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Close More Sales

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The reason for this book is to help all of you 1.

Five words That ReaDy Tum Customers On

sell more and I guarantee you will - but only if Research has shown that there are five words thai
you first learn by heart and then use the always make customers sit up, listen and
techniques in this book in the right place at the remember after the salesperson has left.
right time. They are:
Please study this book carefully. It's packed REDUCE • SAVE • GAIN
with great ideas. You may know some of the The more often they are used - all of them - thE
techniques already. If that's the case then I hope better, both throughout the presentation and
you'll find this booklet invaluable as an easy to throughout the closes.
carry reminder of the closes you already know
plus those ones that might be new to you. 2. Professional Salespeople don't lie
Honesty is notthe best policy; it's the onlj-rpolicy
They are all great techniques, which you can However in the interest of furthering good
use immediately. customer relations, all salespeople are allowed
So good lucId Happy Selling! three tiny white lies...
1. Youreright
And when you do close more sales - as I know
2. It's my fault
you will - please let me know. I'd love to hear
3. It's been a pleasure to meet you
from you!
3. One way to deal with "It costs too much!"
This book is for my new • NEVERARGUE •
Super Selling Friend Instead simply say, "Compared to what?"
4. Before you talk to your custome~ by phone 0,
in person, always psyche yourself up by
EndJusidSdcd{(y, affirming ... "I CAN, I MUST,AND I WILL!"
(A Bonus Tip: Affirm this SILENTLY - not out loud)

5. High-Tech Favorite Closes

A survey of 200 very successful salespeoplE
concluded that their number one favorite clOS
Harry D. Pound was the Alternate of Choice Close.
2 3
For Example: Never assume you can't make the sale today -
Shall we deliver or would you prefer to collect? ALW AYS ASK FOR THE SALE!
Then came the Concession Close. Never assume because they agree to see you,
For Example: that you are automatically going to make a sale -
If we can reduce the cost by another 2%, can we ALWAYS GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT,
go ahead today? YOUR BEST SHOT - NO SHORTCUTS!
Other clear favorites were: You can assume however that:
The Order Form Close
Today is the day
The Summary Close You do offer the best value-for-money
The Fear Close You do stand by everything you say
The Verbal Proof Close
10. It's only The Decision-Maker who can say
6. Always Assume the Customer Will Buy! YES!
In my experience, this is the biggest reason for
7 The Trial Close at the Beginning newcomers in the business to lose heart and quit.
"Good morning, Mr. Suarez. I understand your
They don't understand that the secretary, the
company uses a lot of widgets." (Pause.) "My
guard, the assistant and many others are all only
company sells widgets, very good ones. Please
authorized to say 'No!'
may I ask you a direct question?" (Here it comes.)
So if you're new in the business and want to hear
"What do I need to do to get you to buy some of
'No!' many times, keep on talking to those types
your widgets from us?"
of peopl~.
8. The ~uppose' Test Close It's only the M.A.N. who can give you the 'Yes!'
"Suppose you like me .... that you want to hear. M.A.N. stands for:
Suppose you like the product. .. Money: Can they Afford your Product?
Suppose the price is acceptable ... Authority: Can he/she authorize the purchase?
Suppose you like everything, are you ready to go Need: Do they need/want the product
ahead and place an order with me today?" 11. Use their Names - Be Mega Polite - Be
9. Don't Make False Assumptions Friendly but Not Familiar - Plan Each Call!
Sales people waste a lot of time because they 12. To find out if they are the decision-maker
ASSUME. For Example: Never assume you're
without hurting their ego, ask. ..
talking to the Decision Maker - ASK!
4 5
"Is there anyone else you would like to involve in 17. The Added- Value Close
our discussions?" or, You can charge higher prices only if you are
"Is there anyone else you would like to sit in on giving added value, but you must make sure
our presentation?" or, customers understand that!
"Should I send a copy of the proposal to anyone By adding value to the package you are offering,
else?" you minimize your own 'price fight' and weaken
The rule is; always try to go as high as you can - customers' price resistance.
to the President or General Manager!
18. Send out 10 Thank You cards a day!
13. If you don't dose, you are working for your (You haven't received one from me yet?)
competitor. When your competitor doses a sale
19. The 2 PartJohn Ruskin Close
they have your money in theirpocket!
1. Early on in the sale, ask customers if they buy
14. Never Knock The Competition based on price or on value. They will almost
It tells the prospect what kind of person you are. certainly go for value.
Being the right kind of salesperson will make you 2. Later, show them this from John Ruskin (1819-
a Professional and make you more sales. 1900)
'It's unwise to pay too much, but it is
15. Don't say 'Pay' - Say 'Own' or 'Invest' unwise to pay too little. When you pay too
Don't say 'Sign' - Say 'Agree' or 'Authorize' much you lose a little money, that's all, but
Don't say 'Ifyou buy' - Say 'When you Own. ' when you pay too little you sometimes lose
everything, because the thing that you
16. The Right Way to Close on a Discount
bought isn't capable of doing the thing
If a customer asks for a discount, check to see that
which it was bought to do.
if the discount is approved will they buy today. If The common law of busines8 prohibits
they won't - don't give a discount! '"
you from paying a little and receiving a lot--
In selling, the rule is never give anything away it can't be done. If you deal with the,lowest
for nothing. Negotiate! bidder it would be as well to add soJnething
For example, ask "If I reduce it by 10% will you
for the risk you run. And if you can do that
pay cash on delivery?" or, "If I give you a you can afford to buy 80mething better.'
discount, can you increase the order by 40%?" Isn't it beautiful? No one can possibly argue
Professional Salespeople negotiate. with this because it's so logical.
Giving away something for nothing is pointless!
6 7
20. It's Impossible to get The Same Thing the top of the other column.
Cheaper Then in the 'For' column you write all the
John Ruskin wrote this potential Price Close: benefits/ reasons you and the prospect can both
There is hardly anything in the world that think of that the customer liked and agreed upon.
some man cannot make just a little worse and When that's finished, you hand him the pen and
selljust a little cheaper. ask him to write down in the 'Against' column,
The people who buy on price alone are all the things he didn't like. And then, shut up!
exactly the kind of people that this man is Let him struggle at this one alone - no help from
preying on. ' you (duh!)
If you're good at your job, he'll never be able to
21. Don't TeDit - SeDit! think of as many reasons 'Against' as you have
When customers ask, 'How much is it?' Don't 'For'. Then you simply say to him, "Well it looks
simply tell them the price. Instead, sell them pretty obvious doesn't it?" Then close.
everything they will receive for their
investment. (Use' investment not 'price.') 23. A Variation to The Benjamin Franklin Close
For example: A very powerful Sales tool that you can use every
"Your investment would be only P25,OOOand time, is to have a sheet of paper with all the
that includes everything! VAT, Delivery, benefits/reasons for going ahead under the 'For'
Insurance, 12 months guarantee on parts and a column already printed out.
two year service warrantee." This gives you plenty of thinking time to come up
This will positively price-condition your with as many benefits as possible.
customer. At our company, a copy of this is in all our
salespeople's clear books.
22. The Benjamin Franklin Close
24. The 'What You Will Lose' Close
No book on closing sales· would be complete
without this one. Most salespeople I've met have This is a particularly powerful close when you
heard of it, but very few actually use it! That's a know that by waiting and thinking it over, it will
pity because it does work very well. mean they'll have to pay more. You.sJnply,.write
In it's simplest form, the B~n Franklin close down what they will lose if they d()n't buy now.
involves taking a plain piece of paper, drawing a For Example:
vertical line down the center and writing 'For' at 1. The Special Christmas Discount
the top of the left hand column and' Against' at 2 The 10%PriceIncrease on ).<t January
8 9
3. Delivery before Christmas 27. The ~ Close
4. The loss of benefits your product will give for Fill out your paperwork then put a pencilled ..J
- the month they're thinking it over where the customer needs to put his signature.
The longer you can make this list - the better. Then hand the paperwork to the customer. No
need to say anything.
25. The Wedding-Cake Close
Many salespeople excuse themselves at this stage
If they already have an established supplier, once and go to the c.R., wait a few minutes, then
you've proved that your products are at least return. Hopefully the order will be signed. If it
equal in quality to his existing supplier, if they isn't, offer your pen. If you can bear it keep quiet.
won't or can't change to your company you can Words might let him off the hook.
"I realize it would be unreasonable for you to 28. Never Sit Down in Reception Areas even if
give me all your business, and for you to /ordered/ to do so. Always Stand! You'D Feel
abandon your existing supplier after all these Much More Confident and More in Control
years. That would be like a guest at a wedding
eating all the wedding-cake. How about if you 29. The Objectives Check List Close
give us just a slice of the wedding-cake - say 20% A list of Customers' Objectives/Benefits from
of your business. That way your existing supplier buying your product or service is a powerful
is happy, you try us out, and you have the peace sales tool.
of mind knowing that we'll both be on our toes in The list should be shown at an appropriate early
the right kind of competitive spirit. This way, you stage in the presentation. You may say for
can't lose! example, "Our products are usually able to
By the way, it'll be more effective if you can draw accomplish eight important objectives. I've got
the wedding-cake with the slice taken out. them listed here, let's just run through them to
see if they apply and are relevant to your
26. The One- Two Close situation." As you go through this, the prospect
This one should become so natural you don't will probably volunteer more I detailed
even have to think about it information that will really help you to close
_. Are you happy with everyth~g? when the time comes.
2. Then let's go ahead.
You can adapt this very effective close to suit 30. The Price is Higher/ Close
you, your style and your product. This is only for /strong/salespeople who have a
10 11
quality product. This is a powerful quote to have on the back of
The prospect says, 'Your price is higher than your your business card and can be adapted to fit most
competitor.' selling situations.
The salesperson nods, says seriously, , Yes, it is,'
33. The Frank Sinatra Close
and shuts up. After a few seconds of silence the
prospect says, 'I suppose you'll say that's because This classic is for a salesperson trying to follow
yours is better?' Again the salesperson nods and up a proposal, only to find his prospect is
says seriously, ' Yes, it is,' and shuts up again. genuinely too busy to be reached over the phone.
After a few seconds of this, most customers will The salesperson finds out the prospect is a Frank
sigh and say, 'OK then,' and go ahead and buy. Sinatra fan (from the secretary.) He buys a Frank
Sinatra tape (or whichever singer the prospect
31. HI'llsee if the Boss
will Approve it" Close likes), copies it onto another tape and sends it to
The salesperson knows it's a final objection the prospect with a covering letter.
because he's already asked if this is the only thing A few days later, the customer listens to the tape
that's standing in the way of them doing in his car. After a few minutes of Sinatra, the
business. That part is important. music fades and the voice of the salesperson says,
For example, let's say the customer is insisting on 'Hi Mr. Suarez, I hope you like this tape. Sorry to
an additional 3% discount, which the salesperson interrupt, but I need to speak to you about our
doesn't have the authority to approve. He asks proposal. If you have no queries, could you
the customer if he can use the phone to which the please fax us the go ahead? Thanks. Enjoy the
customer agrees. music," which fades back in.
The salesperson phones his boss and explains the The customer, impressed with the creative
problem. After a few minutes of talking, the approach, phones his secretary to send the fax.
salesperson, with the phone still to his ear, tells
the customer, 'My boss says ,he'll do it, but only if 34. We have a delivery in your area tomorrow
I can give him an order now. Is that OK?"
This technique rarely fails to get the order. Simple - yet rarely used.
Truck deliveries are nonnally schedulefi at least a
32. The Victor Hugo Close week ahead. The schedule is given to a tele-
This is a great close for those in the pre-need marketer who phones every customer on the day
industry, using a quote from Victor Hugo: before delivery and says, 'We have a delivery in
'Nothing, not even prison bars, can hold a man as your area tomorrow, is there anything we can
securely as poverty in old age. ' - include for you?'
This close is not only effective but is easy to adapt 38. How's this for a Close?
to other sales situations. "Y ou wantit;
You needit;
35. Whenever you ask a Closing Question ... You can aHord it - so why not getit?"
Shut Up!
39. Always seD to the head of the household ...
36. I can Get it Cheaper Somewhere Else Is good advice, but remember that it's normally
You answer, 'WelL I understand your concem the wife who controls the 'head' .
but rve discovered over the years that most
people look for three things when they spend 40. We can learn much from 'Wet Paint' Signs
their money; the finest quality, the best service, Have you noticed that people tend to touch
anci of course, the lowest investment. things that have a sign saying 'Wet Paint' on it?
rve also found that nobody can offer all thre~ it Sure they can read but it illustrates that, deep
just can't be done. down, everyone needs the desire for proof
rm curious, for your long-term happiness, which Remember that desire the next time you're selling
of the three would you be willing to give up? - and you'll sell more, I guarantee it!
Good Quality? Excellent Service? Or the lowest
price?' 41. If you Don't Understand Something, For
Nobody will ever admit to 'the lowest price.' Heavens Sake Ask. You'D look more of a fool if
he discovers you don't understand Ask Him to
37. Make your Price Sound as SmaD as Possible Clarify by saying, 'How do you mean exactly?'
Always slide over price.
Never quote a price and then stop dead. 42 Forget 7'and replace it with "You'!
Avoid bringing up price too early. One major Communications Company in the
They must need it, appreciate the value, and States has banned the use of the word 'I' in all
want it before you talk about price. correspondence. The point they're trying to get
Compare it to knick-knacks. across is that you'll make more sales if you forget
For example, "It's only a Mc Donald's meal a about yourself and focus more on the prospect.
day." Or, "It's less than you'd pay for a pack of 43. Harry's Luya Vendor can Teach Us a Lot
cigarettes a day." ,
A few years ago, my wife asked me to stop off at
Melt the 'ice' out of price by making it seem the Palengke to buy some ginger as she wanted to
cook Chicken Tinola, one of my favorite dishes.
14 15
Now I don't normally do the shopping, but when 47. In Many Case., the Request for a Brochure is
1picked up a piece of ginger that 1thought would the Prospect's polite way of saying, "Nor
be about P2.00 (I told you this was a few years In The Harry Pound Company, we never send
ago) and asked the price, the vendor surprised ~ out prices, but rather we find out if there's a
me by answering, "Ten Pesos."
1 responded, "Ten Pesos? That's expensive!" With
, need, then set an appointment so we can discover
the exact needs before we offer a solution.
the wisdom gained from years of having to make Appointments lead to Sales! And No Need leads
a living for her family, she quietly replied, to No Sales!
That ended the price discussion completely. 48. If You Want to Close More Sales, Never Run
Without another )'Vord,I bought the luya. Next out of Business Cards. I'm amazed how many
time your prospect tells you your price is times, when I ask for a card, Salespeople
expensive, remember the luya vendor. sheepishly tell me, 'I'm sorry - I've run out.'
'Agree - don't argue,' is goood advice. Agree? My friend, Joe Girard (the #1 Salesperson in the
Wodd - check him out in the Guinness Book of
44. I Guarantee that the lowest producers in any World Records) gets through thousands of calling
Sales Force have Poorly Rehearsed Closes. cards monthly - and I get through quite a few
myself. I have 4 different sizes of business cards
45. The Power of Choice - but not 'Yes' or "No'
ranging from the normal size (but with a raised
If you ask, , Do you want me to send you some?' portion to make it standout) right up to one
your prospect could answer 'Yes' or he could say which measures H"x 18.5" (I mean - It's BIG.1
'No'. And he'll probably say 'No.' I spend about P3,500 a month on cards. And we
If you ask, 'Would you like me to send you some get about 3 Sales a month because of the cards I
before the weekend, or would next week be
give away, which makes it a wise investment
okay?' They'll probably answer either, 'Before the
weekend.' Or 'Next week would be better.' 49. People don't want to be '~ld" They want to
Whichever they answer, Whoopee. You've just be served I
closed another sale. In the old-fashioned approach to selling, the sales
person had only one objective - to close the sale.
46. 'l quite see your point of view Mr. Suare~ 1m /1
What happened after the "close" - how satisfied
glad you raised it but ... ' Ij the customer was, for instance - was somebody
This is a goood way to answer an objection. else's problem. The Professional Sales Person
16 17
who II closes more sales" realizes the importance The security guard may be a distant relative from
of keeping the customer happy (serving him the province. The secretary may be the boss's
well). Those who don't will be left behind. wife.
By being polite and courteous to everyone you're
50. Watch where you park. playing it safe and will score 'points', maybe with
No matter how late you are; no matter how much the boss and definitely with God.
of a hurry you are in, always be guided by the
security guard as to where to park your car. 53. Become an Expert!
Never park in parking spaces that are reserved . If you're like me, you've probably gone into a
. store, wanting to buy something, but because of
51. Be on time. the salespersot:l'S ignorance of their product,
Always. No excuses. On time means 10-15 decided to buy somewhere else!
minutes early. That way you have time to calm To me this is inexcusable.
down, visit the washroom, check to see if you're A few weeks ago while I was in a computer store
looking your best and to mentally rehearse your I saw four salespeople standing around doing
presentation and its outcome. nothing yet there were several customers waiting
The number one reason why I bought a cellular in line to talk to one saleslady in her mid-
phone when they first came out was to call my twenties. When I asked why everyone was
office if I was stuck in traffic, so that they could waiting to speak to her, one of the idle
call ahead and advise my prospect that I would salespersons replied, "She's the expert."
be a few minutes late. That's professionalism. If you want to rise in the wonderful profession of
seIling, you better become an II expert" as quickly
52. Be polite to EVERYONE!!
as you can. All it takes is discipline and study!
Show everyone who works for your customer the
54. HCanyou lower your pricer' A Fable.
same courtesy regardless of who they are,
Way back at the beginning of time a great sheik
starting with the security guard and the called Al Shun Air owned a herd of wise
receptionist. First because it's the right thing to
donkeys. One day the Prophet himseH, the wisest
do; second because a low-level employee could
son of the east, came to see the herd of donkeys.
become a key buyer tomorrow; third because you With much pride, Al Shun Air led him out to
don't know the 'relationship' that person enjoys
the donkeys and said, "0 Prophet, test these wise
with their boss, the person you're trying to sell.
and talented asses. Ask them any question and
they will answer it."
18 19
The Prophet said, "What is a fair price for a 3- You want value for your money - don"t you?
day journey?" You'd rather deal with a reputable company -
The asses counseled among themselves and wouldn't you?
then answered, 110 Prophet, the fair price for a 3- There are many ""tie-downs" in the English
day journey is 5 bundles of hay and 5 sacks of language, but it appears that in Tagalog you can
dates." use just one - '''DiBah?"
"Good," said the Prophet, "that sounds like a So make it a habit to use the '''tie-down'~ I mean
fair price, but I have need for a 3-day journey but you do want to close more sales - don't you? And
I don't have need for all you wise asses. Which of you'd be earning a lot more money - Di Bah?'"
you will go for less?"
And behold, one would go for only 4 bundles of 56. The Porcupine or The Hot Potato
The reason the next one is called either the
hay and 2 sacks of dates, and another for less, and
still another for less, until finally one wise ass Porcupine or the Hot Potato, is because if you
said he would go on a 3-day journey for only one were thrown either of those objects, you'd
bundle of hay. probably throw them right back at whoever
"Poo!!" said Al Shun Air, why would you go for threw them to you.
3-days for one bundle when you know you can't That's exactly what you do with this close.
live for 3-days on one bundle, much less make a If you're asked, NDoes it come in blue?" if you
profit from the journey?" answer, "Yes" (assuming it does) you don't have
"True," said the ass, "but I wanted the order." any commitment. But by 'throwing' the question
And ever since then, asses have been known as back to the prospect by asking, ""Would you like
fools and price-cutters known as asses. (Unknown) it in blue?" The prospect will have to answer
with a positive, giving you a 'commitment'.
55. A Proven Technique: The HTie-Down" Other examples of how to use the Porcupine are:
All great salespeople use the ""tie-down"~ You Q. "Can you deliver it to our office?"
simply make a statement (usually a benefit of A. "'Would you like it delivered to you office?"
your product) and then turn it into a question by Q. "Can we order now and start p~ying next
adding such Htie-downs""as ... month?"
Isn't it? Doesn't it? Don"t you? Wouldn't you? A. "Would you prefer to order it now and start
Here's how you use them: paying next month?"
It's vezy stylish - isn't it? The Porcupine is a great technique, but, don't
It looks really good in blue - doesn't it? overuse it and use it at the right time.
20 21
59. Are You Deaf?
For example, the customer will think you're
insane if he asks, "Can you tell me where I can There's a true story of an extremely good
salesman who was deaf - couldn't hear a sound.
get it serviced?" and you reply, "Would you like
He sold vacuum cleaners.
me to tell you where you can get it serviced?"
As in everything else, use your Common Sense After demonstrating what the vacuum cleaner
and don't over-use the technique! could do, he would sit with the husband and wife
at the dining table and proceed to go through the
57. Don't EVER ask them to 'sign'
rest of his sales presentation using a clear book.
For most salespeople the hardest, the most
He could lip-read but deliberately kept looking
dreaded, most awkward part of the sale is when down at the clear book as he turned the pages
they have to ask the prospect to 'sign' the making his presentation.
contract. '
Of course, every now and then either the
The tension mounts, their mouths go dry and husband or wife would make an objection, but as
sometimes perspiration starts to bead up on their the salesman couldn't hear them and wasn't
looking at th~m, he just kept on going.
If this pretty much describes you - there's After ignorirlg all their objections, at the end of
something wrong somewhere. his presentation he went ahead and asked for the
Selling is a process and if the process is done order. In four cases out of five, the husband
correctly, one stage should lead naturally and would look at the wife... and then say, "OK"
easily into the next. The other salesmen were closing only two out of
If you've done everything else correctly, the five - because they weren't deaf!
'closing' should be a natural consequence. I'm sure all you experienced salespeople will
My suggestion, in order to relieve any tension at agree that sometimes it pays to be deaf.
this point, is to casually say something like,
"and now I'm going to make you a movie star 60. At Success '96 Zig shared The "Bride" Close
and ask for your autograph right there" as you "If the prospect wasn't willing to take action I'd
point to where he has to sign. say, 'You know, Mr. Prospect, I believeithat you
If you've taken the time to establish good I
may be right in deciding to wait. know that
rapport, he'll probably smile ~nd 'autograph' when my wife and I got married, "we made a
your agreement for you. terrible financial mistake. It costs a lot of money.
58. The most important part of the Sales Process is "For example if we'd waited 20 more years we
the Salesperson - YOU! could haVf~ afforded a really tremendous
22 23
honeymoon. Starting our family was another 62. Remember Zigs Philosophy
mistake. Children cost money. If we' d wait~d 10
In 1996, my role model, Zig Ziglar (the World's
more years we could have afforded to give the Number One Motivational Speaker) came to the
kids so much more. Buying our house was a big
Philippines at the invitation of my friend, Trevor
mistake. Had we waited 30 more years we could
Roberts, to be the Keynote Speaker of a 2-day
have built a mansion. The only problem with
Motivational Experience called "SUCCESS '96".
waiting until everything's 'just right' till taking I remember spending 2 glorious days with Zig,
action is that you might end up like this couple"· and his other speakers. He has such a wonderful
The bride, white of hak is stooped over her cane,
sense of humor and kept us wide-awake with his
Her footsteps - uncertain - need guiding.
While down the church aisle with a toothless smile jokes and stories.
To be honest, I've forgotten most of the jokes, but
The bridegroom in' wheelchair comes riding.
Now who is this elderly couple, thus wed? one quote I'll never forget which typifies Zig's
Well,you'll find when you've closely explored it philosophy about selling - and about life - is...
That here is that rare, most conservative pair uYou can get everything in Jjie you want jf you'll
Who waited utiUthey could afford itr help enough other people get what they wantf"
"There is seldom a 'perfect' time to do anything. This philosophy has helped Master Motivator Zig
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single Ziglar to become the best - #1. And that same
step. Your first step is to make the decision, can philosophy will help you to close more sales!
you afford the first payment and you've already
63. The Prospect must see the value!
told me that's no problem. Since you want it, can
Would you pay a salesman PIOOOfor something
you think of any reason you should not at this
you thought was only worth P500?
moment; treat you and your family as well as
When you negotiate with a prospect, do you
they deserved to be treated?"
believe the prospect will pay PI000 for something
61. Let Me Think It Over {only for the strong? he definitely believes is only worth P500?
Stand up and say, "No Problem, I'll go get a cup Do you believe that, even if you use all the
of coffee and be back in fifteen to twenty minutes,
techniques in this book, the prosp~ct! will pay
so you can go right ahead and think it over." PIOOOfor something he definitely believes is only
Before the prospect has time to, respond Get Out worth P500?
leaving the paperwork behind. When a prospect says no, he either doesn't have
Upon returning, resume where you left off, "Did the money or he can't see the value!
you decide on the quarterly or monthly plan?"
24 25
honeymoon. Starting our family was another 62. Remember Zig's Philosophy
mistake. Children cost money. If we'd waited 10 In 1996, my role model, Zig Ziglar (the World's
more years we could have afforded to give the Number One Motivational Speaker) came to the
kids so much more. Buying our house was a big
Philippines at the invitation of my friend, Trevor
mistake. Had we waited 30 more years we could
Roberts, to be the Keynote Speaker of a 2-day
have built a mansion. The only problem with
Motivational Experience called "SUCCESS '96".
waiting until everything's 'just right' till taking I remember spending 2 glorious days with Zig,
action is that you might end up like this couple'" and his other speakers. He has such a wonderful
The bride, white of hair, is stooped over her cane,
sense of humor and kept us wide-awake with his
Her footsteps - uncertain - need guiding.
While down the church aisle with a toothless smjJe jokes and stories.
To be honest, I've forgotten most of the jokes, but
The bridegroom in' wheelchair comes riding.
Now who is this elderly couple, thus wed? one quote I'll never forget which typifies Zig's
Well,you'll find when you've closely explored it philosophy about selling - and about life - is...
That here is that rare, most conservative pair "You can get everything in Jife you want if you'll
Who waited "till they could afford it!" help enough other people get what they want!"
"There is seldom a 'perfect' time to do anything. This philosophy has helped Master Motivator Zig
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single Ziglar to become the best - #1. And that same
step. Your first step is to make the decision, can philosophy will help you to close more sales!
you afford the first payment and you've already
63. The Prospect must see the value!
told me that's no problem. Since you want it, can
Would you pay a salesman PI000 for something
you think of any reason you should not, at this
you thought was only worth P500?
moment, treat you and your family as well as
When you negotiate with a prospect, do you
they deserved to be treated?"
believe the prospect will pay PI000 for something
61. Let Me Think It Over (only for the 'strong? he definitely believes is only worth P500?
Stand up and say, "No Problem, I'll go get a cup Do you believe that, even if you use all the
of coffee and be back in fifteen to twenty minutes, techniques in this book, the prosp~cti will pay
so you can go right ahead and think it over." PI000 for something he definitely believes is only
Before the prospect has time to, respond Get Out worth P500?
leaving the paperwork behind. When a prospect says no, he either doesn't have
Upon returning, resume where you left off, "Did the money or he can't see the value!
you decide on the quarterly or monthly plan?"
24 25
Your job in selling is to raise the value of your 65. The Fear of Loss vs. The Desire to Gaill
product ill the mind of the prospect! To close more sales, you must convince the
Until the value equals or exceeds the price, you prospect that he's safe in dealing with you; that
do not have a prospect and all the techniques, he won't lose out by buying from you; that in fact
persuasion, and pressure are going to be useless. he will lose product benefits if he doesn't buy
from you. One gooood way to do this is to say,
64. It's Not What You Say But The Way That You "You know there's a world of difference between
Say It! ,price' and 'cost'. You're going to be concerned
As I mentioned in the Introduction, I'm not in the
about price only one time. That's the day you
habit of teaching Sales Techniques. However buy! However you're going to be concerned
whenever I'm with a bunch of salespeople I often about the quality for the life of the product.
share this techniqu~ with them. Consider: Wouldn't you agree that it's better to
All of us get the prospect who suggests that the pay a little more than you expected rather than a
price is a little high or in some cases that it is little less than you should? (Let him answer.) You
ridiculously priced. see, if you pay a little more than expected we are
When this happens, most salespeople start to only talking about a few pesos. But if you pay
defend why it's priced the way it is, while some less than you should and the product won't do
(the less experienced ones) even argue, "No, it's the job, then you'll lose everything."
Yes, my selling friend there is a big difference
A better way to deal with this is when the between 'price' and 'cost'.
prospect says, "The price is too much." You You'll filld you can use this ve.zy well with the
repeat back, word-for-word what he said: "The John Ruskin quotations (Techniques 19& 20)
price [pause] is too much?"
Your voice inflection (which I discuss at length in 66. Quality Counts - Another 'Price' Technique
my "TeleMarketing Secrets" Seminar) must make The prospect says, "It's too expensive!"
it sound like a question. This is important, Lower your voice, look your prospect in the eye
because by turning it back to him in the form of a and say, "You know, Mr. Prospect, many years
question, he is now forced to defend his ago our company made a basic decision. We
statement instead of you having to justify the decided it would be easier to explain price one
price. There's quite a difference. This puts you on time than apologize for quality forever. [Slight
the offense instead of the defense. Use this pause] And I'll bet you're glad we made that
technique. The difference in results is amazing. decision, aren't you?"
26 27
67. Selling is Enthusiasm In the average business;
Someone once said that, selling is simply a matter 68% of customers left because of indifference and
of transferring your enthusiasm about your the apparent lack of interest of the seller/s staff
product into the mind of the prospect. When you 14 % left because of unresolved complaints
can do that you'll close more sales! Enthusiasm!! 9% left because they could buy cheaper
5% left to buy from a friend or relative
68. Buy Your Own Product 3% moved to another area
You'll certainly close more sales if you 'believe' in 1 % died
your product. "Oh!" I can hear some of you The clients lost because of indifference, lack of
readers saying, "Hey Harry, that's not a problem interest and unresolved complaints (82%) would
with me, I mea~ I really do believe in my have stayed if only they had ,been treated
product." properly. (If in doubt what I mean by that, please
Okay, so if you believe in it so much, how much refer to the Golden Rule)
have you bought? How much of what you're
selling do you own? Now if you're selling Jumbo 70. When in front of the prospect the rule is/'
Jets, I don't expect you to buy one of those things. NO SMOKING - NO DRINKING
But if you're selling Pre-Need, Insurance, Real If you feel you need some explanation regarding
Estate, Encyclopedias and similar things to that, the "NO SMOKING" Rule, just ask any non-
for example if you can honestly say that you
yourself have insured yourself for One Million If you feel you need some explanation regarding
Pesos and can show them the proof, I guarantee the "NO DRINKING" Rule, read on.
you'll close more sales. To close more sales you need to be 'sharp~ Many
drinkers have convinced themselves that a couple
69. Sell /em and leave /em - is a NO! NO! of drinks 'sharpens' their mind. But, if you were
Your biggest source of new sales is from your about to have major surgery, wanting your
'old' clients. It's so much easier so sell to someone surgeon to be at his 'sharpest best' would you .
who has bought from you (or your company) insist that the surgeon take a couple of drinks just
before. before he opens you up?
With this in mind, consider the following The point is obvious. Don't take a drink when
'shameful' statistics reported by Dr. Anthony J. you're trying to persuade someone to buy. You'll
Allessandra, (author of Non-Manipulative [ lose your mental sharpness and the sale. Liquor is
Selling) in the Dec. '82 issue of PMA ADVISER. a depressant, not a stimulant.
28 29

71. SeUing is a Numbers Game. Friends please mark my words well... don't be
Both inexperienced salespeople and even some
fooled, when the prospect says it's not the price _
old-timers get very depressed when the prospect it's nearly always the price!
turns them down.
Please highlight this next bit; 73. You'D continue to seD more if you continue to
YOU CANNOT AFFORDTO BEDEPRESSED! learn ... New Techniques, New Approaches,
DEPRESSED PEOPLE DON'T SELL THIS New Closes. Read the Books, Attend the
HAPPEN TO YOU! Training, and Sign up for the Seminars. Just One
SW -SW, SD-SD, SC-SC. New Technique could make you RICH!
Which simply means ... 74. You'D SeD More by Memorizing This Book!
Some Will - Some Won't, This is not the kind of book you read once, put
Some Do - Some Don't, away in a drawer, and then forget all about it.
Some Can - Some Can't. This book is supposed to be with you wherever
SO WHAT! - NEXT! you go, in your pocket, your purse or your
72. Is ~7TiceHthe Problem? Read, re-read, and continue to re-read the ideas
Just recently I was training a new member of our and techniques I've laid out here for you. It took
staff. We were out on a presentation and me more than three months of research, of
everything was going beautifully. I mean I just pouring over more than fifty books on sales,
knew this was going to be a sale. Why? Because looking for the best techniques' that I know will
the prospect had already heard good things help you in your quest to close more sales.
about our company, in fact he knew me from All my efforts will have been in vain if you don't
before, he even recognized that his people seriously commit to memorizing the techniques.
needed attitudinal training - but he did not buy. Even the greatest ideas on earth will not work
I called him back several times to try and close unless you use them.
the account, but he refused. Funnily enough,
every time I spoke with him he insisted that it 75. To Close More Sales You Must Commit!
was not the price. Then I got one of my staff to There is no such thing as a 'born salesman'. All
contact his secretary, who confirmed what I knew the GREATpeople in selling workeclreal hard at
all along - it was the price! learning what to do and how to do it! If you're
reading this book and you're new in selling, I
30 31

urge you to give it at least six months, but give it

six months of Commitment, Discipline, Learning, ~
Persisting, Practicing, Failing and Trying again.
Most people get into selling because they were Originally' from England, Harry ~ound has
told it's an easy way to make money. become one of the most sought-after Speakers
This is true - but only if you're gooood! . in the country. Always a 'popular' speaker at
To be good at selling you need to discipline conferences and sales conventions he leads a
yourself to six months of hard work! hectic speaking schedule speaking to an average
After six months of Commitment, Discipline, of four to five groups every week.
Learning, Persisting, Practicing, Failing and Harry actively encourages other speakers to
Trying again, together with discipline and hard join him so together they can help even more
work, you've just got to be earning in the people by offering a wider selection of top
neighborhood of P50,OOO a month - and let's face quality In-house programs and Public Seminars
it my friend, that's a mighty nice neighborhood to
be in. Di Bah? For further details on:

76 SeD from your HEART • MEGA VISION Books

In this book, I've given you a lot of ideas and • MEGA VISION Seminars & Workshops
techniques, all of which will work, but in reality, • MEGA VISION Personal Development Tools
you tell people from your head - but you • MEGA VISION Free e-mail Newsletters
persuade, you sellfrom your heart.
H in the heart of your sales is honesty Please contact:
!;; is empathy
A is your attitude toward you and your prospects MEGA VISION
B is your physical, mental and spiritual reserve
I is for tough - and the toughest thing is LOVE!
The Harry Pound Company
Suite 17A, Legaspi Towers 300, 2600 Roxas Blvd.,
And the HEART of your sales career is your very Manila, Phils. Tel: 526-1909 TeleFax: 523-1718
Txt: 0917-3731103 E-mail: HarryPound@sk)'ine~.net
own and if your heart is right your sales career
will be right. Philippines
Tel: (632) 890-2158 / 897~3820
77. 'Don't Wony - Be Happy'is gooood advice Fax: (632) 895-6893
Lighten up! Enjoy!Have fun! Happy Selling!!
E-mail: hpoundco@pworld.net.pJl

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