ENGR455 Finite Element Analysis: Follow Strictly The Below Instructions
ENGR455 Finite Element Analysis: Follow Strictly The Below Instructions
ENGR455 Finite Element Analysis: Follow Strictly The Below Instructions
Due 11.59pm, 17th April 2021 (Saturday). Late submission will not be accepted.
Assignment 2
5m 5m
Part 1
Perform an ABACUS finite element analysis on the rigid plane frame shown above using three
elements. All frame elements are of circular cross section.
(a) Show a figure of the undeformed and deformed frame together. The node and element numbering
must be included (use large font).
(b) Determine the displacement and rotation at node A and B.
(c) Determine the reaction forces at the two supports.
Part 2
Perform mesh refinement by repeat the above calculations by using roughly 2 times, 4 times and 8
times the number of elements, then fill up the following table. For each of these calculations, show the
figure of the undeformed and deformed frame with node and element numbering. Conclude if the
solution is mesh independent by calculating the percentage difference in displacements between
successively refined meshes.