Architecture Department Chinese University of Hong Kong: Artist Village
Architecture Department Chinese University of Hong Kong: Artist Village
Architecture Department Chinese University of Hong Kong: Artist Village
一 l^•
_artist vi'
I cattle depot
department of architecture
the Chinese University of Hong Kong
master of architecture
design report
artist village
Lee Chi Leung (00200990)
May 2002
Go 门 tsnts
Parti Part II
1.00 Synopsis P.2 Design Scheme P.43
2.00 Background P-3 15.00 Scheme Development p.44-49
2.1 Development of art in Hong Kong 16.00 Site Location p.50-53
2.2 From 70’s to 2000's 17.00 Plans p.54-58
3.00 Deficiencies p.4-5 18.00 Sections & Elevations p.59-61
4.00 Objectives P.6 19.00 Exhibition area p.62-64
5.00 Methodology 20.00 Studios p.65
6.00 Case studies p.7-9 21.00 Theater P.66
7.00 Interviews P.I 0-13 22.00 Axonometric p.67
8.00 Conclusions- Artist Village p.14-15 23.00 Special Study p.68
9.00 Site selection p.16-18 24.00 Model's photo p.69-74
10.0 Site analysis
10.1-3 Land use pattern p. 19-21 25.00 Appendix
10.4 Activities P.22 •Hong Kong Arts Policy p.75
10.5-6 Pedestrian & vehicles P.23 •Development of the arts in p.76-78
10.7 Pollutions p.24 Hong Kong
1.0 Synopsis
Hong Kong have bee门 facing tremendous impacts; changes in
economic circumstance, Asian financial crisis. In order to enhance
competitiveness, improve quality of life and reinforce identity and
image, Government realized that art is no longer been separated
from economy. There is a very close relationship between each
other. Since the artist village at Oil street appeared, there was a
significant and remarkable milestone in modern art movement. In
1999, due to the redevelopment of North point, the "artist village"
had to been relocated even though there had a strongly
The thesis is aimed not only to enhance the existing "cattle depot"
artist village environment for people to appreciate and participate
in the arts, but also through the study of the redevelopment of the
area of Ma Tau Kok, in which it tries to integrate the artist village
(communities) into a new community in response to the "the arts
and creativity that keep Hong Kong Forever young"
Artists Village - i s a place for meeting, gathering, debates,
workspace and interaction, in which it form a community of artist
so as to assist and promote the arts development.
Artist village
2JJ Background
Development of Art in Hong Kong
70,s For many years, Hong Kong had been described as a "culture
1974 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
desert" . The description of "culture desert" in Hong Kong had
been controversy, some artists defended that was not fair to those
1977 Hong Kong Art Center
artists who had been working hard for their art's career.
1977 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Nevertheless, it was no doubt that people in Hong Kong had been
1977 Hong Kong Repertory Theatre neglected the importance of art even today many people and
1979 Hong Kong Ballet Hong Kong Government recognized its importance but, ironically,
they couldn't tell what art is about because they generally lack of
1979 City Contemporary Dance Company
knowledge of art. On the other hand, it was because of political
1979 Chung 丫ing Theatre factors as well. The closed down boundary at Lo Wu between
80's and 90,s (Building Fenzy) Hong Kong and China in 1950's, it almost stopped the interaction
1980 Queen Elizabeth stadium between two culture. In 1970's, Hong Kong Government had been
promoted the 'high art' and 'imported art'. In 1980s, the society of
1980 Tsuen Wan Town Hall
Hong Kong inclined towards short-term interests and utilitarianism
1983 Hong Kong Coliseum at the expense of spiritual pursuit due to the hand back to china
1983 Ko Shan Theatre 1997. In 1990s, the change of economic circumstance,
1985 Hong Kong academy for performing arts Government attempted to enhance competitiveness, improve
1987 Shan Tin Town Hall quality of life and reinforce identity and image by suggesting a
series of art polices in order to saved the economic crisis. On the
1987 Tuen Mun Town Hail
whole, the situation seem to be improved but it is still a far behind
1989 Hong Kong Cultural Center many countries.
1991 Hong Kong Museum of art
1992 Hong Kong Visual arts centre
1992 Sheung Wan civic center
2.2 from 70,s to 2000
1992 Sai Wan Ho Civic center
h 70’s’ the first significant art venue happened, the major arts
1992 Tai Po Civic Center
were classical form. The government policy was called 'reactive
1992 Yuen Long Lut San Hall policies'. In 1979, government in order to hand back Hong Kong
1992 North District Town Hall to China 1997 more tactfully, it started to build up the image and
Experiment/avant-garde appeared identity of Hong Kong. As a result, a 'building fenzy’ was called at
1981 Hong Kong Dsnce Company
the beginning of 80s.
1982 Zuni Icosahedron In 80's, an second significant art venue happened, the major art
1984 Exploration Theatre were experiment and avant garde. 'Building Fenzy' started. A
clear set of policy objectives for development of the arts appeared,
government focus on the performance art.
1998 Artists Village in Oil street
1999KwaiTsing theater In 90's, Government first time to consulted public through the arts
policy review report which called micro-policies in 1993. In 1994,
1999 Shanghai Street Art Space
government set up Hong Kong arts development council 丨 门 orde^
2000,s to further develop for different art form including literary,
2000 Yuen Long theater performing art, visual art and film art also in response to the
consultation paper.
2001 Artist Village 'former cattle depot'
In 2000, government started to promote a series of art policy
including Hong Kong 2030 and more development which also
consider cultural aspect such as art district proposed in
development in West Kowloon, preservation of Yaumatei theater,
police station and its surroundings etc. ,
3.0 deficiencies
Deficiencies - polices, public & interaction
3.0 deficiencies
Deficiencies — art venue
4.0 objectives
4.2 Inter-action
To provide a place for inter-action between artist and public so as
to enhance the quality of art through criticism and competitiveness
as well as get rid of the general misunderstanding between each
5.0 Methodology
In order to achieve the objectives, there are three main methods
to obtain the data, in which it tries to find out:
1 The need of artists and their expectation of artist village.
2.The attitude of public about the artist village
3.The possible site for artist village
These three methods are case study. Interview & site selection.
6.0 Case study
La Friche belle de mai, Marseilles - France
(low rent)
A catalysts of further urban regeneration And the diagram show the gentrification process which means
when an arts district emerges closeby convert(a working-class or inner-city city district) into an area of
middle-class residence.
上 0 Case study
La Friche belle de mai, Marseilles - France
6.1.3 Flexibility
Compare to other use of building e.g. residential the space
outside or inside is much more large enough to installation of
artwork and also much flexible, for example, multi-media artist
was make use of the surrounding area as their performance
H i ^
Artist village
6.2.2 Flexibility
It is because the former government supplies department was
going to be demolished, it implied that the environment and
building outside and inside could not rule strictly. As a result, it
would be more flexible became their work space and exhibition
area. For example, artist could paint the building fagade and use a
tree as a part of their artwork.
Artist village
7.0 Interview
interview with artists/art groups
F 7.1.1 laspace
Location: unit 14, Cattle Depot, Ma Tau Kok Road
Art form: Visual art/ installation art
Area: One exhibition(include meeting)〜197sm, one office 〜65sm
Summary of interview
The cattle depot is fully occupied, it need to further extension
Suggestion: theatre, common area & community center
Comments: other facilities are too restricted In HK, e.g. not permit
to modify the space in exhibition area. More artist/art group lack of
knowledge about management.
7.0 Interview
interview with artists/art groups
7.1.4 Work Zone
Location: unit 8, Cattle Depot,Ma Tau Kok Road
Art form: Visual art
Area: Studio 〜98.5sm
Summary of interview
The cattle depot is like a vase
Suggestion; play area, open space exhibition
Comments; artist need some abandoned site because it can be
more experimental, possibilities and freedom rather than a formal
and elegant exhibition
7.1.5 Qwert
Location: unit n1, Cattle Depot,Ma Tau Kok Road
Art form: Video art
Area: Studio 〜55sm
Summary of interview
Feel more stable in Cattle depot
Suggestion: gallery, exhibition, can use the government
abandoned rental housing as another kind of studio
Comments: feel much limitation on the public exhibition area
7.0 Interview
• interview with artists/art groups
7.0 Interview
7.2 interview with District Gouncil and Citizen
7.2.2 Citizen
Summary of interview
Most people recognize the importance of art which is a base of
economy but still lack of general knowledge about art especially
most people do not know the classification of art like: installation
art, video art etc.
Most people satisfy the hardware of art facilities and agree &
appreciate the existing artist village in Cattle depot.
Artist village
8.0 Conclusion
8外表宏大空空如也 Conclusion, artist village
"f- • ⑵ 入 ,
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卞 8.1 Artist village in Hong Kong & France
本 苗 it J
〒 TTT^ • Hi J 未:t 刊 n 花 胡
It is, maybe, very successfully in France but not in Hong Kong.
13 - 农 1’
>5地 “
Although the artist village first time formed in Oil street, it was very
9 生於民問坊眾不球 appreciate to artist. Nevertheless, it was not attract to public and
eve门 h3d a feeling of insecure and alien at worse.
入 V • aMVAf^. . iJ. ; l ^ - 1 . - ; I V ! i t/,: -il Therefore, using the industrial building as a studio or workspace
for artists may more suitable for the mutual art industries country
;5 • :,4::, ‘ if n I , ! . but not the case like Hong Kong, it is because the art is still
developing. Moreover, public still have misunderstood of local
artists and their attitude is different compare to the other western
cou 门 tries.
As a result, the artist village should be open and locate in the
urban area is the first step for developing and promoting art which
is more appropriately,
8.2 Flexibility
For interior of building
Using the industrial building as a studio is much more flexible than
using other type of building due to the interior layout is much more
vast such as high ceiling, less columns and area of each unit is
large as well.
For exterior
The space outside the building should also be more open, large
and flexible, especially for those installation artist or multi-media
artist, because they would like to use the open space as for
practice, experiment and even be a part of their artwork or
exhibition area.
8.3 Challenges
More artist like the abandoned or unused site because it can be
more experimental, possibilities and freedom rather than a formal
and elegant exhibition hall.
Modern artists and art critics love these kind of space considering
them as challenges to contemporary creation.
Most artist can create their own place therefore it need not
provide a very confine space.
Artist village
8.0 Conclusion
Conclusion, artist village
8.4 Inter-action
An artist village should be a place for public and artist to Inter-
As host of meetings, parties, debates and artistic happenings
As a result, this will raise the awareness of public and enhance
the achievement and improvement of artist or their artworks
一 ’
.JS .. .J .. Land use
. J pattern of
Industrial lots Fo Tan
I f .
Aerial photo showing the industrial lots of
Fo Tan Advantages
a) It can make use of the empty unit in the industrial area due to
the change of economic circumstance now in Hong Kong. As a
result, this is an alternative way of re-use the industrial area.
b) The industrial building is more flexible for the artist such as high
ceiling, large area of unit.
a) There is no inter-action because of no common space and
facilities in-between the industrial area.
b) The typical high-rise industrial block can not have a inter-action
between outside and inside space and also it can not have inter-
action between unit and unit within the same building.
c) The actual number of artists can't meet the large supply of
vacancy unit within the industrial area. For example, there had
about 33 artists or art groups in the former artist village in oil
street which mean the figure was too far from the real demand of
the market.
d) The typical industrial areas are usually isolated and separated
from the residential area and other public facilities. It means that it
is hard to attract the public especially the art is still developing in
Hong Kong.
Industrial area of Fo Tan
Artist village
a) The location of the Cattle depot is in the old urban area of Ma
Aerial photo showing the 'Cattle depot Tau Kok which is surrounded by industrial lots and residential. It
can attract more public when compare with the location of
industrial area.
b) The adjacent site, which is a part of the former cattle depot, is
still ruin and empty. The main structure of the empty building are
still remain there. This is a great potential and good opportunity to
be developed as a further extension of the artists village.
等過 1 • \ 系
a) The former Cattle depot was already zoned as monument in
2001. Therefore, the area within the cattle depot will have a great
restriction on the usage due to the government do not want to
destroy the original environment and atmosphere. For example,
when the artist want to use the open space, they have to grant the
permission and they can do anything to the fapade of building.
Photo of adjacent ruin site Through the analysis, It is not suitable for choosing the location of
industrial area, which is more isolated and separated, especially
the art is still developing in Hong Kong. Although government is
very concern the art development, public still not care and
appreciate it even misunderstood them. The cattle depot is
located in the urban area which is surrounded by residential and
also this region is going to be redeveloped. If the artists village is
further developed here, it would be more advantage compare to
other site. As a result, it is highly recommend to further develop
and this thesis determine to use this cattle depot as a门 further
extension of artist village.
Exfifrlnnental site
Artist village
Kowloon residential lots
industrial lots
Reclamation Gic (schools)
OS(recreation area)
of Kai Tak airport
Artist village
10.2 Future
Outline Zoninq Plan 2001 (under OZP 2001)
Under the latest OZP
2001, the area of Ma
Tau Kok will be
developed into a high-
rise residential towers
and this redevelopment
will be incorporated
with the future east
Kowloon project.
residential lots
industrial lots
Gic (schools)
OS(recreation area)
of Kai Tak airport
Artist village
Outline Zoning Plan 2001 Under the previous OZP 2000, the 'cattle depot' will developed
into a government complex building which include a market,
refuse collection point, a children/youth center, post office and
other gic facilities.
The existing 'Cattle depot' will be more significant due to the
redevelopment of whole area of Ma Tau Kok, in which the whole
environment will be have a tremendous change, and the only
thing leave behind is 'Cattle depot'. Furthermore, the To Kwa Wan
MTR station will be constructed in the near future in which the
'Cattle depot' will be more convenient and be a foca] point in the
门 63r future.
Site Anfyl^is
The pedestrian flow
is not heavy around
the site due to the
adjacent sites are
industrial lots and
the future
redevelopment of
Ma Tau Kok road,
in which many
residents are
already moved out.
As a result, some
of the old and low-
rise residential
blocks are empty
as well as the
industrial lots have
facing the changes
of economic
circumsta 门 ce.
c /
M 〔
T r-n
^ [ /
The main
pollutions are
generated from
Kowloon City
Kowloon city Road Road, public toilet
and refuse
collection point
which includes
noise , odour and
air pollutions
^^cially the
几 nA
Artist village
Artist village
.10.| Monument
麵•‘《eff^擎汽 monuments according to the latest
Part Plan(1956)
Section(1956) At time went by, more and more animal depots for cattle, sheep
and pigs and slaughter houses are established. The first
government cattle depot were built in Kennedy Town where a
number of private animal depot were also present the first private
depot in Kowloon were erected in Yaumatei.
10.8 Monument
According to Hong Kong government sassional paper of 1908 the
construction of Ma Tau Kok cattle depot commenced in 1907
undertaken by a local contractor, Mr. Li Ping. The whole site is
(105'x50') a house for use by the Indians (40'x15') 3 sheds with
accommodation for 120 cattle, zoo sheep and 400 pigs
respectively, a fodder store and offices and quarters. Construction
Photo of house b was finally completed in November 1908 at a total cost of
$66 889.91, of which a sum of $18,000 came from the railway
funds sinco the neL d€pDt «ma slaughter house we necessitated
by the confita c iorj of t ie rdlweiy. The building were occupied by
tfW-Saoitarv-defUftnkffl'vesMeir<^the following year.
Plan 2001
In the 1920s, the site was extended with addition of new sheds as
shown in the oldmaps for the years 1920 and 1924. throughout
the years, some of the sheds had been demolished, other altered.
Nevertheless, the original layout and the use of the building
remain basically the same until today. The existing old building
consists of a 2-storey office building, 3 single storey cattle sheds
and the old slaughter house datable from 1908. The old building
are compactly grouped around central courtyard (43x22m). The
Photo of house largest and most interesting of these is the old slaughter house.
The old structures are simple brick building with pitched roofs.
There is little architectural decoration to the exterior aKhough the
gable walls of the slaughter house and the wrought ironwork of
the window openings are of considerable decorative interest.
Inside the roof is supported with wide-span timber trusses.
Photo of house
Artist village
••Tcr- •0書 •06 11.05
hM M02
f M
•13 •07
V Tijic-l 舍
Entrance I Exl(
牛棚藝術村 C a t t l e D e p o t Village
•nM •• Name < ftnH Name of Arllsr /
\\'OU'3 Chun Wing Jcwno s WONG J am OS WOMG
Poi^ivic Null Artist Cornmun<ir
Pauline LAM. Woody [「r UHi太奇 Vidcotago
KUM Ch.-kcuHfl la Sr-Mi 1 a spocc"
Tom lONC
WK i vyan TSUI (Stucito zo'o C WONG cni-fai
On S On WorkphoDS 1 fish) Dav<d LEC. Cliff CMAN
Work Zono Gil WONG GtH WONG
On a On Workshops } Artist Ccmmuryo LA'J Chun Chucn lAU Chun Criuon
Cho Studio VIM Kwan-nam. WAl YIM Kwan-nam, WAl
Kwok Arf Institute Tim T5E Tim TSE
It is obviously that the major art form in village are installation art,
visual art. Video art & performance art. Therefore, the further
development of artist village should be considered the aboved art
forms. In order to have a more reasonable design approach, it has
to know the definition about its art form basically.
exterior exhibit
Exhibition are;
Artist's studio
Artist village
Artist"s studio
Artist's office
Artist village
12.5 Calculations
3 6 0 (EMO&LAV) = 3 6 0 S.M.
TOTAL = 3 4 2 9 . 5 0 S.M.
13 Programs
Programs of proposed artist village
14 Design strategy
Design strategy
14.1 Relocation
Due to the location of nearby refuse collection point and public
toilet, they are not only the main pollution sources but also it will
extremely not harmony with the environment, disturbance and
less attraction at the whole environment.
Therefore, it proposes to remove or relocation of the existing
refuse collection point, power sub-station & public toilet in order to
get rid of the pollutions as well as to maximum the area of
proposed artist village.
14.2 Linkage
The existing artist village separate from the To Kwa Wan
recreation indoor/outdoor playground to the adjacent residential
area. As a result, it will makes the existing artist village more
isolation and also not convenient for the neighbor who want to use
the facilities at To Kwa Wan Recreation indoor/outdoor
Therefore, it proposes to provide a physical linkage to collect the
adjacent sites in order to make it more convenient.
Artist village
14 Design strategy
Design strategy
14.3 Integration
According to the previous OZP , it will proposed the community
center at the adjacent site because the area of Ma Tau Kok is lack
of community center for many years, since the 'cattle depot' was
declared as monument and also the redevelopment of east
Kowloon project, the proposal of community center was already
On the other hand, the former artists village at Oil street which
had a atmosphere of isolation and not quite welcomed for the
local people.
In order to fulfill the need of the local community and integration
with the local community and not being isolated, it proposes the
if av- A-sTiT \
community center which include day nursery, youth/children
center & restaurs门t etc..
14.4 Education
In order to arise the general public's interest of art and provide
management course to assist artists to run or continue their art
career more economy and efficient, it proposes the education
Artist village
14 Design strategy
Design strategy
14.5 Design 01
Remain the existing structure
Put the new building block beside or roof over the old building
14.6 Design 02
Inter-action between public artists and artists by providing the
open space (multi-purpose) & community facilities
L~m t H i * ^ ^
j m
Artist village
14 Design strategy
Design strategy
14.7 Design 03
Studio (existing building) which close to exhibition (new block) or
vice versa
This strategy suit for installation art
A/ t?)
14.8 Design 04
Studio (existing building) which can have a separated exhibition
(new block) or vice versa
This strategy suit for visual art, video art & performance
_>•"".‘ — - -1
Artist village
14 Desiqn strate
community center H H
including education
lac: 11 Llles rrierqing |
into srtist village
Artist village
Part II
Design Scheme
Community Center
Library, Day nursery & classrooms
Cafe, Shop & garden
Artist village
15.1 Scheme a
^AJL i 1 A k , 广
n ^n^
Artist village
15.2 Scheme b
• » • /
Artist Village
15.3 Scheme
身 、 、 ..
/ ; 、
>. \ 、
.丨丨 r y
Artist Village
15.3 Scheme
Artist Village
15.4 Scheme d
15.5 Scheme e
Artist village
Scheme a: it tries to enclose the Artist Village
Scheme b: it makes use of the gas tank and enlarge the site area
Scheme c: it tries to free more space in between the Village
Scheme a, b & c which make a contrast and dialogue between
new and old development and attempt to use the new method to
deal with the existing village rather by using the old and traditional
method (axis and orientation, imitate the existing pattern)
Scheme d: it takes the existing striped-like pattern of village and
old residential blocks
Scheme e: it much more respects the existing pattern
The final scheme combine some of the features of previous
schemes, e.g. taking the pattern of scheme e and characteristic of
scheme c & d.
Before the scheme is firmed, the other aspects also to be take into
consideration. It proposes to remain the existing atmosphere of
village as much as possible and through the courtyards, which
enclosed by existing village and new & old developments, (and
the courtyard programs and activities defined by artists) to
integrate the old and new development rather to add on or modify
the existing environment and confine space. It tries to leave and
encourage ail the open space for artist to participate and add on
the programs by themselves.
Artist village.
Artist Village
16.1 Pattern
Site Pattern, Village Pattern & Proposed pattern
Artist village
17.0 Plans
Ground Floor Plan
b£ th
rc oni
xhibitib'n hall
17b Claris
Artist village
17b F^lans
Artist village
Fourth floor pla n
6th floor plan
17b FMan讲
Sixth Floor
5th floor p!an
Artist village
\ V
Transversal Section
Longitudinal Section
Artist village
r-^ r
-i 一 1‘
• • 1 A
1 一 i ~ ! 1f-
1 i^-ii,:
• r„V:- iiir^
: ) • .. !
m ‘
• «
J -up
Artist village
The Location
of exhibition
area is in-
between the
public area
center) and
studio, in
which it acts a
public and
artists, it also
CO门vs门i6nt for
artists to setup
& practice as
well as to have
a direct and
feedback from
Artist village
It preserves
the gas tank
and transform
into a huge
exhibition hall.
It attempts to
turn the space
inside out by
inserting a
n m j j j
Artist village
20.0 Studios
Open space
outside the studio
for artist practice,
working, gathering
etc.. This kind of
space is defined
by artists
A Wall covered by
windows could be
painted or as a
panel for artists to
practice or
exhibition, in
which the fagade
of building is
determined and
designed by
artists, also it
could change from
time to time
Artist village
21.0 Theater
Experimental theater and Open theater
The theater in
between the
studios, in
which form a
space for
performing &
debates etc.
experimental &
Artist village
22.0 Axonometric
5/f plan
4/f plan
3/f plan
Gas tank
2/f plan
1/f plan
Artist village
Artist village
Artist village
Ml ^
mw ].::
HP 二
n I
Artist village
Artist village
25.0 Appendix
Arts policy and Development of Art in Hong Kong
25.0 Appendix
Arts policy and Development of Art in Hong Kong
Artist village
25.0 Appendix
Arts policy and Development of Art in Hong Kong
Artist village
25.0 Appendix
Arts policy and Development of Art in Hong Kong
25.0 Appendix
Art- reason, function, level & examples in Germany
Reason in Art
Art is action which transcending the body makes the world a more
congenial stimulus to the soul. All art is therefore useful and
practical, and the notable aesthetic value which some works of art
possess, for reasons flowing for the most part out of their moral
significance, is itself one of the satisfactions which art offers to
human nature as a whole.
Art is the element in the life of reason which consists in modifying
its environment the better to attain its end, art may be expected to
subserve all parts of the human ideal, to increase man's comfort,
knowledge, and delight.
Function of art
There have a three function of art:
Personal functions of art
Art and psychological expression. Love , sex and marriage. Death
and morbidity. Spiritual concern. Aesthetic expression.
The Social functions of art
Political and ideological expression. Social description. Satire.
Graphic information
The physical functions of art
Architecture: the dwelling. Large-scale design: the community. The
Crafts and industrial design.
Level of art
There have seven levels of art.
The lowest level: entertainment
2nd level: commercial & service purpose
3rd level: enhance the quality of life
level: provide knowledge, interaction, justification(personal)
5协 levol: is the force to impel the creation of whole society
level: the inter-relationship between art culture and public space
The highest level: the public space is the fundamental source of
developing democratic society and its constitution of the society
Example of Germany
In Germany, they took the lesson of world war II therefore they
promoted the "Diversity in Unit/' in 16 states. They insisted
diversity of art and its right could balance political and society by
using 'art'.
Artist village
26.0 Bibliography
1.你認爲牛棚是否一個適合的地方做藝相 附 ?
13o you think the c at tie depot is the right place for the development of art
in dustries?
是yes 否no U - H ot.iers :
i \r e there enough e.listing facili tiejs for the development of art at cattle depot?
疋yes 否no 44代 Others :
3.你認爲這裹能否吸弓更多本地藝彳 術家或團體租借?
Do you think the cat tie depot coulci at tract more local artists or art group to
(develop their ca reer?
是yes 否no Jift' ot lers :
4 . 你 :認爲這裹能否吸弓丨本地市民參觀嗎?
Do you think the c at tie depot co uld at tract more local people to visit?
是yes 否no 代 Others :
5. H 要 參 觀 者 ? 1
Wh at kind oif visitors?
化 人 i n ( dividual 專體 group 碰others :
Do you agree cat tl e depot as one of the permanent base for the art development?
是yes 否no 1 子甘 Others :
7.你認爲現ff S的牛棚需要擴充嗎?
Is it necessary to further development or extension of the cattle depot?
是yes n
•否 o
展覽場地 exhibition area
工場 work space
教育場地 education facilities
其他 others :
Do you think ai•e there siifficie nt !art facilities in Hong Kong?
是yes 否no 其f:红 o t h e r s :
9. 你認爲政时政策上是否足夠配合藝術發展?
Do you think Ule existing art p oli(:y could assist the art development in
Ho ng Kong?
是yes ]否no 红 others :
Do you agree the proposed prima ry :school and residential tow ers are
developed at the adjacent site?
是yes 否no 其f 包 o t h e r s •
11 . 其 千 f e 思 見 . o t h e r o p i n i o n s :
受訪者名稱: 專體名稱:
問卷 Questionnaire (citizen)
是 J否 其他
是 •否 •其他
]是 •否 其他
4.你有沒有去過 ?
]是 否 其他
是 •否 •其他:
]有 •無 •其他:
Artist village
First Term Panels
Artist village
First Term Panels
Artist village
Second 丁6rm Panels
Artist village
Second Term Panels
Garden with
open theater
Cross Section thru
end of ba y window
Architecture Library
Date Due
Books charged out are subjcct to recall, Due date is for reference only.
所有依據催ii條例彳S出.iH tf U斯R作參考之州•
- 3 0 SEP. 2003 二狐腿-
)、7 J? t) MA -
y ‘ r ^
I . S l -HH Tfiru
r ^ y f 礼
f r 变 崎 、 31 JA'i ;
2 2 APR ?005
• 3 APR 々908
2 AMiiOS
14 JUL 2005 • 5 FEB 2010
-J 广
2 0 SEP
〜地2005 5 … 1
1 2 OCT 2010
10 JUL 2006
CUHK Libraries