What Is Vmosa?
What Is Vmosa?
What Is Vmosa?
process used to help community groups define a vision and develop practical ways to enact
change. VMOSA helps your organization set and achieve short term goals while keeping sight of
your long term vision. Implementing this planning process into your group's efforts supports
developing a clear mission, building consensus, and grounding your group's dreams. This section
explores how and when to implement VMOSA into your organization's planning process.
One way to make that journey is through strategic planning, the process by which a group
defines its own "VMOSA;" that is, its Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans.
VMOSA is a practical planning process that can be used by any community organization or
initiative. This comprehensive planning tool can help your organization by providing a blueprint
for moving from dreams to actions to positive outcomes for your community.
In this section, we will give a general overview of the process, and touch briefly on each of the
individual parts. In Examples, we'll show you how an initiative to prevent adolescent pregnancy
used the VMOSA process effectively. Then, in Tools, we offer you a possible agenda for a
planning retreat, should your organization decide to use this process. Finally, the remaining
sections in this chapter will walk you through the steps needed to fully develop each portion of
the process.
The VMOSA process grounds your dreams. It makes good ideas possible by laying out
what needs to happen in order to achieve your vision.
By creating this process in a group effort (taking care to involve both people affected by
the problem and those with the abilities to change it), it allows your organization to build
consensus around your focus and the necessary steps your organization should take.
The process gives you an opportunity to develop your vision and mission together with
those in the community who will be affected by what you do. That means that your work
is much more likely to address the community’s real needs and desires, rather than what
you think they might be. It also means community ownership of the vision and mission,
putting everyone on the same page and greatly increasing the chances that any effort will
be successful.
VMOSA allows your organization to focus on your short-term goals while keeping sight
of your long-term vision and mission.
Let's look briefly at each of the individual ingredients important in this process. Then, in the next
few sections we'll look at each of these in a more in-depth manner, and explain how to go about
developing each step of the planning process.
Your vision communicates what your organization believes are the ideal conditions for your
community – how things would look if the issue important to you were perfectly addressed. This
utopian dream is generally described by one or more phrases or vision statements, which are
brief proclamations that convey the community's dreams for the future. By developing a vision
statement, your organization makes the beliefs and governing principles of your organization
clear to the greater community (as well as to your own staff, participants, and volunteers).
There are certain characteristics that most vision statements have in common. In general, vision
statements should be:
Here are a few vision statements which meet the above criteria:
Healthy children
Safe streets, safe neighborhoods
Every house a home
Education for all
Peace on earth
Concise. Although not as short a phrase as a vision statement, a mission statement should
still get its point across in one sentence.
Outcome-oriented. Mission statements explain the overarching outcomes your
organization is working to achieve.
Inclusive. While mission statements do make statements about your group's overarching
goals, it's very important that they do so very broadly. Good mission statements are not
limiting in the strategies or sectors of the community that may become involved in the
The following mission statements are examples that meet the above criteria.
"To promote child health and development through a comprehensive family and
community initiative."
"To create a thriving African American community through development of jobs,
education, housing, and cultural pride.
"To develop a safe and healthy neighborhood through collaborative planning, community
action, and policy advocacy."
While vision and mission statements themselves should be short, it often makes sense for an
organization to include its deeply held beliefs or philosophy, which may in fact define both its
work and the organization itself. One way to do this without sacrificing the directness of the
vision and mission statements is to include guiding principles as an addition to the statements.
These can lay out the beliefs of the organization while keeping its vision and mission statements
short and to the point.
Behavioral objectives. These objectives look at changing the behaviors of people (what
they are doing and saying) and the products (or results) of their behaviors. For example, a
neighborhood improvement group might develop an objective around having an
increased amount of home repair taking place (the behavior) or of improved housing (the
Community-level outcome objectives. These are related to behavioral outcome objectives,
but are more focused more on a community level instead of an individual level. For
example, the same group might suggest increasing the percentage of decent affordable
housing in the community as a community-level outcome objective.
Process objectives. These are the objectives that refer to the implementation of activities
necessary to achieve other objectives. For example, the group might adopt a
comprehensive plan for improving neighborhood housing.
It's important to understand that these different types of objectives aren't mutually exclusive.
Most groups will develop objectives in all three categories. Examples of objectives include:
A child health program might use social marketing to promote adult involvement with
An adolescent pregnancy initiative might decide to increase access to contraceptives in
the community
An urban revitalization project might enhance the artistic life of the community by
encouraging artists to perform in the area
Five types of specific strategies can help guide most interventions. They are:
Providing information and enhancing skills (e.g., offer skills training in conflict
Enhancing services and support (e.g., start a mentoring programs for high-risk youth)
Modify access, barriers, and opportunities (such as offering scholarships to students who
would be otherwise unable to attend college)
Change the consequences of efforts (e.g., provide incentives for community members to
Modify policies (e.g., change business policies to allow parents and guardians and
volunteers to spend more time with young children)
Here are two examples of action steps, graphed out so you can easily follow the flow:
Person(s) Date to be Resources
Action Step Barriers or Collaborators
Responsible Completed Required
Draft a social Terry McNeil April 2006 $15,000 None anticipated Members of the
marketing plan (from (remaining business action
marketing donated) group
Ask local Maria Suarez September 5 hours; 2 hour Corporation: may Members of the
corporations to (from business 2008 proposal prep; 3 see this as business action
introduce flex- action group) hours for expensive; must group and the
time for parents meeting and convince them of school action
Everyone has a dream. But the most successful individuals - and community organizations - take
that dream and find a way to make it happen. VMOSA helps groups do just that. This strategic
planning process helps community groups define their dream, set their goals, define ways to
meet those goals, and finally, develop practical ways bring about needed changes.
In this section, you've gained a general understanding of the strategic planning process. If you
believe your organization might benefit from using this process, we invite you to move on to the
next sections of this chapter, which explain in some depth how to design and develop your own
strategic plan.