Tugas Praktek 5
Tugas Praktek 5
Tugas Praktek 5
When you are going to write Patient’s Medical Record, you need to make medical interview
to get the information about Subjective Data Patient. Start by making a dialog about asking Patient
Medical History .Then write those informations you get in Medical Record.
2. A dialog is about Medical interview between nurse and Patient. Then make it to Writtten
Medical Record (hand writing). Write both Subjective and Objective Data of Patient in
Medical Record.
3. Make a dialog with your friend. So, it is a pair Work. Student as a nurse wears uniform.
Student as a patient wears cloths freely.
4. A dialog in the form of video. Make a video like your second practice video. (show
yourselves in a video). Add also a text of your dialog in your video.
5. One student up load a video, the other student upload Written Medical Record in google
– The nurse interviews Ms. Theresia about her mother ‘s health. Her mother is Mrs.
Natalia. She is a 43-years-old bussiness woman who lives with her only one daughter, She
has a 10 year history of diabetes and hypertension, complains of anorexia for the past 3 to 4
months, weight loss. She tires easily and take a nap each afternoon. She thinks this may
well be related to her nerves since she has been depressed about her divorced. She feels
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excess thirst, headache, dizziness, visual disturbance, and
palpitations. Her Father has diabetes . Her Mother has hypertension. She has been living in
Jakarta. Her childhood illnesses was chicken pox. Her adult illnesses was diabetes mellitus,
type II, X 10 yearshypertension diagnosed 1991. she had allergies-sulfa (rash/hives). She
wakes up at 5, makes breakfast and lunch, naps in the afternoon, makes dinner, and she and
her daughter clean up together. She eats cereal and fruit for breakfast; sandwich or salad for
lunch; rice, vegetable and meat or fish for dinner. She does not like snack.. She has never
smoked. She drink one or two cocktails on weekends. She often takes anti-depressent
medicine. She has never done exercise.She wears glasses and has a visual difficulty,
inflammation or eye pain, double vision, or tearing. She has good hearing and no tinnitus or
aural discharge. She has a cavity in her teeth. She gets a little hoarse sometimes.