Introduction To Cryptography CS 355: Encryption Modes & Other Block Ciphers
Introduction To Cryptography CS 355: Encryption Modes & Other Block Ciphers
Introduction To Cryptography CS 355: Encryption Modes & Other Block Ciphers
CS 355
Lecture 16
• Homework due
Rd-1=Ld Ld-1=Rd ⊕ fd(Ld)
Ld-1 Rd-1 …
⊕ fd R0=L1; L0=R1 ⊕f1(L1)
Rd Ld
CS 355 Fall 2005 / Lecture 16 3
Review: DES
M1 M2 M3
IV ⊕ ⊕ ⊕
Ek Ek Ek
C1 C2
CS 355 Fall 2005 / Lecture 16 9
Properties of CBC
Encryption Decryption
r-bit shift r-bit shift
I1=IV Ij Ij
k E E k
Oj Oj
cj cj
xj xj
CS 355 Fall 2005 / Lecture 16 12
Properties of CFB
• Randomized encryption
• A ciphertext block depends on all preceding
plaintext blocks; reorder affects decryption
• Errors propagate for several blocks after the
error, but the mode is self-synchronizing (like
• Decreased throughput.
– Can vary the number of bits feed back, trading off
throughput for ease of use
• Sequential encryption
Encryption Decryption
Oj-1 Oj-1
I1=IV Ij Ij I1=IV
k E E k
Oj Oj
xj cj cj xj’
CS 355 Fall 2005 / Lecture 16 14
Properties of OFB
• Randomized encryption
• Sequential encryption, but pre-processing
• Error propagation limited
• Subject to limitation of stream cipher
• Cryptanalysis of DES