Jurnal Amlodipin Udt
Jurnal Amlodipin Udt
Jurnal Amlodipin Udt
Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo and in vitro behavior of amlodipine immediate release products.
Methods: Three Mexican amlodipine products and the innovator (Norvasc®) were evaluated. Three
bioequivalence studies were performed in 24 healthy male and female volunteers each. Plasma
concentrations were determined using a liquid chromatographic method coupled with tandem mass
spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Dissolution profiles were evaluated using USP type apparatus 2 at 75 rpm
and 500 mL of HCl 0.1N, pH 4.5 and pH 6.8. Also, the dissolution behavior of different lots of the
innovator product was evaluated using apparatus 1 or 2 and 900 mL of buffer pH 6.8.
Results: All the generic products under study were bioequivalent to the innovator. In vitro data showed
that although at pH 1.2 and 4.5, the products met the specifications for very rapidly dissolving products
but at pH 6.8, neither the innovator nor the test products complied with the criteria for rapidly dissolving
products. When the study was performed at pH 6.8 in 900 mL of medium, the innovator showed a rapid
dissolution behavior.
Conclusion: The results show that the use of WHO conditions (900 mL of media, apparatus 2 at 75
rpm) are more adequate to predict the in vivo behavior of the amlodipine products.
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Figure 1: Plasma profiles of amlodipine besylate after the administration of the different products in
bioequivalence studies, (R1 VS B and R1 VS C single oral dose of 10 mg, R2 VS D single oral dose of 5 mg).
Keys: ● R1, ○ B, C, D, ■ R2
AUC0 – 144 h and AUC0 – inf in each set of studies dissolved within 15 min). Nevertheless when pH
were within the range of 80 – 125 %. On the 6.8 was used, neither the reference nor the test
basis of the above analysis, the test products products B and C met the criteria for rapidly
were considered bioequivalent with the innovator dissolving products (> 85 % dissolved within 30
product. In the different studies, the intra-subject min). Under these dissolution conditions, all the
coefficient of variation for Cmax was 11.4, 10.9 test products had a higher dissolution rate than
and 11.6 %, while the values for AUC0–144h were the reference product and therefore none of them
15.4, 12.7 and 10.9 % (R1 vs B, R1 vs C and R2 met the (f2) acceptance criteria with values of 37,
vs D), respectively. 41 and 39 for products B, C and D, respectively.
Table 2: Mean pharmacokinetic parameters and confidence Intervals using ln-transformed data in the three
bioequivalence studies after oral administration of amlodipine besylate
AUC0→inf(nghmL )
-1 499.1± 93.4 479.8±158.5 92.22-102.98 0.99
tmax (h) 7.3±2.4 7.1±1.6
t1/2 (h) 48.4±14.1 45.5±12.2
R1 vs C R1 C
Single oral dose (10mg)
Cmax (ngmL ) 7.8±1.8 8.3±1.8 96.83-107.91 0.99
AUC0→tlast (nghmL ) 398.8±86.8 409.2±101.1 99.30-112.63 0.99
AUC0→inf(nghmL )
-1 459.7±103.2 476.3±131.4 97.53-106.17 0.99
tmax (h) 7.4±2.8 7.4±3.1
t1/2 (h) 49.4±16.9 47.6±11.9
R2 vs D R2 D
Single oral dose (5mg)
Cmax (ngmL ) 4.5 ±1.1 4.4±1.2 93.04-104.36 0.99
AUC0→tlast (nghmL ) 198.6± 46.1 200.5±46.5 96.03-105.70 0.99
AUC0→inf(nghmL )
-1 234.6±66.5 232.2 ± 61.6 93.85-104.50 0.99
tmax (h) 5.6±0.8 5.5 ± 0.8
t1/2 (h) 51.0±16.7 48.7 ± 11.5
Table 3: Drug dissolved at pH 6.8 (mean ± RSD) in batches of reference product (R3, R4 and R5) at different
conditions of agitation, media volume and apparatus
Variable % Dissolved R3 R4 R5
at pH 6.8 (mean ± RSD) (mean ± RSD) (mean ± RSD)
Apparatus 2, 500 mL, 75 15 min 68±4 63±10 58±4
rpm 30 min 79±3 73±8 68±4
Taking into account the low dissolution of the performed to determine the release of amlodipine
reference product at pH 6.8, we decided to Besylate tablets using various dissolution
compare the performance of three additional conditions, and results are discordant. Thus,
batches (R3, R4 and R5) in this medium, using Shohin et al [13] evaluated the dissolution
apparatus 2 at 75 rpm and 500 or 900 mL of characteristics of the reference product and one
dissolution media or apparatus 1 at 100 rpm and product marketed in Russia, using 500 mL of
900 mL of media. Table 3 shows the results USP buffer solutions at pH 1.2, 4.5 and 6.8 and
obtained. It can be see that when 500 mL of apparatus 2 at 75 rpm. They found that the
media were used, the dissolution behavior was products dissolved very rapidly at pH 1.2 and
consistent with those previously obtained with 4.5, while at pH 6.8 they behaved as rapidly
batches R1 and R2, with low percentage dissolving products and dissolution profiles were
dissolved at 30 min. Nevertheless when 900 mL comparable.
of media and apparatus 2 was used, batches
complied with the rapidly dissolution criteria. In Akinleye et al [19] evaluated the dissolution
the case of apparatus 1, the products dissolved profiles of two generic products of amlodipine
more than 85 % in 10 minutes, and therefore available in Nigeria, and the reference product
complied with the acceptance criteria for very (Norvasc®) using apparatus 2 at 50 rpm and 900
rapidly dissolving products. mL of buffers at pH 1.2, 4.5 and 6.8. They found
that in all media, dissolution was low, and hence
DISCUSSION none of the products complied the biowaiver
criteria for very rapidly or rapidly dissolving
The Biopharmaceutical Classification System tablets. The f2 test showed that the release of
(BCS) provides a scientific framework to one of the generic products (B) was similar to the
determine either the requirement of innovator product in all media (f2 ≥ 50), while the
bioequivalence studies for generic products or if similarity factor f2 of the other generic product (A)
in vitro data can be applied to support a waiver at pH 4.5 was lower than 50 due to the rapid
for an in vivo study [17,18]. With regard to dissolution of the generic product. On the other
amlodipine, different studies have been hand, Feroz et al [20] evaluated the dissolution
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