Close More Sales
Close More Sales
Close More Sales
71. SeUing is a Numbers Game. Friends please mark my words well... don't be
Both inexperienced salespeople and even some
fooled, when the prospect says it's not the price _
old-timers get very depressed when the prospect it's nearly always the price!
turns them down.
Please highlight this next bit; 73. You'D continue to seD more if you continue to
YOU CANNOT AFFORDTO BEDEPRESSED! learn ... New Techniques, New Approaches,
DEPRESSED PEOPLE DON'T SELL THIS New Closes. Read the Books, Attend the
HAPPEN TO YOU! Training, and Sign up for the Seminars. Just One
SW -SW, SD-SD, SC-SC. New Technique could make you RICH!
Which simply means ... 74. You'D SeD More by Memorizing This Book!
Some Will - Some Won't, This is not the kind of book you read once, put
Some Do - Some Don't, away in a drawer, and then forget all about it.
Some Can - Some Can't. This book is supposed to be with you wherever
SO WHAT! - NEXT! you go, in your pocket, your purse or your
72. Is ~7TiceHthe Problem? Read, re-read, and continue to re-read the ideas
Just recently I was training a new member of our and techniques I've laid out here for you. It took
staff. We were out on a presentation and me more than three months of research, of
everything was going beautifully. I mean I just pouring over more than fifty books on sales,
knew this was going to be a sale. Why? Because looking for the best techniques' that I know will
the prospect had already heard good things help you in your quest to close more sales.
about our company, in fact he knew me from All my efforts will have been in vain if you don't
before, he even recognized that his people seriously commit to memorizing the techniques.
needed attitudinal training - but he did not buy. Even the greatest ideas on earth will not work
I called him back several times to try and close unless you use them.
the account, but he refused. Funnily enough,
every time I spoke with him he insisted that it 75. To Close More Sales You Must Commit!
was not the price. Then I got one of my staff to There is no such thing as a 'born salesman'. All
contact his secretary, who confirmed what I knew the GREATpeople in selling workeclreal hard at
all along - it was the price! learning what to do and how to do it! If you're
reading this book and you're new in selling, I
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