Apoptosis Versus Necrosis: March 2018
Apoptosis Versus Necrosis: March 2018
Apoptosis Versus Necrosis: March 2018
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1 author:
Tim Sandle
The University of Manchester
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tim Sandle on 04 March 2018.
can no longer maintain ion homeostasis (the asymmetric Received February 7, 2018; Accepted Febryary 13, 2018; Published
concentrations of the major inorganic cations and anions is February 23, 2018
a major function of cellular membranes) [2]. Citation: Tim Sandle (2018) Apoptosis versus Necrosis. SFJ Chro Dis.
Necrosis takes place following several stages
that occur in succession. In the first stage, pre-necrosis, Copyright: © 2018 Tim Sandle. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
this is characterized dystrophic changes by reversible unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
cell damage. In the next stage, termed necrobiosis, this is original author and source are credited.
The damage to internal membranes can allow for the in necrosis. In this sense, apoptosis occurs in scattered
release of lysosomal enzymes, which, in turn, release individual cells and groups of cells that are not adjacent,
the cell contents into the extracellular space. This causes unlike what typically occurs happens with necrosis [7].
a nonspecific inflammatory response. Necrosis is also There are several possible mechanisms for the recognition
characterized by random digestion of DNA with DNA of apoptotic cells by phagocytes, with cells displayed as
fragmentation after lysis. apoptotic target statuses. Although apoptosis is a process
During necrosis, cell nuclei undergo changes that differs to necrosis, representing the physiological
termed karyopyknosis, this means nuclei become pyknotic pathway of cell death, apoptosis can also be caused
(the irreversible condensation of chromatin in the nucleus by pathological stimuli where apoptosis is develops
of a cell) and become fragmented into blocks. This is the necessary energy in the form of ATP [8]. Unlike
followed by changes termed karyolysis, which is the with necrosis, apoptosis cannot communicate with the
complete dissolution of the chromatin of a dying cell due series of metabolic events that invariably occur during
to the enzymatic degradation by endonucleases. the development of the process. The ATP issue is of
Hence it can be concluded that necrosis is defined importance, since classic apoptotic triggers can be changed
as unplanned process of cell death that is triggered by from apoptosis to necrosis, when cells are pre-emptied of
factors not under the control of the body. Contrary to ATP.
necrosis, which is programmed cell death and genetically With apoptosis, from the biochemical point of
independent, apoptosis is a genetically programmed view, in the cell the reduction of the synthesis of RNA
cell death where certain biochemical events lead to and protein is followed by degradation [5]. Initially it was
characteristic cell morphology changes and death. Such thought that the transition from normal to apoptotic is a fast
programmed cell death process can be activated by process. However, contraction that cannot be observed in
intracellular genetically defined development program an intermediate state using flow cytometry and cell sorting
and through the extracellular endogenous proteins or can lead to observations on the order discerning apoptotic
cytokines; or, alternatively, hormones with xenobiotic events. Further, intimacy events of apoptosis have been
components, radiation, hypoxia, or oxidative stress. studied using the technique PFGE (pulsed field gradient
The most important elements of apoptosis are gel electrophoresis) [3].
the activities of caspases (the family of protease enzymes From another perspective, a considerable number
that play an essential role in programmed cell death); here of mutations affecting specific stages of the process of
apoptosis morphological expression is represented by apoptosis have bene identified. Further, corresponding
apoptotic bodies. Apoptosis occurs in two circumstances, genes have been identified for specific mutations, and
namely in normal tissues where cells responsible for these are ordered in a genetic map. On this basis, the events
deletion and certain pathologies. In contrast pathological of apoptosis have been extensively studied. Research
necrosis, apoptosis is always the consequence of a major results have shown that the genes that make up the map of
cellular damage [1]. Early in the process there is a apoptosis specific mutations are involved in the decision
sustained increase in cytosolic ionized calcium levels in to enter the programmed cell death pathway. The results
many cell types [2]. of these studies reveal that genes ced-3 and ced-4 are
Cross-linking occurs in the cytoplasm protein, a required for all forms of apoptosis and they are involved in
process that takes place by the action transglutaminases. the apoptotic pathways that encode end-effectors [9].
In this process, cytoskeletal filament aggregation also The cell death abnormality gene 9 (Ced-9) is
occurs in parallel formations. Moreover, the endoplasmic useful for suppressing (or inhibiting) apoptosis in cells
reticulum expands and merges with the plasma membrane, programmed to survive; from this point of view the gene
creating fusion craters at sacciform (‘bag’ or ‘sac’) shape is considered as a key regulatory gene. It seems that the
[6]. Further with apoptosis, the cell membrane specific genes mentioned, either in whole or in part, are involved in
modifications that occur consist of swelling, to a greater encoding a protein homologous to Bcl-2 family of human
extent compared to the types of changes that occur with system. Hence it is believed that the expression of Bcl-2
necrosis [4]. may be involved in inhibiting apoptosis in certain species
Hence apoptosis refers to morphological changes of primate, or even where a partial loss of function could
that occur during the process that defines cell death, be substituted by Ced-9. This would indicate that at least
including specific changes, other than those appearing some components of the apoptotic pathway are conserved
Citation: Tim Sandle (2018) Apoptosis versus Necrosis. SFJ Chro Dis.