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Elements of Mechanism


The science of mechanism treats of the designing and construction of machinery. A machine is a
combination of resistant bodies so arranged that by their means the mechanical forces of nature can be
compelled to produce some effect or work accompanied with certain determinate motion. In general, it
may be properly said that a machine is an assemblage of moving parts interposed between the source of
power and the work, for the purpose of adapting to one another. The operation of any machine depends
upon two things: first, the transmission of certain force and second the production of determinate motion.

Therefore the force and the motion may be considered separately, thus dividing the science of
Mechanism into two parts;

(1) Pure Mechanism – which treats of the motions and forms of the parts of a machine, and the
manner of supporting and guiding them, independent of their strength.
(2) Constructive Mechanism – which involves the calculation of the forces acting on different parts
of the machine. The selection of materials as to strength and durability in order to withstand these
forces, taking into account the convenience for repairs and facilities for manufacture.

Mechanism – A term applied to a portion of a machine where two or more pieces are combined, so that
the motion of the first compels the motion of the others, according to a law depending on the nature of
the combination.

Machine – is made up of a series or train of mechanisms.

Motion and Rest – If two bodies, both moving in space, remain in the same relative position in regard to
each other, they are said to be at rest, one relatively to the other, if they do not, either may be said to be
in motion relatively to the other. Motion may be either relative or absolute.

Path – a point moving in space describes a line called its path, which may be rectilinear or curvilinear. The
motion of a body is determined by the paths of three of its points selected at pleasure. If the motion is in
a plane, two points suffice and its if rectilinear, one point suffices to determine the motion.

Direction – In a given path, a point can move in either of two directions only, which may be designated in
various ways; as up, (+), or down (-); to the right, +, or left, (-); with the clock, (+), or the reverse, (-);
direction, as well as motion, being relative.

Continuous Motion – When a point goes on moving indefinitely in a given path in the same direction, its
motion is said to be continuous. In this case the path must return on itself, as a circle or other closed
curve. A wheel turning on its bearings afford an example of this motion.

Reciprocating Motion – When a point a transverse the same path and reverses its motion at the ends of
such path the motion is said to be reciprocating.

Vibration and Oscillation – are terms applied to reciprocating circular motion, as that of a pendulum.

Intermittent Motion – When the motion of a point is interrupted by periods of rest, its motion is said to
be intermittent.

Revolution and Rotation – A point is said to revolve about an axis when it describes a circle of which the
center is in and the plane is perpendicular to, that axis. When all the points of a body thus move the body
is said to revolve about the axis. If the axis passes through the body, as in the case of a wheel, the word
rotation is used synonymously with revolution. If frequently occurs that a body not only rotates about an
axis passing through itself, but also moves in an orbit about another axis. In order to make the distinction
between the two motions more clear, we shall consider the first as a rotation, and the second as a
revolution; just as we say, the earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun.

An Axis of Rotation – is a line whose direction is not changed by the rotation; A fixed axis – is one whose
position as well as its direction, remain unchanged.

A plane of Rotation – is a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

Right handed Rotation – is the same in direction as the motion of the hands of a watch and is generally
considered to be positive.

Left handed rotation – is in the opposite direction and is consequently considered negative.

Cycle of Motions – When a mechanism is set in motion and its parts go through a series of movements
which are repeated over and over, the relations between and order of the different divisions of the series
being the same for each repetition, we have in one of these series what is called a cycle of motions. For
example, one revolution of the piston-rod, and the series of positions is repeated over and over for each
revolution of the crank.

The Period – of a motion is the interval of time elapsing between two successive passages of a point
through the same position in the same direction.

The Driver and Follower – That piece of a mechanism which is supposed to caused motion is called driver
and one whose motion is effected is called the follower.

Frame – the frame of a machine is a structure that supports the moving parts and regulates the path or
kind of motion, of many of them directly.

Velocity – is the rate of motion of a point in space. When the motion is referred to a point is referred to
a point in the path of the body its velocity is expressed in linear measure. When the point is rotating
continuously, or for the instant, about some axis, its motion may be referred to the axis when its velocity
is expressed in angular measure. In the first case it has linear velocity and in the second case angular

Velocity is uniform when equal spaces are passed over in equal times, however small intervals
into which the time is divided. The velocity in this case is the space passed over in a unit of time, and if s
represent the space passed over in the time t, the velocity v will be, v = s / t

Velocity is variable when unequal spaces are passed over in equal intervals of time, increasing
spaces giving accelerated motion and decreases spaces giving retarded motion. The velocity when variable
is the limit of the space passed over in a small interval of time divided by time, when these intervals of
time become infinitely small. If Δs represent the space passed over in the time Δt, then v = limit of Δs / Δt
or v = ds / dt.

The uniform linear velocity of a point is measured by the number of units of linear distance passed
over in a unit of time. When the velocity is variable it is measured by the distance which would be passed
over in a unit of time, if the point retained throughout that the time the velocity which it had at the instant
Angular Velocity – The angular velocity of a point is measured by the number of units of angular space
which would be swept over in a unit of time by a line joining the given point with a point outside of its
path, about which the angular velocity is desired. The angular space is here measured by the circular
measure, or the ratio of the arc to the radius. The unit angle, or radian, is one subtended by an arc to the
radius. The angular velocity of a point is therefore expressed in radians per unit time. Angular Velocity =
Linear Velocity x radius. Thus, when Angular Velocity remains the same, the linear velocity is directly
proportional to the radius. For example, given a line of shafting with pulleys of various diameters, the
angular velocities of all the pulleys is the same, while the linear velocities of points in the rims of the
pulleys are directly proportional to the respective radii. If N represents the number of revolutions per
minute (rpm) and R represents the radius of one of the pulleys in feet, we have the Angular velocity to
2𝝅𝑵 radians per minute, while the linear velocity of the rim of the pulley would be 2𝜋𝑁𝑅 feet per minute

Modes of Transmission – If we leave out of account the action of natural forces of attraction and
repulsion, such as magnetism, one piece cannot move another, unless the two are in contact or are
connected to each other by some intervening body that is capable of communicating the motion of the
one to the other. In the latter case, the motion of the connector is usually unimportant, as the action of
the combination as a whole depends upon the relative motion of the connected pieces. Thus motion can
be transmitted from the driver to the follower: (1) By direct contact (2) By intermediate connectors

Links and Bands – An intermediate connector can be rigid or flexible. When rigid it is called a link, it can
either push or pull, such as the connecting-rod of a steam engine. Pivots or other joints are necessary to
connect the link to the driver and follower. If the connector is flexible, it is called a band, which is supposed
to be inextensible, and only capable of transmitting a pull. A fluid confined in a suitable receptacle may
also serve as a connector, as in the hydraulic press.

Modification of Motion – In the action of a mechanism, the motion of the follower may differ from that
of the driver in kind, in velocity, in direction, or in all three. As the paths of motion of the driver and
follower depend upon the connections with the frame of the machine, the change of motion in kind is
fixed and it only remains for us to determine the relations of direction and velocity throughout the motion.
Now the laws governing the changes in direction and velocity can be determined by comparing the
movements of the two pieces at each instant of their action and the mode of action will fix the laws.
Therefore, whatever the nature of the combination, if we can determine throughout the motion of the
driver and follower, the velocity ratio, and directional relation, the analysis will be complete. Either the
velocity or the directional relation may vary or remain the same throughout the action of the two pieces.

Machines and Mechanisms

Machines are devices used to alter, transmit, and direct forces to accomplish a specific objectives. A chain
saw is a familiar machine that directs forces to the chain with the objectives of cutting wood. A mechanism
is the mechanical portion of a machine that has the function of transferring motion and forces from a
power source to an output. It is the heart of a machine. A mechanism can be considered rigid parts that
are arranged and connected so that they produced the desired motion of the machine. The purpose of
the mechanism is to lift the platform and any object that are placed upon it. Synthesis is the process of
developing a mechanism to satisfy a set of performance requirements for the machine. Analysis ensures
that the mechanism will exhibit motion that will accomplish the set of requirements.

Kinematics – deals with the way things move. It is the study the geometry of motion. Kinematic analysis
involves determination of position, displacement, rotation, speed, velocity and acceleration of
mechanism. The figure below illustrates an adjustable height platform that is driven by hydraulic cylinders.
Although the entire device could be called a machine, the parts that take the power from the cylinders
and drive the raising and lowering of the platform comprises the mechanism.

To illustrate the importance of mechanism analysis; We can use (1) Kinematic Analysis and (2) Dynamic
force Analysis.

A majority of mechanisms exhibit motion such that the parts move in parallel planes. For the given
device above, two identical mechanisms are used on opposite sides of the platform for stability. However
the motion of these mechanisms is strictly in the vertical plane. Therefore, these mechanisms are called
planar mechanism because their motion is limited to two-dimensional space.

Mechanism Terminology

As stated, mechanisms consist of connected parts with the objective of transferring motion and
force from a power source to an output. A linkage is mechanism where rigid parts are connected together
to form a chain. One part is designated the frame of reference for the motion of all other parts. The frame
is typically a part that exhibits no motion. Links are the individual parts of the mechanism. They are
considered rigid bodies that are connected with other links to transmit motion and forces. Theoretically,
a true rigid bodies does not change shape during motion. Although a true rigid body exist, mechanism
links are designed to minimally deform and are considered rigid. Elastic parts, such as springs, are not
considered links. They have no effect on the kinematics of a mechanism and are usually ignored during
kinematic analysis. They do supply forces and must be included during the dynamic force portion of

A joint is a movable connection between links and allows relative motion between the links. The
primary joints, also called full joints, are the revolute and sliding joints. The revolute joint is also called a
pin or hinge. It allows pure rotation between the two links that is connects. The sliding joint is also called
a piston or prismatic joint. It allows linear sliding between the links that it connects. A cam joint allows for
both rotation and sliding between the two links that it connects. Because of the complex motion
permitted, the cam connection is called higher order joint also called half joint. A gear connection also
allows rotation and sliding between two gears as their teeth mesh. The gear connection is also a higher
order joint. A simple link is a rigid body that contains only two joints, which connect it to the other links.
A crank is a simple link that is able to complete a full of rotation about a fixed center. A rocker is a simple
link that oscillates through an angle, reversing its direction at certain intervals.
A complex link is a rigid body that contains more than two joints. A rocker arm is a complex link,
containing three joints, that is pivoted near its center. A bellcrank is similar to a rocker arm, but is bent in
the center. A point of interest is a point on a link where the motion is of special interest. One kinematic
analysis is performed, the displacement, velocity and acceleration of that point are determined. The last
general component of mechanism is the actuator. An actuator is the common that drives the mechanism.
Linkages can be either open or closed chains. Each link in a closed loop kinematic chain is connected to
two or more other links.
Vector Operation in Analytical and Graphical Method
Composition and Resolution of Velocities – Motion of Rigidly Connected Points – Instantaneous Axis –

Graphic Representation of Motion – We can represent the motion of a point in any given piece of
mechanism graphically, by a right line whose length in unit s indicates the velocity, and whose direction
indicates the direction of motion of the point at the instant considered; an arrow- head is used to indicate
the direction in which the point is moving. If the path of the moving point be a curve of any kind, the
direction of the curve at any point is that of its tangent at that point , which indicates the direction of
motion as well.

Resultant – If a material point receives a single impulsive in any direction, it will move in that direction
with a certain velocity. If it receives at the same instant two impulses in different direction, it will obey
both and move in an intermediate direction with a velocity differ from that of either impulse alone. The
position of the point at the end of the instants is the same as it would have been had the motions, due to
the impulses, occurred in successive instants. The motion which occurs as a consequence of two or more
impulses is called the Resultant, and the separate motions, which impulses acting singly would have
caused, are called the Components.

Parallelogram of Motion – Suppose the point a to have simultaneously the two component motions
represented in magnitude and direction by ab and ac. Then the resultant is ad may be resolved into
components, one along ab and the other along ac by drawing the parallelogram abcd of which it will be
the diagonal.

Any two component motions can have but one resultant, but a given resultant motion may have infinite
number of pairs of components. In the latter case we have a definite solutions provided we know the
direction of one. If we know the magnitude of both components, there are two possible solutions. Thus,
where ad is the given resultant, if the two components have the magnitudes represented by ac and ab,
would solve the problem or the direction ac1 and ab1 would equally well fulfil the conditions. It very often
happens that we wish to resolve a motion into two components, one of which is perpendicular and the
other parallel to a given line (as ef). Here ad represents the motion; ab = ad cos dab, the component
parallel to ef; and ac = ad sin dab, the component perpendicular to ef;
Parallelopiped of Motions – If the three component motions ab, ac, and ad are combined, their resultant
af will be the diagonal of the parellelopiped of which they are edges. The motions ab and ac, being in the
same plane can be combined to form the resultant ae and ad can be combined, giving the resultant af.
Conversely the motion af may be resolved into the components ab, ac, and ad. If the parallelepiped is
rectangular, the case is simpler and often used; then we have: ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅2 + ̅̅̅̅
𝒂𝒇2 = 𝒂𝒆 𝒂𝒅2 = ̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅2 + ̅̅̅̅
𝒂𝒃2 + ̅𝒂𝒄 𝒂𝒅2. To find
the resultant of any number of motions: First, combine any two of them and find their resultant; then,
combined this resultant with the third, thus obtaining a new resultant, which can be combined with the
fourth; and so on.

Velocities of Rigidity-connected Points – If two points are so connected that their distance apart is
invariable and if their velocities are resolved into components at right angles to and along the straight line
connecting them, the components along this line of connection must be equal, otherwise the distance
between the points would change. In the given figure, let a and b be two rigidly connected points having
the linear velocity of a represented in magnitude and direction by aa, and the linear velocity of b in
direction by bb1. The components of aa1 perpendicular to and along ab are ac and ad respectively. The
components ad will represent the entire tendency of translation of the line ab in the direction ab due to
the linear velocity aa1 at the point a. Since the points a and b are rigidly connected, the linear velocity of
any point in the line ab must be such that when resolved into components perpendicular to and along ab
the components along ab shall be equal to ad. Therefore the linear velocity of b must be bb1 since be must
be equal to ad. In the figure, the motions are shown in one plane, but the proposition is also true for
motions not in one plane.

For example, in the series of links shown, c and d are fixed axes and f slides on the line, ff1. If aa1 represents
the linear velocity of a, the component of translation along ab will be am, to which the component bn
must be equal. Therefore bb1 will represent the linear velocity of b, where bb1 is tangent to the path of b
in the given position. The linear velocity of e will be ee1, where ee1 is tangent to the path of e in the given
and where ee1: bb1 = de: db, since in any rotating body the linear velocities of any points are proportional
to their respective distance from the axis. To find the linear velocity of f we have the linear of the point e
in ef represented by ee1; therefore the component of translation along ef will be eo. The component fp
must be equal to eo, which gives ff1 as the resulting linear velocity of f.


A mechanism is that part of a machine which contains two or more pieces so arranged that the
motion of one compels the motion of the others, all in a fashion prescribed by the nature of the

Links may be of any form so long as they do not interfere with the desired motion. The simplest
form is four bars A, B, C, and D, fastened together at their ends by cylindrical pins, and which are all
movable in parallel planes. If the links are of different lengths and each is fixed in turn, there will be four
possible combinations; but as two of these are similar there will be produced three mechanisms having
distinctly different motions.

Fig. 1 Beam-and-crank mechanism

Fig. 2 Drag-link mechanism Fig. 3 Rocker mechanism

Thus, in Fig. 1, if D is fixed A can rotate and C oscillate, giving the beam-and-crank mechanism, as
used on side-wheel steamers. If B is fixed, the same motion will result; if A is fixed (Fig. 2), links B and D
can rotate, giving the drag-link mechanism used to feather the floats on paddle wheels. Fixing link C (Fig.
3), D and B can only oscillate, and a rocker mechanism sometimes used in straight-line motions is
produced. It is customary to call a rotating link a crank; an oscillating link a lever, or beam; and the
connecting link a connecting rod, or coupler. Discrete points on the coupler, crank, or lever can be pressed
into service to provide a desired motion. The fixed link is often enlarged and used as the supporting frame.
If in the linkage (Fig. 1) the pin joint F is replaced by a slotted piece E (Fig. 4), no change will be
produced in the resulting motion, and if the length of links C and D is made infinite, the slotted piece E
will become straight and the motion of the slide will be that of pure translation, thus obtaining the engine,
or sliding-block, linkage (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 Sliding-block linkage

If in the sliding-block linkage (Fig. 5) the long link B is fixed (Fig. 6), A will rotate and E will oscillate
and the infinite links C and D may be indicated as shown. This gives the swinging-block linkage. When used
as a quick-return motion the slotted piece and slide are usually interchanged (Fig. 7) which in no way
changes the resulting motion. If the short link A is fixed (Fig. 8), B and E can both rotate, and the
mechanism known as the turning-block linkage is obtained. This is better known under the name of the
Whitworth quick-return motion, and is generally constructed as in Fig. 9.
Fig. 6 Swinging-block linkage Fig. 7 Slow-advance, quick return linkage

Fig. 8 Turning-block linkage Fig. 9 Whitworth-quick return motion

The ratio of time of advance to time of return H/K of the two quick-return motions (Figs. 8.1.7 and
8.1.9) may be found by locating, in the case of the swinging block (Fig. 8.1.7), the two tangent points (t)
and measuring the angles H and K made by the two positions of the crank A. If H and K are known, the
axis of E may be located by laying off the angles H and K on the crank circle and drawing the tangents E,
their intersection giving the desired point. For the turning-block linkage (Fig. 8.1.9), determine the angles
H and K made by the crank B when E is in the horizontal position; or, if the angles are known, the axis of
E may be determined by drawing a horizontal line through the two crankpin positions (S) for the given
angle, and the point where a line through the axis of B cuts E perpendicularly will be the axis of E.

Velocities of any two or more points on a link must fulfill the following conditions. (1)
Components along the link must be equal and in the same direction (Fig. 10): Va 5= Vb = Vc . (2)
Perpendiculars to VA , VB , VC from the points A, B, C must intersect at a common point d, the instant center
(or instantaneous axis). (3) The velocities of points A, B, and C are directly proportional to their distances
from this center (Fig. 11): VA /a = VB /b = VC/c. For a straight link the tips of the vectors representing the
velocities of any number of points on the link will be on a straight line (Fig. 12); abc = a straight line. To
find the velocity of any point when the velocity and direction of any two other points are known, condition
2 may be used, or a combination of conditions 1 and 3.
Fig. 10 Fig. 11

Fig. 12

The linear velocity ratio of any two points on a linkage may be found by determining the distances
e and f to the instant center (Fig. 13); then Vc /Vb = e/f. This may often be simplified by noting that a line
drawn parallel to e and cutting B forms two similar triangles efB and sAy, which gives Vc /Vb = e/f = s/A.

Fig. 13

The angular velocity ratio for any position of two oscillating or rotating links A and C (Fig. 1),
connected by a movable link B, may be determined by scaling the length of the perpendiculars M and N
from the axes of rotation to the centerline of the movable link. The angular velocity ratio is inversely
proportional to these perpendiculars, or OC/OA = M/N. This method may be applied directly to a linkage
having a sliding pair if the two infinite links are redrawn perpendicular to the sliding pair, as indicated in
Fig. 14. M and N are shown also in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8. In Fig. 5 one of the axes is at infinity; therefore, N
is infinite, or the slide has pure translation.

Fig. 14
A mechanism must deliver as much work as it receives, neglecting friction; therefore, the force at
any point F multiplied by the velocity VF in the direction of the force at that point must equal the force at
some other point P multiplied by the velocity VP at that point; or the forces are inversely as their velocities
and F/P = VP/VF . It is at times more convenient to equate the moments of the forces acting around each
axis of rotation (sometimes using the instant center) to determine the force acting at some other point.
In Fig. 15, F x a x c/ (b x d) = P

Fig. 15

Instantaneous Axis
If a line ao is drawn through a perpendicular to the direction of motion aa1 of the point a, then
the motion of a may be the result of a rotation about an axis through any point in the line ao or in ao
produced. Similarly, the mot ion bb1 may be the result of a rotation about an axis through any point in bo.
If a and b are rigidly connected, the piece on which they are situated must have a rotation about an axis
and the average velocity of all points about the axis must be the same.

The only point satisfying this condition is o, at the intersection of ao and bo, and the piece ab has
a motion at that instant such that as it would have if it were rotating about an axis through o. The axis
through o, perpendicular to the plane of the motions, is called the instantaneous axis, it being the axis
about which the body is rotating for the instant in question.
The average velocity about the instantaneous axis being the same for the instant, for the points a
and b, the linear velocity of a and b will be proportional to their distances from the instantaneous axis.
aa1 : bb1 = oa : ob
If the motions of the points a and b are not in the same plane, the instantaneous axis would be
found as follows: Pass a plane through the point a perpendicular to aa1, might then be the result of a
revolution a about any axis in that plane. In the same manner, the motion of bb1 might be the result of a
revolution of b about any axis in the perpendicular plane through b. The points a and b, being rigidly
connected, must rotate about any axis, which in this case will be the intersection of the two perpendicular
Suppose the motions of the two points a and b to be in the same plane and parallel as in the given
figures. Here the perpendiculars through a and b coincide and the above method fails. Let aa1 and bb1 be
the linear velocity of the points a and b respectively. To find the instantaneous axis draw a right line
through the points a1 and b1 in each case and note the point o where it intersects ab or ab produced. This
must be the instantaneous axis, for from the similar triangles aa1o and bb1o we have: aa1 : bb1 = oa : ob
the same question as was obtained before.

Motions of Translation
If in the given figure above, the two parallel motions aa1 and bb1 become equal to each other,
then ob will be infinite and the consecutive positions of ab will be parallel to each other. This is also true
if the motions are at any angle with ab, so long as they are equal and parallel. The motion of a line, or of
a body containing that line, at any instant when it is thus revolving about an axis at an infinite distance, is
called translation. All points in such a body move in the same direction with the same velocity. The paths
of the points may be rectilinear or curvilinear. Straight or rectilinear translation is commonly called sliding.
As an example of straight translation, we have the cross-head of a steam engine, of curvilinear translation,
the parallel-rod of a locomotive.

Periodic Center of Motion

It is very often happens that we know two positions of a line, as ab and a1b1, moving in the plane
of the paper and we wish to find an axis about which this line could revolve to occupy the two given
positions. Draw aa1 and bb1 and find intersection 0 of the perpendicular drawn at their middle points.
Thus ab can be brought to the position a1b1 by revolving it about an axis through perpendicular to the
plane of the paper, the paths a and b being arcs of circles drawn from o as a center, and with radii equal
to oa and ob respectively.
When the two positions of ab are taken infinitely near each other, o becomes the instantaneous
The curve passing through the successive positions of the instantaneous center of a body having
a combined motion of rotation and translation is called a centroid. The surface formed by the successive
positions of the instantaneous axis is called an axoid. Suppose we know the relative motions of two links
as ab and cd in the mechanism given where the motion of ab relative to cd, cd being considered as fixed
is such that a moves in the path b3bb2, a3b3, a2b2 being position of ab. If in any of these positions, as ab,
we draw from a and b normal to their respective paths, their intersection o will be the instantaneous
center of ab for that position. A smooth curve passed through the successive positions of the
instantaneous center o, o1, o2 will be the centroid of ab. We saw that the instantaneous axis of one body
rolling on another was at their point of contact. From this it would follow that, considering one body as
fixed relative to the other, its surface would be the axoid of the moving body. Therefore in the given figure
below, the axoid of ab, which is represented by the centroid o1oo2, may be taken as the surface of a fixed
body, containing dc, on which the surface of a moving body, containing ab, shall be able to roll, giving the
same motion to ab as the original links would give.
To find the trace of the surface of the body containing ab, we have in each of the positions which
it may occupy, distances from a and b to its instantaneous center for that position, which distances are
therefore distances from a and b to a point in the trace of the surface of the body containing ab. Thus am1
and bm1 are equal respectively to a1o1 and b1o1, similarly am2 and bm2 are equal respectively to a2o2 and
b2o2. A smooth curve through these points om1m2 would give the trace of the surface of the body
containing ab. It will also be found that this curve om1m2 is the centroid of cd relative to ab when ab is
assume fixed.

Norton, Robert L, “Design of Machinery, An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms
and Machineries”,5th ed. McGraw-Hill, 2011

Waldron, Kenneth J., “Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery’, 3rd ed., Wiley, 2016

Myszka, David H., “Machines and Mechanisms: Applied Kinematics Analysis”, 4th ed., Pearson Prentice
Hall, 2012

Mata, Antonio Simon, et al., “Fundamentals of Machine Theory and Mechanisms”, Springer
International Publishing, 2016
Velocity Analysis
Kinematic Analysis: Scope

• Need to know the dynamic forces to be able to compute the stresses in the components

• Dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration (Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion)

• Goals shifts to finding acceleration of all moving parts in the assembly.
• In order to calculate acceleration, we need to find the positions of all the links, for all the
increments in input motion and differentiate the position equations to find velocities,
differentiate again to get accelerations

Velocity Analysis: Overview of the Methods

Velocity – the rate of change of position with respect to time.
a. Graphical Method
1. Relative Velocity
2. Instantaneous Center Method
b. Vector Loop Method

Velocity Analysis: Relative Velocity Method

▪ Velocity of any point on a link with respect to another point on the same link is always
perpendicular to the line joining these points on the configuration (space) diagram.
Steps in Determining Velocity Using the Relative Velocity Method
1. Take some convenient point o, known as pole.
2. Through o, draw oa parallel and equal to VA to some suitable scale.
3. Through a, draw a line perpendicular to AB. This line will represent the velocity of B with respect
to A, VBA.
4. Through a, draw a line parallel to VB intersecting the line of VBA at b.
5. Measure ob, which gives the required velocity of point B (VB) to the scale.

Only direction only

Completely known

(a) Motion of points of a link

(b) Velocity diagram

Velocity Analysis: Instantaneous Center Method

Complex Motion as a case of pure rotation
As the position of link AB goes on changing, so does the center I, about which AB is assumed to
be rotating. Hence, the name Instantaneous Center. The locus of all such instantaneous center is known
as centrode. A line drawn through an instantaneous center and perpendicular to the plane of motion is
an instantaneous axis.
▪ The locus of instantaneous axis is known as axode = axis + centrode

Locating an Instantaneous Center of Rotation and its Use

- Just two directions of velocities, help locate the IcR.

- One complete velocity (magnitude + direction) & one

other velocity direction, helps find velocity of any
other point.

▪ 𝑨𝑶
= 𝑩𝑶 =ω 𝑨𝑶
= 𝑩𝑶 = 𝑪𝑶𝑪 = ω

No relative motion between A and B

𝑽𝑨 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜷 𝒔𝒊𝒏 (𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜷)
VA cos α = VB cos β 𝑽𝑩
= 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜶 = 𝒔𝒊𝒏 (𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜶)
Lami’s Theorem to Triangle ABI
𝑨𝑰 𝑩𝑰 𝑨𝑰 𝐬𝐢𝐧( 𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜷) 𝑽𝑨 𝑨𝑰
𝐬𝐢𝐧( 𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜷)
= 𝐬𝐢𝐧( 𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜶) = 𝑩𝑰 = 𝐬𝐢𝐧( 𝟗𝟎𝒐 − 𝜶) 𝑽𝑩
= 𝑩𝑰 = ω

More on Instantaneous Centers

No. of Instantaneous Centers = No. of possible combinations of two links
= No. of combinations of n links taken two at a time.
𝒏 (𝒏−𝟏)
N= 𝟐
where: n = Number of links

Types of Instantaneous Centers

a. Primary Instantaneous Centers

• Fixed – remain in the same place for all configurations of the mechanism
• Permanent – Change positions but the nature of joints is permanent.
b. Secondary Instantaneous Center
• Neither fixed or permanent

Rules for Locating Instantaneous Centers

• When the two links have a sliding contact, the Instantaneous Center lies on the common normal
at the point of contact.

• For two links connected by a pin joint, the Instantaneous lies on the center of the pin.
• When the two links have a pure rolling (no slipping) contact, the Instantaneous center lies on their
point of contact.

• The Instantaneous center lies at infinity, and each point on the slider has the same velocity.
• The Instantaneous center lies on the center of curvature of the curvilinear path at that instant.
• The Instantaneous lies on the center of curvature, which being the center of the circle is fixed for
all configurations of the links.

Aronhold Kennedy (Three Center in Line) Theorem

➢ States that, if three bodies move relative to each other,, they have three Instantaneous centers
and they lie on a straight line.
• Three links: A, B, and C having relative plane motion
𝒏 (𝒏−𝟏) 3 (3−1)
N= = = 3
𝟐 2
• Ibc must lie on the line joining Iab and Iac
• Consider Ibc lying outside the line joining Iab and Iac. Now Ibc belongs to both the links B and C.
• Consider Ibc Є link B: VBC must be perpendicular to the line joining Iab and Ibc
• Consider Ibc Є link C: VBC must be perpendicular to the line joining Iac and Ibc.
▪ But Ibc is a unique point; and hence, regardless of whether it Є link B or link C; it should have a
unique velocity (magnitude and direction). This is possible only when the three instantaneous
centers, namely, Iab, Iac and Ibc lie on the same straight line.

▪ The exact location of Ibc on the line Iab Iac depends on the direction ang magnitudes of the angular
velocities of B and C relative to A.

Methods of Determining Instantaneous Centers

𝒏 (𝒏−𝟏)
1. Determine the number of instantaneous centers (N) by using the relation, N = 𝟐
, where n =
number of links.

2. Make a list of all the instantaneous center in the mechanism.

3. Locate by inspection, the primary Instantaneous center and mark them by solid lines, on the circle

I12, I23, I34, I14

4. Locate the secondary instantaneous centers using Kennedy’s Theorem: If three bodies move
relative to each other, they have three instantaneous centers and they lie on a straight line.
To implement Kennedy’s Theorem: Look for the quadrilaterals in the circle diagram and
form diagonals. Clearly each diagonal (say 1 -3) will form two adjacent triangles (1-3-4)
and (1-2-3) that is, each diagonal will form 2 pairs of three bodies in relative motion to
each other of which Kennedy’s Theorem can be applied.
I13 will lie on the intersection of I12–I23 (3 bodies: 1-2-3) and I14-I34 (3 bodies: 1-3-4),
produced, if necessary
I24 will lie on the intersection of I12–I14 (3 bodies: 1-2-4) and I23-I34 (3 bodies: 2-3-4),
produced, if necessary

❖ ωAB is given, and, ωBC and ωCD are to be determined:

1. Perpendiculars to the two known direction of velocities of B and C help locate the
instantaneous center at O.
2. Points B belongs to both: (a) the link AB, under pure rotation about A, (b) the link BC, under
complex motion equivalent to pure rotation about O.

3. Points C belongs to both: (a) the link CD, under pure rotation about D, (b) the link BC, under
complex motion, equivalent pure rotation about O.

1. Locate all the Instantaneous center of the slider crank mechanism shown in the fig. The lengths
of the crank OB and connecting rod AB are 100 and 400 mm, respectively. If the crank rotates
clockwise with an angular velocity of 10 rad/s, find:
a. Velocity of the slider A
b. Angular velocity of the connecting rod AB

Find VOB:
ωOB = 10 rad/s OB = 100 mm VOB = VB = ωOB x OB = 10 x 100/1000 = 1 m/s
Find N:
𝒏 (𝒏−𝟏) 4(4−1)
N= 𝟐
= 2
Known: I12, I23, I34, I14
Unknown: I34, I24

To implement Kennedy’s Theorem: Look for the quadrilaterals in the circle diagram and
form diagonals. Clearly each diagonal (say 1 -3) will form two adjacent triangles (1-3-4)
and (1-2-3) that is, each diagonal will form 2 pairs of three bodies in relative motion to
each other of which Kennedy’s Theorem can be applied.

I13 will lie on the intersection of I12–I23 (3 bodies: 1-2-3) and I14-I34 (3 bodies: 1-3-4),
produced, if necessary
I24 will lie on the intersection of I12–I14 (3 bodies: 1-2-4) and I23-I34 (3 bodies: 2-3-4),
produced, if necessary
I13 A = 460 mm I13 B = 560 mm
AB is having a complex motion, equivalent to pure rotation about I13
For the velocity of the slider A and angular velocity of the connecting rod AB
a. Velocity of the slider A
Let VA = velocity of the slider A
𝑉𝐴 𝐼13 𝐴 𝐼 𝐴 0.46
= VA = VB x 13 = 1 x = 0.82 m/s
𝑉𝐵 𝐼13 𝐵 𝐼13 𝐵 0.56

b. Angular
𝑉 1
ωAB = 𝐼 𝐵𝐵 = 0.56 = 1.78 rad/s
Velocity Analysis: Rubbing Velocity at a Pin Point
Rubbing velocity at the pin point:
a. (ω1 – ω2) r – if the links move in the same direction
b. (ω1 + ω2) r – if the links move in the opposite direction

Velocity Analysis: Velocity Difference (2 points on the same body)

Case 1: Two points in the same body => velocity difference => VPA = VP - VA
• Reference: Pivot is no longer the origin of GCS, instead has a linear velocity.

Velocity Analysis: Relative Velocity (2 points on different bodies)

Case 2: Two points in different bodies => relative velocity => VPA = VP - VA

• When P and A are not on the same body, the resultant vector is different.
• VPA as the velocity difference helps find the resultant.
• VPA as the relative velocity is the resultant
• VPA is not perpendicular to the line joining P and A
Velocity Analysis: Velocity of Slip
• Both the links forming the sliding joint, are not grounded, implying a floating sliding joint.
• Notably, point A belongs to two different bodies namely, 2 and 3, Implying case 2: Relative velocity
• Axis of slip: line along which sliding occurs between links 3 & 4.
• Axis of transmission: The line along which we can transmit motion or force across the slider joint
(except friction – assumed negligible)

Problem: Given θ2, θ3, θ4, ω2, find ω3, ω4, V4, by graphical methods.

Intuition: The axis of 3 and 4 have a fixed geometric relationship, hence the rate of change of θ3, θ4 will
remain the same: ω3 = ω4 VA3 = VA2

1. Draw the axis of slip and axis of transmission through point A.

2. Start at the end of the linkage for which you have the most information. Calculate the
magnitude of the velocity of point A as part of link 2 (A2), VA2 = (AO2)𝜔2
Perpendicular to O2A Sense as 𝜔2
3. Project vA2 onto the axis of slip and the axis of transmission to create the components VA2slip and
Vtrans of V2a, respectively.
4. Note that link 3 is pin-jointed to link 2, so VA3 = VA2

5. Note that the direction of the velocity of VA4 is predictable since all the points on link 4 are
pivoting in pure rotation about point O4. Draw the line pp through point A and perpendicular to
the effective link 4, AO4. Line pp is the direction of the velocity VA4.
6. Construct the true magnitude of the velocity vector VA4 by extending the projection of the
transmission component Vtrans until it intersects line pp.
7. Project VA4 on the axis of slip to create the slip component VA4 x Vslip 42 = VA4slip – VA2lip
8. Write the relative velocity vector equation for the slip components of A2 versus A4.
9. The angular velocities of links 3 and 4 are identical because they share the slider and must
rotate together. 𝜔3 = 𝜔4 = 𝐴4
Acceleration Analysis Method

Kinematic Analysis: Scope

• Need to know the dynamic forces to be able to compute stresses in the components.
• Dynamic forces are proportional to acceleration (Newton second law)
• Goal shifts to finding acceleration of all moving parts in the assembly.
• In order to calculate the accelerations:
▪ Need to find the positions of all the links, for all the increments in input motion.
▪ Differentiate the positions equations to find velocities, different again to get accelerations.

Acceleration – rate of change of velocity with respect of time.

• Definition of Acceleration
Angular acceleration = 𝜶 = rate of change in angular velocity
Linear acceleration = A = rate of change in linear velocity

v = velocity of the body at point P

v + 𝜹v = velocity of the body at point Q
r = radius of the circle
𝜹t = time taken by the body in moving from P to Q.
𝜹θ = angle covered by the body in moving from P to Q.

• The change of velocity, as the body moves from P to Q can be determined by drawing the vector
triangle opq, in which op and oq represrent the velocities at P and Q, respectively.
▪ pq – represent the change of velocity in time 𝛿t.
▪ pq can be resolved into two components, namely:
- px (parallel to op) px = ox – op = oq cos 𝛿θ – v = (v + 𝛿v) cos 𝛿θ – v
- Xq (perpendicular to op) xq = oq sin 𝛿θ = (v + 𝛿v) sin 𝛿θ

• The change of velocity (pq) has two components (px and xq) which are mutually perpendicular, hence,
the rate of change of velocity, that is, acceletation will also have two mutually perpendicular
Tangential Acceleration at P will be:
𝑝𝑥 (v + 𝛿v) cos 𝛿θ−v
At = 𝛿𝑡 = 𝛿𝑡
𝛿𝑡 0 cos 𝛿θ 1
(v + 𝛿v)−𝑣 𝛿v 𝑑v 𝑑(𝜔𝑥𝑟) 𝑟𝑑𝜔
At = 𝛿𝑡
= 𝛿𝑡 = 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑑𝑡

Normal Acceleration at P will be:

𝑥𝑞 (v + 𝛿v) sin 𝛿θ−v
An = 𝛿𝑡 = 𝛿𝑡
𝛿𝑡 0 sin 𝛿θ 𝛿θ
(v + 𝛿v) 𝛿θ 𝑣𝛿θ 𝛿𝑣𝛿θ 𝛿θ 𝑑𝜃 𝒗𝟐
An = 𝛿𝑡
= 𝛿𝑡 + 𝛿𝑡 = 𝑣 𝛿𝑡 =v 𝑑𝑡
= v x 𝝎 = (𝝎 x r) 𝝎 = 𝒓

• If the body moves with a uniform velocity, then dv/dt = d(w)/dt = α = 0; and the body has only
• If the body moves on a straight path, r is infinite, and v2/r = 0; and the body has only At.

Straight Path – only tangential acceleration

Uniform Velocity – only centripetal acceleration

Acceleration Analysis: Graphical Method

• Consider a rigid link AB. If A is assumed to be fixed then the only possible motion for B is
rotation about A (as the center).
Acceleration Point of a Link
• The acceleration of B can be determine in magnitude and direction, graphically.

• Just direction is known, parallel to the path of B, so just draw aB parallel to VB.
• Just direction is known, perpendicular to the radial component, so just draw the direction.

• The vectors xb’ and o’b’ intersect at b’. Now the values of aB and 𝑎𝑡 BA maybe measured to be
scale. The vector a’x = 𝑎𝑟 BA = 𝑉 2 BA / AB.
• The value of VBA may be obtained by drawing the velocity diagram.
• By joining the points a’ and b’ we may determine the total acceleration of B with respect to A,
aBA. The vector a’b’ is known as acceleration image of the link AB. The angular acceleration of
the link AB, 𝜶AB = 𝒂𝒕 BA / AB

Acceleration of Link in Pure Rotation

Magnitude of tangential component = p𝜶

Magnitude of normal component = p𝝎𝟐

Acceleration of Link, General Case:


Acceleration in the Slider Crank Mechanism

VBO = VB = 𝜔BO x OB, acting tangentially
𝒂𝒓 BO = aB = 𝜔2 BO x OB = V2BO / OB 𝒂𝒓 BO = 0

• The acceleration of any other point on AB such as E maybe obtained by dividing the vector b’ a’
at e’ in the same ratio as E divides AB: a’e’ / a’b’ = AE / AB
• The angular acceleration of the connecting rod AB may be obtained: αAB = atAB / AB (Clockwise
about B)

Graphical Acceleration Analysis

• Four Bar Linkage:

Clockwise acceleration of crank

• Problem Definition: Given the positions of the links, their angular velocities and the accelerations
of the input link (links 2), find the linear accelerations of A and B and the angular accelerations of
links 2 and 3.
a. Find the velocity of A
b. Solve graphically equation
AB = AA + ABA AtB + AnB = AtBA + AnBA
c. Find the angular accelerations of links 3 and 4.
Graphical Solutions:

1. Draw AA, AnBA, -AtBA
2. Draw line normal to link 3 starting from tip of -AnB
3. Draw line normal to link 4 starting from origin of AA
4. Find intersection and draw AtB and AtBA
1. Start from the link for which you have most information
2. Find the acceleration of its points
3. Continue with the next link, formulate and solve equation: acceleration of one end = acceleration
of other end + acceleration difference
4. We always know the normal components of the acceleration of a point if we know the angular
velocity of the link on which it lies.
5. We always know the direction of the tangential components of the acceleration

Algebraic Acceleration Analysis

Given: Dimension, positions and velocities of links and angular acceleration of crank, find angular
accelerations of coupler and rocker and linear accelerations of nodes A and B.
Loop equation:
R2 + R3 – R4 – R1 = 0
This equation means:
AnA + AtA + AnBA + AtBA – AtB – AnB = 0

𝜶𝟑 = 𝐴𝐸−𝐵𝐷 𝜶𝟒 = 𝐴𝐸−𝐵𝐷
Where: A = c sin θ4 B = b sin θ3
C = aα2 sin θ2 + a𝜔2 2 cos θ2 + b𝜔2 3 cos θ3 - c𝜔2 4 cos θ4
D = c cos θ4
E = b cos θ3
F = aα2 cos θ2 - a𝜔2 2 sin θ2 - b𝜔2 3 sin θ3 + c𝜔2 4 sin θ4
AA = -𝜔2 2 a𝑒 𝑗𝜃2 + a𝑒 𝑗𝜃2 jα2
AB = -𝜔2 4 c𝑒 𝑗𝜃4 + c𝑒 𝑗𝜃4 jα4

Acceleration Analysis: Coriolis Analysis

• When a point on one link slides along another rotating link, then a component of acceleration,
called Coriolis component of acceleration comes into play.
General Approach for Acceleration Analysis:

• Acceleration of P = Acceleration of P’ + Acceleration of P seen from observer moving with rod +

Coriolis acceleration of P’.

Coriolis Acceleration
• Whenever a point is moving on a path and the path is rotating, there is an extra component of
the acceleration due to coupling between the motion of the point on the path and the rotation
of the path. This component is called the Coriolis acceleration.
AP = acceleration of P as seen by observer moving with rod.
• Coriolis acceleration = 2 𝜔 Vslip
• Coriolis acceleration is normal to the radius, OP, and it points towards the left of an observer
moving with the slider if rotation is counterclockwise. If the rotation is clockwise it points to the
• To find the acceleration of a point, P, moving on a rotating path: Consider a point, P’, that is
fixed on the path and coincides with P at a particular instant. Find the acceleration of P’,
and add the slip acceleration of P and the Coriolis acceleration of P.
▪ AP=acceleration of P’+acceleration of P seen from observer moving with rod+Coriolis
acceleration=Ap’+ Ap slip + Ap Coriolis

Application of Slider Crank Mechanism

General approach for kinematic analysis:

• Represent links with vectors. Use complex numbers. Write loop equation.
• Solve equation for position analysis
• Differentiate loop equation once and solve it for velocity analysis
• Differentiate loop equation again and solve it for acceleration analysis
Position analysis:
a = d cos θ2 - √𝑏 2 − 𝑑2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃2
θ3 = sin-1( 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2 )
Note: Make sure you consider the correct quadrant for θ3
Velocity Analysis

Velocity Analysis
𝑎𝜔2 1 sin(𝜃 −𝜃 )
𝝎𝟐 = 𝑏 cos(𝜃2 −𝜃3 )
𝒂̇ = 𝑎𝜔2 cos(𝜃3 −𝜃2 ) 𝒂̇ = is a relative velocity of B3
3 2

Acceleration Analysis
𝐵 cos 𝜃3 +𝐶 sin 𝜃3 𝐶 cos 𝜃2 −𝐵 sin 𝜃2
𝒂̈ = α3 =
cos(𝜃2 −𝜃3 ) −𝑏 cos(𝜃2 −𝜃3 )
Where: B = 2𝑎̇ 𝜔2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2 + 𝑎𝛼2 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2 + α𝜔2 2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃2 - 𝜔2 3𝑏 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃3
C = -2𝑎̇ 𝜔2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃2 - 𝑎𝛼2 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃2 + α𝜔2 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃2 - 𝜔2 3𝑏 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃3

Relation between accelerations of B2 (on crank) and B3 (on slider)

Rolling Acceleration
▪ First assume that angular acceleration, α, is zero

No slip condition: VP = 0

Acceleration Analysis: Coriolis Component

▪ When a point on one link slides along another rotating link, then a component of acceleration,
called Coriolis component of acceleration comes into play.
Acceleration components of the slider B with respect to the coincident point C on the rotating link 2
Change of velocity: Along & perpendicular to OA due to:
Stage I: Acceleration components of the slider B with respect to the origin (pivot O)

Linear (Sliding) Velocity

a. Radial components of the acceleration of the slider B with respect to O on the link OA, acting radially
outwards from O to A.
𝛿𝑣− 𝜔𝑟𝛿𝜃 𝑑𝑣 𝑑𝜃 𝒅𝒗
arBO = Lt = - 𝜔𝑟 𝑥 = - 𝝎𝟐 𝒓
𝛿𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 𝒅𝒕

b. Tangential component of acceleration of the slider B with respect to O on the link OA, acting
perpendicular to OA and towards right.
𝑣𝛿𝜃+(𝜔𝛿𝑟+ 𝑟𝛿𝜔) 𝑑𝜃 𝑑𝜔 𝑑𝑟
atBO = Lt 𝛿𝑡
= 𝑣 𝑑𝑡 + 𝑟 𝑑𝑡
+ 𝜔 𝑑𝑡 = 2v𝜔 + r𝛼

Stage II: Acceleration components of the coincident point (C) on the rotating link 2 with respect to origin
(pivot O)

Tangential (Rotational) Velocity

a. Radial component of acceleration of the coincident point C with respect to O, acting in a direction
from C to O
arCO = −𝜔2 𝑟

b. Tangential component of acceleration of the coincident point C with respect to O, acting in a

direction perpendicular to CO and towards right.
atCO = αr

Subtracting Stages 2 from Stages 1 and arrived to Coriolis Component:

𝑑𝑣 𝒅𝒗
arBC = arBO - arCO = 𝑑𝑡 - 𝜔2 𝑟 - (−𝜔2 𝑟) = 𝒅𝒕
atBC = atBO – atCO = 2v𝜔 + r𝛼 – αr = 2v𝝎
Note: The tangential component of acceleration of the slider B with respect to the coincident point C on
the rotating link is known as Coriolis component of acceleration and is always perpendicular to
the link.

Note: Direction of Coriolis component of acceleration is obtained by rotating V at 900, about its origin, in
the direction of 𝜔.

Sample Problem:
A mechanism of a crank and slotted lever quick return motion is shown in the figure. If the crank rotates
counter clockwise at 120 r.p.m, then for the configuration shown, determine:
• The velocity and acceleration of the ram
• The angular acceleration of the slotted lever
a. Crank AB = 150 mm
b. Link CD = 200 mm
c. Slotted arm OC = 700 mm

Velocity AB BB’ B’0 CD OD

Radial - VBB’ // BB’ - - -
Tangential VBA ⊥ AB - VB’0 ⊥ B’O VCD ⊥ CD VD = VD0 //

Acceleration AB BB’ B’0 CD OD

Radial M+D - - - -
Tangential α - - - -

AB = 150 mm = 0.15 m OC = 700 mm = 0.7 m CD = 200 mm = 0.2 NBA = 120 rpm

𝝎𝑩𝑨 = 2𝜋NBA = 2𝜋 (120/60) = 12.57 rad/s
VBA = 𝜔𝐵𝐴 x AB = 12.57 (0.15) = 1.9 m/s
Cam and Follower: Definition, Types, Working Principle,
and Applications

In mechanical engineering, engineers often use a higher pair

links mechanism that is renowned as Cam and Follower
Mechanism. This pair of higher links are used to move links
spontaneously or periodically.

Although, cam and follower mechanisms are also used by

engineers for ensuring zero or minimum degree of error. The
device that is known as Cam in the 3rd century was devised
by Hellenistic water-driven automata.

Alongside, that device was found in the 4th century in Al-jazari

design. The Cam and Follower Mechanism is mostly used in
the IC engines for driving the valves. Apart from that, the
mechanism is often used by engineers as a part of the I.C.Es
timing system.

Moreover, in the automotive industry Cam-Follower

mechanism is used to drive fuel pumps. Furthermore, when
multiple cams are incorporated within a single shaft it is called
a camshaft.

The mechanism is developed by incorporating three members

they are, a driver member named Cam, a frame that supports
cam and follower, the follower is guided by the frame and
lastly, the driven member named as a follower.
What is Cam?
A cam is a rotating element that gives oscillating or
reciprocating motion to the follower which is another element
of this machine by direct contact.

This part is mainly used to transform the motion from rotary

into linear to another part. It is a part of a machine which can
be a rotating wheel (an electric wheel) or a shaft that strikes a
lever’s various points at its circular path.

In a steam hammer, an engineer can use a cam as a simple

tooth to deliver pulses of the power to a Steam Hammer.

Types of Cam:
There are various types of cams available, that are listed

• Disk or Plate cam

• Cylindrical cam
• Translating cam
• Wedge cam
• Spiral cam
• Heart-shaped cam

Disk or Plate Cam:

The disk (or plate) cam has not regular contour to transmit a
specific motion to the follower.

Cylindrical Cam:
The cylindrical cam has a groove in a cylindrical surface and
the follower runs on the cylindrical surface parallel to the axis
of the cylinder.
Translating Cam:
Translating cam has a grooved or contoured plate and its
follower oscillate in the face of the plate. The groove or the
contour has specified the motion of the follower.
Wedge Cam:
The wedge cam has an angled flat regular contour to impart a
specific motion of the follower.

Spiral Cam:
The spiral cam has a half-circular or a spiral shaping grooved
contour, the cam moves in reciprocating motion and the
follower moves vertically to the axis of the cam.
Heart-shaped Cam:
This type of cam looks like an asymmetric heart. It is mainly
used to return a shaft to hold the cam to a set position by its
pressure from a roller.
What is a Follower?
A follower is a rotating or an oscillating element of a machine
that follows the motion of cam by direct contact.

If a cam moves in reciprocating motion the follower moves in

vertically respect to the axis of the cam.

This part of the machine is mainly following the cam which

can be reciprocating or oscillating in motion. It converts the
rotary motion of cam into reciprocating or oscillating motion.

Types of Follower:
There were various types of follower which are bellowed:

• Knife edge follower

• Roller follower
• Flat-faced follower
• Spherical follower
• Radial follower
• Offset Follower

Knife-edge Follower:
This type of follower has a sharp area of contact with the cam.
This is the simplest among all of the followers and these kinds
of followers are not in use in the case of fast application,
because of its sharp edge.
Roller Follower:
This type of follower is mainly used in high-speed operation
because it has a smooth contact with the surface. This type of
follower has less wear and tear as compared to the other
Flat-faced Follower:
This type of follower looks like a flat surface with an irregular
cam. This type of cam is used when the space is limited and
this follower can resist more side thrust. This follower can also
be used in a precision application.
Spherical Follower:
This type of follower has a curved but regular follower as well
as cam. This is a modification of a flat-faced follower.
Radial Follower:
In this type of follower, the line of movement passes through
the center of the camshaft. Mainly the movement of the
follower is in line. The follower is in a reciprocating motion.

Offset Follower:
In this type of follower, the movement of the axis of the
follower is not colinear with the cam axis.

Working Principle of Cam and Follower:

The working principle of Cam and Follower depends on the
mechanism of the combination of both Cam and Follower.

Cam Mechanism:
Cam is a mechanical component which is a rotating circle or
eclipse about the minor axis of the Follower.
Hence it can be explained easily that Cam is a mechanical
component that transmits reciprocating, oscillating or linear
motion to Follower.

Cam’s shape is usually an oval or an imperfect circle or an

eclipse. If an engineer considers an oval-shaped Cam then he
or she can see the movements which will form the outer
burge, which is periodic to its locus.

This outer burge is very useful and effective for works which
are periodic mechanical. There are two types of Head Cams.
First is Single Head Cam and the second is Multiple Head

Cam is Rotating about minor axis or respect to Follower.

Follower Mechanism:
A follower is a mechanical component concerning which, the
Cam rotates in an oscillatory or circular motion. Follower
inhibits the push and pulls of the Cam. A follower is used to
transfer the motion to the required machine part.

The Follower rotates in an oscillating or circular arc.

The mechanism for Cam and the mechanism for Follower

depend upon each other so that the main mechanism of Cam
and Follower.

The mechanism of Cam and Follower is essential in the

engineering field and has many different functions to the
different machines.
The Terminology of a Cam:
Cam Profile:
It is the surface area of a cam where follower touches.

Base Circle:
It is the smallest circle of a cam profile drawn from the center
of rotation of the cam.

Trace Point:
By this point, we can trace the cam profile.

Pitch Curve:
This curve is generated if we assume the cam is fixed and the
tracepoint of the follower moves around the cam.

Pressure Angle:
It is formed between normal to the pitch curve and line of
motion of the follower.

Pitch Point:
At this point the pressure angle is maximum.

Pitch Circle:
It is the circle which passes through the pitch point.

Prime Circle:
This is a circle that drawn tangentially to the pitch curve and
concentric to the base circle.
Applications of Cam and Follower:
There are so many different applications of Cam and
Follower mechanism. Those are:

• Internal Combustion Engine to close and open the outlet

valve and intake valve.
• Automated Types of machinery, Cam and Follower are
used in different parts which are automated in motion.
• In Hydraulic Systems, the main mechanism is Cam and
Follower mechanism.
• In that case, the mechanism is dependent on the fluid
• In Printing Machinery, the mechanism of Cam and Follower
helps the screen to be printed. The push helps to take the
position where the printing will be done and the pull helps
to print on that.
• In Textile Types of machinery, the mechanism of Cam and
Follower helps to stitch clothes by a push and pull to move
the Maku.
• Screw pieces of machinery.
• Gear-Cutting Machineries.
• Wall-Clock.
• Automatic Lathe Machine.

Importance of Cam and Follower:

In the field of mechanical engineering, the Cam-follower
mechanism plays a significant role in achieving even
distribution of forces in a single machine component.

By attaching a cylindrical roller in a machine component

spontaneous movement can be achieved by an engineer.

Cam follower can be used in a machine component

regardless of the shape and size of the nut. Apart from that,
varieties of linear motions can be found by utilizing the

Moreover, due to higher thickness as compared to other

bearings Cam follower mechanism can absorb a higher
amount of shock that increases the mechanical efficiency of a
machine component.

Furthermore, the mechanism is entirely versatile that it can be

used in a soda machine or also in an aircraft application.
Besides, the mechanism is also used in the conveyor belt.
In the case of engines, bearing the load of a camshaft can
easily be devised by utilizing the fundamental approach of a
crankshaft bearing.

Although, flat followers are used by engineers to operate the

valves of an engine whereas roller followers are used by
engineers in oil and stationary engines.

This type of preference occurred due to more availability of

space of roller followers.

A Simple Cam, Follower Mechanism:


Cam follower mechanism plays a significant role as it utilized
to drive a minute machine component seamlessly. Central
locks and ordinary lock systems are also developed by
incorporating the mechanism of cam and follower.

Various terminologies are integrated with the mechanism that

has to be understood by the user of the mechanism. Some of
the terminologies are tracepoint, pitch curve, pressure angle
and so on.

Cam and follower mechanisms are not a small part of

mechanical engineering. Therefore, precision and patience
are required to implement the mechanism in practice.

At first, the user should aware of the links and pairs before
understanding the conception of cam and follower.
Cam is a higher pair device thus, the user should grant the
degree of freedom to apply the same in a machine
component. Lastly, it can be recommended that the pressure
angle should not be increased by the user to restrict the
potential impact of side thrust.
Cams and Followers


A Simple Experiment: What is a Cam?

Take a pencil and a book to do an experiment as shown above. Make the book an inclined plane
and use the pencil as a slider (use your hand as a guide). When you move the book smoothly upward,
what happens to the pencil? It will be pushed up along the guide. By this method, you have transformed
one motion into another motion by a very simple device. This is the basic idea of a cam. By rotating the
cams in the figure below, the bars will have either translational or oscillatory motion.

Cam Mechanisms

The transformation of one of the simple motions, such as rotation, into any other motions is often
conveniently accomplished by means of a cam mechanism A cam mechanism usually consists of two
moving elements, the cam and the follower, mounted on a fixed frame. Cam devices are versatile, and
almost any arbitrarily-specified motion can be obtained. In some instances, they offer the simplest and
most compact way to transform motions.

A cam may be defined as a machine element having a curved outline or a curved groove, which,
by its oscillation or rotation motion, gives a predetermined specified motion to another element called
the follower . The cam has a very important function in the operation of many classes of machines,
especially those of the automatic type, such as printing presses, shoe machinery, textile machinery, gear-
cutting machines, and screw machines. In any class of machinery in which automatic control and accurate
timing are paramount, the cam is an indispensable part of mechanism. The possible applications of cams
are unlimited, and their shapes occur in great variety. Some of the most common forms will be considered
in this chapter.

Classification of Cam Mechanisms

We can classify cam mechanisms by the modes of input/output motion, the configuration and
arrangement of the follower, and the shape of the cam. We can also classify cams by the different types
of motion events of the follower and by means of a great variety of the motion characteristics of the cam
profile. (Chen 82)
Modes of Input/Output Motion

1. Rotating cam-translating follower. (Figure 6-2a,b,c,d,e)

2. Rotating follower (Figure 6-2f):
The follower arm swings or oscillates in a circular arc with respect to the follower pivot.
3. Translating cam-translating follower (Figure 6-3).
4. Stationary cam-rotating follower:
The follower system revolves with respect to the center line of the vertical shaft.

Follower Configuration

1. Knife-edge follower (Figure 6-2a)

2. Roller follower (Figure 6-2b,e,f)
3. Flat-faced follower (Figure 6-2c)
4. Oblique flat-faced follower
5. Spherical-faced follower (Figure 6-2d)

Follower Arrangement

1. In-line follower:
The center line of the follower passes through the center line of the camshaft.
2. Offset follower:

The center line of the follower does not pass through the center line of the cam shaft. The amount of
offset is the distance between these two center lines. The offset causes a reduction of the side thrust
present in the roller follower.
Cam Shape

1. Plate cam or disk cam:

The follower moves in a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the camshaft. A translating
or a swing arm follower must be constrained to maintain contact with the cam profile.
2. Grooved cam or closed cam (Figure 6-4):
This is a plate cam with the follower riding in a groove in the face of the cam.

3. Cylindrical cam or barrel cam (Figure 6-5a):

The roller follower operates in a groove cut on the periphery of a cylinder. The follower may
translate or oscillate. If the cylindrical surface is replaced by a conical one, a conical cam results.
4. End cam (Figure 6-5b):
5. This cam has a rotating portion of a cylinder. The follower translates or oscillates, whereas the
cam usually rotates. The end cam is rarely used because of the cost and the difficulty in cutting its

Constraints on the Follower

1. Gravity constraint:
The weight of the follower system is sufficient to maintain contact.
2. Spring constraint:
The spring must be properly designed to maintain contact.
3. Positive mechanical constraint:
A groove maintains positive action. (Figure 6-4 and Figure 6-5a) For the cam in Figure 6-6, the
follower has two rollers, separated by a fixed distance, which act as the constraint; the mating
cam in such an arrangement is often called a constant-diameter cam.
A mechanical constraint cam also be introduced by employing a dual or conjugate cam in
arrangement similar to what shown in Figure 6-7. Each cam has its own roller, but the rollers are mounted
on the same reciprocating or oscillating follower.

Examples in Sim Design

1. Rotating Cam, Translating Follower

Load the SimDesign file simdesign/cam.translating.sim. If you turn the cam, the follower will
move. The weight of the follower keeps them in contact. This is called a gravity constraint cam.
Rotating Cam/Rotating Follower

The SimDesign file is simdesign/cam.oscillating.sim. Notice that a roller is used at the end of the
follower. In addition, a spring is used to maintain the contact of the cam and the roller.

If you try to calculate the degrees of freedom (DOF) of the mechanism, you must imagine that the
roller is welded onto the follower because turning the roller does not influence the motion of the follower.

Cam Nomenclature

Figure 6-10 illustrates some cam nomenclature:

• Trace point: A theoretical point on the follower, corresponding to the point of a fictitious knife-
edge follower. It is used to generate the pitch curve. In the case of a roller follower, the trace
point is at the center of the roller.
• Pitch curve: The path generated by the trace point at the follower is rotated about a stationary
• Working curve: The working surface of a cam in contact with the follower. For the knife-edge
follower of the plate cam, the pitch curve and the working curves coincide. In a close or grooved
cam there is an inner profile and an outer working curve.
• Pitch circle: A circle from the cam center through the pitch point. The pitch circle radius is used to
calculate a cam of minimum size for a given pressure angle.
• Prime circle (reference circle): The smallest circle from the cam center through the pitch curve.
• Base circle: The smallest circle from the cam center through the cam profile curve.
• Stroke or throw:The greatest distance or angle through which the follower moves or rotates.
• Follower displacement: The position of the follower from a specific zero or rest position (usually
its the position when the f ollower contacts with the base circle of the cam) in relation to time or
the rotary angle of the cam.
• Pressure angle: The angle at any point between the normal to the pitch curve and the
instantaneous direction of the follower motion. This angle is important in cam design because it
represents the steepness of the cam profile.

Motion events

When the cam turns through one motion cycle, the follower executes a series of events consisting of rises,
dwells and returns. Rise is the motion of the follower away from the cam center, dwell is the motion
during which the follower is at rest; and return is the motion of the follower toward the cam center.

There are many follower motions that can be used for the rises and the returns. In this chapter, we
describe a number of basic curves.


: The rotary angle of the cam, measured from the beginning of the motion event;
: The range of the rotary angle corresponding to the motion event;
h : The stoke of the motion event of the follower;
S : Displacement of the follower;
V : Velocity of the follower;
A : Acceleration of the follower.

Constant Velocity Motion

If the motion of the follower were a straight line, Figure 6-11a,b,c, it would have equal displacements in
equal units of time, i.e., uniform velocity from the beginning to the end of the stroke, as shown in b. The
acceleration, except at the end of the stroke would be zero, as shown in c. The diagrams show abrupt
changes of velocity, which result in large forces at the beginning and the end of the stroke. These forces
are undesirable, especially when the cam rotates at high velocity. The constant velocity motion is
therefore only of theoretical interest.
Constant Acceleration Motion

Constant acceleration motion is shown in Figure 6-11d, e, f. As indicated in e, the velocity increases at a
uniform rate during the first half of the motion and decreases at a uniform rate during the second half of
the motion. The acceleration is constant and positive throughout the first half of the motion, as shown in
f, and is constant and negative throughout the second half. This type of motion gives the follower the
smallest value of maximum acceleration along the path of motion. In high-speed machinery this is
particularly important because of the forces that are required to produce the accelerations.



Harmonic Motion

A cam mechanism with the basic curve like g in Figure 6-7g will impart simple harmonic motion
to the follower. The velocity diagram at h indicates smooth action. The acceleration, as shown at i, is
maximum at the initial position, zero at the mid-position, and negative maximum at the final position.
Cam Design

The translational or rotational displacement of the follower is a function of the rotary angle of the
cam. A designer can define the function according to the specific requirements in the design. The motion
requirements, listed below, are commonly used in cam profile design.

Disk Cam with Knife-Edge Translating Follower

Figure 6-12 is a skeleton diagram of a disk cam with a knife-edge translating follower. We assume that the
cam mechanism will be used to realize the displacement relationship between the rotation of the cam
and the translation of the follower.

Below is a list of the essential parameters for the evaluation of these types of cam mechanisms.
However, these parameters are adequate only to define a knife-edge follower and a translating follower
cam mechanism.


Уo: The radius of the base circle;

e: The offset of the follower from the rotary center of the cam. Notice: it could be negative.

s: The displacement of the follower which is a function of the rotary angle of the cam -- .

IW: A parameter whose absolute value is 1. It represents the turning direction of the cam. When

the cam turns clockwise: IW=+1, otherwise: IW=-1.

Cam profile design principle:

The method termed inversion is commonly used in cam profile design. For example, in a disk cam
with translating follower mechanism, the follower translates when the cam turns. This means that the
relative motion between them is a combination of a relative turning motion and a relative translating
motion. Without changing this feature of their relative motion, imagine that the cam remains fixed. Now
the follower performs both the relative turning and translating motions. We have inverted the

Furthermore, imagine that the knife-edge of the follower moves along the fixed cam profile in the
inverted mechanism. In other words, the knife edge of the follower draws the profile of the cam. Thus,
the problem of designing the cam profile becomes a problem of calculating the trace of the knife edge of
the follower whose motion is the combination of the relative turning and the relative translating.

Design equations:

In Figure 6-13, only part of the cam profile AK is displayed. Assume the cam turns clockwise. At
the beginning of motion, the knife edge of the follower contacts the point of intersection A of the base
circle and the cam profile. The coordinates of A are (So, e), and So can be calculated from equation

Suppose the displacement of the follower is S when the angular displacement of the cam is . At this
moment, the coordinates of the knife edge of the follower should be (So + S, e).

To get the corresponding position of the knife edge of the follower in the inverted mechanism, turn the
follower around the center of the cam in the reverse direction through an angle of . The knife edge will
be inverted to point K, which corresponds to the point on the cam profile in the inverted mechanism.
Therefore, the coordinates of point K can be calculated with the following equation:


The offset e is negative if the follower is located below the x axis.

When the rotational direction of the cam is clockwise: IW = +1, otherwise: IW = -1.

Disk Cam with Oscillating Knife-Edge Follower

Suppose the cam mechanism will be used to make the knife edge oscillate. We need to compute the
coordinates of the cam profile that results in the required motion of the follower.

The essential parameters in this kind of cam mechanisms are given below.

Уo: The radius of the base circle;

a: The distance between the pivot of the cam and the pivot of the follower.

l: The length of the follower which is a distance from its pivot to its knife edge.

Ψ: The angular displacement of the follower which is a function of the rotary angle of the cam --

IP: A parameter whose absolute value is 1. It represents the location of the follower. When the

follower is located above the x axis: IP=+1, otherwise: IP=-1.

IW: A parameter whose absolute value is 1. It represents the turning direction of the cam. When

the cam turns clockwise: IW=+1, otherwise: IW=-1.

Cam profile design principle

The fundamental principle in designing the cam profiles is still inversion, similar to that that for
designing other cam mechanisms, (e.g., the translating follower cam mechanism). Normally, the follower
oscillates when the cam turns. This means that the relative motion between them is a combination of a
relative turning motion and a relative oscillating motion. Without changing this feature of their relative
motion, let the cam remain fixed and the follower performs both the relative turning motion and
oscillating motion. By imagining in this way, we have actually inverted the mechanism.
In Figure 6-15, only part of the cam profile BK is shown. We assume that the cam turns clockwise.

At the beginning of motion, the knife edge of the follower contacts the point of intersection (B)
of the base circle and the cam profile. The initial angle between the follower (AB) and the line of two
pivots (AO) is 0. It can be calculated from the triangle OAB.

When the angular displacement of the cam is , the oscillating displacement of the follower is
which measures from its own initial position. At this moment, the angle between the follower and the line
passes through two pivots should be +0.

The coordinates of the knife edge at this moment will be

To get the corresponding knife-edge of the follower in the inverted mechanism, simply turn the
follower around the center of the cam in the reverse direction of the cam rotation through an angle of .
The knife edge will be inverted to point K which corresponds to the point on the cam profile in the inverted
mechanism. Therefore, the coordinates of point K can be calculated with the following equation:


When the initial position of the follower is above the x axis, IP = +1, otherwise: IP = -1.
When the rotary direction of the cam is clockwise: IW = +1, otherwise: IW = -1.

Disk Cam with Roller Follower

Additional parameters:

r: the radius of the roller.

IM: a parameter whose absolute value is 1, indicating which envelope curve will be adopted.

RM: inner or outer envelope curve. When it is an inner envelope curve: RM=+1, otherwise: RM=-

Design principle:

The basic principle of designing a cam profile with the inversion method is still used. However,
the curve is not directly generated by inversion. This procedure has two steps:

Imagine the center of the roller as a knife edge. This concept is important in cam profile design
and is called the trace point) of follower. Calculate the pitch curve aa, that is, the trace of the pitch point
in the inverted mechanism.

The cam profile bb is a product of the enveloping motion of a series of rollers.

Design equations:

The problem of calculating the coordinates of the cam profile is the problem of calculating the
tangent points of a sequence of rollers in the inverted mechanism. At the moment shown Figure 6-17, the
tangent point is P on the cam profile.

The calculation of the coordinates of the point P has two steps:

1. Calculate the slope of the tangent tt of point K on pitch curve, aa.

2. Calculate the slope of the normal nn of the curve aa at point K.

Since we have already have the coordinates of point K: (x, y), we can express the coordinates of point P

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