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Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology

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Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology 6 (1) (2021) x-xx

Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology

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Effects of Solution Concentration in Alternate Soaking

Process on Apatite Formation on the Surface Titanium
Muhammad Asrun Adi Saputra Syam1, Nina Djustiana2*, Arief Cahyanto2, Yanwar Faza2

Faculty of Dentistry, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Department of Dental Material Science and Technology, Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Correspondence: E-mail: nina.djustiana@fkg.unpad.ac.id


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© 2021 Tim Pengembang Jurnal UPI

Sefaoui, et.al. Physico-chemical investigation of wastewater from the Sebdou-Tlemcen… | 130
1. INTRODUCTION implant surface.4 The chemical and physical
properties of the implant material are
Titanium and titanium alloys are one of
known to influence the clinical outcome and
the implant materials that are still widely
prognosis of dental implants.5 Implant
used for biomedical applications because of
surface morphology plays an important role
their high biocompatibility properties,
in bone-implant contact because it can
resistance to the effects of body fluids,
improve the osseointegration process and
flexibility and high corrosion resistance.1
The combination of mechanical properties increase the stability of dental implants. 6 It

and good biocompatibility makes them has been shown that the response of

suitable for applications in medical field. titanium biomaterials depends entirely on

Commercially pure titanium (cpTi), is its biocompatibility and surface properties.

dominantly used in dental implants, Therefore, to improve the performance of

whereas Ti-6Al-4V is widely used in biomaterials in biological systems, the

orthopedics. Generally, Ti-6Al-4V titanium surface of the titanium must be modified. 7

alloys are used in dental implants but in Such modifications can be done by : i)

some cases replaced by Ti-6Al-7Nb, Ti- morphological modifications (increasing

13Nb-13Zr and Ti-12Mo-6Zr due to the roughness, topography from micro to nano-

possible toxic effects of vanadium or scale) obtained using mechanical, chemical

aluminum.2 and mechanical methods. physical; ii)

modification by coating bioactive materials;
As a bio-inert metal, the development of
or iii) a combination of morphological
titanium dental implants to improve implant
modification and bioactive material coating
performance has attracted researchers.3 It is
for a more synergistic effect. The general
known that the surface modification of
objectives are to increase the bioactivity,
titanium implants is widely used to make
biocompatibility, blood compatibility, worn
the implant surface bioactive so that it can
out resistance and corrosion of titanium and
increase cellular interactions and push the
titanium alloys for their respective
creation of healthy tissue between bone
surfaces with a titanium implant that occurs
when the material is implanted in bone Various surface modification methods

tissue. Two factors that affect the quality have been proposed for application to
and duration of osseointegration are the titanium dental implants. Modification of
physical and chemical properties of the
the surface of the titanium implant with the

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v6ix
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
131 | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 6 Issue x, April 2021 Hal x-xx

coating deposition method which is carried use, including plasma spraying, sol-gel

out by depositing the bioactive material as a processes, ion beam assisted deposition,

coating material is known to be able to composite glass coating, electrochemical

achieve a faster and better osseointegration deposition, and alternate soaking

quality.8 The two-phase coating material processes.9,10

used is an organic phase (polymer plasma: Alternate Soaking Process (ASP) is a wet

polyallylamine plasma, polyethylenediamine process method used to induce apatite

plasma) and inorganic (calcium phosphate: formation by immersing the preparations in

calcium phosphate cement and apatite (HA, a solution of CaCl2/Tris- HCL and Na2HPO4.

Ca(PO4)6(OH)2)).4,9 Bone consists of calcium The alternate soaking process method is

phosphate (69-80%, mainly hydroxyapatite, relatively simple, inexpensive, and can

HAp), collagen (17-20 %) and other produce a homogeneous coating on

substances (water, protein, etc.).10 The implants even with complex shapes.12 This

deposition of calcium phosphate on the method was developed to rapidly

surface of titanium implants is known to precipitate the biocompatible layer of

give good results by stimulating direct apatite on metals. Mineral deposition

contact of the dental implant surface with during the soaking process relies on ionic

the surrounding bone tissue.11 Calcium bonding layer by layer to the substrate

phosphate is the main choice in producing surface while the rinsing solution removes

bone matrix because its good bioactivity loose ions which will form a liquid

and biocompatibility.9 The biomineralization precipitate.13 This method is combined with

process in bone will later encourage the pre-treatment using acid-etching and

evolution of apatite coating preparations. alkaline treatment, which are known to

use biomimetic methods. There are various create surface roughness titanium

methods of coating deposition on the implants.14 Dehestani et al research states

surface of titanium implants that are still in that the alternate soaking process is

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v2i2
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
Sefaoui, et.al. Physico-chemical investigation of wastewater from the Sebdou-Tlemcen… | 132
influenced by several parameters, namely ipsum ultricies in. Proin placerat risus et
augue aliquet posuere. Nulla sodales
the duration of immersion of the efficitur metus. Integer vitae sodales nisi.
Curabitur mauris massa, vulputate ut enim
preparation in solution, immersion cycle sed, vehicula dignissim ante. Mauris in lacus
and liquid concentration.13 There are still erat. Curabitur eleifend dui at lorem rutrum
few studies examining the effects of In molestie ipsum lorem. Aenean id mi
arcu. Phasellus semper efficitur eros eu
alternate soaking processes on apatite laoreet. Vivamus vitae malesuada turpis.
Morbi interdum orci iaculis tempor facilisis.
formation on a titanium surface. Therefore, Suspendisse euismod commodo nulla.
Nullam eget congue justo. Phasellus
this research aims to determine the effect
vestibulum quis risus ut pharetra.
of the liquid concentration parameters of 2.1. Presentation of the wastewater
treatment plant
the alternate soaking process method on
The treatment in this station goes
apatite formation on the surface of the through several phases shown schematically
Figure 1.
titanium plate.
2.2 Wastewater and industrial water
2. METHODS purification processes in the station
Sed egestas mattis condimentum. Etiam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur et tristique turpis. Ut tincidunt velit vitae
adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus et neque eget hendrerit euismod. Sed molestie volutpat
congue. In ac nulla nec nunc pretium orci ut placerat. Ut sit amet lorem urna.
porttitor ut et augue. Duis ligula ante, Donec luctus pharetra venenatis. Ut vel orci
eleifend ut ex sed, cursus tempus felis. venenatis, tincidunt orci sit amet, pharetra
Aliquam eget interdum sapien. Sed ipsum. Pellentesque commodo nulla vitae ex
elementum varius leo, sit amet rutrum blandit, ut sagittis turpis vestibulum.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v6ix
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
133 | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 6 Issue x, April 2021 Hal x-xx

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the physicochemical treatment process in the station of the
textile industrial unit.
2.3 Mixing and equalization basin n° 1 posuere ligula venenatis eget. Vestibulum
mi orci, pharetra sit amet ullamcorper ut,
Duis non mollis mi as shown in Figure 2,
pharetra non mauris. Suspendisse tempus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
ex at eros placerat, non viverra tortor
adipiscing elit. Sed finibus, lectus ac ornare
pretium. Quisque mi nunc, tincidunt non
ornare, enim purus consectetur ex, non
elementum vel, accumsan eget felis.
lobortis magna leo eget tortor. Phasellus
Aliquam id consequat elit.
efficitur imperdiet ultricies equation [1].
Etiam tincidunt orci nec dui bibendum 2.4. Rapid mixing and neutralization basin
venenatis. (physicochemical treatment)
Nam feugiat ultrices nulla non facilisis as
NaCl = W x E (1)
shown in Figure 3, Duis pellentesque sem
Mauris convallis pellentesque lorem, et sed nulla rhoncus, sit amet ultrices urna
malesuada quam imperdiet eu. Praesent fermentum. Nam at est in massa lobortis
maximus nibh est, ac varius massa accumsan finibus sit amet sit amet augue. Aenean
ut. Vivamus eget nisl a massa vestibulum iaculis, metus vel fringilla feugiat, nisl nisi
porta vel sed nibh. Orci varius natoque ullamcorper odio, quis consectetur augue
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, elit vel mauris. Curabitur sed ipsum id tortor
nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras gravida ex in accumsan aliquet a nec justo. Mauris blandit
felis auctor consectetur sed eget augue. eleifend ante, vulputate tempor risus
Nullam eget hendrerit felis, eget aliquam laoreet vitae. Nullam malesuada accumsan
turpis. Vestibulum eu ullamcorper justo. scelerisque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus
Quisque fermentum pellentesque lectus, vel sed diam erat. Pellentesque ullamcorper
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v2i2
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
Sefaoui, et.al. Physico-chemical investigation of wastewater from the Sebdou-Tlemcen… | 134
arcu eu orci finibus, vel feugiat tellus laoreet. Ut bibendum justo sit amet odio
convallis, vel tincidunt enim maximus.

Figure 2. Photo of mixing and equalization basin N ° 1.

Figure 3. Mixing and neutralization basin N °2.

2.5. Final clarification basin Mauris mollis, libero quis condimentum
varius, tellus eros ullamcorper lacus, nec
F Curabitur quam mi, mollis quis fringilla
cursus ante dolor vitae urna. Praesent lacus
eu, ultricies in quam. Curabitur odio diam,
elit, consectetur vitae tellus quis, dictum
venenatis nec elit ut, accumsan rhoncus
commodo est. Donec euismod convallis
lectus. Duis ut pulvinar orci. Ut vitae turpis
lacinia as shown in Figure 6a.
sed dui ultrices iaculis gravida at purus.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v6ix
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
135 | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 6 Issue x, April 2021 Hal x-xx

Figure 6b shows the Nam at est in massa nisl nisi ullamcorper odio, quis consectetur
lobortis finibus sit amet sit amet augue. augue elit vel mauris.
Aenean iaculis, metus vel fringilla feugiat,

Figure 4. Clarifying flocculator.

Figure 5. Biological basin (aeration basin).

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v2i2
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
Sefaoui, et.al. Physico-chemical investigation of wastewater from the Sebdou-Tlemcen… | 136

Figure 6a. Final clarification basin. Figure 6b. Post chlorination basin.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Donec ac orci lacinia, imperdiet leo ut,
3.1. Temperature blandit metus. Nam ut ante in velit fringilla
luctus sit amet in purus. Vestibulum ante
uspendisse in aliquam est, at consequat
ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et
quam. Morbi porttitor orci augue.
ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nam
Vestibulum volutpat justo sed urna dictum,
venenatis ipsum metus, eget lacinia odio
consequat condimentum nunc vestibulum.
gravida ac. Sed quis porttitor nisi. Nam
Ut nisi sem, consectetur at posuere nec,
tincidunt dapibus dui, vitae pulvinar nulla
rhoncus sit amet magna. Phasellus eleifend
tincidunt sit amet. Nullam at mauris nulla.
orci dui, sit amet fringilla est malesuada non
Aliquam ullamcorper metus eu dui auctor
(Behera, et al., 2020). According to the
pulvinar. Vestibulum id ligula at lacus auctor
results obtained in Table 7 and Figure 12,
euismod (Nolte, et al., 2020).

Table 1. The COD and BOD values for the last week of the month (final clarification output).
Day N°1 Day N°2 Day N°3 Day N°4 Day N°5
mg/ mg/ mg/ mg/ mg/ mg/ D mg/ mg/ mg/
130 36 162 44 153 28 160 32 167 39

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxxx/ijost.v6ix
p- ISSN 2528-1410 e- ISSN 2527-8045
137 | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 6 Issue x, April 2021 Hal x-xx

Figure 12. Daily variation in the sedimentation of the sludge at the outlet of the WWTP
4. CONCLUSION vel, accumsan eget felis. Aliquam id
consequat elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Nam feugiat ultrices nulla non facilisis.
adipiscing elit. Sed finibus, lectus ac ornare Curabitur facilisis commodo sapien vitae
ornare, enim purus consectetur ex, non lobortis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac
lobortis magna leo eget tortor. Phasellus ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nullam nibh
efficitur imperdiet ultricies. Etiam tincidunt nibh, suscipit vel magna a, tristique
orci nec dui bibendum venenatis. Mauris consequat ligula. Sed tempus metus leo, vel
convallis pellentesque lorem, et malesuada tempor lectus consequat ac. Donec semper
quam imperdiet eu. Praesent maximus nibh et diam ac gravida. Sed vitae bibendum
est, ac varius massa accumsan ut. Vivamus purus, ut ultricies nibh. Nunc consectetur
eget nisl a massa vestibulum porta vel sed euismod turpis, id molestie magna euismod
nibh. Orci varius natoque penatibus et a. Integer interdum iaculis venenatis.
magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur Quisque pellentesque pretium justo, nec
ridiculus mus. Cras gravida ex in felis auctor congue nisl convallis sed. Etiam volutpat
consectetur sed eget augue. Nullam eget venenatis tortor, in tincidunt justo tristique
hendrerit felis, eget aliquam turpis. non.
Vestibulum eu ullamcorper justo. Quisque
fermentum pellentesque lectus, vel posuere 5. AUTHORS’ NOTE
ligula venenatis eget. Vestibulum mi orci,
pharetra sit amet ullamcorper ut, pharetra The authors declare that there is no conflict
non mauris. Suspendisse tempus ex at eros of interest regarding the publication of this
placerat, non viverra tortor pretium. article. Authors confirmed that the paper
Quisque mi nunc, tincidunt non elementum was free of plagiarism.


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