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Year 8 Maths Term 12012

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Coolum Beach Christian College


Early Number Systems and
Base Values


N Student’s Name:
Teacher’s Name:

V Time: total 3 weeks

2 weeks (12x45mins sessions in class time – the rest at home).
E 1week (extra time to write final copy at home)

S Date Given: Wednesday 2nd February _____(Week 2)

Due Date: Thursday 24th February ____ (Week 5)
1. Your plans and notes will be monitored on: Tuesday 14th Feb Week 4

2. Your rough copy will be monitored on: Thursday 16th Feb Week 4

1. You must adhere to the Schools Assessment Policy.

2. You have 1 week to work on this assignment.
3. Class time and home time will be used to complete this assignment.
4. This cover sheet MUST be attached to your completed assignment.
5. Your assignment must be handed into your class teacher by the due date.
6. Application for extensions must be made to Miss Bourke 2 days prior to the
due date.cbourke@cbcc.qld.edu.au

/ 64 %

YEAR 8 : TERM 1 - SEMESTER 1, 2012

Level of Percentage KAPS Task 1 /12


Task 2 /12
A+ 95- 100%
Task 3 /12
A 90 - 94%

A- 85 - 89% Task 4 /12

B+ 81- 84%

B 76-80% MAPS Task 5 /16

B- 70-75% TOTAL /64
C+ 65- 69%
C 58- 64%
C- 50 - 57%
D+ 45 - 49%
D 35 - 44%
D- 25 - 34%
E+ 15 - 20%
E 10 - 14%
E- 0 - 10%

Task 1 Early Number Systems and Calendars

(a) Research number systems used by

a) Babylonians d). Egyptians
b) Mayans e). Romans
c) Aztecs

 Copy and paste the symbols used in the above number systems, making sure it shows
our decimal number equivalents.
 For each write the number 2468

(List websites used in a bibliography)

(5 marks)
(b) One Month Calendar

Create a calendar grid using A4 coloured paper provided, label the month, year and number
system allocated by your teacher.
(7 marks)
Task 2 (12 marks)
The Mayan number system with a base of 20, differs with our decimal system which uses a
base of 10. Convert the following numbers to a Mayan number.

Worked Example 1 (Decimal) Worked Example 2 (Mayan)

Mayan System
Decimal System
(Number to convert = 8826)
(Number to convert =
1735) Base 20 # of units symbols
Base 10 # of units
x8000 = ( 20 3 1 (1x8000) = 8000 
x1000 ( 10 3
1 (1x1000) )
) x400 = ( 20 2 2 (2x400) = 800 
x100 ( 10 2 7 (1x700) )
) x20 = ( 201 1 (1x20) = 20 
x10 ( 101 3 (1x10) )
) x1 = ( 20 0 6 (6x1) = 6 
x1 ( 10 0 5 (5x1) ) Total = 8826
) Please
Total = 1735 take note of the symbols used for Mayan
(i) (ii)
(i) Mayan System (ii) Mayan System
(Number to convert = 25) (Number to convert = 127)
(iii) Mayan System
Base (Number
20 to#convert
of =symbols
424) Base 20 # of symbols
units units
Base 20 # of symbols
x8000 ( 20 3 units x8000 ( 20 3

x8000 ( 20 32 )
)x400 ( 20 x400 ( 20 2
x400 ( 20 12 )
)x20 ( 20 x20 ( 201
)x20 ( 2010 )
)x1 ( 20 x1 ( 20 0
x1 ( 20 0 )
) Total = Total =
Total =

(v) Mayan System (vi) Mayan System

(Number to convert = 1238) (Number to convert = 8075)
Base 20 # of symbols Base 20 # of symbols
units units
x8000 ( 20 3 x8000 ( 20 3
) )
x400 ( 20 2 x400 ( 20 2
) )
x20 ( 201 x20 ( 201
) )
x1 ( 20 0 x1 ( 20 0
) )
Total = Total =

Task 3
Complete the attached number problems using the Mayan number system.
Work out the answers in decimal notation first, please take note of the operation + - x 
Convert final answer to Mayan
(12 marks)

(i) (ii)
 =  +  =
 
+ = + =

(iii) (iv)

 -  =  -  =
- = - =

(v) (vi)

   =   =
 
 =  =

Task 4 (4 questions only)

For each question you are required to:
 write a question or description in WORDS eg a sentence or a paragraph
 then CALCULATE the answer to the 4 selected problems below.

1) Give 2 examples each of when you need to add, subtract, divide or multiply in the real world?

2) 3467 x 4. What are three different mental strategies you could you apply to solve this problem?

3) What is the Australian dollar worth today in 5 other currencies? Show what $50 would be

4) If the average of 6 numbers was 58, what could the 6 numbers be?

(12 marks)

Task 5 (4 questions only)

For each question you are required to:
 write a question or description in WORDS eg a sentence or a paragraph
 then CALCULATE the answer to the 4 selected problems below.

1) I have multiplied a 3 digit number by a one digit number and the answer is a 4 digit number. What could the
equation be? Give three examples.

2) What could you add 542 to make it divisible by 10? Divisible by 5? Divisible by 8?

3) You have $1,000 saved up. What is its value in different currencies? Investigate which are the best 5 and
worst 5 exchange rates. Based on this information, where would you travel on a holiday?

4) My phone number has 8 digits. When I add up each of the eight digits, I get a 2 digit number. When I add
those 2 digits together, I get a number less than 4. What could my phone number be?

5) Students are in training for the inter-school cross-country, which is 6 km long. Last years’ winning time was 28
minutes, 5 laps of the track which was 1.2km . Design a shorter track for them to practise on at school. How
long will the track be? How many laps do they need to complete to cover the 6 km distance? What times
should they be aiming for each lap?

6) I can earn 20c for every apple I pick, 5c for every strawberry and 15c for every banana. If I earned $34, what
combination of fruit could I have picked?

(12 marks)

Modelling & Problem Solving

Task 5
Question 1:
A school walkathon follows a course 500m across the oval, 2460m down one street, 432m along another, 4624m
along a bush track, back along another street for 3042m and 1324m on the last street back to school.
a) How long is the course?

b) If Kylie went 1680 out of her way to visit her home, and the join back in the walkathon, how far did she walk?

c) Andrew took a short-cut and walked only 2340m down the bush track section. How far did he walk?

Question 2:
Peter each week gets $5 pocket money from his parents and receives $11.75 a week doing a paper run. Peter also
has a job at the corner store were he earns $9.25/ hr. From saving Peter has $257.53 in the bank.
a) How much does Peter earn in a week when he works 3 hours at the corner store, including pocket money?

b) In this 3 hour week, he also spends $10 on mobile phone credit, $15.80 at the movies, $58 on new skate
board bearings and sold his old bearing to the store for $7.50. He also purchased 3 songs off itunes for $1.69
each. How much money does Peter have in total?

Question 3:
Suppose you have $1 000 000 000 to give away and you give away a $50 note each minute of the day. How long
would it take to give it all away?

Question 4:
The average pulse rate of a person is 60 beats per minute. How many times does the average person’s heart beat in
an average lifetime of 70 years?

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