Config Guide FSC M Prototyp
Config Guide FSC M Prototyp
Config Guide FSC M Prototyp
This Configuration Guide has been created for a specific Client Company.
The configuration described below there fore has been driven by specific
clients scope, needs and requirements.
Atilla Sis
1. Configuration Information
Define BP Roles:
The following business partner roles are delivered by SAP and are important for master data
000000 - General Business Partner
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First make the following settings for the business partner role: Assign BP-Role “UDM000” to BP-
Role category “UDM000” and BP-Role “FLCU00” to BP-Role category “FLCU00”.
For this prototype we defined two kinds of number ranges for business partners. One with
internal number and one with external number.
In this IMG-activity you define groupings for business partners and assign to the groupings the
defined range numbers in the previous step. The standard groupings “0001” and “0002”. are
delivered by SAP.
Through address determination the system is able to be able to determine the correct address
for a particular business transaction. The business transaction “XXDFLT” is standard value of
In this IMG-activity, you define address types for certain business transactions. The address
type “XXDEFAULT” is supplied by SAP.
In this IMG-activity you assign predefined transactions to address types that you have created,
for the purpose of address determination. In the case of business partners with multiple
addresses, the system must be able to determine the correct address for different transactions
(such as send order, receive goods).
After the Address determination settings at Client System we received during the masta data
synchronization an error message regarding geocoding settings “Geokodierer SAP0: Die
Angabe des Landes ist unvollständig (Custom.)”. This was the reason why we maintained the
coordinates for each country and region.
After the Address determination settings at Client System we received during the masta data
synchronization an error message regarding geocoding settings “Geokodierer SAP0: Die
Angabe des Landes ist unvollständig (Custom.)”. This was the reason why we maintained the
coordinates for each country and region.
In this IMG activity, you specify which sorts of tax numbers you can enter in business partner
master data, on the Identification tab. The different sorts of tax numbers are known as tax
number categories.
In this activity you define industry systems and industries. You can create different industry
systems, to which you can assign several industries in each case. You can assign several
industry systems to one business partner.
In this activity you define industry systems and industries. You can create different industry
systems, to which you can assign several industries in each case. You can assign several
industry systems to one business partner.
Synchronization Objects
Application: SAP ERP
Transaction Name: Synchronization Objects
Transaction Code: SPRO
Menu Path: Cross-Application Components > Master Data Synchronization >
Synchronization Control > Synchronization Control >
Synchronization Objects
Synchronization Objects:
In this IMG activity you can display synchronization objects provided by for the master data
synchronization and, if necessary, create your own synchronization objects. SAP recommends
using those synchronization objects that are provided as standard. Creating your own
synchronization objects in the customer namespace would require a lot of additional
In this IMG activity you decide for each platform object whether a post-processing order should
be written in the event of an error.
In this IMG activity you can choose BP role categories for customer integration in the direction
from the business partner to the customer. You determine how the system creates a
corresponding customer in Financial Accounting when you process a business partner.
In this IMG activity you assign the BP roles to the account group for the customer master record
in which the business partner is to be created when processing the customer.
In this IMG activity you assign the groupings of the the business partner to the account groups
for the customer master records. With this assignment you choose whether the customer master
record is to be created with an account group with internal or external number assignment or
with identical numbers.
In this IMG activity you assign the groupings of the the business partner to the account groups
for the customer master records. With this assignment you choose whether the customer master
record is to be created with an account group with internal or external number assignment or
with identical numbers.
In this IMG activity you can activate the assignment of contact persons in order to synchronize
the attributes for the contact person.
Assign Industries
Application: SAP ERP
Transaction Name: Assign Industries
Transaction Code: SPRO
Menu Path: Cross-Application Components > Master Data Synchronization >
Customer/Vendor Integration > Business Partner Settings >
Settings for Customer Integration > Field Assignment for Customer
Integration > Assign Attributes > Assign Industries
Assign Industries:
In this IMG activity you assign industries between the business partner and the customer master
In this IMG activity you assign industries between the business partner and the customer master
In this IMG activity you assign industries between the business partner and the customer master
With this IMG activity you are able to start the user interface for master data synchronization.
Choose the source and target object for the synchronization process (for example source =
customer and target = business partner. In the processing tab select a field name (customer)
and set the customer value for lower limit and upper limit. Afterwards start the master data
In the Monitor tab you see the process status of synchronizations. In queue monitor you
analyze the errors.
A. Collection Management
Step 2 -> Enter Company Code “7503” in the company code “CoCd” field
This Company Code is defined within FSCM in order to identify the FI-AR items that the
collection management process would apply to. This process does not preclude adding
additional company codes in the future
Results: Change View page for activating Collection Management will display.
2. Select Change/Display Button
Results: Text will display confirming that the application to be activated is SAP Collection
SAP Collection Management has to be activated in order to ensure that the Collections
Management Module Synchs up with the FI module and in order to Ensure that the “UDM_BP”
profile for business partners can be activated and utilized.
Client HC will use Company Code 7503. Company code must be defined in FSCM in order for
the applicable company code (7503) FI-AR Open Receivables to be integrated. This process
would also enable FSCM collection strategy apply to the applicable AR open items
If the Direct Pay indicator is set, in SAP Collections Management, data is only considered from
customers that are direct payers. Customers that, for example, always participate in automatic
payment transactions based on an automatic debit authorization are not considered.
Client HC will utilize the integration between FI-AR and Collections Management. In order to
integrate the transaction activity of all customers between FI-AR and FSCM
Activating the standard Implementation ensures that FSCM and FI-AR are in synch. This also
ensures FSCM in linked to SAP R/3 rather than a Third Party Legacy Application.
Step 2 -> Enter “7503 Collections Segment“ in the Name of Segment Field
Collection segments group company codes of a company from the view of SAP Collections
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Management so that transaction data (open items, dispute cases, and promises to pay) of a
business partner from these company codes can be considered together.
This process does not preclude Client HC from creating additional Collection Segments for
specific company codes or assigning more company codes to an existing collections segment.
You can only use collection segments in SAP Collections Management if you have released
them. Once you have released them, the company codes that you have assigned to the
segment can no longer be removed or deleted.
This restriction is necessary so that after reorganizations (for example, profile changes or
changes to collection-specific data in the business partner master record), the system can
assign customer contacts and resubmissions from old segments to the new segments.
Step 3 -> Enter “7503 Collection Profile” in the Name of Collection Profile Field
Step 6 -> Double Click the “Assign Collection Segments To Profile” Folder
Step 9 -> Enter the collections segment “Z7503_COL” in the segment field
Collection profiles are a grouping of collection segments and thus split the company codes that
participate in SAP Collections Management. You can determine how the company codes are
split in a profile and which company codes are not included in a profile.
For collecting receivables using SAP Collections Management, a collection profile is assigned to
every customer.
This process does not preclude Client HC from creating additional Collection Profiles for specific
Collections Segments
Step 3-> Enter Collection Rule Name “7503 Collection Rule” in the Collection Rule Name Field
Step 5 -> Highlight “Z7503Rule1” collection rule by clicking the Select button
Step 6 -> Double Click The “Assignment Of Basic Rules To Rules” Folder
Step 8 - Click the Matchcode button on the Basic Rules field to select the applicable Basic Rules
Client HC will use the collection rules to be used later for the definition of collection strategies in
order to group the various basic collection rules that would be assigned to a Collection Strategy.
These rules would be used to identify and assign the collector specialist work list tasks and
outstanding receivables. When work lists are created, the collection rules lead to a prioritization of
the business partners. The system checks the conditions of all basic rules that make up the
Rules could also be utilized as Perquisites or Conditions for other Basic rules. This is not being
utilized; in the future Client HC may add collection rule or implement additional Collection rules.
Step 3 -> Enter “7503 Customer Collection Strategy” in the Strategy description field
Step 6-> Click the Macthcode under the Rule Tab in order to select the appropriate
Collection Rule “Z7501RULE1”
Step 7 -> Enter the Valuation Points for each Collection Rule
The Collection rules valuation points determine the level of priority for each item in a Collectors
Specialists Worklist
The Total Valuation points should not exceed “100 pts” as defined in the derivation priority
Step 9 -> The Collection would have to be modified in order to adjust the basic collection rules
to Client HC’s Collection Strategy
Step 11 -> Modify the Basic Rules To Meet the Current Collection Strategy
Step 12 -> Double click the Item Total (EUR) field and select the “>” sign
Strategy Activity
Step 3 -> Enter “7503 Group Region Hanse” in the Group Name Field
Within this configuration we would define the groups of collection specialists that are to contact
customers in SAP Collections Management.
You assign collection specialists to each group using their user names. Each collection
specialist can also enter a temporary substitute (for example, for vacation or sickness). When
the specialist is absent, the system assigns the worklist items to the substitute.
All specialists in a collection group collect open receivables from business partners with the
This configuration activity is required in order to define which contact groups are to contact
business partners in the respective collection segments. You have to assign the respective
collection specialists to the collection groups.
The allocation of the Processor to the collection group is not in scope of the prototype phase. A
test user is assigned to one collection group for testing reasons.
Step 2 -> Double Click the “Assign Collections Group to Segment” Folder
Step 9 -> Click the “Default” Radio Button For Group Z7503_DD
This configuration activity is required in order to define which contact groups are to contact
business partners in the respective collection segments.
You must define one of the groups as a default group - ref (7503 Dummy Group). The system
proposes this per related segment when you enter a profile in the business partner master
record. This ensures that in each segment, a group of collection specialists is responsible for the
customer. You have to assign the Business partner to the correct collection group.
Step 2 – Enter The Customer Contact Reason code “ZDM” in the result field
Step 3 – Enter The Conversion Reason Description “Customer was reached Dispute
Crated” in the Description Field
Step 4 – Click the “Reached” Check Off Box.
Step 5 – Click Save Once THE PROCESS is Complete
This process was repeated for all Client HC Customer Contact Reason Codes
Result Description Remove Reached
ZDM Customer was reached Dispute Crated x
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ZDU In Dispute-Underdelivery x
ZFP Flight Pending X
ZIL Call from First Letter X
ZIP Customer Called – Disputes Payment Amount X
ZOC Third Party Correspondence X
ZOE External Customer Email X
ZPP Customer Promised to Pay X
ZRP Contact in Restructure Process X
ZOT Call and talked to Customer X
ZOM Internal Email
ZON Call and No Connection
ZOO Other Miscellaneous
ZOV Call and left Voicemail
If the “Removed” button is checked off The Worklist item is taken off the collectors Worklist after
the reason code is selected.
If the Reached Check Off is selected the Customer is noted as reached but the item is taken off
the collectors Worklist
For the prototype it was defined, that in the Worklist items must not be removed from the
Worklist, after the customer is contacted.
Step 2 – Enter The Customer Contact Reason code “CNR” in the result field
Step 3 – Enter The Resubmission Reason Description “Customer not reached” in the
Description Field
Step 4 – Click Save Once THE PROCESS is Complete
This process was repeated for all S Customer Contact Reason Codes
Reason Resubmission Reason
CNR Customer not reached
CRC Customer asks for recall
B. Dispute Management
Step 12 -> Enter “7503 Dispute Management System” in the Title of Attribute Group Field
Step 19 -> Add Group and Position -> Group = 1, Row = 2, Column = 21
Within the prototype the added fields do not contain any functionality or data. The fields were
added to the table “SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR in order to visualize the relevant fields of a dispute
- Required
- Invisible
- Dropdown
- Checkbox
- Not Modifiable
- Modifiable New
- Log – Record of All Changes Made
Step 6 -> Double Click the Status Values Folder – In order to validate the various case statuses
Step 4 -> Select the Number Range from the Drop Down Menu
7503 would be utilizing the same number range for both Dispute cases and Promise to
Pay cases. Within FSCM separate number ranges can be created for both Promise to Pay
and Disputes
Step 3 -> Enter the Case Type Description – “7503 Dispute Management System”
Step 11- > Enter the Element Type ID: Notes – UDM_SPS_CASE_NOTES
(This Number can change depending on the number range selected for a case type)
This configuration activity provides users the ability to define/configure the various case types
that would be utilized.
This Configuration activity may change if a new Case record model is utilized.
These standard configuration objects are required in order to complete the configuration process
for dispute management RMS Model
Step 2 -> Enter the Case Type “ZDIS” – 7503 Dispute Management
Step 4 -> Enter the Category Description in the Text Field “Sales Personal”
Step 2 -> Enter the Case Type “ZDIS” – 7503 Dispute Management
Step 4 -> Enter the Cause Description in the Text Field “ Late Payment”
Step 2 -> Enter the Name of Profile -> 7503 CASE Search Profile
1 1 Processor
6 2 Dispute CURR
Within the prototype the added fields do not contain any functionality or data. The fields were
added to the table “SCMG_T_CASE_ATTR in order to visualize the relevant fields of a dispute
case search.
Step 6- > Enter Root Cause Code Description – “Posten maschinell ausgemahnt”
Step 7-> Click the “Save” Button when complete
This Process was repeated for the following Root Reason Codes
Root Cause Root Cause Code
01 Posten maschinell ausgemahnt
02 Kunde kürzt bei Zahlung
03 Kunde erwartet Teilgutschrift
04 Kein Skonto vereinbart
05 Skontofrist überschritten
06 Skontodifferenz
07 Rabattdifferenz
08 Kunde zahlt Serviceerhöhung nicht
09 Klärung mit Hausbank
10 Vertrag ist gekündigt
11 Liefer-/ Arbeitsnachweis fehlt
12 Rechnung ging zurück
13 Fehlerhafte Rechnung
14 Kürzung Transportspesen
15 Kunde unbekannt verzogen
16 Falsche Fälligkeit
17 Einbehaltene Sicherheit
18 Reklamation Kunde
19 Reklamation Vertrieb
20 Siehe Individualtext
21 Rücklastschrift wegen Widerspruch
22 Rücklastschrift ohne Widerspruch
23 Klageanfrage durch Mahnverfahren
24 Interne Gutschrift
2. Issues
ID Description Summary
3. Reviewer/ Approvals
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Release: 1.0