure each player knows,
understands, and appreciates those risks.
Page 54
The preseason parent orientation meeting is a good opportunity to explain the risks of the sport to parents and players. It is also a good occasion on which to have
both the players and their parents sign waivers releasing you from liability should an injury occur. (See a sample informed consent form on page 51). Such waivers do
not relieve you of responsibility for your players' wellbeing, but they are recommended by lawyers.
Proper Supervision and Record Keeping
With youngsters, your mere presence in the area of play is not enough; you must actively plan and direct team activities and closely observe and evaluate players'
participation. You're the watchdog responsible for the players' wellbeing. So if you notice a player limping or grimacing, give him or her a rest and examine the extent
of the injury.
As a coach, you're also required to enforce the rules of the sport, prohibit dangerous horseplay, and hold practices only under safe conditions. These specific
supervisory activities will make the play environment safer for your players and will help protect you from liability if a mishap does occur.
For further protection, keep records of your season plans, practice plans, and players' injuries. Season and practice plans come in handy when you need evidence that
players have been taught certain skills, and accurate, detailed accident report forms offer protection against unfounded lawsuits. Ask for these forms from the
organization to which you belong. And hold onto these records for several years so that an "old volleyball injury" of a former player doesn't come back to haunt you.
Providing Water Breaks
Encourage players to drink plenty of water before, during, and after practices and games. Because water makes up 45% to 65% of a youngster's body weight and
water weighs about a pound per pint, the loss of even a little bit of water can have severe consequences for the body's systems. And it doesn't have to be hot and
humid for players to become dehydrated. Nor do players have to feel thirsty; in fact, by the time they are aware of their thirst, they are long overdue for a drink.
Page 55
WarmUp and CoolDown
Although young bodies are generally very limber, they, too, can get tight from inactivity. Therefore, a warmup period of about 10 minutes before each practice is
strongly recommended. Warmup should address each muscle group and get the heart rate elevated in preparation for strenuous activity. Easy running followed by
stretching activities is a common sequence.
As practice is winding down, slow players' heart rates with easy jogging or walking. Then arrange for a 5 to 10minute period of easy stretching at the end of practice
to help players avoid stiff muscles and make them less tight before the next practice.
What if One of My Players Gets Hurt?
No matter how good and thorough your prevention program, injuries will occur. When injury does strike, chances are you will be the one in charge. The severity and
nature of the injury will determine how actively involved you'll be in treating the injury. But regardless of how seriously a player is hurt, it is your responsibility to know
what steps to take. So let's look at how you can provide basic emergency care to your injured athletes.
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Minor Injuries
Although no injury seems minor to the person experiencing it, most injuries are neither lifethreatening nor severe enough to restrict participation. When such injuries
occur, you can take an active role in their initial treatment.
You shouldn't let a fear of acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) stop you from helping a player. On the court you are
only at risk if you allow contaminated blood to come in contact
with an open wound, so the blood barrier that you wear will
protect you from AIDS should one of your players carry this
disease. Check with your director or ASEP for more information
about protecting yourself and your participants from AIDS.
Scrapes and Cuts
When one of your players has an open wound, the first thing you should do is to put on a pair of disposable surgical gloves or some other effective blood carrier. Then
follow these four steps:
1. Stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure with a clean dressing to the wound and elevating it. The player may be able to apply this pressure while you put on
your gloves. Do not remove the dressing if it becomes soaked with blood. Instead, place an additional dressing on top of the one already in place. If bleeding
continues, elevate the injured area above the heart and maintain pressure.
2. Cleanse the wound thoroughly once the bleeding is controlled. A good rinsing with a forceful stream of water, and perhaps light scrubbing with soap, will help
prevent infection.
3. Protect the wound with sterile gauze or a bandage. If the player continues to participate, apply protective padding over the injured area.
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4. Remove and dispose of gloves carefully to prevent you or anyone else from coming into contact with blood.
For bloody noses not associated with serious facial injury, have the athlete sit and lean slightly forward. Then pinch the player's nostrils shut. If the bleeding continues
after several minutes, or if the athlete has a history of nosebleeds, seek medical assistance.
Strains and Sprains
The physical demands of volleyball practices and games often result in injury to the muscles or tendons (strains), or to the ligaments (sprains). When your players suffer
minor strains or sprains, immediately apply the PRICE method of injury care.
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Bumps and Bruises
Inevitably, volleyball players make contact with the hard court surface. If the force of a body part at impact is great enough, a bump or bruise will result. Many players
continue playing with such sore spots, but if the bump or bruise is large and painful, you should act appropriately. Enact the PRICE method for injury care and monitor
the injury. If swelling, discoloration, and pain have lessened, the player may resume participation with protective padding; if not, the player should be examined by a
Serious Injuries
Head, neck, and back injuries; fractures; and injuries that cause a player to lose consciousness are among a class of injuries that you cannot and should not try to treat
yourself. But you should plan for what you'd do if such an injury occurs. And your plan should include the following guidelines for action:
• Obtain the phone number and ensure the availability of nearby emergency care units. Include this information as part of a written emergency plan before the season,
and have it with you at every practice and match.
• Assign an assistant coach or another adult the responsibility of knowing the location of the nearest phone and contacting emergency medical help upon your request.
• Ensure that emergency medical information, treatment, and transportation consent forms are available during every practice and match.
• Do not move the injured athlete.
• Calm the injured athlete and keep others away from him or her as much as possible.
• Evaluate whether the athlete's breathing is stopped or irregular, and if necessary, clear the airway with your fingers.
• Administer artificial respiration if breathing is stopped. Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), or have a trained individual administer CPR, if the athlete's
circulation has stopped.
• Remain with the athlete until medical personnel arrive.
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How Do I Protect Myself?
When one of your players is injured, naturally your first concern is his or her wellbeing. Your feelings for children, after all, are what made you decide to coach.
Unfortunately, there is something else that you must consider. Can you be held liable for the injury?
From a legal standpoint, a coach has nine duties to fulfill. We've discussed all but planning (see unit 4) in this unit:
1. Provide a safe environment.
2. Properly plan the activity.
3. Provide adequate and proper equipment.
4. Match or equate athletes.
5. Warn of inherent risks in the sport.
6. Supervise the activity closely.
7. Evaluate athletes for injury or incapacitation.
8. Know emergency procedures and first aid.
9. Keep adequate records.
In addition to fulfilling these nine legal duties, you should check your insurance coverage to make sure your policy will protect you from liability.
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Summary SelfTest
Now that you've read how to make your coaching experience safe for your players and yourself, test your knowledge of the material by answering these questions:
1. What are eight injuryprevention measures you can institute to try to keep your players from getting hurt?
2. What is the fourstep emergency care process for cuts?
3. What method of treatment is best for minor sprains and strains?
4. What steps can you take to manage serious injuries?
5. What are the nine legal duties of a coach?
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Unit 6—
What is Volleyball All About?
Page 62
Volleyball is an exciting game, mixing finesse with power. At all levels of competition, the game requires basic skills and teamwork. In most cases, you'll be the first
coach to teach your players the basic skills and strategies of the sport. In the remaining three units of Coaching Youth Volleyball, you'll learn the basic rules, court
layout, skills, and drills—as well as some helpful hints—for teaching your young athletes how to play this fast and exciting game.
You'll see that the rules and procedures of youth volleyball differ from those for the standard sixonsix game. Many of the same fundamentals apply, but youth
volleyball is designed specifically for kids to give them a successful introduction to the sport and to provide enjoyment. With a little training and a lot of enthusiasm, you
can help them enjoy volleyball this season and throughout their lives.
Coaching Youth Volleyball
Youth volleyball has its origins in minivolleyball, where kids play for fun and modify the rules to fit their needs. Your players will be looking for that same kind of fun in
the more structured setting of youth volleyball, so keep that in mind when you plan for the season.
A recent survey of 10 to 14yearold athletes showed that
more than 90 percent of them would like their sport just as much
if no score were kept at all!
Youth volleyball is a unique and effective way to teach volleyball to both young and adult beginners. It has all the components of sixonsix volleyball, but the game is
modified to better fit the skills of beginning players. Youth volleyball uses
• a smaller court,
• a lower net,
• lighter, larger balls, and
• two, three, or four players on a side.
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A smaller court helps you overcome a gym's space limitations. A gym with two regularsized volleyball courts has room for four youth courts, and as many as eight
teams could use this space very effectively. The court's dimensions can be modified to make the game suitable for all ages and skill levels.
By lowering the net, even small children can learn to spike and block. Kids—just like adults—love being able to perform these two exciting skills. The use of a larger,
lighter ball helps beginning players develop specific skills more readily. The ball stays in the air longer, allowing time for players to react and maintain rallies.
In youth volleyball, teams consist of two, three, or four players playing at a time, with substitutes rotating in from the sidelines. With smaller teams and continuous
substitutions all players get more playing time and more contacts with the ball. Therefore, youth volleyball enables kids to learn the game more quickly than they would
in the version for sixplayer teams.
Coaching youth sport is a great way to share your knowledge and enthusiasm for volleyball with kids. Don't be discouraged at the start—balls will be bouncing
everywhere, but that's part of learning! In youth volleyball, you break down the game into its basic components so beginners can learn while having fun. The modified
rules and court help players develop quickly, and the modifications enhance their motivation to improve skills. To prepare you for the challenge of teaching kids how to
play volleyball, read the rest of this guide and get ready to pass, set, and spike!
Approaches to Volleyball
Many approaches to volleyball exist, the variations primarily being in the playing surface and numbers of players per side. The most common forms of playing surfaces
are hard court (indoor and outdoor), grass, and beach. These playing surfaces make a game possible under virtually any condition, in any climate, and at any time of
day. We will explain the differences between each surface, giving an overview also of the benefits and disadvantages of each.
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HardCourt Volleyball
Hardcourt volleyball, whether in or outdoors, provides numerous opportunities to play. Whether in local YMCAs or churches, most recreation facilities are
equipped for hard surface volleyball. Hardcourt surfaces allow for the development of all the skills in volleyball, with the possible exception of such defensive skills as
diving, collapsing, or extension rolls to the ground.
Grass Volleyball
Grass volleyball is enjoying widespread popularity across the country. A level, grass surface—coupled with proper outdoor equipment—can provide a great site to
develop skills of volleyball and ensure lifelong enjoyment of the game. As in indoor and beach volleyball, grass volleyball allows optimal development of all skills.
Proponents of grass volleyball feel the learning of defensive movements like diving can best be learned outside on the grass where there is no cause to fear landing on
hard surfaces.
Beach Volleyball
Beach volleyball is gaining tremendous popularity. A great vehicle for the development of all skills, beach volleyball will likely enjoy continued popularity among all
people, whether beginners or beach professionals. Like grass volleyball, it offers a primary benefit over indoor play: the development of defensive skills. While some
beginning players hesitate to throw themselves to the floor on a hard surface (in or outdoors), players feel more secure in learning these skills on a sandy surface and
often welcome opportunities to try them out. Encourage and reward that attitude in your athletes.
Comparing Surfaces
Whether learning the individual skills of volleyball on the beach, grass, or indoors, repetition is the key to success. Getting the opportunity to respond in playing
situations will allow your novices to develop all skills, regardless of the surface. And there are several
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similarities among beach, hardcourt, and grass volleyball. The techniques for performing skills, such as passing and hitting, remain the same, whatever the court.
Athletes have to get used to the differences they feel on the various playing surfaces, yet develop the skills of the game. So players who develop the skills on one
surface still can enjoy continued success playing on other, less familiar surfaces.
Learning all skills efficiently, then, is an advantage common to all the playing surfaces. And in volleyball, regardless of where you play, the opportunity is available to
learn all basic skills of the game. Outdoor surfaces bring young volleyball players the added difficulty of weather conditions, an aspect not present in the indoor game.
Being unfamiliar with wind and sun conditions is an added difficulty to beginning players just learning basic skills, such as passing and hitting. A player who has learned
skills primarily in an indoor setting may feel less effective outdoors, when faced with additional weather elements.
You will find that hard indoor surfaces are most suitable for sixplayer games, whereas two, three, and fourplayer team games are the more popular versions on
outdoor surfaces. Because of the different movement requirements on softer court surfaces, like sand and grass, court sizes should be modified for beginners so they
can learn skills and enjoy the game more.
What are the Rules?
Modified rules help players at all levels enjoy games appropriate to their developmental needs. As you see in table 6.1, the court is smaller and the net is lower in
youth volleyball. Depending on your league's rules, your team may be playing with two to six players.
Court Dimensions
The standard sixonsix game is played by two teams on a court that measures 59 feet by 29.5 feet, so teams play on a court measuring about 30 feet by 30 feet. In
youth volleyball, typically, two threeplayer teams play on a court measuring 15 feet by 15 feet. You can use different court sizes, depending on your needs. By
modifying the regulation dimensions (see figure 6.1, a–c), you can easily set up a
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court for young players. In general, beginners will have more success on a short, wide court (see figure 6.1, a and b). Older, bigger, and taller players will enjoy
playing on a longer, wider court (see figure 6.1c).
Table 6.1
Volleyball Rules
Classification Youth (coed) Junior Adult
Age/year 6–8 8–10 10–12 12–18 18 and older
Court 12' x 12' 15' x 15' 20' x 20' 30' x 30' 30' x 30'
Net height 6'1'' 6'1" 7'41/8" 7'41/8" for women and boys
aged 12–14 7'115/8" for men
Number of 2 3 4 6
Figure 6.1
Three modifications of the standard court for youth volleyball.
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Here are some recommended court sizes.
• For four versus four—20 feet by 20 feet
• For three versus three—15 feet by 15 feet
• For two versus two—12 feet by 12 feet
Regardless of whether your team plays on grass, beach, or hardcourt surfaces, these court sizes are appropriate. The players' enjoyment of the game on all these
surfaces will increase because they can keep balls in play more. With a smaller court area to cover, they don't have far to go to make the next contact.
Court Markings
All lines marking the playing area on hard courts are two inches wide. Sporting goods stores and volleyball supply companies carry plastic tape especially made for
marking volleyball courts on gym floors. Court markings on grass and beach surfaces usually are made of rope, which marks the perimeter of the court. The ropes are
secured with stakes or other similar items that delineate the court while also maintaining the safety of the environment for the participants. Ensure that the stakes you
use can be placed in the ground without potentially tripping an athlete, which could lead to serious injury; follow the manufacturer's instructions! Balls landing on the
lines are in bounds in volleyball, so when marking court dimensions, measure from the outside of the lines.
Usually, for playing two versus two, three versus three, or four versus four you do not use the attack line because all the players, whether in the front or backcourt,
can attack the ball (see figure 6.1a). If your team is playing six versus six, however, it would use the attack line. Place the marking about 10 feet from the net on each
side of the court. It is not common to use the attack line on grass or beach surfaces.
Net Height
A net divides the court in half. You can vary its height to be appropriate to the skills you are teaching. A higher net makes players set and hit the ball higher and more
softly. For beginners, this creates a slowerpaced game, with more volleys and contacts for each player.
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Using a higher net in practices will give players more time to move and react to the ball. For youth games, the net is set between 6 feet 1 inch and 7 feet 41/8 inches,
depending on the participants' ages and the height of the tallest players. Regardless of the court surface, the average net height in youth volleyball is set at 6 feet 6
inches. See table 6.1 for net heights.
The most commonly used volleyball for all levels of volleyball, from youth to juniors to adults, is the size 5 (see table 6.2). For younger ages and even adult beginners,
USA Volleyball recommends a special lightweight, lowimpact ball. For youth on small courts you might also consider using an oversized ball. To teach skills and
vary the learning environment, you can also use balls with "elephant" or "alligator" skin covering, and even punch balloons, beach balls, or rubberbladder balls with
durable, thinfoam coatings. All these balls are widely available from volleyball outlets. Check with your league administrators to see what kind of ball they recommend
you use.
Table 6.2
Types of Volleyballs
Ball Type Size Weight Special Features Age Group
Standard #5 9–10 oz. Leather/synthetic 12 and older
Standard light #5 8.75 oz. Synthetic leather 10 and older
Oversized #6 9 oz. Synthetic leather 8–12 years
Foam over #5 and #6 Varies Foamcovered soft up to 10 years
rubber rubber ball
Foam #4 and #5 Varies Dense foam rough 6–8 years
Foam #4 and #5 Varies "Elephant skin" 6–8 years
Beach ball Varies Varies Plastic 6–8 years
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And to make the best possible choice in balls consider the environment you will be playing in.
Ideally, each player should have his or her own volleyball to make it easy to practice at home. This gives players a chance to become more familiar with the weight and
feel of the ball. Most sporting goods stores carry volleyballs in a variety of colors, weights, and sizes for indoor or outdoor use.
Player Equipment
Individual player equipment is inexpensive and, like volleyballs, fairly easy to obtain. Here's a list of what your players will need.
• Uniforms. Uniforms can be as simple as shorts and a Tshirt or a longsleeved shirt. Some players like the protection of long sleeves—although warmer, sleeves
ease the sting of the ball on the forearms. In beach volleyball, uniforms vary more widely. Swimsuits or athletic shorts and a shortsleeved or sleeveless shirt are
appropriate. For playing outside, consider the weather conditions as you choose appropriate clothing. If you have any questions about uniforms, check with your
• Shoes. A good shoe supports the arch and cushions the heel and ball of the foot. Volleyball or court shoes are fine for playing on hard courts. Running shoes aren't
good, however, because they don't give lateral support. Volleyball shoes should be comfortable and broken in before they're worn during intense activity. Some
players choose to wear shoes on grassy surfaces, while others prefer to play barefoot on the grass. Most beach players go barefoot or play with protective socks to
avoid heat exposure or burning from the sand.
• Knee pads. Knee pads are typically worn for games played on hard surfaces. The use of knee pads on the beach and grass is not prohibited, but it's not as popular
as on harder surfaces. Knee pads come in a variety of shapes and sizes, most of them made of foam or rubber covered with a soft elastic material. The pads should fit
snugly and be comfortable for long periods. Because knee pads are designed to protect the knees, they make it a lot easier for young athletes to tolerate hitting the
floor. If your local sporting goods store doesn't carry knee pads, you can order them through volleyball magazines or catalogs.
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Player court positions (six on six)
RB = Right back
MB = Middle back
LB = Left back
RF = Right front
MF = Middle front
LF = Left front
Player roles (six on six or three on three)
P = Passer
P1 = Primary passer
P2 = Second passer
S = Setter
A = Attacker
H = Hitter
B = Blocker
SR = Server
D = Digger
T = Tosser
C = Coverer
= Position of the ball
For example, in a sixonsix game, an LBP is a player in the leftback
position who is acting as a passer and an RFP/H is a player in the right
front position who is acting as a passer or hitter. In a threeonthree
game, players are more flexible in terms of the court positions they cover,
so we have just emphasized the roles they play. For example, a B player
is prepared to block and a B/D player is prepared to block or dig; both
players would move around the court as necessary.
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Playing the Game of Volleyball
Although youth volleyball is played with two, three, four, or six players on a side, the most common format is to have three players and at least two substitutes.
Nonstarter players will play just as much as the starters because everyone rotates in and out of the game, and no player specializes at any one position. Substitutions
are unlimited, and each player who enters the game plays through three rotations before coming to the bench for a rest. When you progress to four versus four or the
standard sixplayer game, there are limits on substitutions and how many times a player may enter the game. Encourage your league administrators to modify the
substitution rules in sixonsix competition and on various playing surfaces to accommodate young performers and give them the opportunity to play in a competitive
and fun environment.
Since the threeversusthree format is the most common in youth volleyball, we will focus on this format first. The basic concepts of the two, three, four, and sixa
side games are similar, so we'll present information only about the three and sixaside games. If you play two or fouraside, you can easily adapt the material.
In threeaside volleyball, the players position themselves so that one player is in the front half of the court (frontcourt) and the other two players split the back half
(backcourt). In sixaside volleyball, players are positioned similarly to cover the front and backcourt areas. Figure 6.2 shows the comparison between the basic
servereceive positions used to start a game in both sixonsix and threeonthree volleyball.
The game starts as one team serves the ball over the net to the opponent. The opposing team tries to receive the serve by using a forearm pass to a setter (first
contact), who sets to an attacker (second contact), who attempts to hit the ball into the opponent's court (third contact). Although it is not illegal for your players to hit
the ball over the net on the first or second contact, players learn that controlling the threehit combination allows their team to set the ball up for a more effective
attack. After the serve players may move to any court position they wish, and play continues until either the ball hits the floor or a player on either team makes an error
(i.e., hits the ball out of bounds or into the net). Players rotate one position clockwise when their team obtains the serve (except when they're receiving the serve for
the first time in a match).
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Figure 6.2
Servereceive positions for sixonsix and threeonthree volleyball.
In the standard sixplayer team game, play is initiated in the same manner as the threeonthree game. Players are not allowed the liberal movement on the court in the
sixaside game as they are in the threeaside game. In the sixversussix play, those in the back row can play any position there. Players in the front row can play
any position in the front. Whereas there is no backrow attacking rule in the threeversusthree game, there are rules governing back row and front row attacking in
the sixperson teams.
Any player in the back row can attack the ball as long as her or she jumps from behind the 10foot line (see figure 6.3). It is permissible to land in front of the 10foot
line after contacting the ball. Any player who jumps either on or in front of the 10foot line is in violation of the backrow attack rule. The opponent would receive a
point or side out, depending on who served the ball into play.
While moving to different positions in the front and back row is permissible, encourage your players to play all positions in both rows, so they develop a sense of how
to play in each position. Rotating in the sixaside game is quite simple. After getting the opportunity to serve, players from a team rotate clockwise one position and
commence play (see figure 6.4). It is important that youngsters are aware of whom they are playing next to, which makes it easier to remain in the correct rotational
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Figure 6.3
When attacking, backrow players must take off from somewhere in the shaded area (behind the 10foot line).
Figure 6.4
Rotational order for a sixaside game.
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Coaches should give everyone the opportunity to play; the substitutions are important to consider because they increase playing opportunities. In all forms of youth
volleyball, various ways to substitute allow the players plenty of chances to improve their skills. The most common method is to allow a team member who is out to
replace the person who has just rotated back to serve. This makes sense—the players understand when and whom to substitute, or go in, for. It virtually assures
everyone equal playing time. Make sure at the end of each game, whether during practice or in a league game, that the same people do not begin the next game. This
ensures equal playing time for all.
Another substitution method is to pair people in each position (two players are assigned to right back, two to left back, etc.) and split the game in half. If you're playing
to 15 points, players come in to substitute for the partner when one team has reached 8 points. Remember to give each player the opportunity to start the game and to
come in at the halfway point, so you ensure equal repetitions. Although winning is fun both for you and your athletes, it should take a back seat to everyone having the
chance to practice and play the game.
In the sixaside game, each team is allowed two timeouts per game. Timeouts last 30 seconds. While the substitution rules with the traditional sixplayer team
games are relatively strict, be willing to modify these rules to ensure each player gets the opportunity to participate. You might have unlimited team substitutions for a
team or individual or substitute for the player who is getting ready to serve, regardless of who that person is. Be sure to talk with your league administrators about the
substitution rules you will be using. These administrators usually will be flexible in establishing rules that benefit all players, with more opportunities for playing time.
Player Positions
Before explaining player positions, we want to emphasize the importance of the role you play in helping your young athletes learn all the positions. Beginners should
work on developing all the basic
Page 75
skills of volleyball without specializing in any one position. Many times, due to differences in physical, mental, or social maturity, young players are pushed into
specialized roles (the tallest players are taught only to block and hit; the shortest players are expected only to pass and set) only to later find that other roles are more
appropriate for them. All players must develop the fundamental skills of volleyball (serving, passing, setting, hitting, individual defense, and blocking) to play the game
effectively. Give your players the opportunity to enhance their skills in competition and their lifetime enjoyment of the sport by assuring they each play all the positions.
To make court positioning easy for novice players to understand, show them the three different court positions for receiving a serve in volleyball with threeplayer and
sixplayer teams (see figure 6.2). Since all players must be able to execute the basic skills of each position as they rotate and play each one, they will learn all aspects
of the game.
Unit 7 will help you teach the skills required in each of the youth volleyball positions. The next section will describe the primary and secondary skill assignments for
each position specific to youth volleyball, both in threeaside and sixaside volleyball.
ThreePlayer Volleyball Teams
Player A
Player A becomes a defensive player after initiating the serve. Player A is also one of the serve receivers in the back row. This player will become the secondary setter
if Player B (the primary setter) receives the first ball over the net. Player A is in the first contact position (see figure 6.5).
Player B
Player B is the primary setter on offense and the primary blocker on defense. This player becomes the secondary attacker if Player C (the primary attacker) makes the
second contact and must set for Player B. However, Player B should always strive to make the second contact (see figure 6.6).
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Figure 6.5
Primary responsibilities of Player A.
Figure 6.6
Primary responsibilities of Player B.
Page 77
Player C
Player C is the primary attacker on offense and primary digger on defense. This player will be the secondary digger or secondary setter if the served or attacked ball
goes to Player A or B. Player C will take most of the third contacts (see figure 6.7).
Figure 6.7
Primary responsibilities of Player C.
• A prepares to dig line attack
• B attempts to block
• C prepares to dig crosscourt
• A covers behind C in case attack is blocked
• B sets ball to C and covers for a blocked ball
• C attacks ball over or around blocker
SixPlayer Volleyball Teams
In the sixplayer formation (see figure 6.2 on page 72) each player has specific responsibilities. Their roles and primary responsibilities are described here.
RightBack and LeftBack Players
The rightback and leftback players will have primary servereceive responsibility. Following serve reception, these players become concerned with covering any ball
that might be blocked by the
Page 78
opponent. Assuming the ball crosses the net into the opponent's court and is kept in play by the opponent, they become defensive players.
The setter has primary responsibility for setting the second ball, allowing for an attack. The setter will primarily set to the leftfront and rightfront players. If the setter
is unable to set the ball due to an errant pass, he or she is responsible for calling for help so that another player still can give a set.
LeftFront and RightFront Players
The leftfront and rightfront players will be both the primary attackers on offense and important blockers on defense. They will be responsible for attacking the sets
given by the setter and blocking attacks from the opponents. They will have very little responsibility in serve reception, unless you choose to modify servereception
patterns to give them more responsibility.
Middle Blocker
The middle blocker will have primary defensive responsibility but not primary servereception responsibility. Once again, you may modify servereception patterns, if
you wish, to include the middle blocker in the servereception lineup.
As players develop their skills, they'll become comfortable playing anywhere on the court. Try to be patient and supportive as your players learn the skills they need to
play successfully in all positions. Young players need a solid base to gain confidence and enthusiasm for playing volleyball. As their coach, help them learn the skills
and positions well. They'll be glad you did.
Scoring Points
Various scoring methods are used in volleyball. Depending on the type of competition, your team will use different scoring formats to
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speed up the game, keep tournaments on schedule, and give as many teams as possible an opportunity to play. In all these scoring methods, the team that commits an
error (hitting the ball outofbounds, into the net, and so on) forfeits its opportunity to serve:
• Standardformat scoring. Games are played to 15 points, one point at a time. Only the serving team may score points, and a team must win by 2 points. A match
consists of one team winning two of three games. Use this format when only two teams are competing and time is not a concern.
• Rally scoring. A point is scored on every serve, no matter which team served. The team who wins the point gets to serve the next point. For example, Team A
serves the ball outofbounds; Team B gets the point and the next serve. This is a good format to use when time is limited. It is the only format in which the nonserving
team can score points.
• Timed games. In large threeversusthree tournaments or roundrobin competition, time is limited to keep the competition running smoothly. Depending on the
number of teams and courts available, 8 to 10minute games are typical times. Timed games may use standardformat or rally scoring.
Depending on the scoring system used, a team that commits one of the following errors usually is penalized by a point or side out (the serve goes to the opponent).
The referee starts and stops the action and makes final decisions on all playing rules. Some leagues modify the rules for young players, so be sure to check with your
league's administrators about whether these violations, or variations of them, will apply to your team:
• The ball hits the playing surface.
• The ball comes to rest (regardless of the skill being performed).
• The ball touches a player below the knee. (Note: This rule was recently modified. One modification considers illegal only intentional touches below the knee or
waist, rather than any touch, intentional or not. The least restrictive modification is to allow any contact, regardless of body part. In fact, the Federation of
Page 80
International Volleyball [FIVB], the international governing body for the sport, recently ruled that contact with any part of the body is legal. Be sure to ask your league
director which ruling your league will be using.)
• A player touches the net.
• A player's foot completely crosses the center line, going on the other team's court. If any part of a player's body above the waist touches the opponent's court, that
is also a violation.
• A player touches the ball twice in a row (consecutively). (An exception, however, is that in a block a player may block the spike and then contact the ball again
before another teammate contacts it.)
• A team contacts the ball more than three times consecutively (except when blocking; see preceding point).
• A ball lands outside the court or touches an object outside the court.
• A player steps on the line when serving.
• A player attacks or blocks the ball when it is completely on the opponent's side of the net and before it has been contacted by the opposing team. (An attacker may
contact the ball even if it is completely on the opponent's side of the net as long as the opposing team has made contact and as long as the attacker does not touch the
net while attacking or blocking the ball. An attack or block is also allowed if any part of the ball is on the attacker's side of the net and if the attacker does not touch
the net while contacting the ball.)
Most youth volleyball referees are volunteers, not professionals. As a volunteer, you surely understand and appreciate the difficult but important role referees play in
youth sport. We hope you will remember this volunteer spirit as you react to a referee's decisions during a match. How you react when you think a referee has made a
mistake is very important. Be a good role model for your players and their parents. If you think a rule was not properly enforced, raise the issue calmly or ask your
floor captain to speak to the official for a clarification. It is never appropriate to scream or berate a referee's character during a match.
Page 81
Remember, youth volleyball is for players to learn skills in a fun and motivating atmosphere. Do what you can to create this type of atmosphere as you coach and as
you work with referees. Your players and their parents will learn a lot about being good sports by emulating your coaching behavior.
Referees enforce the rules of the game and they make sure players participate within the spirit of the rules. Players or coaches who commit any of the following actions
may cause their team to be given an individual or team penalty:
• Making rude or vulgar remarks or gestures
• Engaging in disruptive or distracting behavior during the game from outside the court
• Yelling, shouting, or clapping at an opponent who is playing or attempting to play a ball
A referee may warn a coach or player (yellow card) about unsportsmanlike behavior. Referees may also penalize a coach or player (red card) by awarding the
opponent a point or side out for continued inappropriate behavior. Finally, a referee may eject a coach or player from the court for excessive misconduct. See
appendix C for a list of commonly used volleyball officiating signals.
If you would like more information on the game of volleyball or more specific rule interpretations, you can contact the following sources:
American Volleyball Coaches Association
1227 Lake Plaza Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 5767777
National Association of Girls and Women in Sports (NAGWS/AAHPERD)
1900 Association Dr.
Reston, VA 22091
(703) 4763481
National Federation of State High School Associations
11724 NW Plaza Circle, P.O. Box 20626
Kansas City, MO 641950626
(816) 4645400
USA Volleyball
3595 E. Fountain Blvd., Suite I2
Colorado Springs, CO 809101740
(800) 2758782
Page 83
Unit 7—
What Volleyball Skills and Drills Should I Teach?
Page 84
In unit 4 you learned how to teach skills and to plan practices. This unit introduces you to the basic skills of volleyball and provides innovative drills and teaching ideas
that will help you make this game come alive for your players.
Volleyball requires skills of mobility, balance, and jumping. This unit will help you guide beginners in developing these skills so they can enjoy playing at any level. We'll
emphasize these five primary volleyball skills:
Forearm passing
Overhead passing (setting)
With young, inexperienced players you'll have your work cut out for you. Emphasize proper mechanics, rather than outcomes, to give players a solid foundation on
which to build. As you'll see, many volleyball skills complement each other in the learning process. We'll present ideas to help this learning progress smoothly and to
add variety and fun to your practices. If you use these teaching tips, your players will learn the fundamentals while having a lot of fun.
How Do I Use Volleyball Drills Effectively?
Two simple coaching measures will improve the quality and effectiveness of your practices: teaching players to toss balls properly and to have success goals in mind
for every drill. Once players can toss the ball properly, you'll have more time to coach and instruct. Taking time to teach beginners how to toss will be some of the best
time ever spent. Helping players set goals for practices gives them something to strive for as they learn new skills. Players will be more motivated when they see the
increasing success they are achieving in drills.
Page 85
Tossing is an important, yet often overlooked, part of running effective drills. The skill looks easier than it actually is. Teaching players how to toss will take some time,
so be patient. Tossing the ball with no spin makes learning and performing other new skills much easier. Initially, you may have to do a lot of the tossing until your
players are able to toss for each other. But once players learn to toss, they can run their own drills under your supervision.
With your feet shoulderwidth apart, demonstrate a soft, twohanded toss from below the waist to a partner who catches it just above the head. Emphasize that there
is no spin on the ball and the toss is high and soft. Have each player practice this with a partner who is about 10 feet away. It will take a lot of practice for them to toss
softly and accurately, even to a partner who is stationary.
Setting Success Goals
Having fun is near the top of the goals list for most young volleyball players. And it should be a primary goal of yours as well.
But developing players' skills should be another major goal. You can support and monitor the improvement participants make by incorporating tangible measures of
success into your practice drills. Establish an objective for each drill. Every objective should be realistic for the players' ages and skill levels. Here are some examples
of goals a coach could set; you might select one of them to have your players achieve before rotating or moving on to another drill:
Jamie must hit 7 of 10 serves into the court before rotating.
Reggie will be able to set the ball to the target three times in a row.
A group of three must complete the pass, set, and spike sequence before rotating to the next drill station. The player who spikes the most balls into a specific area will have first
chance at the water fountain!
Players have more enjoyment and improvement when they have something to aim for. Give them appropriate challenges to achieve success in practices and games—
regardless of the score.
Page 86
Besides putting the ball in play, the serve can be an effective way for a team to score points quickly. A good server can provide the momentum to boost his or her
team to victory. Only the team that is serving (except in rally scoring) can score points. The server may choose to serve underhand or overhand. In youth volleyball,
the server usually learns the underhand serve first.
Underhand Serve
The underhand serve allows beginning players to put the ball in play. It is easier to control than the overhand serve because it doesn't involve a toss. Here are some
coaching points you should make as you introduce the skill.
1. Start with the weight on the back foot and the ball held in front of the
toe by the ''shelf" (nonhitting) hand (see figure 7.1a).
2. Keep the eyes focused on the ball until contact is made with the heel
of the hand. Transfer weight from the back to the front foot as the arm
swings to contact the ball (see figure 7.1b).
3. Drop the shelf hand and immediately hit the ball (see figure 7.1c).
4. Follow through with the hitting arm toward the top of the net. The
hitting arm and back leg should be in line with the followthrough (see
figure 7.1d).
Page 87
Figure 7.1
Fundamentals of underhand serving include (a) weight on the back foot, ball
in front in the shelf hand; (b) arm swing to contact the ball;
(c) drop the shelf hand and hit the ball; and (d) the followthrough.
Page 88
Underhand Serve Drill
Name. Underhand Serve Drill
Purpose. To teach the mechanics of the underhand serve
Organization. Organize your players by lining up half of them along one end line and half of them along the other end line. Give a ball to each player on one side, and
progress to the contact and followthrough as they aim to hit the serve. Repeat when each player on the other side has a ball.
Coaching Points. Ask the players if they hit the ball just as the shelf hand dropped. Also ask them if they transferred their weight through the serve.
Overhand Serve
The overhand serve is a bit more challenging for novice players because it requires being able to toss consistently. The overhand serve requires more coordination,
timing, and strength, so teach it to players only after they have mastered the underhand serve. Many young players will doubt their ability to serve over the net with the
overhand serve. A general test to see if they are indeed capable of serving over the net is to check if they can throw the ball over the net from the serving area. If they
can throw over the net, most likely they can also serve overhand. The overhand serve, when mastered, is more versatile as it allows for greater speed, power, and
control than the underhand serve.
Overhand Serve Toss
The toss is the key to a successful overhand serve. A ball tossed too high, too low, too far in front, or too far in back will cause the server to "chase" the toss and
move out of proper precontact alignment. Servers should think of the ball as an extension of the shelf hand reaching up (see figure 7.2). Tell players to "lift" the ball
above the shelf hand when
Figure 7.2
Overhand serve toss.
Page 89
that arm is fully extended. The toss should always be in front of the hitting shoulder. Let players practice the whole skill of serving—but have them focus on the toss
until it becomes consistent on each repetition. Here are some coaching points you should make as you introduce the skill.
1. The body is pointed at the target area, and the weight is back on the
opposite leg. The shelf hand holds the ball extended from the body at
shoulder level in front of the hitting arm (see figure 7.3a).
2. The elbow of the hitting arm is about at ear level and a ball's radius
away from the head of the server. The toss should be 12 to 18 inches
above the shelf hand in front of the hitting shoulder (see figure 7.3b).
3. Weight transfers forward as the shoulders and hips come through and
the player prepares to contact the ball (see figure 7.3c). Ask the players
if contact was made before the shoulder and hips had swung through.
4. The heel of the hand should contact the ball with the arm fully
extended and the wrist stiff (see figure 7.3d). The hand should contact
directly at the center of the ball.
5. The hitting arm should swing fast, which will generate a quick and fluid
motion with the server. Players who are having trouble serving over the
net will improve if they swing fast.
6. On the followthrough, the hitting arm should follow behind the hitting
side leg. The arm must not cross in front of the body after making contact
(see figure 7.3e).
Page 90
Figure 7.3
Fundamentals of overhand serving include (a) ball in the shelf hand,
(b) the ball toss 12 to 18 inches above the shelf hand in front of the hitting shoulder,
(c) shoulders and hips coming through, (d) heel of the contacting the ball, and
(e) followthrough, hitting arm swinging through to hittingside leg.
Page 91
Overhand Serve Drills
Name. Shift and Contact Drill
Purpose. To teach players how to shift their weight forward and contact the serve in the middle of the ball
Organization. Have players pair up and line up 10 feet away from each other. Give each pair one ball and have them serve back and forth to each other. As the
players serve, they should shift their weight and concentrate on preparing to make contact in the middle of the ball. Next, using the same format as they did in the
underhand serve drill, have them practice serving over the net, tossing and hitting their serves in the middle of the ball. The players should begin midway between the
attack line and end line, moving farther back as they become more proficient.
Coaching Points. Emphasize weight transfer and contact with the ball at the one o'clock position. Encourage low and consistent tosses off the hitting shoulder.
Error Detection and Correction for Overhand Serving
Players get frustrated when they cannot serve the ball into play
consistently. Usually the toss is the problem in the overhand serve.
ERROR: The toss is inconsistent, which makes for an unreliable and
uncontrolled serve.
CORRECTION 1. Check that the shelf hand is tossing the ball in front
of the hitting shoulder.
2. Have players practice tossing without hitting the ball—to help them
concentrate on tossing to the correct height (for the overhand serve, 12
to 18 inches from the shelf hand with the arm extended).
3. Make sure the server's feet are properly positioned.
4. The server should be making contact with the heel of the hand at the
one o'clock position.
5. Remind the servers to swing their hitting arm as fast as they can.
Page 92
Name. Picking Your Spot Drill
Purpose. To teach players how to control and direct their serves to specific areas on the court.
Organization. Players, each with a ball, line up on both sides of the net at midcourt, facing the net. The two groups take turns serving back and forth, serving to
specific target areas designated by the coach (see the suggestions under Coaching Points). As the players achieve their goal of hitting the target area, they move five
steps farther back toward the end line. As their skills develop, add other (towels or hoops) targets on the floor.
Coaching Points. Players should practice serving to the following areas on the court: short, deep, line, and cross (see figure 7.4). Your players may not be able to hit
the targets, but serving at something will help them focus and concentrate.
Figure 7.4
Picking Your Spot Drill.
Page 93
Forearm Passing
"Pass it over, Sterling!" "Great dig, Katie!" Whether it's used as a lastditch effort to save an errant pass from going out of bounds or as a diving dig for an opponent's
attack, the forearm pass helps make volleyball exciting. The forearm pass is for receiving serves and spikes, for digging balls that are no more than waisthigh, and for
playing any ball that has gone into the net. Any harddriven spike or serve should be received with the forearm pass. Gaining control of the ball and accurately passing
it to a teammate generates the offensive attack.
Beginning players usually feel comfortable contacting the ball off their forearms. Some will complain of a "sting" as the ball hits their arms. But as their technique
improves, they won't be hitting or swinging at the ball; they'll learn to soften and direct the pass.
Ready Position for Forearm Passing
All players must be able to pass a serve or dig a spike with the forearm pass. The forearm pass begins with a good ready position. From there, players can execute
the forearm pass and deliver the ball to the setter to begin the offense.
To learn the ready position for forearm passing, have your players stand with their feet shoulderwidth apart, toes turned in slightly, and the right foot just slightly ahead
of the left. As they bend at the waist and flex the knees, their weight should shift slightly forward onto the balls of the feet. Make sure that the head and shoulders are
only slightly in front of the knees, and the arms are relaxed and extended in front of the body at a 45degree angle. Have them keep the head up to follow the ball
while keeping the knees bent and their weight over the balls of the feet (see figure 7.5).
Figure 7.5
Ready position for forearm passing.
Page 94
Hand Position for the Forearm Pass
For the forearm pass, teach beginners to place their thumbs and palms facing close together. Figure 7.6 shows that when the thumbs and palms are together, an even
platform is established. In all variations of the forearm pass the hand position is important to ensure a flat surface with the forearms.
Figure 7.6
Hand position for the forearm pass.
Figure 7.7
Platform tilt.
Platform Tilt
The platform tilt allows players to direct their passes to a target (see figure 7.7). When unable to face the target squarely, players can "dip" the shoulders and tilt the
platform (the flat surface created by the forearms) to direct the ball accurately. The platform does not change (it remains flat), but the angle at which the ball hits and
rebounds off the platform is adjusted to make the pass possible.
1. Begin in a balanced ready position, with the arms relaxed but extended
away from the body at about 45 degrees (see figure 7.8a).
2. Join the hands to form a flat surface with the forearms. The key is
getting the thumbs together and pointed down toward the floor to form a
flat forearm platform (see figure 7.8b).
3. Prior to contact, flex the legs. After contact, the arms follow through
and direct the ball to the target (see figure 7.8c).
Page 95
Figure 7.8
Fundamentals of forearm passing include (a) arms relaxed and extended;
(b) thumbs together, pointed downward; and
(c) arms directing the ball to the target.
Error Detection and Correction
for Forearm Passing
Young players often have a hard time judging speed and distance on a
moving ball. They might overrun a ball or not even come close to making
ERROR: A player misjudges and contacts the ball with either the hands
or even the upper arms, instead of the forearms.
1. Watch carefully as the player contacts the ball. Emphasize moving the
feet first to get into a balanced position before contacting the ball.
2. The ball should contact the player above the wrist and below the
elbow. A player can overcome misjudging the ball by tilting the forearm
platform to deflect the ball toward the target.
3. Have the player establish a low position and extend the arms away
from the body when contacting the ball.
4. Check the player at contact with the ball. A player's swinging the arms
will cause the ball to rebound over the net or away from the target.
Page 96
Forearm Passing Drills
Name. Triangle Passing Drill
Purpose. To teach players to pass at angles and use good communication skills
Organization. The players form a triangle (see figure 7.9). Player 1 tosses to Player 2, who uses a forearm pass to Player 3. Player 3 catches the ball and tosses
back to Player 1, who uses a forearm pass to Player 2. The drill continues with the tosser saying, ''Pass," the passer calling, "Mine," and the catcher answering,
Figure 7.9
Triangle Passing Drill.
Coaching Points. Remind players who are passing to square their hips to the ball, not to the target. They should stay low and tilt their platform to direct the ball to
the target. Emphasize accuracy—meaning no catcher should have to move more than two steps.
Name. Hit the Setter Drill
Purpose. To teach players to forearmpass the ball to the setter
Page 97
Organization. The server (SR) tosses or serves the ball to the passer (P), who uses a forearm pass to the setter (S). The setter catches the ball and rolls it back to
the server's position (see figure 7.10). The group rotates after 10 to 15 repetitions or after a specified time period. If players can serve overhand consistently, let them.
Players having difficulty with serving overhand should toss overhand until they can serve consistently.
Figure 7.10
Hit the Setter Drill (one passer).
Coaching Points. Reinforce the concepts of a ready position, platform, and tilt. Emphasize good communication. A good pass should be higher than the net and
close enough to the setter that he or she can receive the ball with an overhead catch.
Variations. Using four players, the server (SR) tosses or serves underhand alternately to the two passers. The passers forearmpass to the setter (S) (see figure
7.11). The setter stands inside a hula hoop. Have the primary passer (P1) or second passer (P2) pass so the setter can catch the ball without moving outside the hoop.
Move the passers to different places on the court to help them learn how to "hit the setter" from different angles. The passer who is not receiving must turn and face the
passer receiving the ball and stay in the ready position, ready to hustle after an errant pass.
Page 98
Figure 7.11
Hit the Setter Drill (two passers).
Overhead Passing
The overhead pass is any pass contacted above the player's head. It may be used to play any ball that is moving high and slow (i.e., a free ball), to set up an attack
(usually referred to as a set), or to keep the ball in play when a forearm pass or attack is not possible. The bestknown overhead pass is the set, which is usually the
second contact made in setting up an attack. The person directing the attack is called the setter, and the contact by the setter is called a set. The setter, who can see
the entire court from the net, determines which hitter is in the best position for an attack. All players at one time or another—whether they play the setter or another
position—will use the overhead pass to play the ball.
Beginning players are sometimes afraid of overhead passing with a hard ball. Consider using softer, lighter balls initially to teach the correct hand position. This way
players won't worry about getting hit by the ball and can concentrate on learning the correct technique. As soon as they have gained some confidence, they can begin
using a regular volleyball.
Page 99
Ready Position for Overhead Passing
Teaching players to make an overhead pass from the correct ready position is the first part of developing successful overhead passing. Begin by having your players
stand facing the left side of the court with their feet shoulderwidth apart, the right foot slightly ahead of the left. The knees should be bent slightly, and the weight
should be on the balls of the feet. In this semicrouched position, the players will raise and cup their hands above the forehead, waiting for the ball (see figure 7.12).
Figure 7.12
Ready position for overhead passing.
Figure 7.13
Hand position for overhead passing.
Hand Position for Overhead Passing
Players should shape their hands like the volleyball itself, in front of the forehead and set to locate the ball through the "window" formed by the thumbs and forefingers.
The wrists are cocked back and the fingers are spread and relaxed, four to eight inches from the forehead, as if holding a volleyball (see figure 7.13).
Page 100
1. In the ready position for overhead passing, the feet are staggered (the
right foot slightly ahead of the left). The weight is on the balls of the feet.
The hands are shaped like the ball, above the forehead, locating the ball
(see figure 7.14a).
2. Contact the ball in the middle of the forehead (see figure 7.14b).
3. The pads of the fingers, not the palm, should contact the ball (see
figure 7.14c).
4. Whenever possible, players should square their shoulders to the target.
As contact is made, the player extends the arms and legs up (see figure
Figure 7.14
Fundamentals of overhead passing include (a) ready position,
(b) ball contacted as it is in line with the middle of the forehead,
(c) pads of the fingers contacting the ball, and
(d) the arms and legs extending at contact.
Page 101
Overhead Passing Drills
Name. Triangle Overhead Passing Drill
Purpose. To teach players the fundamentals of overhead passing
Organization. Arrange the players in sets of triangles (as in the forearm passing drills). Player 1 tosses to Player 2, who overheadpasses the ball to Player 3. Player
3 catches the ball and tosses to Player 1, who overheadpasses to Player 2. Player 2 catches the ball, and the drill continues. The tosser should say, "Pass," the passer
calls, "Mine," and the catcher responds, "Ready." Have the players complete five movements of the ball around the triangle, with the players who receive the ball
beating the ball into position, taking not more than two steps.
Coaching Points. Emphasize good, accurate tossing in this drill. A good overhead pass is more likely with a good toss or pass.
Variations. In the same arrangement, the players start with a toss and then overheadpass continuously, reversing direction on the coach's command. With four
players, each player overheadpasses, moves quickly to the next spot on the floor, reestablishes position, and prepares to overheadpass another ball (see figure
Figure 7.15
Triangle Overhead Passing Drill (fourplayer variation).
Page 102
The fourth player starts in the corner where the ball begins. As Player 1 tosses to Player 2, Player 1 follows the toss and steps into Player 2's spot as Player 2
overheadpasses to Player 3. Player 2 follows the pass to Player 3, and Player 3 then overheadpasses to where Player 4 has stepped in for Player 1. As your players
improve their skills, you may add a forearm pass to the second contact.
Name. FreeBall Overhead Passing Drill
Purpose. To develop the overhead passing skills to handle a free ball (first contact) and overhead passing (second contact) situation
Organization. The server (SR) begins by tossing the ball over the net to the passer (P), who passes to the setter (S). The setter sets the ball parallel to the net to the
passer, who moves up to within three feet of the net to catch the set and then rolls the ball back to the server (see figure 7.16).
Figure 7.16
FreeBall Overhead Passing Drill.
Coaching Points. The toss represents how a free ball (any easy, lofty return) would come back over the net. The passer and the
Page 103
setter work to make each other's tasks as easy as possible by using high, accurate passes and sets to each other.
Variations. Using the same setup, the passer forearmpasses to the setter, and the setter sets the ball parallel to the net to the passer. Move the passer to different
freeball receiving positions, and vary the angle at which the passer must pass to the setter.
Error Detection and Correction for Overhead Passing
Beginning players are sometimes afraid of injuring their fingers from
overhead passing. Using softer, lighter balls, beginners can learn the feel
of overhead passing on the hands.
ERROR: Players who are nervous about a hard contact use an
improper hand position for overhead passing.
CORRECTION 1. Begin teaching overhead passing with lighter balls
so these players are not afraid of contact.
2. Review the fundamentals of hand position; have the players toss and
pass back and forth with partners to get used to the feel of the volleyball
falling from above.
Pass, set, spike! Spiking a ball is one of the most thrilling plays—at all levels. Once your players have the skills to set up a teammate for an attack (spike), they will
enjoy the excitement that great team play generates.
The attack is a general term used to describe how the ball is played over the net. Spiking is the primary skill used to attack the ball, and it is usually the third contact
in the threecontact offense. A team that develops a strong attack will have opportunities to score points more readily.
Page 104
Ready Position for Hitting
The ready position for an attack approach is slightly different from other ready positions. The spiker must turn and run back several steps from the net to have room
for an approach to hit the ball explosively. The attacker should be standing in a relaxed position with arms comfortably at the sides. He or she should be at the side of
the court, about 8 to 12 feet back off the net, waiting for the set (see figure 7.17).
Figure 7.17
Ready position for the attack (hit).
1. The most common attack approach is a fourstep pattern. Left
handed players start step 1 with the left foot; righthanders begin with the
right foot. A player needs an explosive movement from step 2 to step 3
to set up the quick foot plant into the jump (see figure 7.18, ad).
2. The arms extend and swing straight back, as high as possible on the
third step. As the fourth (closure) step begins, the arms drive forward in a
full sweeping motion to help drive the player off the ground to attack the
ball (see figure 7.18, e and f).
Page 105
Figure 7.18
Fundamentals of the attack approach include (ad) fourstep approach footwork,
(e) arms swinging back on the third step, and
(f) arms coming forward, driving the player up off the ground.
Page 106
1. In contacting the ball, think of the arm as a whip end the hand as the
tip of that whip. The snap of the whip begins in the shoulder. The elbow
of the hitting hand should be drawn back, high and away from the
shoulder (see figure 7.19a).
2. As contact is made, the hand should be firm and open hitting the top
half of the ball with the pain. Contact the ball at the one to two o'clock
position (see figure 7.19b).
3. Follow through quickly. In the followthrough the arm should remain
on the same side of the body (not crossing over the body), finishing
behind the hitting side leg.
4. Remind your players that they will get a penalty for touching the net
with any part of the body.
Figure 7.19
Fundamentals of the attack contact include
(a) the elbow of the hitting hand drawn back and
(b) the open hand contacting the ball at the one o'clock position.
Page 107
There are different ways to attack the ball. Each can be effective in scoring points. Usually, the harder the ball is hit, the less time opponents have to dig the attack.
However, teams can use other types of attacks with great success to keep opponents off balance. These attacks are used in various game situations:
•Harddriven spike—A ball hit forcefully down into the opponent's court.
•Offspeed spike—A controlled placement of the ball to an open space. This attack is used when a block is present and the hitter can see that an open area around or
behind the block is not being defended. The attacker may take a full swing, but then let up and hit the ball softly to an open area.
•Down ball—An attack used from a standing position to place the ball into the opponent's court. A player who doesn't have time for an approach or jump can hit the
down ball.
•Tip—An openhanded placement of the ball made with the pads of the fingers. An attacker uses a tip when he or she sees an opportunity to place the ball in an open
area and is not able to swing fully. Remind players that they may not hold, grasp, or throw the ball when tipping.
Attack Drills
Name. ArmSwing Attack Drill
Purpose. To help players develop the proper arm swing and contact point for spiking
Organization. A player (who has learned how to toss) stands in the setter's position. The player tosses high sets to attackers who are 8 to 10 feet from the net, a
distance that isn't intimidating to the young players. The attackers approach and work on the mechanics of the approach and arm swing.
Coaching Points. Instruct players to concentrate on contacting the ball high (at the one o'clock position) and following through quickly. Emphasize getting the hitting
side elbow high (at shoulder height) and away from the body as they prepare to hit.
Page 108
Error Detection and Correction for Attacking
Timing is critical in attacking a set. Young players often forget the
approach, jump too soon or too late, and then have problems hitting
accurately when they get into the air.
ERROR: A player repeatedly hits the ball outofbounds or into the net.
The player seems to lack body control.
CORRECTION 1. The player must contact the ball at the peak of the
2. Check the approach and timing of the jump. Walk through the
approach with your player. Remind him or her to watch the set to be able
to judge when to approach for the hit.
3. Have each player show you her or his arm swing from a standing
position. Check that the elbow is away from the body and the palm of
the hand is making good, solid contact on the ball.
4. Emphasize speed over accuracy in the player's approach and arm
swing. A player who both approaches and swings quickly will feel
confident of learning the skill of attacking, even if the ball travels far out of
the playing area.
Name. Line Pepper Drill
Purpose. To develop the proper arm swing and contact point for an offspeed hit from a tossed or passed ball
Organization. Three players stand in a line. The middle one, a tosser (T), has a ball (see figure 7.20). The tosser begins by tossing a high, soft ball to an attacker (A),
then steps aside to allow the drill to continue. The attacker then makes a standing, offspeed hit across to the digger (D). The digger must dig (retrieve) the attacker's
spike and try to target the dig for the tosser, who reenters the drill to catch the dig from the digger. They then rotate positions.
Coaching Points. The tosser must toss the ball high enough for the attacker to hit. The attacker's hit must be accurate enough for the digger to dig the pass back to
the tosser. The catcher wants to be to the right of the digger, since this is the direction that most diggers will want to dig in a game.
Page 109
Figure 7.20
Line Pepper Drill.
Name. TwoPlayer Jumping Spike Drill
Purpose.To develop the players' abilities to attack the ball with an approach jump
Organization. Players form pairs; each pair should have a ball. From the overhead passing position, one player sets (from a toss) the ball about 15 feet high and 2 to
4 feet off the net. The partner, concentrating on timing and the approach, attacks the toss and hits it in the opposite court. Each player hits 10 spikes before rotating
positions with the partner.
Coaching Points. Emphasize using proper footwork and speed in the approach, exploding upward, and trying to hit the ball at the peak of the jump. You can make
this drill competitive by awarding a point for every harddriven spike into the court, no points for a tip, and subtracting a point for every ball hit into the net or outof
Name. Attack Recovery Drill
Purpose. To help players develop timing for the approach jump and to combine two skills in sequence (the pass and the spike)
Organization. Use two to four ball in each court. The server (SR) tosses or serves to the passer/attacker (P/A). The passer/attacker
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overheadpasses balls that are high and slow or forearmpasses balls that are low and fast to the setter (S). The setter sets balls that are high and slow or forearm
passes balls that are low and fast to the passer/attacker. The passer/attacker approaches the net and jumps to attack the ball into the opposite court (see figure 7.21).
The passer/attacker retrieves her or his own attack and moves to the serving position. The server becomes the setter and the setter moves to the passer/attacker
Coaching Points. If the timing of this drill is too difficult, have the passer/attacker perform a standing spike.
Figure 7.21
Attack Recovery Drill.
Good blocking involves ability in timing and in reading the offensive hitter's intentions. As you introduce blocking to your team, emphasize that every member, short or
tall, can play an effective role as a blocker. Although taller players have an advantage, shorter players also can block to deflect and slow down harddriven spikes.
The objective in blocking is to block a harddriven spike back into the opponent's court or to deflect it high into the air on the blocker's side of the court. Without the
block, an offensive team's spike very
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likely will earn a point or a side out. In youth volleyball with a smaller court and fewer players, blocking is limited to one blocker and some simple footwork.
Ready Position for Blocking
The ready position gets your players aligned to set a good block. Begin by teaching your players to stand facing the net with their hands held shoulderwidth apart at
head level. The hands should be open, with the fingers spread and the palms facing the net. The knees are slightly bent, and the weight is on the balls of the feet.
Players will move in this coiled position, ready to spring up to block an opponent's attack (see figure 7.22).
Figure 7.22
Ready position for blocking.
Hand Position for Blocking
As the blocker jumps to block, the hands should surround and smother the ball (see figure 7.23). The blocker's fingers are spread and angled to deflect the ball
toward the floor. The hands do not wave or flail at the ball. A blocker who is short, is a weak jumper, or is late jumping to block may perform a soft block (see figure
Figure 7.23
Hand position for blocking.
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Figure 7.24
Hand position for soft blocking.
The blocker's fingers are still spread, but the hands are angled backward toward the blocker's court. The soft block merely deflects the ball back into the blocker's
court to be played by teammates. The rules allow the blocker's team to make three more contacts if a soft block is deflected and playable.
Footwork for Blocking
A blocker moving along the net uses a stepclosestep footwork pattern to get into position across from the hitter. From the semicrouched, ready position for blocking
(see figure 7.25a), the player steps first with the leg closer to the direction in which she or he intends to move (see figure 7.25b). Next, the blocker closes the feet
together by pushing off the trailing foot. The feet do not cross. The player is now ready to explode up to block the attack (see figure 7.25c). This stepclosestep
footwork helps players control momentum and maintain balance as they block.
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Figure 7.25
Stepclosestep blocking footwork.
1. The blocker should face the net with legs slightly bent and with the
weight on the balls of the feet. Hands are open and relaxed, held in front
of the shoulders at headlevel (see figure 7.26a).
2. As the attacker goes up to hit, the blocker watches the hitter and
explodes up from the coiled position with both arms and hands extended
to block the ball back into the opponent's court (see figure 7.26b).
3. Emphasize that players should stay away from the net and off the
center line. Players should land on both feet and be ready to move in any
direction after blocking (see figure 7.2c).
4. In most cases, the blocker should jump after the attacker, since the
attacker must swing at the ball after jumping.
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Figure 7.26
Fundamentals of blocking include (a) the ready position,
(b) both arms and hands extending to block the ball, and
(c) the player landing on both feet, ready to move in any direction after blocking.
Drills for Blocking
Name. Slide Drill
Purpose. To reinforce proper lateral movement in a coiled position for blocking
Organization. Two players stand on chairs about 10 feet apart, each holding a volleyball just above net level. Each holds the ball on his or her own side of the net,
facing the net and the blocker. A third player, the blocker, jumps and blocks (makes contact with) the first volleyball, lands, and moves into a coiled ready position
(using the stepclosestep lateral footwork) to block the other volleyball being held. The player goes back and forth using the stepclosestep footwork and jumps to
block (contact) the balls being held by the players on the chairs.
Coaching Points. Make sure the blocking players move with their hands at head level, with their eyes on the imaginary hitter, and from a coiled position.
Variations. After the blocker lands from a block, have the players on the chairs toss a ball in a high arch to each other. Challenge the blocker to get to the spot
where the ball is being tossed before it is caught.
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Name. Player Versus Coach Blocking Drill
Purpose. To teach players what a harddriven spike feels like when blocking
Organization. The coach plays on one side of the net, and the team members on the other. With the net lowered so players can get their hands above it, the coach
tosses to herself and spikes the ball at the outstretched blocker's hands. Players earn a point for either blocking the ball back into the coach's court or making a soft
block back into the blocker's court. They lose a point if the ball goes outofbounds or into the net. Coaches should attack the ball with the same power as their
players would face in practice and competition.
Coaching Points. As the strength and skills of your players develop, use a higher net and have them jump to block the attack.
Error Detection and Correction for Blocking
Blockers often have a hard time keeping their hands firm and angled
properly. When a blocker's hands are not properly positioned, an
attacker will be able to hit balls off the block and out of play.
ERROR: Harddriven and offspeed attacks are deflecting off the
blocker and outofbounds.
CORRECTION 1. The blocker must keep his or her body parallel to
the net, with the hands extended above the net if possible, facing the
2. The blocker should turn the outside hand in toward the court so the
ball will rebound back into the attacker's court.
3. The blocker should keep the hands firm and strong, angled for a
deflection to rebound directly down (unless the blocker is executing a
soft block).
4. The blocker should jump after the attacker has jumped, which gives a
greater chance for the ball to be blocked.
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Name. Form Blocking Drill
Purpose. To develop the blocker's timing with the set and the attack
Organization. The Passer (P) tosses to the setter (S), who sets to the attacker (A) (see figure 7.27). Then the attacker approaches to spike. When the setter
contacts the ball, the blocker (B) moves to block the attack with a stepclosestep footwork pattern. The blocker moves back and forth with each toss to the setter.
The blocker gets 2 points for every block into the opponent's court and 1 point for every soft block back into the blocker's court. The blocker must get 5 points
before the players rotate positions.
Coaching Points. You may add a server on the blocker's side of the court to make the drill more gamelike. Make sure you don't rush beginning players into
variations while they're struggling with footwork and technique. Extra directions and variations will only frustrate them more.
Figure 7.27
Form Blocking Drill.
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Name. Triangle Blocking Game
Purpose. To help players develop timing for blocking the attack from various areas on the court
Organization. Two threeplayer teams are on opposite sides of the net (see figure 7.28). A server (SR) serves to either the passer (P) or to the passer/attacker
(P/A), who passes to the setter (S). The setter sets to the passer/attacker, who approaches and attacks the ball. The blocker (B) attempts to block the attack. The
attacking team earns a point by hitting a spike into the opponent's court. The blocking team earns a point for a soft block into its own court or a block back into the
opponent's court. If a ball is hit outofbounds by an attacker or is blocked into the net or out of play, the team loses a point. Play stops after each attack and block,
players rotate, and teams switch serving. The game is played to 7 or more points, depending on the players' abilities.
Coaching Points. A soft block is effective as long as the ball stays in play. Not all attacks can be blocked directly to the opponent's floor. A controlled soft block is
better than no block at all.
Figure 7.28
Triangle Blocking Game.
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Unit 8—
How Do I Get My Players to Play as a Team?
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Developing individual skills is important, but getting your players to work together and play as a team may be even more of a challenge. Do your players recognize
when to join together to block the opponent's attack? Do they try to combine the skills of the game (passing, setting, hitting, etc.) or do they just try to ''get it over"?
Helping players improve their individual skills is only the start. To develop team players, you must help them learn to also make good decisions on the court.
Good progressions in drills and practice games allow players to develop their team decisionmaking skills. These situations are competitive, yet not overwhelming.
Players learn team concepts best when the practice atmosphere is both fun and challenging. So don't rush players into competition too soon. They'll let you know
when they're ready.
In this unit, you'll learn how to work with your players in developing their team play. We'll explain how to use the skills described in unit 7 to build your team's
framework for competition. Remember TEAM as a password to making a cohesive team:
T—Tactics: working toward a common goal
E—Essentials: developing skills
A—Attitude: assisting teammates
M—Membership: helping each player feel like part of the team
What about the Team on Offense?
An accurate pass to the setter, a wellexecuted set, and a harddriven attack are keys to success in offensive volleyball. After passing the serve (or the opponent's
attack), the offense begins with a set to a hitter and an attack over the net. Teams that can control the ball through passing, setting, and hitting will reduce the number
of errors and have better chances to score points and maintain the serve.
But the offense can't start until the team plays solid defense and passes an opponent's serve or digs an opponent's spike. And serve reception and digging—two skills
of defensive transition—are
Page 121
essential to enabling the offense to develop. Later in this unit, we will cover defense and defensive transition skills. Before that discussion we will describe a team's
offense once the ball has been passed or dug up after the opponent's serve or attack.
Offensive Alignments
After your team has successfully received a serve or volley from the opponent, it assumes the offense. When your team takes the offense, its members will be working
to set up a wellplaced or harddriven spike back over the net. In the following sections you'll see how to align your team's offense to fit the type of defense it faces.
If the opponents are blocking your attack, your players should cover any possible tips or deflections. If no block is present, your offensive alignment will change to
prepare for the defensive transition. The next sections describe the player alignments (which work on any playing surface) for either situation: with or without a block.
Error Detection and Correction for Team Offense
Sometimes players are unsure of their positions on the court and don't
know who should play a ball hit between two players.
ERROR: Players stand around without communicating to each other
when a ball comes between them. Attacks or serves hit the floor, and the
players blame one another for not playing the ball.
1. Players should always be in a flexed ready position, prepared to go
after a ball hit in their direction.
2. Players who can play the ball while moving in the direction of the
target have priority in playing it.
3. Players should turn to watch their teammates hit the ball and should be
ready to play an errant pass.
4. Players should practice calling, "Mine" or "I" any time the ball is hit to
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ThreePlayer Offensive Alignments
Most youth volleyball games and practices will have three players on each side. Even if your team plays in a sixonsix league, practicing threeonthree will give your
players more opportunities for ball contact and skill learning. We will first discuss how to align your players for the offense in simpler situations of threeonthree and
then give the adjustments for the more traditional sixonsix games.
Offensive alignment without a blocker. Your team can take advantage of an opposing team that does not put a blocker up at the net, thus defending against the
opponent's immediate return. As figure 8.1 shows, the passer (P) first passes to the setter (S). The hitter (H) is in the hitting position, awaiting the setter's set. As the
hitter attempts to attack the set from the setter, the setter may step off the net and prepare for the opponent's return. After passing to the setter, the passer looks to see
if the hitter has a blocker and then prepares to assist in the event of the opponent's return when the hitter hits the offensive attack. If the hitter passes the first ball, the
setter will set, and the passer can assume the hitting role on the third (next) contact.
Figure 8.1
Threeonthree offensive alignment without a blocker.
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Offensive alignment with a blocker. With a blocker in place against your offensive alignment, you should make minor adjustments to provide coverage against a
block that may deflect back into your court. If your hitter (H) faces a blocker when going for the hit, the passer (P) and the setter (S) should move in closer to the
hitter to cover the ball that the opponent blocks (see figure 8.2).
Figure 8.2
Threeonthree offensive alignment with a blocker.
Players must learn to see if the other team has a blocker at the net. In coaching, emphasize the importance of team members communicating with one another as they
move into position and set the ball up for the hitter at the net. The teammates who are covering the hitter should be in a low and balanced position, ready to pursue the
ball in any direction. Although making the adjustment for a blocker at the net is not difficult, it is essential to an effective offense.
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SixPlayer Offensive Alignments
Offensive alignments in sixonsix volleyball are more complex because more players are on the court. Every one of these players must understand their personal
responsibilities on the court as well as what responsibilities their teammates hold. Figures 8.3a and 8.3b illustrate coverage positions for all six players. Emphasize to
your players that although these alignments are not always possible, they are desirable. If players cannot get to these positions (as shown in figures 8.3a and 8.3b),
they should stop as soon as the attacker makes the contact, and anticipate a ball deflecting off the opponent's block. The players closest to the attacker probably will
have the most opportunities to respond to a blocked ball, but the players who are farther away must also be ready for and alert to balls deflected deep into the court.
Offensive alignment without a blocker. If the opponent chooses not to block, the alignment for a sixplayer offense will be similar to the threeperson format.
Assuming the opponents dig the attack, the players with defensive responsibility can "cheat" their way back to their defensive positions with little threat of their
teammate's attack getting blocked. In the sixplayer game the setter will be played by the middlefront player, eliminating confusion as to who should set the attacker
and allowing the other players to focus on their individual areas of responsibility.
Offensive alignment with a blocker. Whether your opponents use one or two blockers, you'll need to adjust your strategy. The likelihood of your team's attack
getting blocked has increased, and all players should share the responsibility of covering the ball when the block occurs. Most balls are blocked in front of the 10foot
line, so your alignment should protect that immediate area around the attacker. If the leftfront attacker receives the set, the setter and left back will share equal
responsibility in picking up the ball blocked 10 feet or closer to the net. If the rightfront player receives the set, then the setter and right back will have primary
It is critical that all other players assume positions to protect the majority of the court, defending against balls that land elsewhere. A basic rule in covering the court is
that a backcourt defender should never be directly behind or beside a teammate. By following this rule, the court will be balanced in terms of defensive coverage.
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Figure 8.3
Sixonsix offensive alignment: (a) leftside attack and
(b) rightside attack.
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Offensive Skill Progressions
Leadup progressions give players chances to practice their skills in small but competitive doses. Your players will need some leadup drills to help them develop the
team concept. Beginninglevel volleyball skill progressions will give you some ideas for later practice games. These skill progressions work well with the youngest
volleyball players—ages five to eight. You'll find practice plans in appendix'B that you can modify to incorporate the leadup skill progressions appropriately into your
All progressions begin with a toss and catch, using familiar skills. After players fully understand the basic movements and sequence of three contacts, you can have
them use balloons and foam balls to develop their continuous volleying. Through these progressions your players can develop their
• agility and judgment in moving to the ball;
• correct positioning under the ball;
• understanding of rules, court positions, and player responsibilities; and
• experience in how a team plays together on offense.
Be creative in modifying these progressions to match your players' experience and abilities. If players are afraid to make contact with the ball in an overhead pass, for
example, let them practice with softer balls until they develop the skills and confidence they'll need for advanced progressions. Remember, helping your players learn
the basic skills is one of the most important things you'll be doing as their coach. They won't always be patient as you emphasize the basics. Most players would rather
"just play." By providing drills and leadup games for your players, they can enjoy playing plus have plenty of opportunities to improve their skills and knowledge of
The drills you'll find here are appropriate for both the threeonthree and sixonsix games. They simply break down the sixplayer team into smaller parts that younger
performers can understand. When you progress to sixplayer teams with your young players, be sure they recognize that they have already been playing this game for
a long time in groups of three. This will make them confident as they first play six versus six.
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BeginningLevel Volleyball Skill Progressions
Name. TossandSet Volleyball
Purpose. To help players judge and move to the ball
Organization. Have players get in groups of three, giving each group a ball. One player will toss the ball to the other player, who will set it to the target, who is the
third player. This player will then toss it back to the first player.
Coaching Points. Encourage players to anticipate where the ball is going and then move to that spot for the set before the ball gets there.
Variations. Instead of catching and tossing, have two passers communicate and overhead pass the last toss over the net. The tosser should toss away from the setter
who consequently will have to incorporate movement into the drill.
Offensive LeadUp Games
Leadup games allow players to experience what it is like to use their skills as a team while competing against another team. As players are learning skills, they need
time to practice and gain confidence in their abilities. Leadup games let players try out their new skills in a safe, nonthreatening environment.
Offensive LeadUp Games
Name. Ball Over the Line (Catch and Toss)
Purpose. To help players learn how to move to the ball and work as a team to generate an offensive attack
Organization. Set up three versus three on a youth volleyball court without a net. One player begins with an underhand toss over the center line (serve). The
receiving team communicates, deciding who will catch it; the player who does then tosses (passes) to a second teammate. The second team member moves to catch
the pass and then overheadtosses to the third teammate, who catches and tosses the ball into an open space on the opposite court (attack). If the ball hits the floor or
goes outofbounds, the opposite team gets a point (see rally scoring, p. 79), regardless of who started
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the toss (serve). Play for a set time or until a team accumulates a certain number of points.
Coaching Points. Encourage players to catch with two hands above their foreheads as they move under the toss and position their bodies to make a safe catch.
Each toss should be at least head high. Give positive feedback or points when players talk and call "Mine." Communication is a big part of playing team offense. This
game can be adapted for sixplayer teams, and it is a valuable way to teach youngsters movement and communication skills. Remind the players to keep the catch and
throw at game speed, to be as close as possible to a real game.
Name. Ball Over the Net (Catch and Toss)
Purpose. To help players learn about team offense without the pressure of performing all the skills
Organization. Set up for three versus three or four versus four on a youth volleyball court with a net 6 feet 1 inch high. Play begins with a toss over the net to the
opponent. The receiving team makes a twohanded, overhand catch. After catching the toss, the player extends, pushing the ball from his or her forehead to set to the
next teammate. On the third contact, the player may run or jump with the ball and attack, either throwing or hitting it over the net. Three contacts are required on each
side by at least two players before the team returns the ball over the net. A team can score only when it has made the first toss or serve and the opponents have made
a mistake (standard scoring). If the team tossing first makes an error (hitting the ball into the net or outofbounds), it doesn't lose any points, but the other team gets
the serve.
Coaching Points. Encourage players to hit or throw the ball into open areas of the court.
Name. Rotation LeadUp Game
Purpose. To encourage players to perform skillfully in the receiving, setting, and attacking positions
Organization. Set up for three versus three, four versus four, or six versus six on a youth volleyball court. One team begins by serving or tossing over the net. Each
team attempts to make three contacts on its side of the net (preferably, a pass, set, and spike).
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Play continues until the volley ends. Teams can rotate only after they have made three contacts. Each team earns a point when it makes three contacts on a side. If the
ball is returned over the net on an errant first or second contact, the game continues but no point is awarded. Teams alternate serving after each rotation or side out.
Coaching Points. Reinforce players in their efforts to achieve the threecontact offensive sequence (pass, set, hit). Even if their skills are still unpolished, they'll be
learning team concepts.
Name. Single Skills Game
Purpose. To emphasize the importance of single skills (passing, setting) within a team
Organization. Set up for three versus three or four versus four on a youth volleyball court. You'll want to avoid six on six with this game since the opportunities to
learn these individual skills decrease as you add more players. Teams play threecontact volleyball, using only one skill (a forearm or overhead pass) to play the ball.
For example, one team may use the overhead pass exclusively, while its opponent uses only the forearm pass. The coach indicates when it's time to change skills, or a
coach and assistant can stand at the end lines and flash signs to the opposite team showing what skills they are to use (see figure 8.4).
Figure 8.4
Single Skills Game.
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Coaching Points. Giving visual instructions helps players learn to talk and share information on the court. Remind players that they all have a responsibility to
communicate with one another.
Serving LeadUp
Although serving is an individual skill, when a player serves in a competitive situation, team support becomes very important. Serving puts pressure on a player to get
the ball into play so the team can continue performing. This unique pressure requires players to
• take time and concentrate when it's their turn to serve,
• accept that serving has an immediate impact on team spirit, and
• provide support when other servers are in the spotlight.
Serving LeadUp Game
Name. TwentyOne
Purpose. To give players an opportunity to practice serves in a teamoriented and gamelike situation
Organization. Use tape, rope, or hula hoops to mark targets in the locations identified in figure 8.5. Two teams of five to eight players line up on each end line facing
the court. Each player has a ball. When the coach says, ''Go," the first player in the serving area from each line serves. If the ball lands within a target, the server earns
3 points for his or her team. If the ball lands inside the court but outside of a target, the server earns 1 point for the team. If the player misses the serve (the ball goes
into the net or outofbounds), no points are scored. After each two players have served, they go to the end of their respective lines and the next pair of players in line
serves. The first team to score 21 points wins the game.
Coaching Points. Encourage your players to support and verbally reinforce one another when preparing to serve.
Variations. Change the location of targets so players get used to serving to different areas of the court.
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Figure 8.5
Building a Team Defense
Every time your team passes a serve or digs an attack, it is playing defense. Without good team defense (which includes digging and blocking coverage), your team
will not be able to execute an effective offense. When your players know the forearm pass, teaching them team defense is mostly a matter of positioning. You want to
put your players in the best position to counter whatever your opponent's offense is doing.
Being aware of the youngsters' playing tendencies can be helpful when you teach team defense. Most young attackers prefer to hit crosscourt rather than down the
line. Figure 8.6 shows what crosscourt and down the line mean. For example, an opponent's leftside attacker will hit crosscourt, meaning in most cases that the left
back player will be the most likely digger of the attack. If the opponent's rightside spiker is the attacker, the rightback player will probably become the digger. To
prepare your defensive positioning, therefore, you would align your diggers so they are prepared for the crosscourt attack. Young athletes will be confused as to what
position they are in (crosscourt or line), and you'll want to spend ample time defining it and reminding them about these defensive concepts for positioning.
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Figure 8.6
Hitting crosscourt versus hitting down the line.
ServeReceive Considerations
The most common servereceive alignments are the twoplayer serve receive and the threeplayer serve receive. Whichever alignment you use, many of the serves in
youth volleyball tend to drop between the passers. A good rule to determine who should pass the ball is this: The passer who can move toward the target and pass
should be the player who passes. A player who tries to receive a serve while moving away from the target will have difficulty controlling the pass and directing it to the
target. In figure 8.7, for example, the passer (P) should pass the serve instead of the hitter (H): The hitter would be moving away from the setter (S), the target, to play
the ball, whereas the passer will be moving forward and toward the setter.
TwoPlayer Serve Receive
If your opponent has a weak serving game (that is, few serves that are hard hits or difficult to pass), you can use the twoplayer serve receive. Many people consider
passing with only two people is not
Page 133
Figure 8.7
The player moving toward the target is the one who should pass the ball.
enough, especially with young players. The twoplayer serve receive, however, gives those two people responsibility for every serve that crosses the net. Passing with
more than two players, on the other hand, often leads to breakdowns in communication as more people try to simultaneously communicate their decisions.
In threeonthree volleyball, two players are positioned back in the court to receive the serve (passer [P] and passer/hitter [P/H]), while the third, the setter (S), is at
the net preparing to set the pass (see figure 8.8). The object for the passer and the passer/hitter is to pass the serve to the setter without causing the setter to move
very far. The better the passer and the passer/hitter become at passing, the easier it will be for the setter to set a good ball for the third contact. The setter is not
involved in receiving the serve in this twoplayer alignment. As long as the passer and the passer/hitter can handle the opposition's serves, the setter is in a very
favorable court position to set and initiate the offensive attack.
Figure 8.9 illustrates the placement of a twoperson serve receive in sixonsix volleyball. In most cases the leftback (LBP) and rightback (RBP) players will be
the two youngsters receiving serves, and they will be passing to the setter (MFS). Notice that the serve could still be played by the middleback player (MBC), but
the emphasis will be on the left and rightback players (LBP and RBP) passing the serves.
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Figure 8.8
Threeonthree twoplayer serve receive.
Figure 8.9
Sixonsix twoplayer serve receive.
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ThreePlayer Serve Receive
If your team is having difficulty receiving the serve (the ball goes erratically out of bounds or doesn't reach the setter), you can move players into a threeplayer serve
receive. This alignment puts three players in position to receive the serve. With one more passer involved, however, communication becomes even more important.
Lack of communication can quickly erase the advantages the threeplayer serve should provide. In most situations, the three players in the serve receive will have
comparable passing ability. Sometimes, however, one passer will be slightly better. In such an instance, give this passer more responsibility, having the player pass on a
greater area of the court. Just make sure the other passers are aware of this! Communication continues to be vital. Passers should always call "Ball," or "Mine," even
when it might seem obvious to the player pursuing the ball. Balls that are served between two passers require still more communication. The basic rule to follow when
the ball is served between two passers is this: The passer who can move into the seam and move in the direction of the target should take the ball. If your team
members learn to both recognize this kind of situation and communicate their intentions based on the directional principle, they will succeed in the threeplayer serve
To help decide whether to use a two, three, or fourperson serve receive consider these circumstances. First, if you have three comparable passers, use them. To
pass effectively with only two team members, you need skilled passers with aboveaverage abilities to move and anticipate action. Second, if you are coaching
beginners, brandnew to the game, opt for three players: They will get more opportunities to practice the skill of serve reception. Last, if the movement skills your
players have still are not developed, choose the threeperson serve receive—it will be more effective.
In threeonthree volleyball, three players can cover the court and defend the short serve (see figure 8.10a) or long serve (see figure 8.10b) more effectively. Figure
8.10a shows all three players close to the net, anticipating a short serve. The setter (S) is in position to receive a short serve in the middle, the hitter (H) at the short
line, and the passer (P) at the short crosscourt angle. In figure 8.10b, the setter moves to cover the crosscourt long serve. The hitter and the passer cover the long line
and the long middleserving angles. Since the setter is the least likely to receive the long serve (this angle is the most difficult for a server to hit), he or she is in the best
possible position to set the second ball from the hitter or the passer. If the setter receives the first contact, the passer or the hitter becomes the setter.
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Figure 8.10
Threeonthree threeplayer serve receive of (a) a short serve and
(b) a long serve.
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In sixonsix volleyball, the threeplayer serve receive is similar to the twoperson serve receive. Figure 8.11 shows that the middleback passer (MBP) is the third
person to be incorporated into the serve receive. In serve receptions, instruct the middleback passer to take responsibility for the deep serves.
Figure 8.11
Sixonsix threeplayer serve receive.
Teams who pass the serve consistently keep their opponents from scoring on the serve; they also generate their own offensive attack from the good team defense.
Defensive Alignments
Some teams depend on their hitters to make aggressive attacks that score points or side outs. Others prefer to mix up their attacks by hitting harddriven spikes
combined with offspeed hits or tips. As you coach, you should watch for times when it might be wise to adjust your team's defensive alignments to fit the type of
attacks the opponent is hitting. Defensively, you must decide your team's strategy based on how your players can best counter the opponent's
Page 138
strengths. As you now know, most attackers hit crosscourt. Unless you see opponents who can consistently hit more areas, assume that crosscourt hitting will
frequently occur.
In developing your strategies, you face two basic decisions. You must decide whether to block and whether to use a freeball alignment. Here are a few guidelines to
help you decide. Before you choose to use a block, make sure you have blockers who can get their wrists over the net. Players who can't extend over the net will not
be effective blockers. When you choose to incorporate a block, in effect you have decided that the opponents are capable of putting the ball down effectively.
Opponents whose teams have bigger athletes or youngsters who are especially skilled as passers and hitters probably can put the ball down effectively. Moreover,
choosing to block means you think you have players with the blocking ability to make significant contributions to your team's success.
Playing a defense without a block is often the better decision. If your players cannot get their wrists over the net consistently, blocking will not be effective. And
opponents who do not have skilled hitters probably do not warrant a blocking defense anyway. Furthermore, if your team is especially skilled at digging, you can
accentuate that ability by choosing not to block. In the end, deciding whether to block depends largely on the players you are working with: Determine what will be
best for your team's players.
A freeball alignment is best used when the opponent has little or no chance of putting the ball down on your defense. Free balls come over the net when the set is
misdirected to the attacker or not even attacked by the offensive team, and they usually come over high and soft. A player on your opponent's team who is returning
the ball with a forearm pass or set will not have a great likelihood of going to the floor on your side. The ball being returned is moving slowly and perhaps high, which
gives your players ample time to move into position to play the ball. We will explain this alignment later in more detail.
Defense with a Block
Use a blocker to defend teams with a strong hitting attack. Adding blocking to your team defense will challenge opponents to either hit over or hit around the block.
When blocking, either one or two players are at the net (blocking), and the other players are defending open spaces around the blocker.
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PowerSpike Alignment. When your team is playing threeonthree volleyball against a team with an aggressive (power spike) hitting attack, your blocking alignment
should focus primarily on stopping the power spike from crossing the net. As illustrated in figure 8.12, the setter (S) is at the net blocking, the hitter (H) covers the
short angle that is open around the block, and the passer (P) covers any ball hit down the line. Balls hit over the block (the setter) will have a high trajectory, allowing
time for the passer and the hitter to communicate and cover this area.
Figure 8.12
Threeonthree defensive alignment with a block
against a power spike.
When your team is playing sixonsix volleyball against a team with a powerspike attack, align your players as in figure 8.13. In this alignment for a power spike
coming from the opponent's left side, the middlefront (MFB) and rightfront (RFB) players will block. The leftfront (LFD) player should be near the 10foot line,
covering any short balls off the block. Position the middleback (MBD) player, who will be responsible for balls hit deep or off the block, on the baseline. The left
(LBD) and rightback (RBD) players should be about 18 feet from the net and close to their respective sidelines; their movements will be primarily forward.
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Figure 8.13
Sixonsix defensive alignment with a block against a power spike.
OffSpeed Hit Alignment. Opponents who ''read" (see) your block may use an offspeed hit to avoid it. An offspeed hit will not have maximal force, as it's a soft
hit placed to a part of the court with no defenders. The defensive alignment to use against the offspeed hit puts your players in position to dig this attack effectively. In
threeonthree volleyball, you would position the setter (S) at the net to attempt to block or deflect any type of offensive attack. The passer (P) moves in to cover the
offspeed hit or tip just behind the setter's block. The hitter (H) covers the backcourt area for any long offspeed hits or tips (see figure 8.14). Communication is
essential in this type of defense. Who will play the ball depends largely on where it is placed and who has the best angle to make the play. Watching the attacker is
usually the best way for the defense to know what to do. Players who have slow approaches or who have been blocked consistently will look to tip or offspeed hits
in hopes of scoring points or side outs. While the offspeed attack can be used as an effective offensive weapon, it more typically is used when attackers lack
confidence that they can attack the ball around the block.
Page 141
Figure 8.14
Threeonthree defensive alignment with a block
against an offspeed hit.
In sixonsix volleyball, the offspeed hit alignment is essentially the same as the powerspike alignment. The only difference between them is the position of the left
front digger (LFD). This player should assume more responsibility for digging the offspeed attack, since these attacks primarily are directed to the middle of the
court (see figure 8.15). Recognizing the offspeed attack is critical to defending against it! An opponent's attacker who approaches slowly or whose arm swings slowly
is likely to hit an offspeed shot. Players who have consistently been blocked also are likely to try an offspeed attack to avoid getting blocked again. Encourage your
players to pursue the offspeed attack on their feet and to try to stay off the ground.
Defense without a Block
Suppose you have decided, either because your players can't get their wrists over the net or because your opponents are hitting a lot of free balls, that you do not
need to use a block in your team defense. You have made a good decision, but now you must consider
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Figure 8.15
Sixonsix defensive alignment with a block against
an offspeed hit.
just where to position your players to defend against the attackers who, after all, do not have to hit around your block. Remembering that the attackers tend to hit
crosscourt, even if there is no block up, will help you determine where to place your defenders.
There are three different alignments you will need to teach your players when they're playing without a block: the freeball alignment, powerspike alignment, and off
speed hit alignment. These alignments correspond to and prepare your players to defend against the three varieties of offensive attacks.
FreeBall Alignment. Free balls are usually hit high, soft, and deep. A block will not be effective in defending a freeball attack. In threeonthree volleyball with no
block, all three players are free to help pass the ball. The hitter (H) moves back to cover the crosscourt angle (see figure 8.16). The passer (P) covers the middle of
the court, and the setter (S) backs off the net awaiting the pass from either the hitter or the passer to start the offensive attack. On a high, soft free ball, the hitter and
the passer should have sufficient time to get to the ball and make the defensive dig.
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Figure 8.16
Threeonthree freeball defensive alignment.
Error Detection and Correction for Defensive Alignments
When should a team block? How does a coach know when to change
the team's servereceive and defensive alignment?
ERROR: Players are frustrated in trying to dig a strong attack. The
blocker is not effective in slowing down or altering the attack. Your
nonblocking players are struggling to dig balls hit to them, and you can't
seem to stop your opponent's offense.
1. Change to a threeplayer serve receive and freeball defensive
alignment. This will put three players into position instead of two for the
pass or dig.
2. If your team has not thoroughly developed its blocking fundamentals,
the threeperson alignment gives players the best opportunity to cover the
court defensively.
Page 144
For sixonsix volleyball, you'll deploy your players in more of a spread arrangement for a freeball alignment (see figure 8.17). Instruct your leftfront (LFP/H) and
right front (RFP/H) players to pull off, or back from, the net to the 10foot line to play any free ball that starts to land in front of them. If the middlefront (MFS)
player is the setter, instruct the LFP/H and RFP/H players to stay on the net so that they can set the second ball. Any ball going deeper into their court should be
played by the backcourt players; they will balance the court, each being responsible for onethird of the area.
Figure 8.17
Sixonsix freeball defensive alignment.
PowerSpike Alignment. If your team is defending a power spike without a blocker in threeonthree volleyball, move your players back off the net in position to
cover the angles of the court. The hitter (H) will cover the crosscourt angle, the setter (S) the attack down the line, and the passer (P) the area between these two
angles (see figure 8.18). All three players should be in ready position to dig a harddriven spike.
With six players, the placement of the back row in a powerspike alignment is about the same without a blocker as with one (see figure 8.19). A primary difference
between these blocking situations, however, is the flexibility your defenders should have. Without a block, the back row players need more freedom in making
movements they
Page 145
Figure 8.18
Threeonthree powerspike defensive alignment without a block.
Figure 8.19
Sixonsix powerspike defensive alignment without a block.
Page 146
think will effectively dig the opponent's attack. Be sure to set parameters for each backrow defender, however, so no confusion arises between defenders as to who
should dig a particular ball.
The placement of the front row also becomes important to consider, since these players will not be blocking. In figure 8.19, notice that the two frontrow players
closer to the point of attack (MFD and RFD) will pull off the net 5 to 6 feet to defend against offspeed attacks. The blocker farthest from the point of attack (LF
D) in essense becomes a backrow defender. Having the middle and rightfront players responsible for offspeed attacks frees the backrow defenders to
concentrate on any harddriven spikes that go deep into their court.
OffSpeed Hit Alignment. To defend an offspeed hit or tip without a blocker at the net, players move in closer to the net to pick up short, soft hits. With three
players, the hitter (H) covers the crosscourt angle, the setter (S) covers the short court (near the net), and the passer (P) plays the deep court (see figure 8.20).
Figure 8.20
Threeonthree offspeed defensive alignment without a block.
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Opponents sometimes use the offspeed hit to throw the defensive team off balance. Remind your players to talk and call for the ball in making the first dig. In sixon
six volleyball, the offspeed and powerspike alignments are similar except that the leftfront digger (LFD) comes in 3 to 4 feet from the sideline (see figure 8.21). A
good front row can see and dig the offspeed attack, and this is what you should hope to help your young players learn. Encourage the backrow defenders to take
responsibility for any offspeed attacks that fall between the front and back rows. A digger who is moving forward toward the ball has a better chance at making a
wellplaced dig.
Figure 8.21
Sixonsix offspeed hit defensive alignment without a block.
Offensive and Defensive Transition
How quick and balanced your team is as it moves between defense and offense is called transition. Preparing your team to execute offensively and defensively is part
of good strategy training your players to make effective transitions will enhance their success still
Page 148
further. Figure 8.22 illustrates how a transition in threeonthree volleyball might work. This sequence applies as well to two, four, and sixplayer volleyball teams.
The ball is put in play with the serve (1). The opposing team must pass the serve (2), set (3), and attack (4) offensively. The defensive team may block (5) and/or dig
(6) the attack and then begin its offense. Playing the team's defense (blocking and digging) and controlling the serve or offensive attack all start the transition to team
offense. Recovery is the key word in describing volleyball transitions. The quicker a team can recover from an opponent's attack and reassure its control of the ball,
the quicker it can set up its offensive attack.
Figure 8.22
Offensive and defensive transition.
Developing a quick recovery in transition helps players adjust to a variety of attacks (the power spike, offspeed, or free ball), and the participants learn how to move
from the pass into offensive patterns. Teach the concept of transition as you review the servereceive and defensive alignments in the following drills.
Transition Drills
Name. Transition Recognition Drill
Purpose. To teach players how to react to different offensive attacks and execute the proper defense
Page 149
Organization. Divide the group into several threeplayer teams. Set the first team in a two or threeplayer servereceive alignment (see "ServeReceive
Considerations" earlier in this unit). After aligning the players, toss or hit the ball over the net. Teams must pass the toss or serve (play defense) and move to set and
attack the ball (transition into team offense). According to your players' abilities and ages, you can begin calling out various defensive alignments as they move to
defend the attack. For example, you might yell "Free ball" or "Power spike with one blocker." The players quickly move to their proper defensive positions and
attempt to defend the coach's serve or attack. Keep score by awarding a point for a proper alignment and a point for each contact (three contacts maximum for each
side). Once your players get comfortable with this drill, add players to incorporate appropriate movements for six on six. Trying to do this drill right away with six on
six will cause you and your players confusion—start with three on three!
Coaching Points. Initially, the coach will need to help each team set up for the different alignments and will have to answer questions. Your players will be much
better off if you take the time to help them understand why they are moving to different positions for each situation. As their understanding develops, move the drill
along quickly and insist that each team hustle into the court and listen for its defensive alignment.
Name. Champs of the Court Drill
Purpose. To help teams adjust to different offensive attacks and practice their defensivetooffensive transition patterns.
Organization. Divide players into two, three, four, or sixplayer teams and start with two teams on the court on opposite sides of the net (see figure 8.23). The
champs' side serves, and the other sets up in servereceive alignment (two or three players). The volley is played out; the team that wins the volley obtains the serve
and stays on the court. The team that didn't score leaves the court, and it is replaced by another threeplayer team. Points may be scored only by the team on the point
side of the court. If the challenging team wins the next volley, it moves to the point side (the champs' side) of the court and gets a point for every volley it wins. Teams
rotate off and wait for their next turn to play. Play to 15 points.
Page 150
Figure 8.23
Champs of the Court Drill.
Coaching Points. Teams struggling with serve receive can change from a twoplayer to a threeplayer alignment. In a game situation, a coach would make this
decision. In this drill, the players learn to communicate and make decisions about team play on their own.
Putting It All Together
This guide has introduced you to an innovative and refreshing approach to volleyball for beginning players. The skills, drills, and strategies you've read about are
relatively simple and readily taught to eager learners.
We hope that you, too, will be an eager learner. As you gain experience in coaching, keep your players' welfare as your top priority. Be upbeat, keep things fun, and
be patient. A good teacher and coach does all these things. Your new role has many responsibilities, but we're confident that after reading Coaching Youth
Volleyball, you've well on your way to becoming a good coach!
Page 151
Take the Next Step!
The Coaching Accreditation Program (CAP) represents an educational commitment by USA Volleyball, volleyball's national governing body. CAP provides ongoing
education for coaches in an effort to advance the sport of volleyball. Coaches create valuable experiences for all those people who enjoy volleyball. USA Volleyball
wants to thank you for volunteering to coach your volleyball team and for caring enough to learn how to be a better coach.
This next step is yours: Consider the CAP program, which is designed to unravel some of the mysteries you will encounter daily as a volleyball coach. You can easily
learn the answers to many of these mysteries from this book—and everything in this book works! A highly recommended complement to Coaching Youth Volleyball
is available in USA Volleyball's IMPACT Manual. It provides you with material on volleyball resources, drill development, and the many other resources that USA
Volleyball has to offer you. As you do more coaching and receive the rewards that come with it, you will want to know even more to help you comfortably handle the
new situations coming your way. This is why USA Volleyball created CAP.
CAP courses are offered throughout the country yearround. Level I and II courses are stepbystep, indepth opportunities to learn skill training and game strategies.
Following each course, coaches complete additional home study and testing. Personal feedback is an important ingredient of our learning process. With perseverance
and study, everyone succeeds!
Finishing the CAP process extends more volleyball benefits to you. Contemporary coaching concepts and ideas from CAP publications and resources keep you up to
date on this dynamic game. In addition, CAP involvement can introduce you to the myriad of multimedia resources available through Volleyball Informational Products
(VIP), a joint venture between USA Volleyball and the American Volleyball Coaches Association. VIP provides a number of excellent publications and videos that
aid you in your efforts to become the most knowledgeable and skilled coach possible.
Ultimately, the CAP program helps you expand your expertise and experience as a coach. Coaching your volleyball team with confidence will help you meet the
challenges of this great, universal game. The players will be eager to have you as their coach!
Page 152
To learn more about the next step for you, please write or call
USA Volleyball
Educational Development
3595 E. Fountain Blvd., Suite I2
Colorado Springs, CO 809101740
(800) 2758782
Page 153
Appendix A—
Organizations to Contact for Coaching Children with Disabilities
American Athletic Association of the Deaf
3607 Washington Boulevard, Suite 4
Ogden, UT 844031737
(801) 3938710
TTY: (801) 3937916
Fax: (801) 3932263
Disabled Sports USA
451 Hungerford Drive, Suite 100
Rockville, MD 20850
(301) 2170960
Paralyzed Veterans of America
801 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 8721300
(800) 4248200
Special Olympics International
1325 G Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 6283630
U.S. Association of Blind Athletes
33 North Institute
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 6300422
U.S. Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association
3810 West NW Highway, Suite 205
Dallas, TX 75220
(214) 3511510
U.S. Les Autres Sports Association
1475 West Gray, Suite 166
Houston, TX 770194926
(713) 5213737
Page 154
Appendix B—
Sample Season Plan for Beginning Volleyball Players
Goal: To help players learn and practice the individual skills and team tactics needed to play volleyball games
T(#) = Initial skill teaching time (minutes)
P(#) = Review and practice time (minutes)
* = Skills practiced during drills and activities
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Overhand T(5) * * * * *
(table continued on next previous page)
Page 155
(table continued from previous page)
Armswing T(5) * * * *
Footwork and jumping T(5) * * *
Team offense
Player positions T(5) * * * *
Team defense
Player positions T(10) P(5) * *
Alignments T(5) * *
*Threeonthree scrimmages are excellent starting points, regardless of whether your team will be playing 3 on 3, 4
on 4, or 6 on 6. Threeonthree volleyball gives players more opportunities to touch the ball.
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Appendix C—
Commonly Used Volleyball Officiating Signals
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