Rift Valley University MBA Program Harar Campus
Rift Valley University MBA Program Harar Campus
Rift Valley University MBA Program Harar Campus
MBA Program
Harar campus
4.6 Market Strategies...........................................................................................................................11
4.7 Sales Plan.......................................................................................................................................11
4.8 Strategic Alliance............................................................................................................................12
4.9 Organization...................................................................................................................................12
5.Management Team...............................................................................................................................12
5.1 Management Team Gaps...............................................................................................................13
5.2 Other Management Team Considerations.....................................................................................13
6.Financial Analysis..................................................................................................................................13
6.1 Financial plan.................................................................................................................................13
6.2Start-up costs and capitalization.....................................................................................................14
7.Financial Statement..............................................................................................................................15
7.1 Income Statement/Projected Profit and Losses.............................................................................15
7.2 Balance sheet for the business.......................................................................................................17
Poultry farming is the raising of domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese
for the purpose of farming meat or eggs for foods. Poultry are farmed in great numbers with
chickens being the most numerous. Chickens raised for the meat are often called broilers while
chickens raised for eggs are usually called layers. Meat chickens, commonly called broilers, are
floor raised on litter such as wood shavings, peanut shells, and rice hulls, indoors in climate-
controlled housing.
1.1. Background
Poultry farming has got a huge potential in Ethiopia. Putting all the various factors into
considerations, we decided to capitalize this opportunity to serve the people and to make the
country self-dependent in the poultry products. The name of the company is called Smart
poultry farm.
The farm’s production site would be located in Haramaya town which has plenty open space,
cheap labors, road connection, water availability and immediate access to the huge market of
our product that is hotels, individuals, slaughter and other market with the initial investment of
birr 1,000,000 that would be spent on buying chickens, building cage house, stocking the
pellets, hiring the experts and other miscellaneous tasks. The farm expects to make 80% gross
margin within 6 months of its operation withholding the chances of any accidental or
unexpected incidence.
The objective of the farm is becoming the “best and most hygienic poultry producer in the area”
complying by the national standards for food, turn in profits from the first month of operations,
maintain an 80% gross margin ratio and winning the hearts and tastes of our beloved consumers
and establishing a brand image of the company through heavy marketing campaigns in the first
one year with the mission of delivering the best of its product to the end users by providing
quality product that would not be challenged either inside or outside the country. This
confidence would be earned by unparalleled excellence in the poultry farm and the nutritious
and protein rich product from our farm would always be the first choice of our consumers.
Smart poultry farm would be a limited liability company, producing chickens, eggs, and litter as
a byproduct in its state of art poultry farm units. An area of about 10,000 sq. feet would be
occupied by the farm and a house with 3 rooms would be rented for the storage of pellets and
other equipment as well as for the employees to reside and guard the farm.
The produce of the business will be chickens for meat and eggs. The primary target market
strategy of Smart poultry farm is attracting or announcing customers either from the area or
other parts of the country through providing quality chickens and eggs at fair market price in
order to achieve the long-term objective of the business. The potential customers/purchasers of
our products are hotels, individuals, slaughter house and others.
The farm faces certain risks inherent to food in general and meat and egg products in particular
like financial, legislative and operational risk. Feeds costs are assumed at 80% of the total cost
incurred on each chicken. The management team consists of the energetic and able managers
who are responsible for better functioning of the business through running and owning it in
well-organized manner. The Smart poultry farm will capitalize on the strong demand for high
quality and nutritious poultry products with strong financial position.
1.2 Objectives
Becoming the “Best and most hygienic poultry producer in the area” complying by the
national standards for food.
Turn in profits from the first month of operations.
Maintain an 80% gross margin ratio.
Winning the hearts and tastes of our beloved consumers and establishing a brand image
of the company through heavy marketing campaigns in the first one year.
1.3 Mission
Smart poultry farm will make its best effort to live up to the consumers’ expectations by
delivering the best of its product to the end users. The quality of our product would not be
challenged either inside or outside the country. This confidence would be earned by
unparalleled excellence in the poultry farm. The nutritious and protein rich product from our
farm would always be the first choice of our consumers.
An area of about 10,000 sq feet would be occupied by the farm and a house with 3 rooms would
be rented for the storage of pellets and other equipment’s as well as for the employees to reside
and guard the farm. The land has been taken into lease for five years with the options of
extension and feasibility study by the experts has shown positive results.
Initial investment would be birr 1,000,000 that would be spent on buying chickens, building
cage house, stocking the pellets, hiring the experts and other miscellaneous tasks. The
aforementioned fund has been collected from ourselves and partly funded by developmental
bank. Birr 600,000 would be from our side and the rest birr 400,000 would be obtained through
loan. The company expects to repay the loan within 3 years and obtain the breakeven point
within 2 years.
The company would be jointly owned by eight group person association; It would be a
partnership enterprise with each of the owners holding 50-50% of the share.
In egg-producing farms, birds are typically housed in rows of battery cages. Environmental
conditions are automatically controlled, including light durations, which mimics summer day
length. This stimulates the birds to continue to lay eggs all year round. Normally, significant
egg production occurs in the warmer months. Critics argue that year-round egg production
stresses the birds more than normal seasonal production.
Meat chickens, commonly called broilers, are floor-raised on litter such as wood shavings or
rice hulls, indoors climate-controlled housing. Poultry producers routinely use nationally
approved medications, such as antibiotics in feed and or drinking water to treat disease or to
prevent disease outbreaks arising from overcrowded or unsanitary conditions.
In egg producing farms, cages allow for more birds per unit area and this allows for greater
productivity and lower space and food costs, with more efforts put into egg laying. In common
practice, the current recommendation is 67 in2 to 86 in2 (430 cm2 to 560 cm2) per bird, which is
about 9 inches to 9 inches.
Modern poultry farming is very efficient and allows meat and eggs to be available to the
consumer in all seasons at a lower cost than free range production, and the poultry have no
exposure to predators. The cage environment of egg producing does not permit birds to roam.
The closeness of chickens to one another frequently causes cannibalism. Cannibalism is
controlled by debeaking (removing a portion the bird’s beak with a hot blade so the birds cannot
effectively peck).
Under intensive farming methods, a meat chickens will live less than six weeks before
slaughter. This is half the time it would take traditionally. This compares with free-range
chickens which will usually be slaughtered at 8 weeks and organic ones at around 12 weeks.
In intensive broiler sheds, the air becomes highly polluted with ammonia from the droppings.
This can damage the chickens’ eyes and respiratory systems and can cause painful burns on
their legs (called hock burns) and feet. Chickens bred for fast growth have a high rate of kg
deformities because they cannot support their increased body weight. Because they cannot move
easily, the chickens are not able to adjust their environment to avoid heat, cold or dirt as they
would in natural conditions.
The demand of poultry meat and eggs is increasing at the annual rate of 25% and 10%
respectively in urban areas (DALS, 1991). The annual increment was more than 10% feeds,
meat, eggs and other related items in late half of the past decades (Bhattaria et al 2004).
Increased demand for animal proteins, shift in consumer preference for egg and broiler meat,
access to commercial poultry production technologies and services, and quick returns to the
investment seem more of the major attracting forces for such investment. Materials and
Requirements of poultry farming
Poultry farming has got a huge potential in Ethiopia. Putting all the various factors into
considerations, we decided to capitalize this opportunity to serve the people and to make the
country self-dependent in the poultry products.
We decided to name the company as Smart poultry farm. Preliminary research has indicated that
1000 chickens would be optimum for the initial operation of the business. The farm’s
production site would be located in Haramaya town which has plenty open space, cheap labors,
road connection, water availability and immediate access to the huge market of our product that
is hotels, individuals, slaughter and other market. An area of about 10,000 sq feet would be
occupied by the farm and a house with 3 rooms would be rented for the storage of pellets and
other equipment as well as for the employees to reside and guard the farm. The land has been
taken into lease for five years with the options of extension and feasibility study by the experts
has shown positive results.
Initial investment would be birr 1,000,000 that would be spent on buying chickens, building
cage house, stocking the pellets, hiring the experts and other miscellaneous tasks. The farm
expects to make 80% gross margin within 6 months of its operation withholding the chances of
any accidental or unexpected incidence. The aforementioned fund has been collected from
ourselves and partly funded by developmental bank. Birr 600,000 would be from our side and
the rest birr 400,000 would be obtained through loan. The company expects to repay the loan
within 3 years and obtain the breakeven point within 2 years.
2.2 Company Facilities
2.2.6 Preparation and Disinfection of shed
The movable equipment such as feeders and water available in the container will be removed
from the poultry shed for cleaning and disinfection. Floors, interior of the walls and roof will be
scribbled and previous litters will be removed from poultry house. After litters, dust from
poultry house pens will be washed with fresh water. Farm house pens will be disinfected using
5% phenol solution, followed by spraying of 3% solution of disinfectant inside and outside of
the shade.
To maintain health of poultry, timely vaccination and medication by veterinarian will be done.
The produce of the business will be chickens for meat and eggs. In the first phase of the
operation, the poultry farm will entirely produce mature broiler hens for the purpose of meat.
This can be achieved by using highly nutritious pellet ingredients and will maintain high level
of hygiene. The battery cage units will accommodate maximum possible number of chickens in
the allocated space. And the marketing activities will be focused on maximizing the sales of
higher hens. The price list would be verified according to the latest market trend and optimum
mix for the demand and supply would be maintained.
3.1 Product Description
Primary beneficiaries will be poultry rising/ the owner of the business
Secondary beneficiaries will be business man, industrialist and consumers.
The tertiary beneficiaries will be students and researchers, government and non-government
A healthy economy that supports moderate growth and market share in our market.
Least cost of operational expenses to popularize the business centers in the nearby
future, especially in the areas of purchasing feed materials that could be given to the
poultry and other material usage during the provision of feed and water for them.
High follow up of poultry during the production period, particularly health of the
poultry through the provision of veterinary services.
4.Market Analysis
of the business, customers are the local demanders of the chickens and eggs like hotels,
individuals for home consumption, slaughter in the slaughter house and others.
The market strategy of this business is to provide quality products for the general public to fill
the shortage of the poultry. So, this marketing strategy based on an excellent performance in the
following areas:
The potential customers/purchasers of our products are hotels, individuals, slaughter house and
others. Their potential growth within the business period is given below in the table.
Table: market Forecast
Market Forecast
Their competitive edge is their ability to consistently produce poultry with high active smart
percentage as well as high ratio of healthy poultry. The Marketing strategy will have the
objective of rising awareness and visibility of their industry leading percentage of active smart.
4.5 Advertising
The company will position itself as unique poultry farm where it produces not only meat but
also enjoy the best of its kind you can ever achieve. Hygienic poultry environment in which
chicks are fed with nutritious and chickens friendly pellets differentiates itself from existing
competitors. It will be one of the most quality and easily affordable chickens and eggs provider
in the business area having its very loyal and honest members as well as other employed regular
or daily laborers to serve its customers. So, the customers will find the business center
conducive and easy to work with.
The business will focus its marketing activities on reaching the hotels and individuals which are
the main supplier of meat to the various classes of wide ranged customers. Our target groups
would be the high-end customers varying for the best possible chickens either locally available
or in abroad market. We are highly confident to supply our quality products to the developed
market by producing competitive and quality products.
Customers of our products have different geographic and demographic features including those
in the area where the business is to be carried out. The immediate geographic market is
Haramaya and the areas around the town even though the exact figure of the customers is not
determined currently. The business will also believe that more or less all the mentioned areas
will purchase the products it provides in the next six years, as it will become the well-known
business center by its product and different treatment activities to its customers. The target
market of the business is hotels, individuals for home consumption, slaughter in the slaughter
house and others who purchase chickens for different purposes including for the production of
4.7 Sales Plan
Months’ work schedule
January 20th day-disinfection of shed February 1st day-ration feeding: live weight
4.9 Organization
The organization of the company which indicates the number of employees and management
personal within their company has five departments with twenty-nine employers these are:
5.Management Team
The management team consists of the energetic and able managers who are responsible for
better functioning of the business through running and owning it in well-organized manner. Mr.
Tamiru is the general manager of the business and also responsible to look after the sales,
marketing and operation department and Mr. Said is responsible for the human resource,
finance and public relation department. Also Mr. Said Kasim is the business advisory
personnel/experts who give advice as the situation changes. Members running or under taking
the business will overlook and under take all the activities to be done during the business life
time based on an agreement. Moreover, some regular employers will also be hired to monitor
daily laborers.
Anticipate and respond to consumer preferences for content, preferences and service
Attract, excite and retain a large audience of consumers to the company products
Create and maintain successful strategic alliances with high quality partners
Deliver high quality, customer service and adequate information
Build the company brand rapidly and substantially
Compete effectively against better established poultry farm companies
Avail the required feed
Avail a budget timely
Create favorable environment for the growth of poultry
Unknown outbreak of bird flu.
6.Financial Analysis
Our quarterly revenues and operating results are difficult to predict and may fluctuate
significantly from quarter to quarter as a result of a variety of factors. Among these factors
some are the following:
Changes in our own or competitor’s pricing policies
Fluctuations in expected revenues from advertisers, sponsors and strategic relationships.
Timing of costs related to acquisitions or payments
Important Assumptions:
Other 0 0 0
Pre-paid rent expenses for six months at birr 1 per square feet in the total amount of birr
Battery style cage structures build up expenses of birr 12,000
Other startup expenses including transportation birr 2000 and phone and utility deposits birr
Operating capital in the total amount of birr of birr 45,000, which includes salary of two
unskilled labors (4,000 per person) and technician’s salary of birr 7,000 for the first
month and cash reserves for the first three months of operation (approximately birr
10,000 per month)
Bank balance birr 3,82,000
Startup inventory of birr 95,000 which includes:
Pellet balls (30 quintals at birr 3000 per quintal) – birr 90,000
7.Financial Statement
Payroll Birr 124,600 Birr143,800 Birr155,144
Sales and marketing
and other expenses Birr 25,800 Birr 27,600 Birr 31,000
Depreciation Birr 5,400 Birr 5,500 Birr 5,500
Rent Birr 48,400 Birr 52,800 Birr 52,800
Rent Birr 6,000 Birr 6000 Birr 6000
Maintenance Birr 5,840 Birr 6,424 Birr 7,066
Utilities/phone Birr 9,000 Birr 9,500 Birr 10,000
Payroll taxes Birr 18,690 Birr 21,570 Birr 23,272
Other Birr 0 Birr 0 Birr 0
Total Operating
Expenses Birr 243,730 Birr273,194 Birr290,782
Profit Before Interest
and Taxes Birr 135,870 Birr144,366 Birr168,534
EBITDA Birr 141,270 Birr149,866 Birr174,034
Interest Expense Birr 2,821 Birr 2,326 Birr 1,618
Taxes incurred Birr 33,740 Birr 35,510 Birr 42,424
7.2 Balance sheet for the business
Balance sheet shows the financial position of a given business in a given period of operation.
The net worth of this poultry farm business is expected to increase from approximately Birr
212,000 by the end of the year 2016 to approximately Birr 443,000 in 2020.The table below
summarizes the projected balance sheets for this period.
Balance Sheet
year 1 year 2 year 3
Current assets
Cash Birr195,358 Birr296,358 Birr 417,648
Inventory Birr 21,175 Birr 23,293 Birr 25,622
Another current asset Birr 0 Birr 0 Birr 0
Birr216,53 Birr319,65 Birr443,270
Total current asset 3 1
Long term Assets
Long term Assets Birr 59,170 Birr 61,170 Birr 63,170
Accumulated Depreciation Birr 5,400 Birr 10,900 Birr 16,400
Total long-term
assets Birr 53,770 Birr 50,270 Birr 46,770
Birr270,30 Birr369,92
Total Assets 3 1 Birr490,040
Birr Birr
Total Capital 211,628 318,159 Birr 442,650
Birr270,30 Birr369,92
Total Liabilities and capital 3 1 Birr490,040
Birr211,62 Birr318,15
Net Worth/Equity/Capital 8 9 Birr442,650