Electronics: Oscillator Jitter FAQ
Electronics: Oscillator Jitter FAQ
Electronics: Oscillator Jitter FAQ
Jitter, in the sense of timing error, was a life- Fortunately, jitter in electronics circuits is usu-
or-death matter for WW1 aircraft armed ally less dire. In an emergency, of course,
with synchronized machine guns. The loss of communications can nonetheless
machine gun’s firing mechanisms was become a very serious matter. This JITTER
timed to fire rounds through the whirling pro- FAQ discusses some of the obvious aspects
peller blades. Too often, timing errors of communiations circuit jitter, and draws
caused the gun to ‘remodel’ the propeller, the reader’s attention to some of jitter’s less
with untoward results. than obvious consequences.
Page: 2
Dan Nehring, V-P Engineering Tel: 800 331 1236
MF Electronics Corp Fax: 914-712-2290
10 Commerce Drive Internet: http//www.mfelectronics.com
New Rochelle, NY 10801 email:dan@mfelectronics.com
Q1 What is jitter?
Q2 What causes jitter?
Q3 How are ONE and ZERO values read?
Q4 How does data jitter compromise readability?
Q5 How do data & clock jitter together cause unreadability?
Q6 Why is jitter an increasing concern at higher frequencies?
Q7 Why is data signal rise rate important?
Q8 Why should clock signals have fast rise time?
Q9 Why is clock waveform symmetry important?
Q10 What’s the benefit of dual complementary logic?
Q11 What clock oscillator parameters besides jitter are important?
Q12 How do you measure jitter?
Q1 illustration presents the general idea of a Illustration Q2 shows how a logic gate’s noise
“jittery” waveform. Successive cycles of the creates variable triggering. In this example, the
waveform (shown as perfect squarewaves) arrive at circuit’s vulnerability to thermal and other noise is
their destination slightly late, or slightly early. In exaggerated for simplicity of explanation.
wireless communications, such waveforms will
The logic gate is designed to make a transition
typically convey logic ONE or ZERO values,
whenever the rising edge of the triggering wave-
form reaches approximately 2.5V. That is Vdd/2
Data Signal for 5V systems. Circuit designers are actually less
concerned with absolute triggering voltage than
consistency of triggering at some voltage near this
Logic 2.5V value.
Device Output
The gate of Q2 will rarely respond to the trigger-
ing waveform at exactly 2.5V. In normal circum-
Clock Signal stances, there will be a Gaussian distribution of
Q1A—The clock signal’s rising edge is synchronized with the center of the triggering thresholds around the 2.5V level.
data waveform to initiate the reading of ONE or ZERO data values. Excessive
jitter alters timing of the clock or data signal (or both), increasing the likeli-
hood of a reading error. (See Figures Q3 thru Q5 for discussion). To highlight the jitter creating mechanisms, con-
2.5V Clock signal’s positive-going edges
2.4V “inspect” data signal for ONE or ZERO value
Q2—What causes jitter? (One cause of jitter is a logic device’s variable trig-
gering threshold. Instead of switching between ONE and ZERO values when
the triggering voltage rises to 2.5V (for instance), the logic circuit responds to
various triggering voltages around this 2.5V threshold. In this example, the Q3—How are ONE and ZERO values read? This simplified diagram pre-
logic circuit responds when successive triggering waveforms reach 2.4V, 2.5V sents a jitter-free data signal, plus a clock signal that initiates the data reading
and 2.6V. A triggering voltage rise rate of 1 volt per microsecond produces process. Full scale signal voltage occurs at the center of the data waveform, so
logic device transitions with ±0.1V variability around the 2.5 nominal trigger- that’s where the clock signal’s leading edge “looks” at the data. (The waveform’s
ing level. Waveform timing uncertainty (jitter) is then ±0.1 µs. ONE or ZERO state is expressed least ambiguously at this full scale signal
voltage). Output circuits reproduce the ONE or ZERO data values that the
(Typically, the range of triggering voltages would clock signal “sees.”
be much smaller).
Q3, the leading edge of the clock waveform
Suppose the input waveform rises at the rate of 1 initiates the data signal inspection process. It
volt per microsecond. The ±0.1V triggering vari- “looks at” the data signal to determine whether
ability leads in turn to a ±0.1V ÷ 1V/µs = ±0.1µs there are ONE or ZERO logic values.
range of triggering uncertainty. In other words,
jitter extends from -0.1µs to +0.1µs. Inspection, in this example, is undertaken at the
center of the data signal. This region of the data
Clock Data
on Clock
data signal
data Jitter prone data and clock signals
window, Data
degrades data
Q4—How does data signal jitter compromise readability? Jitter on the data
signal reduces the width of the effective “window” available for determining
ONE or ZERO values. See the expanded region for clarity.
Q4—How Does Data Signal Jitter Compromise
Readability? Jitter on the data signal reduces the
usable width of the center-waveform “window”
available for monitoring logic values. The result
can be an indecipherable message. Edge
Jitter causes clock to
Designers of today’s wireless systems demand the “see” ZERO, not ONE Clock
use of low jitter circuit components and topology.
Critical timing components, such as clock oscilla-
tors and VCXOs, are required to have rigorous
control over jitter performance.
Q5—How do simultaneous data and clock jitter prevent readability? In
Q5—How do simultaneous data and clock this illustration—disastrously! The “early” clock signals coincide with “late”
data signals to read ZERO when actual value is ONE. Conversely, the late
signal jitter prevent readability? Illustrations Q5 clock signals look at early data signals, again “seeing” ZERO when the true
(top) shows data and clock free of jitter. The center value is ONE. The net result is unequivocally a reading error.
Q6—Why is Q8—Why
jitter an increas- 50 MHz Data Signal should clock Slow Rise Clock
ing concern at signals have
10 ns Sampling Window 2.6V
higher frequen- fast rise rates. 2.5V
cies? For each 200 MHz Data Signal Slow clock Small variations in logic circuit
switching voltage....
doubling of oscillator rise
2.5 ns Sampling Window Logic Transitions
frequency, the rate paves the
Q 6—Why is jitter an increasing concern as
maximum “win- frequency rises? For every doubling of fre-
way for ..... produce exaggerated variations
in logic circuit transition timing (jitter)
dow” available for quency, the window for determining a signal’s variability in
ONE or ZERO value is halved. At 50 MHz the
reading ONE or window duration is 10 nanoseconds. At 200
data signal
Q8—Why Should Clock Signals Have Fast Rise
ZERO data values MHz, it shrinks to 2.5 ns. Jitter of ±100 pico- sampling. (The Rate? The clock signal initiates a logic transition
seconds peak-peak amounts to 1% of of the win-
is halved. (Dia- dow duration at 50 MHz. At 200, jitter is 4% of
clock signal’s when its voltage rises to a critical threshold. (To nomi-
nal 2.5V in this example). Variations in this transi-
gram Q6). Jitter the maximum sampling window. At gigahertz rising edge tion voltage will advance or delay the logic circuit’s
±100 ps jitter becomes completely
then amounts to a frequencies,
initiates the transition. Slow-rise clock waveforms exaggerate the
effect of triggering voltage variations. At 1 volt per
proportionately reading of data microsecond clock rise rate, a +0.1V deviation from
larger fraction of the ONE or ZERO waveform values). But nominal 2.5V triggering voltage delays the logic tran-
sition by 0.1 microsecond. At 0.5V/µs rise rate, the
duration. The effective window for data reading with a slow- same +0.1V triggering voltage variation doubles the
therefore shrinks significantly with increasing rise clock, transition delay.
frequency. where exactly is the waveform’s leading edge? In
Window reduced by wave- fact, the functional leading edge is the actual
form’s finite rise rate Q7—Why is voltage threshold that initiates data determination.
data signal Illustration Q8 shows how logic circuit triggering
rise rate thresholds vary from one data cycle to the next.
important? Variable timing leads to advancing or retarding the
Slow-rise data logic transitions. That is, slow clock rise rates
Slower rise rate further signals shrink increase the potential for clock jitter. The slower
shrinks sampling window
the duration of the rise rate, the more exaggerated the timing
the waveform’s
full scale
signal voltage. Q9—Why is waveform symmetry important?
The time spent Communications circuits use leading and trailing
Q7—Why is data signal rise rate important?
Slow-rise waveforms reduce the period of full scale
in rising to full edges of their waveforms to trigger subsequent
signal voltage. (The most unambiguous window for scale, then logic events. Such triggering processes require
reading ONE or ZERO data values). Reduction of
the usable sampling window makes the signal in-
returning system-wide synchronism between all the trigger-
creasingly susceptible to reading error caused by towards zero ing functions. Otherwise, the triggering edge of
jitter and other distortions
subtracts from one waveform will not coincide with the window
the maximum period of full scale voltage. (In other awaiting its triggering stimulus. Ideal logic wave-
words, the “window” for determining ONE and forms have 50%/50% symmetry. That is, both
ZERO values is reduced). waveform half cycles have the same duration.
Actual waveforms, of course, depart from this
The upper and lower waveforms of illustration Q7 ideal.
demonstrate how progressively slower signal rise
rate cuts into the data sampling window. Put Illustration Q9 demonstrates the need for wave-
Clock’s 60/40 Assymmetry The analog signal world has long exploited differ-
Data Waveform ential transmission to minimize interference. With
rising frequency, and RFI everywhere, so too are
50% 50% 50% wireless technologies.