Woodcarvers Woodcarvers Woodcarvers: Gazette
Woodcarvers Woodcarvers Woodcarvers: Gazette
Woodcarvers Woodcarvers Woodcarvers: Gazette
Published by the British Woodcarvers Association Volume 3 - Issue 3 Winter 2013
Lora S. Irish
Bob Mau
Nic Westermann
Anna Casserley
Zionshill 2013
The Les Owen Cup
European Woodworking Show 2013
Woodfest @ Hatfield Forest 2013
Why Carve?
Some Thoughts on Membership
Ancient Stools at Bradfield Wood
Carving Together: Chris Pye & Carrie Camann
By Sarah Lawrenson
Test Valley Borough Council
Community Woodfair 2013
@ Zionshill
If You Go Down To The Woods For the Soap carving we give the Rake and Broom making, Hurdle
Today… You’ll find an awful lot children half a bar of Sainsbury’s making, Tent Pegs and Hedge
more going on than a Teddy Bears basic, a paper plate, a couple of Laying. In another area there is
Picnic! The Test Valley Borough wooden tools and a few wooden Woodcarving, Pole Lathe Turning,
Council Community Woodfair has templates or ready carved exam- Bush Craft, Chainsaw Carving,
been running since 2000 and has ples to look at. Mums and dads Spoon making and Conservation.
taken place every year since, ex- sit down too. Out come Rabbits, Not forgetting of course; Camp-
cept last year, with The Hampshire Cats, Dogs, Mice, Alligators, Cars, fire Skills, Pot making, Stories from
Woodcarvers attending every Boats, Butterflies and everything The Green Man, Face Painting,
show. you can think of, plus a few more. Birds of Prey and a few more.
Once set under way by our stal-
wart club members anything can
happen. At the end of the day we
had used 240 half bars of soap
and could have easily got through
a lot more if we had been willing
to stay until well after dark.
An Interview with Lora S. Irish
Lora S. Irish is an accomplished American years ago, I discovered
Woodcarver and the author of many that this is one craft
books including Classic Carving Patterns. that has no gender bias.
In fact, I have never
Should I be calling you Lora or found any prejudgment
Susan? of an artist’s work
I get that question a lot so I will share based on their sex,
with you the long version because it is a educational or cultural
wood carving story: background. In wood
carving my work was
As I stood in the kitchen doorway with accepted as is and
my packed bags at my feet and my judged for its own
college admissions letter in hand, ready quality and merits,
to start my freshman semester at the it stands on its own.
University of Maryland, my Dad lovingly Even my Dad who had
told me, “You don’t have to do this, I can wanted me to become
get you into a good nursing school or a secretary, even
secretarial class!” Women could pursue though I still cannot How did you get into carving, is
employment as teachers, nurses, or office spell my way out of a paper bag and there a family history of carving?
workers or express themselves artistically would never have considered teaching There is a long history of arts and crafts
through any needle art or home art, but me woodworking, was thoroughly in my family background. My parents
at that time it was not yet acceptable delighted that I had started woodcarving. came out of the coal mining culture of
that she purposefully pursue being a West Virginia, USA, pre-WWII, where
professional working, independent The carving communities have carried store-bought items were considered
woman. this open-arms acceptance right out onto luxuries. They, as I, were raised with
the internet, where you are as likely to the Do-It-Yourself attitude long before
I was a young, aspiring art student when see a new carver’s basswood block wood being a DIY junkie was trendy. So every
American society thought that women spirit walking stick receiving equal acclaim imaginable craft and art form was a
who attended college only wanted to and praise to that which an Old World common occurrence around the house
earn their “Mrs.” Degree. Women were style, trained carver receives for their - Mom did quilting, sewing, pottery,
just breaking through the gender barrier, intrigue, 4” thick oak acanthus leaf mantel knitting, and all of the needle arts. Mom
yet still expected to get married, have piece. just turned 88 this year and decided that
and raise children, and keep house. One she was ready to learn another new
college professor told me specifically So when Taunton Press offered me my craft so she has taken up silk ribbon
he resented women in his classrooms first book contract for Classic Carving embroidery.
because we were stealing some man’s Patterns, it was published under my full
opportunity to a higher education. name, Lora S. Irish. I no longer needed My Dad was an avid antique gun buff,
to hide the fact that I was a woman who specialized in Civil War muskets
Art galleries would not review or jury a to be able to pursue my passion as a which required months of intense
woman’s work because they did not want professional. In woodcarving I had found restoration. The wood stocks and pistol
to invest time, space and money into a home where I was accepted for what grips of those antique firearms often
promoting someone that was destined I did and a craft where I could flourish needed to be replaced which gave Dad
to leave the arts to go become a mother. without any limiting constraints simply the opportunity to hand carve designs
So like many of my predecessors through because I was female. into the walnut gunstocks (his preferred
history, I discovered that if I submitted wood species).
my work under my initials only – L. S. I will add to this that I am out of the old
Irish – I could get my work reviewed culture of West Virginia where in the It was at the end of my Dad’s life that I
without prejudice. I remember first coal mining families, a child’s first name began woodcarving. Dad had been bed
hearing the quote ‘For most of history, is your Christening name and used for ridden for several months and I would
Anonymous was a woman’ by Virginia formal, legal, or professional purposes. visit for a few hours when I could to give
Woolf in freshman year of college. A child’s second name is their ‘call’ name my Mom a break in his caretaking. To fill
or ‘friend’ name – it’s the name Momma those hours, I brought my carving tools
When I entered the craft fields after used when she called you to your chores and wood and would sit by his bedside
college, I quickly learned that most or the dinner table. And where if your quietly chipping away as we talked.
hobbies were no different than Momma called you by both names as Dad had given me my first tool set the
the arts and were stereotyped by Lora Susan! you knew you were in deep previous Christmas. As I worked Dad
gender. Women quilted and men did trouble. So you will see me sign my would give me instructions and directions
woodworking, women knitted and men name on my websites and publications for the cuts and strokes I was making into
did leather carving. under Lora, but everyone in the carving the wood. I often look back at that time
community just calls me Susan. and admit that while I was to one holding
Yet when I began wood carving about 25 the wood and chisels, my Dad was the
one doing the woodcarving by using my What aspects of woodcarving are sticks, or fishing sticks long before he
hands as his carving tools. you most passionate about? discovered he could use a harder stone
I love teaching, especially over the to chip away a soft stone to create a line
It was during this time that I began the internet where I can share lots of photos, or shape.
patterns and drawings for the manuscript, step-by-step instructions and talk with my
Classic Carving Patterns, later published students as we work through a project. Perhaps to distinguish his hunting spear
by Taunton Press. I would work up the Teaching has always been a passion from another man’s spear he may have
rough drafts of the designs at home, then for me, in that it lets me share my love cut thin lines or patterns into the wood
bring them to my father for his review. for this craft. I focus on the newest shaft or burned geometric patterns into
Dad would look over the roughs and beginner carvers or pyrographers, with the wood with a flaming stick; the start
point out areas that needed to be refined an assumption that this project may of pyrography. We can date the earliest
to make the final carving more powerful. be the first time they have ever held a surviving wood carvings to circa 4000BC
bench knife, chisel, or wood burning tool. with the wood carvings discovered in the
The day that Dad passed away, Mom There are many carvers with skills far Great Pyramid of Giza, which show a
brought out Dad’s carving kit, full of superior to mine that teach and share the well-developed, very advanced skill level.
years of tool collecting - bench knives, advanced techniques. But every carver
gouges, chisels, riflers and files, rulers, must start with that first carving block or Since that first stone tool maker picked
strops and rouge. She sat the tool box plaque blank and have that first time using up a piece of fire wood to test the
in front of me, saying that Dad had their tools. For me, they are the most sharpness of his cutting tool, man has
specifically wanted me to have his kit. I important person in the room, reading enhanced his woodworking with carvings.
cried. That kit is a family treasure and the magazine or book, or on the message We have carved our door lintels, our
today I still use my Dad’s bench knife boards. If I can share the basics and the weapons, our coffins, our food bowls,
with wonderful memories of those last foundation techniques with them, I know our tools, and our wooden jewelry
special hours together bent over a small that they will come to love this craft as I with patterns and designs from the very
basswood block, working out how to do. beginning of man’s history.
curve an eye or indent the nose bridge of
a wood spirit. Do you think that woodcarving is Woodcarving is an old craft that just one
becoming more popular? or two generations ago we would have
What was the first thing that you Wood carving is most likely our very first learned from our parents or grandparents
carved or whittled? art form, prior to the millennia-old stone as an everyday household skill like
Like many brand new carvers, my first Venus figures and most likely appeared sewing, cooking, or hunting. So I don’t
attempt at carving was a terrible but total soon after man discovered fire and how think I would refer to the current interest
thrilling disaster. My Dad, knowing that to create cutting tools from stone chips. in wood carving as being a craft trend or
he was passing away, had begun to give Sadly there is no physical evidence left for as becoming more popular. I believe that
away some of his woodworking tools this hypothesis for the simple reason that wood carving is experiencing a revival
and equipment, much of which went to wood rots. Yet, I can imagine our early because of the new access to techniques,
my husband. In one of the boxes was ancestors sitting beside the fire using tools, and patterns made available
a stack of vintage Wood Magazines. their stone chip cutting knives to carve through the internet and book publishing.
Looking through them, I came across an the points of their spears, food gathering
article on how to carve a realistic feather.
Having read the article and knowing
that I could accomplish the steps, I went
to my kitchen drawer and got my best
potato paring knife, then went off to the
workshop and found an end scrap of
2x4” white pine, and started carving.
What grandfather would have taught you background and I am working towards cowboy 3D character, and next week you
while whittling away an hour or so on the a more open use of other crafts to might be working on a full, life-sized bust
back porch is now a ‘click away’. enhance those designs in my carvings. of your granddaughter – anything goes in
So in my opinion when someone takes Do you have a favourite wood to
up their gouges and chisels they are not use? Are there any artists or craftsmen
pursuing something that is new, trendy, Basswood – Tilia - also called Linden that you find particularly
or culturally popular – instead they are or American Lime is my favorite, with inspiring?
adding their personal works to our very butternut - Juglans cinerea – also called There are many great wood artists
first art form which may span nearly the White Walnut, a close second. Both are that have spent years developing their
whole of human history. excellent fine grained woods for relief techniques. Their work is breath-taking,
carving and whittling projects. Basswood outstanding and important to our craft
Where do you find your in particular has a very tight fine grain because they show the height of our art.
inspiration? with a clear white coloring, perfect for But they really don’t inspire or excite me.
Since I focus my carvings for beginning deep undercuts and thin, smooth-lined
carvers I tend to go fairly traditional in detailing. It ages to a nice, soft golden You don’t know the name of the carver
subject matter for my blog projects. patternation over the years if you use an that truly excites me – the person that
Farm and barn landscapes are always a oil finish or it easily accepts full coloring really gets me revitalized in this craft - and
favorite as is any wildlife scene. Today and shading with either oil or acrylic neither do I. That carver, whoever she
the greenman, wood spirit, and classic paints. Since basswood is the primary or he is, is sitting at their kitchen table
cathedral gargoyle are popular subjects. wood for a new carver here in the States, opening up their very first set of carving
I also love traditional furniture accents I tend to use it exclusively in my projects. tools. A friend has told them they need
such as the acanthus leaf scroll or oak some sharpening tools so they ordered
and acorn garlands. I think that it is easier Why do you practice the art of a strop and rouge off the internet, and
to learn a new craft if the subject matter woodcarving? they visited their local hobby store to
is something that you would like to work Woodcarving is truly a hands-on art purchase a few packs of basswood
on. form. Our carving woods are warm and blanks. Maybe they have a magazine a
gentle to the touch - clay or metal tend to friend lent them, maybe they picked up a
After more than 25 years in this art, I find be cold and hard. Wood is comfortable book on wood carving at the library, or
myself mixing arts and craft processes and comforting to hold and work. Unlike maybe they found a free project on the
with my carvings. I am using pyrography oil painting or drawing where your net. They are ready to try their hand at
as a tool for fine line detailing and for thin pencil or brush keeps you away from the this craft.
undercuts in my relief carvings. A scroll canvas, keeps you at a distance from your
saw, band saw, or even coping saw allows creation, woodcarving puts both hands They don’t know yet which is the gouge
me to break away from the rectangular right into the action of creation. You and which is the chisel. As they work
shape of a pre-routed plaque and adds don’t need any special place or a heavy their first wood spirit face, the cuts will
dimensional impact along the outer edges investment of tools to work this craft. be rough and ragged, the face will be
of my work. There are many painting A good quality bench knife, a block of slightly lop-sided, and the detail lines will
techniques that not only add coloring wood, and the back porch steps will get be wobbly. When you look at the piece
but also add a touch of surprise when you started. you will still see the block shape of the
the viewer realizes that your work is wood because they don’t know how to
not resin, ceramic, or stone but painted There is no limit to the style of carving round off the sides yet, but they’ll learn.
wood. you can do, the subject of your works, or
the number of wood species you can use. When they finish that first work they are
So most of my project patterns come Today might be a basswood relief plaque anxious to post it to a message board
out of historic, classic, or traditional of a flying goose, tomorrow it might be a or forum they discovered or they are
taking it to their local Senior Centre to was completely my fault. I was working carved duck decoy … or how I learned
show off what they have done. For many fast to finish a relief before a publishing that I have to wear shoes while carving
of them this is their first arts and crafts deadline and had allowed my tools to … or even share with you how some
in many decades. For others it is their pile up on my work table. Because I had of my carvings end up as very fancy
first art ever. They are so proud of that dropped them randomly on the table a firewood kindling and how my family
rough and tumble wood spirit and they few had become covered with the chips sends them on to an honorable funeral
have every right to be. You see, they created during the rough out stage of pyre… nor about my son telling me
just made SOMETHING GREAT out of the carving. As I was reaching across the there were wood chips in his macaroni
NOTHING! They made a piece of art table my hand caught the edge of a chisel and cheese! No, I don’t think I will share
that is all theirs. No matter what they and sliced open a long cut down the those tales here – GRIN!
have carved they have added a little piece center of my finger.
of themselves to our art’s history. You can find out more about Susan and
Do you have a favourite subject her books at either of these websites:
With just a few more projects you will for your carvings? ArtDesignsStudio.com or LSIrish.
never know that they are a Newbie, we I think that I am a binge carver when it com
progress so quickly in this hobby. And in comes to what subjects I am working.
a few months they will be offering advice, Where many carvers choose a particular Some of Susan’s in-depth tutorials:
ideas, and sharing techniques with the genre like Santas, cowboys or duck
newest carvers on the web or in their decoys, I am a relief carver and can chose Canada Goose Relief Carving at http://
carving club. This is the wood carver from a wide variety of themes, topics, lsirish.com/tutorials/woodcarving-
that inspires me. This is the post of any and subjects – landscapes, portraits, folk tutorials/woodcarving-projects/
forum that I always click on and that art, wildlife. I have an open palette of beginner-projects/releif-wood-
always makes me smile. I know when I possible relief ideas. With an average carving-canada-goose-project-
see that very first carving, the many years project taking about two or three days part-four/ is a 27 page posting on our
of joy that are ahead of them. They, of work, I might do several plaques that blog with over 150 step-by-step photos,
those newest crafters, are the future focus on one topic – one flying goose, and free download patterns.
of woodcarving and I am inspired by one goose in the pond and one goose on
their courage and creativity to take on a nest. Tiki Chess Set, Beginner’s Carving
something totally new and challenging. Project at http://lsirish.com/
Where do you do most of your woodcarving-projects/beginner-
carving? projects/tiki-chess-set-beginners-
Oh, my family jokes that they can always carving-project/ This free online
find me by following the trail of wood project is a thirteen page posting on our
chips throughout the house! I have found blog with full step-by-step instructions
my wood chips in the couch cushions, and a free download for the patterns
under the throw rugs, in the clothes used.
washer and lint tray of the dryer, and
even in the bed covers. When I turn out Basics to Painting your Wood Carvings
the pockets of my blue jeans you can at http://lsirish.com/tutorials/
hear the chips rain down onto the floor. coloring-your-project/basics-to-
painting-2/ You can see samples of the
I often carve at my studio table. As a classic American ice fishing decoys in this
relief carver I prefer a standing position I am a whittler in my three dimensional in-depth free tutorial on our blog.
where I can center my hands over the work, often using precut basswood
work with the board locked to the table blocks. I love wood spirits, character By The Editor
edge with a bench hook or bracing table. carving, and trick carving like the ball in
During the evenings, after the studio has cage or the chain. Last year I tried my
closed, I can easily move my carving into hand at ice-fishing fish decoys which are
the living room. With a heavy terry cloth
towel to catch the chips and protect my
legs I can work off my lap. For larger
delightful small 3D folk art carvings. I
started with a simple, smooth bodied
minnow design and before I knew it I had
works I have a sturdy kitchen chair that over forty finished decoys with painted
has a very level seat that I use as a small bodies and copper fins. Even more There is an online poll about the
carving bench. I set the chair on non-skid recently I had a little fun with the classic sustainability of printing the gazette.
mats that keep the chair from moving Tiki pattern - That project turned into a Would you like to see the gazette
on my wood floors. I can set my bench complete chess set. being produced on Carbon Balanced
hook against the front edge of the chair Paper? Or would you like the gazette
and work. Do you have any anecdotes about to be printed on recycled paper?
your carving?
I don’t think that where you work is as I don’t think I want to tell you about how Please vote for your favourite at :
important as how you work. In 25 years my husband’s black Labrador Retriever www.thewoodcarversgazette.
I have only once gotten a cut serious puppy, while teething, chewed off the
enough to need stitches and that cut beak of an expensive vintage wood co.uk
This year’s European Woodworking Show carving competition
was a great success with over 1500 votes from the public. The
competition is organised by the Essex region and sponsored
by Classic Handtools. First Place went to Peter Paces and
his King’s Minder winning £750 in vouchers. Second Place
went to Gerry Guiver and his copy of a piece by Grinling
Gibbons, winning him £250 in vouchers. Voting in the carving
competition is done by the public based on the carving that
they’d most like to take home.
Chief Big Jaw by John Wilkins Don’t Lose Heart by John Urbanowski Evening Prayers by Ted Jeffrey
Lime on Mountain Ash Box on Mahogany Teak
Charlie Chaplin by Bill Cross Frank Sinatra by Bill Cross King’s Minder by Peter Paces
Cedar of Lebanon Lime Lime
Krakonos by Peter Paces
Penny Farthing by Anthony W. Smith
Maple, Cherry, Walnut and Lime
201 3
After a quick ‘Google’ I found she would like to have a play with
out that Cupressus Macrocarpa her fantasy character marionette
is a medium-sized coniferous ‘Decay’. See her website www.
evergreen tree, which often praguemarionette.com for other
becomes irregular and flat-topped carved delights.
as a result of the strong winds that
are typical of its native area. It
A Huge thanks go to Ken Veal, grows to heights of up to 40m in
Brian Pitcher and their team perfect growing conditions, and its
from BWA Essex for organizing trunk diameter can reach 2.5m. If
the BWA display of carvings the wood choice was not unusual
submitted for the ‘Cressing enough, Dave went on to show
Temple Trophy’ competition, me the modification he had made
prizes for which were kindly to his angle grinder - an extension
donated by Classic Hand Tools. aided by a length of gutter and a
chair leg! Ingenious!
The carvings completed this year, were I am delighted to say that every carving
competing for the Les Owen Cup. received votes so every carving was
This is in memory of Les, who had just appreciated by a voter. Fish by J. Wheeler
retired and always wanted to take up
woodcarving. He had only just joined us The annual event is a very worthwhile
when he went into hospital for a minor effort by all of the members of the
operation and sadly did not recover from club, from first-year beginners to the
the anaesthetic. His wife presented his experienced carvers (the later always
tools to the club; members purchased giving great encouragement to the
them and decided to purchase a cup in newcomers).
his memory to be competed for each
Dolphin by J. Damarell
Alice in Wonderland by Liz Aylyard
Octosquid by Brian Eastoe
After a successful annual BBQ, we now
The public were asked to vote for the Our club is blessed with several excellent
look forward to our Christmas Dinner
carving that they liked best by completing carvers and it was acknowledged by
together with our partners. It is here
a voting slip. Voters were asked to assign the visitors who clearly recognised the
where Liz will receive the well-deserved
three points to the carving they thought subject matter, design, techniques and
Les Owen Cup.
was the best, two points for the second
best and one point to the third best. The
winner is the carving that has the most
Snail by Chris Pye, carved from Lime Woman in the Wind by Carrie Camann, carved
from Yellow Cedar
Chris works primarily in Oak and Lime,
not surprising for a traditional English
carver. Carrie is more familiar with
American varieties: Cherry, Maple,
Walnut and Cedar. She started her
training with Native American Carvers
working with bent knives and green Alder
carving has definitely improved just from The Story Goes on…
filming the video lessons.” It’s obvious that Carrie and Chris are
both passionate about woodcarving,
Their joint venture is both inspired not just doing it but sharing the joy with
and inspiring. In addition to making a others. “I can’t count the number of
positive contribution in the lives of their students who’ve told me how therapeutic
members, Woodcarving Workshops. carving is for them. For most carvers, it’s
tv contributes to the planet by planting as much about the process as it is about
trees! Right from the word go, Chris and the finished carving,” offers Chris.
Carrie teamed up with Plant-It 2020, a
US-based, non-profit organization that “The UK is so lucky to have this fantastic
plants trees around the world. “There tradition,” adds Carrie. “And we’re
are so many worthwhile charities that helping to keep the flame of woodcarving
choosing can be overwhelming, but, alive. Well, that’s our hope anyways. In
for us, it made sense to allocate our lots of ways our mission is the same as
charitable giving to trees. If every carver the BWA: we’re dedicated to the love of
planted just one tree a year, we’d be woodcarving. Pure and simple.”
doing the planet a world of good!’ To
date, their business is responsible for
planting over 600 trees worldwide.
Shirt by Chris Pye, carved from Sycamore
& Ca rr ie C a mann
Ch ris Pye By Jane James
My father’s hobby was woodwork and his persuaded me to join them.
ambition was to make a carved chair for
his local church but he died when I was I then started to go to group meetings
12 and never achieved his ambition. In and started with the usual leaf carved
his memory I thought it would be nice to out of apple wood and really enjoyed
take his hobby up too. meeting other carvers and learning from
them. Since then I have been hooked on
carving and now have about two dozen
chisels and numerous holding gadgets, my
home has even more carved objects and I
have been on two wood carving holidays.
Terry with his dog
With my father in mind I have turned
my attention to an old toy dray I have
inherited from him. Originally it had
wooden barrels on it which unfortunately
have been lost. I think it dates back from
the early 1900s. Recently I thought it
would be nice to make a horse for it
so for the last few months (with help I
must add), I have carved a cart horse to
pull the dray. I must say it has been very
difficult because although finding lots of
photos of cart horses there are never
Derek with his relief carving
photos of the underneath quarters or
Gill and her dray what happens behind the tail! Anyway I
have done my best and the next project I
Years later, as a single mum with two suppose will have to be beer barrels!
young children I went to evening classes
in woodwork. I don’t think I was very
good at it and really relied on lots of help
from the tutor and classmates. I was too
ambitious and spent a whole year making
a captain’s bed for my youngest daughter
which was a piranha pine bed on top of
a wardrobe and desk unit. The ladder
was extremely wobbly but it did work!! Ann with her miniatures
When it was finished, I was realised I
could not get it out of the woodwork
room door, so we had to take it to bits Progress so far on Gill’s Cart Horse
and separate the wardrobe from the desk
and bolt it together afterwards. I suppose
one learns from mistakes, but I do think By Gill Deacon
the woodwork teacher could have
anticipated the problem!
Alston Owl
During the summer, I went to Sharon decided to leave his features proud rather of Colron matt clear varnish before a
Littley’s carving weekend up at Alston than smoothed over, and I also added nice wax polish! He is carved from lime
Hall in Longridge, Lancashire and was some simple feather detailing to his wings and stands five inches tall. He is currently
very pleased with my finished stylised (because before I thought they looked settling in nicely on the top of a corner
owl ‘Spock’. He was based originally on more like penguin flippers!) and indication cabinet and viewing him from below
an article in Woodcarving Magazine by of claws. really accentuates the ‘v’ above his eyes-
Andrew Thomas, issue 133 (which I think hence the name Spock!
was July this year) pages 26-29. Another
of our group, Bill Johnson, had planned
to make this one and once I saw him I
couldn’t resist having a go.
By John Tybjerg
Querky wood indeed There were a few chainsaw artists with items for
100th Anniversary of
For the past decade or more, the forest
has played host to an annual festival
World War I
of music and woodcraft. Entry is free
except for the car park which is £5 per
car. This year’s Woodfest was a great
success with only a few minor showers
over the weekend. I have had a small
stall there for the last three years,
peddling some of my small woodcarvings.
Ancient Ash Stools at The purpose of my visit was to see the Stools of Ash before
Ash Dieback Disease becomes the stuff of nightmares and
Bradfield Wood is commonplace in our woods. How much longer will these
ancient stools be around before they surrender to Chalara?
Bradfield Wood in Suffolk is one of the few places where Hopefully some will have an inbuilt resistance but their age is no
traditional coppicing is still practiced on a commercial basis doubt against them.
(albeit by volunteers). Run by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, it has a
recorded history of over 700 years. Amongst the small-leaved
Lime and Hornbeam are huge Oak standards with hundreds of
Ash and Hazel stools.
The middle of this stool died long ago but the size of the stool can be measured
by looking the the surviving parts around the edge For further information please see: www.
The stools are the result of hundreds of years of coppicing; bradfield-woods and www.suffolkwildlifetrust.org/
cutting the tree back again and again, keeping it alive for longer reserves/bradfield-woods
than it would otherwise live. The Ash stools at Bradfield wood
are of particular interest due to their age which could be up to This PDF is a great read for enthusiasts of ancient woodland:
600 years old or more. They are purportedly the oldest living www.britishwildlife.com/classic_articles/BW1-61-
things in Suffolk. 75%20Discovering%20Ancient%20Woodlands2.pdf
By The Editor
Ash trees don’t usually live more than a couple of hundred years without
coppicing By A. Wilson
By David Howard
David Howard
carved this Husky
from Lime (shown
with an inset
photo of the
actual dog).
Lion Head
By Dave Lumb
By Meriel Brown
If you would like to submit one of your recently completed carvings to the gallery for the next issue, email
editor@britishwoodcarversassociation.co.uk or use the form on the website www.thewoodcarversgazette.co.uk
BWA West Midlands See our
Carving Competition 2013
Wildfowl in Relief extensive
I thought that this year’s competition on 18th September
2013, was extremely inspiring. The standard of carving was
excellent and I was very impressed considering that some of
range of Blanks
the carvings were done by newcomers to woodcarving.
The subjects were very varied and well thought out and Lee More Lime
Hale of Winterbourne Gardens (where our club resides) and Blanks on-line
Graham Jones had a very difficult job in choosing the first, in December...
second and third. I didn’t envy them the job of choosing a
winner, because all the carvings, including the ones unfinished, ...up to 100mm
were so good. thick.
They finally came to the decision that John T’s unfinished
‘Swans in Flight’ deserved third place because of the
difficulty and against the grain carving and the depth that had We also stock a full
been achieved in the relief carving, which had it been finished range of Woodcarving
would undoubtedly have won first place. Tools and accessories from many
leading manufacturers...
Nerys’ carving of swans was also unfinished but the quality
of the carving and the design was highly appreciated by the
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warranty and FREE ‘Grindstone
for Life’.
> Rotating base included FREE.
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32 www.britishwoodcarversassocation.co.uk