TM - TSI - 05 Foundation of BI (Part 1)
TM - TSI - 05 Foundation of BI (Part 1)
TM - TSI - 05 Foundation of BI (Part 1)
Foundations of
Business Intelligence
(part 1)
Lack of data
sharing and
availability Program-data
Problem with dependence
Because pieces of information in
different files of the organization cannot Traditional File
be related to one another, it is Environment Any change in a software program
impossible for information to be shared could require a change in the data
or accessed in a timely manner accessed by that program
application programs.
• The most popular type of DBMS today for PCs as well as for larger
1. SELECT Creates subset of data of all records that meet stated criteria
2. JOIN Combines relational tables to provide user with more information than available in individual tables
3. PROJECT Creates subset of columns in table, creating tables with only the information specified
Capabilities of DBMSs
Illustrated here are the SQL statements for a query to select suppliers for parts 137 or 150.
They produce a list with the same results as slide 14.
An Access Query
An unnormalized relation contains repeating groups. For example, there can be many parts
and suppliers for each order. There is only a one-to-one correspondence between
Order_Number and Order_Date.
Normalized Tables Created from Order
After normalization, the original relation ORDER has been broken down into four smaller
relations. The relation ORDER is left with only two attributes, and the relation LINE_ITEM has a
combined, or concatenated, key consisting of Order_Number and Part_Number.
An Entity-Relationship Diagram
• This diagram shows the relationships between the entities SUPPLIER, PART, LINE_ITEM, and
ORDER that might be used to model the database in slide 24
• The boxes represent entities.
• The lines connecting the boxes represent relationships.
• A line connecting two entities that ends in two short marks designates a one-to-one
• A line connecting two entities that ends with a crow’s foot topped by a short mark
indicates a one-to-many relationship.
Non-relational Databases and Databases in
the Cloud
• A cloud database
• Serves many of the same functions as a traditional database with the
added flexibility of cloud computing.
• A database service built and accessed through a cloud platform
• Enables enterprise users to host databases without buying dedicated
• Can be managed by the user or offered as a service and managed by a
• Can support relational databases (including MySQL and PostgreSQL)
and NoSQL databases (including MongoDB and Apache CouchDB)
• Accessed through a web interface or vendor-provided API