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ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1 998), No. 7, pp.


Modelling of the Eutectoid Reaction in Spheroidal Graphite

Fe-C-Si Alloys

Jacques LACAZE
and Val~rie GERVAL
Laboratoire des Mat6riaux. ENSCT,UPRESA-CNRS
5071 .
31 077 Toulouse cedex, France. E- maii: jlacaze@ensct.fr

(Received on December1. 1997, accepted in final form on March 3. l998)

Theso-called eutectoid reaction of spheroidai gra phite cast irons (SGl) proceeds by competitive nucleation
and growth of ferrite and pearlite, In the present study are first reviewed the physical models of the ferritic
reaction in SGI previously described in the literature. Then, a new model is presented that uses a recent
description of the conditions to be fulfilled for the ferritic and pearlitic reactions to start. This description
is based
upon the knowledge of the relevant phase diagram. Growth of the ferrite halos during the ferritic
reaction is described as controlled by carbon transfer from the austenite/ferrite interface to the graphite
nodu[es and by an interfacial reaction at the ferrite/graphite interface. Modelling of the pearlitic reaction
accounts for nucleation of pearlite colonies, and their growth law is expressed according to experimental
data available in the literature. It
appeared also necessary to describe the diffusion of carbon in austenite
before the beginning of the decomposition of this phase. Predictions are compared to experimental
transformation kinetics obtained by meansof differential thermal anaiysis on spheroidal graphite Fe-C-Si
alloys, and cou[d be easily extended to alloys with low [evel additions of pearlite promoter elements.

KEYWORDS: spheroidal graphite cast irons; Fe-C-Si alloys; eutectoid reaction; transformation kinetics;
physical modelling.

l. Introduction
The effects of nodule count, of the cooling rate (in the
range I to 20 K/min), and of low level addition of Mn
Spheroidal graphite cast irons (SGI) are made of and/or Cu, have been studied previously by differential
graphite nodules embeddedin an iron base matrix. The thermal analysis (DTA).10) The characteristic tempera-
most common types of these alloys are mainly Fe-C-Si tures at the beginning of the transformation, in the stable
ternary alloys, with low level of Mg added as a nodu- and metastable systems, as well as the kinetics of austenite
larizer. The matrix is austenitic at high temperature; decornposition, were evaluated from the DTAsignal. It
upon cooling to room temperature after solidification was observed that the decomposition of austenite starts
or heat treatment, austenite decomposeselther to ferrite at a temperature which is well below the upper limit of
and graphite (in the stable system), or to pearlite (in the triphasic austenite/ferrite/graphite or austenite/fer-
the metastable system), or else to both of them. The rite/cementite domain. For both the stable and metasta-
control of the actual microstructure of the material at ble transformations, the undercoolings observed
were of
room temperature is of someimportance as the number the same magnitude than those reported by Ekpoom
of nodules and the ratio of the ferrite and pearlite and Heinell) who used also DTA. In order to deepen
fractions determine the service properties of the cast the understanding of the solid-state transformation of
components.1) It seems established that higher nodule SGI, a second series of experiments was carried out
counts and lower cooling rates (in the temperature with samples which were held at Ih I
100'C so as to
range of the eutectoid transformation) both favor the smooth out microsegregations.12) Such a treatment did
decomposition of austenite in the stable system.2) On in fact eliminate the extrema of the solute distributions
the other hand, adding low level of specific elements rather than actually homogenizethe matrix. The trans-
such as Cu, Mn, Sn or Sb, is a practical meansto obtain a formation temperatures were slightly modified with
pearlitic matrix.3~5) The ferrite to pearlite ratio respect to the untreated material, but the effect of the
aiso depends, but to a lesser extent, on microsegrega- cooling rate on the transformation kinetics remained
tion, i.e. chemical heterogeneities at the level of the unchanged.
microstructure, which build up during the solidification From the experimental fact that growth of ferrite
stage.6~8) Finally, in case of heat treatment, the aus- during cooling of SGI is not associated with partitioning
tenitizing temperature affects the eutectoid reaction be- of substltutionnal elements (Si, Cu. Mn, ') between ' '

cause of the change of the solubility of carbon content ferrite and austenite, we proposed to follow the de-
in the parent austenite with temperature.9) composition of austenite in the stable system in an

@1998 ISIJ 71 4
ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1998), No. 7
materialis below the lower temperature of the triphasic
domain, named T* in the following. Using the tem-
perature T. as the reference temperature for the
~ Y
ferritic reaction, it was found that the undercooling
H 7+g
increases with the cooling rate, as expected, and drops
Ta to zero whenthe data is extrapolated to a zero cooling
\ rate.12,13) This latter observation gives someconfidence
oe a+7+g \

\ to the above description of the growth conditions during
l \ the ferritic reaction.
oe+g \
Aw l
\ Anearly similar reasoning was applied to the for-
"~'~ mation of on the basis that no redistribution of
I ll,
l \
substitutional elements between pearlite and austenite
l l l has been reported in the case of cast irons. This leads to
a/g ce/? Y/ce
wc ~c Carbon content wc the condition that pearlite cannot grow at temperatures
Fig. l. Schematic isopleth FeCsection of the relevant stable higher than the lower limit of the corresponding three-
phase diagram in the temperature range corresponding phase austenite/ferrite/cementite field.12) The reference
to the eutectoid reaction. Solid lines represent the limits
temperature for the beginning of the pearlitic reaction,
of the phase fields and broken lines the metastable
extrapolation of the ferrite/austenite (o(/^/) and aus-
named Tp, was selected as the intersection of the ylcc
tenite/ferrite (y/ce) boundaries. extrapolation with this iimit. In addition, it is expect-
ed that pearlite grows in SGI as it does in steels. Thus,
it is worth mentionlng that the model for isothermal

austenlte transformation of austenite to pearlite developed by

Hillertl4) has been applied satisfactorily by Tewari
ferri te
and Sharmal5) to the Fe-C-Si steel investigated by
Al Salman et al.16) The results of these authors could
be used as reference data for the growth of pearlite in
cast irons. In particular, it is worth noting that the
dercoolings experienced for the onset of the pearlite
growth in SGI were observed to be of the sameorder
than the undercooling reported for isothermal reaction
in Fe-CSi steel.12,13)
In this study are first reviewed the models of the fer-
F~ wC ritic reaction previously described in the literature. Then
a new model is presented which takes into account the
~:)H c,lv above mentioned conditions of the growth of ferrite and
C~ wC
al Awc
pearlite. The description of the pearlitic transformation
wc g is made
on the basis of the results of Al Salmanet al.16)
Finally, the necessary input data and the few physical
* *' Radius
parameters for which no values are available in the
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the relevant volume ele- literature are selected and predictions are comparedwith
ment and of the carbon distribution during the so-
caued ferritic decomposition of austenite.
transformation kinetics deducedfrom DTA
The present model is limited to Fe-C-Si alloys but will
Fe-C isopleth section of the relevant phase diagram as be extended in a near future to account for the effect of
illustrated in Fig. l.12,13)
In most cases, ferrite nucleates usual alloying elements (Cu, Mn, Cr, '). ' '

at the graphite/austenite interface and then grows as

halos around the nodules. This reaction will be called 2. Review of the Previous Modelling Approaches of the
the ferritic reaction in the following. It is generally Ferritic Reaction
accepted that this reaction Is controlled by transfer of
As pointed out by Venugopalan,17) the decomposition
carbon from the austenite/ferrite interface to the graphite
of austenite in system to give ferrite plus
the stable
nodules which act as carbon sinks. The relevant volume
graphite is muchalike isothermal ferritization. Since the
element to describe the decomposition of austenite is a
sphere as illustrated in Fig. 2. It has a graphite nodule
work of Brown and Hawkes,18) it is agreed that iso-
thermal ferritization of SGI is essentlally controlled
at its centre surrounded by a ferrite halo while the
by carbon diffusion to the graphite through the ferrite
remaining volume is madeof untransformed austenite.
shells which develop around the graphite nodules. In
The carbon distribution at the level of the microstruc- practice,the material is divided in equally sized units
ture is also indicated under Fig. 2. For diffusion of car-
with an equivalent radius r' deduced from the nodule
bon to proceed through the ferrite halo, the quantity
count per unit volume, N~ (see Fig. 2):
Awc= w~/v _ w~/g must be positive (it should be noted that
using the composition is equivalent to using the chemical
,.= 3 0.333
potential in this case). Figure I indicates that this 47cN~
condition is verified only when the temperature of the

71 5 O 1998 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1998). No. 7

Venugopalanl9) summarized the main steps of the iso- austenlte in Eq. (2), Ieaving everything else unchanged.
thermal decomposition of austenite to ferrite and graph- The growth rate of the ferrite shell was then given by:
ite as follows:
(1) nucleation of occurs at the austenite/
ferrite (vv y/' w~/y) dr "
graphite interface. An incubation period is associated
c - dt ar ..
with this step which is attributed to the limited kinetics Equation (5) is similar to the equations previously derived
of nucleation. In his study, Venugopalanconsidered that in the works devoted to isothermal ferritization.18,21)
the incubation period actually corresponds to the time
The models developed by Chang et al.22) and by
at which a ferrite nucleus has formed and has grown to Svensson et al.23) are very much alike the mode] of
an observable volume fractlon, typically o/o. The author
I Venugopalan20) but the three following points:
pointed out that the development of this nucleus is (1) nucleation of
Instantaneous, it occurs
ferrite is
attended by diffusion of carbon in the parent austenite. at a temperature which has to be experimentally de-
However, for modelling purpose, Venugopalanassumed termined. Changet al. madeuse of records while DTA
that all the nodules are instantaneously surrounded by Svensson and Wess6nused the line defining the start of
a ferrite shell whenthe incubation time is reached. The the transformation on the CCT
diagram of their material.
thickness of this shell is such that the volume fraction These two methods appear to be very similar to each
of ferrite is equal to the initial value chosen. other, they are indeed a way to handle the very large
(2) growthofferritelsattendedbyrejectionofcarbon temperature difference betweenthe observed temperature
which diffuses to the graphite nodules and into un- at the beginning of the decomposition of austenite and
transformed austenite. The mass conservation condi- 7~ which was used as the reference temperature by these
tion for carbon at the austenite-ferrite interface is given authors. As described in the introduction, part of this
by: discrepancy is associated with the fact that the reference
temperature should be T* and not T~-
p"(w cy/' vt'~/v) dr " =p"D~ aw~
...(2) (2) Changet al. replaced Eq. (3) glving the growth
- dt a,. ar
.. ** rate of the graphite nodule by an approximate mass
where prp the density of phase q) (either ferrite:
is o( or balance, while Svensson et al. simply did not account
austenite: D~is the diffusion coefficient of carbon in
y), for graphite growth. These differences are not significant
phase (p, w~/' and w~/y are the mass fraction of carbon because the growth of the graphite phase is in any case
respectively in austenite and in ferrite at the austenite/ very limited.
ferrite interface, w8 is the mass fraction of carbon in (3) Changet al. and Svensson et al. assumedthat
phase ip, and r" is the radius of the ferrite envelop. the composition of the austenite at the ferrite/austenite
The growth rate of the graphite nodule is given by the interface follows the metastable extrapolation of the ocly
carbon massbalance at the ferrite-graphite interface: boundary, i,e. that there is local equilibrium between
these phases.
d,' g aw~ Since their preliminary works, Svensson and Wess~n
= p"D~
g(1 •(3)
p - dt ar
• •• • •• • ••• • •

have developed a more detailed model for the decom-


where w~/g is the massfraction of carbon in ferrite at the position of the austenite to ferrite and graphite.24) They
ferrite/graphite interface and rg is the radius of the proposed to consider three successive steps:
graphite nodule. (1) the formation of ferrite halos which is controlled
It is generally accepted that diffusion of carbon through by diffusion of carbon in the parent austenite as Venu-
the ferrite shell maybe expressed as a stationary process, gopalan stated but did not describe. The authors as-
i.e. that it is possible to
express the carbon profile in the
sumed that ferrite nucleates 20 below T"o and that K
the thickness of the halos which develop from these nuclei
ferrite halo as w~ a+b/r, where the constants a and
= b
are to be determined from the value of the carbon content
is constant
as long as the halos are not totally formed.
in the ferrite halo at the two lirniting interfaces. This (2) the growth of the ferrite shells controlled by an
gives for the gradient in carbon content in ferritel9)' interfacial reaction at the graphite/ferrite interface which
was found to depend on (rg)~ l
awc" r "A wc aw~ r gAl't'c (3) the growth of the ferrite shells controlled by
= and = (4)
diffusion of carbon through the ferrite phase.
. . . .
ar .*
,'g(,'"-rg) a,'

The redistribution of carbon in the parent austenite .was 3. Developmentof a NewModel

considered by Venugopalan using the so-called Zener's
approximation and it was found that diffusion in aus- All of the phenomenalisted just above can actual]y
tenite has a negligible effect during the ferritic reaction. affect the ferritic reaction and should thus be considered.
This author has also extended his approach to treat the In addition, as mentioned in the introduction, redistribu-
decomposition of austenite to ferrite and graphite and tion of carbon during cooling of the parent austenite
to pearlite during continuous cooling of the material. should also be accounted for. Thls is the first feature
The only change to the above descriptlon is that the described below; the ferritic and the pearlitic reactions
incubation time wasthen calculated by using the so-called are then successively consldered accounting for the
"additivity rule". In a further deveiopment,20) Venugo- growth conditions detailed in the introduction.
palan suppressed the contribution of carbon diffusion in

O 1998 ISIJ 71 6
ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1998), No. 7

3.1. Growth of Graphite from Austenite and Formation 950

of the Ferrite Halos

Whije the ternperature of the material decreases below austenite
the eutectic reaction temperature, the solubility of carbon 900
In austenite diminishes. Accordingly, the carbon content
of the austenlte phase should decrease and the graphite u austenite

fraction should increase. It is assumedthat the transfer o +

850 gra phite
of carbon from austenite to graphite depends only on

diffusion of carbon in austenite and that local equilibrium ~
holds at the austenite/graphite interface. The growth rate
H ,b,
- Toa- -

J~llt~ Toe-
of the graphite nodules Is given by: 800
l~ ~ ~ -
drg aw~ ferrite + graphite
'b Itb

pg( I - = PvD~
T4'~/g) l~l
. .. . . .. . .

dt ar **
where w~/g js the massfraction of carbon in austenite at
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 o8 0.85 0.9

Carbon content (wt pct)

the austenite/graphite interface.
Fig. 3. Calculated path followed by the average composition
For assumedthat the carbon gradient
simplicity, it is
of austenite during cooling from 900'C for two cool-
at the interface maybe expressed as (T4~'~ w~/g)lrg, where
Tv~ Is the average carbon content in austenite, and that
ing rates, I
Klmin (empty circles) and lOK/min (fuH
circles). Calculations were madefor the selected value
the flux of carbon leads to a homogeneous decrease in of D~ (dotted lines) and for the corrected one (full
the carbon content of the parent austenite. The change hnes), see text

of I~~ is thus given by:

temperature of the alloy falls below T*. Thus, the ap-
3D~(w~ w~/g) .........(7) plicability of the model developed by Wess~n and
dt - _(r ')~1 (,.g) ~ Svensson for this stage of the ferritic reaction is quite
limited. Under low cooling rates, it can be considered
The path followed by the average carbon content of that the growth of the halos will represent a short part
austenite during cooling from 900'C was calculated for
of the transformation because there will be enough time
an alloy with 3.58wt"/* C
and 2.57wto/o Si (alloy Ll in
for diffusion of carbon; on the opposite, at higher cooling
Ref. 12)). The paths obtained for two cooling rates, l rates, the formation of the halos will be madequlcker
and 10 K/min, are shownwith dotted lines in Fig. 3. The
because of the nucleation of a large number of ferrite
calculations were performed with the physical properties
grains around each nodule. It wasthus decided to follow
listed in the appendix. During preliminary calculations,
the lines of other authors and to consider that the halos
wasfound that the nodule count has a strong infiuence form instantaneously whenferrite nucleates, but to con-
on v~v~. Thus, the surface nodule count measuredon the sider that this happens only when the temperature
sample of alloy series LI D
(in Ref. 2)) wasused, namely 1 Th is reached. In addition, according to the conditions
This value was converted to volume
described in the introduction, the ferritic reaction can
nodule count N~ by meansof the relation proposed by
proceed only whenthe temperature of the alloy is below
Castr025): N~ 3.46(NA)1'5, where N~and NAare given
= T* and whenthe growth rate given by Eq. (2) is positive.
respectively in mm3and mm2. This growth is described below.
observed in Fig. 3that the average carbon content
It is

of the austenite phase is shifted to higher carbon contents 3.2. The Ferritic Reaction
with respect to the austenite/graphite boundary, although As previously proposed,24) it is considered that the
this shift decreases, as expected, when the cooling rate
is decreased. Thus, the transformation of the bulk aus-
growth of graphite inside the ferrite shell
maybe partly
controlled by an interfacial reaction. On other hand,
tenlte to ferrlte cannot proceed before the path fol- 10cal equilibrium is assumed at the ferrite/austenite
lowed by I~~ has reached the metastable extrapolation interface, so that the carbon content in each phase at
of the austenite/ferrite boundary. The corresponding this interface is given by the extrapolation of the rele-
temperature will be noted Th in the following. For the vant boundary in the Fe-C section. The value of Awc
particular composition consldered and for the two which drives the transfer of carbon atoms from the fer-
selected cooling rates, it is noted that Th is above T.. It rite/austenite to the ferrite/graphite interface is thus
is worth to emphasizethat the formation of the halos as
Awc=w~/y _ w~, where w~ rs the actual carbon content
described by Wess~nand Svensson24) could not begin in ferrite at the interface with graphite. The growth rate
before the temperature of the alloy is below Th; the reason of ferrite is obtained by applying Eq. (2) below T.. Actual
is that it needs diffusion of carbon in austenite which growth of ferrite is however subjected to the condition
cannot proceed as long as w~/' is lower than I~)~. Also, that the growth rate given by Eq. (2) is positive. The
according to the present calculation, the temperature composition gradients in Eq. (2) are expressed by:
difference T;~- Th for the nucleation of ferrite depends
on the coo]ing rate and cannot be considered as a
aw~ r gAT4'c
and aw~ ,~~
constant. Moreover, the thickness of the halos should ar _ r"(r" 1'g) ar
.* - ..
increase during their formation, particularly when the

71 7 C 1998 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1 998), No. 7

Whenthe growth rate given by Eq. (2) is

overall 760 l 03
carbon from austenite to graphite
negative, diffusion of
and change of the average carbon content of austenite (J 740

are calculated as before. Further cooling of the metal o

drives the system at a temperature where the growth rate
*e) 720 :$
of ferrite becomespositive. Then, the redistrlbution of c~
~ P~
carbon in austenite becomesnegligible with respect to ~o 700 l02
the transfer of carbon through ferrite as pointed out by
Venugopalan,20) and the reaction is nowcontrolled only
by the transfer of carbon atoms through the ferrite shell.
The corresponding flux density of carbon may be c 660
expressed as:

drg 640
c= -pg(1 -w~)
dt """
"~"""(9) o,1 Io
growth rate (um/s)

It proposed to describe this transfer as two steps in

is Fig. 4. Plot of the experimental growth rate of pearlite in
series,thus fol]owing an approach applied previously to FeC2"/.Si steel (after Al Salm'an et a!.*6)), expressed
in terms of temperature (solid curve with dark circles)
the deposition of primary graphite from the liquid.26)
and of the undercooling AT~ = T~ T(dotted lines with
The flux of carbon atoms is the samefor the two steps -
empty circles), with T* 770'C.
but is written:

c= - K"p"(~4'c w~/g)2 for the mterfaclal reactron and grow. Both steps have been considered. Nucleation
.(10) was assumedto be described by the following law:
where K" is a constant which characterizes the interfacial dN~= Ap(N~ - N~)( I - gt)(A Tp)"'d(A Tp)

process; ATp>0 and

for .........(13)

dNvP=0 forATp
c= -p"D~ ar
for the diffusion process ....(ll)

where N~ is the numberof pearlite colonies,

mand Ap
where the composition gradient is given by Eq. (4) with are constants which define the nucleation law, and ATp
isthe undercooling with respect to Tp, ATp=Tp-T.
A = vt'c
Iv~/y wb-
Equating expressions (lO) and (1 l) of the flux gives: Nucleation stops when the numberof pearlite colonies
equals the numberof graphite nodules.
Dc (w"/v_w~/g_A) Isolated pearlite colonies are assumed spherical in
14'c It'~/g+A and c p"
c shape. At each step and before the growth calculation,
the radius of the pearlite coionies is recalculated in such
a way that the total volume fraction of pearlite is left
D~ unchangedby the newnucleation events. As emphasized
A= 2K"f
and in the introduction, growth of pearlite in cast irons is
expected to follow the samelaws than in steels, and more
rg(r" r g) particularly those valid for silicon steels. The growth
f -
rates measuredby Al Salmanet al.16) in the case of an
eutectoid Fe-C-20/0Si steel were thus selected. They have
The growth rate of the ferrlte shell is readily calculated been plotted in Fig. 4, where they are expressed both
by applying Eq. (2) while the growth rate of the graphite
nodule is obtained by insertlng the above expression of
versus temperature and versus A
Tp, wlth Tp equal to
770'C for the particular alloy studied by these authors
the fiux c in Eq. (9). Given the growth rate of the ferrite
(see appendix). For undercoolings up to 100 K, the
shell, and neglecting the bulging effect associated with
following relationship between the growth rate of a given
graphite growth, the change with time of the volume
pearlite colony and ATp applies:
fraction g"~ of the eutectoid spheres (graphite plus ferrite)
is given by: drP
=1.63 x 10 (AT) pm s
dg"~ dr"
N~(I - g')47T(r")2 .(1 2)
dt = dt " .. ..
In the calculations described below, it was assumed
' . . . . .

that this growth law applies also to alloys with a slightly

where (1 -gt) is the volume fraction of untransformed different level of Si.
austenite which varies between I and Oduring the
The change of the pearlite fraction is then given by:
eutectoid reaction and is introduced to account for
irnpingement. dgP d,'P
=N~(1 g )4lr(rP)2
dt dt
3.3. The Pearlitic Reaction
Oncethe temperature Tp for the metastable transfor- and the fraction of transformed austenite calculated with
mation has been reached, pear]ite co' 'ies maynuc]eate respect to the initial volume of austenite is:

O 1998 ISIJ 71 8
ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1998), No. 7

+ gP ) 1
9~ (1 g)
Further indications on the procedure followed to make 0.8

the calculations as well as the selected thermophysical ~:'

data are given in the appendix. ~

OK/min "..

Ho 06

4. Results l:~

~ 04
Thecalculations described below were intended at c:'


reproducing the kinetics of austenite decomposition

previously estimated from DTA
records. 12) The samples 0.2

were heated to I
100'C for one hour and then cooled at
a controlled rate down to 600'C, then reheated to 900'C
for 10 min before being cooled downto 600'C at another o
680 700 720 740 760 780 800
rate and reheated again to 900'C for 10min and cooled Temperature ('C)
at a different rate. Twosamples will be considered here
Fig. 5. Comparison of calculated (dotted lines) and experi-
(the notation used is sample Cwas
that of Ref. 12)): (i)
mental (solid curves of transformed austenite in
cooled successively at 10, 5 and I K/min, and had a D
the case of sample with a nodule count of 330 ~ 2,
nodule count of 190mm~2;(ii) sample D was cooled cooled from 900'C at 2 and lOK/min. Calculations
successively at 20, 10 and 2K/min, and had a nodule were madewith the selected value of D~.
count equal to 330mm~2.
The heat transfer in the DTAcell was simulated by Th Wasnot correctly predicted, i.e. that the change of
meansof a simp]e model described in the appendix. A the carbon content in austenite was not conveniently
numberof calculations were performed to investigate the described.
on the kinetics of the ferritic reaction of the two In fact, Hillert27) showed in the case of white cast
input data, namely the kinetics coefficient K", and the irons that the graphitization process is not simply con-
initial thickness of the ferrite halo, 8r". This was done trolled by volume diffusion of carbon in austenite; as
by cornparing the calculated curves with the experimental the size of the graphite nodules increases, the transfer of
ones. The value of K" affects the shape of the curves carbon is successively controlled by diffusion of iron,
during the whole transformation while the value of ~r" creep of the matrix and finally diffusion of carbon. The
acts only at the beginning of the ferritic reaction. It first two steps
are related to transformation rates much
was thus possible to find a good estimate of K" by lower than the one corresponding to the third step, by
comparing the slope of the transformation curve at a factor in between five to ten.28) It was thus consider-
intermediate values of gt. The value finally selected was ed that the transfer of carbon could be estimated by
4.0 x l0~2 Km~1.
Then, it was found convenient to set considering a corrected diffusion coefficient of carbon in
~r" equal to 0.1 um. In the calculations to be presented austenite, and it was found that Dyc should be divided
below, the value used for the constants of the nucleation by lO. The path followed by 'i)~ during cooling at and I
law of pear]ite were estimated from the experiments at 10 K/min thus calculated is shownwith solid lines in Fig.
the highest cooling rates:
m= 3and Ap= lO~ I m~3 K~4 3. It is seen that the sensitivity to the cooling rate is
increased and that the temperature Th is lower than in
but they cannot be considered to be firmly established.
Figure 5 compares the evolution of the fraction of the former calculations. At the lOK/min cooling rate,
transformed austenite as calculated (dotted lines) and as the curve ends before the y/oc boundary because the
experimentally estimated (full lines) upon both coolings pearlitic reaction begins.
of sample D
from 900'C. The calculated curves show a Figures and 6 7
present the calculations of the
shift towards lower temperature when the cooling rate transformation kinetics madefor samples (Fig. 5) and C
is increased. Moreover,
we can see that the effect of the D (Fig. 6) with the corrected value of the diffusion
cooling rate on the kinetics of phase transformation is coefficient of carbon in austenite. In both figures, we
satisfactorily described. However, the curves in Fig. 5 notice that there is a shift to higher temperatures of most
show that the effect of the cooling rate on the onset of of the calculated curves with respect to the experimental
the austenite decompositlon is not properly described. ones. This shift increases with the cooling rate, it is related
At first, one thought that this could be due to the to the simplicity of the heat transfer model of DTA
nucleation step of ferrite which was not described. A described in the appendix. In fact, there is a delay be-
model accounting for it was developed in which the size tween the beginning of the reaction in the sample and the
of the eutectoid spheres was calculated for all the size recording of the corresponding thermal arrest. This delay
classes defined by the successive nucleation events. It is of the order of
(the time constant characteristic of
was found that when the start of the reaction was the transfer function between the sample and the ther-
appropriately described, the bulk transformation was mocouple) at the beginning of the transformation
not. In other words, the discrepancy related to the onset and then decreases. The value of was found of the O
of the transformation could not be due to the nucleation order of 60 slo) for the DTAapparatus used in this study.
kinetics of ferrlte. It becameevident that the temperature Using this value, the predicted shift of the curves for a

71 9 C 1998 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vo!. 38 (1998). No. 7

l could affect the transformation. It has been shownpre-

viously that this effect should be small in the case of
Fe-C-Si alloys except in the last 20 o/o of the trans-
08 formation.29) In addition, it could be difficult to sepa-
lO Klmin 5K/min l K!min
~:' (I 100 'C) ..(~OO 'C) (900 'C) rate the contributions of impingement and of micro-
o segregation in this domain of high transformed volume
fraction. On the other hand, one may wonder about
the possible influence of stresses during the ferritic reac-
.o_ tion. It is In fact quite possible that the eutectoid trans-
~ O4
'1$ formation depends also on stresses due to the differ-
ence in the densities of graphite and ferrite. This could
0.2 explain why Wess6nand Svensson24) found that the
kinetics constant they introduced to describe the trans-
fer of carbon atoms from ferrite to graphite decreases
o with the nodule size. However, there is no doubt that
6go 700 720 740 760 780 800
interfacial reactions at the graphite matrix interface
Temperature ('C)
affects the growth of ferrite in cast iron. This is clearly
Fig. 6. Comparison of calculated (dotted lines) and experi- established by the fact that grey irons with lamellar
mental (solid curves of transformed austenite in
graphite are muchless prone to give a ferritic matrix
the case of sample with a nodule count of 190 ~ 2.
mm than spheroidal or cornpacted graphite cast iron.30)
Calculations were madewith the corrected value of
D~. Therelevant cooling rate is indicated on each curve, Thus, the approach followed by Wess~nand Svensson
with the starting temperature between brackets. and in the present work should be refined to separate
the two contributions, the interfacial reaction and the
l effect of stresses and strains.

5. Conclusron
(900 'C)
A model of the eutectoid reaction during cooling of

10 K/min Fe-C-Si alloys with spheroidal graphite has been
(900 'C) presented. It is based on a description of the growth
ce conditions of ferrite in the stable system and of pearlite

'~ in the metastable one. The transfer of carbon from ferrite

to graphite during the ferritic reaction was described by

physical laws which take into account an interfacial re-
0.2 action at the ferrite/graphite interface as well as volume
diffusion of carbon through the ferrite halos. Thepearlitic
reaction accounts for nucleation and growth of pearlite
o colonies. The characteristics of the nucleation law of
680 700 720 740 760 780 800
pearlite have been determined so as to fit the experimen-
Temperature ('C)
tal data while the growth rate of pearlite
was expressed
Fig. 7. Comparison of calculated (dotted lines) and experi-
according to experimental data available in the litera-
mental (solid curves of transformed austenite in
ture. To reproduce the effect of the cooling rate at the
the case of sample with a nodule count of 330 2.
mm~ beglnning of the austenite decomposition, it appeared of
Calculations were madewith the corrected value of
D~. The relevant cooling rate is indicated on each curve, first importance to describe the redistribution of carbon
with the starting temperature between brackets. between austenite and graphite before the beginning of
the eutectoid reaction. Calculations showed that this
10K/min cooling rate is at most lOK at the beginning stage should be controlled by stress effects and it was
of the transformation, in good agreement with the dis- found necessary to use an apparent diffusion coefficient
crepancy observed in Figs. 5 and 6, Nevertheless, ow- of carbon in austenite. In this line, work is going on in
ing to the various simplifications introduced in the order to characterize the possible effect of stresses and
physical model of the eutectoid transformation, as well strains on the ferritic reaction.
as in the heat transfer model, Figs. 6 and 7 show that Acknowledgement
the effect of the cooling rate on the onset of the
This work has received a financial support from
transformation as well as on the overall kinetics is
conveniently reproduced by the model proposed.
The present model has been developed and illustrated
with Fe-CSi alloys with spherical graphite, but could REFERENCES
be easily extended to alloys with low level additions of l) R. Elliott: Cast lron Technology. Butterworths et Co., London,
promoter elements. There are however two main
2) D. R. Askeland and S. S. Gupta: AFST,'a,Is., 83 (1975). 217.
drawbacks that should be emphasized. First, it is ex- 3) E. N. Pan, M. S. Lou and C. R. Loper: AFSTrans., 87 (1979),
pected that microsegregation of substitutional solutes 819.

C 1998 ISIJ 720

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4) W. C. Johnson and B. V. Kovacs: Metall. T,'ans. A, 9A (1978), To('C) 727+3007wsi~19800(wsi)2
= 727 + 2160wsi +
Tp('C) 230(wsi)2
5) B V. Kovacs: AFSTrans.,
88 (1980), 79.
6) R. B. Gundlach and E. P. Whelan: AFSTrans., 100 (1992), 713.
7) J. M. Schissler: H0,7lmes Foncie,'ie, 4 (1986), 13.
Care must be taken that the actual average content of
8) E. Dorazil: High Strength AustemperedDuctile Cast lron. Ellis
Si in austenite is higher than the nominal Si content of

Horwood, (1 991). the alloy because of the graphite fraction. Onehas:

9) K. Ogi, A. Sawamoto.Y. C. Jjn and C. R. Loper: AFSTrans.,
96 (1988), 75. Pg9g'a + pv(1 -ggra)
10) J. Lacaze, Ford, C. Wilson and
S. E. Dubu: Scand. J. Metall., wsi = w~i pv(1 ggra)
22 (1993), 300. -
11) U. Ekpoomand R. W, Heine: AFSTrans., 86 (1978), 281. where w~i is the nominal siliconcontent of the alloy.
12) J. Lacaze, C. Wilson and C. Bak: Scand. J. Metall., 23 (1994), The initial carbon content of austenite was given by
the equilibrium value with the austenite/graphite solvus
13) J. Lacaze, A. Boudot, V. Gerval, D, Oquaband H. Santos: Meta!l.
Mate,'. T,'ans. A, 28A (1997), 2015. expressed as a line joining the eutectoid point to the point
representing the austenite at the eutectic temperature.
l 4) M. Hillert: Monographn'33. TheInst. of Metals, London, 1968),
23 1
. The eutectic temperature, TEG, and the carbon content
l 5) S. K. Tewari and R. C. Sharma: Metal/. T,'ans. A, 16A(1 985), 597.
at the eutectic, WC,EG'were calculated according to the
l 6) S. A. Al Salman, G. W. Lorimer and N. Ridley: Acta Metall.,
following formula:
27 (1979), 1391.
l 7) D. Venugopalan: AFST,'ans,, 97 (1989), 271 . TEG= I 154 + 425wsoi
18) B. F Brownand M. F. Hawkes: AFST,'ans., 59 (1951), 181.
l 9) D. Venugopalan: Meia!l. Trans., 21A (1990), 913. wc,EG=kc(0.0434 28ws,)
20) D. Venugopalan: Conf. Proc. Cast lron IV, MRS,(1990), 271.
21) T. Owadano,T, Nishimura. H. Miyata and Y. Kubo: T,'a,Is. Jpn. where kc is the partition coefficient of carbon between
Ins!. Me/,, 16 (1975), 663.
S. Chang. D. Shangguanand D. M. Stefanescu: Meta!!. T,'a,Is.,
austenite and liquid, set equal to 0.47.
23A (1992), 1333. Diffusion Coefficients
23) I. L. Svensson. M. Wess6n and A. Gonzalez: Conf. Proc.
The (given in m2s~1, with T
diffusion coefficients
VI, TMS,(1993), 29.
expressed in Kelvin) used in the present work are those
24) M. Wess6nand L. Svensson: Meta/1. Trans , 27A(1 996), 2009.

25) M. Castro: PhDthesis, INPL, Nancy, France, (1991). selected by Liu and Agren33) and Agren34) respectively:
26) J. Lesoult. M. Castro and J. Lacaze: Acta Metal!. Mater., 46
(1998), 983.
M. Hillert: Je,'nkonto,'ets Ann., 141 (1957), 67.
D~= 2343 10 5 exp - T
28) C. E. Birchenall and H. W. Mead: J. Met., (1956), 1004.
29) V. Gerval and J. Lacaze: Proc, of the Conf. SP97, ed. by J. Beech 10115
and H, Jones, 506 - T
30) R. C. Voigt and R. C. Loper: AFST,'ans., 97 (1989), 595.
31) B. Sundman.B, Jansson and J. O. Andersson: Calphad, 9(1985),
O5898 l+-2 arctan 15Tc
629 15309 )J}
150 exp
. •

32) B. Uhrenius: Hardenability Concepts with Application to Steel,
The Met. Soc. of AIME, (1977), 28.
33) Z. K. Liu and J. Agren: Acta Meta!!., 37 (1989), 3157.
where Tc is the Curie temperature, which is here calcu-
34) J. Agren: Acta Metall., 30 (1982), 841.
lated according to the following approximate formulae
35) I. Barin: Thermochemical Data of Pure Substances, VCH, which was evaluated from the binary Fe-Si diagram:
Weinheim, (1993). Tc (K) = I 043 I OOO ws~'
36) A. T. Dinsdale: NPLReport DMA(A)195, (1989). -
Heat Transfer Calculation
DTAexperiments were performed on a SETARAM
Appendix. Thermophysical Data set up with alumina as reference body. The sample and
Description of the Phase Diagram the reference were placed in alumina crucibles high 7mm
The following expressions, where the Si content in and 4mm of Inner diameter. For modelling heat transfer,
austenite, wsi, is given in mass fraction, and the
was assumedthat the temperature of the alloy sample
temperature T in Celsius, have been obtained by fitting and of the reference are homogeneous.The heat balance
to calculatlons madewith the Thermocalc software31)
equation for the samplewaswritten in the following way:
using the data of Uhrenius.32)
dTs ~Vdg
T2+0 125ws,
P dt = -
Ah(Ts~ Tf) + p AH (A-1)
O1876-4.ll2•l0~4T+226 10 7 dt .....

w~/y =6.7 • 10~4-5 lO~ IoT2 -2.8 l0~7T

• • where pm and C~are the density and the heat capacity
+ (1 .2 • lO~ 8T2-4.5 10~ 3)ws~ • of the alloy, Ts and Tf are the temperature of the sample
and of the furnace, g is the fraction transformed (which
Awc=AT(2.9 • 10-6
2.8 • lO~ swsi)
varies between Oand I -ggra), AHis the heat of trans-
w~/g=w~/y Awc formation, Vand A are the volume and the area of the
= 739 + 3150wsi The sameequation without the last term in the right
= 739 + 1840wsi + 20
OOO(wsi)2 hand side applies to the sample whenit does fiot undergo
any phase change. A similar equatlon without the last

721 C 1998 ISIJ

ISIJ International, Vol. 38 (1998), No. 7
term in the right hand side
mayalso be written for the range 650 to 1200'C. The heat capacity of the metal
reference body. Simulations were performed with an was calculated by a simple additivity rule:
explicit scheme by calculating the temperature of the
sample and of the reference by means of the above Cr = f g'"Cg'* +f yCv+ f "C"
equation for preselected time steps. The value of the where C~ and C~ were evaluated using the data of pure
change of the transformed fraction calculated as Fe assessed by Dinsdale36) and where fop is the mass
described in the text was inserted when appropriate. fraction of phase q). The sharp change of the heat
Because of the fact that the sample and reference ity of ferrite due to the magnetic ordering at the Curie
thermocouples are located below the related crucib]es, temperature was taken into account for ferrite and was
the temperature they record differs slightly from the one neglected for pearlite.
inside the crucible. This difference is expected to increase The geometric modulus V/A of the crucibles was set
with the cooling rate. At the very beginning of the to 10~3mand the value of h
to 250J.m2.K-1•s~l
transformation, it is of the order of V*•O, where V* is for both the sample and reference crucib]es. Although
the cooling rate and is the time constant of the transfer experimentsl2) showed that the va]ue of could vary h
function of the DTA apparatus (about 60 s in the present from one experiment to another, it was left un-
caselo)), and then decreases. changed for all the calculations presented in this paper.
The selected value of the density of ferrite, austenite, Indeed, the calculated kinetics are not highly sensitive
graphite and A1203were respectively: 7 7
800, 900, 200 2 to its exact value. The transformation enthalpy was set
and OOO4 kg ~ 3 The heat capacity for Al203 wasgiven

m .
equal to 58 kJ kg~ I for both the stable and metastable

as 185 +0.1617 > (T- 500) J . kg~ I K- I which fits rea-
' transformations.
sonably well the assessed data35) In the temperature

C 1998 ISIJ 722

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