Flygt MAS711 Pompa Denetleyici
Flygt MAS711 Pompa Denetleyici
Flygt MAS711 Pompa Denetleyici
Flygt MAS 711 – For safety, 1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots
2) A leading global water technology company
the way water is used, conserved, and re-used in the future is central to our work.
We move, treat, analyze, and return water to the environment, and we help people
use water efficiently, in their homes, buildings, factories and farms. In more than
150 countries, we have strong, long-standing relationships with customers who
* Life cycle cost
know us for our powerful combination of leading product brands and applications
Pump memory expertise, backed by a legacy of innovation.
analyzer For more information on how Xylem can help you, go to
Access to
Higher level
Monitoring system for Flygt pumps
Settings for the customer’s selection of sensors are or more graphs of the data measurements leading
factory-preloaded. These are uploaded to the base up to and surrounding the alarm. Trained operators
unit at installation, greatly simplifying set-up and can then use this data to establish the cause of the
assuring safety through the use of appropriate alarm and take appropriate remedial action. If
alarm limits based on Xylem’s decades of necessary, the operator then restarts the pump with
experience. the reset key.
When an unhealthy condition arises, Flygt MAS 711 Flygt MAS 711 also routinely backs up operation
triggers an alarm and may also stop the pump. A data from the pump memory. Based on this data,
flashing light on the operator panel alerts the our MAS 711 can be set to prompt for servicing via
operator and a text appears in the display the operator panel display on a preset date, or
describing the alarm. after a set number of starts or operating hours – for
high availability and low maintenance costs.
The alarm is also added to the alarm list on a
browser page that can be accessed from the server Should the pump be modified during its life,
embedded in the base unit. Alarms marked purple relevant data, service notes, etc, can also be
are linked to the alarm plot (or ‘black box’) recorded and stored in the pump memory via Flygt Flygt is a brand of Xylem. For the latest
function. Clicking on a purple alarm links to MAS 711. version of this document and more
another page where the operator can display one information about Flygt products visit
Running head
• Communication options
With its ethernet, Modbus and modem Flygt MAS 711 monitors and stores measurements Flygt MAS 711 uses the pump’s data plate
communications ports, Flygt MAS 711 can from the customer’s selection of factory-installed information stored electronically in the base unit
communicate with most Supervision Control sensors. In addition, essential data about the pump and the pump memory to authenticate the pump
and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems on the useful for installation, servicing and maintenance during synchronization.
market. (stored in the pump memory) is automatically
synchronized with the corresponding data in the
base unit every two hours.