Enhanced Sex Education Now or Sooner, But Not Later!
Enhanced Sex Education Now or Sooner, But Not Later!
Enhanced Sex Education Now or Sooner, But Not Later!
According to Stanford University, Philippines is the only nation in Asia that boasts
its Christianity as a national religion with most of their population consisting of 80.9%
Roman Catholic with 2.8% Evangelical, 2.3% as Iglesia ni Cristo, 2% Aglipayan, 4.5%
other Christian groups, and approximately 5% Muslim groups. In this account, the
country is filled with conservative beliefs and they consider topics regarding sex and
sexuality as a sensitive concept such as teenage pregnancy and cases of Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STD). For instance, the Church showed resistance against the
State during the passing of the Reproductive Health Bill into a law now known as The
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH Law). This law
grants access to modern contraceptives, reproductive healthcare, sex education, etc. to
many Filipinos. Although the provisions of the RH Law sound promising, the
implementation of the critical sex education is yet to be developed by the Department of
Education (Geronimo, 2016). In fact, its inclusion within the online curriculum of targeted
places is still on-going according to Commission on Population and Development
(POPCOM) Executive Director Juan Antonio Perez III from an interview by the
Philippine Inquirer. As a result, the fact remains that Filipinos are in dire need of a
nationwide access to enhanced sex education to curb rising cases of teenage and
unplanned pregnancies, increasing number of patients with Sexually Transmitted
Diseases (STDs), and to improve reproductive health awareness that frees people from
The Philippines reported the fastest-growing HIV epidemic among the Asia-
Pacific region in 2017. Additionally, in August of 2018, it has been reported to the
HIV/AIDS and ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) that there is an addition of
roughly 1047 novel cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus or commonly known as
HIV (Vista, 2018). However, a comprehensive and properly planned Sex Education will
be able to teach people about reproductive health, anatomy, relationships, values, and
diseases (Barnett, 1997). If equipped with vital information and knowledge, people can
posses the capability to make intelligent and critical decisions that protect their health
and wellness. In a report entitled The National Campaign to End Teen and Unplanned
Pregnancy in 2007 by Douglas Kirby, he examined the effects of over 48 sexual health
education programs. The report shows that two-thirds of these programs had shown
positive effects including a tremendous 60% decrease in unprotected sex. These results
signify that proper sexual health education can curb increasing cases of Sexually
Transmitted Diseases (STD).
Hence, the Filipinos are in dire need of a nationwide access to enhanced sex
education to curb rising cases of teenage and unplanned pregnancies, increasing
number of patients with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and to improve
reproductive health awareness that frees people from poverty. This solution empowers
people to make critical decisions that affects the outcome of their future. The
government should fund and collaborate with parents, teachers, and specific
organizations to enlighten the youth on the significant aspects of life that they will
inevitably encounter in the future. It may take long to culminate a proper curriculum but
with the wholehearted cooperation of the society, anything is possible for a better and
brighter future of the country. This is the shout of the youth—enhanced sex education
now or sooner, but not later!
Pamela Mae Aliven
Jeff Rouzel Bat-og
Paul Anthony Vigo
Barbie Joy Villareal
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