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Proba de Înţelegere A Unui Text Audiat La Limba Engleză

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Proba de înţelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile si specializările/ calificările

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

• Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 20 de minute.

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materialul audio: https://ebacalaureat.ro/c/model-de-subiect-competente-

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SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

You will hear a woman talking to an Australian about Hamilton, a small country
town. For questions 1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).

1. How many inhabitants are there in Hamilton?

A. 10000

B. 1000

C. 1000000

D. 100

2. Where is Hamilton situated?

A. in the south of Australia

B. in a small country town

C. in the south of Victoria State

D. three hours west of Melbourne in Victoria State

3. According to the man, the Australians have

A. only the language in common with the British

B. language, culture and television in common with the British

C. nothing in common with the British

D. everything in common with the British

4. What kind of food do Australians eat?

A. traditional

B. modern

C. traditional and modern

D. French and Asian 

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

You will hear two people talking about camping. For questions 5 – 10, choose
the best answer (A, B, C or D).

5. The first time Richard and Jackie went camping together was:

A. in Sicily, in an olive grove last summer

B. in Sicily last summer

C. in Sicily, in an olive grove a number of years ago

D. in Sicily, in an orange grove a number of years ago

6. When he was a child, Richard

A. went camping with his friends

B. used to go camping with his friends in the back garden

C. used to go camping with his family

D. used to go camping with Jackie

7. The tent Richard and Jackie used when they first went camping

A. is a modern tent

B. is not made of cotton

C. has flexible poles

D. is an old, rigid, cotton, A frame one


8. How did Jackie manage to make breakfast when they went camping

A. by making a campfire at the front of the tent

B. by singing around a campfire

C. by using a gas stove at the front of the tent

D. by being trendy

9. When they go camping and have to eat, they normally have:

A. a gas lamp

B. a folding table and chairs, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans

C. a gas stove

D. a gas lamp and a gas stove

10. Why did they buy a new tent?

A. there was room only for the mattress in the old tent

B. there was room only for their sleeping bags in the old tent

C. there was not room for the gas stove in the old tent

D. there was not room to sleep on hard ground in the old tent


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

4 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 40 de puncte

1-A; 2-D; 3-B; 4-C.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

6 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 60 de puncte

5-C; 6-B; 7-D; 8-C; 9-B;10-A.

Nivelul de competenţă se va acorda în funcţie de punctajul obţinut, după

cum urmează:

- : 0-10 puncte

A1: 11 - 30 puncte

A2: 31 - 60 puncte

B1: 61 - 80 puncte

B2: 81 - 100 puncte

Proba orală la Limba engleză

Toate filierele, profilurile si specializările/calificările


Model de bilet proba orală

1. Answer the following question: What do you enjoy doing on holidays?

2. Describe a happy memory from your childhood.

3. Give your opinion on the following statement: An eye for an eye makes the
whole world blind. Use relevant arguments and examples to support your

Model de bilet proba scrisă la Limba Engleză

• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)? If there
is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B), choose
'Doesn't say' (C). Mark A, B or C on your exam sheet.

After the success of Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan comes back to direct
The Dark Knight. But Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight is not just a comic
book movie. It is THE comic book movie and is one of the best movies ever

So in The Dark Knight, Batman (Christian Bale) continues his reign as bringing
back Gotham from its own damnation and destroying organized crime in
Gotham for good. With help from Commissioner Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman)
and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), their plans are working out.
But the three find themselves fighting against a criminal mastermind known as
The Joker who forces Batman closer to crossing the line between a symbolic
hero and a vigilante.

One of the best things about this movie is Heath Ledger's masterpiece
performance as The Joker. The Joker is a villain who really tests Batman so that
the latter is tempted to break his One Rule (Never to kill). Heath Ledger as The
Joker had such an amazing performance that we actually believed that he was
THE Joker. Heath Ledger didn't just deliver an Oscar Winning Performance, but
a role that no one will ever forget.

The Dark Knight is one of the best movies in contemporary film history.
Christopher Nolan did something that many thought would never be possible.
He created something different and  unique, inspiring directors like Sam
Mendes, Ridley Scott, J.J. Abrams, and Shane Black to make their own movies
more realistic.

Dark, Complex, and Unforgettable, Christopher Nolan has done something that
no comic book movie has ever done before which is to transcend its genre,
becoming more than a comic book movie.

(adapted from Teen ink)

1. Christopher Nolan is the director of The Dark Knight and Batman Begins.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

2. Commissioner Jim Gordon is one of the characters who help Batman.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't Say

3. The Joker is a physically strong character.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

4. Christopher Nolan's movie is very similar to other comic book movies.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

5. There are several well developed female characters in the movie.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say


SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, C or D)
which you think fits best according to the text.

LIKE many women these days, Aran Hissam, 35, of Melbourne, posted the
news that she was pregnant on Facebook. On the morning of an ultrasound
last year, she debated on the site whether to learn the baby's sex, musing "to
peek or not to peek?" When she failed to post an update later that day, friends
started to contact her. Ms. Hissam decided to return to Facebook to share the
news that her unborn baby, a girl, had been found to have fetal hydrops and

no chance of survival. "I wanted to communicate the news to get people off
my back," Ms. Hissam said in a telephone interview recently. Although her
husband was at first surprised that she would share such emotional news
publicly, she said, Facebook seemed like one of the least difficult ways to get
the word out.

Facebook, that repository of the mundane (mealtime updates, party reminders

and job changes) that people have long used to show the positive sides of their
lives, is increasingly also a place they go to break difficult news. It was where
the racecar driver Danica Patrick, 30, announced that she and her husband of
seven years, Paul Hospenthal, 47, were "amicably" divorcing. And it is where a
portrait photographer and mother of two named Alicia, 35 (who did not want
her last name published because of continuing custody issues), posted a few
succinct sentences about the breakup of her own marriage recently. People in
her social circle were starting to hear rumors about her personal life, she said,
and she wanted to address that. "I didn't want to start a pity party, but I did
want to be honest about what was going on," Alicia said, adding that "One of
the beautiful things about Facebook is that it's passive communication, and it
gives people freedom to respond — or not — in whichever way they are most

Posting bad news on a social media site eases the pain for the bearer of bad
news and the recipient, because knowing what to say to someone who has just
told you bad news can be one of the most socially fraught situations. "If you
put the news on Facebook, you're also maximizing the recipient's comfort, so
they can process the information on their own time," said Dr. Janet Sternberg,
assistant professor of communication and media studies at Fordham
University. "It's really hard to break bad news without crying or falling apart.
But we can share painful news in

less painful ways." Dr. Louis Manza, a professor and chairman of the
psychology department at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania, said: "From
a cognitive perspective, it's easier to deal with it this way. You post it, come
back in eight hours and read all the comments that you get, and don't have to
worry about having a difficult conversation."

But some experts think that putting bad news on Facebook almost inevitably
trivializes it, to the sufferer's further detriment. "If you post about someone's
death or your divorce, it's not that different from typing, 'I'm going to
Starbucks,' " said Dr. Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist in Beverly Hills, Calif. Dr.
Lieberman said that it is far preferable to tell people in person, as "it is very
human, very real and you have to deal with your feelings." In pre-Facebook
days, she

pointed out, we all had to make 50 difficult phone calls or ask friends and
family to help — and we all managed to do it.

(adapted from The New York Times)

1. When writing "to peek or not to peek" on Facebook, Aran Hissam was

A. thinking about peeking into someone's secrets on Facebook.

B. considering whether to find out the sex of her baby.

C. writing about her baby's problems on Facebook.

D. musing about her friends' posts on Facebook.

2. Ms Hissam's Facebook friends contacted her later the same day because

A. she failed her exam and they wanted to ask her about that.

B. they were bored and wanted some more gossip.

C. she did not write a follow up concerning the gender of her baby.

D. she had not told them the truth and they found out.

3. Ms. Aran Hissam chose to share her news on Facebook because

A. she thought it was an easy way of sharing news.

B. she wanted to surprise her husband.

C. she thought it was a difficult way of sharing news.

D. she wanted to give an interview about her problems.

4. According to the second paragraph, Facebook is becoming a place where


A. share only good news.

B. share only bad news.

C. read and share gossip.

D. share both good and bad news.

5. Alicia, 35, appreciates sharing personal news on Facebook because

A. people are free to answer or not in their own time.

B. it is a modern means of communication.

C. people can get comfortable when they use it.

D. she doesn't want to use her full name.

6. According to the third paragraph, posting bad news on social sites

A. is considerably easier for the person who shares such news.

B. is easier for both the person who shares and the ones who receive it.

C. is much easier for the persons who have to read such news.
D. should not be an option; only positive news should be shared.

7. According to some experts, sharing bad news on social sites

A. makes it seem very important.

B. makes the sufferer trivial.

C. should be done from Starbucks.

D. makes it seem less important.

8. According to Dr. Carole Lieberman, a psychiatrist in Beverly Hills, bad news

A. should not be shared under any circumstances.

B. should be told in person to those concerned.

C. should be shared only on Facebook.

D. should be shared only over the telephone.

9. The writer of this article

A. wants to convince the reader that sharing negative news on Facebook is


B. talks about people who share their divorce stories on social sites such as

C. presents examples and opinions related to sharing negative news on social

D. wants to convince the reader not to share their negative news on social

10. The tone of this article is

A. subjective.

B. ironic.

C. objective.

D. sarcastic.


SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

Your friend is currently studying in Italy and you cannot reach him/her by
telephone. Write your friend an email telling him/her the latest news from
home (your school progress, your family) and asking about him/her plans to
come home. Write your answer in 80 - 100 words.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

You have a friend who has just broken up with his/her boy/girlfriend. Your final
remark is Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Write an
opinion essay expanding on the quote. Write your essay in 180 - 200 words.
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